imsailorpluto · 2 months
Any recommendations on a Chinese drama/movie which could provide a good insight on Chinese culture, social norms, friendships, relationships, etc? I could use some good recs, please leave comments or send me a dm/ask 🙏🏻
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imsailorpluto · 2 months
Ddabong 🖤🫶🏻
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imsailorpluto · 2 months
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Cha Eunwoo 'All Light' Concept Film
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imsailorpluto · 4 months
Something I started reading months ago when I couldn't unlock some other webcomic episodes was Act Like You Love Me! and it's been a light and fun read so far.
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Here, this intro says all necessary. At the moment I'm on S02E89 and one of the good things is, you don't need a daily pass or coins to binge as much as you want.
Oh and another important thing, it's a cohabitation type of story, so for those of you who enjoy such plots, this is definitely for you! And honestly, I don't even remember most of the plot, because I've been reading several comics at the time and, well, we all know how that goes... (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
But let me just say, main characters do eventually fall for each other. And there's a second guy, of course. There's always a second guy.
Let me know if you've read this and how you liked it, or if you plan to read it ^^
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
I just came to personally say that before y'all watch Marry my husband PLEASE read the webcomic, it's so good! I was reading it before this kdrama was even announced, trust me you'll love it so much and you get to see how much they changed too!
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
Marry My Husband spin-off is so cute and satisfying. The whole webtoon was so enjoyable. Now I'm actually considering watching a drama too. Should I?
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
Marry My Husband is so good, I can't even find a single thing that I dislike about it (except for the daily pass, but that's a whole other subject). Basically, it's supposed to be a romance and it is to some level, but the romantic storyline is kind of mild, which I really really enjoyed. So if you want to read it for the lovey-dovey content, skip this one. The main character, Jiwon, is trying to get things right the entire time and make it work since she got another chance in life, fighting the vile people who did her and the people she cares about so much harm. That's the main focus of the entire story. Some characters even end up dead and some behind the bars. It's leaning towards a crimi-comic pretty hard. What surprised me is how the author portrayed the mean characters as never changing, going for extremes to accomplish their intentions. And sometimes, it really is like that irl too, people just don't know when enough is enough, digging a deeper hole with each passing day. Well, I won't reveal too much, there's a drama under the same name that's trending these days all over kdrama sites and I've seen some GIFs around here too. And as much as I like them, I think I'll be skipping the drama as I want to avoid disappointment after fully enjoying the web comic from beginning to end.
Before I forget, there are even a few spin-off episodes, which I still haven't read, but I couldn't wait any longer to type-type-type this tiny update.
Ps. Hope you're all having a peaceful weekend. Today, I finally gathered some willpower to take down the Christmas decorations. I enjoyed all the glitter and warm lights sooo much, haha, it was an instant mood-booster in the evenings. Well, now I can't wait for spring. I'm glad the day light is starting to get longer, finally ^^
Till next time,
Sailor Pluto
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
I haven't watched any kdramas for the longest time, but I have been reading webtoons. One of the manhwas that caught my attention is Marry My Husband
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It's about a young woman who is a terminal cancer patient but she gets another chance at life. Now, it's a story full of revenge and making things right, but it's also a romance. I'm on ep. 45/58, and so far I've been enjoying the storyline. The only thing that stopped me from binging it on the weekend is the daily pass (plus adds) which limits a reader to 4 eps per day. For us with no self control, this is actually quite a good thing, since each episode is pretty long. This one might be my favourite webtoon so far, I'm just hoping the ending's nicely wrapped up as well. More on that, in a few days (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
Lately I've been watching lots of Turkish soaps and one thing I noticed is how absurd the plot is and how similar those fictional stories are to real lives of many Slavic people. Not to turn this into a sad posting hour, but the number of people who still nourish the mindset like they've lived cut off from modern civilization their entire lives is quite shocking. Husbands behaving like they own their wives, husband's family bullying the wife for no apparent reason, family ruining the lives of their adult children, monitoring their every move... There's more but I'll keep it short. I've been listening about and witnessing the same things growing up. Of course, not every family is like this, and this kind of behaviour can be found literally anywhere in the world. But it's always been one of my greatest fears, to end up in such situation, with such people, not recognising the signs on time.
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imsailorpluto · 5 months
Even sandals come in pairs? It's a sandal, so of course it does. Shoes come in pairs, but what about things that don't come in pairs? For people who are like those luxury brand shoes, they will have no difficulty finding their partner. But I wonder if I am even a shoe. I feel like I'm not even a shoe or a glove that comes in pairs, but more like a hat or a scarf.
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imsailorpluto · 6 months
Merry Christmas ⛄🎄🎁
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imsailorpluto · 6 months
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imsailorpluto · 6 months
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December 23: Social Distancing
| Most “bingeworthy” drama of 2021 to watch over winter break: Run On
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imsailorpluto · 7 months
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CHA EUN WOO for W Korea x Chaumet, October 2023
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imsailorpluto · 8 months
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Shin Se-kyung and Siwan
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imsailorpluto · 8 months
231021 Jungkook Tiktok update with Eunwoo
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