frankencanon · 6 hours
Saw that post about transmascs and how ppl need to talk more about vaginal atrophy and how it's easily treatable with estrogen cream without affecting your HRT and it got me thinking about how none of us transfems seem to talk about dick atrophy either and how it's also easily treatable with topical testosterone cream provided you're not taking a T blocker (so on a GnRH agonist, estradiol monotherapy, or have had bottom surgery). Without T you don't get that passive tissue maintenance so unless you want to get hard every other day for the rest of your life to keep it healthy you're kinda screwed and erections can become really painful, let alone the change in length/shape. So yeah ask about topical testosterone.
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frankencanon · 6 hours
I love how whenever ATLA recognizes Sokka is smart enough to solve a problem but it’d be too fast they just stick him in some kind of situation. Like he COULD’VE stopped jet from drowning a town so they tied him up and dumped him in a forest. He COULD’VE figured out what that spirits deal was so they lost him in the spirit world for 24 hours.
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frankencanon · 6 hours
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Hey, folks! Pride month is drawing nearer, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to promote the custom name and pronoun buttons I make. =]
I opened my little shop in late 2015 because I was having trouble getting misgendered myself, so I started making these buttons and I've made thousands of name and pronoun buttons for folks since. It's so cool to have been even just a tiny part of so many people's journeys like that. I've even got over 100(!) different pride flags made in the Painted style, too, so whatever your flag I've got you covered.
Consider supporting a small queer and trans owned shop this Pride! I've got many pronoun and pride flag styles as well. Check them all out: tigerseyeadventureco.etsy.com
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frankencanon · 6 hours
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how is even possible for a thing like this to exist
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frankencanon · 10 hours
leitmotifs never get old to me like holy shit dude there’s this melody that corresponds to this one guy and if you hear the melody it means the guy is there. holy shit. and sometimes it refers to ideas too not just guys. has anyone heard about this
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frankencanon · 10 hours
in my mind if dragons were real then western and eastern dragons would be only distantly related species filling the same ecological niche across different continents. but due to visual similarities got called the same thing in English. and it would be one of those things that you hear on trivia game shows and go "oh that's neat" about and then move on with your day, like how tanuki get lumped in with racoons even tho racoons are musteloids and tanuki are canids. do you see my vision.
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frankencanon · 10 hours
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frankencanon · 13 hours
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He’s like an anime girl to me
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frankencanon · 13 hours
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frankencanon · 14 hours
Why the tiger has become a transgender symbol in Japan
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Gay Breakfast Pin Club writes:
Recently we learned about how some trans folks in Japan like to use tigers as a symbol for the trans community. It's a pun: Tora [虎] is the Japanese word for tiger, and when you sound out "trans" in katakana it basically starts with "tora." To-ra-n-su [トランス].
Toransu is clearly a loan word from English ("trans") that has been adapted to Japanese pronunciation (adding vowels/vowel epenthesis helps you avoid unpronounceable consonant clusters).
See also: MishimaKitan
The pin is available here.
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frankencanon · 14 hours
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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frankencanon · 14 hours
Take a wild guess which I was
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frankencanon · 18 hours
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frankencanon · 19 hours
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frankencanon · 19 hours
i am begging every single person on this bitch of an earth to remember when you are interacting with tech support, if they ask you a seemingly dumbass question like “did you press submit?” or “have you tried turning it off and on again?” that while you may know instinctively to do these things, we have guaranteed, no joke, dealt with 25x more people who NEEDED to be asked that question
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frankencanon · 19 hours
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Post that found it: https://x.com/tjxz_z/status/1795950899929497678?t=eRRGk2PNWu52Itrf_53DVw&s=19
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Web Archive link:
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frankencanon · 19 hours
[footage of the inside of an ordinary Eastern-European home, taken with a handheld phone camera, the man filming is walking from the living room to the back door of the house]
man, narrating in russian: Every fucking year, this time of the year, the pond at my backyard gets infested. What do ponds get infested with? Frogs? Poisonous weeds? Geese? No. Not my pond.
[The man opens the back door, stepping out into a garden. Three or four nude, human-like figures dash from the borders of a pond back into the water.]
man: Rusalki! I don't know where they come from or how they get here, and I can't afford to hire an exterminator every year. I can't let my cat outside anymore. Last year a rusalka managed to drown a whole deer in my pond, the stench was unbearable.
[He walks as he speaks, approaching the pond. There are several eerily beautiful female beings peering at him from under the surface, their long hair floating in the murky water. Their eyes are gleaming in an unhuman way. The man holding the camera stops to film them.]
man, calm and deadpan: What the fuck are all of you staring at. Get jobs or something.
[One of the rusalki, smaller than the others and clearly not a fully matured adult, slowly reaches out of the water with her white, thin hand, grasping his ankle. He appears unconcerned.]
man: You can't drown me, you little idiot. You're too small. Shoo!
[A loud thud startles the rusalki, making them scatter. A second thud makes it clear these are the approaching footsteps of something massive. The man turns around and points the camera at what appears to be a house, walking past above the treeline with chicken-like legs]
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