justanothertwstau · 3 months
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Azul's Platinum Birthday Banner is coming soon and this is a reminder to NOT SPEND money on it. Disney supports Israel so PLEASE DO NOT BUY GEMS.
You don't need those gems. If it's not a need, DON'T BUY IT. You're not gonna die without one Azul card. You can wait until next year.
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justanothertwstau · 8 months
Hey so obviously my previous plan to add to the blog didn't quite work out, but school's taking the front seat for now and it's getting super busy. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to post much of anything until winter break, but when I do I should have more characters to show! Also possibly more fanart but I shouldn't get too far ahead of myself :P
Either thanks to all who've been interested in my stuff!
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justanothertwstau · 9 months
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Hi there!
School has been super busy, but I'm really gonna try to make some more posts this weekend so keep and eye out for that!
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justanothertwstau · 10 months
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I'm so happy with the way this one turned out! drawing someone squatting was hard but I think Epel's outfit covers most of the anatomical flaws, lmao
I thought this line from the white rabbit collection was too funny not to draw! I can totally see him wanting to look cool and intimidating for this photo but I think we all know that he's just baby-faced to pull it off XD also the outfit isn't helping.
Hope you guys like this! I'll be moving back to campus in the next few days so it might be a while until I'm able to make more twst art, so hopefully this will be enough in the mean time!
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justanothertwstau · 10 months
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(Sorry about how long it took me to draw her, I had crazy artist block trying to figure out how her face was going to look like. Noses are hard ;-; )
Dai Lu is an energetic punk rocker with a taste for adrenaline and all things musical. Independent and strong-willed, Dai Lu prefers to march to beat of her own drum and struggles to compromise with those who stand in her way. Because of this, folks who've met her often have polarizing opinions, either resenting her bold and brash personality or admiring her for it. Should you manage to click with her, you'll find a friend for life who will provide endless support to achieve your wildest dreams, while also being responsible for your sweat-inducing nightmares; as befriending Dai Lu means tagging along on her adrenaline-packed adventures around the island.
(Author's note:
I definitely have more to say about Dai Lu, but my adderall's wearing off and it's getting late, so I'll have to include it on the doodle page explanation. If you're at all interested in my characters, thanks for being patient! And if you're mostly here for my twst event/plot relevant stuff, I have more on the way! Either way, thank you for being interested in my silly art things!)
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justanothertwstau · 10 months
Hang on, are the girls from #justanothertwstau based off the Disney princesses? Delilah seems pretty obviously Princess-and-the-Frog-themed, Wilma could fit as Alice given her homeland, association with clocks and general… Wilmaness, and I’m not sure on Adelaide but the hair and amount of talents she picked up from living where she did reminds me of Rapunzel?
(Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere and I missed it.)
Hi there!
Yes they are, I'm not sure if I mentioned it anywhere, (but I wouldn't be surprised if it slipped my mind 🫠) The other girls will also be based on Disney princesses. And you are correct on which girls belong to which story! The others are still in production, at the moment I've been struggling to draw the girl who was next in line, but I promise that I'll be releasing new characters soon!
Also thank you for being my first ask! I'm glad someone's out there taking interest in my OCs!
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justanothertwstau · 10 months
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Here's my interpretation of the scene where the gang discusses the "super mysterious" and scary Duke of Scythes that terrorized Deuce's hometown. I'm sure the canon story won't spoil Deuce's secret past for a while yet, but I think it would be kind of funny if the others totally knew that it was him, and Epel asking Deuce about the Duke was a dig to see if he'd tell them. Otherwise, I just wanted a chance to draw the outfits! All of the frills on Epel's outfit were brutal, and I only made it through this piece by hiding most of Deuce's jacket behind the speech bubble. Ortho is in the background! I'll see if I can get a better drawing of him later on, but in the meantime I hope you all enjoy this addition to the white rabbit festival fan art!
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justanothertwstau · 11 months
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Just found out about Deuce's bunny phase, and I just had to draw this! Also using it as an opportunity to draw Deela, his momma since we all got to meet her in this event! Drawing her hair was taxing, to say the least; anime hair is always a challenge. Anyway, hope you all like this, I might drop a few more doodles this weekend!
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justanothertwstau · 11 months
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So glad we get a break from existential dream hell for some silly bunny boys. I couldn't find a shot of Deuce's shoes, so I just improvised, lol.
Might drop some more doodles of the other boys! Always a challenge to simplify these detailed outfits, Ortho's bunny legs look especially daunting.
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justanothertwstau · 11 months
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Here's Wilma's doodle page! This one took a while because I'm trying to make an effort to fill up the page properly. (Wilma was a bit more difficult to draw than the others because her hair is more detailed and she's got more sharp edges.)
Here we get a look into some of her hijinks, and a glimpse at how she utilizes her imagination with visualizing her magic! As well as a small look into her contentious relationship with Trey, which I'll try to elaborate on in another post; (it has something to do with a specific hot-headed tyrant developing a puppy crush on someone Trey does NOT approve of)
Feel free to ask questions down below, if you want to know more about my characters ! I know people are more interested in main cast and not ocs, so if I have time in the future I'll try and make more fanart of the boys!
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justanothertwstau · 11 months
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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, here's another character for you all, Wilma Wondermere!
Wilma is silent and mysterious, often opting to keep to herself when given the chance. Having grown up in a library, Wilma spends a lot of her time exploring the school's extensive collection of knowledge, sometimes going out of her way to organize the books in unique, albeit inconvenient ways. ie; color, second to last letter alphabetically, or ranking them by most to least interesting according to her personal account. While Wilma is introverted, she does find people very interesting, and enjoys getting to know others in more peaceful, intimate spaces. However, with her great intelligence and extensive observational skills, her encounters with others may occasionally turn into interrogations. Not totally out of ulterior motive, (although she fully knows the value in gleaning info about others, especially at NRC) but from her desire to solve puzzles; and she sees people as intricate, mazes with their own unique patterns and quirks. Because of this, she has a tendency to be flaky with mild-mannered people; the moment you become predictable, she'll move on to someone else.
Doodle Page coming soon! I'll include more info on the next post about who she gets along with at NRC!
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
#justanothertwstAu Lore Breakdown Pt 2.
This one’s a doozy so buckle up...(I got a bit carried away with the writing here)
The Catalyst
The big push happens after another young girl, (One of the ocs I’ve created, not sure which one yet) publishes an essay detailing her attempt at applying to the school. Initially a joke, she and her friends got together and decided to create an application since she had just got the highest marks in their supplementary magic class. 
To their surprise, it actually goes through, and she receives a letter of acceptance. The applicants’ family and friends were overjoyed, and thought that perhaps the school had plans to integrate the school in secret so they didn't mention it to anyone. 
On the day the carriage arrives, everyone is there to see her off, wishing her luck, etc. but as she moves towards the carriage the horses shy away. She tries to enter the carriage again, thinking that maybe the horses are just timid, and is shocked when they break into a run, completely leaving her behind. 
Understandably frustrated and confused, she and the family send numerous emails and letters to the school to find out what happened. Whenever they got through to someone, they were all met with the same reply “ we regret to inform you that our college is a boys’ campus. If you wish to visit the school please sign up for a tour or one of our public events.” 
Not getting a proper explanation from the school, she takes to the internet and starts creating a thread about her experience. Her first post of this situation is initially met with general disbelief and harassment, until she makes an update responding to viewers' questions with photographic evidence. 
This gains more traction, and while there are still lots of doubters, her story, much to her surprise, reaches other girls with similar experiences, who start talking about their own stories. 
Some are obviously fake, mocking the initial post, treating the influx of stories as a trend to capitalize off of, but others still rise to the surface, and while they all have their own particular details, they have three key traits in common. 1: the official acceptance letter from the school. 2: The official carriage arriving at their homes 3: Rejection of the horses, carriage, or coffin when attempting to board and being left behind. Some even have 4: Where a magic teen was taken, but instead of the girls it would be a random male counterpart. A solid handful of the girls that were retelling honest experiences had the incident where they got into their carriage only to be forcefully rejected and replaced with a boy their age who just happened to share proximity to the carriage. 
These stories crescendoed the summer before the canon “first year”, and throughout the first semester as young girls began talking about their experiences of being rejected from the school online. Various videos, blog posts and essays detailing all the ways their applications and even acceptances were sabotaged. 
The Impact
Understandably, this causes quite a bit of unrest in the public, and soon the school starts receiving questions about these girls, ‘are they telling the truth?’ ‘what does the school think about these claims?’ etc. 
The school manages to quell these accusations and puts out a public statement claiming that the stories were under investigation, and that this issue would be resolved. 
Any protests for the girls’ cases were quickly overwritten by new upcoming trends, and fell to the wayside in favor of celebrity gossip and other media drama.
At first, Crowley only sends out ghosts to investigate these claims so that he could report that all was well, not believing that the stories were true. To his surprise, he slowly uncovers that these things did happen, which baffles him. 
He grills the ghosts if they made any mistakes, but they only tell him that they were fulfilling their tasks, leading him around in a circle of blame and confusion. It seemed as if these girls applications had been processed without any suspicion.
One of the main pieces of evidence for this is the log file for acceptance documents sent out in the past year, and there are several that don’t check out with the amount of students currently attending the school.
Other bits of evidence are related to the carriages and coffins themselves, various damages or things left behind that check out with the stories, and reports of empty carriages returning to campus.
This goes against everything that he knows about the school, and sends him on a frantic chase around campus checking every document he can find about enrollment rules and requirements.
Everything he finds disproves what the girls of claiming, but after contacting several of the families he has confirmed that they indeed possess official documents, impossible to own unless invited to attend the school.
(BTW this is going to be part of my explanation to Crowley’s negligence in getting Yuu back home, that he was so wrapped up in this that he got sidetracked with returning them to earth)
After this enormous revelation Crowley takes some time to mull the situation over. Even though these children had been invited to learn at Night Raven College, keeping the school for boys only was an ancient tradition, and it he still didn’t understand why this had happened. 
Were they just mistakes? Had someone from the inside interfered in hopes of creating public drama for the school? 
At some point in this spiral, Crowley remembers the letter from the young girl, and pauses, wondering if it would really be so bad for the school to accept the girls. Sure it would be difficult to make such a change what with changing rooms and uniforms and of course he would have to inform the dorm heads and staff ahead of time...but the school had been following the rules for so long now, and perhaps the change would benefit them from becoming extinct in the future. Other schools had made similar changes and been received strongly by the public...Economically it would be a sound investment!  All of the sponsors that flock to them in attempt to seem kind and benevolent would be a great help to Night Raven... and the seven know the school needed the financial support. Beyond that, if Crowley made his move now he could rub it in Ambrose’s face that Night Raven was more inclusive! That’s it! It’s decided that Night Raven will shed it’s old shell for a better and brighter future!
Upon finishing his epiphany, Crowley begins making moves to open up enrollment to Night Raven. However, a few things needed to be done before making it official...so he begins his work in secret....
Okay we’re almost done! keeping hanging in there!
The Arrival
To test the water, Crowley decided to try a soft-attendance try-out with a handful of the girls that were rejected from the school. He implements this by inviting them for the second semester of the school year, and tells them to arrive a week ahead so that they can get situated.
Of course, this all sounds great but Crowley, being headmaster and himself, gets a few things wrong about the information he needed to tell them, instead giving them the day RIGHT BEFORE the spring semester starts. 
He only realizes that he messed up the SAME DAY the girls arrive
Which is incidentally 3:00 in the morning because He also messed up the arrival time.
They arrive; exhausted and confused. He gives them a rushed induction ceremony and they quickly get sorted by the mirror into their respective dorms.
He also completely forgot didn’t make the accommodations necessary for the extra students so they don’t even have their uniforms or rooms in the dorms they were placed into; so he goes with the next best thing and places them “temporarily” in Ramshackle House with Yuu and Grim.
ALSO to help the girls feel welcome and to diversify the staff he hired a female teacher who is also invited to campus, who arrives with the students. Unfortunately, she was also an oversight by Crowley, and is forced to live with the girls because nothing was arranged for her either.
(She's a magical literacy teacher, so she deals with magical terminology from spells to potions and more.)
UNSURPRISINGLY,  it’s a big shock for everyone when they suddenly have female students walking around the school with no explanation.
Crowley also forgot to tell the dorm heads and the staff so everybody’s super mad at him, hijinks ensue, etc.
Eventually everyone is called for an emergency meeting in the mirror hall, where Crowley attempts to calm them down and explain what’s happening.
After this, he summons the girls to his office and introduces them to their respective dorm leaders.
Holy crap it’s done!!!!
If you’ve held on to now congrats! I’m just as tired as you are. 
There’s still more to be told, but this was the important bit. In the future I’ll discuss more about the girls and the dorms they were sorted into, and their relationships with each other and their new classmates!
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
#justanothertwstAU Lore Breakdown Pt 1. ???
Exactly what we, (and by we I mean me), have all been waiting for!!
So, this might have to be broken down into two parts just because I got a bit carried away when I was writing this. My main goal is just to get this out of my brain and out to the twst fandom, because if I don’t my brain might actually start melting from the amount of space it’s taken up. 
Before I get super into it, I just want to clarify some key things about this AU.
Key Facts: 
- The lore kind of bounces to way before the canon timeline and kind of touches on some history of Night Raven, to the year right before the canon timeline. The canon timeline is centers around Yuu’s arrival and all that, just to clarify.
- The girls’ story specifically takes place in the second semester of Yuu’s first year at Night Raven College, So everyone including the third-years will still be at the school.
- The whole premise of this AU is based on the idea that Night Raven college makes the move to accept both male and female students, after public unrest towards the “boys only” rule of the school is called into question.
To Begin...
A decision resulting from numerous gender discrimination claims against the school that had been growing in frequency over the past few years. (Largely ignored by Crowley, partly because he was too “busy” to address it properly, but mostly because of school policy) 
Dissatisfaction about the boys-only school rule is nothing new, but it was never something that the school was held accountable for, as it was excused by tradition and prestige. 
Any conversations about the exclusion were mostly murmurs, whispers, nothing more than that or serious enough to cause any real change. For years, it was just a topic that was brought up and brushed off since it didn’t seem possible. 
But then one day, a handful of years before the first-year gang arrives at Night Raven, a letter arrives addressed to Crowley. It’s from a young girl who is in the age bracket of adolescents to be accepted as a new generation of Night Raven College students, and in the letter she asks for a proper reason why girls can’t attend.
(This still feels super cheesy, so I might refine this when I have more time, but I think it gets the point across)
 “If magical skill and tenacity is all that is needed to excel as a prestigious wizard, what use is one’s identity? How does my gender hold back my capability from becoming a magic user when I was born with the same gift as my male counterparts? Magic reflects the spirit and strength of the user and is only limited by the creativity of the host. It is a fact drilled into young wizards everywhere, an irrevocable, piercing fact, and if that is true without a doubt then for what reason should I be prevented from learning at your school? I know my magic and I know myself, and I know that if I could attend this school I would make it proud with all that I would accomplish. I have practiced my magic endlessly every day for three years and even though I had a late start in comparison to most I now rank head and shoulders over the top magicians of my school. Half of those top magicians happen to be young girls just like myself, all talented and promising in our skill, weighed down by the unspoken and mutual understanding that we will never be able to pursue an education at Night Raven College. I realize that this may seem foolish and impossible, and there’s a good chance this letter never even made it to your desk, but if it has then I implore you, with everything I have, to at least consider the questions that I’ve asked you. I don’t expect this letter to change your mind, but if I let this year pass without speaking up about what I consider a grievous oversight I fear that you may never hear us.”
This was not the first time Crowley heard concern about the school’s ‘boys only’ policy, or the first letter, however this one was so earnest in its questioning that it did make him pause. He does not respond to this letter, and years pass after reading it but during this time it still sticks with him, and resurfaces whenever the exclusion of the school is called into question.
Change doesn’t start until nearly a decade later...
(The next two passages kind of need to be with each other so keep an eye out for part 2!!!)
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
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Extra Doodles!
These might need a bit more elaboration than Adelaide’s doodle page, so to start at the top right: Sam and Delilah grew up in the same neighborhood, and while they’re not related their families are so close they might as well be. because Sam’s quite a bit older than Dee, he was mostly in charge of watching her when she was a baby. They have a friendly sibling dynamic! Below that are some examples of Sam using his shadow ability (in my AU I’m head cannoning that’s his unique magic) to entertain and play with baby Dee!
 The bottom two interactions are examples of Dee putting up with the two loudest talkers she knows, Sebek and Charlie, another family friend who’s currently enrolled at Royal Sword academy! ( I have some short ideas about him too, so we should see some of him later on!)
And the one on the top left is Dee in her competitive swim uniform, calling back to the t-shirt she wears in the character sheet just before this!
I know that I don’t really have a strong following on here, but I still like writing this stuff down since my brain tends to ditch this kind of info every time I find a new interest.
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
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This is Dee/Lily!
Dee is sweet and smart, and endlessly curious! She loves learning about all sorts of subjects, so long as it’s not about amphibians. Dee is charming and good at getting people to open up about their problems. However, despite being relatively social she still values her alone time and is prone to disappearing from conversations she’s not invested in. One of two girls who were accepted into diasomnia, Dee is especially good at coming up with creative solutions to old problems.
Doodle Page coming soon!
(P.S. If anyone has started following me, I’ll post an explanation about their AU after Dee’s doodle page. I got so caught up creating these past two character sheets that I kinda forgot that I hadn’t even explained their particular plot! Especially the Grade/Class section, that will all be cleared up once I explain everything!)
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
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Bonus doodles! And sneak-peaks of future characters!
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
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Here’s my first character! I’ve been struggling to find a style that I found simple enough for them but I think I’ve found it now! For the sake of time and my own sanity, everyone will just be line work. I’ll make color renditions if I can later on.
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