fruityfroggy · 26 minutes
A very accurate representation of me when women:
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And a size accurate version:
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fruityfroggy · 33 minutes
Whenever I think I might be drawing Mhin too bbg I always look to this face for fortification
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They’re canonically adorable
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fruityfroggy · 37 minutes
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my entry for the official fanart contest :D i'm so happy that i got her up to p5!
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fruityfroggy · 2 hours
tumblr will never count as social media to me. This shit a secret hideout and we just all happen to see each others thoughts
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fruityfroggy · 4 hours
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then?
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated. All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
1. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
2. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
3. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
4. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
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fruityfroggy · 5 hours
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fruityfroggy · 5 hours
This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.
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fruityfroggy · 5 hours
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fruityfroggy · 14 hours
i am a lover. but underneath that i'm a hater. and then underneath that i'm a lover again
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fruityfroggy · 14 hours
Just updated my girlkisser playlist again!!! :D
And you can join the creation of my girlkiss song collection too! If you want:)
(Here’s the collab invitation link)
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fruityfroggy · 16 hours
So…….I made a hand tier list….don’t ask me why
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Yeah……..based purely on how their hands look btw
Anyways, more of my weird ass r99 tier lists I’ve made under the cut (pls don’t cancel me)
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Okay, and hear me out here, “what the r99 men would be if they were genderbent” is what this last one is
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(Fem!2106 is fem4fem toxic yuri and no one can convince me otherwise)
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fruityfroggy · 17 hours
Do you ever just double tap someone’s post/reblog several times in a row cuz you wish that you could like it multiple times?
Just wishing you could send that many of those little hearts to someone cuz you want them to know how much you love and support them? Like you REALLY want them to know, but you can’t?
I need boops to be a thing again
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fruityfroggy · 17 hours
The feminine urge to feel girlish whimsy
Through kissing girl
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fruityfroggy · 17 hours
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fruityfroggy · 17 hours
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fruityfroggy · 20 hours
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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fruityfroggy · 20 hours
i lost my hat on the way home weeks ago and my life has never been the same. i go out without it and it feels like i’m bald...
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