justali-anne · 11 hours
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More under cut:
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justali-anne · 14 days
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100% convinced this is why Sans broke the branch
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justali-anne · 14 days
look! the undertale fan treats sans' laziness as a blanket character trait rather than a nuanced symptom of his depression and occasional willful execution of a bit that informs many though not all of his actions! everyone point and laugh!
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justali-anne · 18 days
Come to think of it, sand would be a NIGHTMARE for the Skelebros. Imagine getting sand stuck in your JOINTS. That would take AGES to clean! No wonder why these guys always wear gloves! Their poor phalanges must be prone to getting dirt and stuff stuck in them all the time! And don't even get me STARTED on their carpals, tarsals, metacarpals and metatarsals! The poor boys!
On the other hand, imagine Sans or Papyrus trying to do something like crochet or paint and constantly getting string or paint stuck in their hands or something. That's hilarious.
Would they have some kind of bone wash or joint wash or something to try and get it out? Would they have to put in some extra effort just to keep their joints functioning properly?
I'm sure Papyrus would put in the extra effort, but Sans? I don't think he would unless he REALLY has to. Poor guy must have really bad joints or something.
Yeah, so, skeletons, am I right?
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justali-anne · 18 days
What's your comfort fictional town?
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justali-anne · 19 days
Sometimes I like to imagine the Skelebros switching roles. As in, one of them would be the responsible one, and the other would be the epitome of chaos at any given time. Either that, or they're both chaotic. There's never no chaos in the Skelebro household.
Speaking of which, considering how loving the two brothers are towards each other, I imagine Sans and Papyrus' house, while a bit unconventional, would actually be a really sweet place to be. Imagine being in the same house as two lovable (definitely neurodivergent) dorks who clearly love each other very much. No wonder why Papyrus likes to spend a lot of time at home. From what we've seen of it, it looks like a very endearing place, full of love and chaos.
Anyway, back to my main point. I feel like the brothers would switch between the wise guy and straight man roles from time to time. Like imagine Papyrus waking up at 4am to do all the chores, including hoovering the house, while poor Sans, who's just trying to sleep after a night of ADHD-induced insomnia, groans under his pillow, thinking, "who wakes up that early?" Or Papyrus just watching MTT, and then all of a sudden, Sans spawns out of nowhere, trying to force a blanket or a costume on Papyrus, and then the brothers end up wrestling on the floor or something for some nonsensical reason.
Sometimes this chaos would even extend to guests. Imagine Sans and Papyrus being their usual chaotic selves, and a guest is completely confuzzled about it all, and then the BROTHERS get confused because, "WHAT? I THOUGHT THIS WAS COMPLETELY NORMAL???"
Anyway, chaotic neurodivergent Skelebros that are still incredibly wholesome. Chaotic good Skelebros, if you will.
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justali-anne · 20 days
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presenting my dumb skelebro driving headcanons
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justali-anne · 21 days
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Imagine Papyrus putting this up next to Sans' room lol
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justali-anne · 21 days
*that's it, i sentence you to the baby swing!
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*dont stare at this creature for too long or he dies of shame 😢
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justali-anne · 21 days
(Pinches cheek)
Sorry, but my name means "aunt", I have to, it's the rules :P
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justali-anne · 22 days
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justali-anne · 22 days
why did my dad send this
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should i be concerned
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justali-anne · 22 days
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God I love these idiots
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justali-anne · 22 days
Happy late mother’s day to the guy that brothered so hard he mothered
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justali-anne · 28 days
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Papyrus using Twitter
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justali-anne · 1 month
If I had to pick a symbol for the Skelebros to share besides bones, I would pick stars.
Papyrus wants to be popular. A "skelebrity" kind of star!
Sans is just a space nerd lol
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justali-anne · 2 months
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He definitely not sorry abt it
This shit is funnier in my head
Idk if many of you guys were confused where to read first, its right to left :'v my bad bro
Here we go
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