gffa · 7 hours
I'm still making my way through the weewoo show (stopping occasionally to watch the newest episodes) and I have realized that I think I'm the most emotionally invested in the Bobby/Athena ship, sorry but no one else on that show can compete with Angela Bassett for my love. That it's Mr. Casey Sports Night she married only makes it better. Though, Chimney/Maddie are a reasonably close second, oh my god, they're so cute. I'm not really sure where I land re: Buck's love life, I'm kind of just going where the show takes me. Like, sometimes the show was incredibly blatant about feeling like they were setting the stage, you have someone commenting that Buck's ready to move on to something more grown up in his life, something more real, something meaningful, then immediately cut to him waiting outside Eddie and Christopher's house??? Like, what??? But then I watch the newest episodes and oh Buck and Tommy really do have fun chemistry, that kiss drunk look on Buck's face after their first kiss was so good, they're funny together, I'm enjoying it?? And I'm enjoying Eddie being one hell of a hot mess, like I've always liked him, but I have never liked him more than when he went out on a date with his dead ex-wife's doppleganger, which is going to throw a massive grenade into his current relationship, which is already weird because he found out she used to be a nun and it's bringing up all this weirdness that was probably already there and just looking for an excuse, never mind what it's going to do to his kid if he ever meets his dead mom's doppleganger, like this is a mess and I am living for it. But more than that, I'm here for Athena, because I also love that she can be such a hot mess at times, that someone kills her fiance and she spends 20 years or whatever looking for him, finds him, and has him arrested despite that he's spent that entire time in service to others because he felt guilty, but doesn't even REGISTER that she is married to a man she loves who killed a lot of people's spouses/fiances, got away with it, and felt so guilty that he spent all that time in service to others as a way to make amends. And none of this even seems to be deliberate! It's GREAT, because it makes her such a hypocrite in a lot of ways, but so thoroughly relatable because it is so very easy to forgive the ones you love and not forgive the ones who wronged you, even if they're largely the same. Anyway, I love this ridiculous show, I'm going to be sad when I have no more to catch up on. I like The Weewoo Show: Yeehaw! Version, but it doesn't scratch quite the same itch since I spoiled myself about where the Owen/Gwyn storyline is going.
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gffa · 9 hours
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Captain Rex, I’m sure, for like the entirety of Star Wars Rebels. 
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gffa · 9 hours
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE Happy 25th Anniversary • May 19th, 1999
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gffa · 10 hours
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↳ released on may 19th, 1999 | dir. george lucas
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gffa · 11 hours
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look at how cute they are together
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gffa · 12 hours
While I love Obi-wan is secretly stronger than everyone including Anakin, and Chosen One™ Obi-wan au's
My absolute favorite thing, both canon and au is
Chosen One™ Minor Force Deity Anakin Skywalker gets absolutely annihilated by Normal Dude Just Dedicated to His Craft Obi-wan Kenobi.
Obi-wan is just a guy. Yeah a jedi, but still just some dude who has spent decades of his life committed to his training and trying to live up to what he thinks a Jedi should be.
What I love about Obi-wan is the fact that, while many others (jedi included) think he's "the perfect example" of a Jedi (They give him the call sign Guiding Light ffs), Obi-wan doesn't think that. Obi-wan sees himself as just some dude. To the point where he disagrees with people who try to tell him he's special in some way. Hells he didn't even think he was The Master of Soresu despite Mace Windu saying he was.
My point is. You take Obi-wan and throw him up against Anakin. Who knows he's the chosen one and let that go to his head (and let his ego be inflated by Sidious). Who thinks hes hot shit and the most powerful person in the galaxy.
And he gets his ass handed to him multiple times by Just a Sad Little Dude Obi-wan.
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gffa · 13 hours
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They love each other
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gffa · 14 hours
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Star Wars // by Tsuneo Sanda
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gffa · 15 hours
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gffa · 1 day
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Keira Knightley as Handmaiden Sabé, Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace (1999)
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gffa · 1 day
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gffa · 1 day
Batman!Dick Approved
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“No, the bottom line, Dick… is that you led us then and you lead us now.  And I’d follow you to hell if I had to.” Donna Troy 
[JLA (2006) #50]
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“I know you stepped into some big black boots you probably felt would never fit… but if it helps to know, most of my cops prefer you to him.” Jim Gordon
[Batman and Robin (2009) #13] 
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“Different.  New faces.  And a Batman I actually don’t mind being around.”  Hal Jordan
[JLA (2006) #42]
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“Dick has done exactly what I expected he would – put on Batman’s cowl without getting lost in its shadows.” Tim Drake
[Red Robin #13]
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Talia Al Ghul: His former boy wonder is barely fit to wear his mentor’s mantle and you…
Damian Wayne: You’re wrong.  Dick Grayson is…
[Batman and Robin (2009) #10]
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“You fill the uniform well, Dick.  Bruce would be proud of you.  I know I am.”  Clark Kent
[World’s Finest (2009) #4]
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“I never doubted it, Dick.  Given enough time I’m sure you’d make an even better Batman than me.”  Bruce Wayne
[Batman: Gates of Gotham #5]
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gffa · 1 day
It's interesting how when you rewatch 'Revenge of the Sith,' you realize that all of the little anti-jedi lines the fandom has parroted (and still parrots) for years comes straight out of the mouth of Sidious.
Like I know I'm not the first person to realize this OR even mention it, but I just always find it interesting.
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gffa · 2 days
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gffa · 2 days
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gffa · 2 days
tim: look i’m sorry i implied everything bad that happened to you was directly your fault, but it wouldn’t have happened to nightwing :/
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gffa · 2 days
If Kenobi season 2 happens and they bring back Commander Cody, how do you think they should handle Obi-Wan and Cody storywise?
I'm so very on the fence about whether I would even want a second season of the show--the first season was never meant to be anything beyond a mini-series and I think having it be self-contained that way made it so much more satisfying. It wasn't meant to be an ongoing story like The Mandalorian is, and Ewan was just leaving the door open for any potential future stories. On the other hand, I WILL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH OF EWAN'S OBI-WAN. For me, I think any potential second season needs to really feel like it has a point and feel sufficiently tied to Obi-Wan's core story if they're going to the effort of bringing all the actors back again. Which means: Anakin needs to be a central figure in it, even if I'm not sure how well that would work after that unnamed moon wrapped things up pretty well between them and Obi-Wan was where he needed to be for ANH. An Obi-Wan show needs to be centered on Obi-Wan's story. Versus that I think whatever Cody's storyline is, it needs to be about him, and not about someone else story. Which means I'm not sure how good I would feel about him being part of an Obi-Wan show, which would make his issues about Obi-Wan, meanwhile Obi-Wan's been more about Anakin and Luke and the Jedi. (Leia worked because she was about Anakin and Padme and Obi-Wan's connections to the Republic/Bail.) I would prefer Cody's story about what he does after leaving the Empire to be told elsewhere because I think Cody deserves to get that to himself. What I really want is a story that can fully focus on Rex and Cody meeting up again and maybe joining the Rebellion or working together to help other clones. There's some really potentially good, crunchy conflict to be had between Obi-Wan and Cody because of Utapau, and theoretically what I would love is if it could be tied into a story about rescuing Luke and some clones somehow, that they intersect for an episode or two, that it has this undercurrent of how well they worked together--and still do, they fall right back into seamlessly understanding each other and complementing each other's fighting styles--but that they're on different paths now. Obi-Wan has his sacred duty to watch over Anakin's son on Tatooine. Cody has his need to help his clone brothers or fight in the bigger Rebellion. Both important paths, but they part ways as friends again, maybe Obi-Wan can put him in touch with Bail to join the Rebellion proper. I would love to see Cody and Obi-Wan crossing paths again, conflict about what happened on Utapau, maybe that's how Obi-Wan finds out about the chips, Cody gets closure and can go on to fight against the Empire that oppressed him and his brothers, Obi-Wan is watching over Luke to ensure the galaxy has a future, and both of their core stories are respected, but there's resolution here. I'm not against cameos in Star Wars, I just want them to be used for emotional resolution, not because of Rule of Cool. This is why I thought the 501st trooper was perfect for the show, because it was part of the theme of Obi-Wan seeing Anakin's ghosts everywhere, that's why Leia worked so well for me in the show, because it was about Anakin's ghosts again, about the missing part of Obi-Wan as a Jedi who was a teacher, about the loss of Padme in the galaxy, about his duty to help the people of the Republic where he could versus his own crushing depression and trauma. Whatever role Cody would play on the show, I would want it to support the core of those same themes, while also respecting that Cody has his own story to be told. What I picture so clearly in my head is, post-fight scene where they've wiped the floor with whoever was coming after them, is just the two of them nodding at each other in understanding, that there are scars between them but they both can let it go now, Obi-Wan knows it wasn't a betrayal, Cody knows that Obi-Wan doesn't hold it against him, they both know the other has purpose in their life, and they each have regained a friend. The galaxy looks a little brighter after that.
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