squawq7 · 2 days
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happy pride month to the blue girl pills i finally got today
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zerosuitsammie · 2 days
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I was taking a selfie for @its-brit-bruh and she caught me doing so and called me cute and it made me blushy smile
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vanillayoteart · 3 days
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Coyote HRT: Week 15
Coyote HRT: Week 15 THE POWERS AT BE THINK THEY ARE FUNNY. Yeah wait for the coyote to learn information before they are  affected by it. MHMM. HAHA. Ow. qwq Major thanks to AyvieArt and Lakehounds for the inspiration Start - Prev - Next 
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emilynyaaa · 1 day
im goin to endocrynologist today hopefully hrt get
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elierlick · 21 hours
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"A boy at last!"
Here's a nearly-forgotten case study about the medical transition of a 13-year-old intersex trans boy in 1951. He went on hormones at 13 and had bottom surgery at 14. The unnamed teenager used Pregnyl to ensure he went through the right puberty. He lived a happy life with full support from both his parents. Read the full article here: transreads.org/wronglyassignedsex/
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catboybiologist · 2 days
Testing a hunch here, and this is by no means scientific at all.
This can be for any reason. If you felt like your mood or diet changed due to an eating disorder or drifting though patterns/default habits, include that. If you felt like you were dieting/exercising to fight a weight change, ignore that as a factor.
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femperor · 24 hours
I've done a number of things with my HRT that any medical professional would call an unnecessary risk. I've poked myself multiple times with the same needle, looking for a spot with fewer nerve endings to do the injection. I've continued to draw estrogen from a bottle after pieces of the rubber stopper broke off and fell into it. I've used a needle that was shorter than recommended because the pharmacy gave me the wrong kind. Once, I fished a needle out of my sharps container while I was waiting for my next paycheck.
From a strictly scientific viewpoint, HRT is life-saving. We cannot find the harm that the opposition claims it does to a body, and we cannot prove the existence of the soul they claim is being tainted. The rational decision then, would be to ensure easy access to HRT and the methods of dosing them. Give trans people the option to live in the science-supported world, and to act squarely off of evidence and studies. These facts lie at odds with personally-held beliefs that are subjected onto the world. Trans people then have to navigate a world of truths and a world of lies in order to obtain whatever HRT is available to them.
The average trans person believes in the science surrounding HRT. Most also internalize the anti-trans beliefs of the world around them. When you swim in an ocean, the salt water sinks into your clothes and tries to work its way into your skin. Deny these beliefs, reject them entirely. Your skin is still wet. A better future for trans people would be to not make swimming necessary for transition. But until that day, we keep ourselves afloat.
Surrounded by water that wants to drown us, we begin relying on new beliefs, ones that are direct responses to the ocean below. Staying above water indefinitely is next to impossible; instead I found a way to breathe below the surface. The enemies of transgenderism mythologize HRT to restrict it from trans people. Trans people mythologize themselves to justify their right to access. We know the ocean exists and that we have to live in it. We fashion ourselves as sea serpents, or mermaids, or pirates cursed to continue navigating the seas long after they perished. Becoming the monsters that maps warn good honest sailors about.
And when you put this much effort into creating a self beyond the scope of documented indisputable fact, just for the ability to ask your therapist to recommend an endocrinologist or to make that grey market purchase. It's harder to follow every rule that medical experts suggest. I know my doctor's only concern is mitigating risks that have a small chance for terrible consequences. But regardless of the gills I have, I'm tired from swimming. I can't let errant , minor facts finish me off when I've gone this far fighting other people's opinions.
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nyxxx696sblog · 2 days
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say hi for a very cute vid in your dms (not a joke!!!) 👉👈
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air-civil76 · 1 day
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Got my first t shot yesterday and just had to celebrate, so three hours in canva later this appeared!
(The art on the lower right corner isn’t mine, I found it on Pinterest—if anyone can point me toward the artist let me know and I’ll credit them right away!! Full image under the cut)
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medical-bed · 2 days
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zerosuitsammie · 19 hours
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Selfies feat. Orange Cat
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dykeiism · 16 hours
i feel inclined to differentiate between "reasonable rights and accommodations that should be given to trans people" and "blatant attacks on women's rights." i'll go as far as to say that most radical feminists will agree with me on most of these points, so if you want to learn about what radfems actually believe, this is your chance.
reasonable rights and accommodations for trans people:
equal opportunities for employment and housing
access to affordable and high-quality healthcare
transparent, unbiased, and publicly accessible research & meta-analysis done on the short- and long- term risks and benefits of gender affirming care
outlaw all forms of conversion therapy. outlaw gender exploratory therapy unless the patient is able to give informed consent. enforce strict science-based regulations on the therapeutic methods used
freedom of expression (i.e. the ability to dress however you like, and to use a preferred name)
widespread implementation of co-ed and trans-only spaces
legal protection against harassment and assault
these are all things that i, and many other radical feminists, wholeheartedly support. we also believe that trans people, like everyone else, deserve dignity, respect, sensitivity, and kindness from the people around them. what i'm seeing more and more of in recent years, though, is that the trans movement is no longer focusing on the aforementioned human rights. instead, i see an overwhelming about of trans activists making unreasonable demands that infringe on the rights of women. the demands are as follows:
the right to enter women-only spaces based solely on gender identity or expression (this includes shelters, prisons, locker rooms, and sports teams)
the ability to access medical transition as a minor under any circumstances, or as an adult unless other treatments have proven unsuccessful beforehand
widespread use of language that destabilizes women and female people as coherent groups that are also in need of rights
deplatforming anyone who criticizes the movement, no matter how polite, respectful, good-faith, or reasonable the criticisms are
i support the trans movement that advocates for the human rights of trans individuals. however, i cannot support a movement that allows males into women's spaces, that is medically irresponsible, that makes it impossible to discuss women's rights, or that opposes intellectual freedom. i don't think any feminist can support this in good conscience.
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dumbgaycatthing · 2 hours
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squiretilde · 3 hours
CW: Body Horror, Blood, Internalized Transphobia
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Elf HRT Month 5: May Part 3!
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The conclusion~
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