fedyafounddead · 13 hours
more soukoku. ok i swear my next post will be an actual and colored drawing that isnt soukoku
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fedyafounddead · 1 day
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Y’all I thought too hard on this
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fedyafounddead · 1 day
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Bird Of Death
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fedyafounddead · 1 day
(Shapeshifter) Cat!Dazai and owner!Chuuya AU where Chuuya takes in a lost stray who's been hanging out in the alleys near his place a lot and the weather's been getting bad+cold, so he decided to take the stray in at least for some time until it warmed up again so the poor stray wouldn't die.
Turns out the stray is a bit of a lil shit and likes to play with shiny and fluffy things, so sometimes after work when he's winding down, Chuuya will wave around a fluffy toy out of reach and Dazai will flail around trying to paw at it.
Dazai also has a penchant for causing mischief and getting himself dirty by knocking over potted plants and one day Chuuya comes home to a dirt trail just. Everywhere. And he sees Dazai trotting up to him innocently like he did absolutely nothing wrong.
Dazai also really likes sleeping with Chuuya. He was skittish at first and would sleep on the floor by the bed, but eventually works up the courage to sleep on the bed and then right next to Chuuya. Sometimes he'll sleep on a pillow and steal it for himself. He also likes nuzzling Chuuya's hand and rubbing his face against Chuuya and gets sad when Chuuya doesn't respond because he's obviously fast asleep. (Chuuya sneezes in his sleep at one point when Dazai walks across his chest and tickles Chuuya's nose with his tail)
BUT. Early one morning when Chuuya leaves for work, after refilling Dazai's food and water, he leaves Dazai sleeping on the bed instead of waking him up.
He comes home to a man lightly snoring in bed and freaks out because he thinks someone broke into his place while he was gone. (And where's Dazai? Did he escape?)
Chuuya creeps up to the sleeping man getting ready to bonk him with a slipper or something, and Dazai hears the floorboards creak, yawns, smiles sleepily up at Chuuya, and just says, "Hi, welcome back."
And Chuuya is. So. Confused. But turns out he took in a shapeshifter.
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fedyafounddead · 2 days
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Caught red-handed
what if chuuya has moles/freckles but hides it from dazai (through makeup) because dazai finds it adorable (he hates being teased bc of it too)
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fedyafounddead · 2 days
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fedyafounddead · 3 days
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"Osamu, dear, why so nervous in front of the camera? Just smile for the photo, okay?"
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fedyafounddead · 4 days
that was supposed to be an anon ask................
what I bite your cheeks
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fedyafounddead · 4 days
i'm sorry, my tumblr account.... i'll be more active (maybe)
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
how in the world does that even make sense— ugh fine :/
my ability lets me become a spiritual being of any kind of country's folklore. pretty self-explanatory, yadda yadda yadda.
there. am I "adopted" yet
can I be adopted
You can be hired if you have an ability
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
I don't think it's acknowledged enough that Chuuya didn't want to be considered the king of Sheep. Twice he says he's not their "king", he just has something the others don't. Others keep crowning him and he keeps throwing it on the floor.
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
some of you guys are too skk brained. some of you guys need to remember these mfers know other people
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
i need more pm skk being absolutely in love with each other . chuuya pinching dazai's cheeks while he babbles about how cute he is , dazai using every chance he gets to snuggle up with chuuya , them skipping out on work just to be together , taking care of each other after missions if they ever get hurt , dumb little dates where neither of them know what to do but it feels perfect either way , etc etc
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
I'm drawing Dazai and the pose makes it seem like he has cake
This is the biggest Dazai mischaracterization that could ever occur. My deepest apologies, I shall rectify this
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
well sigma used to call me ryn and I'm 15. starving
can I eat rats
can I be adopted
Why everyone want me to adopted??..
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
that's worse??? is it illegal to be taken in by a new parent in america or smth
can I be adopted
You can be hired if you have an ability
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fedyafounddead · 5 days
I am in need of a home :[
sigma did NOT like me
can I be adopted
Why everyone want me to adopted??..
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