#kon el
robinhuntr · 1 day
Trying to explain to BatFam fans that hope and joy are good things and not every character needs to be tortured in order to be interesting:
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big8cola · 9 hours
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rereading young justice 1998
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wil-fae · 3 days
Just wanted to say thank you guys for all the support <3 you guys are literally so kind, and i love posting on here :] anyways !! today, i have some grouchy tim !
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scarareg · 22 hours
Batboys being carried by their besties!
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 days
I think, after Kon and Bart’s death, Tim and Cassie deserve to go a little bit insane
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plutonicbees · 11 hours
why does nobody in the yj98 team have brown eyes. can they vote on who gets the colored contacts each week bc 5 people on the team with blue eyes is too many i fear.
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currently obsessed
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not-timdrake · 2 days
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they’re gorgeous. stunning. they’re the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen and they don’t even try.
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I think because both Kon and Bart didn’t get a childhood, they should write a list of things they didn’t get to do in their formative years and do them. It could be as big as going to an amusement park or zoo or as small as just wanting to be pushed on the swing
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dcshipbracket · 3 days
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sanguineterrain · 21 hours
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guys they aren't dating. why do you keep asking if they're dating
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konboyblues · 3 days
nothing wrong with yapping yourself into a nap (bart allen yaps himself into a nap on wendy kent’s boobies)
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devonaeya · 14 hours
Okay hear me out.
YJ98 has been through hell and back before even reaching their 20s. I think they deserve some normality.
So after everything that has happened, they go to college together. Cassie and Tim would probably have to go under aliases since you can't separate Cassandra Sandsmark and Wonder Girl after she decided to pull a Tony Stark. (I think that's what happened right? Feel free to correct me on this). And Tim's situation is pretty much self-explanatory. Bart and Kon can also go under aliases but it would be more for fun. Ohh or them wanting some distance from their legal families(ma and pa are great it's just clark)(Bart's alias has to be related to Max Mercury tho)
While all of this is happening, they also do their superhero stuff under new names and form their own little team wherever their uni is ig.
Bonus: everyone from the original yj is there too. They're all uni age now okay?
Btw, what majors would they all be?
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strawberrysoop · 2 hours
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i think yj 98 should have gotten a beach issue. it would be fun and silly and it would bring me joy (i just finished the part where theyre on apokolips and there was absolutely NO joy to be found)
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spider-jaysart · 1 hour
Okay soooo fun mash up idea that I've created recently, which is DC crosses over with The last of us part 1! (But the game version though with some parts of the show included)
So it would be like this:
Joel: Bruce (for many obvious reasons, like for example being the old grumpy, cold man who grows into the Father figure role once warming up to the kid that changes a part of his life, causing him to become more of a softy)
Tommy: Dick (the one who eventually became tired of Bruce's bull and went his own ways in the future, but reconciled after reuniting with him in their next meeting)
Sarah: Kid!Jason (the innocent kid who didn't deserve to die)
Ellie: Damian (has her attitude, stubbornness, fearless determination, shameless cussing, loyalty, humorous side but in his own way, artistic side, and stabbing skills, so he fits perfectly well. It would also be interesting that him and Bruce have no idea they're related to eachother at all, so they don't bond because of known shared blood, only because of the many things they've been through together that brang them closer overtime to being like a Father and Son, and then they find out this secret about themselves much, much later after the end of their very long journey)
Riley: Maya (not a love interest like in the game and show, but just the first good friend and a trusted sister figure to Damian who knew things well)
Tess: Diana (A well trusted and respected partner for Bruce in work)
Maria: Starfire as Dick's wife
Sam: Jon (shares that innocent vibe with Sam and just like him with Ellie, he'd be quick to want to befriend Damian and see him as the cool older kid he'd like to impress)
Henry: Kon (is young just like him and is just trying his best to keep his baby bro safe the way he believes is best, since he is the only one who can now)
Marlene: Amal (Talia's only known friend in comics, so she fits as Marlene who used to be close friends with Ellie's Mom and made the promise to always watch over Ellie for her, so here she does that for Talia with Damian)
David: Joker (both a total weird, creep that can secretly hide who they truly are whenever they felt like it for their own benefits and then reveal their horrible sides and true intentions by surprise)
Bill: Lucious Fox (because he makes Bruce's gadgets and vehicles in canon and since Bill has a skill of doing just that for himself and gives Joel a new gadget and also a needed car, he is fitted enough for the role in this way)
And then for some small details and also additional things that help make the au stand out a little more differently:
Chris will be included with Jon and Kon here just to have all the Superbros together
Mar'i and Jake exist here but are really young twins (6 years old)
When things were still normal, Bruce was married to Talia here and they both were raising Kid!Jason together. They both got separated during the event of the outbreak and never found eachother again after that
Instead of 20 years of the apocalypse, it's 14 years here instead, because Talia was already pregnant with Damian when things began going wild
Damian will be immune just like Ellie (well obviously loll), but just for a little bit of play, it's cause it actually has to do with mixed Lazarus blood in his body that saved him, which comes from a small, strange part of his brain that keeps creating and pumping it out into his veins. This was naturally passed down from Ra's always over using the pits so much for years, causing the body inside to develop and grow in becoming much stronger and different in unique ways. And Lazarus pits are gone now, so Damian is like the only source that holds it in him as the possibe cure of the world
Unlike Ellie's Mom, Talia survived the birth of Damian and lived until he was 7 after saving him from an attack in a herd of infected that they were both trying to outrun. Damian stayed always feeling heavily guilty about it ever since and blames himself, even though how it happened wasn't actually his fault (still kind of debating on this one just a little bit for small reasons though)
Jon won't be 8 like Sam from the show, he will be around his canon age from the game instead. He will also be Damian's first love instead in this au and they will both have crushes on eachother
Instead of the games original cities and other places as settings, things are set in Gotham and other known DC cities Instead
Instead of a switchblade, Damian was left with a dagger from Talia, and all collected comics in his backpack from his adventure are mangas. He also carries around old special photos of Talia and him to remember and cherishes them very much, since that's all he has left of her besides her dagger
All characters wear their own versions of the tlou outfits to fit their style better instead of just using the existing ones
One of the things Damian would never want is to get killed by a bloater the most, because they actually just kill kids with only a slap instead of tearing up their jaws like the adults, so he would feel SO humiliated if it ever happened to him too (based on how this actually happens to Ellie in the game whenever she gets caught by them because she's underage loll, which makes the bloaters look like a bully to children)
Despite killing in this au having to be done against all kinds of enemies in order to survive, Bruce never feels comfortable with it, but he does what he has to. He also has sympathy for all the infected people, usually seeing them more as victims who didn't ask to become what they are now instead of just harmful, angry creatures, but knows he can't be pity them too much, cause at the end of the day it's either him or them during encounters. He also tries taking the pacifist route whenever he sees he has the chance to in a situation where confrontations aren't actually nesscarry, allowing him to flee without notice instead, and during stealth he will choke human enemies in a way that he knows will only make them pass out and not die
Annnd I think that's probably it for now!
I also have a lot of drawings from this au that I really wanna make and also put out soon heheh and I'm also working on Damian outfits that replaces all of Ellie's, which I'm almost done with!! And if anyone maybe has questions for the au btw, feel free to ask anything!
@pin-crusher2000 @camo-wolf @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @dunkinsthings
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 days
AU where Cassie helps Tim on his ‘I’m going to clone my dead friend(s)’ arc, but instead of helping clone them she grabs Tim and they pop down to say hi to uncle Hades and try to do a Orpheus (but successfully) only for him to tell them their souls aren’t in the underworld and he can’t bring them back even if he wanted to…
Maybe after several breakdowns and quite possibly joining a cult, maybe working with Constantine to try and find their souls in hell (despite knowing they wouldn’t end up down there), she and Tim finally start the cloning process except when that doesn’t work, she bargains with Zeus and sculpts them out of clay Wonder Woman style so Zeus can gift them life…
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