kokokris · 3 years
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aw, thank you very much! I love him!
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Anyone who wants can take it. ;)
Hello! Congratulations on 400k!
(Though you may already have more, lol)
As soon as I dived into the Madness fandom, I immediately stumbled upon your wonderful art! Seriously, you are one of my favorites!
May I ask for some scribbles with Mag Agent Tortor X Reader? I love this big guy and I really want to see him more from your hand!
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HhH Thank you
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kokokris · 3 years
Guess what?!
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Yes that's right. I draw on paper again as I have problems with my computer.
These sketches were inspired by @uhhbananafrappe and they beautiful monsters. I drew my favorites are Asper and Ghost. In the future, I plan to draw as much as possible.
How do you like them?
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kokokris · 3 years
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Something big is planned, but in the meantime I will do something else.
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kokokris · 3 years
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Friday Night Funkin vs Blind. 
Howdy! I want to introduce you to my new child and a member of a large family. 
Their name is Norda, they are a girl, but she prefers the pronouns They/Them. Blind, has a terrible voice (almost distorted ), dreams of becoming a famous rapper. 
15 years old, lives with his grandmother. Their parents abandoned them when they found out that they were blind and their grandmother took them under her care. An optimist in life, believes in love, kindness, mysticism. They believes that everyone in the world is good, they just need to be directed to the right path. 
They can compose beautiful melodies and cool tracks, but they can't perform them because of his terrible voice. But they are constantly training, they ask some people to pass (voluntarily ) rap with them. But before they can start singing, the battle ends and the opponents leave, from their terrible voice.
 In fact, they do not mind being called She, but they especially respect those who call her They.They know many different languages and study at home.
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kokokris · 3 years
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Hello and Good time of day to you!
I've been following you for quite some time now and saw your statement about Beta and I decided to ask you something if you don't mind. What languages ​​do you translate from? I read in a post about in Greek, Japanese and Germanand are these all the languages ​​from which you translate? I am just a foreign writer and I have one work being written that I want to translate into English.
I wish you all the best and forgive me for worrying or poor grammar in the text ...
Hi!  Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  So unfortunately I can’t do full translations from those languages to English - I’m not quite fluent enough to be able to accurately do so for an entire work.  However I can certainly proofread and edit your already translated work to make sure it’s grammatically correct and polished in English!  For things like complex dialogue or things that might not have translated well I can certainly work with your source material in the original language and correct the translation.  Let me know if you’d like to work with me!
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kokokris · 3 years
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I decided to draw five of my most favorite characters of the Fnf. 
I also drew it for about three days, but it was definitely worth it and I really like the result. I didn't want to leave the background white, so I put a gradient. 
The original reference is at the bottom. [Credit to @saoysy418 for the base]
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kokokris · 3 years
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The other day, someone asked me to draw Sans on a motorcycle and this is what I got. I drew for three days, but it was worth it (probably). I also found out that I don't know how to draw backgrounds... There is also a darkened version, but the customer said that he preferred the light version. 
And which one do you like?
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kokokris · 3 years
I'm a classic. 
Well, that's not bad. Originals are always important. <3
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kokokris · 3 years
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I want to say right away that I am not English and this is not my native language, so I may not understand some jokes, requests, questions, memes and so on.
Therefore, choose your words wisely so that there are no misunderstandings. Thanks!
Sometimes you can send requests for some random drawings, (if I’m not busy ) , throw challenges and much more! I like this! Let’s do something decent. I also don’t draw NSFW.
I love fandoms: 
Undertale (Mostly. But I’m not a big fan of Deltarune. )
FNF (Friday Night Funkin); 
FNAF( Five Nights at Freddy’s); 
Little Nightmare’s; 
Portal 2; 
Mlp (My Little Pony ) Madness combat
 and many others.
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kokokris · 3 years
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Fan-Frt inspired by a wonderful person @aka-indulgence. I drew it in a sketchbook, because I like to draw on paper with a simple pencil rather than on a graphics tablet. This is the Robot-Skider-Sans or S4N5 as it was written in her story https://archiveofourown.org/works/24697279/chapters/64755877 .
Can I use it for fanfiction in the future, but change the plot and add characters?
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kokokris · 3 years
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- … i feel nothing.
I decided to make a light rough fan art sketch, as it was boring, but my hands were too lazy to do anything. 
Based on the last post with the story on the Portal au from @llamagoddessofficial. 
I know it's not neat or anything, but I'll just leave it here......
( And do I even need a votemark on the sketches? It's, like, a sketch, nothing more... I do not know, but I will update it. Done. )
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kokokris · 3 years
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In honor of the fact that the new chapter of the ,,Cave Bear”  from the  @llamagoddessofficial has been released, I decided to show you the art of how I represent the big boy Copper.
( This is a very old and large art, I couldn't show it for a very long time, because it was too big for a Tumblr. He's at least a year old. Lmao XD )
How do you like it?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26181586  ( I love this boy and this story, so I will wait for continuations as long as it takes. )
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kokokris · 3 years
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Call me Pela / Kris, as you prefer. 
For a long time, I was just a caretaker of the world, but now I want to share my magic with you and start this blog. Me and my guardian friends live in a world called,, Place." This is something like an Omega timeline, but in fact, it is a piece of the sprawling world that we have arranged and turned into our home. You can get here whenever you want and imagine anything you want! My magic consists of a "Download" button. Ask me what you want and I'll upload it to you! But only it will immediately disappear as soon as you leave the Place.
 I can also change my height, from a child to an adult, so I'm often called a child. Hmm... I didn't seem to forget anything... Oh, yes! How do you get here?! 
Just imagine that you want to be in a place where only you, can walk through any door and you're done! Welcome and have a good time spending time with you!
(I also want to add that English is not my real language, so I apologize for the mistakes.)
 I'll tell you more about myself and the permanent residents of this world later. The original Undernet image belongs to @moonrose95 
And the best game with voice acting belongs to @bonelyheartsclub
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kokokris · 3 years
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@improvidence318 I decided to become part of a cult. I found a hat and one of the scripts. And here's what I got in an hour.
 The perfect first post...
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kokokris · 3 years
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@llamagoddessofficial​ - I love you and your boys! You're the best!
Sorry, I don't know who to write to...It's the first time I've ever done it.
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this picrew is so cute… I might have to… tag some fwiends…
@kurashikis @ilupant @truth-bee-told-im-lying @marshmallowprotection @linkito @sinnhoes
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kokokris · 3 years
Hello! I hope having a good day/night/afternoon! <3 So with the questions; If Gaster stopped coming and none of the guards remember him, does that mean he's in the void? How did the black newspaper get to Y/n? Will we see Gaster again in future chapters? Did Sans hear Y/n scream when he was shot? Will we see any point of view from Sans? If any question could count as a spoiler it is not necessary to answer ^-^ *send a lot of love and good vibes* ❤💚💖💜♥🌌✨
Howdy! Finally someone asked a question and not just one but several! 
1. Yes. In fact, he can come and go from the void whenever he wants, and he stopped coming because he thought that his role in this play was over. If you want, I can write a few hints about the Gaster at your request.
2. Gaster gave it to her, because he saw that she had thrown the tongues too far and it was not part of his plans.
3. No, there will only be references to him and his interference in this story. But we will not see him again, but maybe at the end I'll make an epilogue with it. 
4. Spoiler ;). 
5. Maybe. I just don't know how to write from other people and so I'm afraid to start trying, but I'm starting to think about devoting one chapter to him, from the beginning of his stay until he saw Y/N and if you like it, I'll try to write a few more. 
Thank you for your questions! They made my day. And thank you for your love.😍😍😍
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kokokris · 3 years
The first post is my work in the archive.
Attention!! This fic has a Russian language, and you will learn about tags and everything else yourself.
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