Astarion: *angrily, turning away from you with a huff* "Why do you insist on exhuming the past?!" *pulls up a chair and forces you down as he sits in your lap and holds his hand to his forehead dramatically* "I was a slave, a vampire spawn, kept by the Szarr family..."
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lets-go-hurt-someone · 12 hours
Idk why but the idea of Minthara at a pride parade is sending me
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🩷💛🩵 Pan Pride 🩷💛🩵
astarion is grumpy because he thought there would be more naked twinks and debauchery based on the complaints in the editorial section of the baldur’s mouth gazette
jaheira and minsc are on the side doing that tiktok “talk valentina!”/“ally!” bit
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AU where Durge escapes Kressa and stumbles blindly back to Gortash in the dead of night.
He doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know where he's going. He's hurt, vulnerable, and scared -- but muscle memory takes him to a particular office window, scrambling up secret passages he doesn't remember having built. There are no thoughts in his numbed, emptied head, just instinct and feeling, as he heaves himself over the last barrier between himself and warmth and light and collapses immediately into a graceless bloodied heap on the ground.
He does not have the strength to lift his head as there is a voice and the sound of a chair being shoved back, hurried footsteps, and then there is a shadow over him and hands on his back. Hands far gentler than those that tormented him for all of the handful of days that he could remember. Familiar hands. Home-like hands.
He doesn't remember anything, doesn't know anything. But somehow, his body knows this man. Enver Gortash.
And he is known right back.
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This felt appropriate for pride month.
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One of the reasons I have a hard time reading astarion smut is that you can't convince me spawn act3 would be a serious lover with dirty talk and whatever. That he'd do all the SmutFic.mp4 lines where if you Ctrl+f his name and replace it with another characters it would still make sense.
He'd be having fun. He'd be laughing. He'd be a goofball. We've all seen what love does to this bastard. It amps up his silliness. The man who says "Delicious!" in that way after a kiss. He spent such a long time saying all the perfect words and doing the perfect moves to min/max it all. No. The man is in love for the first time. He is going to have fun, he's going to be present, and he's not gonna rush any of it. Send tweet.
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He's so adorable when he's thinking what to say
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Cats of Baldur's Gate III
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V bites back
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not the feminine urge, not the masculine urge, but the secret third urge
the dark urge
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This might be an unpopular headcanon based on the art I’ve seen around here but I definitely think Gortash is the more dominant one and Durge is a bratty bottom.
I imagine the first time they have sex Durge tries to be the top (and is like, surprised, to encounter resistance because he’s only ever fucked corpses) but Gortash is the chosen of the god of tyranny and isn’t about to let some uppity godsdamned bhaalspawn get one over on him. It’s like a struggle for about 5 minutes until Gortash pins him down and then Durge is like
Turns out being daddy’s little murder meatsuit has translated to a general thing for submission. It’s kind of in his dna, or at least it’s been conditioned into him. Durge wrote that the folly of Banites was that they couldn’t see the beauty in obliteration— but Durge can, Durge does, and from then on, he starts to see that beauty more and more in what he has with Gortash and less in what Bhaal asks of him. Because Gortash is the first person who encourages Durge to pursue his own ambitions, his own desires, and validates that Durge is impressive and capable in his own right.
So Durge gives Gortash shit but they both know he wants to lose himself. He wants to submit and be the one who is consumed. And even if he can’t admit it even to himself, Gortash knows that Durge wants that from him. He’d let Gortash flay him alive and have him for dinner. He might just do anything Gortash asked and that’s…
that’s worse than just getting fucked by him. He admires him and maybe even trusts him and although he has this internal and often external struggle against it he wants Gortash to win.
He wants to submit to his chosen. Not to Bhaal. And that’s the dirtiest, most rotten thing in the world to him.
Making his own choice.
Because that’s what submission is about, really. It’s not about a lack of choice. That’s slavery. What Bhaal wants of Durge is slavery. What Durge really wants is to say, “I trust you, I want you, I choose to give you control that I can revoke.” But he can’t— he has to struggle against that urge. Maybe Gortash is actually the first person who teaches Durge how to… resist. That resisting can be good and giving in can be good. Not just something he has to do. And Gortash loves that game between them. He cherishes the pushback from Durge.
The clash of wills makes Durge finally giving into the one he’s chosen all the sweeter… and serving the one he’s bound to begins to feel like bitter ash on his tongue in comparison.
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Between Durge and Gortash, Durge was the weak one who let emotions get the better of them. I'm not saying that Gortash felt nothing, but it was distant and cold even if he portrayed it as something else. He knows what people want to hear, even Durge, knows exactly what words and gestures to use. Every kind word or soft touch is calculated. People like him because he WANTS them to like him. He played games with Durge because it was entertaining and kept them around because they were useful, manipulated them into staying by him by letting Durge fill in their own blanks around his carefully chosen words and actions. Durge is a tool, a possession, one he might like a little bit more than others, but not so much that he'd go home and cry about it when they died. It would just be anger that something useful had been taken from him, that Orin had destroyed one of his possessions and damaged his plans. Maybe, just maybe, he felt a pang of loss, but it was something easily written off as irrelevant in the face of ambition and ego.
You can love a sociopath, but they won't love you back. At least not in the way you want them to or in a way that makes sense to you.
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DURGE use genuine CARE and AFFECTION on ASTARION: It's super effective!!💘
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i dont know if anyone else has noticed and i don't know if I'm reading this wrong but. DID ENVER GORTASH LOVE SOMEONE. LIKE ACTUALLY. HUH
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My Durge is a bard and I just—
“If I tell you, you’ll laugh.” “Oh, I most certainly will. Please, do tell me anyway.” Killian sighed, already hating himself for indulging him. “I made them play didgeridoos at the temple—” Enver did let out a merry snort at that, and Kill nearly grinned at the sound despite himself. “—and it seems ridiculous, but I promise you, every sacrifice we brought back that week nearly shit themselves. One actually did. Poor sod.” “An absolutely diverting anecdote, my dear bhaalspawn.” Gortash was grinning back at him, and Kill felt a twist in the pit of his stomach. The call to violence in his blood was becoming difficult to parse from other types of impulses, of late. “I’ll think about it fondly. Can we get back to the point, now? We have a cult to start.” Killian grunted and pulled away. “The point is,” Killian rolled his eyes, a performance of annoyance that Enver knew he was not at all committed to, “a bit of theatricality and impracticality — leaning into the ridiculous — it doesn’t undermine us at all. Quite the opposite. A touch of the absurd can make the frightening much, much more so.” “The tension from the surreal makes sure the terror of reality is felt that much more sharply.” “Exactly.” Enver nodded, thoughtful, his quill poised above his parchment. “Delightful insight, my dear. A goblin priestess it is, then.” He scribbled a few notes, then looked back up at Kill with a wicked smile. “Ketheric will be furious.”
Yeah. Didgeridoos.
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“You have bonded with Astarion, body and soul. His scent lingers on your skin.” That line. Gods. Pure goosebumps. To know that other companions can smell Astarion’s scent on Tav/Durge’s skin is just so… so profoundly sensual. So evocative. So intimate. Halsin says it during the time when Astarion and Tav/Durge weren’t having sex, but that line implies that even without lovemaking they couldn't keep their hands off each other.
"Looking for a cuddle?"
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Displacer Beast: Master is generous with his meat-gifts. The rot is only skin-shallow. The kicks he gives, most earned.
Displacer Beast: This is love. I am sure.
Dark Urge: Love is a disease like any other.
Displacer Beast: Disease? No. Love is a birthright. I pity the beast who is deprived.
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This fucking fandom has me considering writing a whole character piece about why Durge is into necrophilia. I still refuse to write sex scenes but I’m out here sinking thousands of words into intimate stabbings and an inappropriate relationship with a corpse
I can’t post any of this until my mother is dead 💀
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