george-weasleys-girl · 15 hours
Not at all upset by this, just something I've noticed. Barely anyone reads the series (it's okay!☺️) But this little smutty chapter is still getting all sorts of love.🥰
North Star Series/Microfic May
The Birthday Boy
18+ only
Summary: Y/N and George celebrate his birthday.
Warnings: smut, dominant George
*I intended this to be much longer, but I've been struggling to get in the smutty headspace. Then I remembered it's micro-fic May. So here's a little micro-smut to celebrate Georgie's birthday! 😊
"Look at your reflection. Look at how gorgeous you are. So fucking gorgeous when I’m fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only for me," her husband growled in her ear, his free hand pushing up her chin, forcing her to watch herself in the mirror as he pounded into her from behind.
George had been taking on a more dominant role in the bedroom recently, and much to both of their delights, they found they enjoyed it far more than either had expected.
And of course, that dominant personality was coming out in full force tonight, after she'd been teasing him for the last couple of hours as to whether he was getting laid or not. It was his punishment for doing something that could've easily gotten him killed.
But, now, it was time for payback. Not that Y/N was complaining. Rather, she was moaning her husband's name as his long fingers teased her clit relentlessly.
"I'm... gonna... cum," she gasped.
"Not yet your not," he groaned in her ear. "I'm the birthday boy, and you'll do as I say."
That remark alone almost sent her over the edge, but instead, she clawed at the dresser and somehow held on.
Y/N's pussy clamping down on him in desperate need sent George into a feral frenzy. His thrusting picked up speed to an almost frantic pace, while his groans grew louder and more animalistic.
"Now!" He commanded. "Let go, baby. I wanna feel you cumming around me as I fill you up."
Y/N screamed out in pleasure, her whole body trembling at the same moment her husband released inside her with loud, guttural moan.
They collapsed in a heap, still shaking from the aftershocks.
"You ok?" George asked after a few moments.
"Uh-huh," Y/N responded with a dreamy smile. "But I don't think my legs are in working order quite yet."
"That's what I'm for," her husband chuckled, but stumbled as he pulled out of her. "Well damn, that was so good, I'm not sure I can carry you to the bath," he said with a sheepish grin.
"That's ok, sweetie." Y/N pushed herself up and turned slowly to face him. "We'll carry each other," she added, slipping her arm around his waist.
George's vision blurred a little, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "We can do anything as long as we're together." He left a lingering kiss on the top of her head, before they wobbled into the bathroom, holding one another up, steady and strong.
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @fancy-pantaloons @samberriejams @totalwitch2 @aslanvez @mrsgweasley @morally-grey-obsessed @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @planetkt @thankyouforanonymity @thatonepersonwhocantwrite
@Smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @ceehance @whotfskai @sierraluvzz @now-that-we-dontalk @moonatician
@lillisummers @niktwazny303 @bohemianrhapsody86
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george-weasleys-girl · 18 hours
God if I think about Edwin Payne too much I lose my mind. No one saved him. No one reached out a hand. He had to save himself. He escaped hell with only his own two hands to carry him there. And what does he do with his freedom? He reaches out a hand to Charles. He reaches out a hand to every ghost he can help. He could have been bitter. He could have said No one’s coming to save you. Save yourself. Instead, he says, you’ll escape, and you won’t do it alone.
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george-weasleys-girl · 19 hours
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Wait what's a buildings fire evacuation plan if you aren't supposed to use the elevator to get down
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Reminded me of this ask from a few days ago.
“What cannot be said will be wept.”
— Unknown
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The Fanfic Writers Guild is pending. Hopefully, that means it will go live soon.
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Let's Discuss
Please refer to this post for rules and an explanation of this project.
Question 2
What hard truth does the Harry Potter Fandom refuse to face?
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so. so far in doctor who we’ve had:
space babies (babies in space) with a bogeyman made of bogeys that are saved by the power of farts
a musical episode where music comes to life and they’re a drag queen
one of the most intense doctor who episodes where the doctor stands on a landmine in a fifty-first century anglican war and everything around him keeps getting worse also the real enemy was capitalism
the doctor disappeared for twenty years and ruby assassinates the prime minister in an emotional study on fear of rejection or something
everybody dies because of systemic racism
alien bridgerton LARP where the doctor finally kisses men again
is there any other show with such a wide range of ridiculous settings that are all part of one connected, serious plot?
i fucking love doctor who lmao
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We didn't get enough of George and Fred, period. There's so much about them that we don't know. Massive gaps in their timeline. Especially once they left Hogwarts.
But then again, they were written as side characters and comic relief at that, so it makes sense.
Still annoying, though.
do we ever get confirmation on whether fred n george realized who the marauders were ?!? we did not get enough of them interacting with remus + sirius
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@who-actually-cares-anymore here ya go!
I think the idea of George introducing (y/n) to his parents is totally cute and I think your style off writing would rock that. Happy new year by the way! All the best for you and your stories :)
This is my first ever request. I had such fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: brief allusion to sex, one mention of alcohol
Meet the Weasleys
"Ugh, gross. Why are my palms so sweaty?" Y/N muttered to herself, grabbing a paper towel, to wipe the sweat from her hands. Her early morning boost of confidence was gone, leaving her pacing from one end of the kitchen to the other.
She tossed the used paper towel in the trash and looked out the window for the 982nd time. George would be here any minute to take her to have lunch with his parents at his childhood home. A place called the Burrow.
Never in her life had Y/N been so anxious about meeting someone's parents. George seemed confident that she'd "be a hit." But, she wasn't entirely convinced. What could she, a "muggle," offer to people who could perform magic, real magic, with the simple flick of a wand? She glanced over at the apple spice cake she'd baked for dessert and hoped it would be enough.
Four months earlier
George woke up with a craving for one of the chocolate filled croissants that Ginny had purchased from a muggle bakery for James' second birthday party. Luckily for him, he had the address, and it was his day off.
The Pie in the Sky Bakery wasn't too far from Diagon Alley, so George decided to walk and enjoy the warm summer morning. Whistling as he went, he just knew it was going to be a good day. And he was right.
He didn't notice Y/N at first, distracted by all the enticing baked goods.
"Can I help you?" Her voice floated over to him, soft and melodious.
George turned and nearly stumbled over his own feet. The owner of that sweet voice somehow managed to brighten the already sunny shop even more. He was mesmerized.
"I-uh, hi." George stuttered and gave a goofy wave before clearing his throat and starting again. "Do you have any chocolate filled croissants today?"
"Of course! They're right over here. How many would you like?" Y/N bounced to the far end of the counter while George followed, a big, dopey grin spread across his freckled face.
He paid for two croissants and an espresso. Then, rather than taking a stroll, as he originally intended, George sat down at one of the little bistro tables and spent the rest of the morning exchanging shy glances and flirty banter with the lovely lady behind the counter.
When he could no longer make excuses for lingering, George approached Y/N. "Could I interest you in dinner tomorrow night?"
"Yes! I'd love to have dinner with you!" She answered, her brilliant smile melting George's heart into a puddle.
Two months later, to Y/N's delighted surprise, George confessed he was a wizard. And today, for the first time ever, he was taking her home to meet his parents.
George was practically bouncing off the walls.
"Hey mate, try not to leave any George-shaped holes in anything," Fred joked.
"I'll try!" George yelled from his bedroom. "But, I can't make any promises."
Fred shook his head and chuckled. He hadn't seen his twin this elated since he came home from the bakery four months ago gushing over Y/N.
"Ok, how do I look? George asked, suddenly appearing in front of his brother.
"Like a crazed lunatic who just broke out of the asylum."
"Ha, ha. Very funny." George deadpanned.
"Seriously though," Fred continued, scrutinizing his brother. "You look great. It's just..."
"Just what?" George looked down at himself.
"You seem a tad nervous."
"Oh that," the younger twin responded. "Well, I am bringing a girl to meet mum and dad for the first time ever. And mum didn't fancy the last two girls you and Bill brought home."
"Georgie," Fred retorted. "The reason mum didn't like Lizzy is because she had a mohawk and tattoos. And as far as Fleur goes, once mum realized she wasn't after Bill for a quick fling, she warmed right up to her."
"Yeah, you're right. I know you're right." George agreed. "I'm just overthinking again."
Fred patted him on the back. "It'll all work ou--" Fred stopped mid-sentence, closing his eyes and putting his fingertips to his temples. "Wait! I'm getting a vision...I see...you and Y/N together...in a house...and..and, there's something else. Hold on, it's starting to come into focus...yes, that's it! Loads of ginger babies!"
Fred opened his eyes to see George standing with arms folded, his lips quirked up in amusement. "Are you done?" George asked.
"Yes, quite." Fred said, lifting his chin and sauntering away.
George snorted, wondering if Fred knew he was secretly eyeing a cute, little muggle flat halfway between his shop and Y/N's.
George arrived at Y/N's oozing his usual easy confidence. "Ready for this, my love?" He asked Y/N as they walked to his car.
Y/N took a deep breath, then smiled. "Ready as I'll ever be."
"Don't worry, darling." George said, bending down and planting a kiss on her cheek before opening the car door for her. "They'll love you."
The closer they got to the Burrow, the faster Y/N's heart raced. George seemed to sense this, and reaching out, he clasped her trembling, sweaty hand in his warm, steady one.
Y/N sighed as a wave of calm rolled over her. A small smile crept across her face, and she began tracing little circles on his hand with her thumb. He squeezed her hand in return, as his own small smile made an appearance.
Neither one spoke the rest of the drive. There was no need. Everything that needed to be said was conveyed through that one simple gesture connecting them to one another.
Y/N didn't have time to marvel at the impossible higgley-piggleyness of the Burrow. As soon as she stepped out of the car, Mrs. Weasley pulled her into a hug. "Oh my goodness, look at you. Cute as a button! You know, George talks about you all the time. It's so good to finally meet you! He tells me..." Mrs. Weasley's non-stop chatter faded as she led Y/N into the house, leaving George and Arthur to collect the cake.
George released a long breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Relieved, son?" Arthur asked.
"Yeah, actually." George admitted. "I was afraid she'd give Y/N the cold shoulder like she did to Fleur."
"Ah, you needn't have worried about that." Arthur began. "Bill sprung Fleur on us out of nowhere. We had no idea he was even dating anyone. But you've been talking about Y/N for months. Your mum has had time to get used to the idea. Not to mention," Mr. Weasley added with a chuckle. "She’s ecstatic that Y/N's a baker. Now she has someone to talk shop with."
The same dopey grin that had spread across George's face the day he met Y/N returned, and to Arthur's amusement, his son practically skipped into the house.
A wonderful lunch turned into an impromptu bake-a-thon with George bounding around the kitchen "helping" Y/N and Molly as they made one treat after another. His unrestrained joy was so sweet and infectious that neither of the women were upset when he accidentally put a cup of salt and a teaspoon of sugar into one of the batters, rather than the other way around.
Even Arthur, who generally stayed out of the kitchen whenever Molly was cooking, found himself pulled into the mélee by his giddy son. By the end of the day, they were all covered in flour, frosting, and a vast array of sprinkles, thanks to George and Arthur getting a bit too happy with decorating the colorful little confections.
"This ranks as one of the best days of my life," George commented as he and Y/N relaxed on the tiny balcony of her flat, sipping whiskey and nibbling on chocolate chip cookies.
"I have to agree, Georgie." Y/N concurred, using the nickname reserved only for her and Fred. "I can't believe I was so nervous. Your parents are wonderful."
George smiled and lifted her hand to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss on her knuckles. Then, he turned his gaze to the moon. "It's getting late."
"It is." Y/N responded.
"I don't want to leave."
"You know my bed is always open to you." Y/N said with a cheeky grin.
"I know." George's eyes twinkled as he uttered the next words. "But, I mean, I don't want to leave ever again."
"I know, love. We never want to part at the end of the day." Y/N responded, still not quite catching on.
"Exactly." George said, jumping right to the heart of the matter. "Will you move in with me? I know it might seem too soon, and if you aren't ready, that's okay, we can w--"
Y/N ended his ramblings with a kiss that made him forget everything he'd ever learned for a few brief moments.
"Of course, I'll move in with you." Y/N said, once they pulled away.
"Yes, really."
"Yes!" George exclaimed and fist-pumped the air. "This calls for a celebration," he said, picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the bedroom.
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The fic that brought me to your blog, I believe was Meet the Weasleys. I loved your writing, so I read some of your other stuff. I'm pretty sure this was around the time of your contest for a fic, which I won by guessing correctly and got the fic of my dreams, literally. Since then I've lost a bit of interest in the fandom, but I still read your fics from time to time and I do love looking through your discussion posts. Also, are you able to link that fic in your response or a follow-up post? Or even reblog it? It was a work of art and I can't find it anymore and I want to reblog it bc I love it so much!!!
Anyways, love you bunches 💖💖💖💖💖
That was my first request and I was so nervous about it. I love that it was the fic that brought you here! I'll repost it soon ☺️
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new ask game for my writers: reblog for your followers to anonymously (or not) tell you what fic brought them to your blog :)
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Let’s get creepy and spoopy
Rubs hands together
Yeah I got nothing
Just take a hello 👋 How ya been?
((Also yes I saw the ask it’s been a rough time and the support you’ve given is comforting so imma thank you now before I return to my void))
Rolls away
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Hi lovey! I'm doing ok. Been better. Been worse.
I'm glad I could offer you a little comfort. Don't worry about responding if you're not up for it. Sending you many bear hugs 🐻🫂🫶
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happy pride month to these two specifically
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An interesting demonstration of how the human brain works.
But also something of a lesson regarding perception, and the unreliability of subjective perspective versus objective reality.
You can be extremely certain about how you perceive the world, your "lived experience," that which you "feel it in my heart." But that doesn't mean it's actually true. And it doesn't mean we have to endorse it, or ignore or outright deny objective reality.
That's a "you" thing, not a "we" thing.
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Creepy question time 👹 In a space where it's considered romantic to gift perfumes with personal touches to them, what would you put in yours for your beloved? (e.g. sweat, earwax, etc.)
My tears.
Tears are sacred, holding all of our deepest sorrows and greatest joys. All those moments when words fail us.
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reblog if you want to be asked (creepy) anonymous questions
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