genderqueerdykes ยท 5 hours
it's okay to be fat and like to eat. it's okay to be fat and enjoy cooking, baking, grilling, canning, drying or preparing foods. it's okay to be fat and work a restaurant or bakery and enjoy what you do. it's okay to be fat and not ashamed of eating in public. it's okay to be fat, but it's especially okay to be fat and have a positive relationship with food. people are supposed to enjoy eating, it's where we get our energy from, it's a very positive and nourishing experience for our bodies, it's okay if it's positive and nourishing to your mental health, too. fat people are allowed to eat, and we're allowed to enjoy doing it, too.
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genderqueerdykes ยท 6 hours
"you'll regret transitioning/coming out/etc. later on in life, you shouldn't do it!" even if i were to, so what? there's a perfectly good day right here. we're living it now. that hypothetical day may never come. i choose to embrace living my truth now than living in fear of hypothetical situations that no one can account for today.
today is a very important today, in fact, today is the most important day, because you are living it right now. it is neither past nor future, meaning you have direct influence over what happens. embrace today. live for today. be yourself today, instead of waiting or living in fear of tomorrow. today is a beautiful thing to waste.
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genderqueerdykes ยท 8 hours
reminder that cis people can use whatever pronouns they want. a cis person changing their pronouns does not inherently make them trans, they are allowed to express themselves through whatever pronouns they believe suits them best, just as much as any trans person. this of course includes cis intersex people. the freedom to use whatever pronouns you like the best is for everyone
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genderqueerdykes ยท 9 hours
if you are a trans man or masc, masculine nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid or other gender non conforming identity, masc gay, a bear, a butch, stud, or boi, or other masculine queer person and don't feel welcome in any queer spaces, you're not alone.
the communities both irl and online have become EXTREMELY hostile toward mascs and men to the point of straight up excluding us and changing their wording to justify their violent exclusion. from renaming nonbinary spaces to "femme & them" and "she+" spaces, to telling men & mascs that they would "Scare" the women and "nonbinary" folks just by being there, as if masculinity and manhood are inherently traumatizing to be around.
masculine and male nonbinary folks have it so hard- most nonbinary spaces are almost definitely women's spaces who also conflate womanhood with nonbinaryhood, and often times just view nonbinary people as confused women. we are not inherently traumatizing to be around: masc enbies need places to go. we are still nonbinary and still trans and still queer for fucks' sake
nonbinary has never and will never mean femme or woman-adjacent inherently. nonbinary means what it means: people who don't or refuse to adhere to the gender binary, regardless of what side it is. masculinity is included in this, femininity is not the only way to be nonbinary.
masc queers do not have to bend over backwards to try to be more feminine and thus "less threatening" in order to have places to go. that's dysphoric and just inaccurate to a lot of queer folks' identity and presentation. it blows my mind because it makes no sense, anyway, even within the gay community, hypermasculinity has been present and even sought after by some people who find it very attractive, twunks, hunks, bears... but between the periods in queer history people started viewing masc gay leathermen and kinksters as the ones who were responsible for spreading AIDS and thus removing them from pride parades,
AND the lesbian separatism moment picking up to remove butches & male & masc lesbians from lesbian spaces identity, paving the way for modern rdical femniism, we've only entered a downhill landslide of hating men and mascs and ultimately trying to erase us from the queer community entirely.
the queer community is not the "women & femmes community". the queer experience is broad and vast, it includes a wide variety of masculine and male experiences, as well as genderfluid, multigender, completely ungendered and other gendered experiences. the lesbian, trans, bisexual, nonbinary, gay and general queer communities aren't the "safe place to hide from men & mascs community" like estranged rdfems and terfpilled trans folk like to tell you they are.
this is the QUEER community and it includes ALL forms of queerness, masc, femme, butch, male, neutral, bigender, neutral, and all. he/shes and he/hims and he/theys and he/its and so on are just as much of a part of this communities as she/hers and they/thems. you can't cast a blanket of "inherently abusive" over all men and mascs and one of "inherently abused/incapable of being abusive" over all women and femmes because that just traps you in a fantasy land that doesn't exist AND it prevents mascs and men from getting the help, resources and community they NEED.
men & mascs are hurt and abused by women & femmes every day and we refuse to speak about them because we live under a white cisheteronormal patriarchy and have complaints about how that functions. the complaints are legitimate but assuming that all men and mascs are oppressing all women and femmes and that women can never be oppressive is a false as hell narrative that actively damages people.
enough is enough. this mindset is hurting people. it's leaving masc and male queers to be estranged, harmed and even dead. i care about you if you're being affected by this mentality and these behaviors. you deserve community, safety, and a sense of belonging, you do belong, even if we struggle to form our own spaces due to unjust hatred. we will do our best to band together and keep each other safe. we must
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genderqueerdykes ยท 10 hours
disabled trans person needs help paying rent after 6 months of homelessness
hello there, i'm equinox. i'm a disabled intersex trans lesbian who is currently in need of saving up for their rent. i struggle with hypermobile eds, fibromyalgia, arthritis, schizophrenia and other issues. i am stabilizing after a long period of homelessness. it has been very costly moving into an apartment after living in a hotel for 2 months. thank you to everyone who helped me pay my electric & internet bills, you all are amazing! my rent is luckily only $178/month due to me living in subsidized housing.
if you're interested, i sell jewelry and zines, as well as paintings (i take commissions!) and i also have places where you can support me directly. thank you to everyone who has helped in the past as well as everyone who helps boost these posts, you are amazing, thank you for keeping us safe
P y Pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail . com C sh App: $glitterGraphix V nmo: $Equinoxian Chime: $Equinoxian
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genderqueerdykes ยท 10 hours
disabled trans person needs help paying rent after 6 months of homelessness
hello there, i'm equinox. i'm a disabled intersex trans lesbian who is currently in need of saving up for their rent. i struggle with hypermobile eds, fibromyalgia, arthritis, schizophrenia and other issues. i am stabilizing after a long period of homelessness. it has been very costly moving into an apartment after living in a hotel for 2 months. thank you to everyone who helped me pay my electric & internet bills, you all are amazing! my rent is luckily only $178/month due to me living in subsidized housing.
if you're interested, i sell jewelry and zines, as well as paintings (i take commissions!) and i also have places where you can support me directly. thank you to everyone who has helped in the past as well as everyone who helps boost these posts, you are amazing, thank you for keeping us safe
P y Pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail . com C sh App: $glitterGraphix V nmo: $Equinoxian Chime: $Equinoxian
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genderqueerdykes ยท 11 hours
trans men & mascs are constantly in a damned if you, damned if you don't state of being when it comes to finding community with other queer folk. if we dress "too masculine" and pass for cis men, we are too threatening, we "scare" the women and (feminine) nonbinary folks. if we are "too feminine" and have long hair, wear makeup, have ""feminine"" hobbies, dress in feminine clothing, etc. we are constantly harassed for not being "Real men" and people literally proudly misgender us.
there's no way to win if people keep shifting the goalposts on purpose so they don't have to accept that trans men exist and are just as varied and complex as anyone else when it comes to identity and presentation.
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genderqueerdykes ยท 12 hours
so what if a teenager or kid (or anyone) adopts an identity label that they find out doesn't fit them, or discard later in life? you had baby clothes that you no longer fit into and were discarded. growing is a part of life.
let people live in the moment. especially kids.
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genderqueerdykes ยท 15 hours
feminine afab non binary people and masculine amab non binary people are still non binary, and thus, trans. it's not okay to excuse slipping up using an afab non binary person's pronouns just because they "look cis" to you. they are not cis. they are desperately trying to get you to understand that gender is not as black and white as it seems. they are existing in a real niche of real people that struggle to be seen as who they are and contributing to that helps no one.
i see you, fem afab enbies and masc amab enbies. you are still non binary. you are still trans. you still have a right to what pronouns and identity you use. you have a right to get upset when they call you a girl or a boy when you're not. people do not have the right to misgender you just because they don't understand the niche you fall into in life. you are justified in being upset when someone misgenders you because they refuse to see that gender is a broader spectrum than we give it credit for.
you are trans. you are non binary. the right people will see you for who you really are. don't give up telling people who you really are. stand your ground if you must. you are loved and seen for who you are even if it doesn't seem like it right now. don't give up.
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genderqueerdykes ยท 17 hours
you can't support the normalization of the usage of singular they/them pronouns and then say you don't support people who want to normalize it/its because it's "too weird," as if using singular they/them pronouns isn't clearly weird to a lot of people.
you can't refuse to acknowledge an identity because it's "weird," they're all "weird" in the eyes of cisheteronormative society. people who use neopronouns like it/its, ze/hir, xe/xem, thon/thons and others don't deserve to have to settle for they/them if that's not what they use. it doesn't matter if something is "weird" or not. let go of the compulsive need to assimilate and just let people express themselves freely
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genderqueerdykes ยท 17 hours
disabled trans person needs help paying rent after 6 months of homelessness
hello there, i'm equinox. i'm a disabled intersex trans lesbian who is currently in need of saving up for their rent. i struggle with hypermobile eds, fibromyalgia, arthritis, schizophrenia and other issues. i am stabilizing after a long period of homelessness. it has been very costly moving into an apartment after living in a hotel for 2 months. thank you to everyone who helped me pay my electric & internet bills, you all are amazing! my rent is luckily only $178/month due to me living in subsidized housing.
if you're interested, i sell jewelry and zines, as well as paintings (i take commissions!) and i also have places where you can support me directly. thank you to everyone who has helped in the past as well as everyone who helps boost these posts, you are amazing, thank you for keeping us safe
P y Pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail . com C sh App: $glitterGraphix V nmo: $Equinoxian Chime: $Equinoxian
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genderqueerdykes ยท 1 day
the world is a better place with trans women in it
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genderqueerdykes ยท 2 days
sorry not to complain but some of y'all really cannot stand gnc people, huh?
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genderqueerdykes ยท 2 days
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No such thing as too Butch
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genderqueerdykes ยท 2 days
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[Image description: A highly edited post on a gradient background reading "My page is for lesbians, fat girls, girls w weird ass gender, mspec dykes and fags, freaks, and butches & studs." End description.]
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genderqueerdykes ยท 2 days
Being non-binary is like instead of having an angel and a demon on ur shoulder u have a faggot and a dyke
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genderqueerdykes ยท 2 days
before asking "is polyamory immoral?" we should ask "what is so moral about monogamy anyway?"
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