lafoget ¡ 30 minutes
I don’t know if it’s because people aren’t familiar with the comics or if it’s just because simplifying Jason’s relationship with his bio dad as “Willis is a cartoonishly stereotypical low income abusive dad whom Jason hates and feels nothing for” is more conducive to batfam hurt/comfort whump fic but the fact that Jason sought out vengeance for his dad’s death as Robin seems to get entirely memory holed out of fanon. You don’t seek out revenge for someone you don’t love. Like the fact that Willis resorted to working as a hired henchman to support his family should have huge implications on how Jason views crime, “criminals”, and how he operates as both Robin and Red Hood. Like that is such a deliciously fascinating concept and you would think that fanon would be interested in exploring this in a way that canon doesn’t and yet…
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lafoget ¡ 2 hours
I still can’t believe ppl started saying “ya im gonna accuse you of sex crimes against humanity because you like the wrong pair of blorbos together” and lots of ppl just accepted that. Wtf is up with that.
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lafoget ¡ 3 hours
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lafoget ¡ 4 hours
Illustration pour le @timdrakeflipzine
En gros c'est Tim sur la CathÊdrale de Fourvière (Lyon)
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Et le croquis 👌
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Plus le pain de Timmy du Batman #147
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*take it bread from the tree
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lafoget ¡ 6 hours
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Sugar, spice and everything nice
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lafoget ¡ 8 hours
“Oh boo hoo you shouldn’t ask your friends for favors we’re all adults”
I just spent three hours pulling up carpet and staples for a friend’s home renovation and we all did nothing but chat and joke and have wonderful conversation the whole time.
Helping somebody move or renovate or giving them a ride to the airport is functionally the same as going mini-golfing or playing a board game: it’s an activity that you do that is made more fun by having good company, and which provides something to talk about when the conversation lulls.
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lafoget ¡ 9 hours
rand: if i wanted a man i could do better than mat
rand when anybody tries to suggest that mat is anything less than the best man on the planet:
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lafoget ¡ 10 hours
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Here’s the Red duo for the Japanese inspiration serie. This project gonna kill me. Next will be Spoiler, Orphan and Blue bird! Part 1 | Part 2
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lafoget ¡ 12 hours
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Having Ted and Michael as my mentors is like going through second puberty.
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lafoget ¡ 13 hours
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lafoget ¡ 15 hours
there’s something endlessly hilarious to me about the phrase “hotly debated” in an academic context. like i just picture a bunch of nerds at podiums & one’s like “of course there was a paleolithic bear cult in Northern Eurasia” and another one just looks him in the eye and says “i’l kill you in real life, kevin”
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lafoget ¡ 16 hours
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lafoget ¡ 16 hours
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Logan be filming TikTok videos like "What I offered my toddler VS what she really ate"
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lafoget ¡ 17 hours
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red robin
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lafoget ¡ 17 hours
i also mainly think it's interesting that tim's robin series is conceptualized as far more conservative today than it actually was at the time (because of dixon's eventual descent into the uberconservative) because of the drug psas, the gun psas, the pregnancy arc, the hard on crime aspects when in actuality all that was...actually pretty bipartisan for the time. and despite the fact that i find his current politics horrid, when i look at tim's robin series alongside others 90s media i don't think dixon was lying that he was trying to keep it & tim as neutral as possible based on the standards of the time. those things we look back at are conservative by today's standards, but society & culture itself used to be more conservative across the board. like chuck dixon, a republican, pitched those stories. dennis o'neil, a liberal, okayed those stories.
also i think it's a little funny that tim gets the reputation of being dixon's mouthpiece when he was acting fairly standard for 90s media when steph was the one who was *actually* spouting off actual conservative talking points of the era & was basically his mouthpiece because he had more freedom and wiggle room with her as a side character instead of the restrictions of acceptability with a main character.
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lafoget ¡ 18 hours
Of course I like the idea that Tim looks like his mom but there is an inherent humor in the idea he looks like neither of his parents at all. Yeah Blond hair grey eyed Janet and brown hair brown eyed jack are gonna make a black haired blue eyed baby. It's not impossible but it's very funny.
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lafoget ¡ 18 hours
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Who want a pockie?
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