kingofspadescos · 4 months
What I love about Misha Collins
Tell me how much you love…
his perfect performance of Castiel
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his hair
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meanwhile Misha
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his smile
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his grimaces
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his friendship with Jensen Ackles
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his friendship with Jared Padalecki
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his friendship with Sebastian Roché
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his friendship with Satan Mark Pellegrino
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the fact he built his house with his own hands…he’s so skillful & adroit
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[Jensen version] [Jared version] [Hiddles version] [Mark Sheppard version] [Benedict Cumberbatch version] [Michael Fassbender version] [Andrew Scott version] [Sebastian Stan version] [Keanu Reeves version] 
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kingofspadescos · 5 months
Dean Winchester x Reader - Ballroom Blitz
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Right- sp I've gotten myself hyperfixated on Supernatural and well- I'm only on season 5 but I had an idea- so here we go
Reader is Gended Neutral
Anything in () - is unimportant parts of the song, not plot dependent
Song - Ballroom Blitz : By - Sweet (YouTube video at the bottom)
So imagine-
Dean and Sam were on another case, chasing what they presumed to be demons. A string of murders had been traced back to a bar in fucktown nowhere Pennsylvania, and the brothers had immediately swung by the bar once they made the connection.
(Are you ready, Steve? Uh-huh.
Andy? Yeah.
Mick? Okay.
Alright, fellas, let's go!)
As soon as they entered the bar, they were hit in the face by loud music, the stench of alcohol, and the overall buzz as a hoard of people gathered on the dance floor. Dean looked around with a smirk. This was something he could get used to.
"Hey Sammy, why don't-"
"Oh, it's been getting so hard. Living with the things you do to me"
Dean was cut off by the band that was currently providing entertainment for the customers at the bar. His eyes swept across the makeshift stage of the joint, and up to the singer, who was already looking directly at him. He tilted his head in question, but the singer only smirked and averted their eyes to his brother.
"My dreams are getting so strangeI'd like to tell you everything I see" they sang, looking directly at Sam before grinning and looking to the back of the bar.
"OH!" They practically yelled, causing Dean to spin around to see what they were looking at, thinking something was wrong.
"I see a man in the back as a matter of fact. His eyes was as red as the sun."
He turned back around with a roll of his eyes, now realizing it was only part of the song. When he looked back at the stage you were looking at him again, with a shit eating grin.
"And the girl in the corner that no one ignores 'Cause she thinks she's the passionate one" You said, and even though it was only a lyric, Dean could tell by the glint in your eye and the way you nodded your head in his direction, you were aiming the line at him.
(Oh yeah! It was like lightning
Everybody was frightening
And the music was soothing
And they all started grooving
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah)
He couldn't keep his eyes off you as you preformed. It's like God had made you the headlight and Dean the deer, unable to move a muscle, to entranced.
"And the man in the back said, "Everyone attack", And it turned into a ballroom blitz" You sang, making a pointed glance to the back of the bar again, but Dean didn't pay much mind to it, a stupid boyish grin still present from the moment he laid eyes on you.
You only rolled your eyes once they were trained back on him. "And the girl in the corner said, "Boy I want to warn you", It'll turn into a ballroom blitz" You continued, crossing one foot over the other and spinning around with a wide grin. He couldn't lie, you had a captivating stage presence.
(Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz)
Once you finished the chorus you spun back around, locking eyes with Dean again, before sinking to the stage floor on one knee.
"Oh reaching out for something. Touching nothing's all I ever do" You sang, stretching out a hand to the middle of the crowd. "Oh I softly call you over" you said, moving you arm so your hand was reaching out towards Dean, before beckoning him over with one of your fingers. "Then you appear there's nothing left of you."
Dean almost without hesitation began walking closer to you, only being stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Dean no. You promised you would help me investigate" Sam protested, but Dean shrugged his hand off. "I am helping" Dean insisted with a smirk before walking over to you, moving so there wasn't more than a few feet between the two of you.
"And the man in the back is ready to crack. As he raises his hands to the sky" You continued, your eyes stareing into the shorter brother, as if you were trying to tell him something. "And the girl in the corner is everyone's mourner. She could kill you with a wink of her eye." Then with a very pointed wink, you were standing up again, dancing across the stage, returning to give your audience your full attention.
(Oh yeah!
It was electric
So frantically hectic
And the band started leaving
'Cause they all stopped breathing
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah)
As soon as the bridge was over you once again sunk to your knees, seeing as Dean hadn't move from his spot. "And the man in the back said, "Everyone attack" And it turned into a ballroom blitz" You sang again, and looked to the back of the bar once more, and this time Dean looked back catching a glimpse of a man who looked to have black eyes.
Realization flashed in his eyes as the song lyrics finally sunck in. However, he didn't have enough time to react as he felt fingers grasp his chin and turn his head back towards you.
"And the girl in the corner said, "Boy I want to warn you"It'll turn into a ballroom blitz. Ballroom blitz." You repeated, emphasizing your words, keeping your firm grasp on his chin to make sure he understood what you were saying before letting him go.
Than everything seemed to happen at once, a scream from the back of the room and then chaos. Dean turned hand immediately on his gun, making his way to the bar. Sam who was already several steps ahead of the other, was already fighting off two demons, stabbing one through the cheek with the demon-killing knife.
(Oh yeah!
It was like lightning
Everybody was frightening
And the music was soothing
And they all started grooving
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah)
You continued to sing even as you jumped down from the stage and followed Dean, your own gun in hand. "And the man in the back said, "Everyone attack" And it turned into a ballroom blitz" You said, coming up behind Dean, turning so your back was to his, making it so you didn't have any blind spots.
"And the girl in the corner said, "Boy I want to warn you" It's turned into a ballroom blitz."
(Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz)
A few minutes and injuries later, four bodies laid dead at your feet. "Who are you?" Sam questioned, still on edge, knife ready in hand.
"Sammy c'mon-" Dean protested, even though he couldn't help the curiosity that had been buidling up ever since he saw you.
"Dean don't" Sam said "who are you?"
You huffed, walking back to your stage to grab a half a day old bottle of water.
"Y/n, my name is y/n" you introduced yourself "I'm a hunter, like you, had a dream about the two of you coming to this shit town but couldn't do anything about it since the demons had us on lock down."
You took a much needed drink of water to cool your dry throat before explaining more. "Luckily most of them like to have fun, and what's more fun than a little show?" You grinned "had to get you two to notice them somehow, thought the song was fitting."
Dean had followed you back to the stage, his signature flirtacious smirk gracing his features "well I quite enjoyed it" he said with a wink, moving to stand infront of you.
"Oh I know you did, took you forever to realize that I was trying to warn you and not just flirt with you" you replied with your own smirk.
A chuckle erupted from his lips "so you were flirting with me?" He asked, ignoring every other part of your sentence, opting to get step closer to you.
You shrugged, taking your own step towards him, your hand curling into his collar to bring him closer, Dean immediately biting his lip in response.
"And if I was?" You asked, tilting your head.
"Then I think I owe you a thank you, a date, a bit more"
( It's, it's a ballroom blitz
It's, it's a ballroom blitzIt's,
it's a ballroom blitz
Yeah, it's a ballroom blitz)
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kingofspadescos · 7 months
Astarion x Reader - All You Wanna Do
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TW - Trauma, Sexual trauma mention
So in Six we all know Katherine Howard's (the pink one) song right? '
'All You Wanna Do'
And it goes through her lovers but how they only used her for her body?
Tell me that isn't Astarion.
Imagine after escaping Cazador (or at some point) he tries to get back out into the dating pool. He just wanted something, anything to make the numb feeling go away. And he thought he found it, but every day he'd wake up to an empty bed and every time he could feel more and more of himself break. Its an endless vicous cycle that he tries desperstly to break but fails inevitably.
He gives up, slinking back to the shadows and watching from afar.
But then one day when he slips out at night to visit a midnight market he accidently bumps into someone.
And it just so happens to be you.
He tilts his head when you smile up at him
"Sorry, sir, apprantly the skill of walking has alluded me" you said.
He's dumbfounded, a snarky remark at the tip of his tongue but unable to make it past his lips. How could it? You were truly breathtaking, the moonlight reflecting off your skin in a way he could only describe as ethereal.
And the way you looked at him, oh gods your eyes had him reeling. There was no hunger in them, no want, no lust, just embarrassment and genuine kindness, something he was not used to being the target of.
He could handle pure mindless need, but this? Such a sweet innocent little thing like you? Oh, no, he couldn't handle that. Not when you looked at him like he actually mattered in the world.
He barely managed out a stangled 'its fine' before dashing back to his dwelling...where he proceeded to lock himself away for days.
What else was he supposed to do? His heart was beating to another rhythm, a time that only meant heartbreak, anger, and self loathing. He couldn't handle it, not again.
But then, after a few days, a knock sounded at his door, and with caution he had opened it to find you there, holding his blade.
"Hi! You dropped this at the market a few days ago" you said "I asked around about you so I could find you, which was tremendously easy, apprantly there is only one known vampire around here."
And there that smile was again and those same eyes that had him crumbling.
"Thank you" he had coughed out, gently grabbing the blade. He wanted you out, far away from him as possible, just so he could function normally. But then your fingers accidently brushed his and he was almost done for.
Panic, excitement, fear, and hope came down on him in waves as he looked into your eyes again. He barely manged to stop himself from taking a step back as if the adoration and happiness that were captured in your eyes had physically pushed him.
"Well I should probably get going" you said turning to walk, and a new panic rose in his chest, the fear of never seeing you again.
"Wait!" He said too quickly for his own liking "come in for some tea, won't you? It's the least I could do to repay you."
From there you two go closer and closer, spending as much time together as possible. Each second he spent with you he felt his heart reach out towards you as if to embrace you and never let go.
But the fear was still there, the fear that he would get to close and you would leave him, just like everyone else.
However, the day came when you confessed. A new dagger in one hand and a rose in the other you looked up at him with those eyes. The same eyes he had yet to act normal about and told him you liked him and wanted him to be yours and you to be his.
The cold hand of panic that crippled his heart made an appearance, twisting the fear into his body and causing his knees to buckle. God's, he felt so stupid, felt so vulnerable and useless, but then a warmth surrounded him.
Your embrace.
You held him, arms tightly woven around his body keeping him secure to you.
"You can say no, you can tell me no" you had whispered, and he almost jumped at the out "but if you're willing to let me hold your heart ill shall cherish it til' the sun no longer shines and even then I shall create my own."
You had him in tears, hands clutching at you in desperation and head burying into your neck.
The rest of the night was spent with assurance and love, you guiding him through a simple kiss that led to nothing more.
And in the morning when he awoke, he cried again when he saw you curled into his side, hand clutching his with the intent of never letting go.
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kingofspadescos · 7 months
Astarion Drawing - The Sun
Because I'm literally obsessing over this man, every little thing I come across I tie it back to him.
So when I can across this song I obviously had to draw him- again.
"I loved you like the Sun"
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kingofspadescos · 7 months
So pretty much any anime thing that I've seen/major TV show for some reason does an AU of Alice In Wonderland.
I think Tav would be Alice, for main character purposes, but who would everyone else be?
Just imagine that shit eating grin and how even more flirty he would be being able to just apear outta no where.
Oh but someone in the comments made a rather good point with Astarion being the queen of hearts- which would also make sense--
(Drawing coming soon?)
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kingofspadescos · 7 months
Astarion Brainrot
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You ever become so enamored by a character that the actual movie, book, or game their apart of doesn't interest you, you're simply just awestruck by a character?
Not that BG3 doesn't interest me in itself, but I only want to play it for the interactions (and the fact you can create a non-binary mc)
Anyways- point is my thoughts have been consumed by the vampire and needless to say this hyperfixation seems like it will be staying around for a while, so here's a little thing I thought of.
Imagine Astarian falling in love with an asexual Tav.
He's constatly trying to seduce them, whispering in their ear, touching them, using all the tactics he knows, but nothing works. They just reject his touch- but that doesn't confuse him. What gets him in such a twist is even though you shy away from his advances you always hang around him, always rant to him about your interests and it's driving him fucking wild.
Then one day while the group is gathered around the campfire for a game of would you rather, and someone asks you "Would you rather bed Astarian or Gale?" And you responded with "Neither, the thought of sex actually makes me want to cry, but I'd much rather just kiss Astarian", said vampire is almsot positive his non-existant heart stopped beating again.
~~ Okay okay that's it!
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kingofspadescos · 9 months
Sanji Idea - One Piece
We all know that Sanji is an absolute flirt and folds for literally any girl he sees, but hear me out.
Afab reader who's non-binary and he calls them Madame and they're just like 'haha, actually no, but you are hot'
Is this just something I would read or-
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kingofspadescos · 10 months
Good Omens Incorrect Quotes
Aziraphale - Crowley and I don't use pet names for each other
Y/n - ...
Y/n - Right....oh by the way how do you said mi amor in English?
Aziraphale - My love?
Crowley - Yes Angel?
Aziraphale - ....
Y/n - Don't ever lie to me again
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kingofspadescos · 11 months
Requests and Asks
Hello hello!
Forgot to mention that I do take requests!
Currently into fnaf and into/Across the Spiderverse, so I'd prefer to write stuff for those fandoms but I'm open to anything!
I will write angst but prefer it end in fluff, or write tooth rotting fluff. I don't write full smut but I'll put in some suggestive wording.
If you're curious, have questions, or want to request go to my page and tap the 'ask me anything' and you can submit soemthing eaither anonymously or not!
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kingofspadescos · 11 months
Miguel O’Hara x Reader
You swung through the HQ, glancing behind you. Miguel was hot on your trail, claws digging into the white platforms as he followed you like a hawk.
Miles had already escaped due to you helping him, but now it was your turn to escape, and your husband wasn't about to make that easy.
"Get back here!" He growled out, swinging after you, as you maneuvered your body out of his grasp.
"Let's just talk about this, mi amor!" You called back to him.
"Talking isn't on the table anymore, not after you betrayed me, princesa!"
Even while fighting, you two used pet names. It was a sign that even though you two were fighting, there was still love. Your swings slowed down at his accusation, leaving Miguel enough time to swing forward and tackle you down onto one of the white beams, hands on your wrist and pinning you down, laying his body on yours to keep you from moving.
You grunted from the impact, "You know normally I would be fine with this in a different set -"
"Shut up," he demanded. "You don't get to act like that after you went behind my back and helped that boy escape." He bared his fangs at you, his eyes filled with rage and hurt.
"He is a child, Miguel, he wanted to save his father and your event helping with fucking creepy spider crawl of y-"
"He was going to break the cannon" Miguel snarled, interrupting you again.
You rolled your eyes, "enough with the fucking cannon. If you were in danger I would break that thing like it was a twig. Would you be fighting tooth and claw then, too?"
His grip loosened for a second, his gaze softening for a second before it hardened again. "You still betrayed me. You're leaving me for him" he muttered.
That's when realization dawned on you. He wasn't just upset about the cannon being broken. He thought you were going to leave him, and he'd have to deal with being all alone again.
"Love..." You started trying to pull out of his grip, but his hand only tightened. "Okay, c'mon, let go of me, I promise I won't try to get away."
  After a few seconds of hesitancy, he let go of your wrists, planting his hands on either side of your face on the ground, caging your head. You didn't waste another moment and cupped his face, caressing hus skin with your thumbs. Even if he was angry his body couldn't resist your touch, and he found himself leaning into your hands.
"Listen to me carefully," you began. "I am not leaving you. I will never leave you. I would watch this world burn if it meant that you would be by my side." You could see his eyes visibly softening at your words, "Mi amor, I love you, I adore you, I'm not going anywhere," you continued to reassure him.
Not even a second later, his lips were on yours, one of his hands moving to the back of your neck to pull you up against him. You kissed him back, your arms moving to wrap around his neck, relief washing over you bow that he wasn't growling at you anymore.
Miguel pulled away from you. "I'm sorry, Cariño, I should've trusted you. Please forgive me," he whispered against your skin, his head falling into the crook of your neck, pressing several kisses there.
You held him, your fingers going through his hair. "Damn right, you should've listened to me," you whispered back, "but I know how you can make it up to me."
He pulled back to look at you, his head tilted in curiosity of what you were proposing."It involves this position but somewhere more private," you continued with a smirk, to which he grinned.
He got up, carrying you in his arms like the princesa you were, more than happy you oblige to your every word.
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kingofspadescos · 11 months
Hobie Brown x Reader
Surprise Kisses
You were currently crawling your way across the ceiling of HQ sneaking up behind your boyfriend, Hobie. He was currently talking to Gwen, who you had employed to distract him in hopes of catching him off guard.
Recently, you've realized that you've never been able to suprise him. Your response? Jump from the ceiling on him, and kiss him before jumping off and running away... obviously.
So when you were right above him, you attached webs to the ceiling and slowly inched down. Gwen took notice and made her exit before you jumped on Hobies back. You grinned in success, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Hello love" was all you gave in greeting before landing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Then, without giving time for him to react, you jumped off and began running.
It barely took a second before Hobie was chuckling, his face splitting into a smirk as he began chasing after you. He didn't say anything, focusing on gaining ground, which he did quickly cause the mother fucker was above 6ft tall with legs like a giraffe.
Your laughter bounced off of the HQ walls, putting on a show for other spiders as they witnessed you booking it down hallways and bursting through doors closely followed by Hobie, who was sporting his own laughter.
Once you were in arms reach of him, he lunged forward, spinning you around and tackling you to the floor, making sure to cradle your head in his hand so it didn't hit the floor. You let out a huff as you made an impact with the ground before your face broke out into a grin. "Oh, hi love, what's up?" You asked, trying to get out of his grasp, but he had your arms pinned down above your head in no time.
"Don't act all innocent now, sweetheart," he murmered his face right above yours. "Ya can't just jump on me, love on me, and then run off, you tease."
You smirked. "And why not? What are you gonna do about it?"
He pressed down against you. "What am I not gonna do?" He retorts before leaning down, acting like he was going to kiss you, but moves his head at the last second and whispers in your ear. "You didn't think you're the only tease here, did ya darlin'?" You groan in disappointment when he pulls away hovering above your face, his lips pulled into a permanent smirk. "As much as I'd love to just ravish you here, people are looking, and I'd rather not share you with anyone right now," he whispers, his grip loosening on you so you both could get up.
And only then did you realize you were still in the middle of HQ, on the floor with your boyfriend on top of you with spider-people all around you. "Yeah, yeah, just one second," you said before taking advantage of the fact that he released his grip. You wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling his face down until his lips met yours.
He groaned against your lips, his hands moving to your hips and pulling you against him. He pulled away just a bit "fuck, love, now I really gotta get you outta here" his lips brushing against yours as he talked.
Then, with that, he stood up, taking you with him as he fully snaked his arms around your hips and picked you up. "Remember, you brought this on yourself," he said as he opened a portal to his dimension and walked in, taking you with him.
Miguel stood not too far away from where the two of you disappeared into the portal, frozen in disgust and reminding himself to add a plethora of new rules against whatever the hell he just witnessed.
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kingofspadescos · 11 months
ATSV Incorrect Quotes
Jessica - There's only one thing worse than breaking cannon events
Jessica - *removes paper revealing Miguel's name*
Hobie - *desperatly trying to hold back his laugher while changing colors rapidly*
Jessica - No!
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kingofspadescos · 1 year
Twilight Incorrect Quotes
Jasper - I was the youngest major in the Texas calvary
Bella - *listening intently*
Y/n - Did you just admit to being a racist-
Jasper - ...
Dont get me wrong, I've falled down a Jasper Hale rabbit hole- but why the hell was his character written with that backstory and every character just acted like he didn't fight for the confederacy-
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kingofspadescos · 1 year
Welcome Home Oc
A little off brand from what I've been posting- but I've recently been introduced to the ARG Welcome Home and it's safe to say I've fallen in love with the characters and story line.
With that I give you Leviathan (Levi) Hale!
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kingofspadescos · 1 year
...so I suck at deciding things- so why not turn to the internet- I honestly would like to cosplay movie Enoch just because his book character is literally a child- bit I also want to make book Enochs little clay figurines- so a mixture of both?
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kingofspadescos · 1 year
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kingofspadescos · 1 year
MPHFP Incorrect Quotes
Miss Peregrine - I'm sure Jake has lots of friends back in Florida.
Y/n (Jake's sibling) - *starts laughing hysterically*
Y/n - Jake? Having friends? Ha! That boys more antisocial than I am and I prefer animals over people-
Enoch - *desperately trying to finish his food without laughing*
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