imtryingbuck · 22 hours
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a bunch of my favorite blogs
I'd been thinking about doing something like this for a very long time. I haven't seen an appreciation/friendship post on here in a VERY long time. So, I'm doing a quick shout-out to my favorite blogs on here <3 love you all.
don't forget to tag your faves <3 keep the chain going!
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imtryingbuck · 2 days
One Step Forward A Hundred Back.
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 3,243
Warnings: angst. Talks about child abuse. Mentions of past rape. Bucky goes through it all. Swearing. Dot. fluff.. mainly angst though.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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Throughout the week weirdly enough Bucky and Theo fell into a routine, that routine ending them in his bed with his arms wrapped protectively around her keeping the monsters at bay for her and unbeknownst to her, she was doing the same thing.
Of course everyone knew that they were sharing the nights together though no one said anything, Steve was happy that their marriage was developing. Everyone noticed the change in Bucky's behaviour; he was happier, less snappy now that he was getting a good night sleep.
Over the course of the week they all went to the hospital to visit Wanda, who woke up after two days.
When the redhead found out that Theo had donated blood to her she cried and pulled Theo into a hug, even though the rails to the bed dug painfully into her stomach she paid no mind to it as she wrapped her arms around the woman in the bed.
"Angel you almost ready?" Bucky asked from the bedroom as Theo was getting dressed in the bathroom.
All the clothes that Bucky had brought her was now in his wardrobe thanks to Martha who after washing and drying them had hung them there not knowing her mistake, when Bucky realised he didn't care no he rather liked seeing her clothes next to his.
"A-almost. Okay now I'm done" Stepping out of the bathroom they smiled at one another before Bucky took her hand in his and put it to his lips placing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"Come on then, operation break Wanda out of hospital is now a go" She giggled at him. Wanda had begged them all to get her out of the hospital on the very same day she had woken up.
"Let's go"
Walking out of the room and down the stairs where the other three who was taking part of the break out was waiting. Nat held her arm out for Theo to take so she did, both women walking out of the house. One oozing confidence and the other simply following the others lead.
"Morning ladies" Clint bows dramatically causing both women to giggle, he opens the door for them to enter-
"No, Theo's with me"
"Never took you to be a possessive husband Buck" Steve laughed.
"I-I'm not I just like her being by my side"
"So... possessive" Nat laughs.
"Oh shut up." Rolling his eyes at the redhead he opens his car door and waited patiently for Theo to get in, shutting the door softly behind her. "I'm not possessive!" he argues when he sees them standing staring at him.
"Sure, sure what ever helps you sleep at night Boss" it's now Sam's turn to laugh but quickly getting into the car he was going to be sharing with Clint, Steve and Natasha.
"I'm not possessive" he mutters under his breath once he was in the car.
"Did you just say something Bucky?"
Oh yeah that was new too.
"No angel, let's bring our friend home"
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"Thank god you guys are here! I'm going crazy!" Wanda huffs when they walk in the room.
"You're already crazy Wands" Nat laughed.
"Shut up, please get me out of here!"
Sam shook his head catching the bag that Wanda threw at him. "We're breaking you out now so stop bossing us around"
Breaking Wanda out of the hospital was easy as she was already given the all clear to be released but with both her and Sam being dramatic and wanted to act like they were breaking her out of prison.
"Don't try and stop us Doc! We're busting out of here and there's nothing you can do about it!" Sam practically shouted at the poor man who was just doing his job.
Bucky looked at Theo and shook his head slowly. "These are our friends"
"You wouldn't change them though"
"Well... maybe Sam"
"Oi I heard that" Sam shouts from halfway down the corridor, nearly knocking over a nurse with the wheelchair that was carrying the 'precious cargo' as he called Wanda.
Their breakout out was deemed a success so they headed home. Martha was quick to wrap her arms around Wanda as soon as she saw the girl, making sure she was careful of the wound on her stomach that was slowly healing.
Wanda made everyone join her in the cinema room in the basement for a movie day/night, Sam was on snacks with Clint, Nat's job was to get blankets, Steve's job was to carry Wanda down the stairs - according to her she had no use in her legs despite them all watching her walk into the kitchen going straight for the fridge to get her strawberry milkshake out. Bucky and Theo had to make sure Sam and Clint wasn't eating the snacks they were getting.
No big surprise when the pair walked in on the two men eating said snacks.
"Where are you going?" Bucky's question had her stopping on the stairs
"I see that, what do you need from up there?"
Sighing when it clicked "Angel, your invited too you know?"
"It-it's a family thing James, I'll carry on reading that book" dictionary.
"Angel you are family. Come on, please don't leave me alone with them"
"I-are you sure? I don't want to cause any trouble"
He swears she's going to be the death of him.
"I'm sure, married remember?" Though his tone was light and non-mocking she couldn't help but flinch lightly.
Theo and Bucky side by side with a thick fluffy black blanket laid over them, Nat and Wanda cuddled up with their own blanket, Sam and Clint side by side hogging the popcorn - Sam holding the pack in a death grip - and Steve was on the other end with a blanket that had Wanda's face with different facial expressions on it, over him. Theo found out that Wanda had brought it him for his birthday as a gag gift but it backfired on her because he loved it.
The third film to play on the very large screen was in fact Theo's fourth film she had ever seen, during the first film Bucky kept looking over at her loving the way her eyes lit up it reminded him of his niece and nephew during Christmas. What the film that was currently playing was called was lost on her but it was a rom-com, at first Theo was enjoying it until it was coming to the end.
The main male character gets down on one knee and asked the main female character to marry him, she cries with joy and says yes. The next scene was them planning their wedding, and then there was a short bit where the woman tries on wedding dresses in front of her friends and mum. Then the scene came when it was their wedding day, them saying their vows, the priest announcing them man and wife and him telling the man he could now kiss his bride.
As she watched eyes glued to the screen her heart ached.
She was married. She was married but wasn't proposed too. She was married and her and Bucky didn't sit down together stressing over placements, who was able to come or not, there was no them two stressing over where to get married. She was married and she didn't get to go to a bridal shop to try on dresses in front of her friends and mum. She was married but there were no vows, there was no telling Bucky he could kiss his bride.
No. No she was married to a man that didn't want to marry her. No she was married but there was no need for them to stress over placements or who was going or not or-or worry about where it was going to be held because her father held it in a spare room of his home. No she was married and didn't get to go to the bridal shop as it didn't matter if she looked nice or not.
They didn't have wedding rings for Christ sake.
A lone stray tear slipped down her cheek as the newlywed couple on the screen walked out of the church huge smiles on their faces as confetti rained down on them.
Theo knew she wasn't worthy of love, not in the slightest. But she had always wished that a man picked her out any woman he could have, picked her and made her feel like she was his world, his life, his love.
But like she was trained to believe, she wasn't worthy to be loved.
And that's all she ever wanted. To be loved even if it was only for a little while. To be truly loved. All she craved was love.
Looking away from the screen she followed the voice that had said her name, Bucky's bright blue eyes staring at her. "Yes?"
"You're crying..."
"Oh, oh I'm sorry"
"Don't apologise, what's wrong?"
"I-I-nothing I'm fine"
"Bullshit-hey where are you going?" Bucky stands up after Theo gets up.
"Why haven't you asked my father yet?"
"About what?"
"About you being able to divorce me?"
Sucking in a breath he rubs the back of his neck. "Let's go upstairs and talk, please"
She knew that she shouldn't have asked in front of his friends, knowing it was probably embarrassing for him that they to hear that, she nodded and followed words.
The silence left in their wake was loud.
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Leading her up to their bedroom, he loved saying that now, he shut the door with a soft thud behind him.
Bucky just stands there and watches her twiddling her fingers growing nervous as he didn't utter a word since leaving the cinema room.
"I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of your friends" she whispers with her head casting downwards.
"I-you think you embarrassed me? No Theo you didn't. I want to know why you've brought up the divorce thing after we've been getting along this past week"
"Be-because... it's-we don't have a real marriage James and-and you deserve to be happy with someone else, one of my father's daughters will do that"
"Why don't you call them your sisters? That's what they are aren't they?"
His only question threw her off. Why is that the only thing that he takes from what she had said to him. "W-what?"
"Why don't-"
"No I understand what you said but-what?"
"I just don't understand, like my father has a daughter so she's my sister so why don't you call them that?"
"Because I'm his bastard"
"But that shouldn't mean anything"
"I'm not allowed to" Bucky had to strain his ears just to hear the words that came out of her mouth.
"Theo... is this to do with your scars?" his heart sank into the depths of his stomach when she nods. Since that day in his office he didn't bring up the scars or try and have that conversation, truthfully he had been wanting to put it off for as long as he could.
"Theo, please sit down so we can talk"
"Okay" she answered after a few beats of silence, she knew she was going to have to do this even if it scared her.
"Take your time, okay"
The thought of telling him the truth terrified her, for so long since it started it was engrained in her brain that she wasn't allowed to say anything to anyone no matter what, she was made to believe that everything that was happening to her was all her fault and that the only person she could blame was herself.
Releasing a long stuttering breath she wiped her hands on her new leggings that Bucky had brought her, straightening her back she knew that she had to do this in order to free him from this loveless marriage.
"M-my mom died during child birth a-and Eliza made my father bring me to their home, apparently it was a way to remind him of his affair" she started, already struggling to get her words out and she hadn't even started properly. Bucky slid his hand over and placed it over hers squeezing lightly until she turned her hand over for him to link his fingers with hers.
"My earliest clear memory is when I was five a-and Eliza got mad because I was playing with Matt and his toys, she got super mad that she started smacking me really hard on my bum. I remember Matt crying and begging her to stop. From then I was always hit by her a-and sometimes she would get her kids to join in"
Bucky's heart squeezed painfully in his chest at her words. Angry at Eliza for hurting Theo when she was just an innocent little child.
"I don't know why or what I did wrong but it got worse, the punishments got worse. Eliza had made me sleep in the basement it's always so cold down there, w-when I was ten she had one of my father's men strap me up against the wall and she started to whip me on my back"
"Did your father know?"
"Yes, first he was angry at her but I don't know why but he stopped trying to stop her"
"D-did he ever do anything to hurt you?"
"The-the scars on my legs, he did them"
"It got worse when I turned fifteen. Eliza had men do things...
"Wh-what kind of things?"
"They would have sex with me and Eliza would take money off them, bu-but I didn't want them to do it! I swear" there was a reason for her trying to reassure him that she didn't want the things done to her by strangers and it was because one night Michael had walked in on Jack, Carla's husband having sex with her and he went mad. That night they all took it in turns beating her until Matt ran in and pulled them away from her, it was also the first time she had left the house to go the hospital.
She hadn't realised that she had said all that out loud. Until Bucky choked out a sob.
"Angel… tha-that's rape"
"What's that?"
"What they were doing to you, baby forcing someone to have sex with them is-it's called rape"
"Oh, is-is that bad?"
"It's bad angel-no no listen to me you did absolutely nothing wrong! Nothing" he said quickly when he saw her frowning with tears welling up in her eyes.
"But it's bad..."
"The person doing it to another person is bad but not the victim and that's what you are"
"Theo… is-is there any more?"
"No not really, but that's my life. And that's why you should divorce me, I'm damaged-"
"You're not damaged! Angel I mean it. Please listen to me l know our marriage didn't start because of love b-but if you stay here, with me I promise you that no one and I mean no one will ever hurt you ever again. Theo we-we can make this work, I want to make this work"
"Why I have scars that are horrible to look at"
"Can you take your clothes off and show them to me?"
She had already embarrassed herself once so what's one more time, right?
Nodding she stood and slowly removed her clothes, Bucky looking up at her "May I?" he asked softly though she was confused by his question she nodded once again, gasping lightly when his hands reached out slowly and traced each scar with care.
"Beautiful" he whispered.
"You don't need to lie" she whispered back.
"I'm not lying Theo, you are beautiful. These scars are beautiful, do I wish you didn't have them? Of course then that means you never went through the pain, that you never was scared. Please never question your beauty, please"
Is this love? Does he love her despite seeing the damage done to her skin? Is this acceptance? Does he accept her for who she is? Did he just say I'm beautiful? Is this how marriages work? He thinks I'm beautiful-
"Hey Theo come back to me angel" his soft voice pulled her out of her thoughts, snapping back into reality she finds his eyes softly gazing on her.
"I-I'm sorry"
"Don't apologise to me, ever. Do you want to go to sleep? It's been a long day"
Climbing in to bed after they both did their night time routine they laid side by side when Bucky wraps his arm around her frame pulling her into his chest tight enough for her to hear the rhythmic beating of his heart against her back.
Just as she fell into a deep sleep his voice came from behind her ever so quietly she nearly missed it.
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The next morning after telling him everything she had gone through growing up and showing him the scars she's forced to live with in detail she couldn't get how dark his eyes turned with anger at the sight of them but when his eyes flicked up to hers they were soft again out of her mind. She appreciated that he didn't judge her for what she had told him.
The fact that he had wanted to continue their marriage, that he wanted to make it work made her believe that maybe just maybe that Eliza was wrong, that she was capable of being loved.
As Theo walks down the stairs in search of her book she was sure she had left in the living room as it wasn't on the bedside table when she had woken up, her heart sank into the deep depth of her stomach as she walks in on Bucky with Dot who straddled his hips, their lips are locked together passionately.
Neither one of the pair notices her standing there in the doorway until they hear the door creaking; all Bucky sees is the figure of his wife retreating backwards before disappearing down the corridor.
Pushing Dot off of him he runs out of the room in search for Theo. Going up the stairs he heads to their now shared bedroom. His heart pounds loudly in his chest as he watches Theo take the clothes he had brought her out of her side of the wardrobe.
"A-Angel it wasn't what it looked like" He stutters out.
"It is fine Mr James"
"No it's not, please stop and listen to me so l can explain"
"There is no need to explain. You're allowed to have girlfriends Mr James"
"N-no I'm not, we are married Theo."
"It is okay. I promise"
"Where are you going?"
"Back to my old room Mr James"
Bucky stands there with tears in his eyes as he watches as she bows her head to him and leaves the room.
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He's so wrapped up in his own turmoil and pain that he doesn't know that as she cries she covers her mouth painfully with both hands or that she softly mutters.
'you're so stupid' ‘you really believed he wanted you' ‘you should of never of shown him, stupid girl' ‘you're not worthy of love' to herself.
She knew the words she thought she had heard last night was only her imagination playing ticks on her.
He has no idea how he can fix this. It’s one step forward a hundred steps back and every time it's his fault.
"I love you Theodora"
<Previous   Next>
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love @pattiemac1 @julvrs @undf-stuff
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imtryingbuck · 5 days
Donations and Monsters
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 3,021
Warnings: angst. Gunshot wounds. Hospitals. Blood transfusions (me not knowing how they work is a warning too). Small amount fluff
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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"We'll be right there." Standing up he handed her Wanda's coat that she had let her borrow the day earlier before putting his on.
"We need to go, come on" his voice wobbled enough to let her know it was serious and for her to comply.
Bucky took Theo's hand in his as he led her in to the hospital, to say she was confused is an understatement but when she saw Steve sitting on the chair running his hand through his messy blonde hair, leg bouncing a hundred miles per hour not stopping until Bucky said his name in a whisper.
Steve jumped up out of the chair, his face pained and eyes red as he rushed over wrapping his arms his best friend clinging on to him like a lifeline as the fresh tears tell.
Theo's eyes were glued to the spot of Steve's white shirt.
Sliding her hand out of Bucky's she moves to where the rest were sitting, as she took in the familiar faces and the ones she didn't know her panic skyrocketed, seeing Nat red eyed as her hands shook blood coating them. Sam's arms leaning on his thighs his body still, tears wetting his cheeks. Clint burning a hole in to the wall his chest slowly rising and falling.
Turning to face Bucky she shook her head as he stared at her with tears falling freely, he made no effort to wipe them away. "Come here sweetheart" his voice softer than anyone had ever heard before.
Shaking her head once again she looked back at the people she had been around, those that she was slowly getting used to. She looks back to Bucky and cocks her head to the side, reminding him off a puppy who didn't understand the command it was given.
"Baby, please come here" His voice cracking has her feet moving as she gets closer his arms open and she falls straight into his chest, he quickly wraps his strong arms around her pulling her even closer.
The only person who wasn't sitting there was the only person who she has ever felt a connection too, her first and only friend.
"She's still in surgery Buck" Steve said handing Bucky and Theo a drink. A black coffee for Bucky and a hot chocolate for Theo.
"What the fuck happened?"
"I-I don't know, we went to the club to help set up for the weekend you know because of the new tables and chairs coming in an-and one minute everything was fine and we were all laughing and joking and...and then this guy came in, Robby told him that we weren't open and then he started shooting-" his explanation gets cut off by Bucky.
"Where is he now?"
"He's dead. I shot him, not quick enough though. None of us realised until Kimmy screamed that Wands had been shot. Buck I'm so sorry"
"You don't need to be sorry as long as she wakes up Steven"
"James, it's not his fault" Theo said weakly even though she believed her words the way she saw it, the blame went solely to the man who had shot Wanda. If Steve hadn't done something who's to say who else would have be injured or worse.
"It is-"
"No it isn't and you know it, she will get through this-"
"How do you know? You don't even know her like we do, not being funny but you shouldn't even here, you're not family." Nat spat with her arms crossed.
"Watch who you’re fucking speaking too Natasha" Bucky growled.
"Why are you defending this bitch? You've already cheated on her with your whore, your marriage is a joke and you know it"
"Say one more thing Natasha I fucking dare you"
Sam places his hand on Theo's arm when she tries to leave. "I need to go toilet" she whispers, he searched her eyes to try and detect a lie, finding none he lets her go.
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"There you are! I've been panicking, wh-why are you outside?" Bucky asks slightly out of breath, his eyes wide seeing Theo sat on a bench covered by a very small shelter as the rain splashed off her shoes.
"Natasha's right, I shouldn't be in there bu-but please just let me wait out here until I know Wanda's okay. I-I know I don't know her like you guys but she's my friend."
Slightly ignoring her words, forcing himself not to head back into the hospital and put Nat's head through a wall, he took her hand in his and helped her to stand
"You're freezing, let's get you inside to warm you up"
"B-but-I don't want to cause any trouble I can just wait out here until I know she's fine and I will head back to your home"
"You are my wife which makes you family. Please Theo, I want-need you with me"
Walking hand in hand back into the hospital Theo felt a fluttery feeling in her stomach when Bucky rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. That's normal right? She asked herself.
"Steve, I'm sorry for trying to blame you"
"Buck its fine-"
"It isn't fine jerk." Bucky falls silent when he notices Nat walking over.
"Theo... I'm so sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm so sor" Nat's apology ends as she bursts out crying, her dam breaking. She had tried so hard to keep up the act that she was okay, trying to act like seeing her best friend being shot in front of her hasn't imbedded its self on her brain. If she was being truthful she regretted the words as soon as they spilled out of lips, though she hadn't formed a bond with Theo like Wanda had she had to admit that she liked having her around. Even if she didn't speak much, well hardly ever other than to Wanda.
Nat always took pride in knowing that she could at least cop up to her mistakes.
Once again Theo slid her hand out of Bucky's grasp and nervously wrapped her arms around the crying redhead whispering softly to her that it was okay, smiling to herself when she felt Nat's arms circle her body, crying even harder Theo just stood there and held her.
Time seemed to drag on as the clock ticking by slowly was the only sound heard other than the occasion coughing from a patient in the background as they sat waiting for an update to be given about Wanda.
Bucky was starting to grow restless as his leg bounced; his eyes going to the clock to Theo's hand snug tight in his then back to the clock. He didn't understand what was taking so long.
Just as he was about to say something to Steve a doctor came around the corner. "Family of Wanda Maximoff?"
In unison they all stood up including Theo - not like she had a choice as Bucky's hand got tighter around hers. "That's us, is she okay?" Bucky asked, praying to a higher power that his best friend was alive.
"Yes" everyone released a breath that none of them had realised they were holding in "She's stable however she has lost a lot of blood an-and unfortunately we haven't got any more of her type in storage-"
"How on earth do you not have her blood type in the hospital?" Steve asked puzzled by the ridiculousness of what he was hearing.
"We did sir but the amount she has lost we've had to use everything we have on hand, is anyone here the same type and willing to donate?"
At hearing Wanda's blood type Theo stepped forward not even looking to see if anyone else had "I'm the same Sir, I'm more than happy to do it"
"Would you please follow me then and we can start"
"Theo... you don't hav-"
"I do James, its Wanda. This isn't the first time I've had to do this, you don't need to worry she will be okay I promise" waiting for him to let go off her hand she followed the doctor who talked her through what was going to happen she hadn't heard Bucky's whispered words.
"It's you I'm worried about"
Not flinching at the sharp scratch of the needle growing accustomed to the quick feeling off pain by now, she looked over at Wanda watching as her friends chest raised and fell she let her free hand move over to hold Wanda's. "It's okay my friend I'm here to help"
"Do you need anything?" a nurse who had introduced herself as Susana had asked after taking her gloves off.
"N-no I'm okay, thank you"
"Okay, if you do just press this button and I'll come in." showing Theo the button she needed to press.
"Okay. Thank you"
Leaving just Theo and Wanda in the room, Theo took the silence as the perfect opportunity to fill Wanda in on what really happened when she had gone back to her father's house which was shortly followed by her apologising to her for lying. Then she told her about Bucky taking her shopping, admitting that she was scared he was going to want something in return, as payment. She told her friend as she slept that as she had no money to her name that the only thing she had to offer was her scared riddled body, admitting quietly that not even her soul had much worth to it.
Then embarrassingly admitted about what happened not even twenty minutes before the phone call.
Susana had come back in to remove the needle but Theo stopped her "I can give more-"
"It's not safe darling-"
"I can do it, I promise. I'm just going to need some water if that's okay?"
"Miss I'll have to talk to the doctor"
"That's fine"
Coming back with the doctor who had told her that it really wasn't that safe for her to give this much Theo shook her head and repeated what she had told to Susana all she needed in return was a cup of cold water. Though worried the doctor agreed but not without making Theo promise him that this was the last one.
This time around she sat in silence apart from the beeping of the monitor that reminded her that her friend was still alive.
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"How much fucking blood did they take from you?" Bucky questioned as Theo stumbled a little bit out of the room.
"Not enough, I can do more but the doctor won't let me"
"Theo you've given enough oka-what's wrong?" asking as he notices her struggle to stand straight.
"Ne-need to sit"
"Okay-okay, I've got you" holding onto her arm he helps her walk the rest of the corridor and helps her sit in the seat he was sitting in before the nurse came to get him.
"Do you need anything?" Bucky asked worriedly.
"N-no I'm okay"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure"
Whilst Theo was in donating blood he had rang Martha to let her know about Wanda, it was only the right thing to do as Martha had known the redhead since she was a child. Martha told him that she was going to head back to the house and start cooking some dinner for them all, knowing they wouldn't do it themselves and just to put her own mind at rest that they had actually eaten. Bucky told her about the bags full of clothes and that they belonged to Theo, Martha's response was that she will make sure they are washed and dried before they came home.
None of them wanted to leave until the doctor all but forced them too, telling them to get some rest and that Bucky will get a phone call if anything changed. Bucky made it abundantly clear that he would have two of his men standing guard outside Wanda's room to which they doctor nodded in agreement or fear, Theo wasn't sure which one but she was glad her friend was going to be protected.
Getting into their cars Bucky held the passenger side door open for Theo, shutting it softly he climbed in the driver seat before following Steve's car which he was then closely followed by Sam and the rest.
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Back at the mansion they enter silently, Theo watched from the side lines as they all fell into Martha's waiting arms as she came practically running out of the kitchen. Though her job was a maid she reminded Theo more like a mother to them as she watched Martha console them one by one.
Steve was the first one to pull away and head up to the stairs Theo heard him whisper that he was going for a shower, Nat followed suit as she still had Wanda's blood on her hands. Soon enough it was just Theo, Bucky and Martha standing in the foyer. Martha turned her attention on to the other woman, smiling sadly she made her way over and before Theo could comprehend what was happening Martha had pulled her in to her arms.
"Are you okay sweet girl?" the older woman asked.
"I'm okay, are you?"
"Don't worry about me, how about you both go and get a shower when your finished dinner will be done" Bucky nodded holding his hand out for Theo he tried his hardest to ignore the butterflies fluttering in his stomach when she doesn't hesitate in putting her hand in his.
"I'll see you in a few" Bucky says as he walks Theo to her bedroom door, he turns on his heels when he receives a nod. He walks to his own room and straight into the bathroom to wash the day off.
Everyone finished with their showers they sat at the dining table their forks scrapping off the plate as they devoured the food. Bucky told Theo that she was to sit at the table, next to him. No one uttered a word as they ate.
After dinner Bucky told Theo to either go to her room or to Wanda's library as they had a meeting, Theo nodded in understanding and made herself scarce. At first she was going to go to her room but decided to go to Wanda's library remembering her words from a few days ago.
The book that Wanda had been reading to Theo still sat on the coffee table and even though she couldn't read properly only knowing a handful of words when they were written down, she picked up the book and sat on the ground. She took her time in moving her finger along the page, spelling each word out just like Wanda had told her to do, feeling really proud of herself when she knew the words.
So lost in the book that she struggled to read she didn't notice the time or that Bucky was standing at the doorway watching her as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"What are you reading?" startling Theo she slammed the book closed and stared at him like a deer in headlights. "Sorry sweetheart I didn't mean to scare you"
"It's okay James"
"So what are you reading?"
"I-I'm not sure" she admitted shyly.
Timidly she held the book up and Bucky had to supress the smile that tried to form on his lips "Theo your reading a dictionary..."
"It's what Wanda was r-reading to me the other day, she said it will help me to... read"
"There's no need to be embarrassed by that angel, I couldn't tie my laces until I was thirteen Wanda had taught me and then she had to reteach me a few years ago"
"Yes, what word was you stuck on?" he asked moving his eyes to the dictionary and back to her face.
"This one" flicking through the pages she pointed at the word once she had found the right one.
"Oh... thank you"
"It's really late so we need to head to bed" his heart aching when he saw her shoulders sag downwards.
"You can read more tomorrow, Wanda won't mind"
"O-okay" Theo perked up at the prospect of learning more words the next day.
Heading upstairs Bucky lingers at Theo's door the words falling out of his mouth before he could stop them.
"Theo will-can you sleep with me tonight please?"
"It's just I don't want to be alone tonight-wait I'm not asking for sex I promise, I-jus-never mind I'm sorry I’ll see you tomorrow" he wants to slap himself for asking, he turns quickly and heads to his room when he stops short by the sound of her voice.
"Just what?"
Not turning around just moving his head to the side so he can see her in his peripheral "Just wanted you nearby"
"I-I don't have to do anything?" At her words he turns around to face her.
"No of course not!"
"Okay, I'll sleep on the floor"
"Bed, you'll sleep in the bed with me. T-that way I can protect you"
"Protect me from what?"
"Um the monsters?" he says it as a question, he smiles when she giggles.
"I'll let you protect me from the monsters"
"I promise I'll keep my hands to myself okay"
Nodding at him she took slow steps towards him when he opens his bedroom door he lets her in first, she takes in the huge room. Her heart skipping when she sees her painting hanging on the wall above his bed, she looks at him and he just shrugs his shoulders with a grin playing on his lips.
"I don't know how that got there"
"The monsters" she replied which had him barking out a laugh.
Once they were settled in to bed and the lights were turned off they quickly fell asleep, both having the first peaceful dreams in a very long time.
Bucky's hands weren't kept to himself.
When they woke the next morning Theo was curled up against his front, one of his arms was resting heavily over her waist his hand on her stomach. And his other arm was under neck and his hand was holding hers.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love @pattiemac1 @julvrs
40 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 6 days
You’re welcome, I’m really glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the request❤️❤️
Thank you for reblogging🤍
The red means I love you
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Human!fem!Reader
Summary: you’re a human who fell in love with a vampire named Bucky
Word count: 1,811
Warnings: angst? fluff. an injured fox. brief mention of mercy killing an animal. mentions of blood. swearing.
A/N: thankyou for the request @loki-laufeyson68, I hope you like it❤️ and thank you @buckys-wintersoldier for proofreading for me❤️
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When Bucky told you that he was a vampire you burst out laughing. There was no such thing as vampires or werewolves. Witches, yes, but vampires absolutely not. He sat there with an amused expression on his face, his left eyebrow raised waiting for you to stop laughing, once your laughter died down he showed you his fangs, you watched as his eyes turned black and that convinced you, honestly.
He promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, told you that he couldn’t bring himself to do that to you and that he only told you the truth because he couldn’t keep lying to you about who he really was. “I understand if you want to leave Y/n.”
That was nine years ago, and here you were still by his side.
Bucky never pressured you into doing anything you didn’t want to do, you never helped him find food nor did you ever watch him feed, he protected you from the other vampires. Bucky was always so sweet and kind to you, always driving you to work and was always there ten minutes before your shift ended to take you home, when the weather was nice you’d both take a long walk arm in arm and he’d tell you what buildings use to be what when he was young and human. Every Monday you’d wake up to find a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers on your bedside table, date night every Friday - he made forced your manger to give you the day off. He was always so caring, loving and generous when it came to you.
He had lived such a long life and within that life he had loved before but none of them compared to the love he had for you, not even in the slightest. He loved absolutely everything about you, even when you were on your period and you was being a grouchy monster - as he so affectionately called you. Bucky knew that he would happily move heaven and earth if you asked, he would move mountains just to see you smile, he would take the biggest brightest star from the dark sky and give it to you.
Despite him being so madly in love with you and knowing you felt the same for him there was always a painful tug in his heart every year on your birthday. You were human. Humans die. Which meant you were going to leave him one day. Bucky wouldn’t turn you into what he was because you never expressed an interest, you never asked him to turn you, so he didn’t even though he knew he’d lose you one day, and he knew that when that day comes his soul would be broken.
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“Doll?” He had just got back from dealing with some rogue vampires who were causing chaos in the city with Steve by his side. A fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand as he searched the house for you.
“Buck? I’m in the garden!” His tired face lit up at hearing your voice.
Making his way to where you were he couldn’t help but laugh at seeing you on your hands and knees with your face pressed up to the hole in the side of the wooden shed. “What are you doing pretty girl?”
“I think there’s a fox in there but I don’t want to open the door just yet incase it runs out.”
“There’s definitely something in there, I can hear its heartbeat.”
“Do you think it’s a fox? Is it nice?”
“I can’t tell baby” he puts the flowers down on the table and moves over to where you were and gets down on his knees. “I know it’s scared though.”
“No, no little fox don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you.” Bucky had to bite his lip when you put your face back to the hole and spoke to the creature inside.
“Baby I… I don’t think it understands you.”
“It will, it will know I’m friendly.” Leaning on your knees you use Bucky’s shoulder to help you stand. “I’m going in. If I scream, well… I love you.”
-Always so dramatic- he thought to himself but nodded and winked at you. “You’ve got this doll, I love you too.”
Unlocking the shed you took a deep breath in and opened the door, eyes instantly locking eyes with a terrified little fox. Moving so slowly with your hands up you spoke to the little thing, telling it that you wasn’t going to hurt it. The little creature let you stroke it and eventually let you pick it up.
“Buck, it’s got an injured leg.” You whispered knowing that he could hear you due to his enhanced hearing. “We need to take it to the vet.”
“Baby, they would just put him down.” He could hear the sob that tried to suppress. “B-but we can look after it ourselves.”
“C-can we?”
“Of course my doll, bring the little one out and we’ll get it into the house.”
Bucky couldn’t actually believe that he was holding a fox in his hands as you wrapped a bandage around its leg after cleaning up the wound, before you if he ever came across a badly injured animal he would kill it out of mercy, he hated seeing an animal suffer. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it to this poor little one not with the way you were looking and treating it.
“Buck, Bushy’s fell asleep in your arms.”
“Have you named it?”
“Yeah, everyone needs a name.” The smile you had on your face had him smiling too.
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A week later Bushys leg was healing nicely and would follow you and Bucky around where ever you’d go around the house. Bucky couldn’t lie if asked if he had grown attached to Bushy, he was going to be sad when it was time to release him back outside.
Bucky gave you a long passionate kiss and stroked Bushys head before he left the house, rogue vampires were back and it was Steve and his job to get rid of them.
“It’s just me and you now kiddo, wanna watch a film?”
Curled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket and Bushy you put on your favourite show, obviously telling the little fox all about the characters and which ones were your favourites - not like the little guy understood a single word you were saying. You were startled awake when a bang came from the panty, not seeing the young fox near by you assumed it was him getting into the snacks, stopping in your tracks when you heard a groan.
“Bushy?” You called out breathing a breath of relief when he came running towards you.
You screamed when you went around the corner, seeing Bucky leaning heavily against the fridge he kept in the pantry - where he stored blood bags. He was covered in blood. “B-Bucky?”
“D-didn’t mean t-to wake you doll.”
“What happened?”
“N-no blood left.”
“Okay? But what happened to you?” You tried to move forward towards him but he held his hand up.
“I-I… baby I need blood an-and I don’t have-“
“Have mine.” Gulping when he snapped his head up, looking you in the eyes. His own turning darker. “Y-you can drink some of my blood Bucky.”
You could see the struggle he was having, on one hand he really needed to feed so he could heal but on the other hand he couldn’t do that to you regardless of how many times he wondered how you tasted. Shaking his head he knew he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, I trust you Buck. You need to eat and there’s no-“
“I can’t doll. I-I won’t.” He stutters, shaking his head even more.
“You can and you will. Please Buck!”
It took nearly half an hour to convince Bucky to drink from you, leading him into the living room and onto the couch you tried to get your heart rate to slow down knowing he could hear it. He kept asking if you were sure, you silenced him by raising your arm for him to take it in his mouth.
Now you know why people always screamed in the movies when they get bit by a vampire, because fuck it hurts so badly!
The longer he had his fangs dug into your flesh the more it hurt, and it didn’t help that you started to feel lightheaded. You looked towards Bushy who was watching the scene infront of him looking nervously between you and Bucky, then everything went black.
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Every part of your body ached as you came around, before you opened your eyes you felt his fingers run through your hair, and all you could hear is Bucky’s soft voice singing.
‘Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
The red means I love you
“Doll? Oh thank goodness, just take it slow baby.” He helps you sit up and that’s when you realise that you’re in bed.
“Wh-what happened?”
“I- baby I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to b-but you were-I killed you an-and you nearly died because I didn’t stop-“
“It’s okay Buck, it’s okay I promise.” You cut his ramble off and hold his hand.
“No doll you don’t understand, you-you’re a vampire now.”
You sighed and nodded, it wasn’t what you wanted but at least you could be with Bucky forever now, just like he always promised you. “I know Buck and that’s okay.”
“I just couldn’t let you die, I’m sorry, I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to be without you doll.”
Bucky couldn’t get the image of you slumping over, your skin going paler than your usual complexion, you not responding. He could hear your once lively heart beat fade and he panicked, he apologised over and over before piercing your neck with his fangs. For the first time since he was turned into a vampire he prayed, praying that you would forgive him but most importantly that you would wake up.
“Buck?” You say his name as you watch as he twists the ring on your finger, the same one he brought you a year into your relationship - he was just walking down the street when a shiny silver ring caught his eye, he paid for it instantly and when you asked why, he told you that he saw it and thought of you so he brought it.
“Yes doll.”
“Was you singing to me?”
“No…” He scoffed shaking his head.
“Yes you was.” You sing to him, Bucky smiled shyly nodding.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
78 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 6 days
He was fighting rogue vampires, and he probably didn’t realise his stock needed filling
Thank you for reblogging🤍
The red means I love you
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Human!fem!Reader
Summary: you’re a human who fell in love with a vampire named Bucky
Word count: 1,811
Warnings: angst? fluff. an injured fox. brief mention of mercy killing an animal. mentions of blood. swearing.
A/N: thankyou for the request @loki-laufeyson68, I hope you like it❤️ and thank you @buckys-wintersoldier for proofreading for me❤️
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When Bucky told you that he was a vampire you burst out laughing. There was no such thing as vampires or werewolves. Witches, yes, but vampires absolutely not. He sat there with an amused expression on his face, his left eyebrow raised waiting for you to stop laughing, once your laughter died down he showed you his fangs, you watched as his eyes turned black and that convinced you, honestly.
He promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, told you that he couldn’t bring himself to do that to you and that he only told you the truth because he couldn’t keep lying to you about who he really was. “I understand if you want to leave Y/n.”
That was nine years ago, and here you were still by his side.
Bucky never pressured you into doing anything you didn’t want to do, you never helped him find food nor did you ever watch him feed, he protected you from the other vampires. Bucky was always so sweet and kind to you, always driving you to work and was always there ten minutes before your shift ended to take you home, when the weather was nice you’d both take a long walk arm in arm and he’d tell you what buildings use to be what when he was young and human. Every Monday you’d wake up to find a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers on your bedside table, date night every Friday - he made forced your manger to give you the day off. He was always so caring, loving and generous when it came to you.
He had lived such a long life and within that life he had loved before but none of them compared to the love he had for you, not even in the slightest. He loved absolutely everything about you, even when you were on your period and you was being a grouchy monster - as he so affectionately called you. Bucky knew that he would happily move heaven and earth if you asked, he would move mountains just to see you smile, he would take the biggest brightest star from the dark sky and give it to you.
Despite him being so madly in love with you and knowing you felt the same for him there was always a painful tug in his heart every year on your birthday. You were human. Humans die. Which meant you were going to leave him one day. Bucky wouldn’t turn you into what he was because you never expressed an interest, you never asked him to turn you, so he didn’t even though he knew he’d lose you one day, and he knew that when that day comes his soul would be broken.
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“Doll?” He had just got back from dealing with some rogue vampires who were causing chaos in the city with Steve by his side. A fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand as he searched the house for you.
“Buck? I’m in the garden!” His tired face lit up at hearing your voice.
Making his way to where you were he couldn’t help but laugh at seeing you on your hands and knees with your face pressed up to the hole in the side of the wooden shed. “What are you doing pretty girl?”
“I think there’s a fox in there but I don’t want to open the door just yet incase it runs out.”
“There’s definitely something in there, I can hear its heartbeat.”
“Do you think it’s a fox? Is it nice?”
“I can’t tell baby” he puts the flowers down on the table and moves over to where you were and gets down on his knees. “I know it’s scared though.”
“No, no little fox don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you.” Bucky had to bite his lip when you put your face back to the hole and spoke to the creature inside.
“Baby I… I don’t think it understands you.”
“It will, it will know I’m friendly.” Leaning on your knees you use Bucky’s shoulder to help you stand. “I’m going in. If I scream, well… I love you.”
-Always so dramatic- he thought to himself but nodded and winked at you. “You’ve got this doll, I love you too.”
Unlocking the shed you took a deep breath in and opened the door, eyes instantly locking eyes with a terrified little fox. Moving so slowly with your hands up you spoke to the little thing, telling it that you wasn’t going to hurt it. The little creature let you stroke it and eventually let you pick it up.
“Buck, it’s got an injured leg.” You whispered knowing that he could hear you due to his enhanced hearing. “We need to take it to the vet.”
“Baby, they would just put him down.” He could hear the sob that tried to suppress. “B-but we can look after it ourselves.”
“C-can we?”
“Of course my doll, bring the little one out and we’ll get it into the house.”
Bucky couldn’t actually believe that he was holding a fox in his hands as you wrapped a bandage around its leg after cleaning up the wound, before you if he ever came across a badly injured animal he would kill it out of mercy, he hated seeing an animal suffer. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it to this poor little one not with the way you were looking and treating it.
“Buck, Bushy’s fell asleep in your arms.”
“Have you named it?”
“Yeah, everyone needs a name.” The smile you had on your face had him smiling too.
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A week later Bushys leg was healing nicely and would follow you and Bucky around where ever you’d go around the house. Bucky couldn’t lie if asked if he had grown attached to Bushy, he was going to be sad when it was time to release him back outside.
Bucky gave you a long passionate kiss and stroked Bushys head before he left the house, rogue vampires were back and it was Steve and his job to get rid of them.
“It’s just me and you now kiddo, wanna watch a film?”
Curled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket and Bushy you put on your favourite show, obviously telling the little fox all about the characters and which ones were your favourites - not like the little guy understood a single word you were saying. You were startled awake when a bang came from the panty, not seeing the young fox near by you assumed it was him getting into the snacks, stopping in your tracks when you heard a groan.
“Bushy?” You called out breathing a breath of relief when he came running towards you.
You screamed when you went around the corner, seeing Bucky leaning heavily against the fridge he kept in the pantry - where he stored blood bags. He was covered in blood. “B-Bucky?”
“D-didn’t mean t-to wake you doll.”
“What happened?”
“N-no blood left.”
“Okay? But what happened to you?” You tried to move forward towards him but he held his hand up.
“I-I… baby I need blood an-and I don’t have-“
“Have mine.” Gulping when he snapped his head up, looking you in the eyes. His own turning darker. “Y-you can drink some of my blood Bucky.”
You could see the struggle he was having, on one hand he really needed to feed so he could heal but on the other hand he couldn’t do that to you regardless of how many times he wondered how you tasted. Shaking his head he knew he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, I trust you Buck. You need to eat and there’s no-“
“I can’t doll. I-I won’t.” He stutters, shaking his head even more.
“You can and you will. Please Buck!”
It took nearly half an hour to convince Bucky to drink from you, leading him into the living room and onto the couch you tried to get your heart rate to slow down knowing he could hear it. He kept asking if you were sure, you silenced him by raising your arm for him to take it in his mouth.
Now you know why people always screamed in the movies when they get bit by a vampire, because fuck it hurts so badly!
The longer he had his fangs dug into your flesh the more it hurt, and it didn’t help that you started to feel lightheaded. You looked towards Bushy who was watching the scene infront of him looking nervously between you and Bucky, then everything went black.
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Every part of your body ached as you came around, before you opened your eyes you felt his fingers run through your hair, and all you could hear is Bucky’s soft voice singing.
‘Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
The red means I love you
“Doll? Oh thank goodness, just take it slow baby.” He helps you sit up and that’s when you realise that you’re in bed.
“Wh-what happened?”
“I- baby I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to b-but you were-I killed you an-and you nearly died because I didn’t stop-“
“It’s okay Buck, it’s okay I promise.” You cut his ramble off and hold his hand.
“No doll you don’t understand, you-you’re a vampire now.”
You sighed and nodded, it wasn’t what you wanted but at least you could be with Bucky forever now, just like he always promised you. “I know Buck and that’s okay.”
“I just couldn’t let you die, I’m sorry, I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to be without you doll.”
Bucky couldn’t get the image of you slumping over, your skin going paler than your usual complexion, you not responding. He could hear your once lively heart beat fade and he panicked, he apologised over and over before piercing your neck with his fangs. For the first time since he was turned into a vampire he prayed, praying that you would forgive him but most importantly that you would wake up.
“Buck?” You say his name as you watch as he twists the ring on your finger, the same one he brought you a year into your relationship - he was just walking down the street when a shiny silver ring caught his eye, he paid for it instantly and when you asked why, he told you that he saw it and thought of you so he brought it.
“Yes doll.”
“Was you singing to me?”
“No…” He scoffed shaking his head.
“Yes you was.” You sing to him, Bucky smiled shyly nodding.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
78 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 7 days
The red means I love you
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Human!fem!Reader
Summary: you’re a human who fell in love with a vampire named Bucky
Word count: 1,811
Warnings: angst? fluff. an injured fox. brief mention of mercy killing an animal. mentions of blood. swearing.
A/N: thankyou for the request @loki-laufeyson68, I hope you like it❤️ and thank you @buckys-wintersoldier for proofreading for me❤️
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When Bucky told you that he was a vampire you burst out laughing. There was no such thing as vampires or werewolves. Witches, yes, but vampires absolutely not. He sat there with an amused expression on his face, his left eyebrow raised waiting for you to stop laughing, once your laughter died down he showed you his fangs, you watched as his eyes turned black and that convinced you, honestly.
He promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, told you that he couldn’t bring himself to do that to you and that he only told you the truth because he couldn’t keep lying to you about who he really was. “I understand if you want to leave Y/n.”
That was nine years ago, and here you were still by his side.
Bucky never pressured you into doing anything you didn’t want to do, you never helped him find food nor did you ever watch him feed, he protected you from the other vampires. Bucky was always so sweet and kind to you, always driving you to work and was always there ten minutes before your shift ended to take you home, when the weather was nice you’d both take a long walk arm in arm and he’d tell you what buildings use to be what when he was young and human. Every Monday you’d wake up to find a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers on your bedside table, date night every Friday - he made forced your manger to give you the day off. He was always so caring, loving and generous when it came to you.
He had lived such a long life and within that life he had loved before but none of them compared to the love he had for you, not even in the slightest. He loved absolutely everything about you, even when you were on your period and you was being a grouchy monster - as he so affectionately called you. Bucky knew that he would happily move heaven and earth if you asked, he would move mountains just to see you smile, he would take the biggest brightest star from the dark sky and give it to you.
Despite him being so madly in love with you and knowing you felt the same for him there was always a painful tug in his heart every year on your birthday. You were human. Humans die. Which meant you were going to leave him one day. Bucky wouldn’t turn you into what he was because you never expressed an interest, you never asked him to turn you, so he didn’t even though he knew he’d lose you one day, and he knew that when that day comes his soul would be broken.
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“Doll?” He had just got back from dealing with some rogue vampires who were causing chaos in the city with Steve by his side. A fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand as he searched the house for you.
“Buck? I’m in the garden!” His tired face lit up at hearing your voice.
Making his way to where you were he couldn’t help but laugh at seeing you on your hands and knees with your face pressed up to the hole in the side of the wooden shed. “What are you doing pretty girl?”
“I think there’s a fox in there but I don’t want to open the door just yet incase it runs out.”
“There’s definitely something in there, I can hear its heartbeat.”
“Do you think it’s a fox? Is it nice?”
“I can’t tell baby” he puts the flowers down on the table and moves over to where you were and gets down on his knees. “I know it’s scared though.”
“No, no little fox don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you.” Bucky had to bite his lip when you put your face back to the hole and spoke to the creature inside.
“Baby I… I don’t think it understands you.”
“It will, it will know I’m friendly.” Leaning on your knees you use Bucky’s shoulder to help you stand. “I’m going in. If I scream, well… I love you.”
-Always so dramatic- he thought to himself but nodded and winked at you. “You’ve got this doll, I love you too.”
Unlocking the shed you took a deep breath in and opened the door, eyes instantly locking eyes with a terrified little fox. Moving so slowly with your hands up you spoke to the little thing, telling it that you wasn’t going to hurt it. The little creature let you stroke it and eventually let you pick it up.
“Buck, it’s got an injured leg.” You whispered knowing that he could hear you due to his enhanced hearing. “We need to take it to the vet.”
“Baby, they would just put him down.” He could hear the sob that tried to suppress. “B-but we can look after it ourselves.”
“C-can we?”
“Of course my doll, bring the little one out and we’ll get it into the house.”
Bucky couldn’t actually believe that he was holding a fox in his hands as you wrapped a bandage around its leg after cleaning up the wound, before you if he ever came across a badly injured animal he would kill it out of mercy, he hated seeing an animal suffer. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it to this poor little one not with the way you were looking and treating it.
“Buck, Bushy’s fell asleep in your arms.”
“Have you named it?”
“Yeah, everyone needs a name.” The smile you had on your face had him smiling too.
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A week later Bushys leg was healing nicely and would follow you and Bucky around where ever you’d go around the house. Bucky couldn’t lie if asked if he had grown attached to Bushy, he was going to be sad when it was time to release him back outside.
Bucky gave you a long passionate kiss and stroked Bushys head before he left the house, rogue vampires were back and it was Steve and his job to get rid of them.
“It’s just me and you now kiddo, wanna watch a film?”
Curled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket and Bushy you put on your favourite show, obviously telling the little fox all about the characters and which ones were your favourites - not like the little guy understood a single word you were saying. You were startled awake when a bang came from the panty, not seeing the young fox near by you assumed it was him getting into the snacks, stopping in your tracks when you heard a groan.
“Bushy?” You called out breathing a breath of relief when he came running towards you.
You screamed when you went around the corner, seeing Bucky leaning heavily against the fridge he kept in the pantry - where he stored blood bags. He was covered in blood. “B-Bucky?”
“D-didn’t mean t-to wake you doll.”
“What happened?”
“N-no blood left.”
“Okay? But what happened to you?” You tried to move forward towards him but he held his hand up.
“I-I… baby I need blood an-and I don’t have-“
“Have mine.” Gulping when he snapped his head up, looking you in the eyes. His own turning darker. “Y-you can drink some of my blood Bucky.”
You could see the struggle he was having, on one hand he really needed to feed so he could heal but on the other hand he couldn’t do that to you regardless of how many times he wondered how you tasted. Shaking his head he knew he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, I trust you Buck. You need to eat and there’s no-“
“I can’t doll. I-I won’t.” He stutters, shaking his head even more.
“You can and you will. Please Buck!”
It took nearly half an hour to convince Bucky to drink from you, leading him into the living room and onto the couch you tried to get your heart rate to slow down knowing he could hear it. He kept asking if you were sure, you silenced him by raising your arm for him to take it in his mouth.
Now you know why people always screamed in the movies when they get bit by a vampire, because fuck it hurts so badly!
The longer he had his fangs dug into your flesh the more it hurt, and it didn’t help that you started to feel lightheaded. You looked towards Bushy who was watching the scene infront of him looking nervously between you and Bucky, then everything went black.
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Every part of your body ached as you came around, before you opened your eyes you felt his fingers run through your hair, and all you could hear is Bucky’s soft voice singing.
‘Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
The red means I love you
“Doll? Oh thank goodness, just take it slow baby.” He helps you sit up and that’s when you realise that you’re in bed.
“Wh-what happened?”
“I- baby I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to b-but you were-I killed you an-and you nearly died because I didn’t stop-“
“It’s okay Buck, it’s okay I promise.” You cut his ramble off and hold his hand.
“No doll you don’t understand, you-you’re a vampire now.”
You sighed and nodded, it wasn’t what you wanted but at least you could be with Bucky forever now, just like he always promised you. “I know Buck and that’s okay.”
“I just couldn’t let you die, I’m sorry, I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to be without you doll.”
Bucky couldn’t get the image of you slumping over, your skin going paler than your usual complexion, you not responding. He could hear your once lively heart beat fade and he panicked, he apologised over and over before piercing your neck with his fangs. For the first time since he was turned into a vampire he prayed, praying that you would forgive him but most importantly that you would wake up.
“Buck?” You say his name as you watch as he twists the ring on your finger, the same one he brought you a year into your relationship - he was just walking down the street when a shiny silver ring caught his eye, he paid for it instantly and when you asked why, he told you that he saw it and thought of you so he brought it.
“Yes doll.”
“Was you singing to me?”
“No…” He scoffed shaking his head.
“Yes you was.” You sing to him, Bucky smiled shyly nodding.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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imtryingbuck · 7 days
okay so hear me out, this might sound but bucky is a vampire and the reader is human. their so mady inlove with each other, one night the reader let bucky taste their blood but bucky couldn't stop, when he did stop he saw her a bit pale and she's dying and blood is slowly flowing down on bucky's bite mark. okay so i got this idea from a song named the red means i love you
*"cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
The red means I love you"*
and can you please add this lyrics
Posting in ten minutes, I hope it’s good enough🤍
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imtryingbuck · 7 days
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imtryingbuck · 9 days
If Theo asked Bucky to burn the world down, he would without any hesitation!
You’ll find out Friday🫢
Thank you for reblogging🤍
Nightmares and Shopping
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 2,902
Warnings: angst. nightmares. mentions of urine. Eliza being the biggest cunt known to man. mentions of scars.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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By the time they had managed to try and salvage any of the supplies out of the warehouse - which wasn't a lot - it was late. Everyone was waiting for Bucky to say something, to say anything but he was silent. He didn't utter a word going there, during or after.
Getting into the car Bucky looked at his watch and sighed at how late it was, knowing that the conversation he was having with Theo before Steve interrupted was going to have to wait until morning, something he didn't want.
Walking into his home he climbed the stairs not even uttering a 'good night' like he did every night, leaving his family confused to his behaviour behind him.
Once he was settled into the huge warm embrace of his bed he let the quietness drift him off to sleep.
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Bucky's startled awake from his slumber as the screams pierced throughout the house. Rubbing the sleep that had gathered in his eyes he grabs the gun from his bedside table and jumps out of bed.
He sees the members of his found family in the doorways to their room, each already armed. The screams of pure terror ring out from Theo's bedroom, not wasting a single second he barges inside nearly taking the door of its hinges, gun ready to shoot at the intruder who had the nerve to break in to his home and attack his wife.
Eyes searching the room he slowly lowers his gun, his heart cracking when he sees Theo backed into the corner rocking back and forth with her knees pulled tightly to her chest, stream of tears sliding down her cheeks. His heart cracking even more when he sees the blood lightly flowing from her swollen lips as she bites down on them.
"Doll, sweetheart wake up please" He pleads softly.
"No more pl-ple-please no more"
"Theo wake up sweet girl"
"P-p-please ma-ke them sto-p E-Eliza"
Bucky swears his heart is going to stop beating at the way she stutters, the way she pushes her already small frame further into the wall. The words she begs make his blood boil he mentally fights with his heart and mind, his heart wants to protect his wife even from her nightmares whilst his mind wants to know more so he can put a bullet through the bastards head who hurt her.
Placing his gun on the bottom of her bed he slowly walks towards her pleading with her to wake up as he goes, kneeling down on the ground in front of her he doesn't grimace when he kneels in the puddle of urine.
"Doll wake up please, you're safe no one's going to hurt you. Please baby wake up"
"No mo-more"
"No more sweetheart, I promise you. Just open those pretty eyes for me"
Steve needed to hold on to Wanda as she tried to get towards Theo to help her. Nat lowered her head. Sam flinched at the woman's cries.
Bucky. Bucky was trying to keep it together.
"N-no m-mo-more?" She questioned whilst still asleep.
“No more sweetheart." He promises.
Sighing a breath of relief as she pants for air, her eyes open. "M-mr James"
"Bucky sweetheart, your safe"
"I-I'm so sorry sir"
"Don't apologise come on let's get you cleaned up okay?"
"I-I-I'll clean-" her hands hovered over the accident she had.
"I'm talking about cleaning you up. Wanda's here and she'll help you okay darling"
Calling Wanda over he holds out his hand for Theo to take. When Wanda takes Theo into the bathroom, Nat leaves to get some clothes from Wanda's room before knocking softly to hand them to Wanda, Sam still had his eyes trained on the bathroom door. Steve moves in with a towel gripped tightly in his hand going to lay it over the puddle Bucky takes it from him and does it himself.
"What am I going to do Stevie?" The last time Steve has ever seen his best friend cry was years ago when his grandmother had passed away. Seeing him with tears wetting his cheeks Steve doesn't waste a moment to pull his brother into his arms.
"We'll figure it out I promise"
As Bucky was about to reply the door came open revealing Theo who was now wearing clean clothes that belonged to Wanda.
"I'm going to be staying with her tonight Buck" Wanda speaks lowly.
They all watch as Theo moves quickly with her head down and crawls under the bed. Wanda gave Bucky a tight lipped smile and copied her friend's movements.
The rest go back to bed but Bucky. He shuts the door and drops to his knees, he lays on the floor next to the bed and slowly moves his hand out to reach hers.
Falling asleep on the cold wooden flooring was uncomfortable but Bucky found solace as he slid his hand into Theo's, her fingers squeezing ever so gently.
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The sun rouses Wanda making her the first one to wake out of the trio, she beams at the sight of Bucky's hand linked tightly together with Theo's. Taking slow steps towards the door she makes her escape.
"Morning guys" she greets as she walks into the kitchen.
Receiving a chorus of greetings she takes a slice of toast off Nat's plate earning herself a smack on the hand.
"Bucky stayed with us last night, well early hours in the morning”
"Was anyone else's heart breaking at her cries or was it just me?" Sam questions with food in his mouth.
"How many times have I told you not to do that?" Steve's quick to scold him "and no mine was too"
"Same" Nat nods.
"So I was thinking all of us should leave, give all the staff the day off that way they can spend the day together" Steve says watching as his friends nod in agreement. They know Bucky needs this push.
The four of them clear out the house before Bucky and Theo wakes.
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Bucky walks into the kitchen and sees Theo cooking breakfast he stands there for a moment to watch.
When he woke up he panicked when she wasn't there but hearing the distant sound of bacon sizzling he gathered she was downstairs.
"Morning Theo"
"Mr James I-I'm so sorry about last night"
"Bucky, everyone calls me Bucky so please stop with the whole mr James shit and stop apologising everyone gets nightmares" he says softly.
He stood and watched as her head dipped low as she turns back around to the bacon in the pan.
"Where is everyone?" He asks.
"There's a note on the counter"
He walks over to where a piece of paper laid on the marble top-
Buck we gave the day off to the staff and we've gone out for the day so you and Theo can talk, get to know each other.
Wanda says take Theo shopping as she desperately needs clothes.
See you later
"It's just the two of us today Wanda says to take you shopping for clothes, so we'll eat and go shopping, would that be okay?"
"I don't have any money sir"
"I'll pay and what have I said about calling me sir?"
"N-not to do it. I'm sorry. You don't need to waste your money on me"
"Stop apologising as well, please. And Theo I won't be wasting money on you"
Bucky's quick to notice that there's only enough food for him so as Theo's about to put the food out he tells her to sit at the table, putting the food she made in front of her he makes himself breakfast.
After eating and putting the dishes away they retreat upstairs.
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"The store that Wanda loves to go to isn't that far we can go there if you like or do you have somewhere else in mind?" Bucky questions once the pair was on the road.
"I've never been shopping before Wanda took me" she whispers.
"Oh. I'm sorry that the first time you went shopping was with Wanda that girl don't know when to stop"
Bucky nearly crashed the car when he heard Theo laugh. Wanda was wrong, it wasn't cute. It was heavenly.
His eyes couldn't stop bouncing from the road to her sitting next to him, a small smile playing on his lips hoping, wishing that he could hear it again and again until death did them part. Even though he remembered that Theo had asked Michael for a divorce he kept telling himself that there was time for him to fix this marriage.
"It was fun, I had fun" she says with a smile.
"I'm glad, you and Wanda get along well don't you?"
"She said I'm her friend"
"Is she yours?"
"I've never been anyone's friend before an-and l've never had one b-but I think she is" giving a light shrug, Bucky's heart pangs at her confession.
"She's a great friend to have, loyal and kind, supportive and fiercely protective. Wanda's more like my sister really" He sees her smiling and he loves seeing the way her dimple dips in.
Noticing they had arrived he pulls up and gets out the car before she could, opening her door he smiles.
"Welcome Mr Barnes, I'll have the store cleared out immediately" the manager spoke quickly before dashing away.
And immediately it was, within a few minutes the whole store was empty aside from Bucky, Theo and the manager.
"Get whatever you like, if you need help Ria will help okay?" Bucky asked as he notices Theo not moving.
Nodding and moving a price tag on a shirt that looked similar to that of Wanda's had her gasping at the price moving along her palms started to sweat, the prices of the clothing making her heart beat unevenly. It didn't help that she could feel Bucky's eyes on her.
She couldn't understand why he was doing this for her not since she had told him about asking her father to let them divorce and let one of his daughters marry him instead and especially not with what happened the night before, she pissed herself in front of him and now he was taking her shopping.
It didn't make sense.
"Theo? Is everything okay?" Bucky's soft voice startled her.
Making her way over to where he stood she lowered her head and whispered "everything is really expensive sir"
"Don't worry about money, have you seen something you like?" though she liked the top that reminded her of her new found friend she shook her head.
"We can go somewhere else if you like?" he tries again.
Nodding she looked up and out of the window, across the street a little ways down there was a store and from what she could see the sign said "Thrift Store" and a huge red sign saying sale was hanging in the window.
Looking back at Bucky her breath stuttered in surprise at the fact he was already staring at her.
"Ca-can we go there, please?" pointing at the store Bucky's blue eyes followed her arm as she pointed.
"A-are you sure?" nodding at his question "O-okay" a thrift store he scoffed in his head. Saying his goodbyes to the manager he opened the door for Theo.
Once they had entered the store the owner had forced all the customers out in hopes to please the Mob boss.
"Anything catching your eye?"
"N-not sure"
He watches as she glides around the store, watching as her eyes light up before picking out an item then moving on to the next. Bucky smiles softly at her when she lifts her head up eyes darting around until she lands on him, giving him a shy smile her head goes back down as she continues her hunt.
"I-I like these sir"
"They look good, would you like me to hold them as you continue to look?"
Shaking her head softly "I'm done sir"
"Theo there's only two pairs of trousers and a shirt here" he says as he looks at the very small pile of clothing in her hands.
"That's a-all I'm allowed"
"No sweetheart, you need to fill your wardrobe up. It's okay to get more, I saw you pick up lots of clothing that had you smiling"
"I only need two pairs of trousers and a shirt..."
"Not to fill a wardrobe up. Pass me those and let's get you some more, okay"
Handing him the items she trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he seem to have memorised her previous movements. Soon enough the owner had to come over and take the clothes out of Bucky's hands and placed them on the counter.
"J-James this is too much"
"Nonsense, is there anything catching your eye?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes sir"
As they moved over to the counter where two huge piles awaited them there was two things that caught Bucky's eyes, one of them being something that he watched Theo touch delicately - a rugged brown bear.
The other was a jacket that had cross stitched patches on the elbows and breast pocket, though he still didn't know his wife the jacket screamed Theo, so when she wasn't looking he picked both items up and handed it to the owner.
Though he didn't bat an eye at the total he heard Theo inhale sharply.
Theo tried desperately to take the bags from Bucky's hands he shook his head, instead he gave her his car keys and asked her to get the door.
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"I'll get Martha to wash all your new clothes for you when she's back tomorrow" Bucky says as he put the bags down in the foyer.
"I-I can do it"
"Nope don't worry, would you like me to order you some food?"
"Aren't you hungry?"
"No why are you doing this?"
"I'm not following..."
"Why are you being nice to me? I told you yesterday that l asked my father to let us divorce"
"I sadly remember that, can I ask why you did it?"
"So you can marry one of my father's daughters"
"I already married one"
"No you married his bastard"
Furrowing his eyebrows he sighed, he knew she was the product of her father's affair but truthfully it didn't matter to him. Bucky truly believed he could find happiness with Theo if only given the chance. Turning his back to her he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to contain the emotions swirling around his heart "I don't care about that Theo"
She stands there surveying his movements when she remembered Eliza's words from the day before she swallowed thickly as her stomach churned at what she was about to do.
"Well y-you might change your mind now" she whispers just loud enough for him to hear.
"Wha-Jesus Christ-Theo-what... wha-" his stomach drops along with his heart when he turns around and sees Theo standing before him in only her bra and underwear.
The angry scars that are on her stomach makes his nose flare in anger, the huge scar that Wanda had mentioned was bigger than he thought. The small circled scars Bucky knew for a fact were from cigarette burns.
"Let's have sex" she whispers once again, the urge to cover herself up and run away itches her insides.
"N-n-no put your clothes back on"
"It's okay I just have to lay right here and take it sir, don't worry about hurting me the others don't" the last three words were barely above a whisper, slightly hoping he didn't hear her confession but sadly he had.
"Put your clothes back on" he repeated however this time in more of a demanding tone.
"Now that you've seen the filth that is my body you can now ask my father to divorce me, he'll say yes to you"
"Fuck sake Theo put your clothes back on!"
"It-it makes you sick doesn't it"
"Yes" he answers without missing a beat. Moving closer to her he bends down to pick her shirt up he hands it to her "But not for the reason you think, please sweetheart put your clothes back on and me and you are going to talk"
Feeling like the most stupidest of people thinking, wishing Bucky would of done what Eliza had told her how he would react. It confused her why he didn't either run away or dragged her out of his house.
"Are you dressed?" Bucky asks with his back to her.
Turning back around his eyes found hers, he motioned for her to go and sit on the couch "I need you to be honest with me Theo, how did you get these scars?"
Hesitating for a few minutes Bucky sat patiently as she gathered her thoughts, as she opened her mouth to finally confess she slams her lips shut as a loud ringing coming from Bucky's phone pierces through the silence.
"God sake, give me a second sweetheart. Hello?"
She couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the line but the way Bucky's face dropped and paled she knew it wasn't good.
"We'll be right there." Standing up he handed her Wanda's coat that she had let her borrow the day earlier before putting his on.
"We need to go, come on" his voice wobbled enough to let her know it was serious and for her to comply.
<Previous   Next>
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love
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imtryingbuck · 9 days
Nightmares and Shopping
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 2,902
Warnings: angst. nightmares. mentions of urine. Eliza being the biggest cunt known to man. mentions of scars.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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By the time they had managed to try and salvage any of the supplies out of the warehouse - which wasn't a lot - it was late. Everyone was waiting for Bucky to say something, to say anything but he was silent. He didn't utter a word going there, during or after.
Getting into the car Bucky looked at his watch and sighed at how late it was, knowing that the conversation he was having with Theo before Steve interrupted was going to have to wait until morning, something he didn't want.
Walking into his home he climbed the stairs not even uttering a 'good night' like he did every night, leaving his family confused to his behaviour behind him.
Once he was settled into the huge warm embrace of his bed he let the quietness drift him off to sleep.
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Bucky's startled awake from his slumber as the screams pierced throughout the house. Rubbing the sleep that had gathered in his eyes he grabs the gun from his bedside table and jumps out of bed.
He sees the members of his found family in the doorways to their room, each already armed. The screams of pure terror ring out from Theo's bedroom, not wasting a single second he barges inside nearly taking the door of its hinges, gun ready to shoot at the intruder who had the nerve to break in to his home and attack his wife.
Eyes searching the room he slowly lowers his gun, his heart cracking when he sees Theo backed into the corner rocking back and forth with her knees pulled tightly to her chest, stream of tears sliding down her cheeks. His heart cracking even more when he sees the blood lightly flowing from her swollen lips as she bites down on them.
"Doll, sweetheart wake up please" He pleads softly.
"No more pl-ple-please no more"
"Theo wake up sweet girl"
"P-p-please ma-ke them sto-p E-Eliza"
Bucky swears his heart is going to stop beating at the way she stutters, the way she pushes her already small frame further into the wall. The words she begs make his blood boil he mentally fights with his heart and mind, his heart wants to protect his wife even from her nightmares whilst his mind wants to know more so he can put a bullet through the bastards head who hurt her.
Placing his gun on the bottom of her bed he slowly walks towards her pleading with her to wake up as he goes, kneeling down on the ground in front of her he doesn't grimace when he kneels in the puddle of urine.
"Doll wake up please, you're safe no one's going to hurt you. Please baby wake up"
"No mo-more"
"No more sweetheart, I promise you. Just open those pretty eyes for me"
Steve needed to hold on to Wanda as she tried to get towards Theo to help her. Nat lowered her head. Sam flinched at the woman's cries.
Bucky. Bucky was trying to keep it together.
"N-no m-mo-more?" She questioned whilst still asleep.
“No more sweetheart." He promises.
Sighing a breath of relief as she pants for air, her eyes open. "M-mr James"
"Bucky sweetheart, your safe"
"I-I'm so sorry sir"
"Don't apologise come on let's get you cleaned up okay?"
"I-I-I'll clean-" her hands hovered over the accident she had.
"I'm talking about cleaning you up. Wanda's here and she'll help you okay darling"
Calling Wanda over he holds out his hand for Theo to take. When Wanda takes Theo into the bathroom, Nat leaves to get some clothes from Wanda's room before knocking softly to hand them to Wanda, Sam still had his eyes trained on the bathroom door. Steve moves in with a towel gripped tightly in his hand going to lay it over the puddle Bucky takes it from him and does it himself.
"What am I going to do Stevie?" The last time Steve has ever seen his best friend cry was years ago when his grandmother had passed away. Seeing him with tears wetting his cheeks Steve doesn't waste a moment to pull his brother into his arms.
"We'll figure it out I promise"
As Bucky was about to reply the door came open revealing Theo who was now wearing clean clothes that belonged to Wanda.
"I'm going to be staying with her tonight Buck" Wanda speaks lowly.
They all watch as Theo moves quickly with her head down and crawls under the bed. Wanda gave Bucky a tight lipped smile and copied her friend's movements.
The rest go back to bed but Bucky. He shuts the door and drops to his knees, he lays on the floor next to the bed and slowly moves his hand out to reach hers.
Falling asleep on the cold wooden flooring was uncomfortable but Bucky found solace as he slid his hand into Theo's, her fingers squeezing ever so gently.
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The sun rouses Wanda making her the first one to wake out of the trio, she beams at the sight of Bucky's hand linked tightly together with Theo's. Taking slow steps towards the door she makes her escape.
"Morning guys" she greets as she walks into the kitchen.
Receiving a chorus of greetings she takes a slice of toast off Nat's plate earning herself a smack on the hand.
"Bucky stayed with us last night, well early hours in the morning”
"Was anyone else's heart breaking at her cries or was it just me?" Sam questions with food in his mouth.
"How many times have I told you not to do that?" Steve's quick to scold him "and no mine was too"
"Same" Nat nods.
"So I was thinking all of us should leave, give all the staff the day off that way they can spend the day together" Steve says watching as his friends nod in agreement. They know Bucky needs this push.
The four of them clear out the house before Bucky and Theo wakes.
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Bucky walks into the kitchen and sees Theo cooking breakfast he stands there for a moment to watch.
When he woke up he panicked when she wasn't there but hearing the distant sound of bacon sizzling he gathered she was downstairs.
"Morning Theo"
"Mr James I-I'm so sorry about last night"
"Bucky, everyone calls me Bucky so please stop with the whole mr James shit and stop apologising everyone gets nightmares" he says softly.
He stood and watched as her head dipped low as she turns back around to the bacon in the pan.
"Where is everyone?" He asks.
"There's a note on the counter"
He walks over to where a piece of paper laid on the marble top-
Buck we gave the day off to the staff and we've gone out for the day so you and Theo can talk, get to know each other.
Wanda says take Theo shopping as she desperately needs clothes.
See you later
"It's just the two of us today Wanda says to take you shopping for clothes, so we'll eat and go shopping, would that be okay?"
"I don't have any money sir"
"I'll pay and what have I said about calling me sir?"
"N-not to do it. I'm sorry. You don't need to waste your money on me"
"Stop apologising as well, please. And Theo I won't be wasting money on you"
Bucky's quick to notice that there's only enough food for him so as Theo's about to put the food out he tells her to sit at the table, putting the food she made in front of her he makes himself breakfast.
After eating and putting the dishes away they retreat upstairs.
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"The store that Wanda loves to go to isn't that far we can go there if you like or do you have somewhere else in mind?" Bucky questions once the pair was on the road.
"I've never been shopping before Wanda took me" she whispers.
"Oh. I'm sorry that the first time you went shopping was with Wanda that girl don't know when to stop"
Bucky nearly crashed the car when he heard Theo laugh. Wanda was wrong, it wasn't cute. It was heavenly.
His eyes couldn't stop bouncing from the road to her sitting next to him, a small smile playing on his lips hoping, wishing that he could hear it again and again until death did them part. Even though he remembered that Theo had asked Michael for a divorce he kept telling himself that there was time for him to fix this marriage.
"It was fun, I had fun" she says with a smile.
"I'm glad, you and Wanda get along well don't you?"
"She said I'm her friend"
"Is she yours?"
"I've never been anyone's friend before an-and l've never had one b-but I think she is" giving a light shrug, Bucky's heart pangs at her confession.
"She's a great friend to have, loyal and kind, supportive and fiercely protective. Wanda's more like my sister really" He sees her smiling and he loves seeing the way her dimple dips in.
Noticing they had arrived he pulls up and gets out the car before she could, opening her door he smiles.
"Welcome Mr Barnes, I'll have the store cleared out immediately" the manager spoke quickly before dashing away.
And immediately it was, within a few minutes the whole store was empty aside from Bucky, Theo and the manager.
"Get whatever you like, if you need help Ria will help okay?" Bucky asked as he notices Theo not moving.
Nodding and moving a price tag on a shirt that looked similar to that of Wanda's had her gasping at the price moving along her palms started to sweat, the prices of the clothing making her heart beat unevenly. It didn't help that she could feel Bucky's eyes on her.
She couldn't understand why he was doing this for her not since she had told him about asking her father to let them divorce and let one of his daughters marry him instead and especially not with what happened the night before, she pissed herself in front of him and now he was taking her shopping.
It didn't make sense.
"Theo? Is everything okay?" Bucky's soft voice startled her.
Making her way over to where he stood she lowered her head and whispered "everything is really expensive sir"
"Don't worry about money, have you seen something you like?" though she liked the top that reminded her of her new found friend she shook her head.
"We can go somewhere else if you like?" he tries again.
Nodding she looked up and out of the window, across the street a little ways down there was a store and from what she could see the sign said "Thrift Store" and a huge red sign saying sale was hanging in the window.
Looking back at Bucky her breath stuttered in surprise at the fact he was already staring at her.
"Ca-can we go there, please?" pointing at the store Bucky's blue eyes followed her arm as she pointed.
"A-are you sure?" nodding at his question "O-okay" a thrift store he scoffed in his head. Saying his goodbyes to the manager he opened the door for Theo.
Once they had entered the store the owner had forced all the customers out in hopes to please the Mob boss.
"Anything catching your eye?"
"N-not sure"
He watches as she glides around the store, watching as her eyes light up before picking out an item then moving on to the next. Bucky smiles softly at her when she lifts her head up eyes darting around until she lands on him, giving him a shy smile her head goes back down as she continues her hunt.
"I-I like these sir"
"They look good, would you like me to hold them as you continue to look?"
Shaking her head softly "I'm done sir"
"Theo there's only two pairs of trousers and a shirt here" he says as he looks at the very small pile of clothing in her hands.
"That's a-all I'm allowed"
"No sweetheart, you need to fill your wardrobe up. It's okay to get more, I saw you pick up lots of clothing that had you smiling"
"I only need two pairs of trousers and a shirt..."
"Not to fill a wardrobe up. Pass me those and let's get you some more, okay"
Handing him the items she trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he seem to have memorised her previous movements. Soon enough the owner had to come over and take the clothes out of Bucky's hands and placed them on the counter.
"J-James this is too much"
"Nonsense, is there anything catching your eye?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes sir"
As they moved over to the counter where two huge piles awaited them there was two things that caught Bucky's eyes, one of them being something that he watched Theo touch delicately - a rugged brown bear.
The other was a jacket that had cross stitched patches on the elbows and breast pocket, though he still didn't know his wife the jacket screamed Theo, so when she wasn't looking he picked both items up and handed it to the owner.
Though he didn't bat an eye at the total he heard Theo inhale sharply.
Theo tried desperately to take the bags from Bucky's hands he shook his head, instead he gave her his car keys and asked her to get the door.
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"I'll get Martha to wash all your new clothes for you when she's back tomorrow" Bucky says as he put the bags down in the foyer.
"I-I can do it"
"Nope don't worry, would you like me to order you some food?"
"Aren't you hungry?"
"No why are you doing this?"
"I'm not following..."
"Why are you being nice to me? I told you yesterday that l asked my father to let us divorce"
"I sadly remember that, can I ask why you did it?"
"So you can marry one of my father's daughters"
"I already married one"
"No you married his bastard"
Furrowing his eyebrows he sighed, he knew she was the product of her father's affair but truthfully it didn't matter to him. Bucky truly believed he could find happiness with Theo if only given the chance. Turning his back to her he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to contain the emotions swirling around his heart "I don't care about that Theo"
She stands there surveying his movements when she remembered Eliza's words from the day before she swallowed thickly as her stomach churned at what she was about to do.
"Well y-you might change your mind now" she whispers just loud enough for him to hear.
"Wha-Jesus Christ-Theo-what... wha-" his stomach drops along with his heart when he turns around and sees Theo standing before him in only her bra and underwear.
The angry scars that are on her stomach makes his nose flare in anger, the huge scar that Wanda had mentioned was bigger than he thought. The small circled scars Bucky knew for a fact were from cigarette burns.
"Let's have sex" she whispers once again, the urge to cover herself up and run away itches her insides.
"N-n-no put your clothes back on"
"It's okay I just have to lay right here and take it sir, don't worry about hurting me the others don't" the last three words were barely above a whisper, slightly hoping he didn't hear her confession but sadly he had.
"Put your clothes back on" he repeated however this time in more of a demanding tone.
"Now that you've seen the filth that is my body you can now ask my father to divorce me, he'll say yes to you"
"Fuck sake Theo put your clothes back on!"
"It-it makes you sick doesn't it"
"Yes" he answers without missing a beat. Moving closer to her he bends down to pick her shirt up he hands it to her "But not for the reason you think, please sweetheart put your clothes back on and me and you are going to talk"
Feeling like the most stupidest of people thinking, wishing Bucky would of done what Eliza had told her how he would react. It confused her why he didn't either run away or dragged her out of his house.
"Are you dressed?" Bucky asks with his back to her.
Turning back around his eyes found hers, he motioned for her to go and sit on the couch "I need you to be honest with me Theo, how did you get these scars?"
Hesitating for a few minutes Bucky sat patiently as she gathered her thoughts, as she opened her mouth to finally confess she slams her lips shut as a loud ringing coming from Bucky's phone pierces through the silence.
"God sake, give me a second sweetheart. Hello?"
She couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the line but the way Bucky's face dropped and paled she knew it wasn't good.
"We'll be right there." Standing up he handed her Wanda's coat that she had let her borrow the day earlier before putting his on.
"We need to go, come on" his voice wobbled enough to let her know it was serious and for her to comply.
<Previous   Next>
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love
44 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 9 days
Thank you🥺
Thank you for reblogging🤍
To Be Loved
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n realises her self worth. 
Word count: 2,831
Warnings: angst. angst. cheating (I’m sorry). self hatred. Sharon. forms of self harming. Steve and Sharon are scumbags. 
A/N: i was listening to Adele To Be Loved and this idea came to me
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Everything was in their correct places, she made sure of it. Seven times. It had to be perfect. Today marked three years of marriage for her and Steve, instead of going out they both agreed to celebrate their anniversary at home with a home cooked meal, fine wine and slow music and to top it off with an intimate moment shared together in their bed.
The plan was perfect.
The house was perfect.
The dress she was wearing was perfect.
The meal smelted delicious as it cooked away in the oven.
The only thing now was for her to wait for her love to come home.
She sat at the dining chair watching as the clock on the over tick on by getting further away from the agreed upon time that he was supposed to arrive. Every time she rang him the call dropped straightaway, her messaged just staying on delivered. Fidgeting ever so often trying to smooth out the crinkles of her dark green dress that he told her to wear for their special occasion.
Two hours, still not home.
Three hours, still not home.
Fou- she finally gave up.
Emptying the plates full of now cold food, she turned off the radio, took her heels off and collapsed on the couch.
It had been a long time since she had cried, and that night she cried until her heart started to squeeze painfully.
She cried until sleep over took her weaken body.
She forgave him the next day when he got in at six o’clock that morning. He showed up with flowers and told her that he was sorry, something about a mission brief that ran way too long.
Though she didn’t necessarily believe him or his lie but she was just happy he was home so she never questioned him.
She plastered a fake smile and made out that she watched a sad movie and that was the reason for her make up - the same she took time in perfecting - was ruined, not the real reason for the dried mascara tear tracks running down her cheeks.
A week later she walked into the tower finding it strange that no one made their way to greet her like they always did before. She walked into Steve’s room to surprise him, when she got a surprise of her own.
Her husband of three years, the man that she had been with for six years, the man that she had been in love with for eight years was thrusting away like his life depended on it into a woman that she had been insecure about since she came back to work for SHIELD, the same woman that Steve had reassured her that she had no reason to worry or to be threatened by.
She had no idea how long she stood there for watching the scene in front of her until she watched them kiss, it was then and only then she stumbled backwards knocking into the door which caused a noise.
The headboard stopped violently banging against the wall, the mattress stopped squeaking and Steve’s face drained of all colour as he saw his wife catching him in the act of his betrayal.
“B-baby” he had the audacity to call her whilst still inside of another woman.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she forced her legs to take a step in front of the other, shaking as she pressed the elevator button her eyes stung as the tears threatened to break over the barrier.
The moment the silver shiny doors open she stepped in repeatedly hitting the close button just as Steve managed to make it around the corner.
This man who she had loved for eight years, the same man that she had just caught cheating had the audacity to look sad at the heart-breaking expression on her face.
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A month had gone by since that painful day, and after weeks of him begging and grovelling and profusely promising that he would never do it again, that he would be better. Promising that he would go to therapy to fix his mistakes.
She asked how many times he had cheated on her and he hesitated before telling her that it had been going on for a month before hastily telling her that it meant nothing, just sex - as if that made it any better.
Now please don’t judge her, for eight years she had loved him more than she had ever thought you could love someone and for six years he was all she knew. She loved him with all that she had even if he did the one thing that she never thought he would do to her. She took him back.
When the team found out what he had done they rallied around to the apartment she shared with Americas golden boy, all telling her that they knew nothing, Tony had told her that he told Fury that he was kicking Sharon out of the tower and how Fury had made her move to a different SHIELD location. The team cleaned up the mess she had made the night she got back to their apartment after catching her husband’s betrayal. 
The team understood why she agreed to take him back though none of them liked it. They thought-no knew she deserved better than their friend, their captain. But they promised that they would always be there if she ever needed them, no matter what.
Steve understood that it was going to take her some time for them to go back to being ‘normal’ even though she didn’t know if they could ever get back what they once had.
She tried, she really did try and put it behind her but every night when she closed her eyes she was plagued by the memories of him with a woman that wasn’t her. Every time she woke up she would look to the right of her to find him facing her sleeping peacefully.
And every night she sneaked into the bathroom to put two fingers down her throat to be sick.
She was trying to be better she really was, she couldn’t help but flinch every time he went to kiss her or when he told her that he loved her.
She tried.
God she tried.
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The first time they had sex was four months after his betrayal came to light. She hated how much she loved that feeling of him being on her, that feeling of him being close to her. She hated it because the loud banging of the headboard and the squeaks of the mattress took her back to that moment.
After what was normally an act that she once loved and treasured, that had now become a bittersweet moment between the married couple she went to the bathroom and did her routine that she did now after every meal she was forced to eat.
Though she was struggling, she wasn’t the only one.
Steve had gotten mad more than once about how she would always pull away from him or how she wouldn’t look him in the eyes anymore or how their lovemaking was now him doing all the work. He couldn’t understand why she hadn’t gotten over it like she said she did - she never said that, she just forgave him.
He had also complained not only to her but to his friends about her weight loss, how he would see her flicking the elastic band against her wrist that she would now wear.
What Steve hated most was when a storm made its way through New York she wouldn’t seek shelter in the warm comfort of his arms, no she would now lock herself in the bathroom and sit in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest, flinching every time the loud cracking sound made it’s way through the apartment.
He had made the biggest mistake of his life and now it was costing him.
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A year had gone by, six months of Steve getting solo counselling and another six months of them both going to marriage counselling later they had gone back to being how they once were, don’t get it wrong she still sometimes got nightmares about his betrayal but each time she would talk about it to him the next morning and they would talk it over, just like their therapist suggested.
Everything was going perfectly once again they celebrated their fourth anniversary together where Steve took her to a cabin that had a private lake, they spent the nights looking up at the stars that twinkled up in the dark sky and she would giggle when he picked her up and carried her to bed before making love to her over and over again.
Sometimes she would be okay with what happened in the past but then she would find herself thinking if Steve had what they had with Sharon.
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It all came crumbling down six months after their fourth year anniversary when Steve announced that he would be travelling with the rest of the Avengers to help out the SHIELD headquarters in London.
Her heart stuttered hearing that.
That was exactly where Sharon had been located to.
He promised that he wouldn’t go anywhere near her, said that he would never make that mistake again. Swore that he was so in love with her that he wasn’t going to stray away from their marriage again.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
Five minutes after he left their apartment she rang to the bathroom to do something she hadn’t done in months. She put her fingers down her throat.
Every day that he had been away he rang her to talk about everything and anything, she had asked him if he had seen Sharon, he said yes but every time she tried to talk to him he walked away.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
When he came home with a massive bouquet of her favourite flowers, neither one of them left the apartment for three days straight. Both had grown sore from their activities.
One night, three weeks after he arrived back from London she received a text message from an unknown number, two photos were attached.
Her heart shattered.
A photo of a sonogram with Sharon Carters name at the top and a screenshot of Sharon’s messages she shared with Steve. Steve talking about how he couldn’t wait to be a dad, her saying that their time in London was special and him agreeing.
She looked to the right of her and saw him sleeping peacefully.
And once again she crept out of bed and began her routine she unfortunately picked up again.
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He told her he was going on a solo mission and that he would be back in two weeks. She nodded and kept her head down. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t look at him or how she moved her head to the side so he only kissed her cheek.
She wasn’t foolish. She had gone through his phone and saw the messages between him and Sharon, he wasn’t going on a solo mission he was going back to London to spend some time with her and the growing baby in her stomach.
Her wrist had now a permanent circular bruise from snapping the elastic band.
She had lost count of the amount of tear she had shed from his betrayal and now that there was going to be a child added to the mix she cried more than she had ever done before.
Finally gaining the strength and courage she went to a lawyer and filed for divorce, it broke her heart to do so but it needed to be done. She could no longer go on like this. She could no longer be made a fool out of.
She needed to finally love herself, once again.
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When he came home after being in London with her and their unborn child he frowned at seeing their apartment next to empty, all of her things missing, he saw her sitting on the couch looking just a beautiful as she always had.
“Baby? What’s wrong?”
“I know about London and how you’re having a baby with her. Please sign the divorce papers”
“B-baby no… no she means noth-“
“You told her that you love her. You’re having a child with her. Please just stop and sign the papers”
He got down on his knees in front of her begging and crying, pleading with her to change her mind, told her that he would never have anything to do with Sharon or the baby ever, that they could be happy again.
She responded with telling him to sign the papers.
He cried and cried. Telling her how much of a mistake he had made, telling her over and over again that Sharon meant nothing to him. She flinched and grew angry when he said the baby meant nothing to him. That’s when she snapped.
“How dare you! That baby is innocent, as much as I can’t stand it’s parents don’t you dare say that! Poor child was only conceived because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, because you and its mother are terrible people. Yo-you promised me last time and I forgave you, and yet here we are now and you’re having a child with a woman that isn’t me. Sign the papers I won’t ask again.”
“P-p-please we can m-make this work”
“You honestly expect me to stay with you whilst you have a child with your mistress? No Steven that’s not happening. I choose to pick me first now, I deserve better, I deserve to be happy. You and your mistress deserve each other, you and your mistress deserves to be so miserable with each other. Just sign the fucking papers!”
He flinched at her swearing, his heart cracking as she pushed the divorce papers into his chest, he admits that he only slept with her once in London and the next morning the regret washed over him like a tidal wave threatening to swallow him whole. He didn’t love Sharon, god knows he didn’t. He loves the woman standing in front of him. Heck he wasn’t even sure if the child was his as Sharon has a boyfriend.
He finally took the pen from her hand and shakily opened up the papers, his heart sinking into the pits of hell seeing that she had already signed it. Gazing up to face her once more he realised that she was dead serious about this, he couldn’t let her down again so he signed his name next to hers.
“Thank you. Goodbye Steven have a terrible life”
They were the last words he would ever hear come out of her mouth as she walked straight past him and out of his life.
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Months later she was behind the counter of the diner she worked at laughing at what one of the customers was saying about something his two year old son had gotten up to, wiping down the counter as another customer chimed in talking about how it only gets worse from here on out with children when the TV that was hanging in the top right corner said something that had a woman laughing.
It was being announced that the baby that Sharon had publicly announced as Steve’s was indeed not his. The baby had been born not even a month earlier and was already infamous by being the possible child from Captain America’s affair.
“I still can’t believe he cheated on his wife with that thing” Joey a loyal customer scoffed with a shake of his head.
“What’s your take on this sugar?” Lolly - Joey’s wife - asked as she sipped from her coffee.
“It’s a shame really” you answered keeping your eyes on the small television screen watching as Steve walked out of the courthouse where the camera man zoomed in on Steve’s wedding ring finger, seeing the ring that she put on his finger nearly five years ago still sitting there.
As for her, she finally found was it was like to love herself again. She could look herself in the mirror now and not point out her ‘flaws’, she no longer wore an elastic band around her wrist, nor did she force herself to be sick.
She was still sick sometimes but not because she wanted to be.
She was finally happy, her skin was glowing as Kiki - her boss - had kept telling her. Her happiness and self-love continued to grow along with her stomach.
Placing one hand on the right side of her large protruding stomach she smiled up at the screen seeing Steve in his car with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Let it be known that she had survived, and that she had gained the love for herself that she thought she had lost.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
209 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 9 days
I blame @dexter99 for making me be evil ahah
To Be Loved
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n realises her self worth. 
Word count: 2,831
Warnings: angst. angst. cheating (I’m sorry). self hatred. Sharon. forms of self harming. Steve and Sharon are scumbags. 
A/N: i was listening to Adele To Be Loved and this idea came to me
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Everything was in their correct places, she made sure of it. Seven times. It had to be perfect. Today marked three years of marriage for her and Steve, instead of going out they both agreed to celebrate their anniversary at home with a home cooked meal, fine wine and slow music and to top it off with an intimate moment shared together in their bed.
The plan was perfect.
The house was perfect.
The dress she was wearing was perfect.
The meal smelted delicious as it cooked away in the oven.
The only thing now was for her to wait for her love to come home.
She sat at the dining chair watching as the clock on the over tick on by getting further away from the agreed upon time that he was supposed to arrive. Every time she rang him the call dropped straightaway, her messaged just staying on delivered. Fidgeting ever so often trying to smooth out the crinkles of her dark green dress that he told her to wear for their special occasion.
Two hours, still not home.
Three hours, still not home.
Fou- she finally gave up.
Emptying the plates full of now cold food, she turned off the radio, took her heels off and collapsed on the couch.
It had been a long time since she had cried, and that night she cried until her heart started to squeeze painfully.
She cried until sleep over took her weaken body.
She forgave him the next day when he got in at six o’clock that morning. He showed up with flowers and told her that he was sorry, something about a mission brief that ran way too long.
Though she didn’t necessarily believe him or his lie but she was just happy he was home so she never questioned him.
She plastered a fake smile and made out that she watched a sad movie and that was the reason for her make up - the same she took time in perfecting - was ruined, not the real reason for the dried mascara tear tracks running down her cheeks.
A week later she walked into the tower finding it strange that no one made their way to greet her like they always did before. She walked into Steve’s room to surprise him, when she got a surprise of her own.
Her husband of three years, the man that she had been with for six years, the man that she had been in love with for eight years was thrusting away like his life depended on it into a woman that she had been insecure about since she came back to work for SHIELD, the same woman that Steve had reassured her that she had no reason to worry or to be threatened by.
She had no idea how long she stood there for watching the scene in front of her until she watched them kiss, it was then and only then she stumbled backwards knocking into the door which caused a noise.
The headboard stopped violently banging against the wall, the mattress stopped squeaking and Steve’s face drained of all colour as he saw his wife catching him in the act of his betrayal.
“B-baby” he had the audacity to call her whilst still inside of another woman.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she forced her legs to take a step in front of the other, shaking as she pressed the elevator button her eyes stung as the tears threatened to break over the barrier.
The moment the silver shiny doors open she stepped in repeatedly hitting the close button just as Steve managed to make it around the corner.
This man who she had loved for eight years, the same man that she had just caught cheating had the audacity to look sad at the heart-breaking expression on her face.
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A month had gone by since that painful day, and after weeks of him begging and grovelling and profusely promising that he would never do it again, that he would be better. Promising that he would go to therapy to fix his mistakes.
She asked how many times he had cheated on her and he hesitated before telling her that it had been going on for a month before hastily telling her that it meant nothing, just sex - as if that made it any better.
Now please don’t judge her, for eight years she had loved him more than she had ever thought you could love someone and for six years he was all she knew. She loved him with all that she had even if he did the one thing that she never thought he would do to her. She took him back.
When the team found out what he had done they rallied around to the apartment she shared with Americas golden boy, all telling her that they knew nothing, Tony had told her that he told Fury that he was kicking Sharon out of the tower and how Fury had made her move to a different SHIELD location. The team cleaned up the mess she had made the night she got back to their apartment after catching her husband’s betrayal. 
The team understood why she agreed to take him back though none of them liked it. They thought-no knew she deserved better than their friend, their captain. But they promised that they would always be there if she ever needed them, no matter what.
Steve understood that it was going to take her some time for them to go back to being ‘normal’ even though she didn’t know if they could ever get back what they once had.
She tried, she really did try and put it behind her but every night when she closed her eyes she was plagued by the memories of him with a woman that wasn’t her. Every time she woke up she would look to the right of her to find him facing her sleeping peacefully.
And every night she sneaked into the bathroom to put two fingers down her throat to be sick.
She was trying to be better she really was, she couldn’t help but flinch every time he went to kiss her or when he told her that he loved her.
She tried.
God she tried.
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The first time they had sex was four months after his betrayal came to light. She hated how much she loved that feeling of him being on her, that feeling of him being close to her. She hated it because the loud banging of the headboard and the squeaks of the mattress took her back to that moment.
After what was normally an act that she once loved and treasured, that had now become a bittersweet moment between the married couple she went to the bathroom and did her routine that she did now after every meal she was forced to eat.
Though she was struggling, she wasn’t the only one.
Steve had gotten mad more than once about how she would always pull away from him or how she wouldn’t look him in the eyes anymore or how their lovemaking was now him doing all the work. He couldn’t understand why she hadn’t gotten over it like she said she did - she never said that, she just forgave him.
He had also complained not only to her but to his friends about her weight loss, how he would see her flicking the elastic band against her wrist that she would now wear.
What Steve hated most was when a storm made its way through New York she wouldn’t seek shelter in the warm comfort of his arms, no she would now lock herself in the bathroom and sit in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest, flinching every time the loud cracking sound made it’s way through the apartment.
He had made the biggest mistake of his life and now it was costing him.
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A year had gone by, six months of Steve getting solo counselling and another six months of them both going to marriage counselling later they had gone back to being how they once were, don’t get it wrong she still sometimes got nightmares about his betrayal but each time she would talk about it to him the next morning and they would talk it over, just like their therapist suggested.
Everything was going perfectly once again they celebrated their fourth anniversary together where Steve took her to a cabin that had a private lake, they spent the nights looking up at the stars that twinkled up in the dark sky and she would giggle when he picked her up and carried her to bed before making love to her over and over again.
Sometimes she would be okay with what happened in the past but then she would find herself thinking if Steve had what they had with Sharon.
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It all came crumbling down six months after their fourth year anniversary when Steve announced that he would be travelling with the rest of the Avengers to help out the SHIELD headquarters in London.
Her heart stuttered hearing that.
That was exactly where Sharon had been located to.
He promised that he wouldn’t go anywhere near her, said that he would never make that mistake again. Swore that he was so in love with her that he wasn’t going to stray away from their marriage again.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
Five minutes after he left their apartment she rang to the bathroom to do something she hadn’t done in months. She put her fingers down her throat.
Every day that he had been away he rang her to talk about everything and anything, she had asked him if he had seen Sharon, he said yes but every time she tried to talk to him he walked away.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
When he came home with a massive bouquet of her favourite flowers, neither one of them left the apartment for three days straight. Both had grown sore from their activities.
One night, three weeks after he arrived back from London she received a text message from an unknown number, two photos were attached.
Her heart shattered.
A photo of a sonogram with Sharon Carters name at the top and a screenshot of Sharon’s messages she shared with Steve. Steve talking about how he couldn’t wait to be a dad, her saying that their time in London was special and him agreeing.
She looked to the right of her and saw him sleeping peacefully.
And once again she crept out of bed and began her routine she unfortunately picked up again.
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He told her he was going on a solo mission and that he would be back in two weeks. She nodded and kept her head down. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t look at him or how she moved her head to the side so he only kissed her cheek.
She wasn’t foolish. She had gone through his phone and saw the messages between him and Sharon, he wasn’t going on a solo mission he was going back to London to spend some time with her and the growing baby in her stomach.
Her wrist had now a permanent circular bruise from snapping the elastic band.
She had lost count of the amount of tear she had shed from his betrayal and now that there was going to be a child added to the mix she cried more than she had ever done before.
Finally gaining the strength and courage she went to a lawyer and filed for divorce, it broke her heart to do so but it needed to be done. She could no longer go on like this. She could no longer be made a fool out of.
She needed to finally love herself, once again.
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When he came home after being in London with her and their unborn child he frowned at seeing their apartment next to empty, all of her things missing, he saw her sitting on the couch looking just a beautiful as she always had.
“Baby? What’s wrong?”
“I know about London and how you’re having a baby with her. Please sign the divorce papers”
“B-baby no… no she means noth-“
“You told her that you love her. You’re having a child with her. Please just stop and sign the papers”
He got down on his knees in front of her begging and crying, pleading with her to change her mind, told her that he would never have anything to do with Sharon or the baby ever, that they could be happy again.
She responded with telling him to sign the papers.
He cried and cried. Telling her how much of a mistake he had made, telling her over and over again that Sharon meant nothing to him. She flinched and grew angry when he said the baby meant nothing to him. That’s when she snapped.
“How dare you! That baby is innocent, as much as I can’t stand it’s parents don’t you dare say that! Poor child was only conceived because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, because you and its mother are terrible people. Yo-you promised me last time and I forgave you, and yet here we are now and you’re having a child with a woman that isn’t me. Sign the papers I won’t ask again.”
“P-p-please we can m-make this work”
“You honestly expect me to stay with you whilst you have a child with your mistress? No Steven that’s not happening. I choose to pick me first now, I deserve better, I deserve to be happy. You and your mistress deserve each other, you and your mistress deserves to be so miserable with each other. Just sign the fucking papers!”
He flinched at her swearing, his heart cracking as she pushed the divorce papers into his chest, he admits that he only slept with her once in London and the next morning the regret washed over him like a tidal wave threatening to swallow him whole. He didn’t love Sharon, god knows he didn’t. He loves the woman standing in front of him. Heck he wasn’t even sure if the child was his as Sharon has a boyfriend.
He finally took the pen from her hand and shakily opened up the papers, his heart sinking into the pits of hell seeing that she had already signed it. Gazing up to face her once more he realised that she was dead serious about this, he couldn’t let her down again so he signed his name next to hers.
“Thank you. Goodbye Steven have a terrible life”
They were the last words he would ever hear come out of her mouth as she walked straight past him and out of his life.
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Months later she was behind the counter of the diner she worked at laughing at what one of the customers was saying about something his two year old son had gotten up to, wiping down the counter as another customer chimed in talking about how it only gets worse from here on out with children when the TV that was hanging in the top right corner said something that had a woman laughing.
It was being announced that the baby that Sharon had publicly announced as Steve’s was indeed not his. The baby had been born not even a month earlier and was already infamous by being the possible child from Captain America’s affair.
“I still can’t believe he cheated on his wife with that thing” Joey a loyal customer scoffed with a shake of his head.
“What’s your take on this sugar?” Lolly - Joey’s wife - asked as she sipped from her coffee.
“It’s a shame really” you answered keeping your eyes on the small television screen watching as Steve walked out of the courthouse where the camera man zoomed in on Steve’s wedding ring finger, seeing the ring that she put on his finger nearly five years ago still sitting there.
As for her, she finally found was it was like to love herself again. She could look herself in the mirror now and not point out her ‘flaws’, she no longer wore an elastic band around her wrist, nor did she force herself to be sick.
She was still sick sometimes but not because she wanted to be.
She was finally happy, her skin was glowing as Kiki - her boss - had kept telling her. Her happiness and self-love continued to grow along with her stomach.
Placing one hand on the right side of her large protruding stomach she smiled up at the screen seeing Steve in his car with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Let it be known that she had survived, and that she had gained the love for herself that she thought she had lost.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
209 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 10 days
Thank you so much🤍
And that’s so evil!! I love it!!!
Bucky felt so guilty about what his best friend did, in his eyes Steve lost the most perfect woman! Bucky knew it was wrong to have feelings for his best friends girl but he couldn’t help it. Anyways, he finds Y/n and sees that she’s pregnant, Y/n begs him not to say anything and he promises he wouldn’t. He helps her build the cot and takes her shopping for things for the baby and insists he build everything! When Y/n’s around 7 months Bucky leaves the avengers without any reason and moves in with Y/n.
Bucky’s holding her hand and whispering praises into her ear as she gives birth, the doctor turns to Bucky and says “daddy, want to cut the cord?” He’s stuttering and worriedly looking at Y/n who’s just smiling at him and nods. Bucky’s the first one out of the two to hold baby, he cries happy tears. He’s the one that wakes up in the middle of the night to feed and change the baby just so Y/n can get sleep, he baby proofed the whole house from top to bottom - finds it’s funny when Y/n can’t open the baby gate.
Just before baby turned one Bucky confessed his feelings for Y/n, tells her that even if she didn’t feel the same he just hoped that she’d still let him in her baby’s life, she cuts him off by kissing him and confessing her feelings too.
Five years go by and they’re a perfect little family, Bucky and Y/n decide to take angel to the park. Walking down the street Steve sees Y/n, his heart beating fast because he’s missed her so much, he’s thinking of all the things he could say to her and just as he’s about to walk forward he sees a child run up to her and try to hide behind her legs, he smiles because he knew how much she wanted kids. “Daddy no!! I’m hiding behind mummy!” His smile drops instantly when he sees Bucky walking to the two, a huge grin on his face as the child slowly backs away from Y/n. Steve watches as Y/n has the largest smile he has ever seen on her beautiful face watching as his best friend chases after the kid.
And just to kick him even more when he’s down. Steve sees a diamond ring on her finger right where the one he got for her use to sit - he looks down to see his own wedding ring, he never took it off after all this time. He knows he’s well and truly lost her when he sees Bucky come up behind Y/n, his hands going to her stomach where Steve can see a pregnancy bump. He stands there as a few tears fall from his eyes before finally leaving and going back to the apartment he once shared with Y/n.
To Be Loved
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n realises her self worth. 
Word count: 2,831
Warnings: angst. angst. cheating (I’m sorry). self hatred. Sharon. forms of self harming. Steve and Sharon are scumbags. 
A/N: i was listening to Adele To Be Loved and this idea came to me
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Everything was in their correct places, she made sure of it. Seven times. It had to be perfect. Today marked three years of marriage for her and Steve, instead of going out they both agreed to celebrate their anniversary at home with a home cooked meal, fine wine and slow music and to top it off with an intimate moment shared together in their bed.
The plan was perfect.
The house was perfect.
The dress she was wearing was perfect.
The meal smelted delicious as it cooked away in the oven.
The only thing now was for her to wait for her love to come home.
She sat at the dining chair watching as the clock on the over tick on by getting further away from the agreed upon time that he was supposed to arrive. Every time she rang him the call dropped straightaway, her messaged just staying on delivered. Fidgeting ever so often trying to smooth out the crinkles of her dark green dress that he told her to wear for their special occasion.
Two hours, still not home.
Three hours, still not home.
Fou- she finally gave up.
Emptying the plates full of now cold food, she turned off the radio, took her heels off and collapsed on the couch.
It had been a long time since she had cried, and that night she cried until her heart started to squeeze painfully.
She cried until sleep over took her weaken body.
She forgave him the next day when he got in at six o’clock that morning. He showed up with flowers and told her that he was sorry, something about a mission brief that ran way too long.
Though she didn’t necessarily believe him or his lie but she was just happy he was home so she never questioned him.
She plastered a fake smile and made out that she watched a sad movie and that was the reason for her make up - the same she took time in perfecting - was ruined, not the real reason for the dried mascara tear tracks running down her cheeks.
A week later she walked into the tower finding it strange that no one made their way to greet her like they always did before. She walked into Steve’s room to surprise him, when she got a surprise of her own.
Her husband of three years, the man that she had been with for six years, the man that she had been in love with for eight years was thrusting away like his life depended on it into a woman that she had been insecure about since she came back to work for SHIELD, the same woman that Steve had reassured her that she had no reason to worry or to be threatened by.
She had no idea how long she stood there for watching the scene in front of her until she watched them kiss, it was then and only then she stumbled backwards knocking into the door which caused a noise.
The headboard stopped violently banging against the wall, the mattress stopped squeaking and Steve’s face drained of all colour as he saw his wife catching him in the act of his betrayal.
“B-baby” he had the audacity to call her whilst still inside of another woman.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she forced her legs to take a step in front of the other, shaking as she pressed the elevator button her eyes stung as the tears threatened to break over the barrier.
The moment the silver shiny doors open she stepped in repeatedly hitting the close button just as Steve managed to make it around the corner.
This man who she had loved for eight years, the same man that she had just caught cheating had the audacity to look sad at the heart-breaking expression on her face.
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A month had gone by since that painful day, and after weeks of him begging and grovelling and profusely promising that he would never do it again, that he would be better. Promising that he would go to therapy to fix his mistakes.
She asked how many times he had cheated on her and he hesitated before telling her that it had been going on for a month before hastily telling her that it meant nothing, just sex - as if that made it any better.
Now please don’t judge her, for eight years she had loved him more than she had ever thought you could love someone and for six years he was all she knew. She loved him with all that she had even if he did the one thing that she never thought he would do to her. She took him back.
When the team found out what he had done they rallied around to the apartment she shared with Americas golden boy, all telling her that they knew nothing, Tony had told her that he told Fury that he was kicking Sharon out of the tower and how Fury had made her move to a different SHIELD location. The team cleaned up the mess she had made the night she got back to their apartment after catching her husband’s betrayal. 
The team understood why she agreed to take him back though none of them liked it. They thought-no knew she deserved better than their friend, their captain. But they promised that they would always be there if she ever needed them, no matter what.
Steve understood that it was going to take her some time for them to go back to being ‘normal’ even though she didn’t know if they could ever get back what they once had.
She tried, she really did try and put it behind her but every night when she closed her eyes she was plagued by the memories of him with a woman that wasn’t her. Every time she woke up she would look to the right of her to find him facing her sleeping peacefully.
And every night she sneaked into the bathroom to put two fingers down her throat to be sick.
She was trying to be better she really was, she couldn’t help but flinch every time he went to kiss her or when he told her that he loved her.
She tried.
God she tried.
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The first time they had sex was four months after his betrayal came to light. She hated how much she loved that feeling of him being on her, that feeling of him being close to her. She hated it because the loud banging of the headboard and the squeaks of the mattress took her back to that moment.
After what was normally an act that she once loved and treasured, that had now become a bittersweet moment between the married couple she went to the bathroom and did her routine that she did now after every meal she was forced to eat.
Though she was struggling, she wasn’t the only one.
Steve had gotten mad more than once about how she would always pull away from him or how she wouldn’t look him in the eyes anymore or how their lovemaking was now him doing all the work. He couldn’t understand why she hadn’t gotten over it like she said she did - she never said that, she just forgave him.
He had also complained not only to her but to his friends about her weight loss, how he would see her flicking the elastic band against her wrist that she would now wear.
What Steve hated most was when a storm made its way through New York she wouldn’t seek shelter in the warm comfort of his arms, no she would now lock herself in the bathroom and sit in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest, flinching every time the loud cracking sound made it’s way through the apartment.
He had made the biggest mistake of his life and now it was costing him.
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A year had gone by, six months of Steve getting solo counselling and another six months of them both going to marriage counselling later they had gone back to being how they once were, don’t get it wrong she still sometimes got nightmares about his betrayal but each time she would talk about it to him the next morning and they would talk it over, just like their therapist suggested.
Everything was going perfectly once again they celebrated their fourth anniversary together where Steve took her to a cabin that had a private lake, they spent the nights looking up at the stars that twinkled up in the dark sky and she would giggle when he picked her up and carried her to bed before making love to her over and over again.
Sometimes she would be okay with what happened in the past but then she would find herself thinking if Steve had what they had with Sharon.
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It all came crumbling down six months after their fourth year anniversary when Steve announced that he would be travelling with the rest of the Avengers to help out the SHIELD headquarters in London.
Her heart stuttered hearing that.
That was exactly where Sharon had been located to.
He promised that he wouldn’t go anywhere near her, said that he would never make that mistake again. Swore that he was so in love with her that he wasn’t going to stray away from their marriage again.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
Five minutes after he left their apartment she rang to the bathroom to do something she hadn’t done in months. She put her fingers down her throat.
Every day that he had been away he rang her to talk about everything and anything, she had asked him if he had seen Sharon, he said yes but every time she tried to talk to him he walked away.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
When he came home with a massive bouquet of her favourite flowers, neither one of them left the apartment for three days straight. Both had grown sore from their activities.
One night, three weeks after he arrived back from London she received a text message from an unknown number, two photos were attached.
Her heart shattered.
A photo of a sonogram with Sharon Carters name at the top and a screenshot of Sharon’s messages she shared with Steve. Steve talking about how he couldn’t wait to be a dad, her saying that their time in London was special and him agreeing.
She looked to the right of her and saw him sleeping peacefully.
And once again she crept out of bed and began her routine she unfortunately picked up again.
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He told her he was going on a solo mission and that he would be back in two weeks. She nodded and kept her head down. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t look at him or how she moved her head to the side so he only kissed her cheek.
She wasn’t foolish. She had gone through his phone and saw the messages between him and Sharon, he wasn’t going on a solo mission he was going back to London to spend some time with her and the growing baby in her stomach.
Her wrist had now a permanent circular bruise from snapping the elastic band.
She had lost count of the amount of tear she had shed from his betrayal and now that there was going to be a child added to the mix she cried more than she had ever done before.
Finally gaining the strength and courage she went to a lawyer and filed for divorce, it broke her heart to do so but it needed to be done. She could no longer go on like this. She could no longer be made a fool out of.
She needed to finally love herself, once again.
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When he came home after being in London with her and their unborn child he frowned at seeing their apartment next to empty, all of her things missing, he saw her sitting on the couch looking just a beautiful as she always had.
“Baby? What’s wrong?”
“I know about London and how you’re having a baby with her. Please sign the divorce papers”
“B-baby no… no she means noth-“
“You told her that you love her. You’re having a child with her. Please just stop and sign the papers”
He got down on his knees in front of her begging and crying, pleading with her to change her mind, told her that he would never have anything to do with Sharon or the baby ever, that they could be happy again.
She responded with telling him to sign the papers.
He cried and cried. Telling her how much of a mistake he had made, telling her over and over again that Sharon meant nothing to him. She flinched and grew angry when he said the baby meant nothing to him. That’s when she snapped.
“How dare you! That baby is innocent, as much as I can’t stand it’s parents don’t you dare say that! Poor child was only conceived because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, because you and its mother are terrible people. Yo-you promised me last time and I forgave you, and yet here we are now and you’re having a child with a woman that isn’t me. Sign the papers I won’t ask again.”
“P-p-please we can m-make this work”
“You honestly expect me to stay with you whilst you have a child with your mistress? No Steven that’s not happening. I choose to pick me first now, I deserve better, I deserve to be happy. You and your mistress deserve each other, you and your mistress deserves to be so miserable with each other. Just sign the fucking papers!”
He flinched at her swearing, his heart cracking as she pushed the divorce papers into his chest, he admits that he only slept with her once in London and the next morning the regret washed over him like a tidal wave threatening to swallow him whole. He didn’t love Sharon, god knows he didn’t. He loves the woman standing in front of him. Heck he wasn’t even sure if the child was his as Sharon has a boyfriend.
He finally took the pen from her hand and shakily opened up the papers, his heart sinking into the pits of hell seeing that she had already signed it. Gazing up to face her once more he realised that she was dead serious about this, he couldn’t let her down again so he signed his name next to hers.
“Thank you. Goodbye Steven have a terrible life”
They were the last words he would ever hear come out of her mouth as she walked straight past him and out of his life.
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Months later she was behind the counter of the diner she worked at laughing at what one of the customers was saying about something his two year old son had gotten up to, wiping down the counter as another customer chimed in talking about how it only gets worse from here on out with children when the TV that was hanging in the top right corner said something that had a woman laughing.
It was being announced that the baby that Sharon had publicly announced as Steve’s was indeed not his. The baby had been born not even a month earlier and was already infamous by being the possible child from Captain America’s affair.
“I still can’t believe he cheated on his wife with that thing” Joey a loyal customer scoffed with a shake of his head.
“What’s your take on this sugar?” Lolly - Joey’s wife - asked as she sipped from her coffee.
“It’s a shame really” you answered keeping your eyes on the small television screen watching as Steve walked out of the courthouse where the camera man zoomed in on Steve’s wedding ring finger, seeing the ring that she put on his finger nearly five years ago still sitting there.
As for her, she finally found was it was like to love herself again. She could look herself in the mirror now and not point out her ‘flaws’, she no longer wore an elastic band around her wrist, nor did she force herself to be sick.
She was still sick sometimes but not because she wanted to be.
She was finally happy, her skin was glowing as Kiki - her boss - had kept telling her. Her happiness and self-love continued to grow along with her stomach.
Placing one hand on the right side of her large protruding stomach she smiled up at the screen seeing Steve in his car with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Let it be known that she had survived, and that she had gained the love for herself that she thought she had lost.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
209 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 10 days
Thank you for the tag @noellez-best-life23 🤍
@samodivaa @rookthorne @imyourbratzdoll @it-was-too-cold-always @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @navybrat817 @sergeantbarnessdoll @nicoline1998enilocin @buckys-wintersoldier @shurisneakers @bigtreefest @missvelvetsstuff @mushies-stories
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There are so many amazing bloggers that I could tag, but here's a few that I 💛: @brairslair @bxckybxrnes24 @breathlesspieceofdeath @qualitygiantshoepsychic @toomanyfanficsbruh @oneofstarkskids @ryomance @imyourbratzdoll
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imtryingbuck · 11 days
My little cousin wouldn’t eat the food I made, wanting to ask me 1000 questions instead, one was how babies were made so I said that babies are made when people don’t eat their dinner. The plate was empty within minutes. My cousins a boy. 😂😂
Thank you for reblogging🤍
Green paint
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: babysitting Morgan with Steve gets a little bit out of control.
Word count: 1,637
Warnings: fluff
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“The number for the hotel is this one, the number for the restaurant we’ll be at is here, and this is her physicians numb- Y/n are you even listening?” Pepper asks as she notices you staring off.
“Yeah you said the number for hotel, restaurant and the morgue is on this nice fancy piece of paper”.
“You’re hilarious you know?”
“I know, look Pep it’s not the first time I’ve had the pleasure of babysitting Carly so don’t worry”
“Who the hell is Carly?” Tony asks as he walks in with your boyfriend, Steve.
“Umm your daughter, Pep sorry to tell you this but your husbands losing his mind”
“Doll stop winding them up” Steve chuckles coming over to you.
“I can’t help it, anyways I say this in the most nicest way possible but you two leave, eat food that cost way more than my apartment and top it off by having mind blowing s-“
“Alright alright we’re leaving Jesus Christ” Pepper practically shouts.
Tony hands Pepper her coat and purse as he calls for Morgan to come and say goodbye.
“Be good and we love you” Pepper says kissing her daughters cheek.
“Who me or auntie Y/n?” Morgan asks with her eyebrow slightly raised.
“Both.” Tony laughs.
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The moment the door closes Morgan grips your hand in hers and drags you to her play room, talking a mile a minute.
“-then we’ll play dress up and then we’ll play with my dolls and-“ 
“Morg slow down sweetie” you say chuckling at the six year old.
“-and we’ll have nuggets and fries and…where’s uncle Stevie?”
“I’m here sweetheart, I was getting your juice for you”. He says and sure enough he had a juice box and a drink for the two of you.
“Thanks uncle Stevie”
“You’re welcome, so what’s the plan tonight then girlies?”
As Morgan retells her plans to him you stand and watch as the six foot super solider holds a pink bunny teddy in his hands, getting ready to hold the elephant teddy as Morgan hands them to him. You couldn’t help but take your phone out of your pocket and snap a few photos of him.
“What are you doing pretty girl?” He asks you after being handed the elephant and now crocodile teddy.
“Oh nothing pretty boy” winking at him as his cheeks start to turn a little shade of red.
Playing dress ups were done after 30 minutes as Morgan got bored of it.
Then you three played doctors, it was your turn to be the patient. You only went to the pretend hospital with a really bad tummy ache and left with an amputated leg. Thanks to Doctor Morgan and her assistant Steve - I wouldn’t recommend going there, ever.
Playing with her dolls was over with pretty quickly as all the dolls were tired and needed a nap.
Steve left Morgan’s playroom - which looked more like a toy store - to make dinner for the three of you, leaving you and Morgan sitting on the very comfortable bean bags.
“Auntie Y/n can I ask you something?”
“Of course pudding”
“When will you and uncle Stevie have babies?“
Ah the good old question your asked constantly now you’ve been dating Steve for five years. Explaining to adults was easy, it mainly consists of you telling them to mind their own business - not necessarily that politely - but explaining it to a six year old? That’s new territory, she’s never asked it before.
“I’m not sure sweetheart” is all you can say.
“Do you like babies?”
“Because they’re smelly”
“I wasn’t smelly” she laughs.
“Morg you was the smelliest baby in the whole world!”
Her cheeks puffed out as the smile grew more and more “no I wasn’t”
“I’m not lying to you”
“Auntie Y/n, where do babies come from?”
Oh boy. This whole conversation was throwing you off.
“Aliens” you even winced at your own reply.
“Aliens?” She raises her eyebrow reminding you so much of her father.
“Yep. Aliens come and drop off babies to parents”
“How do they make them?”
This girl was killing you.
“Magic.” She gives you a deadpan look as you nod.
The second you heard Steve call for you two, you practically ran out of the room.
During dinner Morgan told Steve all about where babies came from and how they were made, his eyes looked over at you and with a straight face you nodded, agreeing with the girl.
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“Auntie Y/n uncle Stevie” Morgan’s voice trailed down the corridor.
“What’s up?” You asked as you walked down to where she was.
“It’s time to paint”.
“Oh sweetie I don’t think that’s a good idea” Steve says softly.
It wasn’t. The last time you three painted together things…kinda got a little out of hand. Paint was everywhere. All over the floor, walls and even the ceiling.
Tony and Pepper weren’t happy.
“But please uncle Stevie!”
“Maybe if we do damage control it won’t be as bad as last time?” You asked, the pleading in Morgan’s voice chipped away at your heart.
“Babe, we said that last time”
“It’s okay uncle Stevie. I’ll sit in the corner” you both watch as she walks over to the corner and sits down with a huff.
“I’m not giving in Y/n!”
“Nope neither am I…but she looks so sad”
“Alright fine! But the moment things get out of hand we put everything away okay!”
“Yes yes thank you uncle Stevie your the best”
Steve places a kiss to her forehead and watches as she goes to her paint stand, pulling tub and tub out. “I was talking to you too doll”.
“I’ll behave, scouts honour”.
The three of you had been painting for well over an hour, showing each other your paintings after you finished them.
You were adding the last little bit of detail to your latest masterpiece when you felt something splattering across your face.
“Was…that…what…I…think…it…is” looking up from your work to Steve and Morgan who both sit there trying to contain their laughter.
“I won’t ask again you two”
“It’s paint auntie Y/n” Morgan bursts out laughing.
“I’m sorry doll but she told me to do it”
“Yo-you threw paint at me? Steven!”
“Oh oh you’re in trouble” Morgan sings looking towards Steve.
“Babe, Morgan told me to d-“
You cut him off with flicking your brush at him, leaving pink splashes of paint on his face.
He actually had the audacity to looked shocked whilst you smirked.
Morgan’s laughter filled the whole room but she too falls victim when you and Steve flick paint at her.
All three of you come to a stand-off. Eyes bouncing from one another. Armed and ready with paint. Silently daring each other to be the first one to make a move.
Morgan’s the first one to attack.
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Brushes were long gone as hands were going into the larger tubs so you can get your next victim easier.
The screams and laughter fills the whole penthouse.
You stalked towards Morgan who was laughing whilst pleading for you not to get her, you was about to reach out for her when her eyes went wide, bouncing from you and behind you. Her arms went out and she started muttering.
Deciding to look behind you, you see your ever so loving boyfriend smiling at you.
When you see his hands it becomes your turn for your eyes to open wide like saucers and you’re moving away from Morgan.
His hands are dripping in green paint.
"Do not touch me!" You speak lowly.
“I wasn’t”
“I mean it Steve do not touch me!”
“I wasn’t!”
“Back up. Now, Steve!”
Morgan stands there eyes still wide and in fact they somehow grow even more. She doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She’s finding the whole situation funny, her aunt and uncle slowly moving around the room - her auntie trying to escape her uncle whilst he tries to catch her - at six years old she’s smart, she knows that if her uncle puts his green hands on her auntie it’s going to take her auntie forever to get it all off.
“I’m not doing anything baby!”
“Morgan…give me some more paint” Morgan listens and finally moves, going straight for the pink paint. “Thanks sweetie”.
“Babe you’re overreacting, I wasn’t going to do anything”
“Ov-overreacting? How dare you!”
Morgan watches as her favourite auntie and uncle move closer to each other now that Y/n had more paint to her hands. Even though she’s six years old she knows, she knows that after tonight she won’t be seeing the pair for a few weeks.
You and Steve were about to pounce on each other when you feel cold liquid drenching the pair of you.
Shocked you look to the side where Morgan stands with a grimace on her face. The now empty tub of green paint tightly held in her hands. 
Before anyone can say anything the door comes open and a scream breaks the silence.
“Oh my… I think I’m having a heart attack!”
The three of you had gotten so carried away with the battle you were in that you didn’t realise how much paint was getting everywhere.
It was so much worse than last time.
So much worse.
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“That was so fun auntie and uncle, we should do it again next time”
You, Steve and Morgan are in different parts of the room. Scrubbing and cleaning up all the now dried paint off.
“There’s not going to be a next time” Tony’s voice says but looking around the room you don’t see him. “Top left corner” you could practically hear the eye roll he did.
And that’s when you see it. The camera.
“Back to work!”
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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imtryingbuck · 11 days
Thank you for reblogging🤍
To Be Loved
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n realises her self worth. 
Word count: 2,831
Warnings: angst. angst. cheating (I’m sorry). self hatred. Sharon. forms of self harming. Steve and Sharon are scumbags. 
A/N: i was listening to Adele To Be Loved and this idea came to me
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Everything was in their correct places, she made sure of it. Seven times. It had to be perfect. Today marked three years of marriage for her and Steve, instead of going out they both agreed to celebrate their anniversary at home with a home cooked meal, fine wine and slow music and to top it off with an intimate moment shared together in their bed.
The plan was perfect.
The house was perfect.
The dress she was wearing was perfect.
The meal smelted delicious as it cooked away in the oven.
The only thing now was for her to wait for her love to come home.
She sat at the dining chair watching as the clock on the over tick on by getting further away from the agreed upon time that he was supposed to arrive. Every time she rang him the call dropped straightaway, her messaged just staying on delivered. Fidgeting ever so often trying to smooth out the crinkles of her dark green dress that he told her to wear for their special occasion.
Two hours, still not home.
Three hours, still not home.
Fou- she finally gave up.
Emptying the plates full of now cold food, she turned off the radio, took her heels off and collapsed on the couch.
It had been a long time since she had cried, and that night she cried until her heart started to squeeze painfully.
She cried until sleep over took her weaken body.
She forgave him the next day when he got in at six o’clock that morning. He showed up with flowers and told her that he was sorry, something about a mission brief that ran way too long.
Though she didn’t necessarily believe him or his lie but she was just happy he was home so she never questioned him.
She plastered a fake smile and made out that she watched a sad movie and that was the reason for her make up - the same she took time in perfecting - was ruined, not the real reason for the dried mascara tear tracks running down her cheeks.
A week later she walked into the tower finding it strange that no one made their way to greet her like they always did before. She walked into Steve’s room to surprise him, when she got a surprise of her own.
Her husband of three years, the man that she had been with for six years, the man that she had been in love with for eight years was thrusting away like his life depended on it into a woman that she had been insecure about since she came back to work for SHIELD, the same woman that Steve had reassured her that she had no reason to worry or to be threatened by.
She had no idea how long she stood there for watching the scene in front of her until she watched them kiss, it was then and only then she stumbled backwards knocking into the door which caused a noise.
The headboard stopped violently banging against the wall, the mattress stopped squeaking and Steve’s face drained of all colour as he saw his wife catching him in the act of his betrayal.
“B-baby” he had the audacity to call her whilst still inside of another woman.
Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest as she forced her legs to take a step in front of the other, shaking as she pressed the elevator button her eyes stung as the tears threatened to break over the barrier.
The moment the silver shiny doors open she stepped in repeatedly hitting the close button just as Steve managed to make it around the corner.
This man who she had loved for eight years, the same man that she had just caught cheating had the audacity to look sad at the heart-breaking expression on her face.
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A month had gone by since that painful day, and after weeks of him begging and grovelling and profusely promising that he would never do it again, that he would be better. Promising that he would go to therapy to fix his mistakes.
She asked how many times he had cheated on her and he hesitated before telling her that it had been going on for a month before hastily telling her that it meant nothing, just sex - as if that made it any better.
Now please don’t judge her, for eight years she had loved him more than she had ever thought you could love someone and for six years he was all she knew. She loved him with all that she had even if he did the one thing that she never thought he would do to her. She took him back.
When the team found out what he had done they rallied around to the apartment she shared with Americas golden boy, all telling her that they knew nothing, Tony had told her that he told Fury that he was kicking Sharon out of the tower and how Fury had made her move to a different SHIELD location. The team cleaned up the mess she had made the night she got back to their apartment after catching her husband’s betrayal. 
The team understood why she agreed to take him back though none of them liked it. They thought-no knew she deserved better than their friend, their captain. But they promised that they would always be there if she ever needed them, no matter what.
Steve understood that it was going to take her some time for them to go back to being ‘normal’ even though she didn’t know if they could ever get back what they once had.
She tried, she really did try and put it behind her but every night when she closed her eyes she was plagued by the memories of him with a woman that wasn’t her. Every time she woke up she would look to the right of her to find him facing her sleeping peacefully.
And every night she sneaked into the bathroom to put two fingers down her throat to be sick.
She was trying to be better she really was, she couldn’t help but flinch every time he went to kiss her or when he told her that he loved her.
She tried.
God she tried.
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The first time they had sex was four months after his betrayal came to light. She hated how much she loved that feeling of him being on her, that feeling of him being close to her. She hated it because the loud banging of the headboard and the squeaks of the mattress took her back to that moment.
After what was normally an act that she once loved and treasured, that had now become a bittersweet moment between the married couple she went to the bathroom and did her routine that she did now after every meal she was forced to eat.
Though she was struggling, she wasn’t the only one.
Steve had gotten mad more than once about how she would always pull away from him or how she wouldn’t look him in the eyes anymore or how their lovemaking was now him doing all the work. He couldn’t understand why she hadn’t gotten over it like she said she did - she never said that, she just forgave him.
He had also complained not only to her but to his friends about her weight loss, how he would see her flicking the elastic band against her wrist that she would now wear.
What Steve hated most was when a storm made its way through New York she wouldn’t seek shelter in the warm comfort of his arms, no she would now lock herself in the bathroom and sit in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest, flinching every time the loud cracking sound made it’s way through the apartment.
He had made the biggest mistake of his life and now it was costing him.
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A year had gone by, six months of Steve getting solo counselling and another six months of them both going to marriage counselling later they had gone back to being how they once were, don’t get it wrong she still sometimes got nightmares about his betrayal but each time she would talk about it to him the next morning and they would talk it over, just like their therapist suggested.
Everything was going perfectly once again they celebrated their fourth anniversary together where Steve took her to a cabin that had a private lake, they spent the nights looking up at the stars that twinkled up in the dark sky and she would giggle when he picked her up and carried her to bed before making love to her over and over again.
Sometimes she would be okay with what happened in the past but then she would find herself thinking if Steve had what they had with Sharon.
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It all came crumbling down six months after their fourth year anniversary when Steve announced that he would be travelling with the rest of the Avengers to help out the SHIELD headquarters in London.
Her heart stuttered hearing that.
That was exactly where Sharon had been located to.
He promised that he wouldn’t go anywhere near her, said that he would never make that mistake again. Swore that he was so in love with her that he wasn’t going to stray away from their marriage again.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
Five minutes after he left their apartment she rang to the bathroom to do something she hadn’t done in months. She put her fingers down her throat.
Every day that he had been away he rang her to talk about everything and anything, she had asked him if he had seen Sharon, he said yes but every time she tried to talk to him he walked away.
She believed him.
She trusted him.
When he came home with a massive bouquet of her favourite flowers, neither one of them left the apartment for three days straight. Both had grown sore from their activities.
One night, three weeks after he arrived back from London she received a text message from an unknown number, two photos were attached.
Her heart shattered.
A photo of a sonogram with Sharon Carters name at the top and a screenshot of Sharon’s messages she shared with Steve. Steve talking about how he couldn’t wait to be a dad, her saying that their time in London was special and him agreeing.
She looked to the right of her and saw him sleeping peacefully.
And once again she crept out of bed and began her routine she unfortunately picked up again.
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He told her he was going on a solo mission and that he would be back in two weeks. She nodded and kept her head down. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t look at him or how she moved her head to the side so he only kissed her cheek.
She wasn’t foolish. She had gone through his phone and saw the messages between him and Sharon, he wasn’t going on a solo mission he was going back to London to spend some time with her and the growing baby in her stomach.
Her wrist had now a permanent circular bruise from snapping the elastic band.
She had lost count of the amount of tear she had shed from his betrayal and now that there was going to be a child added to the mix she cried more than she had ever done before.
Finally gaining the strength and courage she went to a lawyer and filed for divorce, it broke her heart to do so but it needed to be done. She could no longer go on like this. She could no longer be made a fool out of.
She needed to finally love herself, once again.
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When he came home after being in London with her and their unborn child he frowned at seeing their apartment next to empty, all of her things missing, he saw her sitting on the couch looking just a beautiful as she always had.
“Baby? What’s wrong?”
“I know about London and how you’re having a baby with her. Please sign the divorce papers”
“B-baby no… no she means noth-“
“You told her that you love her. You’re having a child with her. Please just stop and sign the papers”
He got down on his knees in front of her begging and crying, pleading with her to change her mind, told her that he would never have anything to do with Sharon or the baby ever, that they could be happy again.
She responded with telling him to sign the papers.
He cried and cried. Telling her how much of a mistake he had made, telling her over and over again that Sharon meant nothing to him. She flinched and grew angry when he said the baby meant nothing to him. That’s when she snapped.
“How dare you! That baby is innocent, as much as I can’t stand it’s parents don’t you dare say that! Poor child was only conceived because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, because you and its mother are terrible people. Yo-you promised me last time and I forgave you, and yet here we are now and you’re having a child with a woman that isn’t me. Sign the papers I won’t ask again.”
“P-p-please we can m-make this work”
“You honestly expect me to stay with you whilst you have a child with your mistress? No Steven that’s not happening. I choose to pick me first now, I deserve better, I deserve to be happy. You and your mistress deserve each other, you and your mistress deserves to be so miserable with each other. Just sign the fucking papers!”
He flinched at her swearing, his heart cracking as she pushed the divorce papers into his chest, he admits that he only slept with her once in London and the next morning the regret washed over him like a tidal wave threatening to swallow him whole. He didn’t love Sharon, god knows he didn’t. He loves the woman standing in front of him. Heck he wasn’t even sure if the child was his as Sharon has a boyfriend.
He finally took the pen from her hand and shakily opened up the papers, his heart sinking into the pits of hell seeing that she had already signed it. Gazing up to face her once more he realised that she was dead serious about this, he couldn’t let her down again so he signed his name next to hers.
“Thank you. Goodbye Steven have a terrible life”
They were the last words he would ever hear come out of her mouth as she walked straight past him and out of his life.
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Months later she was behind the counter of the diner she worked at laughing at what one of the customers was saying about something his two year old son had gotten up to, wiping down the counter as another customer chimed in talking about how it only gets worse from here on out with children when the TV that was hanging in the top right corner said something that had a woman laughing.
It was being announced that the baby that Sharon had publicly announced as Steve’s was indeed not his. The baby had been born not even a month earlier and was already infamous by being the possible child from Captain America’s affair.
“I still can’t believe he cheated on his wife with that thing” Joey a loyal customer scoffed with a shake of his head.
“What’s your take on this sugar?” Lolly - Joey’s wife - asked as she sipped from her coffee.
“It’s a shame really” you answered keeping your eyes on the small television screen watching as Steve walked out of the courthouse where the camera man zoomed in on Steve’s wedding ring finger, seeing the ring that she put on his finger nearly five years ago still sitting there.
As for her, she finally found was it was like to love herself again. She could look herself in the mirror now and not point out her ‘flaws’, she no longer wore an elastic band around her wrist, nor did she force herself to be sick.
She was still sick sometimes but not because she wanted to be.
She was finally happy, her skin was glowing as Kiki - her boss - had kept telling her. Her happiness and self-love continued to grow along with her stomach.
Placing one hand on the right side of her large protruding stomach she smiled up at the screen seeing Steve in his car with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Let it be known that she had survived, and that she had gained the love for herself that she thought she had lost.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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imtryingbuck · 12 days
Family Photos
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 1,837
Warnings: angst. swearing, divorce mentioned, Eliza being awful. Anymore let me know.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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His head pounds and his stomach aches, he sits in front of the toilet just in his boxers.
"It's your own fault Buck" comes the voice that belongs to his best friend.
"I know Steven. Stop talking"
"Nope, what you did yesterday at dinner was wrong and uncalled for-"
"What are you talking about?" He grumbles.
"Do you not remember?"
Which was true, after Bucky pushed himself away from the door after hearing Theo's conversation with Wanda he went straight to his office and started drinking. He remembers Martha coming in and telling him that dinner was ready and then him leaving.
He listens in horror as Steve tells him what he had said, his heart ached when he found out Theo had cried.
"Shit! Fuck I need to talk to her"
"You need to shower first Bucky"
"No buts, have a shower and then you can talk to her".
Doing as Steve says he waits until the blonde leaves before getting into the shower. It wasn't true what he had said, he wasn't going to Dots. He didn't want to see her again not now that he was married, he wanted to do right by his wife and his non-existent vows.
Thinking of how he was going to fix an already awkward marriage he honestly was coming up empty.
One thing for certain though was he needed to thank Wanda for being the only person to stick up for Theo.
Getting dressed a knock came from the door.
"Buck it's me"
"Come in"
"We've, well you, have a problem"
"What now Steve?"
"Your whores here and Theo's just seen her"
"Shit! And Dots not my whore"
"Sorry. Mistress is here"
"Steve she's nothing to me! I didn't see her last night I swear"
"Yep and the sky's green" Steve rolls his eyes and walks back out of the room.
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"Hi Bucky" Dots voice caused him to groan, he wonders was her voice always that annoyingly loud when he was with her.
"What are you doing here Dolores?"
"Dolores? I've always been Dottie to you"
"Not asking again."
"See someone's woken up on the wrong side of the bed, what isn't your wife satis-" Nat promptly cuts her off by wrapping her hand around the woman's throat and slamming her in to the wall.
Before Bucky would have demanded Natasha to let her go but there are two reasons he didn't, one - he wasn't going to allow a nobody like Dot say anything about his wife and two - the fire in Nat's eyes scared him.
"B-Bucky tell her to get her hands-Bucky help!" Dot wheezed out.
"Dolores why have you came to my home?"
"Need your help"
"Not happening"
"Please Brocks being nasty to me"
Rolling his eyes he walks over to the two women, telling Nat to release her which makes Dot fall on to him, which then makes him push her away.
"Don't touch me. I don't care what Brock says or does to you. I want you to leave my house and never come back, never come near me ever again. Me and you Dot are finished." Turning to Clint "take her outside"
"Gladly, come on" Clint pulls on the woman's arm as she screams at Bucky, who ignores her completely.
"Where's Theo?" He asks Steve.
"She's left with Wanda" Nat says with a smirk.
"I don't know"
Taking his phone out of his pocket he rings Wanda's number. "First she slaps me and now she's not answering her fucking phone"
"You're lucky it wasn't me. I would have sliced your balls off and forced them down your throat" Nat says walking past him.
Leaving Bucky to gulp at the threat.
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On the other side of town Theo and Wanda sit in the back of Wanda's Range Rover as Vision drives.
"So what are we going to your parents for?" Wanda asks.
"I need to ask my father something"
Theo was brought up to never lie so lying to Wanda - the one person she trusted more than any other person, makes her want to be sick "I need to ask if I can have some family photos"
"Oh, do you think he'll give them to you?"
"Hopefully. We're here, Wanda you'll need to wait outside though. I'm sorry"
"Oh, are you sure?"
The car pulls up and Theo jumps out. Walking up the steps she knocks on the front door.
"Hello Miss, I'll get your father" One of the maids says before leaving.
Theo hears her father's heavy footsteps then the door opens wider. "Theo? What are you doing here?" Pulling her into the house by her arm "permission to talk"
"I-I need to ask you something sir"
"What? And hurry up I don't have all day"
"Ca-can you marry one of your daughters to James instead of me sir". She speaks in a low tone.
"Why? You're already married to him"
"We can divorce an-and you can marry one of your daughters to hi-him sir"
"Theo I can't do that-"
"What is that wretched thing doing here?" Eliza walks up to Michael and Theo with disgust written all over her face.
"She wants James to marry one of the other girls instead"
"Brilliant, oh that's fantastic. I'll get the papers read-"
"Eliza stop, she's married to him and that's final"
"But James would be so much happier with one of our daughters instead of the runt, he'll be able to have legitimate children this way"
"What are you talking about?"
"I've told the girls that one of them will get pregnant by James so he can have an heir since his married to the bastard the kids too will be bastards"
Sighing heavily Michael looks at Theo and then at Eliza. "No. My decision is final. Theo go back to your husband and make sure you address him by his title and Eliza do me a favour and fuck off" he walks off leaving the women alone.
"You should have come to me you stupid girl! You know your father wouldn't have changed his mind, saying that I'll be nice and help you. Here's what you'll do my dear, you show him the filth that is your body and he'll divorce you"
"H-how ma'am"
"Tell him you want to have sex, he won't want to touch you after he sees your body" Theo flinches as Eliza's hand comes into contact with her cheek.
"You thought I was going to smack you? No darling you're helping me, now leave"
Theo scrambles out of the door and down the steps, Vision jumps out of the car to open the door for her.
"Theo? You okay?
"I-I'm okay"
"Did you get the photos?"
"N-no. I would like to go back to Mr James's home now"
Wanda sits there puzzled by her friends behaviour and decides against asking, not wanting the woman to shrink back into her shell again.
“Okay let's go home"
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Bucky paces his office, checking his watch every few seconds. His heart was beating faster than it should have been the longer time went on, it had been well over three hours since Theo and Wanda had left the house.
Nobody knew where the two had gone, the regret seeped further into his veins as the memories of the night before became more clearer. Trying Wanda's phone once again he practically growled as the call was dropped.
"Buck they’re back" Steve says from the doorway.
Coming out of the office he moves to the front door where is sees the pair.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Mainly looking at Wanda with his arms crossed.
"Theo wanted to get something from her parents' house, calm down"
"Why didn't you answer your phone?"
"It's dead"
Looking towards Theo, his voice suddenly a lot softer "Did you get what you wanted?"
"N-no Sir"
"What did you just call me?"
“Sir. I'm sorry" her head bows even lower.
"I-don't call me that again"
"B-but your my husband sir"
"Stop!" Regret washed over him as he saw her flinch. "Just, just get inside both of you".
Wanda pulls a face to Bucky who just rolls his eyes at her. "Come on Theo let's get something to eat" taking the woman's hand and leads her inside the home.
"What the hell was all that 'sir' shit about?" Sam asks.
"Fuck knows, l'm gonna have to talk to her. I still need to apologise for last night" sighing as he rubs his face with his hands.
"She's a bit strange isn't she?"
"Shut up."
Walking into the house and heading into the kitchen he watches from the archway as Wanda makes them some food.
"Theo, when you're finished with your food I would like to talk to you please"
"Yes Mr James"
Sighing for the umpteenth time he nods and leaves the kitchen.
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Theo knocks timidly on Bucky's office door, waiting patiently for him to answer.
"Hi, take a seat" He smiles softly. Watching as she moved to sit on the floor he stops her "Theo no sit on a chair, please"
"Sorry sir"
"I want to start off with saying I'm so sorry about last night, I didn't go anywhere other than my club I didn't sleep with anyone I swear"
"It's okay sir"
"Please stop with the sirs and mr’s and it's not okay I shouldn't of spoken about you like that, I had been drinki-“
"It's okay sir"
"Jesus Christ. Stop saying it's okay when it's not and I've told you to stop with the sir shit"
"But you're my husband"
"And? Look it doesn't matter whether we're married or not, you don't have to call me tha-"
She cuts him off, the words that come out her mouth pains him. He's surprised at how his heart turns to lead, they've been married for a week and he still knows nothing about her other than what Wanda has told him. In that week he's made no effort to try apart from telling himself and everyone that he'll do it.
He's already treated her like shit in a sense he's very much like his father which makes his skin crawl.
This isn't how things were supposed to go.
"I have asked my father for a divorce sir"
His blood runs cold, his heart goes still. The confession hangs in the air as he stares at her blankly, trying to figure out if what she had said was real or not.
Truly Bucky thinks his ears are playing tricks on him but noticing the look in her crystal blue eyes he knows that it's not a trick and she's being serious.
Just as he opens his mouth to speak Steve comes barging into the room.
"Buck one of the warehouses is on fire"
"Shit. Fuck" looking at Theo "this conversation isn't over okay, please just give me a chance please that's all I'm asking"
He doesn't wait for a reply as he walks away with Steve.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan
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