angie-words · 20 hours
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Did I spend some of this week outlining ideas for a Good Omens AU? Yes. Has it written itself? Sadly not. Clearly, there is no greater tragedy than the writer realising they must actually write at some point /s
In the meantime, enjoy your regularly-scheduled memes 🥳
Previous meme dump!
EDIT: now with bonus meme!
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audhd-space · 22 hours
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A friend commented that
“This is what it’s like being autistic and masking your traits. Except that there is no rest.”
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worms-in-my-brain · 2 days
I’m begging people to use critical thinking skills when it comes to psychiatry and psychology.
Therapy is not a cure-all. Sometimes therapy can hurt more than it helps. I actually have overall negative experiences with therapy! From therapists telling me my violent thoughts were due to me being ace-spec to therapists who see an autism diagnosis and start baby talking me and trying to contact my parents instead of just asking me things directly… to therapists I just don’t mesh with and whose therapy styles don’t work well with me. Telling people to unilaterally seek therapy when they have any sort of mental issue without warning them of the risks as well is irresponsible.
At the same time, though, just because therapy can be bad and just because psychology can be used as a tool to oppress neurodivergent people does not mean it has zero use and nobody needs mental health treatment. Mental health problems are still very real and, in many cases, they can still hurt the people who have them. And even when it’s a neurodivergence that’s not a mental illness, people still need help coping! People with depression and/or anxiety still need access to therapy and medications, people with ADHD still need medications, people with BPD still need DBT, etc. Even though these psychiatric diagnoses may be in part (or in whole) social constructs, that doesn’t mean that these treatments don’t work, it doesn’t mean that there still aren’t people out there trying to come up with better treatments every day.
Psychology is a tool of social control, but it is also a science. You can’t focus on one of those aspects while completely ignoring the other. It’s dangerous.
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dattebayo or something like that, right?
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hey you. are you frustrated with yourself? are you beating yourself for not coping better? for not doing things you know can help you? for being afraid, angry, or depressed? ask yourself that, honestly.
if the answer is yes, i want you to know one thing: you're gonna be okay. it may not feel like it, but you're doing your best. you can't hate yourself into knowing better, and hating yourself still won't help you with the things you do know. knowledge and awareness and willpower can only get you so far.
you're not a computer. you're not a textbook. you're a living breathing being. you have feelings and beliefs, and it's going to take some time to work through those. it's okay to be scared. it's okay to be frustrated. it's okay to not be okay. no one can be good and fine all the time, and many of us can't be so often.
so, this is your sign to meet yourself where you're at. keep your head where your feet are. you're exactly where you're meant to be. you can't force yourself to be someone you're not, and the only way this gets better is if you accept yourself first.
so just focus on that. what you're experiencing right now will pass. future you will figure things out. for now, just be. just be. that's all you have to do. you exist and that's good. you're doing great. keep going. you'll be surprised at what you're capable of. ♡
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mintchochipkookie · 2 days
i need some audhd people to talk to because I'm new to this and I just don't understand what's going on with me sometimes and most online resources are adhd-only or autism-only and I am losing my fucking mind
I'm in a weird burnout-esque state but idt it's burnout and I don't fucking know what's happening all I know is that it sucks and I don't want to be in my brain or skin rn
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humblefryingpan · 2 days
So I was rewatching friends with my mum and the episode where Joey goes on a date with Phoebe's friend and gets mad at her for taking some of his food.
Me and my mum both think she's weird for taking his food on the first date (especially because she didn't ask and it was their first time meeting) but mum's boyfriend and his friends think Joey was overreacting and it's weird to have a problem with it.
Me and my mum are neurodivergent but her bf and his friends are neurotypical and idk if that's related
Which brings me to the question:
I already have a poll for this week but I'm curious so here's another :)
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autismcultureis · 2 days
Autism culture is waking one in a random day and just feeling so fucking overwhelmed for some unknown reason, going through your day with worst mood ever and then doing something that brings comfort and helps better your mood and then everything is sunshine again (there's also the scenario where it is the reverse the day is great until something or someone bothers you and it's downhill from there)
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luna--flare · 2 days
"can the sirens please not"
autistic people overwhelmed by loud noise 🤝 aroace sailors
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bootleg-nessie · 1 day
I hate that I can’t even talk about how my autism affects me without allistic people immediately assuming I’m using it as an excuse or accusing them of ableism. No you asshole, I’m literally just trying to provide context as to why I misunderstood you
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this-easy-finally · 16 hours
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weirdplutoprince · 2 days
Beard anon here. I wanted to know if other autistic males have sensory problems with their beards; and if they do, did they ever want to have a beard because of the looks, but chose not to because the of the sensory sensibility?
Question for autistic people who can grow beards:
If you can grow a beard and would like to do so, did you ever choose not to because of the sensory feeling?
2. Any tips on how to grow if the feeling is uncomfortable to you?
You can answer in asks, but if you can, please reply here so it's easier for this anon to see them! :)
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Normalise bringing stim toys to exams, weddings, work meetings and other important events
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chickensoupbmc · 9 hours
i love you jeremy heere’s anxious/overwhelmed intense blinking
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troythecatfish · 2 days
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autismcultureis · 2 days
Undiagnosed autism culture is figuring out what the problem was all along but now nobody believes you
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