autismcultureis · 2 days
Autism culture is waking one in a random day and just feeling so fucking overwhelmed for some unknown reason, going through your day with worst mood ever and then doing something that brings comfort and helps better your mood and then everything is sunshine again (there's also the scenario where it is the reverse the day is great until something or someone bothers you and it's downhill from there)
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weirdplutoprince · 2 days
Beard anon here. I wanted to know if other autistic males have sensory problems with their beards; and if they do, did they ever want to have a beard because of the looks, but chose not to because the of the sensory sensibility?
Question for autistic people who can grow beards:
If you can grow a beard and would like to do so, did you ever choose not to because of the sensory feeling?
2. Any tips on how to grow if the feeling is uncomfortable to you?
You can answer in asks, but if you can, please reply here so it's easier for this anon to see them! :)
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npd + pda autism culture is constantly seeking praise from people, until they start giving it to me without me chasing it, and now they seem desperate and i want nothing to do with them because i feel like the praise they give me isn't on my terms anymore. like no, you're supposed to praise me when i seek it out, and then expect nothing from me until i decide to do something amazing again. if you start expecting me to be amazing it's not fun anymore
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dreamdropsystem · 1 day
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germplush · 1 day
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we just started using Proloquo! we have a subscription $10 a month. we are working on it, getting use to nagivating it and adding folders and buttons of things we say and we're really liking it. it's a way we are planning to mainly communicate (+ TTS) but we also want low tech / no tdch AACs like communication cards and laminated speech boards. we are doing our best. the system pretty much everyone experiences verbal loss, and we have nonspeaking and semispeaking alters. most of the system prefers nonverbal communication and that's how we will communicate. just gotta get use to new app and work on using them more even when scared. we're use to focring verbalness or just not saying anything. we are doing our best. also Nibble is nonverbal
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
For what it's worth, as someone with autism, and is distressed by it very often, I don't give a flying F if transautism is a thing online. Transautists aren't my true enemies. People that think putting an autistic kid in a normal and unprepared classroom with 25-30 students are the true enemies, as are ableist A-holes that expect autistic people to do things they simply can't, and also people who get angry because you sometimes don't know things that are "common sense" (how do allistic people even know these things? Who or what taught them?). These are actual things that happened to me many years before transautism was a thing online. Before tumblr had even been created.
So transautism isn't the true enemy here. I don't mean to fakeclaim, but anyone who says it is has most likely not experienced the level of ableism I have been subjected to. There are much bigger issues in real life than transautism.
So if anyone is truly bothered by the existence of transautistic people, just block them. Spreading hate and telling people to die hurts actual autistic people more than any transautist can as no decent person will want to associate with someone who literally tells others to die.
This! And paging @thelittlebubbas just to help drive this home!
There are real issues, real problems that autistic people have to face in the real world. But transautistic people sure aren't one of them!
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snakeautistic · 7 months
People underestimate how much it fucks you up to be subtly excluded as a kid. I would try to talk to my classmates and be met with disinterest or annoyance. The one friend I had, who I clung to and nodded along to his every word, had other friends he liked just as much or more. And his other friends didn’t care for me at all.
I look back at pictures from the time and see how separated I was from them. I remember knowing I was different. I remember posing questions about the world to the girls playing next to me and realizing that they had never asked the same ones to themselves. That the ways we thought couldn’t be more different.
I kept myself amused with my own fanatical stories and musings in my head. I would wander the playground on a circular path, imagining a friend and being sorely disappointed when it didn’t feel as real as I’d hoped.
There was a bubble separating me from everyone else, thin, and nearly invisible, but with a pearly sheen you could catch under the right conditions. I knew it was there, they knew it was there, and it changed me
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aimlesspoet · 2 months
a bottom-tier autistic experience is being told throughout your entire childhood that you are just an overthinker when it comes to social situations and later finding out that your friends did, in fact, hate being around you and tried to communicate that through weird little hints
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pigeon-cave · 7 months
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Diagrams are helpful to me
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magentasnail · 10 months
served my duty as an autistic artist and made a bunch of autism creature reaction images
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autismcultureis · 2 days
Undiagnosed autism culture is figuring out what the problem was all along but now nobody believes you
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the-toybox-sys · 6 months
reading the symptoms of autism as a now grown adult after being bullied for no explainable reason all your life
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neurodivergenttales · 4 months
The ‘you’re mature for your age’ to sleeping with a bed full of plushies in your mid twenties pipeline is real
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Questioning NPD plus either StPD, autism, or social anxiety culture is please give me attention, just don't look at me when you do it
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cutiepieautistic · 2 months
Autism acceptance includes accepting all autistic manners of communication.
That means supporting autistic people who talk in a "very childish" way. (I do this a lot irl)
Autistic people who do "TV talking" (this means talking like a character from your favorite media,basically talking in quotes and copying their speech patterns,as far as I know)
Autistic people who use echolia.
Autistic people who are very awkward/quirky when they communicate.
Autistic people who are overly technical,or have very sophisticated and articulate speech.
Autistic people who mumble.
Autistic people who talk really fast.
Autistic people who can't control their tone of voice/inflection.
Autistic people who talk in a monotone voice.
Autistic people who use different kind of sounds,or body language to communicate.
Autistic people who talk slowly and draw out their syllables.
Autistic people who use a lot of sentance fillers.
Autistic people who use Aac devices,communication cards,etc etc.
Edit: acceptance of nonverbal autistics is also necessary. Nonverbal people deserve love,respect,acceptance,accommodation and support.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
No no you don't understand! I want to watch this show/movie, read this book, listen to this podcast, etc.! But I must be in the right mindset and the exact head space to begin, or I just can't!
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