Chat what century is it, my parents are joking about selling me to the highest bidder again :<
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All I really need is for someone to go to a party, dance with me like we're lunatics, take care of me while my heart gives out from the effort, and support me when I decide I'm ready to have at it again
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explaining the polycule ~ jegupandalily microfic
"So - forgive me for asking, but every time there's a PTA meeting, it seems like someone else shows up as Harry or Luna's legal representative." The headmistress of the local primary school rubbed the base of her nose. "And as such, we, the school, have asked for Harry's parents to come to the office. Is… is this everyone?" James looked around at the group of people sitting at in the office.
"Yup, think so." He nodded. The elderly teacher sighed deeply.
"Ok, who are you all, please? Start from the left, I guess. I do not understand how two toddlers can have six parents."
"Oh, well that's pretty simple." Pandora beamed. "I'm Pandora Lovegood, Luna and Harry's mami. If it helps in any way, I'm also married to their mama."
"That's me." Lily interjected. "Hi, I'm Lily Evans, the kids mama, and I'm married to James, their baba."
"Wait - you're married to their… mami… and their… baba?"
"Yup." James smiled at the lady. "I'm their baba, James Potter - Harry got his surname from me, we decided. I'm their papa's husband."
"Wait… their papa?"
"That's me." Regulus raised his hand. "Regulus Black."
"… ok so from what I understand, everyone here is married to everyone."
"Pretty much, yeah."
"What about you two?" The lady sighed, looking over at Sirius and Remus. "Are you also married to everyone?"
"Ew, no." Sirius shook his head. "Just to each other. I would never marry my brother, despite what my mother might expect of me." The lady blinked confusedly, but seemingly decided not to divulge into the subject.
"And what is your relation to the children?"
"Oh, godparents." Remus replied. "Remus and Sirius Lupin-Black, if you're noting any of this down by any chance."
"Why do I even bother." The lady dropped her pen. "You can all go, I need a moment to process the information I've just recieved." James shrugged, and the six of them made their leave.
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From Eden ~ jegupandalily microfic <3
"Baba!!!" A shout from young lungs, followed by the surprisingly loud thumping of tiny, chubby feet as they run across polished wooden floors. "BABAA!!!" "I'm over here, love!" James chuckled, untangling himself from the warm embrace of his husband and stretching his arms out to recieve the bundle of joy hurtling towards him.
"Baba baba baba!" Harry hurried towards James, little arms beckoning to be picked up. James complied. "Baba, mama says that you're getting ice-cream!" "Oh did she now?" James raised an eyebrow, looking over to the red-headed woman draped in such a dramatic fashion against the doorframe. "Mama said that?" "Oh come on, James." Lily smirked. "Don't tell me you didn't have to physically hold yourself back when you heard the ice-cream van outside." "Oh, I can confirm that." Regulus raised a hand. "I was the one holding him back."
"Ooh, did someone say ice-cream?" A soft voice floated into the room, and the body it belonged to soon after. "I'm for." "Mami!!" Harry grinned widely from where he was rested in James' arms. "Baba's buying everyone ice-cream!!" "Sounds lovely, darling." Panda smiled softly at the toddler before turning her gaze to James. "I want a lemon swirl." "Oh, if it's such a big order, you're all coming with me." James slipped on his crocs before stepping towards the main hall. "While we're at it, call up Remu and Padfoot, what the heck. I'm already going to go broke, might as well get the rest of the family on it."
"Ice-cream???" Another toddler came running through the halls. "I want ice-cream!!" "Of course, Luna darling." Pandora smiled, picking up the girl. "We're all getting ice-cream, and uncle moony and uncle padsie are joining us!" "You will all render me bankrupt, you know that right?" "Oh shh. We're one of the richest families in Britain." "No thanks to you, Lils." "Oh please, like you worked for your money. I'll have you know I'm the highest earning healer at st. Mungo's." "Guys." Regulus smirked slightly, eyebrow raised. "The ice-cream van?" James laughed, before opening the front door of their home.
James had always had a place he could call home - ever since he was born. He was always surrounded by love, smothered by it, emersed in it. This new home of his? It felt completely and utterly natural. Lily had to find a home for herself. Her home was other people, always. Ever since she met her people, for the first time, she never looked back. She never went back to loneliness. They were home. Pandora never considered one place her home - it was the whole world. It was nature, it was the wind, and the rain, and the sun. But now? Now she had a new home - and it was all she could have ever wanted. And Regulus? Regulus never had a home in the first place, not really - just a house he frequented. And he was ok with that. Until he met James, and James met Lily, and Lily met Pandora. Now, he was so full of love he felt he might burst. Now, he knew exactly what home felt like. Now - he was willing to slither out from Eden, just to sit on that doorstep.
"Innocence dies screaming, honey, ask me I should know. I slithered here from Eden, just to sit Outside of your door."
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hi hi hi okay so @stqrgirl3 and i are looking for marauders rp characters on tum where we'll make like separate accounts as per our characters and yeah it'll be fun :)) only remus and sirius are taken as of yet!!
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@celestialserenity24 @stqrgirl3 my boyfriend wants to snag reggie
hi hi hi okay so @stqrgirl3 and i are looking for marauders rp characters on tum where we'll make like separate accounts as per our characters and yeah it'll be fun :)) only remus and sirius are taken as of yet!!
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Also also
@andytheoverthinker YOU UP FOR IT? I'M PRONGS
hi hi hi okay so @stqrgirl3 and i are looking for marauders rp characters on tum where we'll make like separate accounts as per our characters and yeah it'll be fun :)) only remus and sirius are taken as of yet!!
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ah yes the two genders: horny and suicidal
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Ok I absolutely see your point and would like to add on to it - there is absolutely nothing wrong with portraying James as a feminine guy. I do not see enough content of him being a pretty boy and as a person who headcanons him as pangender, I feel offended
I use to absolutely love the trans Regulus headcannon and I still do but I hate how people make him out to be a twink because of that. And people always make him the feminine one in jegulus when there doesn't need to be a feminine one, they can both be manly. This is not me saying trans men or men in general can't be feminine I just wish people wouldn't make him feminine because he's trans if you get what I mean.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
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Me when I come out to someone and they're actually SURPRISED.
I'm always taken aback when someone asks me if I have a boyfriend because I've convinced myself so much that people perceive me as a sexless entity roaming the mortal world in search of something incomprehensible that I'm surprised the people around me see me as like.... a cishet
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It's pride month, you know what that means
do you want me to like
make gay drawings?
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You know what this means folx
lily knowing evan and barty fancy her and she likes them back but she decides to play hard to get. evan and barty resort to sending her videos of them together to try and finally win her over
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I'd also like to bring y'all's attention to the inverse, that reads "yearning feels better than love change my mind"
And let me just say
... Evan Rosier
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are you thinking what i’m thinking
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Oh, my Love -
My dear, sweet Lover,
My lord, my lady,
My saviour - my God -
Turn Your gaze toward mine,
So that I might feel infinity.
Turn your gaze toward mine,
So I might feel that sweet ecstasy -
So pure, so true, so
Divine, your Loving -
And how could I ever Sin,
If thou art my God?
How could I ever Sin,
If all I long for is to worship you?
So here I am,
Praying at your altar
Of Love.
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are you thinking what i’m thinking
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Genderfluid, polyamory, omnisexual and tired
I’m ace, aro and tired
Reblog if you are also LGBT+ and tired
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