lamia-familia · 2 years
Person A: Yes, I'm a caring a person. And without B, I would just keep giving and giving and giving. I'm like a big runaway charity truck and B is my off-ramp full of safety gravel.
Person B:
A: They know how to say no. They can always put themselves first. They certainly can turn their back on someone suffering.
B, looking offended:
B: No, really, keep going.
A: They-
B, looking at A: Don't keep going!
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lamia-familia · 2 years
A: You were mugged? Why would you keep this from me?
C: Because they're injured.
B: I wasn't injured. I was lightly stabbed.
A: I'm sorry, you were STABBED?
B: Lightly stabbed.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
A: B... Is a friend.
C: See, it wasn't that hard to say something nice about them-
C: Oh, you're vomiting now.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
A: B, I was wondering if we could have a little chat.
B: You want me to go home.
A: No. No, it’s the opposite of that.
B: I want you to go home?
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lamia-familia · 2 years
A: That’s why we needed to get an expert.
B: Oh really? Who did you get?
A, staring: …
B: Oh! Right, that’s me.. yes.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Person A- Hey, -insert stupid nickname that they call them 24/7-..
Person B, likes the nickname but acts like they hate it- Ugh, what?
A- Hey, -B's actually name-..
B, shooting and angry look- What the FVCK did you just call me?
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lamia-familia · 2 years
B: Look, if you can’t accept me for who I am, then I don’t need this. [motions towards A & C vaguely]
C, turning to leave: Okay, great.
B: No, no, no I need to be included so badly. I’ll do whatever you say. I literally have zero pride.
C: And that’s what I like to hear.
A, sighing: Oh, B.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
A: B, what have I told u you about staying out past your curfew?
B: I need to do it more often.
A: Exactly.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Today's very specific trope I'm thinking about is when a dude character is trying to hype his bestie up to talk to a girl he likes and it gets a little gay like "bro Of Course she'll like you. You're so handsome bro And you're funny. How could she not. You light up the room bro" like yeah ok thanks man
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lamia-familia · 2 years
i know that it has some bad implications but when evil mirror versions of characters are hotter and sluttier than their original counterparts to show that they have no morals and are not to be trusted it's always kind of funny to me. like. what would you even do if you met your alternate self and they obviously get more pussy than you. how are you supposed to act about that.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
t shirt that says “i used to be worse”
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Leo and Lisbet but girl problems because she roasts him all the time about Elaine.
Tim: I’m having boy problems.
Jason: Like “his body won’t fit in my car” problems or “I like him” problems?
Tim: “I like him” problems
Jason: Damn that’s too bad I could have actually helped with the other one.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Lisbet and Leo, talking about her husband, Jerremyah
Tumblr media
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Person C: what did you do when faced with real danger?
Person A: *grabbing person B’s hand* I married it
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Dahrya: Who the hell are you?
Leo: I'm Leo. I'm a half-vampire
Dahrya: I'm Dahrya. I have fangs.
A: Who the hell are you?
B: I'm B. I'm an analyst.
A: I'm A. I have a knife.
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lamia-familia · 2 years
Incorrect Quote
Jo, holding a fork: You know your talking a lot of shit for someone who has 2 perfectly good eyeballs each cost about $16,000 on the blackmarket. Jerremyah: .... Jo: *lip smack*
0 notes
lamia-familia · 2 years
C: Wait, what just happened?
A: I don’t know. I think B’s not used to feeling emotions. Maybe it was too much for them.
B, far away: Shut up!
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