greykolla-art 5 days
We need more of the werewolf girlfriend. (Pretty please?)
Oh no, Don鈥檛 ask about my foster oc鈥檚 I can鈥檛 be normal about them!馃槺鉂わ笍
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Her name is M煤s (mouse) and I鈥檓 still trying to nail down her design!馃槀
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Here she is with her tiny bastard boyfriend ,Vespr铆us.馃憞
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My author friend created them so they are just my foster children, but I love them so much!
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greykolla-art 13 days
Sketchbook tour #2 many werewolves.
Critical role pose study :
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My Graphic novel main character stuff. Little bastard. And his werewolf girlfriend.鉂わ笍 (and a random wizard I sometimes draw)
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Werewolf oc鈥檚. Had him for a whiiiile! He鈥檚 always doing his best.馃憣
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Ofmd (Hell or High Water fanfic art)
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Trope-y werewolf and fortune teller art.
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greykolla-art 14 days
猸愶笍Sketchbook tour?
Hey goblins! I haven鈥檛 had anything new to post here for a while. I鈥檓 not in any fandoms right now, so I鈥檓 just focusing on my graphic novel.
But what I DO have is chaotic sketchbooks! If you鈥檙e interested in just random oc鈥檚, doodles, old fandoms and studies. 馃槃
maybe it鈥檚 too self-indulging to think you鈥檇 wanna go through that, but I鈥檓 giving it a try! Just so you guy know I鈥檓 alive.馃槣
So! Random stuff!
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Hope that was fun for you!馃槀
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greykolla-art 14 days
Hey you 馃
Are you still alive?
Your last post was March 6th fam
I鈥檓 alive and well, just not in any fandoms right now.
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greykolla-art 1 month
Hi! How are ya doing? Ya doing alright? It鈥檚 been a little while since you posted anything here, so I hope you鈥檙e doing well!
Awww I鈥檓 doing fine, but thanks for checking on me!馃槡鉂わ笍
I鈥檝e just been busy with my freelance work/graphic novel, and taking time to rest my mind. (Meaning I don鈥檛 have as much hyperdrive for art ideas as I used to with Hazbin.)
But that鈥檚 all good, im used to just chillin on tumblr like this. 馃槄
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greykolla-art 1 month
Hello there!
I recently started making edits on Tiktok for anime and now Hazbin Hotel, and I came across some of your art! It reminds me of the style used in V for Vendetta鈥攙ery timeless but classic!
Can I ask if I could get your permission to use some of your radiorose art pieces for an edit? I'll credit you, but again, it's your art鈥攊f you don't want to, that's totally fine! I just have an idea and I feel the softness of your art style would really compliment the song I had in mind.
Oh wowie that鈥檚 quite the compliment!
I LOVE V for Vendetta, both the movie and comic so thank you!馃槃馃挅
Sure thing you can use my art, like you said just credit me.馃槝
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greykolla-art 1 month
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More doodles!
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greykolla-art 1 month
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Circus people having fun!
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greykolla-art 1 month
Not only you feed me with Hazbin but also TADC?
You have the best weird taste and I thank ya for giving us goblins food!
Also, keep being "weird" your art is such a breath of fun and fresh Air!
Your neighbor skeleton
Thank you, dear skeleton!
I鈥檓 gonna start my day thinking of your lovely message!馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
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greykolla-art 1 month
came here for Hazbin, and staying for TADC and the incredible artstyle! I absolutely love how you can draw Caine looking silly and full of whimsy, and then make him look like he is This Close to just going 110% unhinged. Wherever you go fandom-wise, I am absolutely along for the ride!
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The AI is trying a bit too hard to be fun it鈥檚 getting creepy!馃憖
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greykolla-art 1 month
It inspires me so much that you're a nordic artist like me <3 I don't see a lot of us out there and it's always such a joy to find other scandis/nordics who like what I like and create amazing works!!! Elsker kunsten din <3
Oh Heck yeah Nordic bro! I feel the same!馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅 if I鈥檓 not mistaken that鈥檚 Norwegian? Love it!
Takk fyrir hr贸si冒!馃嚠馃嚫鉁岋笍馃嚦馃嚧
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greykolla-art 1 month
hello!! Sorry to bother you, I鈥檝e just been obsessed with your art recently! I love your new TADC art and all your Hazbin comics!
I enjoy reading them as they give me inspiration to start my own comics!
Thank you for reading this, as I hope you have a fantastic day!
Thank you ever so much darling!馃挅
I'm gonna try my hand at making comics for TADC too, so I hope I'll keep inspiring you!馃榿
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greykolla-art 1 month
Me: *followed you for your Hazbin Hotel art*
You: *Amazing Digital Circus*
Me: *putting on my little jester Poni hat* Oh captain, my captain
Fr, I love your art and your vibe so I will be jumping fandom ships with you
Goodness this makes me feel all soft and good inside! 馃挅
Happy to have you on board for the next art adventure!
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greykolla-art 1 month
Hii i really love your Hazbin stuff! Especially how you draw Alastor - when i see him in your style i want to hug him to the point where his ribs crack (affectionate)
And i'm kinda worried to see digital circus now, are you gonna draw more hazbin? ^^" no pressure, of course, you do you and i'm not going to force you into something you don't like and if you don't feel like drawing hazbin anymore - that's totally fine! I just wanna know, because i adore your hazbin things and especially radiorose!!
-- With love, anon 馃挄
Awww, thank you sweetie!馃挅馃
But yeah I think my Hazbin fixation has run its course. Guess we can use this as a bus stop marker. 馃槄
I can鈥檛 be tied down for too long, gotta go where the wind takes me.鉁岋笍馃崈
Those who wanna jump ship are more than welcome, I鈥檒l see y鈥檃ll probably when season 2 comes out! 馃挅 you鈥檝e been a lovely audience!
The rest of y鈥檃ll can stay and enjoy with me whatever other fandoms I join. 馃槣
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greykolla-art 1 month
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I figured out how to draw mr. teeth-eyes! 馃コ
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greykolla-art 1 month
hi auntie grey 鉂わ笍
i love love love love love your (alastor) art just akshfhaja ALL OF IT the colours when it's coloured, the shades when it's b/w, the style, the lines, the dialogue, the poses, the plot, the shapes of the speech bubbles, the character design, the something about it that looks like a french newspaper or smth.....fme3gjr AND YOU POST THEM SO FREQUENTLY???? you are seriously some kind of magic idk
Oh you darling cutie pie!
That means a lot thank you!!!馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
Especially like the "French newspaper" comparison!馃槀 I am actively trying to look a bit Franco Belgian with my lineart!
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greykolla-art 2 months
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My favourite part of the pilot is these girls being polite to each other鉂わ笍
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