#Bucky Barnes mafia au
imtryingbuck · 2 days
One Step Forward A Hundred Back.
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 3,243
Warnings: angst. Talks about child abuse. Mentions of past rape. Bucky goes through it all. Swearing. Dot. fluff.. mainly angst though.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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Throughout the week weirdly enough Bucky and Theo fell into a routine, that routine ending them in his bed with his arms wrapped protectively around her keeping the monsters at bay for her and unbeknownst to her, she was doing the same thing.
Of course everyone knew that they were sharing the nights together though no one said anything, Steve was happy that their marriage was developing. Everyone noticed the change in Bucky's behaviour; he was happier, less snappy now that he was getting a good night sleep.
Over the course of the week they all went to the hospital to visit Wanda, who woke up after two days.
When the redhead found out that Theo had donated blood to her she cried and pulled Theo into a hug, even though the rails to the bed dug painfully into her stomach she paid no mind to it as she wrapped her arms around the woman in the bed.
"Angel you almost ready?" Bucky asked from the bedroom as Theo was getting dressed in the bathroom.
All the clothes that Bucky had brought her was now in his wardrobe thanks to Martha who after washing and drying them had hung them there not knowing her mistake, when Bucky realised he didn't care no he rather liked seeing her clothes next to his.
"A-almost. Okay now I'm done" Stepping out of the bathroom they smiled at one another before Bucky took her hand in his and put it to his lips placing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"Come on then, operation break Wanda out of hospital is now a go" She giggled at him. Wanda had begged them all to get her out of the hospital on the very same day she had woken up.
"Let's go"
Walking out of the room and down the stairs where the other three who was taking part of the break out was waiting. Nat held her arm out for Theo to take so she did, both women walking out of the house. One oozing confidence and the other simply following the others lead.
"Morning ladies" Clint bows dramatically causing both women to giggle, he opens the door for them to enter-
"No, Theo's with me"
"Never took you to be a possessive husband Buck" Steve laughed.
"I-I'm not I just like her being by my side"
"So... possessive" Nat laughs.
"Oh shut up." Rolling his eyes at the redhead he opens his car door and waited patiently for Theo to get in, shutting the door softly behind her. "I'm not possessive!" he argues when he sees them standing staring at him.
"Sure, sure what ever helps you sleep at night Boss" it's now Sam's turn to laugh but quickly getting into the car he was going to be sharing with Clint, Steve and Natasha.
"I'm not possessive" he mutters under his breath once he was in the car.
"Did you just say something Bucky?"
Oh yeah that was new too.
"No angel, let's bring our friend home"
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"Thank god you guys are here! I'm going crazy!" Wanda huffs when they walk in the room.
"You're already crazy Wands" Nat laughed.
"Shut up, please get me out of here!"
Sam shook his head catching the bag that Wanda threw at him. "We're breaking you out now so stop bossing us around"
Breaking Wanda out of the hospital was easy as she was already given the all clear to be released but with both her and Sam being dramatic and wanted to act like they were breaking her out of prison.
"Don't try and stop us Doc! We're busting out of here and there's nothing you can do about it!" Sam practically shouted at the poor man who was just doing his job.
Bucky looked at Theo and shook his head slowly. "These are our friends"
"You wouldn't change them though"
"Well... maybe Sam"
"Oi I heard that" Sam shouts from halfway down the corridor, nearly knocking over a nurse with the wheelchair that was carrying the 'precious cargo' as he called Wanda.
Their breakout out was deemed a success so they headed home. Martha was quick to wrap her arms around Wanda as soon as she saw the girl, making sure she was careful of the wound on her stomach that was slowly healing.
Wanda made everyone join her in the cinema room in the basement for a movie day/night, Sam was on snacks with Clint, Nat's job was to get blankets, Steve's job was to carry Wanda down the stairs - according to her she had no use in her legs despite them all watching her walk into the kitchen going straight for the fridge to get her strawberry milkshake out. Bucky and Theo had to make sure Sam and Clint wasn't eating the snacks they were getting.
No big surprise when the pair walked in on the two men eating said snacks.
"Where are you going?" Bucky's question had her stopping on the stairs
"I see that, what do you need from up there?"
Sighing when it clicked "Angel, your invited too you know?"
"It-it's a family thing James, I'll carry on reading that book" dictionary.
"Angel you are family. Come on, please don't leave me alone with them"
"I-are you sure? I don't want to cause any trouble"
He swears she's going to be the death of him.
"I'm sure, married remember?" Though his tone was light and non-mocking she couldn't help but flinch lightly.
Theo and Bucky side by side with a thick fluffy black blanket laid over them, Nat and Wanda cuddled up with their own blanket, Sam and Clint side by side hogging the popcorn - Sam holding the pack in a death grip - and Steve was on the other end with a blanket that had Wanda's face with different facial expressions on it, over him. Theo found out that Wanda had brought it him for his birthday as a gag gift but it backfired on her because he loved it.
The third film to play on the very large screen was in fact Theo's fourth film she had ever seen, during the first film Bucky kept looking over at her loving the way her eyes lit up it reminded him of his niece and nephew during Christmas. What the film that was currently playing was called was lost on her but it was a rom-com, at first Theo was enjoying it until it was coming to the end.
The main male character gets down on one knee and asked the main female character to marry him, she cries with joy and says yes. The next scene was them planning their wedding, and then there was a short bit where the woman tries on wedding dresses in front of her friends and mum. Then the scene came when it was their wedding day, them saying their vows, the priest announcing them man and wife and him telling the man he could now kiss his bride.
As she watched eyes glued to the screen her heart ached.
She was married. She was married but wasn't proposed too. She was married and her and Bucky didn't sit down together stressing over placements, who was able to come or not, there was no them two stressing over where to get married. She was married and she didn't get to go to a bridal shop to try on dresses in front of her friends and mum. She was married but there were no vows, there was no telling Bucky he could kiss his bride.
No. No she was married to a man that didn't want to marry her. No she was married but there was no need for them to stress over placements or who was going or not or-or worry about where it was going to be held because her father held it in a spare room of his home. No she was married and didn't get to go to the bridal shop as it didn't matter if she looked nice or not.
They didn't have wedding rings for Christ sake.
A lone stray tear slipped down her cheek as the newlywed couple on the screen walked out of the church huge smiles on their faces as confetti rained down on them.
Theo knew she wasn't worthy of love, not in the slightest. But she had always wished that a man picked her out any woman he could have, picked her and made her feel like she was his world, his life, his love.
But like she was trained to believe, she wasn't worthy to be loved.
And that's all she ever wanted. To be loved even if it was only for a little while. To be truly loved. All she craved was love.
Looking away from the screen she followed the voice that had said her name, Bucky's bright blue eyes staring at her. "Yes?"
"You're crying..."
"Oh, oh I'm sorry"
"Don't apologise, what's wrong?"
"I-I-nothing I'm fine"
"Bullshit-hey where are you going?" Bucky stands up after Theo gets up.
"Why haven't you asked my father yet?"
"About what?"
"About you being able to divorce me?"
Sucking in a breath he rubs the back of his neck. "Let's go upstairs and talk, please"
She knew that she shouldn't have asked in front of his friends, knowing it was probably embarrassing for him that they to hear that, she nodded and followed words.
The silence left in their wake was loud.
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Leading her up to their bedroom, he loved saying that now, he shut the door with a soft thud behind him.
Bucky just stands there and watches her twiddling her fingers growing nervous as he didn't utter a word since leaving the cinema room.
"I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of your friends" she whispers with her head casting downwards.
"I-you think you embarrassed me? No Theo you didn't. I want to know why you've brought up the divorce thing after we've been getting along this past week"
"Be-because... it's-we don't have a real marriage James and-and you deserve to be happy with someone else, one of my father's daughters will do that"
"Why don't you call them your sisters? That's what they are aren't they?"
His only question threw her off. Why is that the only thing that he takes from what she had said to him. "W-what?"
"Why don't-"
"No I understand what you said but-what?"
"I just don't understand, like my father has a daughter so she's my sister so why don't you call them that?"
"Because I'm his bastard"
"But that shouldn't mean anything"
"I'm not allowed to" Bucky had to strain his ears just to hear the words that came out of her mouth.
"Theo... is this to do with your scars?" his heart sank into the depths of his stomach when she nods. Since that day in his office he didn't bring up the scars or try and have that conversation, truthfully he had been wanting to put it off for as long as he could.
"Theo, please sit down so we can talk"
"Okay" she answered after a few beats of silence, she knew she was going to have to do this even if it scared her.
"Take your time, okay"
The thought of telling him the truth terrified her, for so long since it started it was engrained in her brain that she wasn't allowed to say anything to anyone no matter what, she was made to believe that everything that was happening to her was all her fault and that the only person she could blame was herself.
Releasing a long stuttering breath she wiped her hands on her new leggings that Bucky had brought her, straightening her back she knew that she had to do this in order to free him from this loveless marriage.
"M-my mom died during child birth a-and Eliza made my father bring me to their home, apparently it was a way to remind him of his affair" she started, already struggling to get her words out and she hadn't even started properly. Bucky slid his hand over and placed it over hers squeezing lightly until she turned her hand over for him to link his fingers with hers.
"My earliest clear memory is when I was five a-and Eliza got mad because I was playing with Matt and his toys, she got super mad that she started smacking me really hard on my bum. I remember Matt crying and begging her to stop. From then I was always hit by her a-and sometimes she would get her kids to join in"
Bucky's heart squeezed painfully in his chest at her words. Angry at Eliza for hurting Theo when she was just an innocent little child.
"I don't know why or what I did wrong but it got worse, the punishments got worse. Eliza had made me sleep in the basement it's always so cold down there, w-when I was ten she had one of my father's men strap me up against the wall and she started to whip me on my back"
"Did your father know?"
"Yes, first he was angry at her but I don't know why but he stopped trying to stop her"
"D-did he ever do anything to hurt you?"
"The-the scars on my legs, he did them"
"It got worse when I turned fifteen. Eliza had men do things...
"Wh-what kind of things?"
"They would have sex with me and Eliza would take money off them, bu-but I didn't want them to do it! I swear" there was a reason for her trying to reassure him that she didn't want the things done to her by strangers and it was because one night Michael had walked in on Jack, Carla's husband having sex with her and he went mad. That night they all took it in turns beating her until Matt ran in and pulled them away from her, it was also the first time she had left the house to go the hospital.
She hadn't realised that she had said all that out loud. Until Bucky choked out a sob.
"Angel… tha-that's rape"
"What's that?"
"What they were doing to you, baby forcing someone to have sex with them is-it's called rape"
"Oh, is-is that bad?"
"It's bad angel-no no listen to me you did absolutely nothing wrong! Nothing" he said quickly when he saw her frowning with tears welling up in her eyes.
"But it's bad..."
"The person doing it to another person is bad but not the victim and that's what you are"
"Theo… is-is there any more?"
"No not really, but that's my life. And that's why you should divorce me, I'm damaged-"
"You're not damaged! Angel I mean it. Please listen to me l know our marriage didn't start because of love b-but if you stay here, with me I promise you that no one and I mean no one will ever hurt you ever again. Theo we-we can make this work, I want to make this work"
"Why I have scars that are horrible to look at"
"Can you take your clothes off and show them to me?"
She had already embarrassed herself once so what's one more time, right?
Nodding she stood and slowly removed her clothes, Bucky looking up at her "May I?" he asked softly though she was confused by his question she nodded once again, gasping lightly when his hands reached out slowly and traced each scar with care.
"Beautiful" he whispered.
"You don't need to lie" she whispered back.
"I'm not lying Theo, you are beautiful. These scars are beautiful, do I wish you didn't have them? Of course then that means you never went through the pain, that you never was scared. Please never question your beauty, please"
Is this love? Does he love her despite seeing the damage done to her skin? Is this acceptance? Does he accept her for who she is? Did he just say I'm beautiful? Is this how marriages work? He thinks I'm beautiful-
"Hey Theo come back to me angel" his soft voice pulled her out of her thoughts, snapping back into reality she finds his eyes softly gazing on her.
"I-I'm sorry"
"Don't apologise to me, ever. Do you want to go to sleep? It's been a long day"
Climbing in to bed after they both did their night time routine they laid side by side when Bucky wraps his arm around her frame pulling her into his chest tight enough for her to hear the rhythmic beating of his heart against her back.
Just as she fell into a deep sleep his voice came from behind her ever so quietly she nearly missed it.
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The next morning after telling him everything she had gone through growing up and showing him the scars she's forced to live with in detail she couldn't get how dark his eyes turned with anger at the sight of them but when his eyes flicked up to hers they were soft again out of her mind. She appreciated that he didn't judge her for what she had told him.
The fact that he had wanted to continue their marriage, that he wanted to make it work made her believe that maybe just maybe that Eliza was wrong, that she was capable of being loved.
As Theo walks down the stairs in search of her book she was sure she had left in the living room as it wasn't on the bedside table when she had woken up, her heart sank into the deep depth of her stomach as she walks in on Bucky with Dot who straddled his hips, their lips are locked together passionately.
Neither one of the pair notices her standing there in the doorway until they hear the door creaking; all Bucky sees is the figure of his wife retreating backwards before disappearing down the corridor.
Pushing Dot off of him he runs out of the room in search for Theo. Going up the stairs he heads to their now shared bedroom. His heart pounds loudly in his chest as he watches Theo take the clothes he had brought her out of her side of the wardrobe.
"A-Angel it wasn't what it looked like" He stutters out.
"It is fine Mr James"
"No it's not, please stop and listen to me so l can explain"
"There is no need to explain. You're allowed to have girlfriends Mr James"
"N-no I'm not, we are married Theo."
"It is okay. I promise"
"Where are you going?"
"Back to my old room Mr James"
Bucky stands there with tears in his eyes as he watches as she bows her head to him and leaves the room.
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He's so wrapped up in his own turmoil and pain that he doesn't know that as she cries she covers her mouth painfully with both hands or that she softly mutters.
'you're so stupid' ‘you really believed he wanted you' ‘you should of never of shown him, stupid girl' ‘you're not worthy of love' to herself.
She knew the words she thought she had heard last night was only her imagination playing ticks on her.
He has no idea how he can fix this. It’s one step forward a hundred steps back and every time it's his fault.
"I love you Theodora"
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan @sebastians-love @pattiemac1 @julvrs @undf-stuff
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preciousbarnes · 1 year
Promises | Part 1/3
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Pairing: Mafia Boss!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: When your parents are murdered in cold blood, you turn to the most feared man on the east coast for answers.
Word count: 2.4k
Tags: Violence, discussion of murder, graphic scene, hurt/comfort (it was a murder yall, its not pretty but I dont think I described it too graphically), Google translate used for the Russian, mafia themes.
You found yourself in a dark and quiet bar tonight, the smell of top shelf liquor and cigar smoke prominent the second you walked through the door. You were anxious of course, but anyone with a shred of common sense would be nervous about meeting the one known as the Winter Soldier. At least, you hoped to talk to him tonight. You slowly approached the bar, remembering the code your father had once told you, in case you ever found yourself in this position.
“Я ищу зимнего солдата” you softly say to the bartender, earning a subtly surprised expression. I’m looking for the winter solder, you had said.
The bartender sets down the glass he was drying, and walks away and through a back door, which you’re certain leads to the the office of the man you seek. After a few moments, the bartender returns, followed by a tall, blonde man. He was strong, all muscle, his face serious but had an undertone of friendliness. You were unsure if it was genuine or not. You never can be sure about mobsters, despite how kindly your father had always spoken of the Winter Mob. Especially now, that your family had been wronged so brutally.
“What is your business here, miss? We don’t see many women around these places,” He says, voice smooth like velvet, carrying the whispers of a Brooklyn accent.
“Mr. Barnes knows my parents. They’re the owners of the bakery on the corner of Southeast Avenue. Something happened, and I need to speak with Mr. Barnes. I need answers.” You say, voice surprisingly stern even though your insides felt like they were shaking like a leaf.
Once you mention the establishment your parents ran, the tall blondes eyes light with understanding.
“Ah yes, your parents are very good people. We know them well. You must be their daughter. If it is truly something serious, please, follow me,” He says, stepping aside as he holds the door for you. You walk down a long and dimly lit corridor in silence, being led by the man. This is when you notice the weapons strapped to his hips. He is dressed in the mobs characteristic all black clothing they were known for, with two guns, one on each him, strapped to him. He also wore a shoulder holster, holding a smaller pistol and two knives. He looked lethal, but had surprised you with his professional but friendly manner.
As you get closer to the door at the end of the hall, you hear the soft tones of jazz coming from inside the office, a deep and quiet hum accompanying it. The unnamed blonde knocks softly, before opening the door.
The office is also dimly lit only by a small desk lap. There were stacks metal file cabinets around the room, holding what you were sure to be decades of files on everything mob related you could imagine. The Winter Mob was known for their organization and wide depth of knowledge. The floor was a deep, rich wood, the wallpaper elaborate and stunning. Everything about the office screamed luxury.
At the desk in the center of the room sat the most dangerous man on the East Coast. Bucky Barnes, head of the Winter Mob. He wore a fitted black suit, with a black dress shirt as well. His hair was short, and he had a slight stubble on his jaw. He was a handsome man, but for every bit he was handsome, you knew he was also deadly. You involuntarily shivered at the thought of all he is involved with, and now here you were, on a mission for information.
He looked up, eyes taking you in, trailing over your face, then down your body, and back up before he spoke.
“What can I do for you, doll? Bad boyfriend you want taken care of?” He asks in a deep voice, with a slight chuckle, already making assumptions about you. It wouldn’t have been the first time a young woman had come to him for help getting out of a relationship. Little did you know, he always helped in those situations, for no cost. He was raised to respect women, to cherish them. Whenever he could, he would help women get away from men who didn’t understand that.
“No, Mr. Barnes. You know my parents. You helped them with a loan, to keep their bakery afloat. The little one on the corner of Southeast Avenue,” You explain, hoping that he will know who you’re talking about. You know he works and helps a lot of different people, so it’s hard to say if he will specifically know your parents. All you can do is hope.
At the mention of the bakery, Bucky gives a small but honest smile.
“Yeah, I do. They make the best cream puffs on this side of the U.S, I swear. How are they?” He asks you, as he leans back a bit in his chair.
“They’re dead.” You say, voice breaking on the word ‘dead’. It was still a raw wound on your heart, and still difficult to say out loud. It still felt like you were in a bad dream.
His visibly shocks Bucky. His eyebrows furrow together and his jaw drops open slightly.
“What?” He asks, softly. Unknown to you, since you were mostly away in the big city working, Bucky really loved your parents. He thought they were good, honest people. He himself stopped in twice a week to visit, always ordering a small black coffee and two cream puffs. Your mother and father reminded him of his own, who he dearly missed. It was a shellshock to him to hear the two were gone so suddenly.
His blatant shock surprised you. You really thought he knew. How did he not?
“You mean, you didn’t know? I thought it was one of your goons who took them out?” You ask, confused.
Bucky and the blonde man who had led you in snorted in slight laughter at you calling his workers and family “goons”.
“Steve, will you grab the ledger book for her families loan for me?” Bucky asked, thanking the blonde who you now knew was Steve as he handed a thin bound book over to the boss.
“Doll, come here, I want to show you something,” The boss called to you, beckoning you over with a motion of his hand, as the other flipped through the pages of the small book, before coming to the end of the writing in the book.
“See here? Their debt was paid back in full to me, two years before the deadline I had set. They’ve had me paid off for a while now. They swore to me I’d see my money back, with interest, and they kept their promise to me in full. I’d have no reason to put a hit out on them, and I never would,” The mobster told you, a surprisingly soft and gentle tone contrasting his strong and tough exterior.
“I- I don’t understand. I thought surely, they must have been behind on the loan, or made you angry somehow or something. I just wanted some answers. Who- who killed my parents?” You ask, tears springing to your eyes. You thought you had originally had at least part of the answer, being who was responsible, and now you didn’t even have that.
“I don’t know, doll. But we’re going to figure it out,” He promises you, confusing you once again. This man was full of surprises to you.
“Why? Why do you want to help me?” You ask him. When you ask, he looks to you with a fire in his eyes.
“They were family. No one gets by with hurting family, doll,” His voice tells you, a dangerous edge to it.
The mafia boss quickly tells Steve to pull his car around for you both after learning you had gotten to their bar by bus. As he waited, he asked a bit about you. He wanted to know where you were staying, to which you told him the hotel. He was satisfied in knowing it was one he secretly owned. You told him about your job in New York, which you had taken a leave of absence from to come home to Brooklyn to figure this out. He nodded as you spoke, listening as you watched him grab his gun from his desk drawer, loading it before putting it in the holster strapped to his hip. He then grabbed his wallet, thick with cash you could clearly see making it bulge, shoving it in his pocket. You both turned to Steve when he returned, telling his boss the car was ready, before leading you both outside.  
You both climbed into the Escalade, Steve opening and closing your door for you. After you’re both buckled in, he begins to drive.
“Where did it happen?” He asks you, eyes focused on the road.
“Their home, off of 56th street, if you turn here, you’ll want to-“ You’re suddenly cut off.
“I know where it is, doll, your mother was sweet enough to invite me and the boys to dinner a couple times. A sweet woman, she was,” He told you, voice sounding like silk as he fondly remembered the meals and memories he shared with your parents. They had been good to him, and his closest family members; the boys who were part of his administration, the top level of the mob, the ones he worked with the most.
“I didn’t realize you all were that close?” You question, still surprised.
Bucky sends you a kind smile, not bothered by your confused and uncertain tone.
“Your parents were good people. Kind people. Nothing like the company we usually keep. They just needed help, and we were happy to help them. For our assistance, they made sure we knew how grateful they were, which isn’t something that happens for us often. Most are afraid of us, but for some reason they never were. We respected that.” He tells you, his own respect for your parents clear in his tone.
“They really meant something to you,” You conclude, still seeing a hint of sadness in his voice where he had to use past tense when talking about your parents now.
“They did. They treated me like their own, which I’m sure you know how good that is,” He tells you, voice soft again.
You smile sadly, nodding. Your parents had been so good to you, always your number one fan. To know they had been good to a mobster too, having hearts full enough to see past the tough exterior and treat Bucky’s family like their own, made your own heart swell. They really were good people. You were blessed to have come from them, but that made you want justice for them even more. They didn’t deserve the fate they had been given.
You both pulled up outside of their small home. It was modest, but charming all the same. A small brick two-story house with white shutters. There were small window boxes hanging off of each window, holding flower beds your mother had planted little wildflowers in, a beautiful bright contrast to the brick building. There was police tape surrounding the property, with an officer stationed outside on the porch.
Bucky puts the car in park, parking behind the police car out front. As he unbuckles, he turns to face you, surprised to see you also unbuckling.
“Doll, stay here, I don’t think you’ll want to see this,” He commands, voice not leaving room for argument. You’ve always been stubborn, so you argue anyway.
“I want to come with you, Mr. Barnes. I deserve to know. I want to see it too,” You plead with him.
He sighs, taking in your stern tone and resiliency clear on your face. He nods begrudgingly.
“First, call me Bucky. Second, okay. But, don’t say anything to the officer, and do not touch anything, okay?” He orders you, earning him a small smile and a nod from you.
You both get out of the car, walking up the sidewalk, only to be stopped by the officer.
Bucky quickly pulls out a wad of cash, silencing the officers demands for you both to leave. Pocketing the cash, he holds the police tape up for you and Bucky to crouch under to enter the property. You pull out your key to your family home, unlocking the door and moving to walk in the door until Bucky stops you.
“Let me go first doll,” He tells you, making you step back to let him enter first.
The first thing you notice is a pungent smell of iron hitting you both. You grimace. You hadn’t been told much by police, only that it had been quite a gruesome scene. The medical examiner had already informed you that you would have to have a closed casket service, and had advised you as gently as possible that it would be best if you didn’t see their bodies in the state they were now in. It hurt your heart. But all of that still didn’t prepare you for the scene you both saw in the living room.
Blood was everywhere. The floors, the walls, the couches, the curtains. It was obvious there had been a struggle from the trail of blood around the room. The room looked like a scene out of a horror film. In the center of the room laid a large and sharp knife, also covered in blood. In the light, gleamed an inscription you couldn’t make out. Bucky crouched down next to it for a closer look, and you couldn’t stop it anymore. Sobs wracked your body, vision blurring from your tears. You hug your midsection, wishing for comfort. It shockingly comes.
Bucky stands from his couched position in the middle of the room and strides back over to you, carefully wrapping you in his arms.
“I’m so sorry, дорогая” He whispers in your ear, holding you close to him as your head comes to rest on his chest, your arms wrapping around his waist. Sweetheart is what he called you. His voice was also heavy with emotion, hating the scene in front of you both. It was a scene of two people who had fought hard, but nevertheless had a horrifying and painful death.
“I think I know who is responsible,” He informs you, after your tears slowly come to a stop, now just enjoying the comfort his strong arms brought you.
“You do? Who?” You timidly ask, fearful of hearing who could have done something so violent, so horrid and animalistic, to people as sweet and kind as your parents who wouldn’t hurt anyone for anything in the world.
“His name is Zemo,” His voice darkly tells you, taking your hand and leading you out of the house and back to the Escalade.
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Part 2: Coming Soon
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samthemarvelfan · 1 year
Bad Romance: Chapter Twelve
Say It
Summary: You find yourself exactly where you shouldn’t and no one is sure if they’ll make it out alive.
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader, feat: Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson/Yelena Belova/Helmut Zemo/Natasha Romanoff
Word Count: 3,500+
Warning: Criminal activity/Mafia references. Mentions of guns, violence and blackmail. Threatening and intimidation. Swearing. Canon-typical violence and graphic injury description.
A/N: First of all, thank you all for your patience and your love! I’m glad to be back. I’ve missed this place. Enjoy the climax of Bad Romance! <3
previous chapter
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Work was hell. Every thing that could go wrong today, did. The presentation you’d poured hours of yourself into was conveniently cut short by the fire alarm. Then, when you’d reached the board room to finish, Kyle was already shmoozing the bosses with his 5 minute PowerPoint about how great he is.
Fucking Kyle and his stupid, God damn agenda to oust you from the promotion you’d worked months to get had succeeded—he won.
The buzzing of your phone irritated you more than it should, but the scowl on your face flipped to a grin when you saw the caller ID.
“Hey, baby.” Sal said happily.
You let out a long breath, feeling the tension in your body subside. “Hi, Sally.”
He chuckled, “Don’t try to hide that tone from me, kiddo. I take it it didn’t go well?”
Your lip trembled, “No,” you slipped the key into your apartment door fumbling with your bag of take-out, “Kyle was just more ‘adaptable’ than I was. AKA he’s a little pansy that doesn’t have any actual opinions and is gonna go along with whatever the big boss says.”
Sal must have heard the slam of the door though the phone, “Oh!” He scolded.
“Sorry,” you threw your purse to the floor, and kicked off your heels. “I worked 10 times harder on my presentation, Sally. This asshole? His daddy just happens to be the CEO’s buddy from college…talk about nepotism at its finest—“
“Y/N, breathe, Honey, breathe.”
Flopping onto your couch, kicking your legs up on the coffee table. “I’m just annoyed. That’s all.”
“I know, baby, but what have I always told you? You got that fire in your heart for a reason. I have a feelin’ it’s gonna come in handy some day soon. Who knows? Maybe they gave this Kyle bozo that position ‘cause they got you lined up for a better one.” Your Uncles accent was always more pronounced when he rambled.
A genuine smile spread across your face for the first time tonight, as tears pricked your eyes. “I hope you’re right, Sally. What’s new with you?”
Sal sighed, then paused.
He never pauses.
Surely you just lost him, dropped call or something.
“Sal? You there?” Your hesitant almost, verging on nervous.
He cleared his throat. “Y-yeah. Yeah, sorry baby. Got a lot going on over here, you know how it is,” you heard what sounded like drawers opening and shutting. “I just was calling to tell you I love you. Making sure you’re okay, and that you’re always gonna be okay. You know how I worry.”
You found yourself nodding. That was the truth, Sal always worried about you. If you were happy, safe, eating enough. He’d ask if you needed anything—and he meant anything.
“You know I love you, right?” He said quietly.
“Of course I know that.” You said on his heels.
“Good. Never forget it, okay?”
You smiled, “How could I?”
His laughter was subtle, but you heard it along with the jingling of keys in the background. “I gotta get going, Baby girl. Heading to dinner with some old friends.”
“Okay, be safe. I’ll call you tomorrow?” you asked.
“Sure thing, Bellisima.”
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Scott was determined to keep his professional and personal opinion of Y/N’s situation separate, but every time he spoke to her, it seemed like the universe was telling him to do the opposite.
Bucky Barnes made a habit of protecting people he cared about at any cost, and Scott has seen first-hand what he’s capable of. There’s no limit to what anger could make him do.
If something happens to Y/N, it’s only a matter of time before a war breaks out on the streets of Brooklyn.
Scott was patrolling today--light under cover duty. The office was becoming far too suffocating with the mountains of files and evidence dockets sitting on his desk. Frustrating, too. He had every piece of information about Sal’s murder, he just needed to connect them.
Whoever the missing link is, they’re tied to Y/N, too. Scott just couldn’t nail down someone who’d know enough about her to use her like this.
His black SUV came to a stop at the red light in front of him. Red Hook had some of the worst traffic in the city these days, and people frequently blew the signals. UC traffic duty is just what the doctor—
“Jesus Christ!” Scott shouted.
As if on cue, a black Charger zoomed by Scott so fast, his car shook. It flew between lanes, attempting to cross the intersection.
Scott was about to flick on the lights and siren, but then he saw the plates. A combination of letters and numbers he’s looked at hundred of times this week alone.
The light turned green, and Scott sped up. Following the car heading South West, without so much as a flash of his police lights. Rogers never put a toe out of line during his day job. He was, by all accounts, an upstanding citizen. An attorney with impeccable knowledge of law.
So if he was risking getting pulled over in broad day light by driving like that, there was a reason.
A life or death reason.
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“I take it,” your captor spoke, kicking a piece of scrap from her path. “You all were not expecting me?”
The men exchanged looks of shock and disbelief. None of these big bad men with guns seemingly brave enough to answer her.
She then approached Bucky, and no one in the room stopped her. You watched as she inspected his face, “My, my, Barnes. As handsome as you are, this is not a good look for you.”
He chuckled dryly. “Nice to see you too, Yelena. Ain’t you supposed to be at the bottom of the Hudson?“
Yelena laughed, “What can I say? Death didn’t suit me.”
She walked back over to you, pulling you up by your hair. “And can you believe it? Look what I’ve found! You should have seen her, Barnes. Ready to storm the building—a one woman army, this one.” Yelena tapped your cheek tenderly. “Whatever plan she was hatching would have gotten her killed instantly, but she didn’t care. She wanted to save you.”
Your lip quivered, and you felt Yelena’s mouth by your ear. “Don’t move, sweet thing. I’m not sure Barnes could take seeing what these men would do to you.”
The bang of a metal door in the distance made you jump, and at once, the half-dozen men surrounding you lowered their weapons.
Two sets of footsteps could be heard—one of which was the clicking of high heels along the cement floor.
It was Natasha. Her fiery red hair framing her face, with a look of daggers aimed directly at Yelena. To her left was a man only a few inches taller than her, brown hair and a black turtleneck leaking out from beneath his coal-colored trench.
“сестра.” Yelena spoke first, spitting at the ground in front of her.
Natasha, to her credit, tried to hide the look of surprise from her face. “It seems I’ve been misinformed, I was told you were dead, Sister.” She eyes the man next to her.
The blonde laughs, “Nearly.”
How the fuck is she so casual about this?
“But enough about me, look at you, Natasha…” she walked slowly around your body, pushing you onto your knees. You eye Bucky, his gaze hasn’t wavered from you. “You’ve got your designer clothes and shoes, your diamonds…is that where all of your money is going?”
“Zemo,” Natasha says, not bothering to look at him. “Explain to me how it is my sister is here? When it was your very word I trusted when you told me she’d been killed?”
The man beside her stepped forward, “I can assure you, Ms. Romanoff. The information I was given by Mr. Walker seemed concrete.”
It was then you heard Bucky laugh. A sick smile on his lips, as he spit blood to the floor. “I’m gonna put a bullet in your head, Helmut. You better pray I don’t make it outta here.”
Natasha’s head whipped around, “James, I’d almost forgot you were here, and would you look at this,” she walked up to you with a small smirk, “Your new plaything came to your rescue, hm?”
“Actually, I brought her to you.” Yelena said, stepping in front of you. “A gift to see if you would pull the knife out of my back.” As she spoke to her sister she bobbled her foot up and down, drawing your attention to the blade that was carefully stored against her calf.
She wants me to grab it.
Slowly, you moved your hands up, grabbing the blade. When Yelena didn’t protest or stop you, you sheathed it beneath your sleeve.
“You’re so obsessed with this man,” she said, gesturing to Bucky. “I figured you’d want every last thing that was ever his.”
“Bullshit.” Natasha seethed. “I’m not obsessed with anyone. I’m the one who people revere. I was our father’s favorite, I am the most powerful boss in New York. What could this шлюха have to offer me?”
“Enough, ‘Tash!” Bucky shouts, his voice reverberating off of the warehouse walls. “All of this, all the fuckin’ theatrics. What do you want? Why the hell did you need to go this far?”
There’s a pause. A brief echo of silence that was so ominous, you found it hard to breath. Natasha’s heels clicked across the floor once more, the sound stopping when she was face to face with Bucky.
He looked at her with rage. Forgetting his own injuries and state, he looked at her the way he had looked at Zemo.
He wants her dead.
“We could have had…everything.” She sneered. “We were untouchable. No one would have ever set foot in our territory without paying a price. But you,” she chucked. “You’re weak. The son of George Barnes grew a conscious all of a sudden? Pathetic.”
Another bout of silence, when Yelena suddenly spoke, “Okay this is exhausting. Ivan, Gregor—“
Suddenly, the two men holding Bucky released him.
“What—“ Natasha began, but was cut off by the sound of gun fire.
Two of the goons dropped like flies, the men holding Bucky each taking a shot at the final two guards, dropping them too.
Your hands flew to your mouth as you let out a screech. Yelena, your captor/protector had just ended two lives like it was nothing.
Zemo suddenly bolted, running for the nearest exit.
“Следуй за ним!” Yelena shouted at the men next to Bucky, and they sped off after him.
She raised her black handgun slowly, aiming it at Nat.
“Tell him, Natasha.” She pulled the pin of it back with her thumb. “You tell him, or I will.”
The red head stood her ground. “There’s nothing to tell.”
It was quiet for a beat, then the sound of a gunshot booming through the room had you shaking.
“Last chance,” Yelena spoke. She’d shot at the wall behind her sister. It was a warning, and judging by her face, it would be her only one.
“Look him in the eye, Natasha,” she seethed. “Look him in the eye and explain to James why you had his father killed.“
Your eyes were on Bucky immediately. He seemed to lose the air in his lungs, stumbling even.
“No…” He choked.
The room became a vacuum. Any and all tension sucked from it and replaced with rage and betrayal.
“She also told the police of your plans, James. That’s how they knew where to find you. Scott had nothing to do with it, but she wanted him out of your life. He was the angel on your shoulder, so to speak.”
You watched as Bucky struggled with the information before him. Half of his life was a lie. What he’d built his business on never should have been. He foolishly trusted someone he thought was his equal.
“Why?” He asked. “What did it get you?”
Natasha laughed. She actually laughed at him.
“It would have gotten me everything!” She screamed. “Your miserable pig of a father had every politician, officer, every god damn truck driver in his pocket. He ran the five burroughs however the fuck he wanted too. Queens was never my fathers, not really. I promised him I’d take it for us, I’d take it all.” She grinned.
“Taking your father out was a cake walk, the succession—you, you were the problem. I figured if you were in jail for attempted murder, you’d never suspect a thing. So, yeah. We gave you the bullshit tip about who’d ordered the hit on ol’ George. And what a surprise, you and your temper took the bait.”
Natasha laughed again, pulling a cigarette from her bra. She tucked it between her lips, and lit it. A long drag gave her pause, “I didn’t account for how good your lawyers were. So, I did the next best thing, made you fall in love with me and the lifestyle,” she took another drag, “And it fucking worked.”
Bucky took to his feet, hands still bound. He stepped forward, leaning in toward the redhead. “Love? No, ‘Tash. That wasn’t love. Can’t expect a gal like you to know the difference though, can I?”
Natasha threw the cigarette at his feel, grinding it into the floor with her red-bottoms.
“Now tell Y/N.” Yelena’s teeth clenched together. She nodded her head in your direction. “Who ordered the hit on Salvatore.”
With zero hesitation, the redhead shrugged, offering you a sarcastic smile. “Oops.”
You saw red.
Lunging forward, you pulled the knife from your sleeve. Natasha’s eyes widened as you ran at her, only to be pulled back by Yelena.
She held you still, almost embracing you, “No, you’re not like her, Y/N.” She whispered.
Tears ran down your face, “You’re evil…pure evil.” You cried.
The red head scoffed, “The world is evil. Your Uncle was no better.”
“Don’t talk about him. Don’t even think about him.” You seethe.
“He was a mutt just like you.” She nodded to her sister. “Go, Yelena. Crawl back into your hole.”
Natasha turned her back on her sister and began to walk away.
But Yelena wasn’t having it.
She ran at Natasha, sweeping her legs underneath her. She reached for her gun, but Natasha swung her arm, knocking it from Yelena’s grip.
Natasha, to her credit, knows how to fight. She twisted, slamming her knee into Yelena’s nose to disorient her. Blood poured from her face and Natasha used this as an opportunity to make a run--well, a limp for it.
You looked down at your hand, still clutching the knife with white knuckles. Before you knew what you were doing, you were behind Bucky, cutting through the zip ties on his wrist.
“I’m sorry.” You say over and over. “I’m so sorry, Bucky.
He didn’t respond, didn’t look at you. He just stood, walking towards the women fighting.
“Yelena!” He shouted, gesturing an open hand once he’d gotten her attention. She scrambled for the gun, tossing it to Bucky haphazardly.
He raised his arm, wincing from what seemed life broken ribs. You watched as he aimed at her back, and pulled the trigger.
Natasha’s body went limp, crumbling to the floor beneath it with a thud. 
Nausea took over you, feeling like you were gonna be sick or pass out at any second. Blood pooled under her body, the life being drained from her.
Yelena stood, and hobbled breathlessly towards the two of you. “Good aim, James.” She wiped the blood from her face. Bucky handed the gun back to her, and she ejected the clip. “Ah! Would you look at that,” She tossed it to you. “That was my last shot.”
You stared at the heavy, empty piece of metal in your hands. Frozen, traumatized, and unable to process that this was part of a gun that just ended a life.
“Y/N,” It comes out strong, and with purpose.
You don’t realize your eyes are watering until you look at him. His gaze somehow getting softer when he sees the tears brimming.
“Hey, Sugar.” Bucky’s relieved, he’s scared, he’s tired.
So are you.
You crumble. Falling into him and holding on as though he’d float away. “I’m sorry. I’m--I didn’t know--”
“Shh, “ He whispered, kissing your forehead. “Not now. I’ll tell ya everything. Anything. Just let me hold you for a sec, okay?”
His strong arms envelope you completely, and it’s the safest you’ve felt in what feels like forever.
“Eh-em,” Yelena clears her throat, “Not to interrupt the disgusting amount of affection happening in front of me, but you should know why I’m here, Y/N.”
She reached into her pocked and pulled out a piece of paper. It was folded and tattered and something she clearly had been holding onto for a while.
“It’s all in here. Should clear things up nicely,” She handed it to you, “Now if you’ll excuse me...” 
She headed for the exit, earning a ‘thank you’ from Bucky on her way out.
Bucky’s eyes don't leave yours as he takes your face in his hands. He swallows hard, and you watch as emotion stains his throat. 
“I, I thought--” He starts, running his thumb along your cheek. “I thought I lost you, Baby.”
You sob, shaking your head. “No.”
He pulls you into him again, “You don’t have to read that now, let’s go. We should get outta here before the cops show up. I don’t want you anywhere near any of this.” 
A pair of footsteps echos through the warehouse, causing Bucky’s grip on you to tighten.
“Buck! Holy shit, you’re alive.” Steve says, out of breath. 
Sam is quick on his tail, “You two must have one hell of a guardian angel, who the hell survives a hit like that?”
A new voice is heard from behind the four of you. “My fucking thoughts exactly.”
No. No.
Not Walker--not here.
But it was him. His face was mangled from the caramel you’d used to blind him. Scorching red burns and cooked flesh. 
“If it weren't for this spoiled cunt,” He gestured to you wholly, “you’d all be fucking gone.” He seethed.
Bucky stepped forward slightly, prompting Walker to raise his gun from his side.
“Now, now Barnes, lets not make any rash decisions.” Walker spat at Bucky’s feet.
“Walker,” Bucky called, stepping in front of you. “Let her go, lets handle this like men.”
He laughed, a horrifying, sliming grin plastering his face. “Send your goons outside.” 
Bucky’s hands went up slowly in defense, “Walker--”
“Are you deaf?!” Walker shouted. “Outside! Now!” The gun was firmly aimed at you, and tears filled your eyes. 
Bucky didn’t break Walker’s gaze. “Outside fellas. We’ll be okay.”
“Buck--” Steve protested.
“Go on, Pal. It’ll be fine.” 
You were shaking as Sam and Steve left, terrified that these would be your last moments on Earth, all thanks to John Walker.
The man who killed your Uncle.
The man who took your peace.
The man who took a part of who you are.
“Let her leave, John. She’s got nothin’ to do with this.” Bucky said, stepping closer to Walker.
“Uh-uh,” Walker tutted, “I mean it Barnes, another step and the bitch gets a few new piercings.” He laughed. “You wouldn’t mind, would ya Gorgeous? After all, they’d match the ones I gave your Uncle.”
Bucky didn’t hesitate.
He lunged at Walker causing his gun to misfire at the ceiling. 
“James, no!” You screeched.
The men before you struggled with each other. Even in his beaten and bruised state, Bucky was putting up a fight.
“Greedy fuck!” Walker shouted, landing a blow to his jaw. “Couldn’t let anyone have a piece, huh?” 
Another blow.
and another.
Bucky fell to his knees, and Walker grabbed his jaw. “Take a look Barnes. I want you to see this.”
He threw him to the floor, and raised his gun at you. “Say ‘hi’ to Sal for me, would ya?”
Your eyes shut tightly, bracing for the impact of a bullet piercing you skin,
“I love you, Bucky,” You whispered to yourself.
...but when the shot rang out, you didn’t feel a thing.
Am I dead? Well, that was quick I suppose.
When your eyes opened, you watched Walker crumble. Doubling over as he fell to the ground, his gun flew from his hand, blood pooling around his chest.
You turn in search of where the shot came from, and that’s when you see Scott, his hands still firmly on the gun aimed where Walker stook just seconds ago.
“Get outta here!” He shouted. “Go!”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You could hear the sirens in the distance and they were moving fast.
You were at Bucky’s side in an instant. “Bucky...Buck, c’mon you gotta get up for me.” 
It took a minute, but then Bucky was back on his feet, leaning on you for support as you left the warehouse.
Steve and Sam were at the entrance of the Docks. 
“Y/N!” Sam shouted. “This way, c’mon, Darlin’, we got him.” He helped you into the back of the car, and then he and Steve got Bucky in next to you.
Steve floored it. Where you were going you weren't sure, and you didn’t care.
You were with the people you trusted the most. Bucky was here, and you were going to keep him safe now, just like he had done for you.
No matter the cost.
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loving-barnes · 2 years
Vendetta - Vendetta (19)
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Bucky Barnes x Mob ! Boss Y/N Fox (Bucky Barnes x female reader)
Warning: some fluff, angst, dark themes (murder torture, mention of sexual assault, violence, blood, mocking etc.), smut (unprotected sex, oral, praising etc.), this is a ride
Autor’s note: We are almost done. This one is again longer and weirder and I put there some sexy times. I think this chapter is overall weaker but I did my best. It could have been better, I guess.
Viewer discretion is advised. This story is for readers 18+!
Word count: 7200+
Chapter eighteen
Vendetta Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Vendetta (19)
“Can you tell me? Please can you tell me about the surprise?” Y/N kept asking with a wide smile on her face as Bucky was driving them to the warehouse where they locked up Erik. 
Bucky shook his head, not giving away anything. “Honey, you need to be patient.” His eyes never left the road. “But I have some spare clothes for us. I don’t want you to get that pretty dress messy.”
She kinked a brow and licked her lips. “Spare of clothes, you say?” Y/N started to think out loud. “Well, we are on our way to kill Erik. I believe that we will change into something more comfortable because it is going to be a massacre,” she clapped her hands excitedly. “But wait,” she stopped, “Strange is coming with us.” She turned around and looked at the car following behind them. “And he’s a doctor which means… Will we be taking out Erik’s organs?” 
“I’m not telling you anything,” Bucky laughed. “You just have to wait.” 
She kept quiet for a few minutes before she started to talk again. “You know, tonight was fun. And you said such sweet words about me, it made my heart melt.” 
Without breaking his gaze on the road, he grabbed her hand gently and pulled it to his lips, kissing it. “You deserve nothing but the best, Y/N. I must say, your entrance was spectacular. You made me hard, honey.” 
“Good to know,” she said. “I hope later tonight we will be able to celebrate, just the two of us, in our own way,” she unbuckled her seatbelt, leaned closer to him and kissed him under his ear. It didn’t stop there. Her lips moved to his jaw, nibbling on it. 
He hummed and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. “Fuck, Y/N, if you keep doing this, we will end in an accident. I believe you don’t want that.” 
She hummed and pulled away. “Once this is done, can we go to the apartment where I was hidden these last few days?” she asked him as her finger kept stroking his chin. 
“Sure,” he nodded. As she was about to sit back, Bucky quickly turned his head to her and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. “No more teasing, gorgeous.” 
“I can’t help it,” she put back her seatbelt. “If you must know, it is your fault.”
Bucky took out his phone and dialled a number. As he put the phone to his ear, he replied to Y/N. “My fault, you say?” 
Clint: Boss? 
Bucky: I’m going to need you in the warehouse once you are done at the restaurant. 
Clint: Which warehouse do you have in mind? 
Bucky: I will text you the exact location. Once you are there, wait outside until we are done. It might take an hour or two. It all depends on how things will go.
Clint: Sure thing. We are finishing here.
Bucky: Good. I’ll send you the address. See you later.
When the call was done, he handed the phone to Y/N. “Could you please write Clint the address of the warehouse we are heading to?” he asked her politely. 
She took the phone and typed the message. Her eyes landed on the picture he had put as the background. It still seemed surreal that it was her who he kept looking at every time he unlocked his phone. 
Less than thirty minutes later, they arrived at the warehouse. There was only one black van present and that belonged to Bucky’s men. The outside area was quiet and covered in darkness. When they stepped out of the car, Bucky went into the boot of the car, taking out a black travel bag. He then approached his girl and took her hand into his, helping her out. “Are you ready?” 
“Ending Killmonger’s life? Hell yeah,” she said excitedly. “That fucker deserves it.” 
“Alright,” Bucky nodded and pulled her body closer to his. His left arm wrapped around her waist and his lips pressed against her temple. “But there is something I need you to know about the surprise.”
“Alright,” it sounded more like a question. 
“I need you to know that the moment you feel uncomfortable or don’t want to proceed, you just say the word and I will take care of everything.”
Her eyes widened and fear ran down her body. “Uh,” she couldn’t muster a word. “O-Okay. W-What is it, Buck?” 
They entered the building and headed straight to an old office. It was empty. There was a couch a table with an older computer and a rustic chair. He threw the bag on top of the table next to the big monitor. The place smelled like mustiness and mould. “We should renovate this place,” she said mostly to herself. “Wait, we got rid of this place a long time ago,” she shook her head. 
Bucky handed her the clothes he brought her. Simple black leggings, shirt and converse shoes. Without asking, he approached her from behind, unzipping the dress on the back. He breathed in her sweet scent, smiling. He desired her. Like a magnet, he leaned to her neck, kissing it. “You are driving me crazy,” he whispered. 
His fingers slipped under the straps and pushed them off her shoulders, letting the fabric slip down off her body. Y/N stood in front of him in nothing but high heels and matching lacy underwear. “Fuck,” he licked a stripe over her pulse and hummed. “I’m going to cum in my pants if I don’t let you go.”
She reached for the black leggings and started to put them on. When her ass brushed gently against his crotch, he moaned. “Baby, we have to wait just a tiny bit longer.”
Bucky took off his fancy suit, folding it over the chair. He too brought himself some spare shoes and jeans. But he decided to keep on the white button-up shirt. He turned around just in time. Y/N was about to put on the shirt. “No, no, wait,” he stopped her urgently.
“What? What!” she lowered the shirt and looked down at her stomach and breasts. She didn’t see anything unusual there.
He scanned her body carefully and then with a wide smile said “okay, you good.”
“What the fuck, Barnes?” she laughed and put on the shirt. Then, she rolled up the sleeves. “Sexual harassment at work? That’s very unprofessional.” She turned around as if she was trying to find something. “Any weapons?” 
He smiled. “It has been set in the main room,” he fixed his clothing and took off his expensive watch. Bucky put them into the travel bag. He kept his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. “Are you ready?” 
When she nodded in agreement, once again, he pulled her close to his body, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Together, they walked out of the office. “Again, Y/N, I want you to know that whenever you want to stop, or you don’t want to do anything at all, you just tell me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, even though I realize you might be the moment you see what I got for you.” 
Y/N had many questions on her mind. She kept staring at him like an idiot, not having a single idea what that speech was about. “Bucky, baby, if this is some kind of sexual thing then I…”
Her breath got stuck in her throat when her eyes found two men tied to metal chairs in nothing but their briefs. She knew them both. Her stomach twisted and turned and immediately, she took a step back. She had trouble breathing. It all came rushing back to her. All those memories were back and suddenly, she was back in the showers, on the cold floor, naked as the men were standing above her when they were done. 
Bucky’s head appeared in front of her and his hands gently caressed her cheeks. “Breathe for me,” she heard him say. “You don’t have to do anything.”
“Why did you bring them here?” she whispered. Her voice was shaking. 
“They’ve hurt you,” he started to talk softly. “When I heard what they did to you, I promised that I would do everything in my power to hunt these fuckers down and bring them to you, so you can have your revenge.” There was something in his voice she hadn’t seen or heard before. Pain and sorrow. The way his eyes were staring at her, was filled with love but also with anger. “With the help of my men, we were able to bring them here. This is my gift to you,” he stepped aside and pointed at those two men. 
Now she noticed that their mouths were stuffed with a piece of black fabric. They couldn’t talk or scream. Only whining could be heard. 
“Wow,” was all she managed to say. 
“Before we get rid of Erik, I want you to have a go at these two if you want,” he offered. “It’s all up to you, honey. Just know that they can’t hurt you now. If they try to escape, there will be a bullet between their eyes in a millisecond.”  
“This is my surprise?” said Y/N quietly, as if she didn’t want them to hear her. “Revenge?” 
Bucky closed the gap between them by resting his forehead against hers. One of his hands was on the back of her neck and the other on her hip. “It is killing me to know what those assholes, those animals did to you. I want them to suffer; I want them dead. I want them to pay for what they had done to you. And I want them to feel nothing but pain before their lives will end tonight,” a growl escaped his throat. 
With a loud sigh, she brought his lips to hers, kissing him with everything she got. It was filled with many unspoken emotions and he could feel it. “I love you, James.” When she looked back at him, she noticed his eyes were glossy. “Why did you bring Strange here?” she tilted her head to the side and locked eyes with the doctor who was standing not far from them, with carry-on fridges and medical utensils. 
“Eh, business,” he said with a smile. “Before they die, maybe we could get some of their organs.” 
That single sentence brought out another set of loud whines from the men. No one gave them any reaction.
“Oh, I like that idea,” and the wide, beautiful smile was back on her face. “Extra coin would be good. Have you settled on the percentages with Strange? I mean, he’ll be the one doing the procedure, which means that he too should get something out of it.”
“Don’t worry, I got it covered.”
Y/N walked around her husband and approached both men. The whining didn’t stop. As if they were trying to tell her something but she didn’t give a shit. “I love the sounds you make,” she used the same sentence they once did. “So helpless, so vulnerable. No one is going to hear you here. No one is going to help you, boys.” 
Bucky brought a folding chair that was next to the door. More of them were lying around the whole room. He sat down and put one leg over the other. He wanted to enjoy the show. 
“Let me tell you a secret,” Y/N leaned forward, being closer to them. “I won’t be the one to kill you tonight. I won’t be the one who will harm you in any way.” 
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Both men stopped whining for a moment and stared at her with wide eyes. One of them even had tears running down his cheeks. 
“I will let my husband take charge and do as he pleases,” she informed them. “And believe me, he will do a great number on you two. He can use his wild imagination and harm you in any way he wants. And at the very end, when your life is barely hanging on a thread, Doctor Strange will get inside you and take some of your beautiful organs that will help good people to survive in this rotten world.” 
That’s when the real muffled screaming started. Both men were trashing the chairs, trying their hardest to escape but to no avail. It was like music to her ears. 
“Damn,” said Bucky under his nose. “My wife is hot when she’s angry and dark.” 
She walked to him, hips swaying from side to side. “Make me proud, love.” 
“Always.” They switched places. Y/N sat down on the chair and Bucky hopped on his feet, ready to have some fun. Before he left, he kissed her cheek. “Enjoy the show.” 
“I will. You can enjoy the show later when I am taking life from Erik Stevens.” 
The show started. At first, Bucky took out the fabric off their mouths so he could hear them scream and cry. He enjoyed punching the shit out of both men. Their faces were swelling up, bruising and bleeding from mouths and noses. One of them lost his teeth during the process. The way Bucky’s back and biceps flexed made Y/N cross her legs. He was so damn hot. 
Bucky grabbed forceps from Strange’s table and walked back to the first man. He grabbed him by his short hair and pulled back. “You know, it was nice watching those teeth fly out of your mouth. How about we get rid of some more?” 
Y/N was surprised to see Bucky forcefully open the man’s mouth and pull out several of his front teeth. It must have hurt like a bitch when she listened to the painful scream. Then again, it was in a twisted way beautiful. It was only a fraction of the pain she felt that night. 
“I could make a necklace out of your teeth,” Bucky commented once he scanned the tooth he was holding with the forceps. “Although, good thing you are here because this one has a cavity.” 
“Has your husband been this crazy even before?” Strange asked Y/N when he approached her. His hands were covered in white rubber gloves and wore a medical robe. 
“His crazy matches my crazy,” she winked at the doctor. 
It was like a live horror story happening in front of their eyes. As if she was in a theatre and there was a bloody and disgusting scene happening. Bucky approached the other man and with a knife carved on his forehead the word rapist. The blood was running down his face, covering his neck and shoulders. He made the cuts deep and painful. 
“I’ve heard that you have a fiancé. How would she feel if she knew what kind of a pig you are,” said Bucky as he finished the word. “What do you say if we send her a picture?”
“Just kill me already,” said the man, tired from it all. “Let my fiancé be, please.”
“Ah, already begging,” Bucky kept that wicked smile on his face. “Does she know what you have done in the past? Does she know how you treat women? She’d be shocked to learn the truth.” 
There were no words, just whining and moaning from all the pain. 
“Such pussies,” Y/N scoffed. “They deserve to be beaten to death.” 
“If we want to take some organs, we should not harm their stomachs and all,” said Steven nonchalantly. “Otherwise we won’t be able to take them. One kidney would give us so much money. Imagine what we can get for a heart. Bruised organs won’t do the trick.” 
Her eyes focused back on Bucky who was throwing punches. The men’s faces were unrecognizable. They were swollen and covered in blood. And when he wasn’t punching them, he was breaking their bones. First the fingers, then the bigger bones. One of the men had a shoulder dislocated. 
Suddenly, Y/N started to clap her hands, bringing Bucky’s attention to her. 
“Yes, darling?” he asked, breathing heavily. 
“Why won’t we leave these two to Doctor Strange and have his fun while we move to the main event?” she asked lovingly. “I can’t wait to get my hands on Killmonger and end his life. This was nice. You did an amazing number on them.” 
Taking a step back, Bucky turned his gaze at the two beaten-up men. One was missing teeth and the other one had a beautiful bloody sign on his forehead. It was a masterpiece. “Well, gentlemen, I think it’s time to say goodbye. You are in good hands with Doctor Strange and our men,” and he whistled loudly. 
Another entrance door opened and four men walked in, dressed in black. Each one of them had black leather gloves on their hands and was ready to assist the doctor with the surgeries he was about to perform. 
Bucky grabbed Y/N by the hand and helped her stand up from the chair. She didn’t mind that his hands were covered in blood. It looked how which might have sounded wrong. 
“Beautiful,” she said with a smile. 
Together, they walked into the old hall where there used to be cargo, machines and other equipment. Now, it was empty, spacious and covered in rust. There were puddles of water that didn’t get the chance to dry. In the very middle of the warehouse, there were two pillars and from them were hanging chains. Those chains were wrapped around Killmonger’s weak body. 
Their men were pointing guns at him the whole time as they were ordered. If Erik tried something, they were allowed to inject him with some sedatives. That man was dangerous and therefore they had to take precautions. They knew he’d be able to escape the chains if he saw a tiny opportunity.
“Bucky,” she moaned into his ear. “You were so hot out there. I love that you did that for me.” 
“Anything for you, honey.” 
With a sweet kiss, they stopped in front of Killmonger who seemed out at the moment. “Rise and shine, dickhead,” Y/N called loudly. Her voice echoed around the hall and it did the trick to bring the man out of his slumber. His eyes crossed and he licked his dry lips. It seemed he wasn’t drinking for at least two days. 
Screams could be heard from the other side of the warehouse, making everyone alert. “Ah, it has started,” Bucky said with a hint of happiness. “Your friends are in the hands of our doctor. You know, simple procedure – taking out their kidneys, livers, hearts and everything that can be sold to people in need.” 
“What the fuck?” he mumbled when his head tilted up to see both Y/N and Bucky standing above him. He noticed Bucky’s hands covered in blood. Some of it even got on his white fancy shirt. “I see you enjoyed some fun time,” he commented. 
“That was just foreplay,” Bucky laughed. 
“Now, it’s time for the main event,” said Y/N and without waiting, she lunged at him, hitting his jaw with a fist. She got him good as blood splashed out of his mouth. 
Bucky snapped his fingers and stepped aside. One of his men brought him a chair and sat on it. He had a beautiful view of the scene unfolding in front of him, as well as the gorgeous view of Y/N’s ass. Bucky didn’t need to establish who was doing what. His woman was in charge and he let her. 
“I was waiting for this the moment we took you here,” she said. “Honestly, you are an imbecile, you know that? How could you fall for that stupid trick?” and she started to laugh. Suddenly, the men behind her laughed too. Turning around, Bucky was whispering to them how they managed to kidnap him. 
“Well played,” said Erik as he took a deep breath. “So what are you going to do, little girl? Are you going to beat me up?” he mocked her by changing his voice to a baby one. 
“I’m going to kill you,” she replied. 
“And don’t you think this is unfair? I’m all tied up and can’t protect myself while you are having your fun.” 
She squatted down to be at the same eye level as him. “And do you think it was fair when you assaulted me back in the military? Of course, it wasn’t. You just wanted to have your fun. Well, now I’m going have my.” 
She stood up and took a step back, turning to the men. “Boys, I need you to put him higher so he’s standing up. It’s better to work on a bigger canvas. This won’t do the trick.” 
When her eyes met with Bucky’s he was grinning at her like a maniac. His legs were spread wide as he sat on the chair comfortably. They kept staring at each other until there was creaking coming from behind her. And that’s when she noticed the tent forming inside his pants. She kinked a brow, chuckling. “Mr Barnes,” she said suggestively. 
Without any shame, he stroked his semi-hard cock as he kept staring directly into her eyes. “If only you could see what I see, Mrs Barnes.”
Before she could continue her work, she quickly walked to Bucky and leaned in for a sloppy kiss. Her hand replaced his for a brief moment, just to feel how hard he was. “Stop, or I will fuck you in front of everyone. You know how I am… once I get a taste…”
“I can see that,” she bit his lower lip. “I saw what you did yesterday.” 
“Mhm, but that was our first time together. Tonight, it won’t be our first time and I want to fuck you really good,” he whispered so only she could hear him. “Well, if you are up for it.” 
“Are you two done?” Erik shouted from behind. “I can hear you here. You’d never be able to fuck her the way I and the boys did.” 
“I know you can hear. I just want you to know what consent is,” Y/N rolled her eyes and straightened her back. Bucky almost whined when her hand left his crotch. “But then again, you are about to die so why bother and react to your stupid insults.” 
He was about to say something but Y/N didn’t give him a chance. Like a train, she approached him and hit his nose with all the force she had. Her ears registered the sound of cracking. Blood started to pour down his nostrils. And then, a few more strikes followed, hitting his cheeks and jaw. She tore the skin under his eye. But that was just the beginning. 
With a brisk walk, she came to one of the men that kept aiming at Erik and she took his knife. “I need this,” she said mostly to herself and walked back to her victim. 
The tip of the blade started to trail over his neck, where his pulse was. Carefully, she nicked the skin to make him bleed. It wasn’t anything dangerous. And then she dragged it lower over his exposed muscular chest until it reached his briefs. Luckily, she still had those white rubber gloves, otherwise, she wouldn’t proceed. With a swift move, she cut them in half and exposed his penis to everyone present. 
“You fucking bitch,” he hissed. 
“What? Suddenly it is not okay if you are exposed to an audience?” she tilted her head. “And here I thought you liked exhibitionism.” 
“Honey, I don’t want to see his junk,” said Bucky from behind her. 
“Ashamed your dick is smaller?” Erik had to tease.
Y/N kept staring into Erik’s eyes when a wild smile appeared on her face, showing him her teeth. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to see it for a second longer.”
“What?” the man in front of her asked with a scream as her left hand grabbed him by the base and the right-hand cut right through it. Luckily, the knife was sharp and with a rapid movement, she got through it quickly, suddenly holding it in her hand. She could see tears coming out of his eyes as he kept shouting profanities at her. 
“Holy shit!” Bucky screamed, shocked by what he saw. “Wow.”
Blood was pouring out of his body. Some of it ended on her black clothes and exposed forearms. 
“Shit,” the men behind her whispered. One of them even crossed his legs, scared he would too get his dick chopped off. 
“I should have killed you!” Erik shouted at Y/N with everything he had. “You fucking cunt! You whore! You fucking cumdump!” 
All those insults made Bucky stand up from his chair and head to them. Without a second thought, he threw a punch directly into his face to shut him up. “I’m going to twist your arms and legs and broke every bone in your body if you insult her one more time.” 
“Aw,” she smiled at Bucky. “That’s so nice.” 
“Fuck you too! You two are the real fucking monsters in here.” 
Y/N looked down at the chopped-off organ. “I thought I would feed this to the dogs we have but I like them a lot and wouldn’t give them anything like this.” 
Erik was losing colour. The bleeding from his crotch didn’t stop. He was about to die of exsanguination. She had to admit it was a nice view. Dropping the penis on the ground, her hands started to work again. This time, she cut off his balls and let them drop down. “Now that’s what I call a proper castration.” 
“Beautiful,” Bucky commented. “Now I know not to piss you off.” 
“Let’s end this, shall we?” the grip on the handle tightened and she stabbed the knife right into Erik’s heart, twisting it. His mouth opened and more blood started to pour out of it. “You deserve nothing but painful death, you son-of-a-bitch.”
She kept staring at his face, watching as life was slowly fading away. It was fascinating. She could see the last breath he took; the last movement of his body or even when his head fell down. Dead. 
The adrenaline that built inside her body kept decreasing rapidly. When she took in the scent of blood, metal and mould, her legs gave up. Luckily, Bucky was there to catch her. “Honey, are you alright?” Together, they sat down on the cold hard ground, not caring that their clothes were covered in blood and dirt. She took off the white rubber gloves and threw them somewhere beside her. That’s when she realized even Bucky had his gloves gone.
“It’s done,” she whispered. Her head rested on his shoulder as she kept breathing loudly. As if it was all coming together, the reality hit her like a freight car. “It’s all done. It’s over.” 
He kissed her temple and smiled. “Yeah, it’s over, Y/N. The enemy is gone and the demons were killed.” Afterwards, he helped her get up on her feet and held her close to his body. When they turned to their men, they all seemed to be scared. 
“This is what will happen to you if you betray us,” Y/N informed them with a strict tone. “You know the rules; you know what job you have to do and you know for who you work. If you do your job as expected, you’ll be rewarded. If you betray us or try to kill us, we will kill you – slowly, intimately, in every way possible.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” they said in unison. 
Barnes was amused and proud. His girl, his wife, was able to do something that no one would have the guts to do. Hell, he was sure Steve or Sam wouldn’t be this brutal. 
“Can I ask for a favour?” she asked them all. “I want you to put Killmonger’s body into cement and once it hardens, threw it into the ocean. That way no one will ever find him. It will be just a massive brick sitting on the very bottom of the sea.” 
The terror in the men’s eyes was funny. She had to chuckle. “S-sure,” someone dared to say. 
“Thank you,” she smiled and together with Bucky, they started to walk back into the old office where they collected their belongings. 
Before she could reach for the bag, Bucky grabbed her by the hands and kneeled in front of her. She was confused. What the hell was he doing? 
He kept kissing her hands. “I want you to know that you are my Queen.”
“You are strong and intelligent and when someone crosses you, you become this fearless warrior, not giving anyone mercy. What you did tonight was spectacular. My father told me that one day, I will need a strong woman by my side. A woman that will be able to deal with the world we live in, and that she’ll be able to bear the heaviness of our world. And I found her,” he gave her hand another kiss. “I know that these last few weeks were crazy. We found out we love each other and suddenly, we got married and overall, it’s been a hell of a ride. We skipped a lot of things – first date, first getaway, engagement and we didn’t even have any of it.” 
“Baby,” she tried her best to hold back the tears. 
“But in the end, I love being with you, I love doing business with you and working with you. I love you, Y/N.” 
In an instant, she was also on her knees, arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed him passionately. Y/N wanted nothing more than to remain in this exact position, kissing him until the end of their lives. “When we met at the very beginning, I never thought you’d be this loving and amazing man. I love you, James Barnes.” 
He kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you too, Y/N Barnes.” 
It made her laugh. It seemed all so surreal to have his last name. Hell, she loved it. 
A few minutes later, they were walking out of the warehouse back into Bucky’s car when they were met by Clint and his men. “Boss, how was the fun?” he smirked. Clint could see the blood all over their clothes.
“It was a ride, my friend,” said Bucky and patted his shoulder. “My wife was amazing. Oh, if you see a penis resting on the ground, just get rid of it.”
“And balls,” Y/N added. 
“What the fuck?” Clint seemed horrified. “You chopped off someone's genitals?” 
“No, of course not. I just did a castration but without instructions,” she shrugged and winked at the man. “That should be a new Youtube challenge.”
“Honey, don’t give children any ideas,” Bucky shook his head. 
Clint whistled. “Well, shit. Alright, I’m going to clean up after you two lovebirds.”
“Also, Doctor Strange is still there. He might be taking some organs from two more victims that are there,” said Bucky. “Just let him work in peace.” 
“Dude,” Clint shook his head. “I have no words. I don’t think I want to know more. I’ll be relieved when the clean-up is done and I get to go to bed after this night.” 
Their ways had split. While Clint and the men when inside the warehouse, Bucky and Y/N got in the car, driving back to Bucky’s apartment where his wife was hiding for the past three days. During the ride, they discussed the evening and talked about every detail of the night. It was until Y/N’s eyes found Bucky’s crotch again and she could see he was hard again – or still? 
She bit her lip and sneaked a glance at him. “Mr Barnes, are you horny again? Even after everything you saw?” 
“I am still hard for you, Y/N. When I saw you standing there, beating the shit out of Killmonger, I was close to taking you right there, in front of everyone,” he admitted. “And when you got that knife, oomph, I almost came in my pants.” 
She relaxed in her seat and spread her legs apart. Without thinking, she grabbed his right hand and put it high on her thigh. Throughout the whole time, she kept staring at the road. Even when his hand got higher and he started to rub her clothed pussy. Y/N closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. And when his hand slipped under the waistband of the leggings she wore, her breath hitched. 
His fingers got under the panties and found her soft pussy lips. This time, she gasped loudly. “My dirty girl wants to be touched before we get home?” Bucky’s middle fingers went over her clit and followed lower to her entrance, collecting wetness. “Already wet for me,” he stated. 
After he played with her pussy a little, he brought the hand back out and licked his fingers, humming delightfully. “You taste divine,” he said. “I can’t wait until I have my head buried between your legs.” 
It took them some more time until they arrived back at Bucky’s rental. Like a gentleman, he took the travel bag and opened the door to his lady. She grabbed his free hand and together they walked into the building. 
While they were standing in the elevator, he pushed her against the wall, gazing into her eyes. He could get lost in them. Bucky didn’t kiss her or touched her. He had his body pressed against her, breathing in her scent, his nose brushing against her temple. It was her who had to do something. She bit his lower lip and gently pulled on it. 
With a ding, they knew it was time to leave the elevator. Both were walking slowly side by side. Once they entered Bucky’s apartment and the door closed, he was immediately on her. His strong arms wrapped around her body and he pushed her against the wall. Their mouths were locked together in a sloppy kiss. 
“Can I?” he had to ask between all the kisses. 
“Yes,” she smiled at him, loving that he asked again.
Both their shoes were gone as they started to move deeper into the apartment. His hands started to work on her leggings, taking them off. She stepped out of them and Bucky threw them somewhere on the floor in the hallway. 
They entered the spacious living room connected with the kitchen. She got rid of his bloody white shirt, letting it fall down. She could never get enough of the sight in front of her. His body was made by gods, she was sure of it. 
Bucky got impatient. They neared the dining table. He let her go for a few seconds, only to wipe off everything from the table. The vase with flowers he got her yesterday afternoon broke and the flowers spread around the floor. And then, he was back on his mission to get rid of her tight black shirt. This time it was easier as she held her arms up and helped him with it. 
She was in front of him in nothing but matching lacy underwear he salivated over in the warehouse. Bucky grabbed her into his arms and helped her lay down on the table. 
“Such beautiful dinner,” he chuckled as he admired her body on the table. She had that smile on that made him melt. “I’m going to have a feast.” 
She reached behind her head and took out some of the pins so her hair could fall down and freely frame her face. When he saw that, he moaned. Y/N wanted to get to him to have his lips on her again, but he had a different plan. 
He spread her legs and his right arm touched her clothed pussy. After a few rubs hit trailed up until it reached her breasts and squeezed the left one. “I’m going to ruin you, princess. Would you like that?” 
Her eyes sparkled from all the lust and excitement. She had learnt that sex could be a pleasurable experience. He proved it last night. This was a whole new level of exploration for her. The way he was standing in front of her, admiring her as if she was a goddess. Something about it all made her whine. The view of a muscular chest, while still wearing the jeans made her roll her eyes as butterflies and shivers run all over her body. 
“Bucky,” she whispered his name. 
His fingers gripped the hem of the panties and pulled them off her, enjoying how they brushed her soft legs. And there she was, exposed to him and only him. He couldn’t wait any longer as he dove right into her pussy, licking and sucking on it. 
The sounds that escaped Y/N’s mouth were music to his ears. She kept writhing under him, lost in the pleasure he was giving her. He was able to find the right spot that made her go crazy. “This pussy is mine only,” he said possessively. 
“Yes, all yours,” she managed to say through the moans that were coming out of her. 
When she raised her head up, she saw him looking at her while he kept sucking on her clit. She was a goner. That view alone brought her closer to her orgasm. She wasn’t able to tell to him. Suddenly, Y/N’s body was in another world as the orgasm hit her hard. And he continued his ministrations only to hear even louder sounds coming out of her mouth. 
“I-“ she had trouble talking. “Sensitive.” 
Bucky chuckled and kissed her clit before he pulled from her pussy and kept on that significant smirk of his. “I could watch you all day. Hell, I could eat you out the whole week.” 
Y/N sat up, quickly finding his lips in a hungry kiss. She didn’t care she could taste herself on his lips and tongue. It was hot. As she kept him distracted by the kiss, her hands travelled down his hard abs until she found the zipper of his jeans and unzipped them. Then her hands slipped inside, right under his briefs, taking his hard cock into her hand. 
This time it was him who moaned. “Fuck, honey.” 
She took him out, her eyes falling down to have a look at him. It was tempting to take his cock into her mouth and reciprocate the same pleasure as he gave to her. His cock looked delicious. 
Her other hand pushed his chest and he stepped back. She hopped off the table. He grabbed her by the hand and brought her to the couch. Bucky took off the rest of his clothes, finally being naked. He sat down on the couch. His hands grabbed her smaller one. He was about to pull her on top of him, but instead, she fell down on her knees between his legs. 
“Shit, Y/N,” his eyes widened. “You don’t… ahhh,” he gasped as her lips wrapped around the head, tasting him. “Holy shit.” 
She chuckled and licked a long stripe from the base until the tip. Watching Bucky being lost in pleasure made her feel powerful. He kept breathing loudly, letting out sweet sounds as she continued giving him head, slowly bobbing her head.
He felt like he died and was in heaven. He didn’t expect to get a blowjob from her. He thought she’d want to wait a bit longer. And here she was, on her knees, making him melt into the couch. 
“Come here,” he stopped her, impatient. “I must have you.” 
“Nah,” he shook his head and helped her up to her feet. “I want you to ride me, sweet girl. Can you do that?” 
Her hands reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. It slid down her arms, leaving her finally all naked for her man. Slowly, she crawled on top of him. His right hand brushed her chest and rested on her neck. Their lips met again, tongues battling as they made out for another minute. 
Taking him into her hand, she lined it with her entrance. Carefully, she lowered herself, feeling his cock stretching her out. The sound that escaped her mouth only made him smile. “So tight,” he said. 
The slapping sound of skin could be heard around the living room. Bucky kept his hand on her neck, squeezing it lightly just to put some pressure. He was testing the waters. He noticed she liked being choked during sex. 
“Fuck,” she hissed under her nose as she tried to speed up the pace. “Bucky, you are so big.” 
He grinned at her. Both of his hands found her ass and squeezed it tightly. “Am I filling you well?” he asked. “Come on, pretty girl, cum for me. Can you do that?” 
She shook her head. “I need you to play with my clit,” she admitted shamelessly. 
His mouth found one of her nipples and sucked on it hard. “As you wish.” His fingers found her little bundle of nerves and started to toy with it. It brought out a new set of moans and he could cum just from hearing them. 
“Please, keep going,” she whispered as she felt his digit on her clit, circling it. “That’s it, James.” 
“Love when you, ah, say my name,” his eyes rolled when he felt her walls squeezing him tightly. “Fuck, Y/N, come with me,” he stopped his ministrations and grabbed her by the waist. 
Before she could process what happened, he was holding her tightly and her legs wrapped around his waist. Somehow he managed to be buried deep inside her. 
Bucky took them into the bedroom where he gently put her on the bed and kissed her lips. “Can we continue?” he asked, just in case she didn’t want to proceed. 
“Please, I want to cum on your cock,” she whined. 
As she wished, he went in, fucking her deep and fast. The way her eyes rolled and she was mumbling incoherent words, let him know that she was lost in pleasure. Her heels were digging deep into his lower back. “Come on, let me hear you.” 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky,” her voice was high-pitched. One of her hands went between their bodies, stroking her clit. “I’m so close.” 
He smacked her hand, making her take it away and switched it with his. As he did it, her back arched. “Fuck,” he smiled. “Look how pretty you are. Cum, Y/N. I want to you cum around my cock.” 
And she did. Just like the first time, the orgasm was intense. For a moment, she forgot how to breathe. Her mouth was wide open as her walls were swallowing his thick length deep inside her. Y/N was out. Somewhere in the back, she could hear his muffled sounds floating around her. 
When she opened her eyes, Bucky had his closed as he reached his peak, spilling his seed deep inside her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he kept mumbling. “I’m cumming.” 
That sight alone made her squeeze his cock one more time until he emptied himself. 
And then there was nothing but heavy breathing. When he rolled down, he brought Y/N with him, making her body press against his naked one. “Such good girl,” he praised her. “I love you.”
"I love you too, Buck."
Chapter Twenty
Tags: @lethallyprotected​ , @memeorydotcom​, @valkyrie418​ , @mannien​ , @brownlee-22​ , @michaelfuckinglangdon​ , @paryl​
77 notes · View notes
queers-gambit · 9 months
Curiosity Killed The Cat
prompt: after rescuing you from kidnappers, you overhear your boyfriend-turned-savior complain about how clingy you've become.
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
word count: 5.1k+
note: author wants things out of her drafts! also don't take this fic too seriously, it's not much at all - just me writing for the fuck of it until i'm ready to focus on my bigger projects.
warnings: modern AU, Mafia AU, obvious cursing, small hurt and comfort, brief depiction of physical violence and self-destruction in the form of: loss of appetite, lack of sleep, other symptoms of depression. NOT edited! author is ashamed because she knows she can give you something better but oh well.
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Your feet planted, jarring you to a halt the moment you heard your name in a conversation you were not apart of.
You heard the hammering of your heart, echoing beats of your blood pumping with harrowing desperation. Hands turned cold and clammy, sweat breaking out on your brow and then freezing, feeling as if your throat had swollen to a new restriction and you were anchored in you in place.
But for now, all you could identify was the paralyzing anxiety that anchored you to your spot and made your heartbeat thunder in your ears. You stood outside the lounge, unable to comprehend relevant thought; still listening to low, docile tones continue their conversation, but you couldn't hear real words.
You were stunned. Panicked, confused, hurt - so very hurt. That seemed to register, too; you were really, really hurt.
This was perhaps why curiosity killed the cat.
You reprimanded yourself for listening in - transporting back to childhood during all the times your parents would scold you for eavesdropping. You knew it was wrong, you knew this was a private conversation meant to be shared between trusting confidants, but you couldn't help it - you heard your name and stopped. It was natural, right? To feel curious regarding a conversation seemingly about you that you, yourself, was not apart of?
Curiosity, indeed.
Blinking rapidly, you remembered the only other time you felt such mounting, pressurized fear, and while it might be dramatic, the only other time you could remember this level of anxiety was from about two months ago...
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"Yes, baby, I got the bacon."
"And the jalapeños?"
"Uh-huh, the biggest they had."
"Cream cheese?"
"Do you know who you're talking to?" You laughed into the phone. "I'm a professional housewife by now, you can relax. I got all you needed for your fancy little dinner experiment."
Bucky laughed down the phone, "Oh, please, like I didn't see you salivating when we watched the segment on Top Chef."
"Hush," you laughed, too. "I'm leaving the store now," you told him, pushing out of the heavy glass doors, "and should be home in, like, 10 minutes?"
"Lemme pick you up."
"I have legs to walk with, so, no thank you."
He sighed, "Well, I'll open the wine to let it breathe. Red's still good?"
"Let's do a white tonight, please."
"Good deal," he mused softly. "Hey, I was thinking earlier - "
"Hang on," you pleaded.
"What's wrong?"
"No, nothing. There's just a van slowing down, I don't want to get hit," you chuckled some, looking up and down the street before crossing. "Sorry, so, what were you thinking?"
"We haven't been to Paris in months."
You smirked, "I'm sure our plants in the apartment are dead by now."
Bucky laughed, "Oh, I am, too. But, look, how 'bout it, Peach? You, me, all the croissants we can consume this weekend. I'll take Monday and Tuesday off, we can leave tomorrow night."
"Oh, that sounds nice," you moaned. "Paris in the spring? Baby, that's so dreamy!"
"So, is that a yes?"
"It's a hell yes," you grinned. "Do you know the weather?"
"Supposed to be nice and sunny, not too warm or cold. Figured this would be ideal," he chuckled. "But does the weather matter if we're in bed the whole time?"
"No, we're not wasting our time!" You laughed. "We're gonna go do shit, okay? Stereotypical tourist-couple shit."
"I'll bring the camera."
"And I was hoping we could have dinner at that little place we love?"
"I wouldn't take you anywhere else," he mused.
"I think it's - FUCK!" Bucky froze when he heard the screeching of tires; a van coming up to a skidding halt, flurry of voices all yelling but he heard yours clearly. "No, no, no, hey, hey, what the hell's happening? Hey! What's this - hey, hey! Don't touch me! Ow, shit! No! Hey! Fuck's sake - oh, my God! Ow! Hey!"
"Baby!? Peach! Hey! The fuck's going on!?"
There was a thudding over the phone, and Bucky listened to more struggling - more fidgeting and fighting - and then the slamming of a car door. Still calling your name, Bucky heard a scrape over the line before a different voice answered your phone, "James Barnes. On behalf of HYDRA, you're overdue on your payment and we warned you there would be consequences. Deliver the full amount of 17 million - "
"It's 15," he growled.
"Two million more for the inconvenience of stalking your woman."
"If you even so much as touch her, I swear to God - "
"17 million at midnight, at the pier, or every minute you're late, she'll receive the brunt end of our frustration."
"Don't hurt her - "
"Midnight, Mr. Barnes, at the pier - you know where. Don't be late, she looks like she won't last long."
The line went dead after he heard your screech of pain, confusion, and fear. The moment the line cut, he dropped his phone and slowly lowered himself to sit on the kitchen floor, shock coloring his system. It wasn't that he didn't have the money, quite the opposite - but he and his men had a plan in motion to take out HYDRA, their org's competition, and this was totally against all they anticipated. After a minute to sit in his own worry, Bucky jumped to his feet, grabbed his phone, keys, wallet, and two handguns; holstering them both before shrugging his suit jacket on.
He made every phone call he could, gathering the men he trusted most to (one of) his warehouse(s).
For hours, you were strung up by your wrists in a joint-pulling position while the Brooklyn Mafia formulated a plan of attack. It was the most pain you've ever known, but then the abuse started and you were blinded by this new pain. You had bruises most places, cuts that wept blood; scars that would never heal, wounds that wouldn't ever close. You were delirious, miserable, confused, just dazed and confused; praying to a God who didn't listen.
"Oh, look at that," your captor mocked, holding a thick-bladed hunting knife in hand, "it's one minute til midnight, and I don't see your loverboy anywhere."
You sniffled, unable to respond.
He stared out the lone window, tisking and narrating, "Nope, I see not a soul - and with how protective he is over you, you'd think he'd want to ensure your safety. Not leave it to chance, huh?"
You whimpered as the clock struck midnight, your heart hammering in heavy-hung worry. You had tears in your eyes, heart nearly beating out of your chest, feeling incredibly nauseous. The desire to scream never lessened, just fearing what was to come; the men in the room making you fear for the state of your life, their knuckles cracking. You only begged, "Please. Don't."
The main captor laughed, "You can do better than that! C'mon, give me the satisfaction of tellin' ol' James you begged for mercy - but it wasn't enough to sway me. I'll lie, for sure, and say it happened but it will be so much sweeter if you actually do it."
"Please," you shook your head, avoiding eye contact. "Just don't do this, please."
"Oh, honey," he mocked, "it's not our fault he's late. Lads! Have at her, but leave her face for now - she's still real pretty."
You listened as he gave commands in Russian, understanding after the years at Bucky's side; whimpering when the first blow landed to your gut and knocked the wind out of you. The minutes drug by and you felt your resolve crumbling, heart still hammering to a never-before-felt speed that made it feel as if it were jumping out of your very body at every single pulse point. You struggled in your restraints, but it was futile by how tight you were bound; unable to protect yourself.
At 12:03 am, the doors blew open in a resounding blast; concrete crumbling and sprinkling the floor. You cried out as the smoke choked you, coughing through the haze; only barely able to make out certain figures to know Bucky had brought his best men. However, despite the sting to your eyes from the swirling dust and smoke, you saw a lone man stalk through the blasted wall, through the fray, and straight up to you.
"Bu-Bucky!" You choked in relief as he reached to untie your feet first. You dangled for only a moment as his metal prosthetic ripped off whatever held your wrists to the torture contraption. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Bucky, holy shit, baby, please, please, please," you rambled as he freed you and instantly caught you on his broad shoulders.
"I got you, Peach, I'm here, I've got you," he promised in your ear, hoisting your legs around his waist so they latched and then wrapping his arms around you securely. "Don't let go and don't look up, okay? Hear me, Peach?"
You nodded into his neck, only able to cry.
Bucky jolted and jerked slightly as he moved through the fight again, but not a minute later, you were stepping outside into the sobering, brisk spring air. This was the moment you understood how dangerous and fleeting life with Bucky could be, making a promise to yourself that if he says take the car, you'll take the fucking car.
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And now, here you were, outside the high-rise apartment's lounge (which was just a converted bedroom), listening to your boyfriend complain about you some 2 months after the whole fiasco. HYDRA had been all but wiped out, and in the weeks since, Bucky's men had gone on smaller missions to eradicate the HYDRA members they heard rumor of being local. Yet you didn't feel safe, yet.
You didn't feel safe if you weren't around Bucky.
Everything made you jump: the beep of the done-dryer, that spritz of the automatic fragrance mister in the bathroom, the "duh-dunnn" of a loaded-up Netflix. Keys jingling, car horns, the barking of the dog in the apartment a floor below you... Everything.
Being around Bucky was just like holding a safety blanket. He would always protect you, and for about a week after your rescue, he laid in bed and around the home with you; being lazy; time off work to simply hold you and assure you were safe. Safe in his arms. Safe in his embrace, his presence.
So now... To hear this... You were devastated.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just sort of happened. It was still earlier in the morning, but Bucky hadn't been in bed beside you and based on the feel of the sheets, his body hadn't been there in a while. So, you made some coffee and then ventured around the home in search of your lover; coming upon the lounge and hearing voices from within.
You knew it was common for Steve Rogers and / or Sam Wilson to stay late or visit early, so, you weren't shocked by that, but did falter in announcing yourself when you heard Sam ask how you were doing since the kidnapping. He used your name specifically, making Bucky sigh, and for your curiosity to peak.
"She's different, man."
"How so?" Sam wondered.
"She doesn't like being without me now," he chuckled without humor. "I'm serious, she won't go to the gym until I do, waits to have meals together, won't leave the house if I'm out, and," he scoffed to himself, "you can forget going to the grocery store or anything - she's even stopped going to work - "
"You told her to stop working, like, two years ago when y'all first moved-in together," Sam deadpanned.
"I know," Bucky shrugged, "but it feels tenfold now that she's so reclusive."
"It's normal," Steve sighed gently.
"Yeah? Is it normal that I can't even go take a shit without promising her I'll be right back?" Bucky snapped in exasperation. "It's that bad, she's that fucking clingy, man. I go in the kitchen to make dinner, she's in there 30 seconds later to 'help' me. I take a shower, she finds a reason to linger in the bedroom, but that was better than before, when she wouldn't even shower by herself. It's just a lot, she's everywhere I look. I'm starting to find new reasons not to come home, man, she's always fucking here - and when I walk in the door, she's on me. I need to fucking breathe, but I can't tell her to stop, she'll get her feelings hurt and then I'm the bad guy."
"Man," Steve laughed, "you can't be the bad guy if you go to her in a calm and collected manner, but it's only been two months. She's still recovering."
"Exactly why if I say anything, no matter how calm and collected, I'm the bad guy. I get she's hurting and tryna recover, but Goddamn, does she have to be in every room I'm in? Do everything with me? How do I tell my traumatized girlfriend to back off? Let me breathe?"
Sam laughed, "You don't! You just said it - she's traumatized! Cut the girl some slack, she's got a lot to fuckin' deal with!"
"I'm not negating from that fact," Bucky argued, "I'm just trying to say, the way she's clinging onto me like she can't function without me is just grating at my nerves. I just need to breathe and recharge, but I can't tell her that - fuck's sake."
"Buck," Steve smirked, "you're worried Peach isn't gonna listen, but that's her literal superpower. Just communicate, she can't read your mind, but you need to remember how traumatic all of that was for her to experience - she's scarred from that kidnapping, man. So, sure, you need to recharge, but she needs the support."
"Is it wrong to ask for a day here and there to do that? To recharge?" Bucky asked quietly.
"If you communicate, it's perfectly reasonable to ask for," Sam assured softly. "And whatever you do, don't tell her you think she's clingy. Chicks hate that, that word is, just, like, taboo or something. Real heavy, negative connotations."
"But she is," Bucky growled quietly, "'s like she's afraid to let go 'cause I'll disappear or something."
"Oh, noooo," Sam mocked, "I'm Bucky and my girlfriend loves me too much and trusts me too much and actually feels safe and dependent on me too much - ohhh noooo!"
There was a thump, Sam's cried, "Ow!", and Bucky telling him to shut up. You slowly backed away from the door, trying to settle your breathing as you made your escape down the hall. When back in the kitchen, you whimpered and let the first tears fall... The first of many you shed in the hour it took you to prepare breakfast for everyone; doing your best to eat as you cooked so you didn't have to linger around the men. You took Bucky's words to heart, and maybe you were too sensitive, maybe you should venture outside again.
So, when the lads came out, you set the table without making eye contact with any of them. "Here," you directed, setting the pancakes down, "I made breakfast, come eat, it's still hot."
"Wow," Sam smiled brightly, "thanks, Peach!"
You hummed, still avoiding their eyes as you just set the abundance of food to the table. "You... Cooked without me?" Bucky asked you with skepticism.
"Mhm," you hummed, setting the coffee pot down to a hot pad, "and I'm going out shopping with Nat, so, eat up, lads, I'll do the dishes when I get home. Love you, boys, bye," you waved them off, snatching your keys and then moving to the door to stuff your feet into your sneakers.
"Woah, woah, woah," Bucky left the table, approaching you urgently, "hey, what do you mean? You're goin' out?"
"Yep, figured I've stayed in too long, might as well get out and remember life doesn't stop just 'cause I'm sad."
"Peach - "
"I'll see you when I get home, Buck, okay?" You mumbled, slinging your purse on your shoulder.
"Well, here, here, hey, wait, hang on," he pulled his wallet out, handing you over a wad of big bills. "Spend it all, okay? Have fun, call or text if you need me, yeah?"
Bucky leaned in to kiss you but you just opened the door, ready to leave. He frowned, watching you, barely managing to call a quick, "Love you!"
You didn't return the sentiment, feeling hallow and all too silly to return the affection. In your purse was your laptop, headphones, chargers, and whatever else, so, instead of meeting your friend, Natasha - being just a ruse to avoid Bucky - you started small and just went to the local café. You used to frequent it back in the day, but times were changed, and yet, they were all the happier to serve you the same as before. Getting cozy in the corner, you set up camp and ordered your favorite coffee basically every other hour - letting the day waste away as you caught up on work emails.
Might've wasted time on Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest. Got shopping done on Amazon. Browsed through Target's online selection. Checked out the sale items at Kate Spade. Perused Fenty Lingerie because you could.
Before you knew it, a message was coming in over your MacBook from Bucky, asking where you were - why had you turned your location off?
You packed up and with a to-go cup, made the short trek back home. When you got back, Bucky was pacing in the living room; staring at his phone and typing, then deleting, retyping, groaning, glancing up, typing again, then doing a double take. "Where've you been, Peach? Huh!?" Bucky demanded. "You're late!"
"Out with Nat," you eased.
He huffed through his nose, nodding slowly, "You have a nice time?"
"It was okay," you answered. "I'm gonna go to bed after I shower."
His brows furrowed, "I have a meeting tonight."
"I know."
"O...kay?" He let you go, wanting to ask why you didn't ask him to join like you had so often in the past few weeks.
And it didn't stop there, in fact, it got worse. When Bucky got home from his meeting, he was actually shocked to see you nestled in the bed; teetering on the edge of the shared space while snuggling a weighted body pillow.
When he tried to give you a snuggle, you stirred to life and pushed him back, muttering, "Too hot."
The following morning, he was relatively surprised to see you up and about before him; barely getting a word in before you were slipping out the door to go on a morning jog. He was confused by how all of a sudden, where you were once everywhere he looked, now, you were disappeared and distant and gone. You worked out alone, cooked alone - but always left him a plate, but long gone were the cute little sticky notes you left for him. You once haunted the apartment by never wanting to leave, and now, ghosted in and out of it on a daily basis.
You never bothered to go far from home. You liked hanging at the coffee shop and luckily, your job let you work from home most days, and the rare time you were due back in the office, it was only about a 20 minute walk. You got better at lying, couldn't even remember the last time you and Bucky had sex, and even now, the last time you had a meal together. You didn't text him about your day; where you once might've told him about an adorable dog you saw on the street, now, you only ever texted him if he asked a direct question.
Food lost appeal, your appetite vanished.
Sleep evaded you, plaguing you with nightmares when you did rest.
Interest dulled, passions were snuffed, and only fearful, confused anger remained. It showed in the way weight seemed to shift around your body, thinning; the lack of sleep creating dark rings and bags under your bloodshot eyes.
After two weeks of this, Bucky grew irritated and short with everyone around him. It reflected in his work, the way he spoke to everyone; even Steve and Sam getting the brunt end of his anger. Without you to assure him, Bucky was off his rocker; losing his cool; his patience stretched far too thin. So much so, the two mates approached an outside associate, Natasha Romanoff, after a particularly snappy meeting to plead for her to talk to Bucky.
"James," Nat greeted as she strode into his office without knocking.
"I know you're my oldest friend, but you don't have that privilege yet," he mused, never looking up.
"Not knocking. What is it, Nat?"
"Just came to check on you, you know, like friends do."
"Hm," he chuckled without humor, "and what did Peach say to you?"
"Nothing, I haven't gotten ahold of her for weeks."
Bucky paused, slowly lifting his head in confusion; brows furrowed and mouth set in a firm, straight line. "What?" He grit.
"Huh?" Nat wondered.
"She's been telling me that she's hanging out with you for the past two weeks," he revealed.
"Nope, not since the incident with HYDRA."
Bucky's (right) flesh hand crushed the pen in his grip, taking a long breath. "All right," he sighed, "so, why come today?"
"What's really going on, Buck?" She worried softly. "Is it really whatever's going on with Peach? You're this pissed off? What'd she even do?"
"She just..." He cut himself off with a long sigh. "It's nothing."
"Bucky," Nat gave a pointed look.
"She's just avoiding me," he muttered. "It's like she's barely home, almost like a ghost."
"Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yes, and no," Bucky snipped, rolling his neck out. "I'm just worried about her now, she's never not communicated before."
"Something's bothering her," Nat shrugged. "She probably needs you right now, Buck."
"I can't do it all," he whispered. "I can't be who she wants and run this organization at the same time."
"She doesn't need that, she just needs you to be her partner," Natasha spoke softly. "She needs to feel loved and supported, and surely, she maybe felt weird about whatever you were projecting. Instead of taking it out on your men," she smirked, "why don't you just talk to her? 'Cause I hear you're bein' a more-than-usual asshole lately. You need to ease up or get laid, 'cause you're taking it out on good, loyal men, and that's entirely unfair."
"They can take it."
"Sure, but they shouldn't have to," Nat rolled her eyes. "Look, since you won't answer me, I'm assuming the sour mood is in regard to whatever relationship issues you have right now?"
"Sure," he tossed the pen away, opened a skinny drawer to his right and select an identical one.
"Bucky," she growled.
He sighed, "She's lying to me, Nat. Saying she's with you when she's not... Is this an affair? She's gone all the time now."
"No way," Nat laughed. "Baby girl doesn't have the energy to entertain anyone - let alone two men. You're just the exception."
"Why lie, then?"
"Maybe she didn't want you questioning her..."
"No shit."
"Well, did you get into a fight?"
"Any reason she doesn't want to be home?"
He shook his head with a sigh, "Not that I know of."
"You had to do something."
"Honest, I haven't. She was being all clingy, but then one day, a switch flipped."
Nat frowned, "You think... Your girlfriend is being clingy... Because she was kidnapped and beaten up... Because of your fucking job... And is probably scared...out of...her mind...? I get that correct?"
Bucky paused for a long moment, muttering, "Oh, my God."
"Yeah, you asshole. Think of it that way! She's afraid!" Natasha snapped. "And probably picked up on your energy, so, she made herself scarce."
"I didn't mean - "
"I don't care, go home, apologize to that sweet angel - she doesn't deserve this."
Bucky paused, "What is 'this' exactly?"
"James. Focus on the present - your woman. Go make this right. We all know you're this big, bad dude - but it's okay to be a little sensitive towards the woman who loves you without condition!"
Bucky relented, figuring the redheaded Russian mobster was right.
The entire drive home, Bucky considered the ways you had changed in the few, short weeks since he vented to Sam and Steve about your clinginess. You didn't take meals with him, didn't cook, work-out, or do anything you used to do together. Sex? Forget it. Dates? Nope. Cuddling? No, you're always 'too hot'. And when he thought about it, he remembers seeing the wads of cash he'd leave for you stuffed in his sock drawer - surely trying to make him think it was just another emergency fund he had hidden. You never spent his money, feeling humiliated by his choice of words.
You didn't text or call him when he was gone, you hadn't even so much as kissed him in what felt like ages... Well, more like you hadn't initiated any kisses...
His heart weighed in his chest as he realized he hadn't even so much as hugged you in days. You were rarely in the apartment together, and when you were, you were just silent and busy with chores. It was as if you operated on the exact opposite schedule as he did, went to new extents to avoid him, and his heart clenched in his chest.
When he got home, you were caught cooking in the kitchen - being obvious that you weren't expecting him. The door slammed and his baritone voice snapped, "Peach!"
You gulped, holding the sauce-covered wooden spoon to your chest. When he rounded around the corner, he found you and slowed down, sighing in relief. "What's wrong?" You worried in a timid tone.
He panted lightly, relaying, "Needed to find you."
"I'm here."
"I know," he relented, charging up to you and engulfing you in a tight, heavy hug. "I needed to talk to you, Peach," he whispered.
"What's wrong?"
"You. You're what's wrong."
"What the fuck does that - "
"No, no," he pulled back to stare down at you fondly, "I don't mean it like that, just that... You're struggling. I can see that. But you're not alone, I'm here with you, and I got a little caught up in my head when I realized someone was so very dependent on me - it fucking scared me. But then... Then you just shut yourself off and hid away from me, and oh, my God, it's so much worse, baby. Don't do that," he breathed, "okay? Don't ever shut me out - don't stop loving me, don't stop talking to me, don't give up on us. I can't read your mind, you can't read mine, it's not an excuse - but we understand better when we trust each other enough to communicate what's required. I'm so sorry I got caught up in myself, I didn't know what you needed - but I'm here now, I'm here - I'm not leaving you."
You collapsed into his chest, taking a shuddering breath.
"Don't ever stop talking to me, Peach," Bucky whispered, kissing the top of your head; keeping you close. "I'm so sorry, baby, if I - "
"If?" You snapped, pulling back to glare at him through your tears. "I heard you, Bucky. I heard you talking to Sam and Steve, and about how clingy I am."
"I was wrong," he insisted. "I was overwhelmed and tired and just stretched thin, the easiest thing to do is attack those closest to me, and that's you. It's not right, it's the worst I could do to you after all you've been through, and I'm so sorry. I was wrong, you're not the person to take this out on - and I'm so sorry, Peach."
You sighed, "I don't mean to be... I don't mean to cling - "
"Nah," he chuckled, caressing your cheek, "you cling as much as you want. Cling as tight as you want, baby, don't let me go. I'm sorry for what I said and the way it made you feel, it was wrong - so fucking wrong of me, and I see that. When you pulled away from me, I just... I couldn't think. It felt so wrong, and I knew it was my fault." He took your face in both palms, promising, "I'm so sorry, Peach."
You shrugged meekly, "It's okay."
"It's not."
"No, but apologizing is a step in the right direction."
He nodded, "What else can I do?"
"Nothing - "
You paused to think, smiling shyly, "Movie night?"
"Whatever my pretty girl wants," he nodded.
"Hmm... Get a bath with me?"
"All right... Sure, okay..."
"And face masks."
He sighed, "Okay."
"And mani-pedis."
"You said you were making it up to me, right?"
He smirked, "That's right... All right, yeah, sure, fine, we can..." He sighed again, "We can do all that, Peach, whatever you want."
"I just want you," you told him softly. "I didn't mean to be so clingy. I was just afraid... I felt afraid everyday, just so very unsure in this life. You're the only thing that makes sense to me, Buck, and when I heard you, I just... I guess I realized how dependent I'd been and wanted to give you space. Last thing I want is to smother you, to drive you away from me."
"Not ever gonna happen," he promised softly. "I just didn't handle it like I should've. I'm sorry, Peach, but I'm here now - for whatever you need. Want me to take a few days off, just be together? I'll arrange it. Want to get away for a bit? We can go."
"I just need you," you whispered. "Only you and I should be okay - I can be okay if I have you, but feeling like I lost you? Even a fraction? Buck... James, it was such a harrowing feeling, I wasn't sure what to do to move forward. So, I think I just panicked, shut down; thought if I could just get back to normal, you'd love me again..."
"I never stopped loving you," he swore, "I just had a bad lapse in my own judgement. Nothing against you, baby. Nothing."
You nodded again, letting him tuck you into his chest; perfectly snug under his chin as he coiled his arms around you. He let out a long sigh, his guilt swelling to new heights, but for that present moment, everything seemed okay.
Felt okay.
Appeared okay.
And you'd both do whatever it took to remain as okay as you possibly could.
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requesting rules and masterlist
Marvel masterlist
Clingy Baby collection masterlist
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myfictionaldreams · 8 months
Day 16: DP in 1 hole - Mafia!Stucky
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Summary: You were adamant about proving Steve wrong and doing something you’ve never done before.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome (f/m/m), double penetration in one hole, size kink, dom/sub, sir kink, masturbation, dacryphilia, multiple orgasms, overstimulated, teasing, kinda mean!steve, discussion of safe words, praise kink, creampie
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“Just…Just do it; I can’t take it, I promise. Please, sir!” Each word you sobbed seemed to stumble into the next as you begged so quickly, wiping your tear-stained face on the muscled shoulder. The man beneath ran his fingers over your scalp to try and calm you, ignoring the fact that his cock was still pressed so deep inside of your cunt that he was knocking into your cervix with each breath, let alone thrust. Bucky was holding you tightly from where you lay draped over his muscular body, both of your chests rubbing against one another, and from this position, it meant that the Brunette gang member could look over your shoulder to the other man on the bed.
“Oh baby girl, you sound so pretty when you’re begging like that”, Steve mocked with an air of arrogance, loving that your reactions were becoming more pathetic. One of his big hands was wrapped around his cock, pleasuring himself as he squeezed your arse cheek with the other. He had the perfect view from where he knelt in the centre of the bed, with Bucky and you led out in front of him; even though your back was facing him, he could see where your face was turned to the side, see the tear tracks down your cheek.
He couldn’t blame you for having this reaction; this had been going on for hours, and you’d been so good for him, but sometimes he and Bucky wanted to play, push you to your limits. In doing so, you became increasingly more pathetic and submissive, whimpering and needy for more until either Steve or Bucky enough was enough.
“You’ve done so well for us, Doll”, Bucky praised with a smirk as he kissed the back of your head, which, in turn, earned an eye roll from Steve as he knew his best friend was just trying to give you all the compliments so you’d cling to him more. “How many times has she orgasmed for us now, Stevie? 5? 6?”
Steve couldn’t help himself as he spanked your arse cheek, watching the jiggle of the muscle and the way you initially cried and jolted at the action but then moaned and perked your arse up to receive another one. Bucky also groaned at the impact as your walls had clamped down around his cock so tight that he almost came. Steve chuckled under his breath at the glare from Bucky, who had been trying to edge himself for the last half an hour and knowing what Steve was like, he wanted to see just how good his will strength was.
“She’s came so many times that she’s made a mess over the bed, haven’t you, Baby? And yet, you still want more? I don’t think you can handle any more, especially both of us”. Steve licked his bottom lip as he eyed your pretty hole, even wondering himself if this was even possible; yes, he’d seen it on porn, but two cocks in one hole? “We’re so big anyway, Honey; there’s no way you’ll be able to take both me and Bucky.” Steve taunts and earns even more of a desperate cry, more tears streaking down your cheeks.
“Pl-Please, Sir! Just try; I can take you both; I know I can”. To try and prove some kind of a point that you were not done with the fucking, you pushed yourself up slightly on Bucky’s chest and began to ride his cock. However, you were exhausted, and your cunt was puffy and sensitive, so it was more of a gentle roll than a harsh ride.
“That’s it, feel so good on top of me, Sweetheart”, Bucky groans, both hands on your hips to try and guide you slightly, completely forgetting about the double penetration idea for the moment all thoughts turned to the steadily moving wet warmth that moved around his shaft.
Steve’s arm wrapped around your chest from behind so that his hand secured around your jaw, pulling you flush against him; his mouth dipped to the shell of your ear, teasing with his teeth and causing a gasp to escape your lips. “If it hurts, what are you going to do?” he asks, his voice full of authority that was usually just saved for when he was at work.
“I’ll say my safe word”, you immediately answer, clarity clearing in your mind as your movements slowed, knowing that this discussion was necessary.
“Good girl. Now if my cock doesn’t fit next to Bucky’s, you’ll continue to be good, aren’t you, and not complain. We’ll just continue playing like we have been, do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir, I understand”, you say without any sort of whimper or stutter noted as your eyes finally blinked open. Bucky smiled warmly up at you, which caused your hole to clench at just how handsome he was, but before he could react, Steve was releasing his hold on your face and pressing against your shoulders until you were lying flat against Bucky again.
You stopped rolling your hips and waited patiently for the next steps, which were Steve’s fingers. He didn’t need to use lube just yet as the blonde leader gathered some of your fluid from where you and Bucky were connected onto his index and middle finger. Ever so gently, he ran his fingers around the rim of your hole, near your perineum, as this was the area presented to him and where he was hoping to slip his cock into eventually.
With Bucky still inside, Steve ended up teasing him and stroking the two of you. Adding extra pressure, Steve slipped his fingers into your hole, following Bucky’s length until he reached the first knuckle. You were snug around his fingers as he managed to push in a couple of centimetres further until nearly to the second knuckle.
Steve pressed his hand on your lower back as he observed you taking a deep breath to keep all the muscles between your legs relaxed, which made it easier for the man to continue to stretch you.
“That’s amazing, Baby, you’re taking my fingers so well. Look at that! Taking two of my fingers and Bucky’s cock, aren’t you our special girl”. Steve’s praises helped to keep you relaxed as you smiled and warmed at the words he was saying like he was stroking the happy part of your mind.
Bucky bit his lip at the sensation, which was difficult to explain. As Steve stretched your hole, it made everything feel tighter, and just as he pushed deeper, he also had the stimulation of Steve touching the sensitive part of the underside of his cock.
“Just going to stretch you a little bit first, then I’ll add another finger”, Steve explained as his eyes trained between your face and pussy. He moved both of his fingers in semi-circles, trying to see how far your walls were willing to stretch.
Holding back a groan, he could feel how much you were trying not to clench and knew if they did succeed with this, he would lose his mind. He just hoped he didn’t cum as soon as he penetrated, which was a similar thought that Bucky had.
Scissoring his fingers around Bucky’s cock, Steve shifted closer so that a third finger could be added alongside the other two. You desperately moaned in Bucky’s chest, fingers digging into his shoulders, leaving nail crevices in his one fleshed shoulder.
Steve remained still for a few seconds, allowing you to adjust before moving in and out slowly. “Fuck Steve!” It wasn’t you who moaned but Bucky who had closed his eyes to try and concentrate on not cuming before the action had even begun. It felt so good to have his cock inside your puffy tight hole, but then to have fingers as well stroking along his shaft was unlike anything he’d experienced before.
Looking over your shoulder, you took a deep breath and tried to sound as confident as possible, the tears having now stopped as you remained calm. “Please, Steve, I can take it, just try”.
Steve ignored your pleas to hurry up and continued to stretch your pussy, twisting and spreading his fingers to give his cock extra space. Even though he was three fingers deep, he and Bucky were not exactly small in the cock division. This was why this fucking session had been going on for so long because they spent so much precious time making sure you were adequately stretched to take one of their cocks, let alone two at the same time.
There had been plenty of times where one of them had been fucking your cunt and the other in your arse but nothing to the extent of two cocks in one hole.
You sighed as Steve finally pulled his fingers out and reached for the lube, coating his cock thoroughly before wiping a generous blob onto your pussy. Moving his entire body closer, Steve began to prepare for the insertion.
“Remember: Safeword”, Steve said loudly enough that you glanced over your shoulder and nodded. “Take a deep breath for me, Baby”.
You did as instructed, filling your lungs to the brim with oxygen before slowly breathing out of your mouth, which is when you felt considerable pressure between your legs.
As Steve was so thoroughly lubed, his cock nearly slid in the wrong direction, so he had to push the tip of his cock hard against Bucky’s shaft and then knock his hips with a deep thrust. At first, he wasn’t sure he would get it into your pussy with how much resistance he was met with, but then it nudged beneath the rim and was welcomed into the dangerously tight warmth of your cunt.
You had expected it to hurt in some way, but to your happy surprise, all it initially felt like was the deep burn that came with stretching your cunt for a cock, just with increased intensity. It was an odd sensation to experience, like you were going to break at the first stretch, but as your body relaxed and more of his cock pushed in, everything was just thigh highest level of pleasure imaginable.
The screaming moan you released echoed around the bedroom as Steve’s cock penetrated until he, too, was caressing your cervix with the mushroom tip of his dick.
Bucky's hands were massaging over your arse, hips and back as he tried to keep himself under control. Having Steve’s cock moving against his but pressing hard with the limited room, the difference in textures between your gummy walls and the solidness of the shaft. The tightness was another experience, almost like a pretty vice trapping his cock to perfection.
“Holy shit, Baby! That’s it; stay nice and relaxed for us. I'm just going to let you get adjusted for a moment.” Seeing his and Bucky’s lengths fitting into one hole, Steve was mesmerised. He even contemplated reaching for his phone and taking a picture to show you the wondrous thing your body could achieve.
With your cunt stretched so far, Steve and Bucky were adamant that they could feel your pulse fluttering through your walls. Not only this, but you’d squirted over Bucky from just the stretch.
You knew that you were too squished between them both to take over right now and ride their cocks and also the exercise that your body was going through; you weren’t sure you even had the energy to push off of Bucky’s chest to find a good position.
Thankfully, Steve was more than prepared to fuck for the three of you. His two meaty hands joined Bucky’s over your hips as he ever so carefully began to rock his hips in the smallest of motions so that only an inch of his cock was moving in and out of your cunt.
As more of his length edged out before being pushed in, your entire body seemed to just give up with the tension running through it with the anticipation of the double penetration. Your limbs went slack, as well as your jaw, as your mouth opened in a perfect circle to allow the animalistic grunts and moans just to seep out.
“You sound so good when you moan like that”, Bucky gasped as he tried to fuck up with Steve, causing your body to jolt with the movements.
Soon, they were both fucking your pussy, Bucky, at a slow pace that allowed his cock to brush over all of the hyper-sensitive nerves of your g-spot and with the pressure of Steve’s cock pushing on him, you could feel every since ridge of Bucky. Steve, on the other hand, was able to fuck you with a bit more intensity, sweat beginning to drip down his temple, but he couldn’t give a shit about that right now, not when his girl was taking him so well. 
“I’m so proud of you, taking both of us so well; you feel so fucking good”. Steve’s voice sounded almost as desperate as your begging did earlier as his eyebrows knitted together with the pleasure taking over his body.
Bucky was watching Steve, feeling his length fucking against his, the tightness of your pussy, the moans you were all sharing; he knew his orgasm was impending. Steve could see this from how Bucky’s hands slackened, and the grunts stopped as he tried to concentrate on not orgasming.
To be truthful, Steve was also near his orgasm, and you’d been in a constant state of cumming since both cocks had slipped inside, the coil in your abdomen tight and fluttering with involuntary contractions around their cocks. Releasing the hold on your hip, Steve reached over to grab Bucky's jaw, forcing him to look up at his boyfriend and boss.
“Cum for me, Bucky, I know you want to. Let’s fill our girl up together, yeah? Make her drip with our cum, that’s it, fucking cum for me, Bucky”.
Steve tightened his hold on Bucky’s face and slammed into you with an increased pace that your eyes rolled back just in time for Bucky to cum, hard.
“Fuck! Holy-Shit-” Bucky cried out, his body withering beneath you like he wanted to arch his back but couldn’t be with you on top. You could feel the wetness and warmth of his seed as he spilt deep inside you.
“Good boy, look so pretty when you cum. Don’t you think so, Baby?” Steve asked you, but you weren’t paying attention, not when you were deeply lost in pleasure. Steve’s pace increased further as he fucked his way to orgasm a few seconds later. More cum filled your pussy, mixing with Bucky’s as it began to drip out of you. Steve’s head tilted back as he thrust through the orgasm until the shivers ceased, and he could take a minute to catch his breath.
Sitting back on his heels, Steve’s cock slipped out of your cunt first, swiftly followed by Bucky’s, meaning the blonde had the perfect view of your pulsing, gaping hole as it leaked with their seed, dripping out onto the sheets below.
Despite being half asleep due to exhaustion, you managed to whisper, “See, I told you I could do it”.
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holylulusworld · 5 months
Jealousy a la Bucky
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Summary: He’s not jealous.
Pairing: (Soft)Mobster!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: jealous Bucky, Bucky is smitten for the reader, Steve being a tease, fluff, flirting
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He’s not jealous. Never. He’s not even looking your way when you talk to one of his business partners. Nope. He’s not squaring his jaw or balling his hands into fists. No, of course not.
What he does is sulk at the bar, a pout on his lips, and a grumpy expression on his face. He nips at his drink while following your every move.
“That her?” Steve finally asks. He watched his friend stare at you from afar for almost half an hour. Now he wants to tease him. “I guess she’s good at making new friends, huh? A pretty dame like her. All alone. Wearing a dress like that.”
“First and final warning,” Bucky points his index finger at his friend and brother-in-crime. “I saved your life more than once. But I will take it if you say one more thing about that woman.”
“Aw, it finally happened,” sipping at his drink Steve watches his friend frown deeply. You giggle at something Clint Barton, one of his confidants and notorious weapon dealers, said. “James Buchanan Barnes is in love.”
“Shut up, punk,” Bucky grunts. “If you say one more word, you’ll lose your tongue and more.” He angrily glares at Barton, swearing on his mother’s grave he’ll kill the man if he dares to touch you. “I’m not in love.” 
He’s not in love. Not at all. Of course, not. James Buchanan Barnes, a notorious mobster, and stone-cold weapon dealer doesn’t fall in love.
Then, why can’t he take his eyes off you, his sweet new assistant? The woman taking care of his life. “She brings me food and makes my appointments. Y/N is only my assistant. Stop acting like I lost my dead heart to that beautiful, caring, and sweet girl.”
“You are so in love with her,” Steve grins and raises his glass. “To James Buchanan Barnes, the most wanted bachelor who finally got tamed. I hope you know I want to be your best man at your wedding.”
Bucky glares at Steve. He wants to say something, or (and) punch his friend’s face when someone calls his name. Your sweet voice brings him out of his rage and back to reality. 
“Mr. Barnes, you should eat something,” you clear your throat to get your boss’s attention. “Sir, I got you a plate filled with all the things you like.”
“All the things I like?” He drops his eyes to the plate you hold. “You mean all the things you like, doll.”
You giggle at the pet name. Bucky Barnes is a dangerous man, and you should be afraid to be even close to him. Oddly, you feel the safest around your boss. He’s a big teddy bear when it comes to you.
“Fine, I got you the same things I like so we can share.”
“You want to share the food with Bucky?” Steve swallows thickly when his friend snaps his head toward him. “He’s a food thief. You should keep a close eye on that food.”
“I like sharing,” you softly say. “Mr. Barnes often forgets to eat. I made it my mission to take care of him and his well-being.”
Steve chokes on his drink at the look Bucky gives you. Puppy dog eyes. James Buchanan Barnes looks at you like you are a miracle to him. 
“Uh-cool,” the blonde says. “I’ll grab some food too. It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Same,” you are busy offering food to your boss and barely look at Steve. “Now, what do you want to taste first?”
‘Your lips’, Bucky thinks to himself but doesn’t say it out loud. “What do you recommend?”
“We could start with the salmon and then, you should try the green asparagus. It’s delicious and the best I ever ate. OH, and they have the best desserts, Bucky.” You gasp as you just called your boss by his name. “I’m sorry, Sir…I didn’t…I…”
“My name sounds like a melody on your tongue,” Bucky grabs the salmon to wolf it down. You just stare at him, and let his words sink in. 
“That was…” you snort. “Oh my god! So funny. I mean…sorry…but…that was the lamest pick-up line ever,” you step closer to whisper in his ear. “You know, if you like me, you can just ask me out.”
“It was poetic and—” He tries to argue until he realizes you kinda asked him out. “Do you want to go on a date with me, doll?”
“Phew, finally,” you smirk. “I wouldn’t have made it through the night if I talked to Mr. Barton for much longer. He wanted me to have a look at his bow. I still don’t know what he meant.”
“His bow?” Bucky hiccups. “That bastard wanted to show you his bow?”
“Hmm…I told him that you already offered to show me your gun.”
“Right now?” He nervously shifts on his feet, and hopefully looks at you.
“No,” you pat his chest and smile. “I don’t look at a man’s gun before the second date…or the third.”
“I bet you’ll make an exception for me,” he takes the plate out of your hands and throws it over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, doll. I’ll order room service for us.”
“I’m keeping you up on that promise, Sir…”
You will have room service, in Paris only a few hours later…
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His Empire of Desire
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Pairing || Mob!Bucky x Wife!Reader
Summary || After a gruelling day with maintaining his criminal empire, Bucky returns home to you, seeking comfort and passion in your touch and words.
World Count || 3016
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Smut — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, mob/mafia business, mention of violence/torture/murder, explicit content/language, pet names, unprotected vaginal sex, oral (male receiving), degradation & praise kink, use of the word whore, dom/sub dynamics, teasing, begging, face/throat fucking, gagging/choking, fingering, spanking, rough fucking, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note || It’s been a whiiiiile… Hopefully I’m back for good now. But anyways, this is a WIP that I started at the beginning of 2023 and I finally finished a few days ago. Enjoy, and I will be back with more fics soon. But I’ll be taking my time and not rushing/stressing myself with it. I want to have fun and write again, but I won’t force it when I don’t have energy so there won’t be weekly fics most likely.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Mob!Bucky Masterlist
I don’t do taglists anymore so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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Once the sun had dipped below the horizon, casting shadows over the city’s towering buildings, Bucky made his way home after another demanding day maintaining his criminal empire. The day, much like the others, had been a grueling mix of meetings, negotiations, and the unsettling business of violence that defined Bucky’s world of organized crime. Accustomed to the daily occurrences of bloodshed, torture, and death, even the strongest individuals, like Bucky, had their moments when frustration and weariness weighed heavily on his broad shoulders. All Bucky craved was solace and comfort in the embrace of his wife’s warmth and love, concluding the night with the pleasure of burying himself deep within her. That singular thought occupied his mind as he sat in the backseat of the Rolls, heading towards the penthouse that overlooked the city—his sanctuary, his kingdom, and you, his Queen.
“Have a good evening, Sir,” Bucky’s chauffeur nodded firmly in the rearview mirror, receiving an equal parting nod as Bucky stepped out of the car.
As Bucky ascended the private elevator, his fingers itched intensely for your presence, yearning to wash away the day’s cruelty with your loving touch and mend his wounds with your caring words. The ascent to his and your floor, typically swift, felt like an eternity. Leaning his forehead against the mirrored elevator walls, hands clenched on each side of his head, he muttered to himself, “Come on, come on. Hurry the fuck up. I fucking need her.”
Finally, on the top floor, the elevator pinged and opened, revealing the vast penthouse. Bucky swiftly departed, entering the one place where he truly felt safe and at home. The familiar scent of your shared home immediately calmed him, normality easing his frustrations. As he entered the spacious living room, soft music filled the space, accompanied by the sound of your bare footsteps drawing closer. It was everything he had longed for after his gruelling day.
The ache he felt for you gradually faded as you approached. Clad in a silk robe, your captivating form moved with confidence, the curves of your body dancing beneath the expensive material. Your face, bare and glowing, reflected the wear and tear of your own long day.
Though Bucky adored when you were all primed and dolled up, there was an ethereal quality about you when stripped down to your natural beauty that captivated him even more.
He released a deep, heavy breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding in, eyes closing briefly in bliss at the anticipation of you finally being beside him.
“Bucky,” you murmured as you stood before him, assessing him with a hint of worry. His shoulders sagged under the weight of the day, his eyes pleading. You understood immediately—he needed you now more than ever. Sensing his need for your presence and words, you prepared to offer the comfort he sought.
“Baby, you look exhausted,” you murmured, pressing yourself against him, cupping the back of his skull with your hands, thumbs softly grazing his earlobes. Your shimmery eyes met his weary gaze.
He groaned quietly as he leaned his forehead against yours. His fingers spread across the silky material on your hips, pulling you closer, needing the reassurance of your body. “Doll, I fucking need you,” he groaned, pushing his fingers harder into your covered flesh. “Now more than ever, baby.” His plea blended fiery lust with loving need.
“Come on,” you mumbled, laying a feather-light kiss on his lips, soft fingers laced with his calloused ones. “I know just what you need,” you purred, promising to provide whatever he needed—whether it be a loving cuddle and kisses or an intense physical connection, to bend you over and fuck your body and mind senseless. You were his.
You guided him through the dark hall to the luxurious en-suite, where the spacious marble shower awaited. Turning on the cascading stream of warm water, you beckoned him to come closer and let you take his stress away.
“Let me take your stress away, baby,” you purred, approaching him once again. Bucky watched your movements intently, the weariness in his eyes transforming into a look of pure lust and the longing for the gentle care only his wife could provide.
With your hands at the lapels of his suit jacket, you pulled it away from his firm body, letting it fall to the floor. Slowly, while never breaking your gaze from his fiery eyes, you unbuttoned each button with precise movements, pushing the fabric of his muscular torso. Your eyes roamed over his chiseled physique as your hands lay flat on his pecs, adorned with specs of hair. Your palms moved down the planes of his firm muscles, making him moan at your gentle touch. Unbuttoning his suit pants, you pulled them down along with his underwear, leaving him standing naked before you.
Unfastening the sash of your silk robe, you let it drop, standing completely naked before him. Taking his hand in yours, you led him into the steaming shower, the warm mist enveloping you both.
Bucky stood under the shower head, letting the water soak him from head to toe, washing away the burdens of the day. You joined him, placing your palms on his chest with a gentle touch as you stood flush against him—your bodies melded together by the water. His hardening cock pressed against your abdomen. He dropped his gaze to your burning eyes that mirrored his own, before trailing them over your naked and wet body, intensifying the heat.
With a groan, he knotted his fingers in your hair, the other wrapping around your waist. Your arms curled underneath his, placing your palms on his muscular back. Your pulse quickened with excitement, knowing where the evening was headed. All that was needed was your encouragement for Bucky to take it in the direction he desired.
“I’m yours, Bucky. Take what you need. Take me. Love me. Use me. Do whatever you need and desire right now. My body and mind are yours.”
He leaned down, capturing your lips with his, claiming and owning your mouth. His sweet and tender kisses quickly escalated into firm and needy ones. The tip of his tongue swept your bottom lip, pleading for your taste. As your tongues met, his fingers tightened in your hair, and his hand slapped the apple of your ass, followed by a firm squeeze. You whined into his mouth, pushing your body into his wet and slippery one, surrendering yourself.
Your hand wrapped around his firm cock in a tight squeeze, jerking his length in deep and slow motions while your tongue continued to dance with his. Bucky pulled away with your bottom lip between his teeth, groaning against your puffy lips as he slowly fucked himself into your grip.
“Tell me what you need, baby,” you purred against his lips, flicking the tip of your tongue across his bottom lip. “I’m all yours.”
“Get on your knees, baby,” he growled. “Suck my cock like the whore I know you are for it.” His hand came up to wrap around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make your pussy throb without suffocating you. “I’ll make you cry and choke on it while I fuck your mouth, use that tight throat.” A moan of need escaped at his filthy words. You loved being his adoring wife and his dirty whore. His lips curled in a satisfied smile at the duality you embodied—Whore and Queen.
He let you go, and without hesitation, you pressed sloppy kisses to his chest. Fingers traced the dips and planes of his chiseled physique as you continued kissing and licking down his body—his abs, his defined v-line—until you were lowered on your knees before him, mouth agape as you stared at him through your lashes. The water from the shower head above made his body gleam, intensifying the irresistible appeal of him towering over you. His cock stood fully erect, practically begging for attention, begging to be sucked. A shiver ran through your body, and a whimper escaped your lips as your pussy throbbed, eager for the same treatment your throat would soon receive—getting fucked and bruised.
Aroused with anticipation, your body practically shaking, you grasped him firmly in your hand as your tongue traced the protruding veins along his shaft, licking up to his bulbous head. Kissing and sucking the tip, you moaned at the taste of him. With no patience left, Bucky grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing you to release him from your mouth. His hot gaze met yours as a stinging yet delicious tug prompted a sharp gasp from your lips as tears welled in your eyes—the first of many for the evening.
“Don’t tease me, doll. I’ve had enough of being undermined today,” he groaned, his voice laced with cruel warning. “Now suck it like the pretty little whore I know you are for it.”
“Yes, Sir. I’ll be your good little whore.”
Obediently complying, you engulfed his length as Bucky’s guttural groan vibrated off the shower walls. Your choice of words, and taking him all with no hesitation, only fueled his burning desire.
You took him deep, inch by thick inch until all of him nestled in your throat. Tears ran down your already wet cheeks, and the sensation of your lips wrapped around him and your throat suffocating his cock with your choked coughs made Bucky tip his head back in bliss. Moaning thickly, he pushed his hips forward into your compliant mouth.
Withdrawing to catch your breath, a thick string of saliva trailed from your lips to his tip. A testament to your eagerness to please the man above you.
“So gorgeous,” Bucky smirked, looking down at you with tears and saliva running down your chin. “Such an eager whore to please me,” he murmured, brushing his thumb across your lips.
With no further hesitations, you wrapped your hand tightly around the base to jerk him off, while your mouth engulfed his swollen and leaking tip. Your hand and mouth worked in perfect sync—jerking him with force and delicious pressure while your head bobbed on his cock, slurping and sucking. Bucky’s hips met your movements, making you choke and gag by his rough thrusts. Your other hand squeezed and kneaded his firm ass cheek, pulling him closer and anchoring yourself to him as you sucked him off.
Bucky’s vocalization became a hot and heavy symphony of moans, groans, and every guttural sound in between—a testament to you working him thoroughly with your hands and mouth.
His hips jerked, his muscles tensing, on the verge of climax, and spilling into your mouth, and you wanted nothing more than a taste of him. But he pulled you off before he could finish down your throat, making you wheeze and chest heave to catch your breath after he released you.
Reading the disappointment on your face, he brushed your tear and water-stained cheeks and swollen lips, a smirk playing on his own. “Don’t worry, doll. I’ll come down your throat next time.” His voice was low and sultry, laced with delicious promise. “I need to feel your tight cunt wrapped around me, now.”
Helping you up, he met your lips in a sloppy kiss, slapping your ass with a force that made you gasp before turning you around and directing you to bend over for him on the marble bench.
You bent over, placing your forearms on the cold stone, presenting your ass for him. The view of both your tight holes a tantalizing sight for him.
During the blowjob, your pussy had throbbed with need, eager for the same treatment as your throat, and you had never felt as frustrated as you had now, waiting for his cock. Looking over your shoulder at Bucky, his fist jerking his cock as his hot and burning gaze trailed over your dripping cunt, which he would fill and come deep inside.
“Please, Bucky,” you cried. “I need you cock so bad.” Your voice thick with desperate desire to be fucked and used by him. “Please, please, fuck me. Use me. Use my cunt.” You knew after the day he had that the fuck would be brutal, and you would love nothing more. You loved his gentle and caring nature that he reserved only for you, but you also loved to be used and fucked like a whore by him. The duality of his two sides only makes you love him deeper with each passing day.
He chuckled, relishing the power he held over you, the absolute desperation in your pleading voice and submissive body. “Patience, doll,” he replied with a low growl. “I’ve had a rough day, and I will take my time with you.”
He firmly kneads your ass in his palms, rough hands grabbing and squeezing the flesh before delivering a sharp slap that sends a jolt of pleasurable pain up your spine. Your toes curl, and a whimper escapes your parted lips as the cruel laughter from Bucky fills the space. Despite the sobs and cries during the next two spanks, your pussy grows wetter at his cruelty, soaking your inner thighs.
Bucky curses under his breath, running two fingers through your messy folds, circling your needy clit in teasing strokes. A breath of relief escapes you at finally being stimulated, even though it’s not at the satisfaction you crave. He groans as he pushes two fingers inside your wet cunt, fucking it in slow strokes, making your breath shake at the stretch.
“What made you this wet, doll? Sucking and choking on my cock, or me spanking and bruising your ass?”
“B-both,” you reply with a shaky voice.
“That’s my good whore,” he growls, softly patting your ass where his brutal hands landed.
With the head of his cock, he teases your bundle of nerves, before slowly and oh-so-deliciously pushing his length inside your welcoming cunt. You moan and whine through your swollen and parted lips as he stretches you out to accommodate his size. “Fuck, so tight, baby.”
He forces the rest of his length balls deep, making you gasp, while he moans, at stuffing you completely. “Ah, fuck… so big,” you whine, closing your eyes and fists tightly, adjusting to him.
With a low, throaty chuckle in response to your reaction, Bucky gives you a moment before setting his rhythm, hands firmly gripping your soft hips, fingers digging into your skin.
He holds nothing back as he unleashes himself, intensifying the brutal pace, thrusting deeply into your pussy like his existence depends on it. The tip of his swollen cock repeatedly brushes against your sweet spot, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your nerves, eliciting soft whimpers from your lips.
“So good for me, doll. Such a tight, pretty pussy,” he grunts, lost in the sensation of your cunt and the pleasure it brings him.
You tilt your head to meet his burning gaze, the fiery passion in his eyes searing your exposed and submitted body before him.
“Fuck, it’s all yours, baby. All of me. Only for you,” you whimper, the soft symphony of your gentle whispers and moans enticing Bucky closer to the edge, fucking you roughly and chasing his high. “Keep using it, baby. Claim me. Take what you want,” you urge, your words a breathless plea for him to keep unleashing his pent-up anger and frustrations on your eager and pleading cunt.
As you ascend to pleasurable heights, your impending orgasm closing in swiftly, the clenching of your walls around his pulsating cock signals his pending release as well. His hand slides around your throat, lifting you upright amidst his primal thrusts.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby? Come on my cock as I fill your greedy cunt?” His gruff voice sends a shiver down your spine.
The searing pleasure, coupled with the firm grip on your throat, leaves you with no choice but to nod, conveying that you are close to an eruption with an earth-shattering explosion.
“Open that pretty mouth for me and use your words, doll.” A sharp slap to your thigh jolts you out of the haze, prompting you to gather yourself and respond to his demand.
“Yes,” you managed to gasp. “I’m gonna come. I need you to come inside me, baby,” you cry, craving his warmth like a good whore.
With those pleading words, Bucky surges over the edge. His grunts and moans resonating against your skin as he fills you up with his cum. The sensation of him pulsing and filling within you and the rhythmic movement of his hips have you tumbling over the edge. Waves of your release ripple through your body, shaking and convulsing, your cries of pleasure echoing off the tiled walls.
“Good girl,” Bucky moaned against your skin. His fingers skillfully play with your engorged clit to heighten the downfall of your orgasm. “You take my cock and cum so well.” He continued to fuck and talk you through it, ensuring that your mind and body were consumed with nothing but pleasure and him.
The shared climax left you both suspended in the aftermath of your intense fucking. The air thick with echoes of your breathless satisfaction.
“Hmm, my good girl,” Bucky muttered, withdrawing from your used cunt and turning you around. The warm water of the shower continued to rain down on you both, washing away the shared evidence of your intense and passionate lovemaking.
Bucky cupped your cheeks, brushing his thumbs across the skin beneath your eyes. His hands, which held your body with force only moments ago, now cradled your face as if you were the most delicate of artworks, which to him, you were more than a masterpiece. He captured your lips, kissing you with a mix of passion and need. Your arms held his waist, bringing his slick body closer to yours.
“Let’s get out and dry off, doll. I need to bury my face in that pretty cunt of yours before I hold you in my arms and express how much you mean to me for the rest of the night.”
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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imtryingbuck · 1 month
Till Death Do Us Part
~ series masterlist ~
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Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Series Warnings: warnings will be on each chapter but here's a forewarning. mentions of past child abuse, mentions of past rape. violence. mentions of nudity. mentions of infidelity. death. shootings. angst. fluff.
Word Count: 42,622
Status: ongoing (posted monday and friday)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theodora
A/N: this will mainly be focused on the marriage and the development of Bucky and his wife more than crimey things sorry.
fluff - ❀ angst - ❁ both - ✾
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➳ Prologue - ✾
➳ “Wedding” Day - ✾
➳ Damaged - ✾
➳ The Library - ✾
➳ Painting - ✾
➳ Family Photos - ✾
➳ Nightmares and Shopping - ✾
➳ Donations and Monsters - ✾
➳ One Step Forward A Hundred Back - ✾
➳ Worthy - ✾ 14th June
➳ Tabby - ✾ 17th June
➳ Family Dinner - ✾ 21st June
➳ Birthday Bash - ✾ 24th June
➳ Making Love - ✾ 28th June
➳ Help From The Least Unsuspected - ✾ 1st July
➳ A Mothers Endless Love - ✾ 5th July
➳ Home - ✾ 8th July
➳ The Locket - ✾ 12th July
➳ Wedding Day Round Two - ✾ 15th July
➳ Epilogue - ❀ 19th July
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118 notes · View notes
preciousbarnes · 1 year
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Boss of the Winter Soldier Mafia, Bucky makes sure his girl can more than handle herself.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 22 days
Mafia!Bucky’s Girl gets Arrested
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Mafia!Buckys Girl gets Arrested M-Board
Warning:Police Brutality, DD/LG dynamics and Daddy Kink, Protective Bucky and Mafia!Bucky (which is its own warning)
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She always knew that it was a possibility but it never really crossed her mind as something that was going to happen. Ever since getting with her Mob Boss boyfriend, the man who had decided she belonged to him the second he set eyes on her and stalked her relentlessly until she finally agreed to be his girl, she had almost always been right by his side.
Bucky knew that Y/n was as loyal as they come and he didn’t doubt her love for him or her dedication for even a second, but he still didn’t want her out of his sight. There are plenty of men out there who want to hurt James Barnes and he refuses to see his Princess be a victim of an idiot with a vendetta or to even see an ounce of pain on her perfect face.
This day however, it was unavoidable.
Bucky had a delivery that needed to be picked up and he had to oversee it personally, something he wouldn’t bring his girl along for and so he gave her a Black Amex that he had just for her and dropped her off at her favorite outlet. He knew that she could shop around there for hours and that she gladly would until he picked her up later that evening.
‘Stay in public Princess, don’t go anywhere outside of this outlet, understand?’ Bucky warned, opening her car door and helping her out.
‘Yes Buck, I promise I will stay here. You know I’ll shop for a few outfits before ending up in the bookstore for the rest of the time.’ She teased making the notoriously angry Mob Boss smile. He had recently cleared out an entire bedroom in his mansion and lined it with wall to wall bookshelves so that she could have her own perfect reading room. She was fixing it up exactly how she wanted to make it perfect and was spending a lot of his money to give herself a library, apparently needing 1000 books before it actually counted as one (not that he minded spending money on her, especially not for something that made her so happy and often inspired new things to try in the bedroom thanks to her Dark Romance books).
‘That’s where I will pick you up, okay? I’ll text you when I’m finished and you meet me here, okay?’
‘Yes Daddy.’ She teased, knowing how much he loved it when she called him that as she pulled him down to her by his suit jacket and pressed her lips to his. ‘You’d better make sure you’re done all your work by the time you pick me up because you’re all mine for the next 2 days.’
‘Yes ma’am. I promised you a nice, quiet weekend just the two of us and I meant it.’ With all the extra time Bucky had been working after one of his biggest allies was arrested, he needed to make it up to his Princess and he had sworn that after the delivery he was all hers for the entire weekend. ‘I’ll see you soon Babygirl.’ With that he kissed her nose and hopped back into the car, leaving his girl to shop for the afternoon.
Y/n spent about 2 hours in her favorite stores getting several outfits and even stopping to pick up a few new lingerie sets that she knew her Daddy would love before entering the bookstore. By the time she had been there for an hour she had purchased 11 books and could be found sitting in a chair by the window with a hot chocolate and a muffin, reading to her hearts content. And that is exactly where they found her.
‘Y/n L/n?’ Y/n looked up to see a small women with her hair pulled into a ponytail holding a badge out to her and couldn’t help the confused look on her face.
‘Um…can I help you officer?’ She couldn’t help her confusion, she hadn’t done anything to warrant being spoken to by the police.
‘Get up!’ The man beside her barked, pulling out handcuffs and yanking her up from her chair causing her to cry out, the scalding hot drink spilling on her hand as she was moved violently.
‘Ow! What the fuck?! You can’t treat people like this! I haven’t done anything wrong, and even if I had you didn’t even give me a chance to comply! Ow!’ The cuffs went on painfully tight as her arm was twisted at an odd angle.
‘Hey, you can’t treat her like that!’ A barista spoke up, phone in hand and recording the interaction.
‘Mind your business unless you would like to join her!’ The man barked, his partner staying quiet.
‘Okay, you need to grab my stuff at least, I have bags there. Hello?! So not only are you violent, you’re deaf and stupid, good to know.’ She groaned.
‘We’ll hold your things in the back. You come and get them whenever you can.’ The same barista said, following with her phone as she was dragged out.
‘Thank you. My boyfriend will be by looking for me when I don’t answer him, my phone is in one of the bags! I-the least you can do is let me make sure my stuff is taken care off asshole!’ The next thing Y/n knew she was slammed against the police car, her face suffering the brunt of the hit as it collided.
‘Y/n L/n, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.’ The women spoke, reading her her rights as she was put into the car. ‘Do you understand these rights as I’ve read them to you?’
‘Do I also have the right to not have your boorish partner throw me around like I’m his red headed step child? I don’t think that was in there. I’m not saying anything to you, and I haven’t done a single thing wrong.’
‘Sweetie, you’ve been doin’ shit wrong since you said “yes” to a date with James Barnes.’ The asshole spoke, starting the car and driving away from the bookstore.
‘Oh, now I understand. You don’t have shit on my boyfriend who you think is some kind of criminal for some unknown reason and so because you’re so shit at your job you violently arrest his innocent girlfriend. Gotcha.’
‘You ain’t been innocent since you started suckin’ his cock. You know it, he buys you pretty things and you stick your tongue out. You’re an expensive whore and nothing more-‘
‘That’s enough Tanner!’ His partner snapped and she listened to them argue about Bucky while trying to get feeling back into her arms and hands that she was leaning on with her knees pressed painfully to the cage between the front and back seat, all the while blood was leaking down her face and onto her sundress. It was sad, this was one of Bucky’s favorites, she only wore it because she knew he was supposed to pick her up to start their long weekend together.
She was led into the precinct pretty easily before walking through the bullpen and seeing multiple cops that she knew Bucky employed. She pushed down the instinct to smile knowing that they wouldn’t get ahold of Bucky or Steve tonight but also knowing someone would call Andy. She had met Andy several times and loved Steve’s twin brother dearly, knowing that if anything ever happened that Andy Barber would be the one getting her out of it. He had taken his wife’s name in law school to get away from his “criminal” last name of Rogers and yet he still represented them as he knew he always would.
‘Sit here, I’ll get something to wipe off your face-‘
‘No thank you, I’ll stay like this. I don’t need your help.’ Y/n told the women who looked at her sideways. ‘I’ll wait until I’m out of here and my lawyer can see the state that 2 police officers put me in just to arrest a women who was perfectly cooperative. He’s going to have a field day with your department.’ She glared, now seemingly pissed off herself, slapping a folder in front of her and opening it to show her pictures of her and Bucky together. One was him helping her out of the car, one was them walking into a premier, her boyfriends arm around her waist possessively as it was in every single picture they had.
‘Seems like he’s pretty taken with you.’ Y/n raised her eyebrows, not willing to say anything about Bucky what so ever. ‘Just like he was with this girl, and this one-‘ she showed pictures of two other girls with Bucky from before they were together. Bucky and Y/n had had the “Ex’s Talk” and they were both honest about past relationships but the thing that sealed it for Y/n right now was that seeing Bucky with these women, he didn’t hold them like he held her. It wasn’t even close to the same and if ever there was doubt that she would rat on her man (which there wasn’t) there sure as fuck wasn’t any now. ‘Let us help you get away from him, he’s a bad man. He’s killed people, God only knows how many of them.’
‘Oh My God!’ Y/n exclaimed, looking at one of the pictures and while the cop seemed to think she was getting through for a single second she was quickly proved wrong. ‘I was having a really bad hair day. Do you think we could get rid of this one? I just look awful.’
‘You’re not taking this seriously at all.’
‘No, and I’m not going to. You assaulted me, violently dragged me in here and now you’re questioning me about my boyfriend like he’s some kind of criminal! He is the sweetest man alive and he would never hurt anyone, now, I’m not going to be saying anything else without my lawyer.’ Her partner scoffed as he stood by the door watching this go on.
‘Yeah, we’ll see how quickly we get around to calling him.’ He laughed and Y/n just rolled her eyes.
‘He’ll be here soon enough.’ She mumbled.
‘What was that?! What are you mumbling you little bitch, if you think for one fucking minute that we give a shit about that murderers whore you’re wrong, and he ain’t gonna save you either! We’ll let you sit in here for days and guess what? Eventually you’re gonna give him up! Just to see daylight again!’ The officer raged before pulling his partner out and slamming the door shut, all lights but one going out and leaving Y/n in almost complete darkness.
She couldn’t tell you how long she sat there in the dark, quiet room just staring at the window mirror. It felt like hours by the time the door opened again and the lights were thrown on making her squint as her eyes adjusted to the harsh brightness. Y/n could hear a familiar voice screaming and the look of apprehension on the women’s face was fantastic after her treatment.
Suddenly a man who looked way too much like Steve stormed in and took in Y/n’s appearance. ‘Jesus! She’s fucking bloody, you have got to be fucking with me if you think this is alright Captain! Uncuff her this instant!’ Andy demanded and the large cop gave him an angry look before doing as he was told, the “discreet” look from his Captain being enough to spur him into action. ‘Are you alright Miss. L/n? Do we need to go to the ER?’ He offered but she shook her head.
‘No Andy, they offered to wash the blood off, I just wanted you to see where they had slammed me into their car.’ He nodded, making a gesture that told her to be quiet and tell him everything somewhere else.
‘I’m taking my client home. I will expect the recording of this interrogation, all of it, every second, to be sent to my office by morning. If even one second is off I won’t stop until this precinct is a fucking In-n-Out burger! Now fuck off!’ Andy took Y/n’s hand and pulled her along gently, not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already was. ‘You did well, I want to take a few pictures of you to have it documented, then we’ll get you cleaned up.’ She nodded along as they exited the building and moved to his car where he took pictures of her face at every angle as well as her bruised wrists and burned hand.
They had just gotten into the car when Andy’s phone began ringing Bucky’s tone and he put it on Speaker immediately. ‘Andy! She’s Gone! You Need To Get Her Back Andy! I Can’t-‘
‘Boss! It’s okay! I got her, I got a call from Officer Bowers when they walked her in.’ She nodded along.
‘He called right away, I saw a few cops that recognized me and the looks on their faces were priceless.’ She joked, hoping to pull a laugh from Bucky but it did not happen.
‘Princess! Are you okay? I swear to God, if they hurt you-‘
‘It’s okay Daddy. Stay at the bookstore, Andy’s dropping me off there, he wants to talk to the barista who recorded my arrest. She was nice, she promised to hold all my bags until you got there.’ She realized as she heard her Daddy’s voice how badly she had just wanted to fall into his arms and cry herself to sleep.
‘Okay Babygirl, I’ll get your stuff into the car. Get her here Andy, now!’ Her Daddy demanded before hanging up the phone, clearly upset.
It took another 10 minutes to get to the store and the second Y/n crossed the threshold she was grabbed and pulled into Bucky’s arms. He was warm and strong, just like every time he held her but this time she needed him to hold her like he never had before as she felt her mind sink back to that small, regressed place that she didn’t go to very often and it was like her Daddy physically felt it happen as her mind receded back into her safe space.
‘Daddy’s here Babygirl. Your Daddy’s got you, not a thing to worry about.’ He swore, not even caring about the fact that he’s in public as he lifted his girl into his arms and cradled her like an infant. ‘Daddy’s gonna take you home now Baby, gonna go home and get you in your jammies, and all snuggled up in the blankies.’ Bucky turned and walked back out the door from where Y/n had just come, Steve promptly opening the back door and letting his boss climb in before going back to start the SUV. ‘Is my Baby hungry? Daddy has food being made right now for my Princess’ dinner.’
‘So hungry!’ She groaned, clutching to his suit jacket and nuzzling close to his warm body.
‘We’re gonna get you all fed and snuggly warm in our bed baby, don’t you worry. I love you so much, Daddy is gonna make sure those awful cops are taken care of…do you want to talk about it?’ She pouted in response and he brushed his fingers through her hair to comfort her.
‘They were all rough and mean. Showed me pictures of us and pictures of you with your other girlfriends to make me talk bad about you.’ Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes.
‘Clearly they’re morons if they thought my Princess would turn on me.’ He chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. He knew how loyal his girl was, and he knew that (despite the fact that he would never let it happen) she would have gone to jail and kept quiet the whole time. ‘Don’t worry baby, this whole week is all about Daddy loving on you. Okay? You’re gonna be sick of my hugs by the end ‘cause I’ve rescheduled all of my meetings and appointments. It’s all about you now.’
‘Could never be sick of you, Daddy. I love you so much!’ She swore, nuzzling into his neck and breathing in his heavy scent. As always he smelled like peppermint and his cologne which was very earthy and smoky which he knew his Babygirl loved, however after having been working tonight she could also smell gunpowder which would have made her ask questions and worry if she weren’t completely at the mercy of her regression right now.
Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead for several seconds as Steve pulled up the driveway and finally parked outside of the cabin style mansion in the woods. Her Daddy knew it was her favorite one of his houses to spend time at which is why he picked it for the weekend before extending it to the entire week after watching her arrest video and the interrogation video that Andy sent him just before they got to the bookstore. Some of her comments genuinely made him chuckle, and he was so proud to hear her defense of him and wonderful acting as she could have really convinced people that her boyfriend was just a sweet business man being targeted by the police maliciously. However after seeing how they treated her, Bucky knew that she would be needing his love and comfort, hating to hear that they had called her a whore and tried to make her think that he was just using her for her body.
As they laid in bed that night after her Daddy had fed her dinner and given her a bath filled with bubbles and sweet smelling bath salts he held her tightly to his chest, caressing her bare thigh as she snuggled him in her panties and one of his Henley’s (which was his favorite outfit to see her in of all time, including both fancy dresses or lingerie).
‘You know that your Daddy loves you more than anything else in this world, don’t you Princess?’
‘Mmhmm…’ she mumbled, half asleep already, Bucky’s ability to make her feel safe and comfortable enough to sleep so quickly being a subject of great pride for him.
‘And you know that you’re not a whore…I mean, sometimes I enjoy it when you’re Daddy’s good little whore but…you know you are so much more than that to me, right?’ She nodded into his chest subtly and he momentarily wondered if she even knew what he was saying.
‘Not a whore. Just Daddy’s whore…I love you Daddy.’
‘I love you too Princess. You sleep now, you can be Daddy’s good little whore in the morning…’ he promised, hearing her little moan and kissing her head before pulling the covers around her tighter, allowing himself to drift off to sleep with his Baby safe in his arms.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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loving-barnes · 2 years
Vendetta - Betrayal (17)
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Bucky Barnes x Mob ! Boss Y/N Fox (Bucky Barnes x female reader)
Warning: angst, death, more angst
Autor’s note: This chapter is shorter and I kinda don’t like it. What I can promise you, that the next chapter will be longer and better.
Viewer discretion is advised. This story is for readers 18+!
Word count: 2600+
Chapter sixteen
Vendetta Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Betrayal (17)
The plan was set.
The rainy days in New York were over and were replaced by sun rays and warm weather. Bucky and Y/N took the opportunity and headed for a late lunch in Brooklyn. Bucky took her into a nice restaurant he had under his wings, and he wanted to threaten his girl the way he seemed fit – like a Queen. He drove them in his most expensive sports car, to show off, of course, and he made her promise she wouldn’t take out her wallet to pay for the food. It was his treat. After all, it was their first official date, right?
It was an amazing Italian restaurant where they had a reservation. Bucky asked for a table on the patio where they could sit outside, breathe air and enjoy the warm sun. 
Y/N couldn’t stop smiling. Her eyes kept drifting back to him. Bucky was handsome in those dark sunglasses. They fit his face perfectly. Her heart kept beating fast from all the love she was feeling towards him. What she was most grateful for was that he didn’t treat her any less now when they were dating. She was still the boss of Foxes and was running her own business. They were equals and partners in crime – literally. 
“What are you thinking about?” he said with a smile and reached his hand across the table and grabbed her smaller into his bigger one. 
She shrugged. “Just… about this moment and about us,” she said honestly. “Look how we have grown and how our relationship changed. It’s kind of unbelievable,” she grinned at him. “I want to say something cute and sappy but, I don’t want to be that girl. I need to keep my composure.” 
He laughed. “No, please, go ahead,” he goaded her. “Tell me, I want to know. I want to see that side of you.” 
“You went from an annoying Wolf who had an ego bigger than the state, and turned into this amazing man,” she had to shake her head in disbelief. “And I fell hard for that man.” 
Without waiting, he leaned through the table to her and kissed her lips lovingly. “Are we sure about this?” he whispered when the kiss ended. 
She nodded. “Yes. Do you trust me?” she had to ask. 
Their eyes met and he could get lost in them. “Of course, I do,” he said quietly but confidently. “I trust you the way I trust Steve – with my whole heart. I love you.” 
“And I love you,” she put her lips back on his. Her tongue brushed against his lower lip and he hummed contently. 
They kept talking for another half an hour before they brought them their ordered food. As the waiter was leaving, Bucky stopped him. “Could we get a bottle of champagne? Thank you.” 
When the waiter left, he grabbed Y/N’s hand and kissed the top of it. “Sorry, I can’t help it.” 
“No, no, I enjoy the affection,” she giggled. “Please, continue.” 
“Come on, let’s eat otherwise the food will get cold,” he let her hand go. He grabbed the cutlery and started to eat his food. 
All of a sudden, he felt nervous. His stomach wasn’t letting him take in the food that was in front of him. But he had to do it. It had to be done. He huffed as the champagne arrived and the waiter poured the bubbly liquid into the glasses. He cleared his throat and looked at the woman he loved. It was difficult for him to do what he planned but it had to be done. 
Y/N stood up with a smile. “I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back,” she stroked his shoulder as she was walking past him. 
He exhaled loudly. He didn’t even know he stopped breathing. As much as he didn’t want to do it, he had no other choice. Reaching into the pocket of his jacket, he took out a vial with clear liquid. Quickly, he opened it and poured the liquid into Y/N’s drink. It immediately mixed with the champagne. It was done and it couldn’t be taken back. 
When she returned, she had a beautiful smile on her face and his heart broke. As much as he loved her, he had to do it. It was the plan from the very beginning.
“Cheers,” she took her glass and raised it to the air. “I love you, James.” 
“Love you too,” he replied and drank the liquid in one go. He kept checking how much had she drank from the champagne. It turned out it was almost fully gone. There was nothing he could do, only watch what was about to happen. From what he heard, it was supposed to be fast.
“Are you alright?” she asked him with that sweet voice. 
“Yeah,” he had a hard time nodding. “I’m-“
And then he saw it. Her eyes started to blink rapidly and she sighed loudly. A cough escaped her mouth. “What the-“ she couldn’t say the full sentence. Sweat appeared on her forehead and she shook her head. “Buck,” she whined his name and leaned against the chair. “W-what’s happening?”
“Y/N?” he asked. “A-are you alright?” 
Their eyes met. What he saw were worry and exhaustion. Her hands fell off the table as she focused all her remaining energy to keep her eyes open. But her body was slowly giving up.
As she was about to fall off the chair, he was quickly on his feet, catching her before she could fall down to the ground and hurt herself. People were gasping, turning their heads to them as he held her in his hand tightly. Some had the audacity to take out their phones and recorded the whole situation. 
“Fuck,” he whispered. His eyes were locked on her pale face. “Y/N, I’m sorry,” he bit his lips. “I-I had to… I couldn’t…”
She kept breathing loudly as if she was running a marathon. She shook her head. Her body was slowly giving up and her eyelids were heavier. She felt tired and dizzy. “It’s going to be alright,” she whispered before her eyes closed for good.
The guests from the restaurant were panicking, screaming to call an ambulance. Bucky was already on it, as he dialled a number he had saved into the contacts. A random woman was quickly by his side, helping him with Y/N, trying her pulse and breathing. As much as he tried to focus on the call, he couldn’t do it. It took him a few minutes before he was able to tell them the location. 
“Are they on their way?” the woman asked once the call ended. 
“Yeah,” he replied simply and brushed his fingers against Y/N’s cheek. “The help is on its way.” 
He shouldn’t have done it. He loved her and betrayed her. Bucky swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing visibly. Throughout the whole time, he kept staring at her, no emotion visible on his face. He just held her tight in his arms. He didn’t register when the ambulance arrived and medics circled them. 
“Sir? Sir,” a voice brought him back to reality and he looked at them. “Please, we need to take her to the hospital. Her vitals are low.” 
They took her from his arms and put her on the bed. “I-“ he couldn’t muster any more words. He felt as if he was going to vomit. 
Everything else around him sped up. He saw how they put her into the ambulance. The older woman who was by his side kept reassuring him that she’d be fine and well. The waiter cleaned the mess that happened once she fell down from the chair. He didn’t even notice that she knocked her glass over the table. 
“Go home, young man,” the woman said as she helped him stand up on his feet. “Get some rest. They will call you before you know it.” 
“Yeah,” he sighed and finally came back to his senses. He furrowed his brows and turned around the spot. All the worry and tension were gone in a second. Bucky wiped his hands against his jeans and walked back to his car. At the end of it all, he had to admit that the stress never wore off. What's more, it got worse. 
Bucky knew that the worst was about to come when he would have to face Yelena. 
. . .
“What the fuck happened?!” Steve raised his voice when he was sitting in Bucky’s office with his boss and Sam. His eyes almost popped off his head when he learnt what happened to Y/N. “You did what?!” 
“Dude,” Sam shook his head. “I thought you had feelings for that woman. I never would have thought you would poison her.” 
“Well,” Bucky shrugged. “It had to be done. I believe you all know this was the plan from the very beginning,” he explained calmly as if nothing happened an hour ago. “We wanted to get rid of the Foxes and I found the perfect opportunity – the moment she was vulnerable, I went for it.” 
“What?” Steve’s voice rose again, not being able to control his emotions. “What the actual fuck, Buck? So you’ve been lying to us this whole time? You were plotting behind our backs? I-I actually have no words for this at all,” he sat back in his chair and rather looked at the floor. “Holy shit, man.”
“So, she’s at the hospital right now?” Sam asked. 
“And you don’t give a shit?” 
“Nope,” he shook his head. “If I put the correct amount, she’ll die in a matter of hours.” 
“What?!” this time, both Sam and Steve screamed at their boss. “In a matter of hours?” 
As he was about to explain what happened in the city, the shouting from the hallway made their heads turn around and wait for the tsunami to arrive. And that tsunami was no other than Yelena. The stomping could be heard even by a dead person. “Where the fuck is that fucking dog? Where is it? I want to chop off his balls and dick!” 
“Uff,” Sam shook his head. “This is going to be nasty.” 
Yelena barged in, not giving a shit if she damaged the door or not. For what he had done, she was ready to slice his throat and stab him in the heart at least twenty times. She was about to jump at Barnes through the table when Sam and Steve grabbed her by the shoulders and arms, pushing her back and restricting her movements. 
“Calm down,” said Steve gently, not letting her go. 
“I will not be fucking calm,” she screamed. “Ace called me with the news, telling me that Y/N’s at the hospital, fighting for her life because of you, wolf!” she tried to hold back her tears. “How could you fucking do that to her? She fucking loved you, Barnes.” 
“Ace, huh?” he kinked a brow.
And the dam with the tears broke. Yelena started to hysterically cry, shaking her head in disbelief. “Why? Why would you do that to her?”
“That was always the plan,” said Bucky without any emotions. “We were always planning to destroy you. I gained her trust and she stupidly fell in love with me which was a perfect opportunity for me to get rid of her,” and then he smiled wickedly. 
“She’ll survive,” she growled at him. “And then, she’ll kill you – slowly, intimately in any way possible.” 
Bucky’s phone beeped with a text, as well as to Yelena’s phone. Both quickly took their devices out and checked the text message. Bucky’s smile was back on his face, grinning like a winner. “She’s dead.” 
The blonde dropped her phone and it fell down on the ground with a loud thud. Her knees weakened as she started to cry even more. Her best friend and boss died – she died of poisoning, just like her father did. And it was all because of Barnes. 
“This calls for celebration,” said Bucky happily as he started to toy with his phone, typing on it. “How about Friday night? That is in two days. It’s going to be fun.”
“What the fuck happened to you, Buck?” Steve shook his head for like a hundredth time. 
“It had to be done,” his boss snarled back. “Stop fucking questioning my decision. It’s done, it’s over,” he was fuming. “It’s time to move on, stop crying and prepare for a little celebration with our friends – Starks and Hydra.” 
“You fucking little bitch,” Yelena gained back some energy and tried to jump back at Bucky. Unfortunately for her, Steve and Sam had their hands on her again, preventing her from hurting their boss. “I’m going to kill you, Barnes,” she screamed at him. “I’m going to kill you with my bare hands! Let me to. Let me go, right now, or I swear I will kill every one of you.” 
Her body was giving up. The grief was unbearable and she was slowly falling to the ground, in pain and sorrow. As much as she wanted to kill them all, she didn’t have the energy to do so. 
Bucky smirked and stepped to Yelena. He put a finger under her chin and made her look him directly in the eyes. “Now, listen up, Lenka,” he chuckled at that name. “Here’s how it’s going to go, and you better listen carefully, otherwise I will kill you and throw you into the trash.” 
“Don’t you fucking dare call me like that ever again,” she managed to say through gritted teeth. 
“I don’t give a shit you little whining bitch,” and suddenly, his grip was on her hair, holding it tightly. “Because I am not a horrible man, I have a proposition for you. You will stay with me until the party that I will throw. I want you to be with me, by my side, when I tell the amazing news of the destruction of House Fox. If you try to escape, or any other shit, I will have my men shoot you down at the spot and I will feed you to the dogs that some men own. Once the party is over, you are free to leave and never come back to New York… if, of course, you don’t want to stay with us, the Wolves. You’d be very valuable here.” 
Yelena’s face was red and her ears were steaming. If they all looked closely, they’d be able to see it. “You are a fucking monster. All of you are,” she shouted at all three men. “Once this is over, I am leaving. And you better fucking pray that you will never get under my hands, or I swear to God…”
“Enough talking,” he interrupted her speech. “I’m not scared of you, Yelena. Drop the act and be a good girl.” 
She swiftly rose to her feet and spat into his face. “Fuck you, Barnes. Burn in hell.” 
He wiped off the saliva from his face. “Take her to the guest room and lock her there. If she’ll cause any more trouble, take her to the basement where we’ll lock her up until Friday,” he ordered his two men that were still present in the room. 
“As you wish,” Sam mumbled under his nose. Together with Steve, they grabbed Yelena under her arms, holding her tightly. 
As they were leaving Bucky’s office, the boss received a message that brought a smile to his face. “Well, would you look at that? Our friends have accepted my invitation. It’s going to be an amazing evening. And, if everything goes right, we might be able to get some part of Queens,” he informed them happily. “I believe I deserve some Queens after this performance, don’t you think? Now go, before I change my mind and order you to lock her straight in the basement.” 
“Go fuck yourself, Barnes,” were the last words he heard from Yelena. 
New chapter around the weekend 2-3 of July. 
Tags: @lethallyprotected , @memeorydotcom, @valkyrie418 , @mannien , @brownlee-22 , @michaelfuckinglangdon , @paryl​
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queers-gambit · 3 months
Adore Her, Dior Her
prompt: ( requested ) what good is having all that money if he can't spend it on the woman he loves?
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 4.3k+
warnings: author foams at the mouth for Mafia AUs, overwhelming fluff, cursing, not edited.
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"That's the one. That's one we should get!"
"You've said that about the past three dresses, Buck!" You groaned, smoothing your hands over the skirt. "We need to narrow this down, okay? The wedding's in a month!"
"Why did we even agree to go?"
You glared, "'Cause we love my brother and we're supporting him."
"But she's just so - "
"Jen. Her name's Jen."
Bucky nodded, leaning back on the cushioned chair, "Well, Jen's just wrong for him. Literally the definition of toxic."
"Does it count if they're toxic together? To each other?" You sighed, standing on the pedestal and turning to look in the three mirrors beside the dressing room.
"Of course it does," he stood, buttoning his suit jacket out of habit. He approached you, head cocking as he looked your body up and down to get the full view of the gown you tried on. "You're really okay letting him marry her? Turn this way a bit, baby, lemme see the front."
You scoffed, but took his offered hand and twisted on the small platform towards him, "You were there at Christmas, he doesn't listen to reason. So, if Daniel's convinced Jen's for him, as his sister, my only job is be supportive."
"They literally abuse each other," he pointed out.
"Well, he's not changing his mind. Okay? It's been three years, he won't budge, whenever someone brings up them breaking up, he goes into hiding - so, I don't know what else I can do," your hands slapped your thighs when you shrugged, "except just be there for him. Now, focus, please, help me narrow a dress down."
He shook his head as you turned to face the mirrors again, "Actually, you know what? I don't think anything in this store is for us."
The attendant perked up and scurried over, rushing, "Oh, well, we have a much larger selection in the back, Mr. Barnes - "
"That won't be necessary, Barbra, thank you, though," he nodded. "Doll," his hand planted on your waist, head over your shoulder as you still looked yourself over in the mirrors, "go get changed, I know where we need to go."
"Bucky, no, there's plenty of options here," you argued, twisting on the wee little pedestal to face him again. "We don't need to drop a stack on a dress - "
"You let me worry about the price tag," he smirked, leaning in to peck your cheek. "Just go change, pretty girl, c'mon. Step-to!"
You offered Barbra, the attendant, an apologetic smile as you shuffled back into the changing room; quickly stripping from the dress. When you exited in your street clothes, Bucky was tipping the aged woman for her effort in gathering your options, but the moment he saw you, his hand was extending to hold yours tightly.
"What was wrong with that store?" You asked when you stepped onto the noisy and busy street to approach the sleek, tinted car Bucky drove for day-to-day errands.
"We're not shopping at David's fucking Bridal."
"You literally drove us here," you laughed.
"Yeah, and then I had a much better idea," he smirked at you, unlocking the car and opening your passenger door. "C'mon, princess, just gotta trust me."
"Last time you said that - "
"That wasn't my fault," he groaned, cheeks flaring red in embarrassment. When you opened your mouth to retort, he rushed, "Aht, nope, don't say shit. C'mon, I'm taking you somewhere special so get that pretty ass in the car."
He grinned when you laughed and did as bid, feet safely inside when he closed the door after you were settled. Bucky easily jogged around the back of his car, New York busy this time of year as traffic flew past on the street and forced Buck slow. He dropped into the driver's seat, sniffling slightly.
"Reminds me," Bucky smirked as he pulled onto the street, "how would you feel about us going to Aspen this winter?"
You sighed, "Why?"
"You wanna stay in New York for Christmas?"
"Well, yeah! It's so magical."
"Okay, so, we can go over New Years?"
You sighed, "You know, we don't have to go anywhere..."
"Sweetheart," he cleared his throat, "I actually have some business in Aspen, this will just help determine when I schedule the meetings for."
"Oh," you nodded slowly.
He sighed, "I know my job isn't orthodox, but business is business, right, sugar?”
"No, yeah, yeah, I get it. It sounds kinda nice, maybe we can go skiing."
"You know how to ski?"
"No, but I'm sure someone in Aspen could help teach me."
Bucky grinned. The drive was full of easy conversation, neither you nor Bucky dwelling on his business dealings, always feeling as if it was taboo given his station in the Mafia. So when he pulled up in front of a designer store, you gawked. "Now, if we can't find something here - "
"Um, absolutely not," you laughed. "Bucky, I can't even afford to walk into a place like that!"
"Good thing I'm paying," he smirked. He assisted you out of the car, tossing his keys to one of his security guards who had been following in a separate, tinted vehicle. When you both entered the dimly lit store, you were blown away by the gorgeous minimalist design; warm lighting, open floor space, and racks of different clothing options.
"Ah, Mr. Barnes! Hello, hello, hello!" A new attendant greeted with more enthusiasm than you would've greeted any of your clients, approaching you two. She shook your boyfriend's hand vigorously, "To what do we owe this pleasure?"
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, "Looking for a dress to wear to a wedding."
She offered you a forced smile, telling your boyfriend swiftly with her teeth on full display, "You came to the right spot!"
"See?" Bucky smirked at you. "All right, Valeria, what's first?"
Valeria waved you both onward to a private changing room, offering complimentary sparkling waters, coffees, teas - even offering to go retrieve anything you two would want from the Starbucks down the block. Valeria took your measurements and dress size, making idle chit-chat with Bucky and making it obvious he was a regular in the store, then scurrying off to collect an armful of options.
"This is - wow," you nodded in impression, petting the material of the display dresses hung along the wall.
"Like it?"
"It's growing on me," you eased with a small shrug, hearing Bucky chuckle and for his phone to chime. You perused the place as he became glued to the little device, sat in front of the dressing rooms.
Valeria returned with another attendant carrying coffees. "Right this way, Mrs. Barnes," Valeria directed you into a changing room, missing the giddy look you sent Bucky over your shoulder at being called his wife. "All right, so," she sighed, hanging up the dresses she selected, "I think these are modest enough for a wedding, but still glamorous to turn a few heads."
You hummed, "They're kinda short, don't know if that's the energy I want to be giving off at my brother's wedding."
"They'll fit differently once on but we can always accommodate," she assured, pulling one from the hanger. "Here we go," she assisted you, zipping you in and looking you over. "Oh, it's just darling on you! Look at that, not a single hair outta place, right?"
You giggled lightly, "It's certainly pretty."
"Shall we show Mr. Barnes?"
You nodded, following her out to reveal Bucky sitting on a plush loveseat, sipping his coffee. His eyes widened when he saw you, nodding, "Oh, yeah. This is what I'm talking about."
"Hush, we're only buying one."
His eyes rolled, "I'll buy the whole damn store if I want."
"You don't own it already? Hm," you teased, perking your brows.
"Keep sayin' shit, I'll cut a check right now - "
"Bucky," you tisked, moving to the runway mirrors. "It's a little tight, isn't it?"
"It's snug," Valeria agreed. "Is there a color scheme for the wedding?"
"Um," you paused, "I'm not sure - I just know it's in winter, like, in a month."
"Maybe a pretty powder blue?" She looked to Bucky, who nodded. "Or how about a pale green? Like an olive tone?"
"She looks gorgeous in anything," Bucky smirked from behind you, taking another pull of his coffee.
"What about that brown number?" You asked, ignoring the way his compliments made you feel like the only girl he's ever seen in the world.
"You have a very good eye, Mrs. Barnes," Valeria nodded. She asked her coworker to go find your size, taking you back into the dressing room. You narrowed down the options without changing again, not wanting anything black or dark since it was a wedding and not a funeral. Though, you knew Bucky would disagree.
You showed your boyfriend a pretty little green dress, but he shook his head. "I thought the black was nice," he told you.
"I'm not wearing black to a wedding," you laughed lightly. "It screams bad luck to me, don't you think?"
"Think it's more of a statement, sayin' the entire event is a sham and they shouldn't be doing this," Bucky snickered, the other attendant, Laura, returning with a pretty brown dress. "That satin?" He asked, rubbing the material when it was presented to you both.
"It's very fashionable now," Laura nodded, "and it's not too dark."
"Since when is it a rule to not wear dark colors to a wedding? I miss the memo?" Buck leaned back to his seat.
All three women offered him a small look, you chuckling under your breath before Valeria was leading you back into the changing room. "If I may, Mrs?" She spoke softly, "I've known Mr. Barnes for a number of years but he's never brought anyone into the store. Then, one day, he tells me he needs a new suit because the 'girl of his dreams' had agreed to a date, and every time since then?" She smiled softly at you, "He's sang your praises. I'm very honored you're trusting me with helping you today."
"Oh," you blinked in shock, giggling nervously, "well, thank you very much, Valeria, now I know why his suits are always top of the line." She waved you off, making you add, "And for the record, I'm not Mrs. Barnes, guess that'd be his mother, wouldn't it?"
"Oh," her eyes widened, gasping softly, "oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I just - he talks so highly about you - "
"No, it's okay, it's okay," you rushed, patting her arm. "I actually kind of like it..."
She hummed, zipping you into another dress, "You know, he's the reason my girl and I are together."
"Really? How'd that happen?"
Valeria chuckled, "He's very bold, your man. We were getting coffee one day, discussing his wardrobe for a business trip he had in Hong Kong, when my lady walked in. I went all silly and stupid, and Mr. Barnes just," she shook her head with a fond smile, "brazenly asked her out for me, in front of the whole shop."
"Oh, Jesus, yeah - sounds like him."
"Well, luckily, it worked, else I don't think he would've come back for my assistance. I was so embarrassed, you have no idea, but my lady - Charlie - thought it was charming and cute. Mr. Barnes hasn't let me live it down since. Says he demands an invite to the wedding." She met your eyes through the mirror, offering, "And I'd be really happy to give him a plus one, hmm?"
"You're so sweet," you whispered, turning to survey the dress. You spent the better part of three hours there, trying on dress after dress, nitpicking almost everything as you just weren't sure what to wear. Bucky wasn't much help, he just approved everything.
So, it was up to Valeria and Laura to help you; bringing out iPads and design books, trying to piece something together that best fit your comfort and the vibe of the wedding. You didn't want to look like a walking money bag since your family wasn't by any means wealthy, thinking it would be a slap to their faces since your boyfriend could spend his money without ever thinking about it. You didn't want to give your family any reason to talk behind your back.
"I like the brown satin," Laura offered softly, looking you over in the mirror. "But the blue is just wow, it really looks like it was made for you, doesn't it?"
"Yes, but I think the green compliments her eyes more," Valeria cocked her head in thought. "Are you wearing your hair up or down?"
"Up," you answered, trying to mimic the look by pulling your locks off your shoulders, "with thin jewelry, I think."
"Pearls, if I can find a dress that looks nice with it," you smiled, seeing Bucky's reflection in the mirror watching you with a soft smile on his face; head titled in thought before his phone chimed again and warranted his attention. "Maybe we could try the pink dress?" You looked to the two women for an opinion.
"No," Valeria shook her head, "it washes you out. And pink in winter? Oh, sweetie, I'd lose my job if I let you leave here with that. Guess that means you'll have to come back in the spring, right?"
You grinned in response as Laura chimed in, "The green's actually really nice, but the brown looks much better with your body type." Then she turned to Bucky, prompting, "Mr. Barnes? Final decision - which dress?"
Bucky paused, musing, "Lemme see them all again, get one last taste. It's between the green and brown numbers?"
"Or the blue," Valeria nodded. "C'mon, sweetie," she offered her hand to help you off the wee runway you were perched on in front of the magnificent mirrors.
"You look sensational in them all, doll, how the hell am I supposed to choose just one?" Bucky teased, his canines on display from the broad grin that stretched his lips.
"You'll find a way," you answered.
"Awh, telling me Mr. Big-Tough-Manly-Business-Man who makes impossible decisions everyday can't choose a simple piece of fashion?" Valeria tacked on.
"You guys can't pick either!" He laughed, "And you do a helluva lot more shopping than I do!"
Laura, Valeria, and you paused to exchange looks, you pointing at Bucky and relenting in a drawl, "Touché."
When you were escorted back into the dressing room, Laura waiting outside the door for your privacy with Valeria, Bucky sat back on the plush loveseat and extended his one arm over the back of the seating. He smirked to himself, shaking his head as if in disbelief - but he was. Bucky was in disbelief.
How did a rugged Mob boss find himself here? Watching his girl like a private fashion show?
His whole life, all he knew was turmoil, pain, drama, and fear. He knew he would inherit his father's well-built organization after he passed and knew what this life would entail; having no preconceived notions about a quiet life. He knew he would have to be tougher than tough, adaptable, intelligent, and confident in his role as the head of the 3-6 Brooklyn Mob. Knowing the idea of a family was farfetched, knowing he'd never know the simple pleasures in life, that he would constantly be on the move - in-able to form real, sentimental, emotional connections. He knew, in this life, he'd remain alone for everyone's best interest and safety, indulging in a series of flings and one-off relationships that couldn't haunt him.
Yet they did. These encounters reminded Bucky how alone, how stranded, how isolated, how different he was. Instead of satisfying an unquenchable thirst, these fleeting partners became heavy anchors to Bucky's reality and reminded him that there was no such thing as love - nor was there any room or logic.
And then... He met you. Bucky's lips silently spread in a grin as he remembered meeting you at a bakery; purchasing the last slice of coconut cream pie to your absolute chagrin. He thought you were gorgeous, something ethereal and unobtainable; authentic, raw, and unfiltered - things his one night stands could never measure up to. So, he offered you the slice of pie if it meant giving him your number as currency.
After that, it was impossible for Bucky to consider ever being alone again because you were the sun; center of the universe that drew everyone into your orbit. He was smitten, content, excited to date you, turned on by the fact you had no idea who he was - a rare occurrence in the city. You were pure as fresh snow; sweet, kind, affectionate, attentive, and borderline overly empathetic.
Bucky knew he was in love with you after only a few weeks when he had shown up at your apartment, dripping in blood. You didn't panic like he feared you would, just checked up and down the hallway before yanking him into your home. You cleaned him up, tending to wounds, offering a safe space for him to relax in; making mindless conversation to help distract him from the pain he endured.
And now? Now, Bucky was sat in Dior, giving his opinion on your wedding guest dress; wondering how he allowed himself to get to this point of being domestic. Bucky wasn't a man to give his opinion on dresses, what color nail polish you should use, to send fresh bouquets of flowers every other week. Yet here he was, sipping too-expensive coffee, deciding between brown, green, and blue dresses that he never would've batted an eye at.
However, that was just the domino effect you caused in his life. You were sweeter than apple pie, becoming Bucky's one tether to reality that saved him from losing himself in this dark, criminal mindset he adopted. You didn't know it, but you had transformed Bucky from a brooding asshole into a boyfriend; someone you were proud to claim and never hid from - never shied away from. He admired the way you came to terms with his job, knowing it was a hard pill to swallow and yet noting the way you just accepted him as he was.
Bucky realized in that moment that he adored this new aspect of life after thinking it was impossible to obtain. He adored sitting here, offering opinions on dresses, his security left outside instead of hovering over him like a brutal reminder he was seedy. He loved having you to come home to, he loved being part of your mundane world - a person who went to weddings, who drank Starbucks, who asked her boyfriend his opinion about how she looked in dresses. Who thought bouquets of flowers were romantic, who baked him homemade cakes for his birthday, who worked overtime in order to afford his Christmas or birthday presents, who walked to the takeout place instead of paying for delivery.
All that you are, Bucky adored deeply; falling in love with you each and every single day. All he wanted to do was protect you, share his life with you, even pick out outfits for weddings you would attend. He knew if any of the men in his organization knew the extent of his affection, they'd surely weaponize it against him... Or at the very least, tease him relentlessly. Yet he never cared, knowing you wanted to be loved out loud instead of hidden away in a storage closet; but did care if it meant his enemies could use you to get to him. It was a risk, an occupation hazard for loved ones to become targets, but that only made Bucky so much more protective of you.
Laura glanced at Bucky and saw the fond smile soften to let his teeth trap his bottom lip, smiling at the Mob boss looking soft, content, smitten being there. She knew most boyfriends would never put this much effort into helping their girlfriends in the fashion department, thinking he must've been truly in love to look so at-ease. Plus his enthusiasm through the entire ordeal assured her that Bucky was genuinely enjoying himself.
Once again, you slipped into the blue dress and showed Bucky. He hummed and snapped a photo, asking you to turn this way and that. Then you tried the green dress, him taking another photo, and finally, you changed into the brown satin dress, facing Bucky for his final verdict.
Bucky hummed in contemplation, swiping through the photos. "You know what?" He asked, looking at you with a grin. "You look delectable in everything, I can't decide - so, let's just get them all."
"Bucky, no - "
"We'll take all three, Valeria, please," Bucky interrupted you.
You waited until the attendants left you alone with a knowing look shot in your direction to ring up the desired purchases, hip cocking and hands to your hips. With an underlying exasperation, you questioned, "What the hell, Buck?"
He grinned and stood, again, buttoning his suit jacket, "C'mon, princess, this is fun, right? Being spoiled?." His arms wrapped around your waist, looking down at you as if you hung the very sun that sucked him into your orbit. "What's the point of all my money if I can't spend it on you? Huh?"
"You can save it for a rainy day?"
He shrugged, "Not necessary."
"Maybe pay to send some underprivileged kids to go to college?"
"Well, there's a thought," your boyfriend mused, "but I already do that through the Stark Foundation. I sponsor a few scholarships."
"Okay, well, buying all three still doesn't help me decide what to wear," you chuckled, you mimicked his action and wrapped your arms tightly around the base of his ribs. Due to his height, your head had to tip backwards to meet his eyes with a small smile.
You could look at this gorgeous man all day, everyday if God ever permitted such an act. Why wasn't dating a paid activity? You'd be the top earner with the way you were absolutely enthralled with all Bucky Barnes was. And what an honor it was to earn his mutual adoration.
"We'll figure it out at home. Gotta get you moving in the material to make an honest judgement," he offered softly. "But you look gorgeous in all of them, baby, seriously. Like, drop dead gorgeous that makes every girl brim with jealousy. Shit, doll, you're gonna run the risk of outshining the bride."
You sighed, "Look, Buck, I appreciate what you're doing, but three designer dresses? Where the hell am I ever gonna wear them? What kinda event calls for overpriced fashion statements?"
Buck eased with a soft expression, "Guess I'll just have to take you out so you can put them all to good use, huh?"
"That's not a solution!"
"Is to me," he let a hand drift to roughly palm the meat of your ass cheek over the brown satin; another symptom of him being whipped, his comfort over public displays of affection. "Seriously, doll, how the hell did I get so lucky?"
"Just look at you, my girl," he chuckled lightly, "radiant in anything you put on. It's almost unfair, makes me wonder what I did so right to have someone like you I can call my own. I can't wait to show you off in those dresses, just look so Goddamn tantalizing. I mean, damn, baby, I'm gonna have to fight off men with my gun and the jealous women with a stick."
"You do realize we're already dating, you don't have to lay it on so thick."
"And you do realize being with you makes me the luckiest bastard in the city, right? Least I can do is spoil you, I've already got everything else I've ever wanted."
Your heart swelled at his words, sighing gently as your chin rested on his chest to keep your head tilted. Softly, you admitted, "I don't think you're the lucky one, pretty sure the honor's mine. I couldn't ask for anything more in a man - in a partner. I'm so fucking in love with you, Bucky, it honestly doesn't make sense."
He nodded, asking, "Know what else doesn't make sense?"
"What's that?"
"You refusing those dresses, I mean, c'mon!" He laughed, you groaning and releasing your hold; making his tighten to prevent you from escaping. "Those dresses look phenomenal on you, you really gonna reject my gift? C'mon, you know the rules, doll, if you adore her, you Dior her." You were ready to retort, but Bucky smiled, "For the record, I think you should wear the blue dress to the wedding."
"Blue it is," you smiled, lifting onto your toes and hooking a hand around the back of his neck to meet his lips in a scratchy kiss. "Thank you so much, baby," you whispered, feeling his lips spread against yours before he brought you back in for a much-more passionate kiss. "Hm!" You hummed, pulling away to scold, "But no more, all right? You spend too much money on me - I mean, who the hell needs three designer dresses?"
"You do," he whispered, "you deserve all of this, sugar, and I'll do what I can t'spoil you the way you should be. Might as well get used to it, I got no plans on stopping."
Your eyes rolled in good faith, excusing yourself, "Yeah, yeah, all right. Lemme get changed and we can - "
"Nah," he shook his head, petting the skin of your back exposed from the brown satin dress with his fingertips, "know what? Stay in the dress, I wanna take you out and show you off."
Your lips found his in a breath-sucking kiss, trying to convey your appreciation and giddiness over never having been spoiled like this in your entire life - feeling grateful, refreshed, and privileged for a man like Bucky in your life. Whatever greater force there was in this world, you thanked repeatedly for choosing you to love this man and for this man to love you. There was no telling what you did to deserve him, but blessed be those heavenly powers.
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Accidents Happen // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were visiting a friend when you were accidentally hit in the face, leaving behind a cut across your cheekbone. How will Steve and Bucky react when they see their girl injured?
Requested by: @theatrelove3000​ (thank you so much for the message! I hope your eye is doing better and I hope you enjoy this fic)
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, hints of winter solider, minor injuries/reader is injured, protectiveness, possessive behaviour, anxiety, pool sex, butt plugs, anal/vaginal sex, double penetration, handjob, multiple orgasms, sir kink, praise kink, size kink, bucky needs a hug, mentions of murder, not beta read
Words: 6.4k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link 
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Making friends whilst being in close connection with the mafia was both easy and difficult. Easy because you meet hundreds of new people every month and difficult because many of them were dangerous and untrustworthy. On the rare occasion, a friendship would be created and even though you were busy nearly every day for the gang, you still attempted to spend time with them.
Especially on special days such as your best friend’s baby's birthday. You’d met Laura Barton through her husband Clint, whom you’d met through Natasha. The two of you instantly bonded over having partners in dangerous jobs and if you ever needed a break, she’d always welcome you to her home with a hot drink ready and the kids running rampant which was a great distraction.
Today, it was her youngest, Nate’s 2nd birthday so you’d spent the afternoon celebrating with cakes and toys with the family. By early evening, you were the only one remaining, finally having time to cuddle with the toddler who was playing with the plastic toy train that you’d bought him as a present.
“What time are you and the boys leaving for the hotel?” Laura asked in between bites of vanilla cake. 
Your head flew back to avoid the wild swing of Nate’s tiny arm as he continued to play with the toy, making little noises with his mouth that made you smile. “Um, I think around 7, it’ll only take us half an hour to drive there but I can’t wait! Even though we are going for work, the hotel is stunning, and of course, Steve had to buy the best room, I think we’ve even got our own private pool”.
Laura’s eyebrows raised, letting out a low whistle, “They really do live a life of luxury. If they ever want to treat Clint and me to a weekend away any time soon I’d be forever in their debt”.
You laughed at your friend, “I’ll see what I can do”. Turning to look at Nate and poking the tip of his nose, “Do you think mommy deserves a trip away?” As you asked, you made the grave mistake of not watching his arm and there's one thing about toddlers, it was that they were surprisingly strong as he swung the train toy and accidentally smacked you in the face with it. “Oof, ok I’m taking that as a no”.
“Shit! Are you ok? Nate be careful”, Laura chastised to her son as she took him into her arms.
“It’s ok, he didn’t mean it, I’m fine”.
“You aren’t fine, you’re bleeding!” Laura was looking at you with wide eyes.
You were still slightly in shock, trying to remain calm to not scare Nate but you couldn’t deny it, your face was throbbing. Excusing yourself, you rushed to the bathroom and glanced into the mirror. “Shit, the boys are going to go crazy”. The toddler had managed to hit you right underneath your eye, the sharp corner had cut the skin and the surrounding area was already swelling and felt tender. Sighing to yourself, you cleaned the bleeding cut, thankfully it wasn’t deep enough for stitches and the bleeding had stopped already but with the location, you knew you’d probably end up with a black eye over the next day or so.
After you finished cleaning up, you spent a couple of minutes contemplating what the fuck you were going to say to Steve and Bucky. There wasn’t any way you’d be able to hide it with makeup and there wasn’t anything they hated more than seeing you hurt and you knew an overreaction was coming your way. Should you call them or tell them in person? At least in person, you could stop them from running off on a vengeance before you could even explain what had happened so decided you’d wait to tell them.
Leaving the bathroom, you found Laura waiting anxiously with the kids all playing in another room. She took one look at your face before mumbling, “Shit. Does this make me number one on the Rogers mafia hit list?” she joked but you knew she was also slightly serious.
Walking closer to your friend, you took her hands and grinned, even though the action hurt your cheek. “Not it doesn’t, it’s absolutely fine, the boys love Nate they’ll forgive him for anything. I should probably go through, face the music now rather than waiting around”.
You called Sam to pick you up and he text you once outside. Giving Laura and the kids a big hug, you reassured her once more that everything would be ok before leaving her house and walking down the path to the parked SUV with Sam in the driving seat. As you saw him, you waved happily, trying to appear as at ease as possible to keep the tension calm.
However, the moment you were close enough for him to notice the injury to your face, his smile dropped, eyebrows frowning as he hastily got out of the car, rushing to you. “Sam it’s fine-”.
“Who did this to you?” he asked urgently, hands cupping your jaw and tilting your face so he could examine your cut closely. Sam’s face was contorted into anger, something rarely displayed by your bodyguard and friend as he usually likes to be sarcastic and funny when around you.
Lifting your hands, you held onto his wrists, trying to pull him away but he held strong having not finished checking your injury. “Nate accidentally hit me with his toy train… A TODDLER hit me Sam so please relax”.
Thankfully he did. The tension in his shoulders eased as well as the frown on his face. Eyes still flicking across the cut, he instructed, “Tell me when it starts to hurt”. Carefully, he pressed his fingers across your face, inching towards the wound and you informed it where it began to be tender, so he knew just had big the injury was and how bruised it was beneath the swelling. It took a couple of minutes before he seemed somewhat at ease about the injury, finally looking away from the injury to look at the rest of your face before the corner of his lip turned up, “so a baby hurt you this much, huh?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, gently pushing against his shoulder, “Yes! He’s stronger than he looks and yes, I am very embarrassed so please never bring it up again”.
Sam laughed as well, placing his arm over your shoulder and turning the two of you back towards the car. “Oh, you know I’m going to bring it up at any opportunity right?”
Rolling your eyes, you climbed into the car, pulling your seatbelt across your front as he did the same in the driver’s seat. “I could just have Steve or Bucky demand you to never bring it up again”, you suggested unseriously.
Sam’s smile faltered as he began to drive the two of you to the office, “I’m assuming you’ve not told either of them yet? Feel like we need to call everyone in to try and keep them both calm, they’re going to go apeshit when they see you”.
Sighing heavily, you had to refrain from wiping your face. “I thought about calling them but I know they wouldn't listen to me after I’ve told them about it so decided it was better to tell them in person. I just hope that it doesn’t ruin our trip away, I mean, maybe they’ll be calm because it was a baby, there will be no need to go on a vengeance tour of Brooklyn”.
Sam looked towards you with an awkward smile and that’s all you needed to see to know that was most likely not going to happen today.
Arriving at the warehouse, you tried to ignore the glances from other gang members when they noticed the cut to your face, a tension quickly building in the atmosphere which only meant your anxiety increased. You tried to smile at everyone to ease the nerves but it didn’t seem to work. It was only as you and Sam walked into the elevator and it was just the two of you did you release a deep, aggravated groan.
“I’m screwed aren’t I”, you say, glancing at Sam as he rolled up his sleeves like he was preparing for a fight.
“You aren’t screwed, I think you’re the only one who is actually safe”, he reminded you as the doors opened to the corridor to Steve’s office. The two of you walked at a slow pace, your head hanging low so that you didn’t see Steve and Bucky’s bodyguard waiting outside of the closed office door.
“Who died?” Natasha joked, seeing the solemn reaction from you both. Your head snapped up to her, about to reassure her that everything was fine but the words floated away as her grin instantly dropped at seeing your cheek. “What happened?” she asked in an authoritative tone, closing the gap with a single step, hands gripping your face much like Sam had.
Trying to keep your voice as steady and as calm as possible, you explained, “Little Nate decided the toy train had better use on my face than in the normal way”.
It took Natasha longer than usual to believe you, only accepting it as she glanced towards Sam who nodded his head and let go of your face. “Well… we’re all in for a long night then”, she joked but this time there was a hint of warning in her tone.
“Don’t say that, you should have seen what it was like downstairs”. You took a deep breath before continuing, “It’s going to be absolutely fine. I’m going to walk in there, explain to them that a toddler hit me in the face, let them have a little freakout and then we are all going to remain calm and continue with our trip away and it’s all going to be fine”. Niehter Sam or Natasha seemed convinced so you sighed once more, chewing on your bottom lip with nerves. Shaking your head, you rolled your shoulders to try and look as unbothered as possible, “I need to get this over and done with. If either of them leaves, could you follow them please and make sure they don’t do anything stupid”.
“We can try our best, boss lady”, Sam responded for the two of them, walking towards the office door and holding it open for you.
Taking a deep breath, you walked into Steve’s office, seeing both of them sitting at the large oak desk that was positioned in the centre of the room, laptops in front of them, face set with concentration. As your mouth opened to announce your arrival and quickly explain what had happened before they could freak, Steve’s eyes had already glanced away from his screen.
“What the fuck!” he growled, standing with such force his seat toppled over as he stormed towards you. “Who did this to you? What happened?” Steve was in front of you within half a second, his hands cupping your face, eyes full of a whirlwind of seething anger, worry and concern.
“Please don’t freak out, it’s absolutely fine, it was just an accident”, you managed to say as your face was turned in different directions by Steve as if the size of the cut would change but it remained the same. As Steve finished his inspection, Bucky was right there over his shoulder, eyes full of fury as he too checked the cut but then continued further past just your face. 
“Accident or not, I’m fucking killing someone”, Bucky barked, lifting your arms and searching for any more injuries and it was only as he lifted the front of your shirt did you push his hands away and take a step back.
“Both of you just wait, please. Absolutely no killing is happening because it was done by a two-year-old” you emphasised, not sure if they were even listening as they crowded around you. Placing a hand on either of their chests, you tried not to concentrate on the pounding of both of their hearts beneath your palms as you explained. “I was sitting with Nate, he was playing with his toy train that he loves by the way. I happened to get too close and didn’t see him swinging the toy and it caught me across the face and let me tell you, that boy is strong!”
You grinned to show the humour, looking between Steve and Bucky, waiting for any sort of reaction from them. Both sets of ocean-blue eyes were flicking from your mouth to your injury and just as you were able to explain again to them, it was Steve who moved first by cupping your jaw with his hand, this time it felt more comforting rather than him assessing you.
“Right let me just make sure I’m understanding this, Nate hit you in the face with the toy that you bought him and caused this much damage?”, he tilted your chin as he finished his sentence to show off your injury more.
“Yes that is exactly what happened. You can check with Sam if you want. Nate is a lot stronger than you’d expect someone so small to be”.
Steve nodded whilst taking a deep breath to try and calm himself down but his heart was still pounding under your hand. Leaning down, he kissed your forehead, showing his understanding of the situation. “How does it feel? Does it hurt?” he questioned, his blonde eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
“It feels tender and bruised but only when I touch it and I can see the swelling out of the corner of my eye but otherwise it’s fine. I’ve had worse that’s for sure”, you tried to once again defuse the tension with a little joke but all it caused was Bucky’s jaw to tighten.
Steve noticed too and suggested, “Why don’t you go and wait by the car baby, we just need to wrap up everything here and we can start heading to the hotel
It was a simple idea but put you on edge with worry as Bucky had yet to say anything or snap out of the protective trance. Instead of arguing with Steve, you nodded, knowing that Steve could handle Bucky when he was like this and it was best to leave the two of them to it.
Stepping out of the office, you released a long heavy breath, now facing Natasha and Sam who were waiting in a stance like they were ready to tackle someone but relaxed seeing that it was you. Glancing over your shoulder, they were surprised when no one else followed after you. “Everything ok, Sugar?” Natasha questioned uncertainly.
“I’m not entirely sure. I think Steve’s ok but Bucky… he didn’t say a word to me. I think they’re having a talk so I’ve been sent to the car like a naughty child”. Sam chuckled, finally stepping forward and holding his elbow out for you to take.
“Well let then me escort you to the car m’lady”, he mocked and managed to pull a smile to your lips as you accepted.
It took nearly 45 minutes for them to finish whatever talk that needed to happen, and you’d hoped that Bucky would rush to the car but it was quite the opposite. He inclined for Sam to get out of the car and they spoke out of sight.
Sam wouldn’t be coming with you to the hotel, it was just supposed to be you and the boys so you waved to him in farewell as he climbed out of the car. Steve then slide in next to you, closing the gap in the middle so his body brushed against yours as you blinked up at him with a worried expression. Once again, his hand slide along your jaw as he kissed your temple. “You know I hate seeing you hurt”, he admitted against your skin before pulling back and looking at you with an apologetic gaze.
“I understand that, but that doesn’t mean you have to shut me out”, you countered, lifting your hand to stroke along his stubbled cheek.
“It doesn’t”, he contemplates. “But, I also don’t want you to see me in this state, the things going through my mind when I saw your face, I was just about ready to kill everyone in this building to find out what happened. No one hurts what��s mine”.
Your heart was thumping hard in your chest at his passionate declaration. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you have to push me away. I know you don’t want to see me hurt but accidents happen and if there was something wrong, you know I would call you immediately”.
Steve’s eyes softened, “Yes I know that now but, it doesn’t stop the panic that I feel when I see you’re hurt”.
Shifting even closer so that you could kiss his cheek, you continued, “I’m sorry for scaring you, it’s hard to tell you when these things happen, I don’t know whether I should call to prewarn or wait to see you in person”.
Steve’s lips lowered to yours, giving you a quick kiss to your lips, “We’ll figure it out”.
“What about Bucky?” you asked nervously.
“Buck might need a little more time, he’s still struggling to process his emotions”.
This did little to ease your anxiety, especially as the said man got into the driver's seat and didn’t say a single word to you, only glancing at you from the rearview mirror for a moment before beginning the drive to the hotel.
Steve easily managed to fill the silence with natural conversations which did little to distract you from the nerves of Bucky not talking. Even when the three of you arrived at the hotel and were shown to the penthouse where you’d be staying, Bucky didn’t say a word. After a quick tour of the breathtakingly beautiful surroundings which included a kitchen, living room area and pool that overlooked the city, you decided to go and freshen up.
After returning in a flowing dress that felt more comfortable than the jeans and shirt, you looked for the boys but only found Steve who was leaning against the kitchen island, staring at a spot in deep thought. “Steve?” this snapped him out of his trance as he instantly looked at you, standing to his full height. “Where’s Bucky?” you continued to look around but didn’t see him and by the look on Steve’s face, you knew you wouldn’t find him. “Where is he?”
“He said he needed a moment so has gone to the bar a few floors below”. Your shoulders dropped hearing this, feeling awful that he was struggling so much. “He’ll be ok sweetheart, he just has his own demons that he’s trying to fight with at the moment, you know the sort of headspace he gets into when you’re hurt”.
“I know but I haven’t seen him like this for a while, I guess I thought that side of him was over”. Sometimes when Bucky was overtly stressed with work, or needed to protect someone, particularly with regards to work, it was almost like his mind would shut down and someone else would take over. It was hard for him to deal with especially as he tended to get his emotions out violently when like this but as he hasn’t had an outlet today, he felt the need to separate himself from everyone. You knew he would never hurt you, even when he was like this so you asked Steve, “What floor is the bar on?”
Steve walked down with you and you both found him sitting on a stool in front of the bar with a very large glass of dark liquor on the bar in front of him. Steve decided to stay back and let you talk to him considering his talk earlier seemed to have done nothing to help him but reassured if you needed anything just nod.
As you walked towards Bucky, you thought about what you were going to say but your mind seemed to be completely empty of thoughts as you were so anxious you felt nauseous. Stepping next to him, he made no move to look in your direction or acknowledge your arrival and continued to stare forward. Every single muscle in his body was tense, eyes blazing with a look that you hadn’t seen in eyes like he was figuring out a way to murder everybody in the room. Your eyes flicked over his face, noting his jaw was so tense it looked like it was going to break. Unsure whether to touch him or not when he was like this, you said the only words that sprung to mind: “I miss you”.
Bucky’s entire body shifted, all of the tension seemingly melting away like a reset button had been pressed, as his eyes softened their glare as he flicked them to finally look at you. Seeing the change in him and drawing his attention, you reached across him to grip his metal hand, lifting it up to your face and reeling in the recognisable coolness of the metal against your uninjured cheek.
Turning to kiss the metal palm, you repeated, “I miss you Bucky”. There was even further relief when the pad of his thumb stroked across your cheekbone. Your boyfriend doesn't say a word, he didn’t need to as he stood from the stool, towering over you as he wrapped both of his arms around your shoulders, pulling you flush against his chest, his face nuzzling into your neck, taking a deep breath against your skin which seemed to also calm him further.
You hugged him back just as fiercely, eyes squeezing tight as you clung to the back of his shirt, probably crinkling the expensive material but neither of you cared. After a couple of minutes, he finally began to pull back enough that your arms could wind around his neck, pulling him down so you could kiss him passionately, ignoring the ache in your injured cheek from the movement.
His hands clenched around your waist at the kiss until you pulled back but that was only so you could kiss his cheek repeatedly whilst whispering, “I’m so sorry I’ve scared you Bucky, everythings ok I promise but I need you to be here with me and Steve”.
Bucky didn’t say anything at first, his only response was a nod as his body continued to try and calm down from its heightened alertness. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity he said with as much passion as possible, “I’m sorry, I love you”.
“I know, it’s ok, I love you too Bucky, now let's go back upstairs and relax for the evening, ok?” he nodded his head in agreement, his hand clasped around yours as you pulled him towards Steve who smiled at the two of you.
In the elevator up to your floor, Steve turned to Bucky and placed a tender hand on the back of his head, pulling him roughly into his side, “It’ll be alright Buck”, he spoke tenderly into his ear before kissing him on the side of his head. The sight had your chest warming at the intimate show of support from the mafia leader but your thoughts didn’t dwell as the elevator dinged to indicate arrival to the penthouse.
The three of you opened a bottle of champagne and watched the sunset over the city before you decided that it was time for the pool and needed a moment to get ready. As you stood in the bathroom, you decided to continue with the plan that you’d had since you knew you were coming here. Of course, when travelling anywhere, especially somewhere this beautiful, you would want to be intimate with them both and you were hoping to take them both at the same time. So, you had decided to prep yourself a little bit with the use of your favourite butt plug and then when the three of you were ready, they could simply take it out and save the time of prepping.
It took a few minutes to work inside of you but you were happy to see the jewel gleaming from within your arse cheeks and then continued to dress into your swimsuit. You looked somewhat ridiculous with the stunning swimsuit and swollen cut to the face but it would have to do as you finally exited the bathroom.
Bucky turned to you first, hearing your footsteps as you approached the edge of the water but it was his raised eyebrow and deadpan expression that had you faltering. “What?” you asked, looking down at yourself and wondering what was out of place.
“Doll, seriously? We have our own private pool and you still think to change into a swimsuit?” Your cheeks warmed at the realisation that both Steve and Bucky were completely nude in the water and with a small smile, began to remove your own swimsuit which captivated Steve and Bucky’s attention, especially as you revealed your breasts.
As the material gathered at your waist, you turned on the spot so they were looking at your back, you bent forward to fully remove the outfit but it also gave them the perfect view of your arse with the butt plug on display.
“Fuck”, Steve cursed under his breath as he moved towards the stairs just as you began to walk over, holding out his hand for you to take and carefully descend into the water, being careful not to splash your face too much in the process. The water was the perfect warm temperature and it felt so relaxing to be almost weightless as Steve pulled you easily through the water you couldn’t reach the floor like he could, until you were near the edge, looking out over the city with Bucky on the other side of you.
The three of you huddled close together, your arms holding onto the edge of the pool, enjoying the ambience and serene moment of blissful quiet. However, Bucky couldn’t keep himself restrained for long as his hours of not seeing or touching you were beginning to get to him. Sliding behind you, his arms crowding you closer to the pool edge, his lips kissed delicately below your ear, moving south down your neck and to your shoulder. You tilted your head to the side to give him more room, releasing a soft breath at the tingling sensations his lips were causing, especially as his stubble brushed against your skin.
“You’re so beautiful”, Steve admired from beside you, his words making your cheeks flush with warmth at the compliment.
“Even with a black eye”, Bucky joked from where he was kissing the top of your back. You let out a shocked laugh, attempting to elbow him in the ribs but he easily held your arm away as he chuckled. The noise and joke were welcomed from him though to know he had calmed down enough from the initial shock of seeing you injured. “Could I make one request for tonight?” Bucky enquired, returning to kiss the pulse point on your neck.
“Yes?” you asked, already sounding a little breathless as you lazily moved your legs through the water, still holding your weight up by holding onto the edge.
“Don’t hold your noises in tonight, even though we are outside, I want this whole damn city to hear you”, Bucky grunted as he thrust his hips against your lower back, making you feel his considerably hard cock. Once again, your body warmed thoroughly at the thought of those a few floors below potentially hearing through their open windows but that also turned you on, knowing people could hear how much your boyfriends were making you feel good.
Nodding your head in answer, Bucky’s hands began to graze over your stomach under the water, stroking near your hip where you had a particularly sensitive spot that had you shivering and leaning further into him.
Steve’s hand cradled your chin, turning your face towards him where he began to kiss you desperately, his tongue immediately teasing the seam of your mouth to gain access that you granted instantly. You moaned as his warm muscle twisted with yours, loving the dominance of the kiss as he easily stood over you in the pool with his tall stature. 
Bucky’s metal fingers then began to do their own exploration as they travelled between your legs, first stroking over your pussy lips, giving you a little warning for his next movement before he pressed more firmly until he was rubbing your clit. He moved in slow circles, and your hips jerked at the action, more moans rumbling from the back of your throat and into Steve’s mouth.
The blonde man pulled back first, breathing heavily as he instructed, “What I want you to do is take Bucky and after you cum, we’re going to fuck you at the same time, understand?”
“Yes, sir”, you automatically responded, your arousal aching in your core.
“Good girl”, Bucky praised as he shifted his position but continued to play with your clit as he moved. His lower half moved further beneath you so your body was moved a little out of the water, revealing your breasts to the cool air as you balanced on his body. The tip of his cock nudged against his fingers at the apex of your thighs, and with a flick of his hips, it moved to your hole. Even though you were in the water, he still took his time, being careful to not move too quickly as he stretched your cunt. Each inch that moved in had you gasping and moaning, grabbing tightly onto Steve’s arm that shot out to support your body from toppling forward. “That’s it, you’re taking me so well, Doll”, Bucky continued to encourage you as soon his hips were flush against yours which meant that he subtly pressed against the plug in your arse which only added to the heightened pleasure.
“Feels so good Bucky”, you say, closing your eyes for a moment to try and savour the feelings but then they snapped open as Steve began to squeeze your nipples. Your back arched into the touch, loving the twists and pulls he was doing to them that sent shivers straight to your centre which only meant that you kept clenching around Bucky.
After what felt like an eternity, Bucky finally began to move, slowing his fingers at your clit to match the pace of his thrusting. Each snap of his hips would cause the plug to be pushed and even his cock within your pussy was brushing against it, you already felt so full and you only had one cock in you. The motions increased as Bucky nuzzled into the back of your neck, the water surrounding the three of you splashing over the edge.
As you got used to the position and pleasure that was being pounded throughout your body, you felt aware enough to reach into the water and grip Steve’s throbbing shaft. It floated in the water and you could feel it bob at your touch as well as Steve’s very audible gasp. He always did love it when you pleasured him so even though Bucky’s cock and fingers were very distracting, you attempted to try and also make Steve feel as good as you felt.
“Fuck, I love the feeling of your hands on me baby”, Steve grunted, thrusting into your palm as you squeezed harder, moving up and down the shaft in time with Bucky’s cock. Steve’s eyes closed, head tipping back as he fell into the pleasure, but his hands never stopped with both supporting your upper half and squeezing your breasts whilst tweaking the nipples.
Bucky moved faster now, feeling your pussy clenching harder around him, his fingers swiping back and forth in firm motions. You didn’t even need to tell him that you were going to cum, from the feeling around his cock and the sweet moans escaping your mouth, he knew you were close. He fucked you harder which meant your hand moved faster up Steve’s shaft.
“Oh-God, yes!”, you chanted, eyes closed as you squeezed Steve’s cock hard as the pleasure took over you, Bucky not stopping his thrusts as you came, extending the length of your orgasm as he continued. All until Steve quickly cursed and grabbed your wrists, pulling your hands away from him did your pussy stop fluttering as you looked at him in worry. “Did I hurt you?” you asked, realising that you were probably squeezing too hard.
Steve chuckled, a light pink shade tinging his cheeks as he shook his head, “No baby, you were going to make me cum if you carried on like that”.
“Oh”, was all you managed to say as you felt proud of yourself for making him nearly cum so quickly.
Bucky laughed under his breath at your reaction, kissing the back of your head before easing his cock out and wrapping his arm around your waist so he could move you further away from the wall, giving Steve room to move in front of you. Both of your hands moved to his muscular shoulders, holding on as Steve pulled both of your legs around his waist, the waterline now at your navel.
Bucky's warm hand massaged one of your arse cheeks as he instructed, “Relax for me,  Sweetheart”. You made sure to ease all of your muscles down as he gripped onto the butt plug and began to slowly pull it out. You gasped loudly at the feeling of your hole stretching around the toy before relief as it moved past the thickest part.
Bucky dropped the plug, declaring that he’d retrieve it from the bottom of the pool later and began lining up his cock at your asshole. You mewled into Steve’s shoulder as you felt the thick tip breaching your hole, the stretch was just as intense as the other hole but he moved slower this time, making sure not to hurt you.
“You’re so tight, shit”, Bucky groaned as you took his length, his hands flexing against your hips as you tried to adjust to him. After a long moment, you nodded your head against Steve and felt him moving his hips, the tip of his cock now penetrating your cunt, slowly but from the fucking by Bucky, it didn’t take you as long to adjust.
As they both were fully inserted into your holes, you let out a desperate moan, feeling so full it was nearly overwhelming. Your thighs were shaking in Steve’s grip around his waist and you wanted to speak to tell them how good it felt but your tongue felt heavy in your mouth so you told them through moans and mewling noises.
Steve moved first, pulling out a few inches before moving back in. Then Bucky copied his action. Both of your boyfriends fucked you, their thick cocks stroking against every single nerve and with the way your legs were wide and spread to be wrapped around Steve, your clit was brushing against his abdomen.
Your head dropped back against Bucky’s shoulder and you had to refrain from hissing as you accidentally brushed the injury of your face against his stubble. However, with the overwhelming pleasure that was being fucked into you, you didn’t vocalise the momentary discomfort and simply turned your face away so it didn’t happen again.
With how much you were being stimulated, it didn’t take you long to orgasm again, your body tightening like a coil around both of their cocks as waves of pleasure pulsed through you.
Bucky let out a deep groan and that was your only warning as he came suddenly, the feeling of your tight ass around his cock was too much for him and he was already so pent up from the day that he couldn’t hold it back anymore. His balls emptied everything within them into your ass, his teeth biting into the junction between your neck and shoulder as he grunted your name over and over until there was no more cum within his body.
You shivered as he pulled out, wishing you had a camera under the water to see the cum seeping out and clouding the water slightly. Bucky’s hands moved to under your thighs, taking them out of Steve’s grip as he took your weight instead so that Steve could fuck you without any restraint.
With your eyes half-lidded, you watched as Steve leaned forward, one hand on your waist and the other on Bucky’s shoulder, using the two of you to help ground him as he continued to fuck your pussy. With the more sturdy position, he was able to fuck you as hard as he could with the water adding some restraint so that he didn’t hurt you.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving little crescent-shaped dents in the skin but he enjoyed the sparks of pain that came with it. “I want you to orgasm one more time for me baby, I know you can do it”.
You shouted out in pleasure at his words, hearing the desperation in his tone so you knew he was holding back from cumming because he wanted you to do it one more time. Steve fucked you, hard and fast, water splashing everywhere as Bucky continued to hold onto you tightly.
It didn’t take you long to cum again, especially as Steve dipped his head and began to suck on each of your sensitive nipples. By the time your pussy stopped pulsing around him and you were becoming entirely too overstimulated, Steve finally shouted and stilled his thrusting, his cock throbbing with each spurt of his cum as he filled you up.
The three of you took a couple of minutes to catch your breath and stretch your muscles from being in the squished position. “At least we’re in the water, don’t have as much of a clean up”, you joked as the cum mixed with the pool water. Bucky laughed before ducking into the water and returning with your butt plug.
“For you, hot mama”, he handed over the toy and kissed your cheek before helping you over to the stairs but swiftly picked you up with a steady hand at your back and under your knees. “Please tell me you two are hungry, once we’ve finished drying up, I’m ordering some room service”.
You groaned in a different sort of need from only a few minutes ago, your arms wrapping around his neck, “yes please, I’m starving after all of this activity!”
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writing-for-marvel · 9 months
Day 1: Mile High Club
Mob!Bucky’s Kinktober Honeymoon
Mob!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky start your honeymoon off the right way - by fucking in his private jet.
Warnings: strictly 18+, smut, sex on a plane, semi public sex, fingering, fingering in front of an unsuspecting flight attendant, oral (fem receiving), face sitting, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: the start of our honeymoon adventure! I hope you all enjoy all the fun smuttiness! Dividers by me, please do not use. Banners by @vase-of-lilies
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Bucky’s large, tattooed hand, adorned with a gold wedding band, is splayed on your thigh as his luxurious private jet roars to life, racing along the runway until you sense the drop in your stomach as it lifts off the ground and into the air.
Your heart begins to race as you feel Bucky’s hand slowly inch further up your thigh as the plane climbs higher in the sky. You take a deep, steadying breath as the force of the plane pushes your body back into your seat, appreciating the plush leather against your bare skin as Bucky’s electric touch reaches the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
Your honeymoon hasn’t even technically started and he is already proving that he can’t keep his hands off you. Just one of the many reasons you married him in the first place.
“I can’t wait to finally have my wife all to myself.” Your newlywed whispers as his hand reaches the apex of your thigh, your heart races just that little bit faster at the prospect of being caught by the stewardess required to accompany you on the flight.
“Hmm, and what have you got planned for when we’re all alone my dear husband?” Your breath hitches in your throat as Bucky’s cold finger slips underneath your panties and ghosts across your warm core.
A dangerously cocky grin curves onto his plump lips and even before he says the words to confirm your fate, you know he is going to make this a honeymoon you’ll never forget.
“I’m thinking about all the different ways I can ruin you and keep you stuffed full of my cum for the next four weeks.” He whispers seductively directly into your ear as his middle finger breaches your entrance. You inhale a sharp breath and bite the side of your lip as he pushes all the way in, smirking at you as if he knows this is just the beginning of every way he plans to ravage you.
A ding rings out through the cabin and before you can so much as flinch, an impeccably dressed hostess appears in front of you.
“We’re at cruising altitude, you can now unbuckle your seatbelts. Sir, is there anything you need?” She asks in a sweet voice, her tone indicating she either cannot see Bucky’s finger knuckle deep inside your dripping pussy, obstructed by the table in front of you, or is choosing not to acknowledge that fact.
Bucky answers without taking his eyes off you.
“To be left alone with my wife.”
The stewardess disappears as quickly as she materialised, but when Bucky adds a second finger to your pussy, stretching your walls by scissoring his fingers, your periphery goes blurry.
He picks up the pace, thrusting both fingers in and out of you relentlessly, his calloused thumb swiping over your clit with the perfect pressure he has learnt with experience does you in.
“That’s the spot, isn’t it darling.” He whispers in your ear as he curls his fingers to graze over the spongy patch inside you which makes you see stars. You nod but it’s superfluous, Bucky knows every inch of your body and is fully aware he’s got you figuratively and literally in the palm of his hand.
You grab hold of his veiny forearm to keep you tethered to reality as his motions bring you ever closer to floating off on a cloud of bliss.
“Cum for me.” Your husband demands. With a vigorous thrust of his fingers and a swipe of his thumb over your clit, the band in your lower stomach snaps and you comply with Bucky’s orders.
It is only once you’ve come down from your high that Bucky removes his fingers from your drenched pussy. He teases your lips with his slick covered fingers until you open wide and begin sucking on them, tasting your own sweet release.
“You know, I had a bed installed in the back of the jet just for this very occasion.” Bucky comments, nipping at your earlobe as you swirl your tongue around his fingers.
“What are we still doing here then?”
Bucky leads you to the back of the plane with your hand intertwined with his. As soon as the sliding door to the small yet private bedroom shuts behind you, Bucky’s lips attach to the column of your neck as every piece of clothing covering both your bodies gets thrown to the ground.
You’re held protectively in his arms as Bucky falls backwards onto the soft expanse of the bed. He kisses you assiduously as his hands roam your body, eventually making their way down to your ass, manhandling you to pull your body above his face.
“Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Can’t believe she’s all mine for the rest of my life.” Bucky hums before diving in. He starts with licking one long stripe up your slit, and you can feel his lips form a grin against you as your thighs tighten around his head. “You taste so good. So sweet.” He eats you out as if he’s been fasting for months, when in reality he was between your thighs on your wedding night less than 16 hours ago. He switches between his tongue being buried in your cunt, fucking up into your puckered hole and slurping obscenely, lapping up all the juices through your folds, twirling the tip of his tongue around your clit.
“Bucky, please, I-, please.” Your hands grasp onto his hair, tugging harder as his fingertips dig into the meat of your ass. The vibrations of his voice and the plane as it races through the atmosphere sends sparks firing up the base of your spine through your whole body.
“Are you desperate for your husband's cock, Mrs Barnes?” He asks teasingly against your folds, knowing referring to you by your new title will only make you wetter.
“Yes, Buck! I’m fucking dripping - need you so bad.” You plead with a sob, your pussy clenching around nothing, the ache within you burning like a forest fire which could only be quelled with him deep inside you.
Bucky’s soft lips place a feather light kiss to your sensitive clit before his strong hands grasp your hips tightly, lifting you onto his thick thighs. Your mind is dizzy with lust and pleasure, but Bucky’s dazzling blue eyes, the same ones that were the first feature of his you noticed the night you met, stand out clearly in your haze.
“Then take it. Take it like the good little whore I married. Take every inch of this dick and show me why it’s yours.”
Bucky’s large, rough hands don’t leave your hips as you stroke his thick length with both your hands a couple times as you lift yourself above him, rubbing his bulbous tip through your soaking folds. Lining yourself up with him, you press your hips back down on him slowly, feeling him fill you up to the brim.
You let out simultaneous groans, your eyes never once leaving Bucky’s as you focus on the sensation of how deliciously full and satiated you feel, how his eyes widen and lips fall apart is exactly like the first time you slept with him after making this formidable mob boss prove he’d treat you right.
You’d never forget the feeling of the first time he thrust into you, the fervour in which he worshipped your body and the way those ocean eyes gazed at you like you were the most precious gem he planned on treasuring for as long as you’d let him. This hardened man, who strikes fear in the eyes of the toughest of crime lords, is soft for you and only you.
It was the moment you truly understood what sex could be like - should be like.
You knew then that there was no one else for you. That you’d eventually marry him.
Both your hands find his strong, tattooed chest to steady yourself as you begin circling your hips, grinding against him, moaning at the sensation of your puffy clit rubbing the coarse hair at his pelvic bone.
“Oh God, Bucky, you’re so deep.” With Bucky’s strong hands assisting you, you push yourself up and sink back down on his cock. He lets you set your own pace, finding the right angle where he strokes all the right spots that makes your knees weak.
You can feel his heartbeat quicken under your fingertips, his mesmerised gaze fixated on how he’s filling you.
“Fuck, baby, look at you swallowing me whole.” Once you’ve built up a rhythm, one of Bucky's hands navigates to your breast where he flicks your pert nipple with his thumb, the other moving to where your bodies join, rubbing tight circles on your clit.
The pleasure feels like it’s coming from all directions, from both externally and within you, it’s too much and not enough at the same time, every nerve firing with pure euphoria, threatening to send you straight to heaven.
“I’m so close, Buck…” A sob bubbles up your throat, all cells in your body swelling with immense pleasure. More than ever you can feel each ridged inch of Bucky stretching out your pussy, every sensation heightened as with each rock of your hips you hurtle ever closer to your second high.
“Go ahead, my love, let go. Cum on your husband's cock.”
Ecstasy overtakes your entire body at his permission, your eyes roll backwards, your whole body seizes and your bouncing motions stop as your walls flutter around his thick, veiny length. But Bucky doesn’t let you off that easily, he grabs both of your hips and starts fucking up into you hard and fast, prolonging and heightening your orgasm with each graze of your g-spot, making your legs shake and you scream out his name so loudly you’re sure the pilots can hear.
You collapse into his chest as his thrusts become staggered, closing in on his own high. Placing a gentle kiss to his sharp jaw, Bucky grunts, moans your name and stalls within you, ropes of his cum painting your walls.
You tap his strapping chest three times as you both pant, catching your breath cuddling up to one another. I. Love. You.
His embrace feels like home, even thousands of feet up in the air. You’re certain that no matter where in the world you are, James Bucky Barnes will always be your safe place.
“Now, let's see how many more times I can make you cum before we land.”
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holylulusworld · 18 days
Their girl
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Summary: Your boss doesn’t even know your name. This doesn’t keep his guests from finding interest in you.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x Shy!Reader x Mobster!Steve Rogers
Warnings: shy reader, tension, awkwardness, fluff, polyamory, love-struck mobsters
A/N: The sequel no one expected to get.
Catch up here: The nameless girl
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True to their words, Steve and Bucky stood in front of your apartment the next evening.
They prepared everything for your date while you spent the better part of the day looking for a new job.
This couldn’t be real. And you believed they wanted to make fun of you by inviting you for dinner like one of the beautiful girls from the club. 
“Hello doll,” Bucky lazily leaned in your door frame. He offered a bouquet of daisies to you and called you a pretty mouse.
“Sweet mouse,” Steve grinned and offered a single red rose to you, “you look…stunning.” They both looked dashing in their expensive suits, and polished shoes. 
“I-sorry. I’m not ready yet and…” you nervously babbled. Still, in your oversized Peanuts shirt and sweatpants, you looked ridiculous next to them. “I didn’t think you’d show.”
“Why?” Bucky furrowed his brows. He looked a little hurt at your words. “Why’d you think we would not keep our word and come here to court you.”
“I,” you dropped your gaze, afraid you angered the two of them. “Men like you don’t usually pay attention to someone like me. I’m shy, meek, and a grey mouse in contrast to the dancers at the club.”
“Doll,” Bucky pushed the flowers in Steve’s hands so he could cup your face with both hands. “If we say we want to take you out,” he leaned closer to look you deep in the eyes. “We mean what we say. We want to take you out. Not one of the girls at the club nor anyone else.”
You sniffled and murmured an apology. It was strange to you that two men tried to get your attention. Life taught you that most men only like a pretty façade.
Many guys you met didn’t care if a girl was selfish, dumb, or had the worst character as long as they were pretty enough to get their attention. 
“Y/N don’t apologize. I know we can be a bit overwhelming and intense,” Steve smirked when your eyes darted toward him. “Buck, tell her how much we like her.”
“Very much,” Bucky purred your name. He swiped his thumb over your lower lip only to groan deeply when you licked over his thumb and lightly sucked on it. “Fuck, Stevie. We got a dirty little mouse here.”
“Oh?” Steve watched you look at his friend like you were in a trance. “She’s such a cute surprise. Who would've thought we’d find our queen among all those boring girls.”
Bucky pecked your temple, making you sigh at the slightest touch of his lips. “We got lucky,” he said. “She’s one in a million.”
Steve chuckled at his friend’s eagerness. “How about we invite you for dinner at our home, Y/N. You can wear your cute shirt and sweatpants. We can have a sleepover and have dinner at the restaurant tomorrow.”
“We also got a job offer for you, doll,” Bucky whispered against your temple. “We got a free position in our organization.”
“Buck, that was a surprise!” Steve tutted but smirked when your eyes lit up. Losing your job at Clint’s club got you into trouble. Your landlord wants his money on time, not weeks or months later. “What do you say, doll? Do you want to come with us?”
“No?” Bucky backpaddled at your answer. He looked you up and down, wondering if he misheard. “Did you say no?”
You took a deep breath and gathered all the courage you could muster and looked Bucky straight in the eyes. 
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful, Mr. Barnes,” you confidentially said, even though, your voice trembled, “but you are still strangers to me. I cannot go with you, to a place I don’t know. I’m shy, not crazy.”
“Aw, she’s even cuter than I thought,” Steve chuckled at your little outburst. “You’re right, Y/N. We will wait outside of your apartment for you to get ready like gentlemen. Please excuse our forwardness.”
“Steve and I will take you out for dinner and drive you back home. We can talk about the job offer on our way to the restaurant. Only if you want to, of course,” Bucky pouted and held out his hand. “Please don’t leave us hanging.”
“I’ll be right back,” you excused yourself and closed the door behind you, exhaling deeply. Your knees shook, but you were also proud of yourself for standing up against Steve and Bucky.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other, smirking for a second before they chuckled. 
“She’s so cute when mad,” Bucky laughed. “God, it makes me wild imagining her squirming underneath me while I take her apart. She will whimper my name and beg me to fill her up and breed her. But not before I ate her sweet cunt.”
Steve laughed. “You’re a horny dog.”
“Says the man running around with a boner since he laid eyes on our sweet mouse,” Bucky bit back. “I hope you know I’ll have her first. She will melt in my arms.”
“I hope you know Y/N is not like the other girls you easily wrapped around your fingers.”
“I know,” the brunette smirked. “That’s what I like about her, Steve. I knew the moment I laid eyes on her that things would be different with Y/N. It’s exciting, isn’t it?”
“Phew, you got it bad for her,” Steve whistled.
“You are no better,” Bucky snickered. “I know you want to make her ours. Do not deny it. You’re in too deep yourself.”
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Both men waited patiently for you to join them outside of your apartment. They offered their arm to you, acting like gentlemen while guiding you toward their car.
The ride toward the restaurant was both, exciting and a little scary. You got into a car with two strangers promising to make you their queen.
Steve held the door to the restaurant open for you while Bucky guided you inside.
“You’ll love the restaurant,” Bucky said as he pulled the chair for you. “Did I already tell you that you look beautiful tonight, doll?”
“Thank you,” you stammered. You didn’t know if he meant what he said. Your sky-blue mini-dress was far from elegant. While all the other women at the restaurant looked like they came straight out of a fashion magazine, you felt underdressed. “It’s new…”
“I like that color on you,” Steve cupped your chin with one hand to tilt your head. “It’s cute and sweet.” You gasped feeling his lips press against the corner of your mouth. “Just like you.”
Bucky’s features darkened when you leaned into his friend’s touch.
“Shall we eat, doll?” He pulled a chair for you, making your heart flutter. “Steve was right, Y/N. You look beautiful in your dress. Did you buy it only for us?”
You giggled and dropped your gaze. “No,” you lied. “I bought it some weeks ago.”
“Aw, our doll believes she can lie to us, Buck,” Steve flashed you a stunning smile. “We know that you wanted to look pretty for us, Y/N. It’s not a bad thing you want to impress us. We did the same. Bucky spent two hours in his closet to find the perfect suit only to drive to town and buy a new one.”
“Steve did the same,” Bucky grabbed a chair and moved it closer to your seat. “He just likes to make everyone believe he looks good in everything without effort, including a potato sack.”
Steve grinned and ran one hand down his chest. “I’d rock that potato sack, Barnes. You know that.”
“I bet you would,” you murmured while eyeing Steve. He looked damn good in his suit and knew it. Men like him and Bucky always know how handsome they are. “You’re both very handsome.”
“Baby, you don’t have to stroke Steve’s ego,” Bucky moved his hand to your thigh to tickle your skin. “It’s already over the top. How about you stroke mine.”
“I think yours is over the top too,” you replied and gave him a tiny smirk before clearing your throat. “So…can we talk about the job now? You got me fired last night.”
“Straight to the point. I like it,” Steve grabbed the remaining chair and moved closer to yours too. He sat down only to place his hand on your other thigh. “We need someone to take care of our paperwork for our more legal business.”
“We need someone we can trust. Steve and I are rather bored when doing office work. You on the other hand have a lot of experience,” Bucky toyed with the hem of your dress while telling you more about the position you always dreamed of.
“How do you know about my work experience?”
“Baby doll, we are enchanted by you. This doesn’t mean we let a wolf in sheep’s clothing inside the inner circle of our business.” Steve pressed a soft kiss to your neck, making you sigh. “If you want the job, it’s yours.”
Bucky mirrored his partner. He pressed a soft kiss to your neck, lips nipping at the soft skin. “Oh, and the best is. You can bang your bosses…”
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