floshav · 1 month
Omg me:3
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floshav · 2 months
want you so bad.
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Peter Parker x fem! reader
summary: Peter likes Mj. You like Peter. Everyday is hell when they're both in each others vicinity and you're sitting right behind the madness. You're so close to professing your love for him but you keep it under wraps because it seems like an impossible feat.
Warnings: intense yearning, slight steamy scene, kissing, alluding to smut
He brings his hat down, pushing his fluffy bits of hair to flair out at the ends of his hat. You quirk your head to the side wondering who he was trying to hide from or who he saw. Yet it was no surprise to find that it was Mj.
She walked in with her curly, unruly hair which made her look so, so beautiful. The freckles which danced on her face making her glow and it made you jealous. Why did her natural beauty shine through more than your own? Why couldnt Peter see that in you. Why couldn't you see anything in yourself.
His eyes darted around the park outside your school and finally landed on you. You looked at him with a knowing expression.
"Don't need to play it cool Parker. The whole school can smell your crush from here." You smirk.
He scratches the back of his head and pretends like he doesn't know you till' he gives you a defeated look.
"Whatever you say y/n...." It only takes a few more moments before he breaks
He musters out a breathy whisper which you've heard a billion times before. "Is that really MJ?" Peter gravelly asked, hands at either side of his head, giving in to the fact that he was definitely head over heels for her.
You try to hold in a sigh, " Yes, Peter. It is MJ. For the hundredth time this week!" You yearn out, half joke half seriously.
Peters shoulder's tense up as a dorky smile carves his lips. "Is she looking our way? Or is her nerdy ass stuffed in a book." Peter asks with wide eyes. The eyes which you found so adorable, palpable yet so far from the personal touch of your own fingertips.
You slowly turned your head around to glimpse at the curly haired girl who was indeed lost in a book.
"Yea, shes reading her book." You say as you shoot Peter a tight smile and hate Mj for being the stereotypical mysterious girl. You Wondered if he could sense the hurt beneath you. Of course not. He was just a boy after all.
"I wonder how her long eyelashes feel against her eye bags as she slurs through the words. Or how the spine of the book feels as her soft fingers inch it to crack. Ugh, I just want to count every freckle on her beautiful face. Ya think she's ever thought of me before?" Peter began to ramble sweet nothings to himself as if you were giving him your utmost attention and not thinking about how stars practically lived in his eyes as he talked about her. How you wish he was talking about you.
You felt that familiar soul crushing, heart sinking feeling that you knew too well. The feeling that every boy you've ever liked has given you. The feeling of being so close yet so far away was the final blow.
He placed both his hands on either side of his face again and began to softly bite his lip as he giggled to himself stupidly.
"What're you thinking about Parker." You ask playfully trying to lighten the mood for yourself.
"Her lips... her eyes.... her hair." He smiled to himself so oblivious to the fact that every compliment he gave her was a dagger to your heart.
2 months
2 months pass and Peter has started talking to Michelle. Instead of walking past him, she smiles, she waves occasionally and has even said small hi's to him. The progress aches your yearning heart further into abyss but you ignore it anyway. Michelle has a new glow to her, she radiates beauty and the colour yellow ever since they started conversing. While you stay stagnant, radiating a plain old indistinguishable grey.
You're in Peters room, you two have just finished a major lego piece you've been putting off and the nights going great.
There goes your night you think to yourself.
Peter picks up his phone only to reveal his dorky smile again. Hes immediately stuck like glue and you hate it. You hate her. Even though you shouldnt, you couldnt care less.
You lay beside him as he smiles at his phone when in fact he should be smiling at you.
You snatch his phone and crush it, crush it to bits imagining it was Michelle jones, every bit of it Gone. gone to dust.
you snap out of your fantasy and return to see him stuck in her spiders web.
"Hey Peter" you coon
"Whats up?" He sets his phone aside and turns to face you.
Unknowingly you inch closer, and closer but the gap is barely noticeable.
Your eyes flicker down to his lips and you take in a breath. He notices the subtle gesture and his mind wanders.
"Have you ever wondered.." You trail off
"Wondered.....?" He repeated
"Wondered what it'd be like to.."
"to... kiss someone." You shyly whisper knowing you both haven't had your first kisses.
"I think it'd be amazing. Especially with someone you like. Imagine the feeling, the sparks flying. Just everything put into place." He says as he searches your eyes for a deeper meaning behind your facade.
"Yea... Someone you like." Your heart pounds solemnly at the thought that you'd never share your first kiss with your first love because he was tangled up in a love story of his own.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Just... felt like it."
a month passes since that conversation and you see Peters lips locked onto Mj's as they share soft kisses beside the vending machine. You should feel happy for him but he's all you've ever wanted and you've just lost him. You want to scream, shout, cry but you don't have it in you anymore. You just don't care.
Peter pulls away and Mj has a wide smile plastered on her face. Something you rarely ever see from her. Your mind wanders to what Peters lips would feel like. Soft.. Plush and warm. The wetness of lips on lips makes you aroused. The sounds he'd make if you did something a little more. He was seemed like the type you thought to yourself. The way his face would be so flushed after you'd litter him with affection and kisses. Him gaining more confidence as you went on. Mj watching on the side. You hadn't even realised a dampening form on your panties until you shifted around. You wanted him so so bad, but all you could do was watch from the side.
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floshav · 7 months
part 2 to my last rodrick fic which u can read here !
summary: Rodrick proves his likeness for y/n through a spontaneous kiss leaving her smitten and dazed. However, thoughts of Heather still lingered in her mind, constantly being reminded of the blonde girl whenever she passed by. "Does Rodrick still like her?" "Does he even like me?" What happens when Heather suddenly takes interest in Rodrick after ignoring him for years just because she can't let y/n get what she wants.
wc: 2k plus
warnings: allusions to smut, heavy make out
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2 weeks later...
the kiss, no not just the kiss but the two kisses rodrick and y/n shared that night resulted in their relationship. She had been left smitten and the feeling was one of those that even if you wanted to forget, you couldn't. The heart racing, blush inducing feeling of getting kissed on by rodrick the boy she'd been crushing on for years, with his rough boy lips which still managed to be soft and plush because well, he was Rodrick after all.
It was now a plain old Monday and she was lost daydreaming in her Calculus class, or was it english? She couldn't bother to take notice.
"Alright, take out your calculators and flip to page 56. We'll be grinding through the workbook today class!" Ms. Smith yelled whilst her big buggy glasses fell down the tip of her nose bridge, stopped by her finger which shoved them back in place. Y/n couldn't care less. Her mind was swarmed with what happened 2 weeks ago.
His lips grazed hers one more time, this time softer and one might say more lovingly if she was in a state of delirium. She felt his slender hand creep up the side of her hip brushing it against her shirt so so gently. He broke off the kiss and his face was so close to hers she felt as if she might faint right then and there. The boy who was rough, impatient and borderline rude crumbled in-front of her. She'd never seen Rodrick like this before. Each freckle, each fine line, each perfect imperfection visible to her now. She'd imagined this image thousands of times before, but never had she imagined it to come true. Rodrick hesitated before saying his next words "I- I really like you y/n. And- and i just want to set that clear before you try showing up to my house drunk silly again. You were being so wreck less you know that?" He chuckled dorky-ly ever so slightly which made her heart pound just a little harder. Her heart fluttered at how he cared for her.
"M'sorry I-i just, m'just so jealous." She slurred as her eyes began to tear up with a mix of happiness, jealousy, anger and most of all, sadness. "Why? You know i'm here for you and you only, stupid." Rodrick whispered so softly against her lips but y/n's mind swarmed with confusion. "B-but you always *hiccup* talk about Heather." She sighed as she let herself fall into her hands. "Makes it *hiccup* hard to believe" She said again. "I-" He moves further back and a familiar ache rises to her chest, one of abandonment. "She was just someone I was infatuated in. Nothing more. Fuck. If i really liked her, would i have kissed you back? Let alone kiss you again?" He said making eye contact this time. He looked absolutely illegal. The way his hair was his usual mess, his blown out eyeliner smudged beneath his fox eyes. His puffy lips. Everything about him made her feel unreasonably hot in the cool weather. "S-so no more feelings for her?" "No. no more." he said so seriously it made her scared. "In fact, she's an asshole and i don't want any part of her in my life." He said whilst memories of what Heather did earlier fled his mind. Rodrick plants a kiss at the corner of y/n's lips and this time she knows it was meant lovingly. Still, at the back of her mind, the one aching question lingered, didn't he say he loved her?
"Y/n?" "Ms y/n?" She blinked and the memory was interrupted by an annoying voice. "Do you care to open your workbook? Or do you intend on staring at the cover for the next hour?" Ms Smith's breath tickled the hairs on the back of her neck waking her from her daydreams of what happened that hazy night.
"Yea, sorry ms smith." She smiled tightly before flipping to page 66 or 57 the page number was was a blur to her, but an open book would do.
He planted a soft kiss at the crook of her neck.
suddenly her mind wandered to what happened later that night.
Hand riding up under her shirt. "is this okay?" His voice was earnest and soft against the skin of her neck.
her thighs clenched together unintentionally and she felt ashamed for imaging such lewd things. She'd been daydreaming about that night for the past few weeks. Each week making her crave for more until she felt sick. Rodrick hadn't made a move like that on her ever since, and she was just too shy to even ask so images in her mind would do for now.
He unclasped her bra in one swift motion and it made her question if he'd done this before, with... Heather? No, can't be, she doesn't even care for him. Right?
The kissing started to turn into making out and y/n felt his breathing falter when she brushed her pinky against his crotch by accident.
"Fuck do you even know what you're doing right now-"
"Ms. y/l/n!" Just as quickly as it started, her daydreaming had come to a halt.
"I've been calling your name for the past 5 minutes. Care to share your answer to the whole class? I assume you didn't even hear the question number i gave you. Number 5! Now." Ms. Smith tried to hush her yelling down to be more precarious.
"Sorry Ms." Y/n sighed before making her way to the black board with a dumb empty mind filled with Rodrick.
The same could be said about Rodrick. His usual sleepiness that was met with classes vanished ever since that night. Instead of sleeping, he was putting his pretty dumb brain to use by thinking. Thinking about y/n. Every night, everyday, every moment. He'd be lying if he said that she was the only girl he'd ever gained feelings for, because Heather Hills did exist. But it was true when he said he didn't like her anymore.
"Mmm- Aaah- R-rodrick p-please not my neck."
"Shhh, just one more kiss y/n, please."
Before Rodrick's dream could get any steamier he was awoken to the sound of Heather cursing just beside him, clearly to get someone's attention.
"FUCK! how am i going to do this!!!" Heathers voice was painfully exaggerated and Rodrick couldn't help but cringe. Was this the girl he was smitten by before?
"Oh- Hey Roddy!" Heather smirked as she twisted her body to face him.
Rodrick's head was rested on his arm and he couldn't help but look at her with dead eyes, clearly annoyed.
"You.... you play the drums right?"
"Mmm" Rodrick groaned as he scratched his temple, he was surprised at how much he didn't care for THE Heathers presence anymore.
"Was wondering if.... You'd wanna play a gig at my birthday party?"
Rodrick's eyes lit up. A gig? That was a once in a blue moon occasion to rodrick's ears. But reality struck him when he remembered it was Heather who was asking.
"Mmm sorry Heather, don't think i can." Though it ached him to decline the gig, he knew you wouldn't like it so he sucked it up. Rodrick felt a sense of pride when he realised he didn't stumble over his words around her anymore.
"Awwww but why! I'll pay you 50 bucks an hour, and you know my parties last long." She feigned a girly voice as she batted her long eyelashes which icked Rodrick out.
50 bucks an hour..... The offer was tempting but, you were even more tempting.
Before Rodrick could answer, you walked in the class with a goofy smile, ready to see your Rodrick with..... Heather.
Heather shot back daggers through a fake soft smile. The type she'd give to a teacher after almost being caught doing something.
"Oh... Hello there y/n! Sorry, Rodrick was just telling me about how he'd love to play drums at my party. Isn't that right Rodrick?"
"Wh- No?" Rodrick scoffed out, eyes squinting at the mischievous blue eyed blonde.
"Oh c'mon, don't lie to y/n just because you pity her! You're a man! Act like one." Heather said as she got up from her chair slightly agitated at the fact Rodrick didn't play along.
"See you there Roddy." Heather said before smirking and popping out her ass dramatically.
roddy... That nickname made y/n's blood boil and she never wanted to hear it again.
"I swear! I-I did not agree to any of the shit she just yapped about." Rodrick panicked whilst stumbling over his words like a nervous teenager, that familiar feeling rising again but this time towards y/n.
"Hard to believe Rodrick. Or should i say Roddy... God! i shouldnt have been so naive. I'm so stupid! I thought you were over her." Y/n lashed out before storming out the classroom in a hurry, not thinking straight.
"Wait! Fuck. That fucking bitch Heather." Rodrick sighed out as he reached for the class door.
You found yourself slanting against a crusty brick wall beside a half broken vending machine. You don't know why you overreacted so fast without even bothering to hear Rodrick's explanation but maybe it was because you were so stupidly insecure. You quickly fumbled around your pants pockets to find an old packet of ciggs you remembered you left there. There were 2 left so you lit one up and breathed in the pure comfort. It felt nice to not care just for a second with the cigarette around. When it could have gotten more peaceful you heard a set of obnoxious dorky feet approach you.
"Hey." Rodrick said lightly as he squatted down to your eye level, lanky hands hanging by each sides of his knees.
It made you jump a little and your facade of wanting to remain mad slowly revealed itself. You couldn't help but suppress a tight smile from leaking out.
"What" You said as you blew a whiff of smoke away from his face. His heart fluttered at the small gesture.
"I really did not agree to what Heather told you." He said seriously which was a rare look on Rodrick.
"Are you sure? Cuz it seems like you two are getting along just fine" Y/n sighed as she pushed her hair back, Rodrick's heart beat pounding harder by the second.
"Please, believe me I- I really did not agree to anything, I-I really want you to believe me please." Rodrick was pleading which was something she only saw when he was lovesick. At that moment she knew he couldn't harm her emotionally.
"Alright. Fine, I believe you." Y/n said with a tired voice, though deep down she was glad she could read Rodrick like an open book.
"Im so sorry." Rodrick sighs before nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck, still a nervous wreck whenever he handled her.
She releases her cig and reaches in to hug him back tightly and lovingly before breathing in the intoxicating scent of him. Far better than a cig.
Just around the corner was a cheeky little Heather, listening in to every single decibel of the convo. Heather tightly rolled her eyes and scoffed before it turned into a smirk. Something clicked in her head. She knew what she had to do.
She was going to fake it till she made it.
lol i feel like this story deserves a pt3 so if this does well i will continue it! I know this has been a long times worth of progress but i've been procrastinating writing like crazy lately and i've only started getting back into it. Anyway please do request because i'm always bored and free !
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floshav · 7 months
💀 me fr
I’ll admit it 😔 I wanna have a threesome with Rodrick Heffley and Michael afton 🙋 I just have a thing for sarcastic teenage losers 😔
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floshav · 1 year
more rodrick PLSSSSS it can be anything
omg this is my first req ever and im so excited thank you!!
you wanted more Rodrick well here's more Rodrick.
part 2 out now!!
summary: Rodricks your best friend but thats not enough for you. As much as you hate to admit, you like the boy. That's why you show up drunk and high at one of his infamous house parties after he'd ranted to you about how he was so so in love with Heather Hills.
warnings: angst, heartache, kissing, Heather Hills, pining, weed, alcohol, crying, one sided love kinda, self hate
wc: 1k+
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"She was so pretty."
"Oh yea?"
"No. I dont think you understand, like the way her hair smelled when she strut past me, the smell of..... smell of something light. Fresh! Pink even."
Rodrick practically had stars in his eyes when he described how his crush was at school. You'd be ecstatic if the crush was you, but the world is cruel so here you were talking about Heather Hills for the last hour or so.
"Y'know... I heard she spat on Louise last week. Poor kid, was dosed in her icky saliva for the whole day." Y/n was selfish but she tried to paint Heather in a bad light.
"Shit i'd pay good money for her to spit on me."
Well that backfired she thought.
"Freak" Y/n lightly laughed as she fell back onto Rodricks soft bed. Chest heaving up and down whilst her mind felt clouded.
"What can I say, love makes anyone a freak."
There was that word again. Love. How could he be bloody in love with little miss Heather Hills. The queen of highschool. The perfect girl. Pretty blondie. Pretty face. Y/n quickly began to realise there were plenty of reasons for Rodrick to crush on her. Y/n was a nobody. She thought her face ugly, her style wack, her eyes too uneven. She hated, hated, hated herself and wished she looked like Heather.
"Oh. My. God. I just had the best fucking idea" Rodrick exclaimed with the dorkiest smile he could produce, each fine line below the thickness of his eyebrows seen under the dim lighting of his room.
"Hmm?" Y/n buzzed as she basked in the coolness of his sheets
"M'gonna throw a party" "Heather would definitely come, i mean its one of my parties we're talking about."
Flashbacks to Rodrick's last party hit y/n's head like a train when she remembered how chaotic and horrible the experience was. Drunk teens shouting and chugging unknown beverages, shoulders brushing against shoulders constantly as she tried to find a room she could breath in without having to see another damn couple absolutely devouring eachother. Each and every minuscule second she'd spent in that house made her want to puke. The sight that made her want to puke the most was Rodrick's clearly drunk self throwing himself onto Heather, eyes sparkly with hope whilst she just sat there smiling so sweetly it was sickening.
Quickly she was sent back to reality.
"D'you think that's a good idea?" she questioned, tired.
"Course it is! she always comes to my things"
"Kay' whatever you think is gonna earn you your little dream girl specimen."
"Trust me, this times different." That's what he always said.
It's ok. It's ok. I-It's.... it's gonna be fine. she told herself as she admired the makeup she'd put on for tonight's occasion, she'd tried to copy one of Heathers famous looks, but quickly realised it didn't suit her skin so she stuck to her usual and hated herself for it. It was dreadfully the day of his party. The day that she'd have to witness him openly flirt with Heather just because he had an excuse to down a dozen bottles of cheap booze. She swiped a smear of lipstick that somehow ended up below her lip and sighed as she adjusted her shirt. Why do you always give in? Just confess you idiot. No! what the fuck am i thinking. she scrunched her nose and took a deep breath in, abusing her vanity with the pressure from the pads of her fingers.
She really really didn't want to go. She couldn't bare seeing Heather show up with her annoyingly perfect face, her perfect nose, her perfect hair, her stupidly sweet personality that everyone gaped over. Fuck it. She hated herself and wanted to forget that Rodrick even existed.
She found her not so hidden stash of weed she'd carelessly left under a pile of worksheets from her chemistry class, something ionic bonding. She didn't know how long it'd sat there for but it stained the ziplock bag a dull yellow. The bag was crinkled and smelled like the thought of Rodrick. Whenever she was upset or mad at Rodrick she'd smoke weed to drown the thoughts out but she slowly realised it was ruining the drug as a whole for her.
She rolled a joint in a random piece of paper she'd found thrown on her floor and lit up the end, taking a deep whiff of it, smile playing on her lips.
"Animals.....Elephants....Tiguurrrsssss!" She slurred as she laid flat on her disheveled bed scrunching the sheets as her eyes formed stars around her ceiling. She got up abruptly, hair a mess and rubbed her eyes deepening the pressure with every second. "Rrrr... What time? Uggggh" She sighed as she reached for her phone. Her room was cloudy and smelled of green. Beside her were a few empty glasses so she took a sniff, curious. Happy juice? No, Vodka she thought. She saw the emptied out bottle of cheap convenience store alcohol by the side of her feet a long with the yellowed bag of weed which was empty. it'd been around 2 hours since she blacked out on her bed somehow thinking about how her fan looked like the shape of animals. Shit, fuck, ass, asshole! she muttered under her breath as she plopped back down.
"Why not? What's thurrr worst that could happennn?" she mumbled eyes fluttering as she picked up her bag and stumbled out her window, careful not to wake anyone. She took the route down the tree that always worked for her but in a clumsy fashion as she fumbled down the hard branches of her overgrown escape buddy. Craaack, Creeeeak. The continuous sounds made her annoyed. "Uggggfh can't everyone just shut up!!"
There she was. Standing dumb, drunk and high in front of the booming house lit up by warm yellow light. She could already smell the familiar smell of cheap alcohol, body odour and weed. My kind of night she thought as she barely made her way to the entrance. There were already people outside partying like no tomorrow as some flipped their hair to some overplayed hip hop song that everyone knew. While some were more restricted, sipping on booze as they giggled with their friends. The true highschool experience y/n thought.
"Hey! Watch it-"
It was someone with beautiful waves of blonde still visible from her clouded vision, pretty makeup and a perfect body. Heather.
"O-Oh hey Heather! Pretty little Heather Hills." Y/n slurred as her vision was still blurred
"Uhm... Y'alright?" She questioned looking back at her friends as if y/n was cuckoo.
"No. No. No. No! Y-you. You. You and your stupidly perfect self can go to hell!" y/n lashed out
"W-what? Y/n what the fuck is wrong with you?" Heather said clearly freaked out by the sudden aggression.
Tears started to cloud y/n's vision so she took in a deeeeep breath trying to suck in as much oxygen as she could.
"Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! You- You're all he wants. Heather, heather, heather! My perfect little heather with her pretty little face!" Y/n cried out as her knees began to weaken. She had no sense of shame, embarrassment or anxiety. She was too blacked out for this. So blacked out she just blurted her deepest darkest thoughts.
A crowd began to form around them, some curious at the sudden shouting girl who was crumbling a part, vulnerable in front of some people she didn't even know the names of.
"W-what? What are you even saying y/n." Heather said confused and disturbed as she began to back away.
Warmth began to spread at the small of y/n's back. Rodricks hand.
"Y/n? Why the fuck are you screaming?- Y/n s-shit you're not alright." Rodrick hastily slung y/n's arm around his shoulder careful with her as if she was a piece of fine china.
"S-sorry bout' that Heaths, trust me she doesn't mean anything she's saying" Rodrick stutters clearly not drunk enough, nervous as he realises that Heather is clearly agitated.
"Y-yea. It's okay Rodrick. It's not your fault, just get her far from here kay?" Heather said with sympathy and those stupid doe eyes whilst placing a hand on his shoulder. This should've made him tremble with pleasure, but the fact that she'd talked about y/n as if she was a monster made him angry.
"Yea. Yea alright." Rodrick scoffed, lightly rolling his eyes before dragging y/n's blacked out figure up his carpeted staircase, the carpet grazing her knees creating a friction which burned satisfyingly on her kneecaps.
"Fuuuck. Fuck..." Y/n softly mumbled, head tilting to the side of his shoulder as he firmed his grip on the side of her shoulder. Shoulders.... shoulders are for friends, real girls get hands put on their waist. Not shoulders. She managed to conjure the thought in her hazed mind.
He struggled to open his door as y/n's body weight pressed into the side of him as he suddenly heard silent weeps of sorrow erupt from her lips.
He set her on the foot of his bed, careful not to drop her anywhere harsh.
"Y/n? Y/n what's wrong, you're like black out drunk." He asked now bending down with both hands on his knees.
He slowly caresses his hand over the hill of her cheekbone and shoves a fly of hair away from her puffy eyes.
"You....i... Im sick of you and- and her." She sighs as a hysterical tear falls from her eye. Her face was the saddest Rodrick had ever seen and this broke his heart.
"Me and... me and who y/n?" He said so softly as he began to crouch so so close to her, his eyes looking up into hers with genuine curiosity and care. The mention of her name fluttered her heart.
"Heather" She breathed out involuntarily sniffling.
"You don't like me talking about her?" He slowly asked as if all the dots were finally clicking together.
"That's a stupid question." He lowly chuckled as he swiped his thumb under the pad of her eyes.
"I.. I really- I really"
"You really what?" He said again so so softly
"I really like you." She blurted before she felt that familiar rush of heat rapture her face.
Rodrick's eyes glance down to her swollen lips and he feels a strong ache pill at his heart. His best friend just confessed about her underlaying fondness of him and he'd been an ass talking about Heather all the time. He imagined how bad it must've sucked all the damn time.
"I-I'm so sorry I- I always talked about her."
"No! don't fucking be sorry you idiotttt." She slurred
"You- You don't owe me anything." She smiled softly as she fluffed up his hair.
"Maybe..." This is wrong he thought
"Maybe i do owe you an apology." He said slow and steady as he glanced down to her lips and locked with it for the final time.
He slowly moved in to plant a soft kiss on her puffy lips and her eyes widened in surprise.
The kiss felt like heaven and she tasted like everything he was used to. A hint of cherry chapstick, a lot of weed and something coconut. His lips felt so soft against hers and she breathed in every second of the experience. She almost wanted to whine when he pulled away.
"I- Fuck."
Y/n's euphoric high was quickly ruined at the notice of him clearly regretting his decision.
"No- It's fine Rodrick. I get it, it was just a in the moment thing." She sighed as she put both her hands to her face rubbing her cheeks and eyes as if she was trying to rid off the pain in her heart.
"No, no, no! it's not that."
"I just..."
"Fuck it." He went in for another kiss.
thank u for the request!! i hope this was enough to satisfy ur rodrick need lol, if u ever want a smutty end to this lmk but yarrrrr
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floshav · 1 year
I hate you.
but can i make it up to you for one night?
Rodrick heffley x fem!reader
words: 7k+
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𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙢, 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩, 𝙗𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙠𝙞𝙙 𝙍𝙤𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠 ;), 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩𝙮, 𝙍𝙤𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙗𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙠, 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨, boys with nail polish, fingering, descriptiveness of smut kinda, dom rod, virgin! fem reader
summary: Rodrick always seems to get on y/n's nerves and it drives her wild. From the amount of restless nights he's granted her to shaming her in public constantly. What happens when the guilt overwhelms him and he decides to show her how sorry he can be. Just for one night.
Rodrick was a total dick to y/n. Sadly she knew it was a way for him to cope with himself after he'd been bullied out of his mind ever since stepping into crosslands high.
The constant alley way fights he'd find himself in, the constant teasing and shoving he'd received just because he was different. It all amounted to his attitude now. Back to y/n, let it be the small things he'd do to piss her off, or the really major things which would set her crying in the bathroom stall for a week straight, it secretely and shittily made him feel less alone. How'd their relationship even come to this? It'd all been fine right until 8th grade when Rodrick was still her friend. Now they were in senior year and Rodrick had still stuck to being an absolute dickhead.
"Hey snotface." Rodrick called out as y/n began to stuff her locker with books and scrapped papers preparing for dismissal. Shoving a band audition flyer in her folder along the way. The sounds of students clamouring about in the background, anticipating the bell.
No response
"Oh y/nnnnn!" Rodrick called as she slammed her locker shut, eyeing him with pure violence in the process.
"The hell you want shitstain." Y/n said as she began to place the remaining books in her bag removing her attention from him.
He cleared his throat "Was just wondering if you could help me with the science project Mrs Burke gave us." He hesitated as he began following y/n who was now making her way out his sight. "I don't really understand what she meant by sticking the circles where the electrons-"
The audacity
"Of course you don't. You never pay attention in class." Y/n scoffed as she began walking out the school compound just as the bell rang. Everyone else doing the same, the sound of skateboards and fast feet prominent on the rough pavement.
"Yea that's the thing i-"
"What makes you think i'd help you?" Y/n finally said turning around in her sneakers, making them squeekkk in the process to face him, she was really testing the waters this time getting fed up with his attitude.
"Because i said so idiot." Rodrick said with that familiar intimidating voice he'd put on around her.
"Shut the fuck up" Y/n said with a blank face not thinking much about the words she had just put out, tretching further into the waters.
"The fuck you say to me?" Rodrick said with a stupid menacing grin plastered on his face making a tight knot of nervousness tie itself in her stomach.
"I-i, Rodrick." She sighed carefully "All you've done was be a dick to me! I've honestly had enough of your shit and you've really fucking changed is all I have to say." Y/n said as she felt that all familiar feeling of heaviness succumb her eyes.
Before she could run away he shoved her against a wall hands on either side of her shoulders looking her dead into her eyes, so close each freckle and fine line was visible, his hot breath tickled her lips.
"You act up one more time and you'll see what you fucking get."
"That clear?" Rodrick said with wide eyes whilst still holding her up helplessly.
Some students eyed the situation, too scared to do anything because it was Rodrick they were talking about.
"Fuck you." She whispered under her breath eyes already adorned with tears threatening to spill as Rodrick let her go.
She ran away as fast as she could feeling the shittiest she could ever feel.
The past
It all started in 7th grade. Rodrick had just changed middle schools to crosslands high and it was there he met y/n. She'd been just the same as him, a stupid emo kid who listened to too much rock. Lonely with no friends, outcasted by the school, depressed as one would be. They'd bonded over their favourite bands at the moment like radiohead or blur, and rodrick found it refreshing to talk to someone who liked the same things as him. Surprisingly, he'd been made fun of a lot for being in a band or wearing eyeliner or even just wearing a silly graphic tee or band shirt which y/n found cute most the time. The bullying had only gotten worse as time passed, some nights the only thing keeping him sane was the late night phone calls he'd have with y/n. Unbeknownst to him y/n didn't nearly get as much backlash as he did and that made him angry, confused and jealous. She was just like him so why was he receiving the shitty end of the stick.
This stirred Rodricks desire for payback to a non existent threat y/n had proposed. So Rodrick acted on his intrusive thoughts. Occasionally he'd purposely say something y/n said to him publicly exaggerating and manipulating the words she uttered making students giggle or yell insults or mocks to her in the halls. Like this one time she'd just told him she had an upset stomach and that was why she was late, yet he exagerrated her words saying things like "Oh! You had diarrhea this morning?" "That's really embarassing that you shat your pants." This gave y/n the nickname shitty asshole for the past few years and it only stopped when they entered senior year. Everyone around them suddenly maturing.
Sometimes the things Rodrick did weren't so light. Like the time he shoved her against the lockers picking her up by the collar just because she'd joked about him not getting any pussy, and that was what officially made y/n scared of her own best friend as this cycle would continue to repeat.
The Rodrick cycle. One that now affected y/n. The amount of nights she'd spent picking up the metal blade for hating herself so much. The amount of times she'd looked into the mirror feeling shit and ugly. The amount of times she'd wish she wasn't born in her own skin was to a disgusting point. At that moment she wished she'd never ever met Rodrick. To think that she'd even started to develop feelings for him at one point. What a foolish decision.
Things decided to get better when stuff like bands or boys wearing eyeliner and being emo became a trend again. Shitty for them both y/n thought to herself. Atleast Rodrick was finally getting bitches and bothering her less. That is until him dating pretty little Heather Hills, (someone that would otherwise make fun of him) bothered her out of her mind indirectly. However as one would expect, they broke it off pretty quick.
present day
She sat alone in her room at her desk looking at a razor blade she was so familiar with. She hesitated before slowly picking it up, tears welding in her eyes as she slowly brought the sharp material to her soft skin. The thoughts of what Rodrick did encouraging her more. She slowly poked her skin dragging it down making each press harder until beads of blood formed, threatening to spill down. How long before she'd stop. She didn't know.
Suddenly a light tapping sound came from her window. She got spooked before quickly setting her razor aside for later, wiping the fresh beads of blood away with the sleeve of her dark sweater.
As she slowly approached her curtain covered window she heard another tap followed by another.
She took a deep breath before swiftly peeking through the sheer material.
It took a while to realise who or what it was, but the result was infuriating.
"Are you serious?" She uttered under her breath as she noticed the figure was in fact Rodrick.
She annoyingly opened her window with a bored expression hissing at the goosebumps that braced her skin from the cold air.
"Hey" Rodrick called out awkwardly with what looked like a packet of cigarettes in his hands, fidgeting with it.
Y/n rolled her eyes lightly before gesturing for him to come in.
"God could you be any louder?" Y/n whisper yelled whilst looking down on him as he attempted to tretch through the crispy grass, both hands at either side of her face.
"Yea wanna see me try-"
Rodrick made his way to the treehouse that sat conveniently beside her bedroom window, struggling due to having a couple of things in his hands.
"The hell are you doing here shitstain."
"What? Is it wrong to visit you like old times?" rodrick said with fake innocence a stupid smirk forming slowly.
"Ha ha" "Old times." Y/n sighed before making her way to her arm chair.
She sat cross legged with an annoyed expression waiting to hear Rodrick's reasoning.
"I'm sorry bout earlier."
"You do this every night Rodrick."
"Oh c'mon-"
"Don't 'oh c'mon' me Rodrick. You were and still are an absolute asshat for what? 2 years now? i cant even keep track!" Y/n said with a deep underlaying sadness threatening to be revealed before her made up persona of not caring.
"You hurt me Rodrick." "You hurt me every single day."
"To think I really- To think I really really loved you as a friend." She said whilst her eyes began to form a layer of shine.
It was then on that her sleeves began to slip down without her knowledge as she expressed herself. The material revealing her soft skin grazed by a myriad of small slits and cuts ranging from old to fresh. Her arms told a story no other could tell.
"Y/n." "Y/n have you been cutting again?" Rodrick said with a sternness that was unrecognisable to her. One that she only knew years ago.
"Fuck." "Im so sorry" Rodrick said with what seemed to be genuine care.
He quickly kneeled down in front of her, lean hands embracing her arms.
"S-stop. I." "I never intended for it to get bad again." "I-it just happened." Y/n admitted already feeling defeated and tired.
"Y/n, shit. I-i am so so sorry I made you feel this bad." Rodrick said as he searched her eyes looking for something, possibly a glint of forgiveness which he hoped she still had.
He now slowly caressed her arms, y/n on the floor at this point staring into his eyes, tears threatening to spill. She noticed the little things about Rodrick now that the room was quiet and it seemed to be just the two of them in this whole universe. Like how he hadn't taken off his smudged eyeliner yet, or how his face adorned new freckles now that she hadn't seen him after some time. She couldn't lie about how much she adored him, but she hated him too. To a gut wrenching degree.
"Can we just move past this?" Y/n said as a tear slipped away.
Rodrick slowly wiped the tear away with his thumb, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
He had done his best to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her whilst whispering praises in her ear because he knew she liked that.
The thing was, he always did this. Every night in which he'd hurt her in the day, he'd try to find forgiveness in the night apologising emptily.
"Where're the blades." Rodrick asked seriously, looking into her eyes.
"Give them to me."
Rodrick said before standing up to search for the cause of her self harm. He looked everywhere, on her table that was covered in an organised mess, her shelves which adorned her old guitar picks and photos of her and her friends, her drawers in which one had stored her shorts and underwear. He searched everywhere until he finally found them chucked away behind a plush toy sat on her bookcase.
"Found em'" Rodrick said as if he achieved the greatest thing.
"Rodrick you dont have to take them, their stained and grimey"
"I dont care honestly." Rodrick said before plopping back down to where y/n sat.
The room was now silent, Rodrick still caressing her arm slowly.
"When are you going to stop?" Y/n asked unable to make eye contact, already nervous and anxious.
"I-" "I d'know." Rodrick sighed as he began to open the pack of used cigarettes he had in his back pocket. Offering one to y/n which she took gladly.
"You dont have to be mean to me to seem all tough y'know" Y/n said as she gazed at the ground, cigg lying lazzily in her index and middle finger.
"Fuck" "Yea i-i. I know that. Its just sometimes these thoughts.. These shitty thoughts take over my mind and its like I cant control my body's reaction to them." He sighed as he lit his cigarette up taking a long whiff in the process.
Y/n knew exactly what he meant.
"Y-yea. I understand." "Just, when its about hurting others.. you really gotta hold back on those thoughts Rodrick."
Unknown to him, his stomach slightly fluttered at the use of his name under her tounge.
He exhaled another puff of smoke before examining her face carefully for the first time in a while. She looked pretty all of a sudden. The way her hair was slightly messy, leftover mascara staining her bottom lashes, lips and eyes slightly blown out from crying earlier. The sight made him swallow thick.
"So.." y/n said stretching the o. "How's your life been?" She surprisingly asked.
Rodrick slowly flashed a wide grin at her making her stomach flutter stupidly at how good he looked smiling like that.
"Why'd you care all of a sudden?" Rodrick said still grinning giddily as he took another whiff blowing the smoke away from her face. The small gesture making her smile small to herself.
"D'know.. Just curious. We haven't had a chat about anything other than depressing shit nowadays anyway." She sighed as she began to light her own cigarette.
"Well.." "Heather's been sending me mixed signals again." Rodrick sighed
Heather. Y/n thought to herself. Wasn't she a thing of the past?
"Ah..." "Still hung up on the bitch?"
Rodrick quirked his eyebrow at the choice of her words, a slow and snarky smirk forming in the process.
"What the hell, no."
"W-what makes you think i'd be jealous of a stupid no lifer anyway." Y/n said hysterically and a lil too loudly as she took another deeper whiff out her cigarette trying to drown the pain away.
"Hm" Rodrick said as he sucked his cheek in looking to the side of her room.
"Damn, you got the In rainbows record?"
Y/n smiled knowing that was something they'd have in common.
"Yea, signed by thom"
"Wait, shit really?"
"Nah im just fucking with ya" Y/n barked out a laugh in which Rodrick shot back an eyeroll
"So.... Heather huh." "You still.. into her?" She asked hessitantly.
"D'know honestly."
What y/n wanted to say was, Im better for you than she ever could be. She's just a stupid mean girl who prances around thinking she could fuck any boy she glanced at and they'd be at her mercy. She doesn't even like the things you do. She'd never understand you the way I do. But of course, she never said those things.
"Why, hm?" Rodrick said amused but then something just clicked in his little brain.
"Oh, shit...." Rodrick said teasingly with a huge grin as he began to lean closer towards her.
"Is... Is y/n jealous?" He rasped so close to her, each decibel of his voice could be heard.
"What! No. Thats crazy!" She laughed nervously as she broke eye contact, quickly leaning back.
"Yea right." Rodrick teased on.
"So.. You wouldn't mind me calling up Heather right now then? Telling her how much i've been thinking of her."
Y/n's stomach dropped at the use of his words, feeling that overwhelming darkness overwash her.
"Y-yea, 'course I wouldn't mind." She lied through her teeth.
Rodrick pulled his phone out his pocket searching for y/n's reaction in the process. Eyes locked as he smoothly dialled in what she assumed was Heather's number.
The line rang as Rodrick smirked to himself, already knowing what the contortment of y/n's face meant. She was clearly bothered.
Why the hell is he doing this to me. He knows. So why. Why be such a dick about it. Y/n silently cursed in her mind.
The line stopped ringing, not because of the receiver hanging up, but because of the inevitable. Heather picked up the phone.
"Oh hey Rodrick!" The soft velvety smoothness of her voice shined through juxtaposing y/n's rough boyish rasp.
"Hey Heather, what're you up to?" Rodrick's voice sounded unrecognisable, somehow.. sexy?
"Mmm, nothing much." Y/n could hear the clear hessitation in her voice through the phone. "W-would you maybe wanna come over?"
Rodrick licked his lips looking at y/n's face. Satisfied with the reaction he'd gotten.
"Hm, maybe another time sweets. M'a bit busy at the moment."
"A-ah thats a shame. Wanted to try something new w'you."
Something new?
The line went dead.
"Totally not jealous." Rodrick smirked tucking away his phone diverting his attention fully on her.
"Do'ya have a cute little fling with her or what." "Do i need to remind you of the time she broke your heart?" Y/n blurted out, surprised at her own bluntness.
"Jeez calm down y/n." Rodrick said smirk slightly fading, but still tugging on amusement.
"Look for your own comfort, me and Heather dont have anything going on." pause "She's just an idiot sometimes." Rodrick tried to clarify taking another whiff out his cigarette as if he was trying to calm his nerves.
"Ok. Didnt ask though." Y/n said now in a curled up fashion, hair in her eyes taking another whiff out her cig.
Damn. Rodrick thought.
"Its getting late Rodrick. Think y'should start heading home"
The time was only 9pm but y/n couldn't bare seeing him anymore.
"W-" he stopped "Okay then. See you when i see you i guess" Rodrick said having something clearly bothering him.
She watched as he made his way to her open window which let cool breezy air leak in as her curtains swayed in the drafts. Before she knew it he was gone.
"Bye." Y/n said more to herself than anything seeing as no one was there.
She cursed herself to no end that night. Why was she so easily jealous.
She hadn't gotten any sleep and it was the next day. It was way too early to be seeing Rodrick propped up next to her locker, and he was looking a little better than usual. Ugh. His hair was a mess as if he just woke up, the leftover eyeliner she'd seen him have on last night still smudged beneath the pads of his undereyes and a black jacket draped over a "the cure" shirt. He screamed junkie, yet why was he still so damn attractive.
He turned his head eyebrows raising with a bored expression as y/n approached her locker.
"Is it wrong to wanna see your face in the morning? Gotta have something to jumpscare me into the day somehow" He smirked before turning his eyes fully onto her.
Y/n faked a scared expression as she looked him in the eyes. "Oh shit!"
"Oh.. sorry was just a little scared by your inability to apply eye makeup."
Rodrick put both his hands to his heart in a fake hurt expression.
"You take that back young lady!"
"Nope. What you gonna do about it?" She said as she slammed her locker shut looking him in the eyes, books for the day in hand.
He was in a relaxed position now, arm propped up against the locker so close to y/n's face that it genuinely gave her a little scare, feeling goosebumps scatter her body.
"You dont wanna find out" Rodrick trailed off and she swears he looks down at her lips for a second. Maybe she was seeing things. Yea definitely seeing things. Or maybe....
"Hey rodrick!" The chirpy voice of Heather called.
"Oh hey heather" Rodrick was now turned and his attention was fully on heather. Atleast thats what y/n thinks.
The thing is, Rodrick is aware. He's aware of the effect he has on her and what it does to y/n when he talks to Heather, so he continues to talk because thats who he is. A dick who likes to tease.
"About last night.."
"Go on"
"Was wondering if you'd maybe like to drop by today?"
Y/n's blood boils and she hates it. Why does she even care? Its not like Rodrick owes her anything or something.
"I mean its totally fine if you don-"
"No yea ill stop by" Rodrick cuts her off with a smirk. The smirk which y/n thought was meant for her and her only.
"Oh cool! See you after school then" Heather said clearly giddy and blushful as she skipped on by.
"So i guess this non existent thing between you and Heather is clearly .. existent huh?" Y/n said with a tired look.
"Nah Heathers not really my type."
"Then what is your type."
Girls who would rather stay at home all day reading a book or playing their favourite instrument than going out and getting black out wasted at a party. A girl who has a lopsided smile everytime she talks about something she likes. A girl who sloppily applies her mascara every morning in hopes it helps her slug through the day better. You. was what Rodrick thought.
"D'know honestly, probably not you is all" Rodrick grinned before nudging her shoulder and walking away.
Absolute dick.
The warm evening light that shone through her room was a tell tale sign that she'd been thinking about Rodrick way too much ever since she got home and it was still bright out. She found herself thinking about the interaction she had with Rodrick this morning. The way she really thought he looked down at her lips. Why her lips? And why after that sentence. She'd analyzed her perfect envisionment of the memory so much to the point she'd remembered every little slur and lisp Rodrick had produced during the convo. Maybe she was overthinking it. No she definitely was overthinking it.
She whipped her head up to look at her window hearing the all so familiar sound of small pebbles hitting her window, it'd been a miracle the window hadn't shattered yet.
She rolled her eyes and got up reluctantly.
She placed both her hands on either side of the window sill, taking a deep breath before looking down. There he was, looking up at her like he always did with a pack of ciggarettes in his hands.
"Can i come in?" He mouthed
I mean what else would she do? The answer was clear.
But she played with him anyway. "No" She mouthed shaking her head as he began to make his way up the ladder of her treehouse.
How he'd ended up in her bed next to her talking about life was quite weird to her. It all began when she took a cig like usual, but this time she felt especially giggly and happy by the drug as she offered to paint his fingernails. Each one of them a different shade of green because she found that funny somehow.
Now Rodrick was layed on her belly, relaxed as he waited for his nails to dry.
"Thought you were gonna hang with Heather today." Y/n breathed out slowly careful with her movements as Rodricks head followed her breaths.
"Decided not to." "Why? Y'dont want me here?"
"N-No! Its just that... i dont understand why you still come back to me even though you say you hate me."
Y/n's breaths quicken as anxiety washes over her realising what she'd said.
"Dont hate you." Rodrick sighed as he checked out his nails.
"Im sorry i make you feel like it sometimes." Rodrick said as he looked up into her eyes now making his way to rest his head beside hers careful with his nails.
"Its okay i guess." Y/n hates herself for always giving in so easily to him. So quick and understanding when he clearly doesn't deserve her sincerity.
As if her fingers were on autopilot she brushes her delicate digits through the locks of his rough messy hair, brushing some strands out his eyes and this makes Rodricks skin turn hot, the dazed lazy look in her eyes not helping his case.
You dont know what you do to me. Rodrick thought to himself before flipping over, now facing the ceiling and not her so that he could stop his dangerous thoughts before it got too far. This makes y/n feel funny. Why did he turn over? Does he not like me fluffing his hair about. Fuck its weird to do anyway, he's your friend for god's sake. Nothing more. So she turns back over to immitate Rodrick's actions.
Except, Rodrick can't hold his thoughts in anymore.
"You're really pretty you know that- Dont think people tell you it enough." Rodrick sighed now red in the face, fingers fidgety but careful with the polish.
This takes y/n off gaurd.
"Wh- Ah thank you?" She says and Rodrick knows she's smiling because she has that voice on.
"Why're you being so nice?" Y/n inquires and this makes Rodrick sad. Has he really hurt that much? That even a simple compliment bewilders her.
"m'sorry" He mutters under his breath along with a few curses to himself now sitting up right.
"Rodrick?" Y/n asks before copying his position once more.
"Shit. Yea m'sorry Y/n." He says and y/n notices the impossible. Is Rodrick tearing up?
"Gotta go" He mumbles before dashing for the window leaving y/n red faced and confused both hands plopped to her sides helplessly as he takes for the window.
At the heffley residence.
Rodrick sat dumb and tear struck on his bed. Both legs hooked on the edge and face buried in his palms trying to stop the tears from welding up. He hadn't had a good cry in a century, so why now out of all days? The slow burn of his pent up tears was an oddly satisfying release. Each tear trickling faster than the last, eyes begging to be cleared of its misery.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Rodrick cursed to himself, all the thoughts of him bullying you and misery he's put you through crashing him in the head just like he would to his drums.
"What's wrong with you." "Sick fuck."
He sighs before plopping down laying flat on his bed, head dazed and vision clouded. Then something clicks in his head. Something stupid but he hopes it works.
Y/n spent the night strumming her guitar a long to whatever song she'd learnt in the past week hoping to forget about the events of the day. Why did Rodrick leave so abrubtly? Was i being weird? Fuck was I? Yet the thoughts of Rodrick still fled her head just like they did every other night.
The low buzz of an Instagram notification brought her back to life but the person it was from might as well put her back to death.
@rxdr1ckxx - wanna crash at mine?
Cute username she thought.
What? Is he trippin'? He never texts me.
sure! sent.
she stupidly sends in a rush of emotions. "I mean who even sends sure with an exclamation mark!?" She curses under her breath before lighting another cigarette to numb the feelings she felt right then and there, eyes fluttering close as the smoke fills her soul.
The house was dull yet lit up by the moonlight which sparkled over it delicately. It was a plain looking neighbourhood, quite, suburban and so not Rodrick. It was definitely something she wasn't normally used to. No random beer cans smashed on the floor, no random junkies hanging out at this late hour. Just an irkingly perfect neighbourhood.
She looked up to see a window illuminating light onto the dark house beside it. Could that be Rodricks room?
hey bozo im here 11:58PM sent
she saw the light shadows of someone moving at the top most floor, what appeared to be the attic. Oh. So that wasn't his room.
"what the fuck is taking him so long?" she sighed as she bit her lips at the cold air surrounding her body, quickly stepping on her cig in the process dirtying this perfectly pictured neighbourhood just a little bit. Adding character she thought.
damn, bozo? You're getting real brave out here 12:05AM
finally, you gonna tell me how to get in or what? 12:05AM
yea yea just take the staircase allll the way to the top, literally the only door on that floor. doors unlocked btw 12:06AM
she didnt bother replying to that so she slowly scraped her feet across the pavement as if the slightest sound could wake the whole neighbourhood. Careful as she placed her hand around the door nob twisting it painfully slow until she heard it unclick. The smell of old house filled her nostrils and she honestly felt... at home. She crept up the carpetted staircase that was placed right in front of the door and cringed at every creeeeak the floorboards would make when she pressed her feet down a little too hard on the floor. She even passed by what seemed to be his brothers room, light still on and music playing way louder than it should've at this time of night making her jump in adrenaline as she realised that she was being too slow. So she dashed up the next flight of stairs and was greeted with a swinging door. Fuck, now of all times Rodrick?
He did nothing but stand there with parted lips and she swears he looks down at her lips again.
"Why'd you even invite me over, you never do" The sound of rock playing softly in his bedroom, the one small warm lamp that lit up his whole room, his walls covered in band posters and a freaking weezer album cover made her forget what she even said quickly pushing past him to admire his messy yet pretty room.
"W-woah slow down there" He chuckled before you heard the door shut behind him. You turned around to face him with a smile which made him want to take you right then and there. He shot back that stupid smug grin of his as he made his way to his bed, sitting dazed on the edge.
"Thought i'd start invitin' you over more, seems unfair if I just infiltrate your place." He sighs before plopping flat on his bed, stomach heaving up and down with each breath he took. Hot she thought.
"Well you thought right, i mean where have you been hiding this haven from me! Bitch." She yelps before plopping down right beside him, toothy smile in action as she turned to look at him and so he mirrored her actions.
Fuck why does she always have to look so good. He cursed in his mind as his eyes couldn't help but flutter down to her lips before he shut them tight. Why the fuck was he feeling like this now. Out of all the times he's known her. This time felt different.
He brought his lanky hand up to her face and she flinched slightly at his touch but began to cave in as he rotted her with his unfamiliar, -almost forbiden- affection.
"I'm really- really sorry y/n." He said as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear making her blush a bundle of roses.
"Why're you being like this?"
"Being like what?" He said as she began to sit up right on his bed.
"Don't play dumb Rodrick. B-being all nice and shit." She stuttered as she looked at him with sad eyes.
"You got a kink for me being mean?" Rodrick tried to joke but quickly realised this wasn't the right time.
He sighs. "It's just. Fuck. I've felt so bad these past few days. No- fuck. I feel bad all the time, about the things i've put you through."
She slightly laughs to herself making Rodrick fumble with his fingers.
"And yet i still always let you in." She sighs before wrapping her arms around her knees, bringing it into her chest to feel that nice stretch and comfort it always gave her.
"Sometimes i wonder why. I'm such a dick and and-" Before he can finish those words y/n slowly leans closer to his face now seeing every freckle and crease his pretty face adorned.
"Can i?" She says so quietly it might as well have been a whisper as she glanced down to his now parted lips. His expression was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. Eyes agape with a breathlessness to it.
"Anything you like." And with those words she plants a soft kiss on his lips, one that makes him feel numb in love- no, hungry for more.
"And sometimes i wonder why i still let you intrude my thoughts even though you don't deserve it." She says before pulling away a blushing mess.
"I'll take that as an apology accepted?" He says with his signature stupid smirk which always made a certain wetness pool at her core.
She does nothing but cover her face with her hands embarrassed as the events of what had happened just hit her like a truck.
"Can i.. can i kiss you again?" Rodrick says so quietly and low beside her ear making her flinch in the darkness that covered her eyes.
He slowly removes her hands from her pretty blush strucken face and with a nod of her head he dives in like a man starved. The feeling of her soft plush lips against his slightly dry ones made him feel harder than he already was, the quiet whimpers she'd make every-time he ran his fingers up and down her waist not helping his case.
"You" kiss "don't" kiss "fucking know how long" kiss "i've thought about this for." kiss. He says as he feels her lips smile on his.
"You've thought about me kissing you?" She says a complete pool of putty under his hands as they caress her hips as if she was the most precious thing he's ever laid his hands upon.
"Fuck, was it not obvious?" He laughs before pecking her jaw, startling her as he began to move away from her lips.
So the glances at my lips were real. she thought.
As the kisses got more intense y/n guided Rodricks hands lower, lower and lower causing a soft groan to erupt from his lips, him blushing madly at his antics. She kept going until he accidentally pinned her against his matress from the inbalance.
"Fuck is this okay? M'sorry-"
"Just shut up and kiss me"
Those simple words make Rodricks dick jump hard.
He dives back in moving both her arms above her head and pinning them down from there so he has better access to her neck without her squirming about. He plants soft painfully sloppy kisses around her collar bone and sucks harshly at the hollow space between. He accidentally brushes his hard on at the side of her thigh in the process making her feel that familiar warm liquid pool even more at her core.
"Can i..... Can i take this off?" He asks quietly whilst looking her down with his pretty eyes, each detail of his face unmasked from the amount of freckles that ranged from dark to light, the pinkness of his kiss sick lips, that god damn smudged eyeliner he always forgot to remove.
"mhm" She said just above a whisper as she trembled at his touch around the side of her boobs.
"I need words y/n" He whispers as he places a soft peck on her lips.
"Y-yes." She says as she shakes at his lips and how soft they are.
"Good girl." And with that he slowly removes her top, tapping her sides lightly indicating her to hoist her body up, painfully peeling the soft sweater she wore off her.
His lips were parted and eyes blown at the sight of her in just her bra. She sheepishly covered her chest, insecure of them and turned her face away but Rodrick wasn't having it.
"Show me how pretty you can be yea?" He says as he slowly peels her hands away from her chest making her whimper in the process.
The sight made his already rock hard erection even harder than it could possibly be. Her chest heaving up and down, lips slightly parted and checks flushed. He had her where he always dreamt of. All at his mercy.
He moves down to remove her bra clasp, fumbling with the clip before finally breaking it loose making him groan as he saw her tits come loose. He slowly moved down to give it a little peck awaiting her reaction and he fucking smirks when she moans out his name.
"Never been touched here before?" He asks gently as he continued to suckle each nipple teasingly
"F-Fuuckk n-not like t-this- Ahh shit" she moaned through her words as he continued to abuse the plush skin.
"You" Pop "Look" Kiss "So fucking" squeeze "pretty like this." He groaned as another moan erupted from her mouth.
"Being so so good for me"
"Why were you ahh- so mean to me before this." She struggled as his actions got more intense each lick more vivid and drowning than the last.
"Honestly I-" "I was just mad that you were so fucking perfect." He sighs as he looks up at her with the prettiest doe eyes.
"Wanted you to experience what i fucking went through and ended up regretting it all." He slowly brings his head up to level with her caressing her face with his thumbs slowly.
"You dont fucking deserve that and im so, so sorry." He says and she swears this is the most sincere he's ever been.
"You were a dick Rodrick. So now its time to put it to good use." She tries to lighten the mood as she pulls his shirt by the collar and his lips clash into hers again. It was her turn to take action.
She slowly moved her soft hands up and down the denim of his jeans feeling his erection shine through the thick material. He groaned at every miniscule touch she gave him, each one more painfully teasing than the last.
"Can i take these off?" She asks as she plays with the zipper of his jeans.
"Fuck, fuck yea you can" He smirks before guiding her hands down to his belt and watches as she fumbles around with the hook. As soon as she unbuckles the belt he's quick to help remove his jeans in one swift motion. His jeans get tossed to the floor helplessly merging with the floor in his trashed room.
His boxers were tight around his erection and y/n felt her mouth water with the way it twitched each time she tapped it lightly, lips twirling at the faces Rodrick would respond with.
"S-stop Ahh- teasing" Rodrick shakily breathed as he pinned her deeper into the mattress. As if something of a revelation was revealed, his eyes darkened and he grabbed her wrists harshly but not enough to hurt her when she tapped one last time, the hardest time.
He moaned, he hissed, he produced a plethora of sweet sounds.
"Nuh ah ah sweet thing" Her eyes fluttered at the pet name.
"I'm gonna show you just how much i'm sorry. You lay back and relax" Rodrick winks and it's not cringy before planting a soft kiss at the side of her lips causing her the whimper at the lack of affection.
With that Rodrick slowly and painfully traced his fingers down the valley of her breasts, down her soft belly finally reaching the dark fuzz of pubic hairs which grazed her panties waistband. His body was now placed between her thighs, eyes still innocent as he looked up at her. He gave her clothed cunt a soft kiss and she arched her back so hard she swore she saw stars.
"Have you- Have you ever been touched before?" He asked seeing how sensitive she was to his mere touch.
"N-no. I'm still a virgin." She sighs in bliss as he begins to rub light circles around her clit.
"All these years i've known you so well... But i've never known you were a virgin." He grins with a slight sparkle in his eyes as he pulls the waistband of her underwear down a notch.
"Up, I hope you forgive me after this." He taps at her waist and she follows at this new familiarity as if they've done this a million times.
She's not sure if she's hallucinating but she swears she sees Rodrick slowly rutting himself into the mattress at every occasion he gets thinking she's not aware.
He slowly drags the lace-y material down her thighs and gawks at the sight beneath him. Her splayed out on his bed waiting for his next move, hair a mess and mascara blown out. This might as well have been something out of his wettest dreams.
"Im gonna go in okay?" He asks the softest he's ever been whilst placing delicate kisses around her neck making her gasp at the multi sensation.
He slowly plunges a finger in struggling at the resistance rubbing circles around her clit trying to sooth her ache.
"Fuck so wet for me already." He moans as he feels his finger dip in easily. He plunges in her folds excruciatingly slow. Each dip like rubber into her spongy walls.
"A-Ah shit!" She moaned at this new found sensation. She craved for more.
"C-can you aah- put another one in?" She shyly asked as the sounds that filled the air were heinous and obscene. Each time Rodrick went in, a sick slick wet sound was produced.
"So eager huh?" He smirks as he feels his boxers get tighter and tighter, a patch of pre cum staining his boxers and seeping in the mattress as he slowly ruts into it imagining it was her. Each clench around his finger made his cock jump just imagining it was him she was wrapped around.
He obliged and gave her another peck as he inserted another finger. She couldn't take it anymore. The cries that filled the room were far from innocent as Rodrick plunged his fingers back and forth and back and forth through her soaking hole. Never in a million years would Rodrick have imagined that the girl he bullied to be screaming his name as she came around his fingers clenching at every soft praise he gave her.
omfg fucking finally after 1 billion years of writing this I CAN FINALLY POST IT!!!!! btw i might continue writing yearning for u so keep ur eyes peeled!
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floshav · 1 year
guys i wasnt expecting that much love for my sirius smut LMAO but yea im working on a rodrick fic rn and probs yearning for u pt 3 SO DONT LOSE HOPE IN ME OKAY
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floshav · 1 year
Friday night and i'm all alone.
Sirius black x fem!reader
modern au
word count: 4k+
Tumblr media
warnings: eventual smut, handsy Sirius, sexual tension, nerd reader, underage, drinking, smoking, virgin, first time, fingering, neck kisses, eating reader out, doing this near friends, taking advantage, reader gets drunk, Sirius is aware.
summary: y/n's book and cup of coffee isn't enough to keep her satisfied tonight. There's an itching bite of loneliness that crawls up her back, one that yearns for someone to just be in her presence. So she finally decides to accept the invitation James had sent the friend group a while back to crash at his place this Friday in hopes Sirius would be there. Things get weird between her and Sirius when she arrives. Alcohol is involved, panties are off and there's a bunch of teenage angst roaming the air tonight, everything which should've rung alarms in her head but with Sirius all over her, how could she complain?
The muffled sound of rain, the random channel that was playing on the telly, probably a sitcom with the amount of fake crowd laughs there were. A book in her hand and a cup of warm coffee. The night should've been set perfect for y/n. Her mom was even out of the flat tonight. So she was left all alone in the London flat she'd called home. Away from hogwarts for Christmas meant not seeing her friends for a couple of months which she was usually fine with, ecstatic about even. But this evening was static and lonely. Not the type of comfortable alone time you'd beg to have every now and then, but this empty feeling growing bigger and bigger by every moment another fake crowd laugh was being dispersed on the television screen. She felt her usual self which would just get lost in the book she was reading, become unfocused and panicky. Why did she feel like she had to talk to someone? Touch someone, just contact with anyone. Hell.
The low buzz of her phone shook her out of her depressing thoughts with the notification reading,
James (douchebag):
gathering my place tonight? 11pm good? Bring your own alcohol
Oh shit. Was this real? Had James really invited her over to his house? This was the first time she'd received an invitation from James due to him not really trusting her ever since she joined the friend group, despite the rest of them convincing him y/n was trustable and safe. So she jumped with glee (as much as one could on a sofa with a cup of coffee in their hands.)
The time was 9pm, and the rain had simmered down to a mere drizzle. The pitter patter of the drops still evident outside making the atmosphere fuzzy and warm. An hour had passed since the text and Y/n had been contemplating whether or not she should attend his house party because she was a hundred percent sure quite a few people she didn't know were going to be there. However the thought of Sirius possibly being there overtook her mind. Would he finally notice her as cool if she went? Would he even be there?
She sighed before making her way to the vanity that sat dull and dusty in her room. The lack of makeup she owned was embarrassing to say the least, so she gathered whatever makeup was left unexpired or even intact and wiped the dust off the mirror with the sleeve of her sweater. She looked dead straight into her own soul wondering why she was making such a big deal out of going to a party, was she really that lame? Why did one of her eyes seem wonky or why was her nose not pretty enough. She quickly dismissed those thoughts by slapping her face with both her hands waking her up from whatever dark thoughts that came in.
"Okay. It's gonna be okay, you look fine. Right?" Y/n grimaced at her own words and quickly applied a layer of gloss to distract herself. She did her makeup naturally with heavy mascara just enough that it would probably smudge underneath her eyes, a soft layer of eyeliner accentuating the inner and outer corners of her eyes, concealer to cover up her dark circles and a soft hint of cherry lip balm caressing the buds of her lips finishing her look.
She'd decided to wear something she was comfortable with to the party and looked in the vanity one last time. "Alright. Alright... Hey Sirius. How are ya? Did you hear about longbottom getting a nasty snake bite during quidditch the other day? I mean crazzzy right. Ugh." She frowned at her attempt to whizz up a convo between her and Sirius "Sooo... parties am i right? Fuck this." Y/n sighed before texting her mom to let her know she'd be out for the night.
mom aka top G : Finally you're getting your bottom out the house!
She rolled her eyes at the reply.
The time was now 11:15pm and y/n was positively running late. She'd been ready for around 30 minutes now but was stalling due to nerves. She wondered if she should've gotten all dressed up after all. Maybe she should've just stayed home. It wasn't too late, not like she was stood right in front of James' parents front door.. Oh right, she was.
So she took in a deep much needed breath of the crisp air before removing her hands out of the pockets of her black puffer jacket proceeding to knock once. No answer. So she knocked twice for good measure. She could feel her nose get redder by the minute as she stood outside like an idiot in the painfully cold London air, so she knocked again this time the hardest she could, clearly transferring a bit of annoyance into the knock too.
"James?" y/n yelled
"Lily?" she yelled again
A light shadow grazed past the curtains too blurred to be visualised.
finally her face was greeted with the warmth of the inside of the house.
"Y/n! You made it! I'm so sorry i didn't open the door earlier, Sirius spotted you from the window just recently." Lily said with a sweet smile on her face. She was dressed sweet and softly , wearing a mini dress that was white and innocent yet hugged her curves perfectly, her hair was tied into a messy bun and she wore a silver heart necklace that adorned her neck beautifully, y/n was sure james gifted her that, a long with a small failed covered hickey that sat right below her ear.
"No no, it's okay Lils, I love being stranded in the cold."
"Oh shut up." Lily chuckled whilst grabbing y/n by her shoulders and pushing her into the warm home.
As she entered, the sound of soft rock was being played in the background, surprisingly not too loud. The house reeked of alcohol, something vodka and maybe a few fruity notes too, the place was filled with teenagers chatting and dancing, some even smoking. She wasn't going to lie, this was the coolest she's felt in a while, being surrounded by cool looking people. There were several familiar faces and some unknown but sure she'd seen before. She was quickly brought back to the present as she heard a voice call out for Lily.
"Lily flower, who was at the door?" Called the rowdy sounding James from an unbeknownst direction.
This was good y/n thought. Wherever James was, Sirius was probably at too.
"Only the life of the party!"
"Lils don't say that!"
"Shhh it's for comedic effect."
Y/n followed Lily around like a lost puppy dog, feeling a bit insecure at what she was wearing. All the other girls who were there were dressed normally and sexily just like one should when invited to a bloody James Potter party.
"Ah! There's my favourite little nerd!" James yelled, clearly drunk whilst swinging both his arms around y/n's shoulders carelessly.
"Don't call her that." Remus spoke softly from an armchair he'd been reading a book in whilst sipping on something alcoholic probably.
"Why! I mean its true isn't it? You little little... little nerdy nerdo" James teased before pincing y/n's nose a little too hard leaving a dust of red on the tip.
"Okay that's enough of you James." Lily sighed before attempting to drag him away from y/n having a mini arguement with him in the process.
"Right, sorry bout' James y/n. But i must say, i'm quite surprised to see you here, everything alright at home?" Remus joked with a softness that could melt any girls heart.
"Merlin Remus, just because i'm at a stupid party doesn't mean i've gone insane." Y/n rolled her eyes
"Pffft, but you sure look insane" Called the familiar voice of... Sirius fuck.
He sat prettily on the sofa that was diagonally across from Remus, arms swung lazily on the sides, one hand adorning a ciggarette whilst his hair was sat messily on his head, slightly in his eyes.
Did he get a haircut? Y/n thought to herself before admiring how his lashes were so long they pratically brushed his undereye or how his cheekbones and chin were so sharp they could practically cut her up.
"Hmm, Y/n?" Sirius called out with a quirk in his eyebrows
Y/n took in a shaky breath before letting it out slowly trying to compose herself.
"I was just joking by the way, you look" he hessitated
"You look nice."
Did he think she was insulted by his earlier comment and was trying to make up for his behaviour by giving her a fake compliment?
"Thanks. You look nice too." Y/n gave him a tight smile before making her way to sit beside him on the sofa he was at.
"Sorry. Its just i never see you dress like this, took me off gaurd was all."
Dress like what?
"What d'you mean?"
"You know... the skirt and boots, why haven't you taken your jacket off?" Sirius trailed before taking another whiff of his cigarrette.
"Ciggs aren't good for you, you know?"
"Shit, really? Damn i thought they could cure depression!" Sirius faked a shocked look. "God, you're so infuriating."
"Aren't you hot?"
Y/n's face got red.
"Like from the jacket"
Oh. "N-no im fine." Y/n said as she felt her chest get stickier by the second.
The truth was, she didn't want to reveal what was underneath, because she knew he'd tease her for the lack of top she was wearing.
"Ugh, must i do everything for you?" Sirius said before placing his cigarette between his lips to give his hands freedom towards y/n. He zipped down the zipper before gently removing the material from her skin, struggling a bit due to the sweat that stuck to her like glue.
"Hm and here you were, saying you weren't hot."
The room was semi empty at this point, Remus walking out a few minutes ago to get another beverage whilst others were left either making out or just stoned out of their minds.
"Well, im not." Y/n stubbornly said before allowing Sirius to remove her jacket, nervous on his reaction towards her choice of clothing.
She wore a long sleveed black laced top, the neck cut low into a V which was just enough to reveal her chest. Several necklaces doing the job to attempt and cover the bare skin. It sat slightly cropped above waist, only showing a peek of her skin but just enought to get Sirius feeling hot.
He attempted to discreetly eye her outfit, before almost dropping the ciggarette that was dampened from being in his mouth for a bit.
"Well, wasn't so hard now was it." Sirius said before returning to his original position.
Y/n could sense the slight tension that was built from the contact of his lean hands on her skin, making her let out a breath she didn't know she was keeping.
"Why dont you take a whiff" Sirius asked whilst handing the ciggarette to her.
"Nah, i care about my lungs unlike certain people"
"Oh come on, get that stick out your ass, one whiff won't damage your fragile little lungs."
"I dont know Sirius-"
"Trust me, it won't sting."
"Here i'll do it for you."
Sirius carefully lifted y/n's chin placing the cigarette in between her lips.
"Now breath through your mouth"
"You're doing so well"
The sight made an impending erection grow in his pants, the sight of her mascara smudged and lip stick stained on the ciggarette was enough to turn him on. The way her eyes were filled with innocence while he was corrupting her.
Y/n coughed out the smoke before rubbing her lips with her fingers.
"That was awful!" she laughed with a sour expression
"Hey, atleast you can say you've smoked once in your life now." Sirius chuckled before resting his arms at the sides of his figure.
His erection had become painful at this point, the way the cutting of her shirt was low enough he could get a hint at her lacey bra. He needed to snap out of it, this was his friend for goodness sake.
By now, Remus had entered the room with a new drink in his hand and a couple of lipstick stains on his cheek.
"Remus getting bitches? Thats a new discovery" Sirius teased before running his fingers carelessly through his locks, taking another whiff out his cigarette effortlessly before blowing the smoke in y/n's face making her slap his thigh in annoyance. However, she didn't move her hand from his thigh.
She felt isolated and was in need of any kind of touch, so the warmth of his thigh surprised her more than it should've. She wished she could just take his hand right then and there to find some sort of comfort within him after all her time alone.
This sent waves of butterflies to his stomach. Suddenly the room turned into the sahara desert meanwhile turning his dick to brick. How could such simple touch make him weak to unsettling degrees.
He cleared his throat trying to compose himself before he just couldn't take her unintentionally teasing any further.
"Have you uhm" "Have you ever tried alcohol before?" Sirius inquired. The real question he would've asked if he wasn't such a pussy would be Have you ever had a one night stand before with a friend who clearly has feelings for you. The question was too direct but he desperately wanted to know. His dick aching at the contact so close to it.
Y/n shifted in her seat removing her hand from his thigh.
"Well.. dont laugh at me. But i haven't." y/n said as she went slightly pink at her unexperienced self.
"Hm, then lets start small shall we." Sirius said before getting up and giving a hand out for y/n to take.
"B-but Sirius i dont know if thats a good idea-"
"Oh be quiet" He laughed before rolling his eyes whilst grabbing both her wrists
He dragged her to the kitchen, his lean hand big in hers whilst he occasionally looked back to be met with a dissapointed looking y/n.
"Why the mad face pup?" Sirius said before lightly slapping her cheek as they arrived in the kitchen, something david bowie playing in the background now.
The nickname made y/n impendingly wetter than she already was at how much attention Sirius was giving her.
"C'mon, try this." Sirius said as he poured her a cup of an unknown beverage and handed it to her. The smell was familiar and pungent. Not something y/n would normally reach for, but chugged it down anyway.
The sight was unholy, the way the booze dribbled down her chin making a mess on her necklaces and chest sending a small twitch through sirius' boxers. After she was done chugging, her lipstick was smudged slightly below her lip and her mascara a bit runny due to the sting the alcohol gave her. Sirius just couldn't help but brush the front of his jeans to provide some kind of relief for his throbbing cock.
"Here, you got a lil' something under your mouth" Sirius used as an excuse to approach her up close whilst lightly rubbing his thumb below her parted lips, wiping the smudged lipstick away. Her eyes were glassy and her cheeks were red as she looked into his eyes. He tried to avoid eye contact because any more of it and he'd be a leaking mess.
"How bout' you Sirius?" Y/n hiccuped before swallowing hard
"Me? what about me?"
"You're not gonna take a shot?"
"Well.... Fuck it." He said as he watched her pretty eyes before chugging down a random glass filled with vodka, the sting making his throat cry for help.
Y/n had gone surprisingly giggly even after just one shot of something alcoholic which she didnt really know what it was, and this made Sirius think dark thoughts.
No i shouldn't take advantage of her. Fuck.
"We should play truth or dare!" Y/n yelled out hazily as she started rocking sirius' shoulders back and forth with force, as if he wasn't this intimidating figure she once saw but now a tiny teddy bear.
"Woahoho, calm down there pup." Sirius said as he steadied himself on her shoulders.
They were now inches apart eyes both glassy and filled with lust and tension that had been ignored.
"Truth or.... dare" Y/n said as she blinked slowly slightly slurring her words, lips curling slowly
How could such little alcohol have such a dire effect on her? Sirius thought to himself.
"Dare." Sirius said dead straight into her soul moving his hands further down to her waist.
"Ok" She breathed shakily "I dare you to tell Cara Sparklepants that you like her."
"Oh come on y/n what kind of dare is that." Sirius said annoyed as he removed his hands from her waist putting them on either side of his hips
"Well you chose it! So you have to do it now." Y/n said childishly as she threw her arms in the air carelessly
"Ok fine."
Sirius slowly approached Cara eyeing Y/n angrily as he did so.
"Hey Cara..."
A flustered Cara appeared as the conversation furthered making y/n wonder if Cara was the one with a crush on Sirius. Seemed like every damn girl in that school liked the boy.
An annoyed sirius returned with a middle finger in hand.
"Great now a random girl thinks i like her."
"Great job siri!" Y/n giggled before stumbling a little bit
"Hey, you alright? Your alcohol sensitivity's really fucking high." Sirius said concerned as he slung one of her arms over his shoulders.
*Hiccup* "What makes you think i ain't!" *hiccup*
"Yeap you're definitely not alright." Sirius concluded as he began to drag her body up to James' bedroom.
"Wait! You haven't even given me a truth or dare yet!" Y/n acclaimed as she pouted giving Sirius puppy eyes. This evidently made Sirius break in his pants, feeling a patch of wetness spur around his boxers.
"Ok fine, truth or dare y/n." Sirius said as he lead her into the bedroom that had been left unoccupied, couples making out either outside the door or by the bathroom.
"Dare." Y/n said devilishly as she dragged a finger down his chest all the way to the buckle of his belt lifting it swiftly, the alcohol taking over her system.
Sirius breathed shakily trying to conceal himself.
"I dare you...." He hesitated but continued knowing she wasn't sober. "I dare you to hide your panties somewhere in this room.. and i'll find it." Sirius said hesitantly as he began to eye her up and down. By now she'd been spread out on the bed clearly dazed and oblivious to what was happening.
"Hmmmph. Okay" Y/n said as she slowly removed her dampened panties. The sight made something ignite within Sirius, the shine of her underwear, had she been turned on this whole time too?
"Well close your eyes you doof" Y/n said whilst getting up from the bed
"Yea" Sirius breathed
Y/n had carefully placed her panties in her bra. Careful not to let the low cut of her shirt to reveal the material. She grinned cheekily before tapping sirius on the back.
"I'm done"
"Now where could they be" Sirius wondered whilst wandering the room.
It took him a solid 5 minutes before he realised a lacey material poking out the edge of her bra.
"Oh you little bastard."
"Hm?" Y/n asked with fake innocence
Sirius walked over to y/n with both his hands in his pockets carefully eyeing her in the process.
"May i?"
Y/n nodded before he slowly pulled the wet material from her bra, swinging it in front of her face.
"Well.. you didn't specify where i couldn't hide it." Y/n smiled before sitting at the edge of the bed
Sirius was beside her when she said "Do you like me Sirius?"
"I" "I- Of course i do." Sirius chuckled nervously before sitting beside her at the foot of the bed
"No as in." She breathed "As in do you like me as more than a... a friend." She said before her face turned pink in embarrassment.
"What do you think?" He said slowly whilst inching his hand closer to her thigh.
"I think you do." Y/n said as she eyed the evident bulge in his pants from all the unintentional teasing.
Fuck, sirius thought to himself
"I think you do too." He said whilst giving her dampened panties back to her.
"I forgot you had those." She chuckled before shoving it into her pocket.
"Not gonna put them back on?"
"No. This dare requires them to be off."
Sirius felt his stomach drop at the words. Cock twitching at the same time.
"I dare you......" "to show me how much you like me" Y/n said quietly as she took his lean long fingers in hers whilst guiding them towards her thighs.
"You sure about this?"
At that, sirius quickly took charge leaning in to kiss her softly.
She whimpered at the contact making his already rock hard erection even harder than it possibly could be.
He swiftly moved his hand up her thigh and under her skirt looking at her again for approval before she nodded with parted lips.
"Have you ever been fingered before?" Sirius asked with eye contact as he made his way to her inner thighs.
"N-no" y/n said whilst trying to compose herself under his touch, mouth already parted whilst soft pants were released
Sirius rubbed her inner thigh slowly before finding his way to her slick.
"Well i'm gonna show you how good i can make you feel." He said as he kissed her inner thigh
"Fuck you're so wet." He breathed shakily before spreading her folds slowly with his fingers.
Y/n let out an unholy moan, making sirius weaker in his knees.
He slowly slid one finger in and hissed at how tight she wrapped around him.
"You're so fucking tight." Sirius said as he pumped into her slowly. The sounds of wetness pooled around the room as he continued to finger fuck her, easily sliding in and out
He quickly removed his finger before signalling for her to move further up the bed. Sirius was now placed in between her thighs, mouth close to her cunt and hair in his eyes.
She quickly grabbed onto his locks making him release a low moan. He inserted his fingers back into her cunt this time making it two, while his thumbs slowly and painfully circled her clit.
"Fuck sirius, please." Y/n whimpered, eyes glassy at the arousal he was causing her.
"Please what?" He asked whilst looking her in her eyes, her thighs practically wrapped around his head.
"You're gonna have to use your words pup"
"Please g-go faster"
"Good girl." He said before removing his fingers causing her to whine loud. He quickly removed her pain by spreading her legs wider than they already were, before licking a wet stripe all the way up to her clit. Making her head lull back in pleasure.
"You taste so fucking good y/n." He said as he licked her clit in circles slowly rubbing the sides of her thighs. Her wetness was spread all over his chin and nose. The sight was enough to push y/n over her edge. The way his hair was slightly in his eyes, him keeping the eye contact as he went down on her making sure she was feeling good.
"You gonna come for me?" He asked as he made his kitten licks more intense
She screamed as a sudden finger was inserted into her pussy driving her over the edge, causing her to come all over his fingers and mouth.
"You taste amazing." Sirius said whilst licking her clean before he got up to caress her face.
"T-thank you Sirius." Y/n said shyly as she attempted to avoid eye contact.
"Hey beautiful"
"Look at me." Sirius demanded before holding her face in his hands.
"I hope i showed you how much i like you."
guys i'm sorry this smut is so bad😭
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floshav · 1 year
regulus black mini series navigation!
pairings: regulus black x fem!reader
yearning for you
pt 1
summary: when draco seemingly leaves her for the pretty new thing of hogwarts, she finds her once bright heart slither into nothing but a dark piece of cold coal trying to wonder what she's ever done wrong to be left for, until someone that once lurked in the shadows comes to light and brings the fire back into her black coal heart once more. That person being the infamous regulus black that everyone seemed to misunderstand.
pt 2
summary: Regulus brings out the best in y/n and y/n to Regulus. So why when his mind is only filled up with the thought of her, she just cant seem to grasp how anyone could like her for her. So she blames herself to the point of oblivion whilst Regulus tries to convince her she's not who she thinks she is. Yet everything still goes to shit.
pt 3
summary: A major implication blooms between the two causing them to drift even further apart than possible. Regulus stumbles back into his cold ways causing all the girls to come flocking back to him making y/n feel a sense of jealousy towards a certain girl in particular. One that just cant seem to keep her hands out of his pants.
since u guys liked the previous mini series navigation thought id also do one for this fairly new mini series! hope u guys continue reading <3
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floshav · 1 year
regulus black mini series navigation!
pairings: regulus black x fem!reader
yearning for you
pt 1
summary: when draco seemingly leaves her for the pretty new thing of hogwarts, she finds her once bright heart slither into nothing but a dark piece of cold coal trying to wonder what she's ever done wrong to be left for, until someone that once lurked in the shadows comes to light and brings the fire back into her black coal heart once more. That person being the infamous regulus black that everyone seemed to misunderstand.
pt 2
summary: Regulus brings out the best in y/n and y/n to Regulus. So why when his mind is only filled up with the thought of her, she just cant seem to grasp how anyone could like her for her. So she blames herself to the point of oblivion whilst Regulus tries to convince her she's not who she thinks she is. Yet everything still goes to shit.
pt 3
summary: A major implication blooms between the two causing them to drift even further apart than possible. Regulus stumbles back into his cold ways causing all the girls to come flocking back to him making y/n feel a sense of jealousy towards a certain girl in particular. One that just cant seem to keep her hands out of his pants.
since u guys liked the previous mini series navigation thought id also do one for this fairly new mini series! hope u guys continue reading <3
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floshav · 1 year
yearning for you pt3
pairings : regulus x fem! reader
warnings : cussing, sexual themes, handsy pansy, restrictive thoughts, sexual tension, ignorance
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it had been 2 weeks. 2 weeks of ignorance towards each other. You'd wonder why Regulus was also starting to playing into this ignoring game y/n had created ever since she slammed the door on him that august night. But it was only because he had no other choice. Not like him walking up to her and starting a convo would do any good. So he waited. He waited and waited yet nothing pricked the still waters y/n had created. So he decided to show her how much she hurt him.
So he played her game. Everytime they would cross paths in the hallways when heading to their next class, Regulus would shoot menacing beams of coldness towards her, while y/n just kept her head down wondering why he even bothered after all this time. Though.. Regulus took it the wrong way. He'd always wondered why y/n felt a sense of anger towards him or just a sense of coldness. Why'd she have to ignore him and hurt him the way she did? That was the question that rotted his brain every night he tried to rest his head on his cold hard pillow.
The truth was.. Y/n wasnt anrgy nor sad. She was rather scared as to what dangers could lay upon them if she continued to hang out with him. I mean its not like the first time they hanged, he got suspended or whatever. Oh wait, he did. She knows its stupid, but she cant help but feel its all her selfish fault. His life looked fine before they met, so hopefully it could stay that way.
Friday, 8am, the great hall.
All students were clamouring to get to their seats waiting for dumbledores "big" anouncement. He'd been hinting at this for quite some time now, just to get all the students riled up for the news. The hints started as obvious as "you're going to jump with glee on friday" or as vague as "friday is the day, students". This little guessing game he'd lead on was quite the rager to the point it enthralled most of the castle.
"Settle down students!" Dumbledore raised before lighting all the candles in the hall with a simple flick of his index finger and thumb.
"You may be wondering what i'd been teasing at for all this time."
"Get on with it old hag!" Blaise snickered before ducking his head down like a moron.
"If you shall talk about Professor Dumbledore in these heinous ways, he will not reveal this carefully crafted news he'd been edging on for the past week!" Snape yelled before flicking Blaise in the back of his head
"Sorry.." Blaise mumbled whilst rubbing the flicked spot
"Anyway, as I was saying. From now on, we will be hosting a buddy system."
A low buzz of murmurs spread around the hall, some giggles sticking out whilst some grumbles were heard.
"Now, now students. Before you jump to conclusions or make assumptions, this buddy system is only to keep everyone safe in the corridors at night."
Some looming couples shot eachother glances of tension before looking back at dumbledore.
"Ever since the dissapearence of buckbeak, we've decided its best if the students had eachothers backs. What better way than a buddy system?" Dumbledore advertised as if he were in a commercial.
"Each of you will be assigned buddies from different houses, just to reduce the stigma of certain houses against one another." Dumbledore said whislt eyeing the slytherin and gryffindor tables.
Many friends sighed dissapointment whilst some foes shot their preys looks of menace.
"Merlin, why does dumbledore always have to implement these weird rules." Daria sighed to her new group of friends.
Y/n felt a sting in her chest. It used to be her Daria would complain all the little things to.
"Hey y/n" Said a fellow senior red head by the name of fred.
"mm yes?"
y/n would be lying if she said this man wasnt attractive and that she'd definitely not had a huge crush on him years ago before she'd had a thing for Draco. Always the redheads that got her.
"Sad that this sytems in pairs of different houses. Would've killed to get you." Fred grinned before a look of dissapointment painted his features.
What was this? Was someone admitting to wanting y/n? The hell was going on, y/n thought to herself just as a bloom of butterflies erupted in her pit.
"You wanted to get me?"
"Well.. yea, i mean every guy does doesnt he now." Fred smirked before eyeing her up and down
This is when y/n noticed some other guys glance at her from time to time with looks of flusteredness or blush covering their faces.
Could it be? Did y/n finally peak just like how she hoped she would this year?
Amongst the sea of faces, one face in particular stood out like a sore thumb. The face of Regulus. Though he wasnt looking at her, but at pancy parkinson who was giggling madly at his feet. He had his usual bored expression, the one that y/n rarely saw. The morning sunlight hit his cheekbones in the right spots making his face look sharper than normal. His longer strands of hair were tucked behind his ears, a curl loosely dangling at his front. His eyes seemed more hooded than normal and his lips were a swollen pink. It looked as if he hadn't gotten sleep over something in days. There it was, his illegal laugh. The laugh that could kill y/n and she'd still find a way to thank it. The laugh which pulled her into her web of icky thoughts when they first met. Regulus' laugh.
What were they talking about, y/n wondered as his smile lines further deepened as Pancy batted her eyelashes.
"Y/n? Helloo?" Fred called out again this time waving his large hand in front of her face.
"O-oh yea sorry bout that." Y/n sighed before turning to face Fred.
"So... watcha doin' tonight? Any plans for a fine lady like you?" Fred flirted whilst resting his elbow on the table
"Hmmm, depends on what your intentions are." Y/n smiled before enthralling herself into the convo
Regulus' POV
There she was, smiling so prettily at.. Fred? Since when did they become friends.
The sight hurt Regulus, as if y/n had just moved on so fast since the first time they met. What was it that he did wrong to the point where he received the bad side of her. The side which was unfamiliar, the side which hurt him.
Pancy had been blurting out nonsense for the past couple of minutes making Regulus smile or laugh out of courtesy. He'd promise himself that this year, he wouldn't be such a dick towards people, and actually try to socialise. But this interaction with Pansy really made him remember why he hated people in the first place.
"So..... I was wondering if you were free tonight." Pansy rambled while she slid a hand up the inner part of Regulus' thigh. The gesture took Regulus by surprise, but he just accepted it enjoying the feeling of a foreign hand in places he wished y/n would touch. god what was getting into him?
"Mmm yea? go on" Regulus sighed tiredly as he mindlessly listened to her words.
"Was thinking of inviting you to a party." Pansy smirked when she notiched the look on Regulus' face as she inched closer and closer to his cock.
Though it was Pansy, all that fogged his mind was y/n. Why was he so obsessed with her?
"Yea m'free. Send me the details" Regulus could feel his old self start to inch over him slowly, like a bee to pollen.
Y/n's POV
It had been a full 24 hours or so since y/n last met eyes with Regulus. Was he finally getting over her? He'd almost always atleast eyed her in the corridors, but now? He seemed to have just let it go. Which was a good thing of course but y/n just couldn't seem to shake it.
He looked glum now, and his eyes seemed darker than usual encapsulating a story in them which seemed scary in itself, but even darker if she found out what truly hid behind those brown eyes. His smile, his laugh they all dissapaited from him as if he wasn't capable of such things. The laugh that once pulled her closer to him was no where to be found.
Over the convo she had with Fred earlier in the day, he had invited her to a party. A wild one to be exact, or to be more exact "It's gonna be one hell of a crazy party, the best on the whole years gonna see." Quoted directly from the source.
Y/n wasn't one for events like this, especially unofficially secretive crowded, filled with horny adolescents ones hosted by Angela and her newly founded friend... Daria. Sure it was gonna hurt seeing the person she would've once hid in the library with rather than head to these events host the total opposite of a party, but what harm could it do in tryna make Regulus a teensy bit jealous.
So she excepted Fred's mini date invitation, ready to chaperone the boy she'd had a crush on years back. He definitely looked better now, what once was a scrawny buzz cut boy, was now a lean, long haired beater of the gryffindor quidditch team. She would be lying if she'd say he wasn't fine.
The day after, Saturday 12pm
Y/n had been sunbathing in the warm afternoon sunlight, with drifts of cool breeze every now and then. She could feel her face get tanner and tanner every second but she didn't mind. As long as the sun kissed her everything was roses. Until Regulus Black showed up that is.
There he was, the warm sunlight splashing his pale freckled face. Lighting up his features, his dark eyes still glum whilst his lips were as plump as ever. His hair was slicked behind his ears revealing his jawline and cheekbones more clearly. Merlin, why was y/n analysing him so much? "You're no good for him fool." Y/n whispered below her breath before closing her eyes tired. That is until her peace was disrupted by an unholy cackle coming from the other side of the tree she'd been laying on.
"Oh reggie, has anyone ever told you that you're just so funny?"
"Well" He hesitated
"Well no actually." Regulus sighed before resting his head on the bark of a tree he'd found.
A group of girls had formed around him, praising him and touching him in places strangers definitely should not be. Why was he suddenly the new hot stuff in school?
The contrast between him and y/n was outrages. There y/n sat lonely and untouched whilst Regulus was having a field day of social activity. Why did he still look so glum? His eyes droopy and eye-bags still dominant on his features. Was he getting enough sleep? "Oh shut up y/n stop worrying bout him." She thought to herself.
Then it happened. Amongst all the girls he could be parading, he couldn't help but set eyes on her again. Wander across her face, her body, her hair. His thoughts were still fogged with y/n. He'd just found a way to deal with it better.
Moments later, they locked eyes and his stiff gaze softened as it met her embarrassed one.
What are you doing to me Regulus?
well mini hiatus i guess not! Felt cute so decided to release this pt3 haha ok bye now i gtg sleep it's like 2 am
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floshav · 1 year
on a mini hiatus.. will be back soon soz!🤞🤞😇😇🙄🙄🔥🔥🔥 lmk if yall want are u alright pt 6, and ill immediately come back from this hiatus
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floshav · 1 year
are you alright? pt.5
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pairings: fem!reader x draco malfoy
summary: Draco and y/n take off from their last questionable encounter brushing it off like a crumb to a carpet. The whole ordeal of him standing up Darcy turns into something that makes y/n realise that maybe Draco really is a piece of shit. As she runs her way down the halls of hogwarts, sad, infuriated and confused she bumps into a boy who seems just as confused as she is. Together they help each-other get back at those they both hate most. One being... Draco.
warnings: cussing, make out scene, intrusive thoughts, awkward positions, language, crying... etc
His hands grew impatient, wanting to touch her feather soft hair, be inches away from her face having the freedom to just kiss her whenever he wanted. Wanting to slide his hands anywhere he dreamed of. Wanting to slide his hands slowly up her thigh.
"Draco?" Y/n called for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Mhm, yea?"
"What're you thinking bout hm?" Y/n inquired with a soft smile, which made his heart melt right into the ground.
About you is all. Which is what he wanted to say.
"Hm, nothing." He sighed before letting himself up
"Then your resting face is pretty damn weird." Y/n was disappointed. She just wanted something, anything to happen. But she was too shy to make the first move.
Darcy was applying layers upon layers of lipgloss trying to hide her dry naturally scabby lips. It was quite funny to be fair, seeing her face all scrunched up in front of the dusty mirror.
"Mwah! Mmmwah!"
Oh god. Darcy was practicing her stupid kissing skills. Not like she had anyone to practice them on anyway.
Y/n could physically see Draco flinch and cringe at this making her want to let out a much needed laugh.
"Merlin. I do not want to be near those lips. Ever."
"Well too bad Mr nice guy, it's about time you show up."
Y/n had completely forgotten about standing Darcy up, the amusing thought of Draco entertaining Darcy was all that fogged her mind.
"What the hell? No-!"
"D-draco?" Darcy innocently called as Draco started to give her an awkward stiff look.
"H-hi Darcy.."
Y/n was giggling like a mad woman at this point. The whole situation was a big fat joke to her and she wanted nothing more than to tell Darcy how badly she had fell for this prank.
"Wanna make out?" "Wanna head out?"
Both Darcy and Draco said at the same time. You can guess who said what.
"I mean that's why you invited me here right? To get it on?"
"Well- you see.."
"B-but you made your intentions so clear!" Darcy raged
"I'm going to tell the whole school that Draco Malfoy is a big fat fraud. No one will ever want to see you again!"
Panic began to take over y/n's features. Was Darcy blackmailing Draco?
Y/n could see the shift in expression in his face, and felt a twinge of anger start to arisen within her.
"Wha- Ok. OK fine what do you want?"
Y/n didn't know where this was going, but she somehow didn't like the direction it was headed in.
"A kiss is all cutie pie." Darcy snarled whilst inching closer and closer to his face.
Darcy had whispered something inaudible to Draco making y/n's curiosity bloom further.
Before she knew it, Darcy's hands were laid on Dracos hip bone gently moving up and down. All the while Darcy had been inching closer....and closer... to his face. The funny thing was.. Draco seemed to look as if he enjoyed it?
"Mm- ah-" Darcy had plunged into Dracos pillowy lips giving him a full blown make out sesh. Draco had seemed to be complying pretty well. As if he loved the situation he was put in. Y/n wondered if he thought about her staring at him and Darcy make out. Y/n wondered if that was his kink.
"Merlin, you taste so good Draco." Darcy said between kisses
Both their faces were flushed red, a shine of sweat glistening gracefully on their skin.
Soft moans escaped Draco's wanting lips searching for soemthing between Darcys. As if her lips had the answers to solve world hunger.
"Y-you're so pretty." Draco mumbled under his breath causing y/n's face to go pale.
Y/n grew angry with each moment the kiss got steamier. She wondered why the hell Draco was actually giving her the time of her life with this kiss. One chaste kiss would have been fine, but a whole ass make out session? Wasn't the whole point of this meet to stand up Darcy and make her feel miserable just like all the times she had made y/n miserable? Why was Darcy always on the winning side! Draco really is a piece of shit. Y/n thought
Fuck this.
Sudden rage which turned into sadness over washed her features as she began looking for a nearby exit to get away from this whole ordeal. Each second was torture to her fragile mind. Ripping her slowly at every moment. Each lustful sound which was cohered from Dracos soft lips made y/n grimace in pain. It should've been her to be Dracos first kiss.
After some time of dreaded tears falling softly down her face, she finally found a hatch below her so conveniently placed. She hastily opened it up trying not to cause a ruckus as she slipped through the gap.
Sigh. Finally she was out of the god forsaken arousal filled room.
She didn't know where to go. Just anywhere far away from the tower was fine. So she set foot, running off into an unknown direction, wind tangled up in her hair, her stamina running low.
The run felt like ages, each long stride she took felt no different than the last. It was like she couldn't escape or except the thought that Draco could very much be doing more than just kissing right about now. The thought irked y/n to unsettling degrees.
An uncomfortable pounding began to pulse through her head. What the hell just happened?
She looked up glassy eyed at the mysterious boy she'd bumped into.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" The voice cooed
Once she regained her vision, a tall figure with the familiar head of messy hair and a scar, Harry Potter showed up.
"H-harry?" She quickly scrambled to her feet standing up straight.
"What're you doing up in the halls so late?"
"Nothing. Just taking a good old midnight stroll" The situation resembled of the one she had with draco many nights before. It was.... a comforting memory to say the least.
"I see...."
"Well, i wouldn't want to bother your late night... stroll-" Before Harry could finish his sentence, a strong thrash of wind conjured from the window that had sat right beside them, making them collide into an awkward position.
Y/n's body has been placed to straddle Harry's, arms pinning his head down to the floor. The expression on Harry's face didn't help either.
"Y/n! Where are you!" Y/n could hear the annoying yet familiar voice of Draco call from a near corner.
This was it. This would be her payback y/n thought menacingly as she began to get comfortable in Harry's lap ready for Draco to walk in at any given moment.
"Do me a favour Harry. Just play along."
Bro i'm kinda glad tumblr deleted my last draft cuz if not THIS WEIRD TWIST WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED like don't ask okay lmao, also tysm for all the love on my previous works!!! i'm so grateful you guys like this series omigoshahsh okay till next time dearest
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floshav · 1 year
YALL I LITERALLY WROTe ARE YOU ALRIGHT PT 5 AND TUMBLR DIDNT SAVE THE BLOODY DRAFT😭😭 i'm sorry but it's gonna come later than expected i want to cry.
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floshav · 1 year
yearning for you pt.2
pairings: regulus black x fem!reader
read pt 1 here
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warnings: bullying, mean draco, Regulus in the lightning era, sorta modern au cuz of phones, crying, fighting, Reader getting belittled, Snape showing a lil more emotion than he ever would, slight Self harm towards reader.
word count: 2k +
Y/n just can't seem to make anything any better.
School was most definitely a bitch again. At least that was the excuse that kept her going for the whole week.
Constant late night calls with regulus finding comfort in his liquid smooth voice. Constant glares shot back and forth at the dining hall where they both sat at different tables so close yet so far. The tension between the two that had been created in less than 10 days was concerning. Even when they've never really hung out together in real life after the incident a week ago.
"Hey drangea.." Regulus said voice raspy on call
It was around 4AM and the two had been chatting away for the last 4 hours when y/n decided she couldn't sleep.
"Hmm, yea?" Y/n said sleepily as she shifted in her sheets
"I think you most definitely can fall asleep now." He chuckled showing his irregular 2 front teeth which y/n loved so much.
"Yea...But question is... do i want to?" y/n yawned clearly tired
"You do. Speaking of which, i have a question.." Regulus hesitantly inquired eyes now wider than before
"Hm T'is the matter?"
"Would you like to sit with me at breakfast tomorrow?"Regulus started off slow knowing she hated the prospect of an activity which could dart eyes all over her.
"L-like together face to face in the great hall?"
"Yea drangea, what else would i be referring to." Regulus barked out a laugh at her stupidness
"Y-yea! totally should i come to you or-?"
"Nah, i'll come to you."
All the sleep had dissipated from her face. Y/n was scared. She knew draco and heather would be near where she usually sat and she couldn't bare the idea of Draco seeing someone else with her for some reason. Not to mention the fact that Daria had moved on so suavely to a new group of friends. So why was she enclosing herself into this chamber of miserable torture. She was allowed to experience nice things, and regulus being her friend was definitely something she wanted people to know about.
"okay! perfect. See you tomorrow?" Regulus cheered with a goofy smile on his face
"Yea. See you reggie." Y/n breathed with a small smile feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness bloom in her chest. Okay maybe not a mixture but impurities of excitement and 99% nervousness.
The covered sun had awoken y/n from her not so deep slumber. It was a gloomy day and y/n felt a pit of joy grow within her. These semi rainy days were definitely her favourite in the uk, though it was everyday usually, as of lately the sun had been a little too bright for her liking so today was going to be perfect. So she thought to herself quietly.
She woke up, her groggy mind fogged with the thought of having to sit with Regulus during breakfast which was in.... of course, 20 minutes. She swore she never woke up this late, why today out of all days universe?
After putting on her best smelling perfume which was of a scent called "lions domain" ( she still has no idea why it's called that ) she felt.... not so confident as ever like the perfume had advertised to make people feel.
What bullshit marketing y/n thought to herself before pacing her way down the spiral staircase.
She got used to the physical loneliness, especially since Daria had been her only friend in hogwarts ever since they were 11. It shattered her already broken heart into more minuscule pieces knowing Daria moved on so easily and yet she couldn't. What was wrong with her?
She tried to not think much of it as time grew shorter with each longing step she strode.
There he was, gorgeous black waves framing his defined cheekbones. His pretty eyes locked on whatever he was currently picking at. The one loose strand of hair effortlessly dangling on the crease of his eyebrow. The sight alone made y/n's heart jump like a mad man. But of course, the feeling she was feeling wasn't only because of regulus' killer looks, but because Draco and Heather were seemingly whispering whatever the hell to each-other whilst staring back at Regulus occasionally.
It's not like Regulus and y/n had been so close to a point where if anyone did anything to piss the other off, they'd probably be sorry. Yet, why was y/n feeling a growth of anger and destruction bloom in her chest? Draco who once looked like a fallen angel in her eyes, suddenly grew to look like satans spawn.
Just as y/n hopes to slither in without anyone noticing, Regulus caught guard of her and shouted a quick greeting.
Ugh. Reggie why. Why!!
"Y/n! Finally. Merlin what took you so long."
Why was he in this god awful cheery mood? She thought to herself
They were definitely complete opposites. As her favourite muggle artist once said, he was sunshine she was midnight rain.
"What? you took hormone pills or something this morning? What's got you so cheery"
"n'thin was just looking forward to seeing you" Regulus said with a twinge of sadness in his tone covered by a honey warm smile
"I was looking forward to seeing you too Reggie." Y/n sensed the signals she was sending him, and tried to tone down her bitch-e-ness
"It's great to finally see your face, not so....."
"...Pixelated?" y/n laughed before eyeing the food regulus had been mindlessly pushing around
"Hey eat your toast, you're gonna need it to fuel your talkative vocal cords." Y/n smiled whilst lightly rolling her eyes
"Yea, yea i will mom" regulus deadpanned with a fake smile
"Oi, what're you doing hanging out with a freak?"
Here it was. Just as everything was going fine, something, just something had to go south.
"What'd you say ferret?" Y/n barked back sick and tired of his bullshit
"The hell you call me?"
"Ferret. Ferret, ferret, ferret" y/n repeated just to spite him
"Y/n he's not worth it, c'mon." Regulus said now standing up.
Merlin. He was definitely a good few inches taller than draco, making the situation look even worst for the blonde boy.
The attention turned towards Regulus hot and boiling.
"You're not worth it, considering even your brother left you. What a shame." Draco yapped whilst chuckling at his own stupidity
"Alright that's about where I draw the line."
Were regulus' final words before shoving Draco clamouring into a table, metal spoons and goblets splashing aimlessly.
"Regulus, he's not worth it!" this time it was her warning him (ironically).
"The fuck?" Regulus panted as Draco attempted to shove him back. pathetically
"You would never live up to be as brave as your brother anyway." shove "He'll always be the better one for moving away from your god awful house"
"Don't you dare talk about Sirius!" The subject was clearly sensitive to Regulus as he punched Draco in the face almost missing by a beat.
By now a scene had formed around the trio, all chanting 'fight fight fight!' As Regulus continued to beat the already bloodied Draco. Let's be honest, Draco was all talk no game. So he definitely didn't have the upper hand here.
"What's the commotion?" The voice of a stern and deep yet unbothered professor slurred
By now professor snape had seen his two dearest slytherin boys getting all bloodied and bruised up like little children fighting over who played with what toy. (Except even children were more civilised than whatever this is.)
"Draco! Regulus!" He sternly yelled. The amount of anger flooding his tone was surprising to say the least.
"Or should i say little boys!" He yelled even fiercer
"This behaviour... is the type of a muggles school!" The crowd gasped
The crowd went silent, eyes darting from one another, waiting for the next ripple to send the stream into action. But there was a familiar face that sent y/n's mind into anything but silence. Daria. Oh how she missed Daria.
"N-no! It was y/n. She provoked them." The silence had to be diminished by a voice dripping in fake innocence. Heather.
"Oh really..."
"Y/n is this-"
Y/n was tired.
"No. No it really wasn't. C'mon professor, you really believe this yellow haired dog?"
"The hell you call me freak?" Heather yelled before stomping over, but was quickly stopped by Regulus' lean strong arm.
"Don't you fucking move a step towards her."
"Language!" Snape yelled even more furious than the last two times.
"Y/n, This is no way to go about school! Yes we are all tired and sick of life sometimes, you're not any different. So stop being the provoker of all these.... these horrible things!" Snape took his last breath before grabbing the arms of the two boys whilst stomping off into an unbeknownst direction.
Stupid bitch. y/n blamed herself whilst clutching her fists until a tiny pop of blood started to work its way out, slowly making its way to the ground as gravity does.
Even though worried to the worst sickness there was on planet earth, she sat there. All alone with the breeze tangled up in her hair. It was the same spot she'd stumbled across Regulus in. The same dim dark rooftop looking off into oblivion. You could imagine it was merlin's hell type of cold, yet she still sat there, wondering why everything she was involved with always had to link back to something bad.
Eveytime something good happened, it was evident something bad was going to eventually follow. Just like rain. One could love it, yet it was evident sunlight was bound to appear again.
She thought back to earlier today, how she remembered seeing Daria's face in the crowd. Her face disgusted and frightened, as if it wasn't her best friend facing the girl who took away her once man. She grimaced at the thought of Daria. It brought back too much pain remembering how the old Daria would stand up for her.
Y/n whipped her head around to be faced with a tired yet worried Regulus. There was 'wizards' brand plaster littered all over his face. His nose, his eyebrows, his lips. Was it wrong for her to think that he looked really good right now?
"Regulus." Y/n sighed before helping herself up
They both stood there in silence, not the comfortable type but the type where there was something, just something lingering in the air.
"Y/n.." He said with a small soft smile played on his lips, before that soft smile turned into a small fit of laughter. Not the mocking kind, but the kind that spoke did that really just happen?
Y/n quickly joined in before running into Regulus' embrace. The thought had grazed her mind a couple times, what it'd feel like to be held by him, to be touched by him.... to be loved by him.
It felt weird at first, i mean they've only known each-other for a week or so, yet the feeling was comfortable way faster than it would be with anyone else.
"Drangea... H-hey look at me." Regulus whispered eyes glossy as if he just cried a river of sorrow.
"Yes? Did we finally get justice? Did draco finally get, anything? Just anything to punish him?" Y/n said with pleading eyes, searching his as if they had an answer
"No. I-i." Regulus sighed
"I got suspended for a month." He finally let out
At this point they weren't in a hug anymore, but they were inches away from eachother... inches, yet it felt like miles.
"Yea. Cruel huh? This school."
"Now this school is actually being a bitch!"
He chuckled
"It always has been. Can you imagine? The first time we properly try to hang out and all this shit happens."
"Y-yea." She looked down
"I-i'm sorry. i'm- i'm just like this bad luck charm y'know? every time i'm involved with something, it always goes south" Y/n said with tears starting to fog up her vision. She tried to hide it, but she miserably failed.
"Hey! No. Don't you ever fucking say that. Merlin y/n. You are not a bad luck charm." He sighed a long sad sigh, wishing she knew her own worth.
"It's okay. I-i gotta go." Y/n sniffled before running out the door Regulus had just entered in a frenzied rush.
"W-Wha-" Regulus tried to say before dropping it knowing she wouldn't be here to hear it.
Ohohoho.... cliff hanger lol only because if i write anymore, i'm gonna end up with like 5k words 😭 I promise to post pt.3 this week though! Thank u to the two that requested a part 2 love u💓 hahah
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floshav · 1 year
Draco mini series navigation ! ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊
pt 1
summary for pt 1 : Y/n finds herself in a sticky situation when Darcy bullies her once again. Only this time she isnt so lonely, she comes across a 'know it all boy' who she'd definitely seen around in school. Of course it had to be Draco of all people. ( how cruel the universe can be. ) Later on, he leads her into a battle field of even more trouble, yet the thrill of it all makes y/n's life just the bit better. Draco isn't the best influence on her, yet he makes her feel good in all the wrong ways.
pt 2
summary for pt 2 : Draco reveals a cunning plan to y/n making her reak in disgust at the actions mentioned. Yet she decides to become his partner in crime for Darcy's ultimate ego destruction.
pt 3
summary for pt 3: Things between the two, get a little more heated than before. The tension thicker than blood wiffing through the air able to be cut with a blade at any given moment. She definitely didn't expect to see Draco in the light she had as of now. Yet all those feelings crumble down when she overhears a conversation between him and Darcy.
pt 4
summary for pt 4 : Y/n thinks Draco is a big ol' meanie and tries to forget about him. Yet of course he manages to wriggle his wretched old way back into her heart. This time the once thicker than blood tension had rippled to coagulate into something way thicker. What used to be friendly teasing had finally become something more. Draco finally got to see the beauty that y/n had been holding all the while. Yet he was still confused as to why he felt this way.
pt 5
summary for pt 5: Draco and y/n take off from their last questionable encounter brushing it off like a crumb to a carpet. The whole ordeal of him standing up Darcy turns into something that makes y/n realise that maybe Draco really is a piece of shit. As she runs her way down the halls of hogwarts, sad, infuriated and confused she bumps into a boy who seems just as confused as she is. Together they help each-other get back at those they both hate most. One being... Draco.
i will update as the series progresses!
i'd just like to say thank u to all those who read this mini series or are about to read it, you guys are like my sole motivation to keep writing lol
/ᐢ⑅ᐢ\ ♡ ₊˚ ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ ♡‧₊˚ ♡ ./づ~ :¨·.·¨: ₊˚ `·..·‘ ₊˚ ♡
status : in progress
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floshav · 1 year
are you alright? pt.4
pairings: fem!reader x draco
word count: 2k+ words
continuation to this mini series <3
honestly i had a lot of fun writing this chapter so i hope u have fun reading it too lol
summary: Y/n gets a panic attack over draco's unexpected mean behaviour the other night thinking he genuinely has feelings for Darcy. Draco shows y/n what he really means and Darcy gets the ego check she so very needs. All this whilst draco gets left in an awkward situation with y/n as the story evolves.
warnings: none really, maybe a borderline steamy scene 😭
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time was running short, your breath was running short, everything seemed to be running short at the time, even the constant beeping of your alarm clock waiting to be slammed.
"Y/n! Turn that off you dog!" Darcy yelled whilst clutching both her hands over her pillows at the sides of her ears in atempt to block out the pertruding beeps
Everything was a blur at the moment, every sound was a muffle, every bit of light that peeked through the moonlit window was a blur and most of all y/n was most definitely having another panic attack.
"C-cant b-breath-" Y/n let out with whatever left will power she had
"Oh shut up with your dramaticism you idiot." Darcy shouted before stomping over to slam the alarm clock herself.
'There! wasnt so hard now was it?!" Darcy sighed steamily before slugging back to bed.
"D-draco you b-bastard." Y/n said as her last breath trembled with disgust.
The weight of her chest had sunken to great depths of the sea known as her heart. She felt as though the whole world was crushing in on her, and there was no escape.
Before she knew it, her body had finally given up on her and she layed still on her bed, as sweaty palms increased along with her heartrate.
"Y/n? Yyyyyy-n!"
"Oh merlin, what do we do!"
"Darcy. Darcy! pass me the torchlight will you."
She heard the muffled sounds of people clammering around her bed, as if this was her funeral and she'd somehow managed to stay alive.
"Ah good. We're seeing some movement here people!"
"Aw man, i thought lil miss ugly would finally get put down."
Suddenly, everything was clear and the first sentence you heard had to be from Darcy herself as a warm welcome back into this cruel world.
"Y/n! What happened??"
"W-when was the last time you had any memory of conciousness?"
"Are you feeling alright?"
dozens of questions flooded in as if she was in her own 73 questions with vogue. She'd never felt this much attention before which caused her heart to pound with even greater force.
"Y/n darling, how're you feeling?" The soft voice of mrs pomfrey cooed
"A-alright." She stated breathlessly as a droplet of sweat trickled down the side of her eye.
"Hmph. Who even cares how she's feeling anyway." Darcy snarled with arms crossed
She only now realised the room in which she shared was inhabitant by dozens of adolescents crowding to see if she was fine. Some had already left seeing as her waking up wasn't as interesting as her laying unconscious, whilst some stayed just to see the reason on why she fell silent on her bed unable to move.
"W-where is she!"
"You bastard let me through!"
She heard the voice of the infamous Draco trying to pry his way through the crowd. She sighed wanting him to just dissaparate
"Y/n! Madam Pomfrey, is she alright??" Draco frantically asked whilst sitting on the edge of her bed. Sad to see how bedridden his dearest friend looked.
"Oh Draco Dear! It's not that bad. Trust me, she'll live another day." Madam pomfrey comforted whilst packing up the stuff she'd use to check y/n's well-being.
"Well! What are you all doing standing here?"
"Get back to class!" She yelled sternly before shutting the door hard
"What the hell are you doing here Draco." Y/n sighed while she eyed Darcy inch closer to the so called love of her life.
"To see if you died or something, the whole floor was making a commotion, merlin these people really are lifeless." silence so he tried again
"Gotta plan out your funeral well right? Wouldn't want Dumbledore to ruin your plan of a sequinned coffin." Draco tried to joke whilst giving her a small warm smile.
By this time, Darcy had already made her way dangerously close to Draco, just about a breath away from his neck.
The breath of Darcy writhed its way to Draco's neck startling him.
"W-what the hell?" Draco snapped whilst whipping his neck at her in the process almost breaking it.
"H-hi Draco.." Darcy breathed out with a dumb smile
"O-oh uhm. Hi cutie, you look fine today" Draco coughed out whilst slicking back his silver locks
"D-draco stawwp! You look even finer."
"Sugar bun, don't say such things. You're the finest piece of diamond this earth has ever birthed."
Darcy giggled with pure lovestruck joy
"S-so is tonight still on?"
"Yea guess so."
"I-okay i best be going. Don't miss me too much!" Darcy smothered whilst blowing him a charmed kiss, making a lipstick mark land right on his cheek.
"Merlin, she is one desperate bitch." Y/n said whilst rolling her eyes so back they could practically turn in her head.
"And what the hell was that cringe ass attitude Draco?"
"I'm just riling her up for tonight you douche." Draco said whilst awkwardly playing with the ends of her blanket silently cringing at himself.
"So...." He started
"So? You're not going to explain what the hell happened yesterday?" Y/n finally cut the tension with a sharp hot knife. The one question which had been lingering in the air for quite some time now. At least to y/n it was.
"I- About that. I can explain. Trust me."
"I don't know if you can Draco." she sighed painfully
"You were a real dick y'know that?"
"C'mon now you know i don't mean it don't you?" No response
"Look im sorry, it was all an act y/n. Believe me please."
"What! What kind of sick jok-" he cut her off
"Listen y/n! i said all that nonsense yesterday b'coz Darcy was literally standing an inch away from us! You can't expect me to side with you whilst talking shit about her and then expect her to show up for tonight right?" Draco blurted out frantically
"Yea but! but..."
"O-oh. Oh. I see.."
"Yes im glad your blind ass can finally see."
Y/n let out a small embarrassed chuckle. Her face was painted pink at this point, too much embarrassment filling that little head of hers. Draco thought it looked... cute.
He took a deep breath before coming loose.
"You look really pretty today."
Y/n's eyes widened whilst she began to feel all hot and flustered.
"W-what? with this sweaty hair-do and last nights pyjamas on? You've gotta be kidding Draco." Y/n laughed out while picking at her baby hairs
"B-but thank you."
What was this sudden nervousness she was feeling with her best friend? All of a sudden he was a foreign figure to her. A charming man.
"I think you look good" Cough "uhum all the time." a subtle throat clear draco repeated
"M'sorry bout the misunderstanding by the way." He sighed
"S'alright. I've forgiven you ages ago fool." She smiled
The moment was nice. Just her and Draco staring intently at each-other as this silence deafened the room. Yet it was the comfortable type of silence, the one where everything that needed to be said had been said. Yet there was one nagging thought at the back of Draco's mind still wanting to let loose.
"What're you still doing in here? Get to class. Prefects should never be late! Let alone 30 minutes late! 10 points off slytherin." Professor mcgonagall nagged whilst peering into the room with an annoyed expression
"y/n dearest, how're you feeling?"
The contrast between the two moods was surely an interesting one.
"M'fine professor! Draco was just helping me get some medicine earlier." She lied in hopes he would be out of trouble. Surprisingly
"Ah.. Alright then. Get some rest before starting your next period." She said before swiftly making her way down the hall and out of their sight
"Don't mention it."
"Didn't work anyway"
"It's the thought that counts ungrateful boy!"
Time skip to the end of all periods
The day had gone seemingly smoothly apart from the ache in y/n's head every now and then pounding away at the forefront making her want to just give up and sleep her problems away. She wished she'd gotten the whole day off, but that's life. What could she do?
It was now 12AM and the long awaited mission was to finally occur. Draco standing up Darcy, setting her ego back in place once and for all.
"Okay, so Darcy'll probably be waiting there in around 10 minutes."
"Do i look fine though?"
"Does it matter Draco?"
His heart fluttered at the mention of his name
"Why yes of course it does. She needs t'see this cake first to see what she's really missing out on."
"Oh merlin. Make it stop! Make it stop!" Y/n fake yelled before they both bursted into a fit of soft laughter.
"Man you're funny y/n."
The amount of compliments she was receiving from him today was definitely uncanny.
"Thanks? You're being an awful lot nice today."
"Just thought Y'should know is all."
Draco wondered why no boy had ever sent her a letter on letter day, she truly was one hell of a character to miss out on.
10 minutes had passed by in a blink of an eye, and before she knew it, she was prancing the hallways with Draco, trying not to be seen by any teacher or prefect patrolling at this time.
The moonlit floors and glassy blue lit windows reminded y/n of the night her and Draco started to become close. The night where her heart skipped a beat as he recklessly dragged her down the hall, the night where he almost got them both caught by professor snape. The thought of it all made a soft evident smile play on her lips making her wish he was hers.
No. No she didn't.
"Ooh, that was-" pant "a long" pant "way up-" pant
"You're so un-athletic y/n." Draco said as if he hadn't just run here the same as she did a few seconds ago
"Not my fault i'm not a psycho freak who's obsessed with quidditch." She rolled her eyes
"Yea yea whatever, you enjoy watching me play though" Draco said cheekily whilst a smirk formed on his lips
He got closer
"With your pretty eyes looking up at me fly as i pass by your stand. That sight alone makes me wanna play ten times harder." He uttered just above a whisper.
The words sent chills down her spine.
"I-oh Uh"
Before she could embarrass her flustered self any further she heard the familiar ring of an annoying voice she knew all too well approach.
"Oh shit she's here you better shut up" He said before peeking out the corner of the tiny space the two had been cramped in.
It was a dark corner covered by some dusty old boxes which looked like they'd held some variety of old textbooks in the past. Cob webs everywhere, in her hair, in draco's hair. She swears she feels a few creepy crawly's make their way up her arm but smartly decides to ignore it. If it wasn't for the dirt and dust, this place would actually be a nice spot for well... a make out session probably.
Darcy was impatiently looking at her watch the entirety of the time. Sighing and moaning about as if this was a major waste of her time. Which it was definitely but who cared anyway.
What made this even better, was the fact that Draco was recording the whole thing on a muggle cellphone he'd stolen awhile ago.
"The bitch is finally gonna get it." Draco muttered under his breath as he filmed Darcy standing awkwardly near a huge dusty mirror.
Shit. there was a mirror right beside her ready to reveal draco's moonlit silver locks peeking out at any time.
Instinctively y/n pulls draco in as swiftly as one could whilst covering his mouth in the process as she saw Darcy turn to the reflection to possibly touch up her darned face.
"What the fuck?" Draco half muttered with wide eyes.
The muggle device had flung away somewhere in the process.
"Shhhh" y/n put a finger to his lips as she looked up to see Darcy still facing the mirror.
This sent electric waves pounding trough Dracos heart. Wishing it could never end.
"Darcy's looking through the mirror." Y/n finally explained whilst removing her finger from his lips.
"Oh okay, no worries. I got enough footage anyway." Draco said surprisingly as he returned back into y/n's lap he was tossed into.
"Hey what are you doing blonde boy." Y/n wondered with a red face which was luckily covered by the darkness the room engulfed.
"Enjoying the view." He said whilst looking up into her eyes that were illuminated by the subtle moonlight shining into the astronomy tower.
"U-uh ha-haha" Y/n nervously laughed whilst wondering if the draco was actually subtly flirting with her. She couldn't tell if he was fiddling with the strums in her heart, or actually meaning it lovingly.
At this point the whole mission had become a side quest. What was more important right now was the main meal, the tension that had somehow arisen between y/n and draco. Draco's never thought of her this way before, so why now of all times did he have to feel this attraction towards her.
I cant believe im done writing this?! rn i'm on a quest to write as often as possible so that my work might pop off one day lol but ya i'm kinda proud of this chapter so i hope u enjoyed reading it lovely reader!! 💗 pls do request one shots or fics i really wanna write what's on your mind !
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