I've had a chat with a woman named Suad and she's trusted me to share her story with you all.
Suad is a young engineer from Gaza who was excelling in her field, and had recently been told that she is pregnant. She had a bright future ahead of her until disaster struck and Israel and their constant bombings destroyed everything she holds dear.
She and her husband are now living out of a tent like many Gazans now. They have had to struggle to find food and water, and not only this, but Suad is also trying to nurture an unborn baby without access to adequate food and the prenatal care that a pregnant mother needs.
She is fundraising now to get herself, along with her husband and their family members out of Gaza. They require $20,000 to get out of Gaza and an additional $8,000 for transfer costs and living expenses in Egypt.
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(ID in Alt)
As of right now, they have made only $2,732 of their goal and their situation is urgent. Suad is now nearly 9th months along and will be giving birth to her child very soon in very dangerous conditions for both herself and the baby.
Please donate whatever you can to this fundraiser, and if you cannot donate, I urge you to share!
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Now that we all know what type of shithead wilbur soot can we all agree that all his "we're trying to really take on the music industry and disrupt the way streaming works" shit was So fucking rich coming from a guy who was essentially doing influencer marketing.
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I feel like ive seen quite a few gfms getting passed around and ive observed that a lot of them have stories of such exceptional people who have achieved so much, or were going to before the genocide cut it off. And i really commend them for it, i really do.
But it breaks my heart that palestinians reaching out to us feel the need to have to prove that they are they are good people who are worth the support, like theyre only worth being supported if they had a good gpa or were exceptional in some way.
They shouldnt have to prove that theyre beneficial to the economy somehow to be worth the support. They shouldnt have to be exceptional to deserve help. Our governments are putting them through this, both in the west and around the world too. They shouldnt have to prove anything. We owe them this
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They never bring up bisexual boy with lame ass straight girlfriend. what about her
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HELP LITTLE MAGID & HIS FAMILY! We're just €3,000 away from reaching half of our goal €33,000 !
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Firas family, their kids, Magid and Rokaya , desperately need our help to rescue them from the dire conditions in Gaza. - They're trapped with 11 members, including a sick one-year-old Magid battling severe illness. His condition worsened with relentless vomiting and diarrhea, causing him to lose nearly 9 pounds ! - Additionally, his mother and teenage brother suffer from Hepatitis A, struggling to find clean food, water, and medicine and a SAFE PLACE. Verified by @el-shab-hussein Here Your donation can provide them with a Lifeline to safety and vital medical care in Gaza and in Egypt. Please, donate now and share. DONATE HERE Every contribution counts! Thank you for being a lifeguard of humanity.
Can We Help Him and Share his Words and Story on his behalf so People Can DONATE AND SHARE ? PLEASE FOLLOW HIS ACCOUNTS: @firas-salem & @firassalemgaza
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your Support Means The World to them .. AND PLEASE DONATE TO MY FRIEND &HIS FAMILY Pray for Magid and Firas's MOTHER AND BROTHER
€29,955 raised of €65,000 goal
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Another reminder that Greek mythology is always somehow symbolic, metaphorical, allegorical, since we are dealing with anthropomorphic personifications and other embodiments of cosmic powers.
For example: Demeter has sex with both Zeus and Poseidon. Something-something about the relationship of the Earth with the Sky and the Sea (or the celestial and chthonian powers). ESPECIALLY since these relationships are said to happen at the beginning of the world, in the primordial times during which the world settled itself for what it is now.
Herakles' wedding with Hebe, the personification of youth, checks in with when he becomes an immortal god (aka, an eternally young entity). What better way to symbolize a hero escaping the clutches of death than by him becoming the husband of the spirit of eternal youth?
Why is Hestia never leaving Olympus? Something-something about her being the literal personification of the hearth, which is at the center of the house/community and does not move.
Why is Ares getting his ass kicked by Athena? Because Athena is civilization, and Ares savagery, and in the Ancient Greek mindset intelligence, wisdom and craft will always be above brutality, bloodlust and random cruelty.
Do I need to spell it out that the myth of Persephone-Hades-Demeter is about the cycle of the seasons, and how the earth renews itself and brings back life after a time of death?
And I wonder why Ares' companions during his mass-slaughters are called Phobos, Deimos and Eris - Fear, Panic and Discord... Why would the goddess that breaks harmony and sows feuds and chaos be depicted as the close sister of the god of the ravages of war and of the brutality of conflicts, what a strange mystery!
And I can go on, and on, and on. Remember, the Greek gods aren't just super-heroes or wizards (that's more in line with more "humanized" mythologies, like the Irish or Nordic ones). They are embodiments of concepts and ideas, personifications of natural forces and cosmic powers, they are living allegories and fleshed metaphors. Zeus wields the lightning because he IS the lightning and thunder. Dionysos is both the bringer of joy and madness because he IS alcohol. Hades is both the name of the god of the dead, and of the realm of the dead. Hestia's name is literaly "hearth" in Greek, Hebe "youth", Nyx "night", Gaia "earth", Eros "desire". You can write "Eris met Helios at Okeanos' palace" or you can write "Strife encountered the Sun at the palace of Ocean" and that is the EXACT SAME THING!
[Mind you to limit the gods to being JUST allegories is also a mistake not to make. Greek deities are much more than just X concept or X idea... But one part of the myths will always be, down the line, some weather metaphor or some natural cycle motif]
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Indigenous peoples of the great plains should've never told white people about tornadoes. "I don't know man that shit never happened before you showed up"
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With the knowledge that Vulcan has regularly high winds & subsequent sandstorms I propose a type of guy: midwestern dads watching tornadoes but for Vulcans. Somebody's uncle Sovar standing outside with his hands on his hips watching a massive cloud roll closer. Unconcerned because this happens, like, every couple of weeks. He's like "this one is large, is it not" yes it is go back inside Sovar
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for your consideration: almost every time roier died while playing hospital 666 from cellbit's pov followed by cellbit losing his shit every time
(transcript under the cut)
Clip 1:
Roier: Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? Cellbit: It's an automatic chair, it moves on its own. Roier: Okay, okay, okay. [Fart noise] [Dies] [Screams] [Bell sound effect]
Clip 2:
Roier: Hello, my people. [Walks inside a room, the door slams shut] Aaaaah, what happened? Cellbit: Roier?? Roier: [Dies] [Wilhelm scream sound effect]
Clip 3:
Roier: Ahh, look how pretty. Cellbit: Go over there, take a look. Roier: [Screams] [Dies] [Bell sound effect]
Clip 4:
Roier: Oh look! For my ass! Cellbit: Go over there, go over there, go over there. Roier: No no no no no no no! [Screams] [Dies] [Bell sound effect]
Clip 5:
Roier: The José- Cellbit: [Shushes him] Roier: [Dies] [Bell sound effect]
Clip 6:
Roier: Oh! Look what a cute doll- Okay- Cellbit, Cellbit, Cellbi- [Bell sound effect] [Dies]
Clip 7:
Roier: It's coming, Cellbit, it's coming. Game Character: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- Roier: [Dies] It can't be. It can't be. Why did- Wey, it flashed Jeff the Killer, the son of a bitch.
Clip 8:
Cellbit: Eita, it's a cute girl, it's a- Roier: Ay, assho- [Screams] [Dies] [Bell sound effect] God, it made me, I swear it made me- It can't be.
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Hello. I am Muhammad from Gaza 🇵🇸.. We are going through very difficult circumstances 💔.. We have lost all the necessities of life, so please 🙏.. Help me spread my campaign and reach the largest number.. To help my family survive and thank you all 😔
this fundraiser only has 16 donations! please help out if you are able!
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used ublock to delete 90% of features from this site so now i logon and it is simply my posts. and silence
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hey um this is double-plus ungood
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besties, french results for the european elections are kinda disgusting (as expected) and the president just dissolved the national assembly (unpredictable and stupid) which will probably lead to more far right ppl in the parliament (expected and horrible) so my french besties lets go vote on june 30 pls (im begging)
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I feel like this stuff is part of some kind of psyops.
I've had people give me a hard time for posting about how to pirate / encouraging people to pirate and it's always when I'm not even talking about niche sites. I've gotten it over me posting about like fmovies or yts or 1337x (all of which are so well known that Wikipedia has articles about how they've already been sued or removed from google search results for copyright infringement).
Any copyright holders that are looking to curtail piracy are already aware of what's out there. The only person who isn't aware is that random friend or follower who still thinks it's reasonable to pay $15 to "buy" a YouTube streamable copy of a Hollywood movie.
Also! If they get shut down then that's fine! There are already alternatives! And if they're shut down too then those alternatives can be replaced! Possibly by something more resilient!
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No Destinies Ordained
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“If a society puts half its children into short skirts and warns them not to move in ways that reveal their panties, while putting the other half into jeans and overalls and encouraging them to climb trees, play ball, and participate in other vigorous outdoor games; if later, during adolescence, the children who have been wearing trousers are urged to “eat like growing boys,” while the children in skirts are warned to watch their weight and not get fat; if the half in jeans runs around in sneakers or boots, while the half in skirts totters about on spike heels, then these two groups of people will be biologically as well as socially different. Their muscles will be different, as will their reflexes, posture, arms, legs and feet, hand-eye coordination, and so on. Similarly, people who spend eight hours a day in an office working at a typewriter or a visual display terminal will be biologically different from those who work on construction jobs. There is no way to sort the biological and social components that produce these differences. We cannot sort nature from nurture when we confront group differences in societies in which people from different races, classes, and sexes do not have equal access to resources and power, and therefore live in different environments. Sex-typed generalizations, such as that men are heavier, taller, or stronger than women, obscure the diversity among women and among men and the extensive overlaps between them… Most women and men fall within the same range of heights, weights, and strengths, three variables that depend a great deal on how we have grown up and live. We all know that first-generation Americans, on average, are taller than their immigrant parents and that men who do physical labor, on average, are stronger than male college professors. But we forget to look for the obvious reasons for differences when confronted with assertions like ‘Men are stronger than women.’ We should be asking: ‘Which men?’ and ‘What do they do?’ There may be biologically based average differences between women and men, but these are interwoven with a host of social differences from which we cannot disentangle them.”
— Ruth Hubbard, “The Political Nature of ‘Human Nature’“ (via gothhabiba)
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