enigmaticfossil · 16 days
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I have to get to asks soon but also, yippee, I made another OC???
He’s an old school kind of hellhound and is a Herald of Death, haven’t decided who his boss is tho. Just had him on my brain for awhile and finally drew him.
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enigmaticfossil · 21 days
I like to think Link's acceptance and affection towards Revali's advances have a transformative effect on the Rito's self-esteem. Over time Revali becomes less guarded and more playful in his courtship, experimenting with different gestures and expressions. I imagine Link's ability to handle Revali's intense and unconventional methods, even without knowing the full context behind his actions, reinforces Revali's belief that there is genuine potential for their relationship to succeed, and deepening the rito's desire to have him.
Absolutely! This is already happening as they have developed, Revali was very dismissive of growing feelings--but he was very open to their budding friendship after some miscommunications were cleared up. And now, he's starting to fully accept he knows he has feelings for Link. Though he reminds himself repeatedly that he shouldn't, that he needs to keep them inside, no matter what he cannot focus on them until after the battle (he fails to some extent~)
The way they have grown though, from disjointed discussions where one would inevitably upset the other because their communications were reserved and withheld. Revali trying to show off for Link, Link trying not to reveal too many emotions--to reveal too much of himself--the two constantly struggling and at odds. To now, where they bicker in good humor, Link is comfortable around Revali in ways he has only ever come close to with Zelda who has been able to learn of some of his reservations. Revali is different, they both relate to one another and learn from each other, there's a constant tension between them where they are clearly sizing up what the other feels. A game of tug-of-war between who gives and who takes in any given moment, they haven't quite arrived at anything established but they are starting to see that their banter, their playful jabs at one another, the way they are just so damn comfortable isn't just any other friendship at this point. But every step forward is followed by a few steps back, it's going to take them a little more time to arrive at at least embracing what chemistry they have between them. Revali knows one thing though, despite all of his competitive grandstanding before, somehow Link brings a sense of joy to it. A sense of fun he wasn't quite anticipating, it's easier for them to feel their ages around each other, both burdened with too much at too young--occasionally they can just feel like two young people testing the waters of their feelings. Everyone around them agonizes over it, I surmise Zelda would get along swimmingly with Brisae and Eko, and become a little gossip squad on how frustrating those two are.
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enigmaticfossil · 21 days
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ponyo au 🐬🐳
1, 2
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enigmaticfossil · 21 days
Can you describe the potential complexities of Revali's feelings for Link, considering his desire for a mate and his traditional rito upbringing? Can you also describe how Eko and Brisae help Revali with his feelings, while also helping Link ease into being the target of a rito's affections?
I CAN SAY THIS! Revali never wanted a mate, he never wanted to settle down. He has deeper reasons for that involving his childhood, but genuinely the thought of being that attached to one person scares the hell out of him.
It's easy to face impending doom when he feels like he's capable of standing up to it solo. He's that confident--and even when that confidence waivers, his belief is that he *cannot* fail so he will not. He is protecting people he cares for yes, but it's the idea of those people. They praise him and put him on a pedestal, it's easy to throw his life in the ring when he keeps them at arms (or wings) length. But catching feelings for not just a Hylian, but THE Hylian who will be the head of the force expected to take down the Calamity? To not only be unable to watch over his fate but be sidelined to his back up? To care that *deeply* and that *desperately* for someone...that is terrifying. Eko and Brisae do all they can to encourage Revali, but they do find more success at least in dropping hints to Link about the little ways that Revali shows he cares for him quite intensely. Eko's reassurance and Link's own struggles have allowed Revali to open up about some deep rooted things which has brought them closer. Revali and Link are two sides of the same stubborn coin--and there is that cursed feeling of always having to be on two sides and never face to face. tl;dr, Revali is scared of his feelings, even as he acknowledges them in himself, there's no way in his mind that he can express them to Link while the Calamity looms. He doesn't want a single thing to hold him back, and doesn't realize that could be his own undoing.
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enigmaticfossil · 21 days
Suppose Link were a Rito like Revali. How would this hypothetical scenario alter Revali's courtship strategy? Would Revali be more open and uninhibited? Would he more eager to get physical? Would he be less reserved about his feelings towards Link?
IRONICALLY I think he would be more reserved! And more embarrassed, simply because if Link was a Rito he would be far more aware of the ways Revali couldn't hide his interest. His feathers fluffing up, tail feathers splaying--the way he seems to generally find himself in his company as often as he can while trying to act nonchalant. The things that Link is oblivious to, a rito Link would be more culturally aware of unless he was raised outside of Rito customs. In that case, I think it would be more or less the same. Revali's whole life has been dedicated to becoming the archer and warrior that he is, I think he finds it easier to open up to someone with similarly heavy expectations on themselves who isn't a Rito. In my head canon's Revali is a little odd for a Rito in his own ways. They are very community focused, and while there are always unique personalities among each of them, Revali is very focused on his own development and lofty goals. Even if they are in defense of his home and people, which he is very proud of, he's always been considered exceptionally ambitious for a Rito. (Though, in spite of his emotional distance from other rito, he has a soft spot for kids, and actually loves that they want to practice at his training grounds.)
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enigmaticfossil · 21 days
What role do Eko and Brisae play in Revali and Link's relationship development?
Their role is fairly huge, especially on Revali's end! Eko is likely the one person Revali considers to be a friend. It isn't that he doesn't get along with the other Rito, it's simply that he has chosen to sacrifice friendships for the goals he has of reaching a legendary potential. Eko has known Revali since they were kids, he knew him before he became so hyperfixated on his goals and always kind of just stuck around in case Revali needed him. He lost his wing when he was younger and Revali was one of the only friends who didn't pity or lament his loss and instead basically pushed him to get creative. Due to that, and Brisae's friendship, he found ways around it and even enlisted Brisae's help in building him a prosthetic to his design. He credits Revali to his ambition to be all that he is despite being unable to fly. That said, Eko is a foil to Revali in some ways. They are both driven and motivated individuals who have surpassed all odds against them at this point in time. Eko is the stable version of Revali, the one who embraces his limitations to find new and intuitive ways of doing things. Revali see's limitations (or perceived ones, such as being 'back up' for Link against the Calamity) as something he has to surpass, that he has to prove himself against. And his constant rigidity in trying to be absolutely infallible in the face of the coming storm hinders him on really pursuing what he has blossoming with Link. Eko doesn't have those limitations, in fact, all that is coming gives him more drive and reason to solidify the "will they wont they" feelings he's shared with Brisae for many years. The two of them together are a constant visual reminder for Revali (and Link at one point) of the strength that comes from togetherness. From trusting in another and sharing yourself, becoming vulnerable to someone else. And while it doesn't get them to admit their feelings or anything, it does open up the two of them to conversations they may have never had. They constantly push the two of them to try and act on their wants a little more, rather than just what is expected of them. In the end, it is Link & Revali who have to cross the bridge themselves, but their influence can't be understated. They also help clear up a lot of cultural differences between the two of them--when they get confused about how to show affection in ways that translate between them. They are a little less dense to Hylian customs than Revali is.
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enigmaticfossil · 21 days
How does Revali's Rito heritage influence his courting methods towards Link, a Hylian? Can you describe specific customs, rituals, and physical gestures that differ between the two cultures?
I had a few variants of this kind of question regarding cultural courtship practices and how it effects both sides. So I'll list some things that have been discussed for the RP my partner and I are writing (that eventually I want to write out in full form fanfic) This is so long I apologize, it's not entirely a comprehensive list of views I have but anyway!
Note: These are all just from our perspective and to suit the lore of our story, I don't claim any of it canonical, but I do use some evidentiary hints in the game to kind of draw a lot of my conclusions.
Rito have fierce traditions, that are deeply tied to cultural practices. There are the ones that are most obvious to outside observers. They are communal families, "it takes a village", children have parents but it is common for them to be raised amongst one another in close knit community. Their village is set up this way, open buildings to provide a sense of communal living. Most Rito court for the growth of the community and sometimes simply for companionship. Bonding for life isn't exactly rare, but it's uncommon & viewed with immense reverence, as when Rito bond for life, it is irrefutable. There has yet to be an instance of a Rito falling in love more than once.
This causes turmoil in Revali, when he starts developing feelings for Link. He's never allowed himself to consider it and presumed his goals and aspirations would always be his true focus, Link's slowly growing presence in his thoughts quickly proves to him that it wasn't a matter of distraction--he just simply hadn't met the one until Link. As he slowly unboxes his competitive nature and his desire to prove himself to Link, he starts realizing what it is all for.
Feather exchanges are reserved for familial or romantic pursuits, parents will gift their feathers to their young as a symbol of their support and bond. Gifting feathers when courting is another matter entirely, and is a deeply meaningful gesture. When Link unassumingly affixes one of Revali's randomly lost feathers to his bow, he doesn't realize the gossip he invites in. And Revali, insists he keep it as a "token between champions". He tries to rationalize it by stating that since the Rito already saw the feather, it would be a far greater embarrassment for him to suddenly remove it.
A deeper part of him--knows that him allowing Link to keep it is a rather blaring sign of his intent. One that all the other Rito will see and respect as a non-approachable territory. He just hasn't quite admitted that yet.
Rito express affection differently than Hylian's, cresting is a common sign of affection amongst courting pairs or from adults/parents to children. (Cresting: pressing foreheads together, it's sort of a nuzzling action and shares warmth between two Rito). Nipping is another form of affection that is strange from a Hylian standpoint. Both forms of affection are something Revali has been lacking in general, he is completely unaware of Hylian customs and finds himself hesitant to share his own as he isn't necessarily sure Link can understand the significance.
Anything we would consider explicitly sexual is typically reserved for offspring and isn't a common part of the courting process. For a Rito, intimacy is sharing space, preeing in front of another or preening together, music is also culturally significant to the Rito and sometimes relates to courting. Revali is particularly reserved about any of these practices--but as he grows comfortable with Link and drops these barriers, it becomes a significance that Link inevitably has to understand to understand Revali's feelings for him since they aren't stated point blank.
Feather braiding is ultimate courting significance between Rito since it indicates ties, braiding feathers into hair is a vow of it's own. An unspoken bond. Often used in marriage ceremonies. Some children will carry the feathers of their parents on their person or in their hair.
Revali doesn't let anyone touch his hair, but one day Link might be allowed that particular gesture.
As for Hylian practices, a lot of my headcanon's come from my perceived notion of Hyrule's extremely religious dogma. That would be a WHOLE other post though.
But a quick run-through on Link's perspective, he has spent much of his life training and seeking to be a knight like his father. He has struggled to make time for things outside of that and the few friendships he carried before becoming the "chosen hero" are very precious for him though he finds it difficult to maintain them on the same level due to the enormous pressure he's under.
With that in mind, he has not had time to pursue anything romantic, a trait he shares with Revali. There is a lack of experience on both sides, but with Link having such a limited view on it (likely the little he's seen through his own parents & maybe strangers)--he tends to notice the little quirks in Rito's more as he develops his own feelings as he spends more time around them when with Revali.
His first attempt to kiss Revali will absolutely go over with mass confusion as that is not an affection the rito will recognize. But he has noticed Eko & Brisae cresting, so he's picking up on the little things. Eventually, they'll have to accept a bit of give and take as they learn what things work for their unique relationship.
For Link, it's less how Hylian's court and more how he learns to approach his pursuit himself, he pays close attention to the things that seem to make Revali happy and repeats them. Revali likes his cooking, so he cooks for him. Revali likes praise, so he shares things he likes about him. They're both slowly opening up to each other and are both very observant individuals.
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enigmaticfossil · 23 days
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💜10 years with my @sadistic-stag 💜
So here are 10 sona’s we’ve made over the years (plus our real selves on the bottom right~)
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enigmaticfossil · 24 days
I like imagine Revali learned how to provide medical attention specifically so that he could tend to Link whenever he leaves any marks on his body from his beak or talons, so he can avoid having to send Link to any other Rito for medical attention, in the event that one of them would make a move on him due to Revali's absence.
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I'm combining these asks as they both relate to the biting and nipping~ General warning for injury discussion? They haven't gotten to that point in the story yet but it will be an inevitability. As they are just barely broaching some broad strokes of their feelings, but I imagine Revali would want to learn how to be able to provide physical care for Link, especially if it relates to any injuries he may accidentally or purposefully impart on him. Link has already taken care of Revali once, as he was injured fighting a Lynel, and his sense of pride means that he feels like he would need to return that assistance tenfold. It's a mixture of his need to be absolutely top notch at everything he does, and generally it comes with the territory of him finding himself more deeply attached to Link. That said, he'd have to learn how a Hylian needs care, and due to his own trust in the local Rito healer, he would ask for her advice. But undoubtedly he'd be 100% present for these medical visits until he could at least handle the basics on his own. He is wise enough though to realize when something is out of his skillset, and would not put Link through unnecessary pain just to prove a point unless he was confident. In regards to leaving marks, once he felt more confident in their shared feelings, he would leave them on him constantly. Whether as a reminders of his affections, or demanding nips when he feels like he hasn't received enough attention. And furthermore, something to mark their frankly limited intimacies. Link has an unreasonably high pain tolerance, so it would be less of a matter of how easily he could leave marks, and more that the two of them have to learn where the limit is in regards to damage control. Seeing as Revali isn't the most publicly affectionate--especially in pre-calamity times--I think Link would carry the marks with pride, a visual reminder for himself of Revali's feelings for him, and a token during the times they are undoubtedly far apart from each other what with preparations for an oncoming war. There isn't a lot of time, they have to make the most of it and they both struggle with that in their own ways (that is a whole other analysis and deep dive into the RP we are writing~) Marked up Link doodle below the cut, very light NSFW warning?
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enigmaticfossil · 24 days
An angel on one shoulder 😇
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A devil on the other 😈
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(sikes, they're both devils and they're talking shit)
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enigmaticfossil · 28 days
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OKAY last one for the day I promise I gotta go to bed now (ノω<。)ノ))☆.。
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enigmaticfossil · 1 month
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So, there's this really incredible appleradio fic, 'Bedtime Rituals To Try Out Before The Next Angelic War', that I've now read twice at least twice....it's living rent free in my head accompanied by lots and lots of amazing imagery! I had to draw this scene to express my love for the great Lucifer and Alastor interactions in it (and to try and do justice to the way the Hotel is actually kinda sentient here, and rocking a whole lotta personality!)
The author is @miribalis I believe (if you see this, I hope you like it and please know that your fic is one of my all-time favs at this point! It's one of my go-to comfort reads at this point and I've been collecting those for a couple decades, so that's saying something!)
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enigmaticfossil · 1 month
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"Play for me, Bambi"
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enigmaticfossil · 1 month
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Sonic Adventure 2 my beloved ✨💙
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enigmaticfossil · 1 month
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🎵Out now, where do I go?
I'm walkin' on a tightrope, takin' my time though🎵
Barbie Wire drawing I finished as a prize for a giveaway I did on Twitter!
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enigmaticfossil · 1 month
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enigmaticfossil · 1 month
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