jenjen4280 · 6 days
Massive cleaning/reorg this weekend. Found my senior photo from undergrad (hair done by my gay bff), Chicken button (the Hothead Paisan’s cat), a 95 Pride button and my dice bag (some of which date back to the late 70s/early 80s).
Also went thru Dad’s stuff to keep a few things and found buttons from 94 & 97 Pride that he saved from a couple of the years when we went to Baltimore Pride together. 😭 I miss him so much.
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jenjen4280 · 7 days
I laughed way too hard at this. Maybe you could use a good laugh too today.
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jenjen4280 · 8 days
This ☝🏻
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I’ll say it again, please just grit your teeth and vote for Biden…
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jenjen4280 · 9 days
Date night! Out with friends for dinner and the Washington Spirit v Seattle Reign. My “work wife” couldn’t resist throwing rabbit ears behind me. 😁 It was a fun night out. Look how cute the Hot Wife is when she smiles. ❤️
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jenjen4280 · 12 days
Do you and your wife both identify as butch? As butch4butch? If so, what's it like being a butch4butch couple that's been together for 25 years? I just celebrated 4 years with my two butch partners and another 21 years feels so exciting, promising, and full of joys and maybe a bit of fear too. What would you tell yourself 20 years ago? Thank you :)
Hi. I identify as butch, the Hot Wife isn’t into labels but doesn’t mind if I call her butch. Congrats on your four year anniversary! Thats awesome. ❤️
As for being butch4butch - we just fit, you know? We still laugh a lot, have fun together, love each other, and sex is even better 25 years on. Sometimes we disagree with other and get snippy, but 99% of the time it’s because one of us is hungry or overly tired.
Really struggling over advice because what I’d tell myself would be incredibly specific. Generally, I’d say to be patient. Ask what she’s feeling/thinking instead of making assumptions.
Keep talking, enjoy spending time together (and apart), stay emotionally connected, and don’t neglect the physical aspects of the relationship.
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jenjen4280 · 15 days
Date night at Audi Field watching the Washington Spirit v Angel City. Nice to spend some time with my Boo.
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jenjen4280 · 16 days
This ☝🏻
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jenjen4280 · 18 days
My niece is so smooth. I think she’s got the most game in the family.
On Saturday she mentioned needing a book of matches, so I gave one of the Hi Tide Records matchbooks I got at a tiki event a few weeks ago.
And she did this with it (her date said yes):
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jenjen4280 · 20 days
These arrived today. 🥰
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jenjen4280 · 21 days
25 years ago today the cute shortstop and I (left field) went on our first date: drinks at the Four Provinces, dinner on the rooftop of a texmex place, and a movie (The Matrix) at a historic movie theatre (The Uptown).
13 years ago we both said “I do” in front of family and friends.
This weekend was a lovely anniversary. Friday was our niece’s rock academy show, Saturday was my nephew’s baseball team’s championship game (they won) and tonight was a fantastic day with the Hot Wife and I reconnecting.
25 years and I sill love her awful!
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jenjen4280 · 28 days
Best tictoc video ever. Succinctly and clearly lays out what’s at stake if the GOP wins in November.
They win by you not voting, by you voting for a third party candidate who has no chance of winning, and by voting for the GOP.
I'm just going to leave this here, because this woman said what I've been trying to articulate for ages much more effectively and succinctly than I've been able to
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jenjen4280 · 1 month
In case my graying hair, jowls, and chin waddle didn’t clue you in….
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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jenjen4280 · 1 month
i lost my dad to cancer 6 yrs ago now and it's still so hard every year! he was also a great man & dad, really happy to see your post and see that there's other lesbians out there who morn for & love their passed on fathers! f cancer for real
I’m so sorry it’s still so hard for you. I hope you remember all the good times before he was sick - that’s what I’m holding onto.
It is good to know there’s other lesbians who had cool Dads. ❤️
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jenjen4280 · 1 month
This video makes me laugh so hard that I have tears running down my cheeks.
This wins the internet for 2024!! 😂😂
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jenjen4280 · 1 month
Been a long time coming, but last night the Hot Wife and I got out for date night. Ran into another pair of butch4butch folks on the metro down to Audi Field. Gave each other the look and nod of acknowledgment. At the soccer game fans were waving a lot more rainbow flags than usual.
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week!
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jenjen4280 · 1 month
It’s lesbian visibility week. In general, I haven’t been very visible lately on this blog because my Dad died (fuck cancer).
Warning: Long post. TLDR - my Dad was a great Dad and a good man.
Prior to that, I was spending a lot of time with him and Mom, helping as best I could. And afterwards, spending time with Mom getting everything done that needs done.
The Hot Wife has been at home, keeping everything going there and providing a lot of love and support.
My Dad was from the Silent Generation (the one before the Boomers). Unlike most people his age, he never stopped learning, growing, and adapting to the changing times. He believed in equity and justice not because he was “woke,” but because it is the right thing to do and he participated in civil rights protests in the 60s.
He taught me how to throw a ball and was always up for a game of catch.
He shared his love of folk music, classical music, science fiction, existentialism, art, and weird cult/art house/foreign films with me.
When I came out, he apologized for the times when he and Mom told me to act more like a girl, while encouraging me to be myself and grow up as a tomboy. He would buy fireworks for me and martial art supplies so my bff and I could terrorize the neighborhood in our ninja suits every summer night and a few other nights too.
He always bought boxes of candy for Mom, Seester, me, and my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day.
He randomly showed up at the Baltimore Gay Pride Festival one year (the year I wore my fav t-shirt that said “let go of my ears, I know what I’m doing”), and for many years after we went to Pride together.
We gossiped about our celebrity crushes together.
He refused to take my Mom shopping at Hobby Lobby and refused to eat at Chick-Fil-A.
He was so happy when I married the Hot Wife and he loved her too.
I didn’t know this until I cleaned out his desk - he had been donating to the Human Rights Campaign Fund for years and he had a few different clippings from magazines and downloads from the internet about how to challenge transphobes.
I didn’t just lose my Dad, we all lost an LGBTQ+ ally, a voting Democrat, and an example of non-toxic masculinity.
Good-by, Dad. Easter pizza dinner won’t be the same without you.
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jenjen4280 · 2 months
I give my Hot Wife “horror movie kisses.” I stand across the room and ask her close her eyes, silently creep closer, and ask her to open her eyes. Repeat but sometimes I’m really close, then further away, close, further, close, closer until I surprise her and kiss her. Then we’re both laughing too much to keep kissing.
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