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http://thatfangirlhybridsuperhero.tumblr.com/post/126264445693/prompts-open ^^^ I will now be posting from this account, so any requests for prompts! please send them there :)
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I was just wondering how you actually post promts/fics? I've been wanting to but am not sure how
Hi anon, You post prompts by first actually asking people to fan mail you an idea. Use lots of tags to advertise. Then you just write the fic (use word or something) then post it on here, again adding tags. I'm terrible though, I don't have time to write Fics due to college being a bitch!
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I do remember several months ago promising to write and never actually doing so because I have a lot of college work to keep up with but hopefully I'll be able to get back on track with some prompts. I'm especially excited about the Chicago Med Proposed spin off as I love medical shows. Also linstead, even though they've 'cooled things off'. Any prompts for CPD, CF, OUAT, The originals etc, send them in and I'll try to write. xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Hey! Does anyone have the video from the SVU/PD/Fire crossover of Erin getting hit by the bike and then the scene? I've seen gifs but I just can't find the video anywhere. It would be so appreciated!
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Hey you're really awesome!
Thanks very much, I'm sure you're extremely awesome too!:)xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
As you can see, two prompts up, and I have a few left. Some of them are a bit repetitive as you all seem to want the same thing;) Also note the slight URL change. I still have a few hours to change back if you guys don't like it? Also, would like to ask you all for URL suggestions. Something chicago pd or svu or really any of the shows I write for orientated, I'd be so grateful? Just send me an ask with your suggestion:) Keep sending prompts in please. xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Hi! Can you please do a prompt where erin is kidnapped and beat up, and jay finds her?
It's been so long since I've written Linstead! ------------------------------------------------When she's taken, he stops breathing. Frozen in the most paralysing fear of his entire life. Even when he was a soldier, nothing ever made him feel so crappy. The little girl holding his hand, Lizzie she's called is telling him everything is fine. A five year old trying to calm him down, it's pathetic he thinks. They tell her to get in the van, or else they take the little girl and Erin being Erin tells them where to go. "I'll get in your stupid van, just leave the kid, ok?" She lowers her gun and looks towards Jay. "You'll find me." She says, smiling. It's only when the van rounds the corner and disappears that he has the good sense to radio in. "Detective Halstead requiring immediate back up to Lake House Avenue, roll and Ambo. Detective Lindsay has been taken, I need backup." When the rest of the unit arrive not ten minutes later he's sat on the sidewalk, head in hands. Voight asks him something and when he doesn't reply, he finds himself slapped around the face. "Halstead, get a grip!" His boss is angry, angry that he's sat almost crying when his partner is missing. The little girl waves a piece of paper, "I wrote down the numbers on the back of the van, maybe that can help you find the police lady?" Jay breaths out with relief. He'd completely forgotten to get the plates, at least now they had a half decent chance of finding her...Time passes quickly and soon enough they find the house where they think she is and all the time Jay's heart is beating so fast under his vest. He doesn't even hesitate to walk straight into the house when Voight gives the signal. He's oblivious to any danger and he yells for her. "Erin?" He yells. "Jay!" She croaks back. Her voice sounds strange, not it's usual gravelly sexy tone. When he sees her, he realises why. They tried to strangle her. Her usually perfect pale neck is blue and purple and bruised from men's hands. He quickly unties her hands and feet and tries to pick her up. "Halstead, I'm fine really." She's pleading with him to believe her but he knows when she's bullshitting. He remembers back to a few months earlier when she'd been shot and tried to convince him that as it was only a through and through, she didn't need to go to hospital. Turns out, she was millimetres away from an artery.He picks up his radio, "Officer down in need of assistance, can we get an ambo to 446 West Street?" She's scowling at him. "Jay I don't need one." He laughs, "Your face and neck and whatever else I've yet to notice disagree." She doesn't laugh. Instead she looks around and shivers. "Fine, I'll go but please let me get out of here before they get here and try to strap me to a board or something." "Does your neck hurt?" He asked suddenly, lifting her head gently. She swats his hands away and winces. "Would your neck hurt if some huge guy grabbed you and squeezed?" He helps her up and notices her arm. "Erin, your wrist.." She swallows, "I don't feel too well, can you just---" Before she can say anything else, she vomits, heaving until her head hurts. She's about to pass out when strong hands lift her and hold her. She closes her eyes, worried that Jay's uniform is next to be puked on. When she next opens them they're outside of the house and Voight is rushing over. "Halstead, did you call for an Ambulance?" Jay nods, "I did, she was fine for about a minute, giving me attitude, but then she got dizzy and passed out, her necks bad.." She feels gentle hands feels her neck and the sharp intake of breath. "These guys better hope there's no permanent damage. Try to stay awake Erin." Jay sits down and holds her head onto his lap. It's only then he realises she's shaking. He takes her pulse, it's thready and quick. "Crap, Erin, calm down." "Dawson, you got a jacket I can borrow, she's going into shock." Erin's confused by these words and wonders what the hell he's on about. Mentally she's fine. It's not the worse thing that's ever happened. He sees her frowning. "Your body is going into shock because of the physical injuries, I know you're fine Erin, just hang in there." There's hands join together and he doesn't let go until he has to when she's being lifted into the ambulance; it's only for a few seconds. Even with her broken wrist and all the other stuff, he can see his partners going to be just fine. She's strong like that.
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Sad Prompt: Adam gets Kim pregnant and they don't know that she is and on a bust she gets shot. (You can decide the baby's fate) Note: Pretty please write this
This was pretty tricky to write, it took me a while to actually think of the scenario, enjoy!----------------------------------------------------------------"Kim, you have to get checked out, it's policy, I had to when I got hit last year." Adam tries to negotiate with his girlfriend until she finally relents. "Fine, only because I don't want to spend the afternoon on the streets watching the peaceful protest in aid of homeless cats or whatever Platt signed me up for." Twenty minutes later they're at the hospital and a nurse is telling Adam he needs to wait outside whilst she examines his girlfriend. He smiles, "Don't worry, it's not like I've not seen it all before." The nurse tuts, smiling, "You still have to wait outside." It takes him 10 more minutes to get worried. He can hear Kim whispering to the nurse on the other side. It sounds like crying.The nurse pops her head out and calls for the doctor, "Doctor Michaels, do you have a minute." She sees Adam and smiles, but it's sad and completely confusing. In the next minute, Kim begins to cry, this time louder. "Oh god, no, no, no, I didn't even know!" She's sobbing now and he just can't take it. He pulls open the curtain. "Kim?" He says. That's when he sees the blood. It's staining the nurses gloves, the doctors and Kim's clothes. The bed sheets are tinged red. She covers her face and sobs. "I'm sorry Adam, I didn't even know..." It takes him a few seconds but when he gets what she means, he falls back into the chair, "Oh god, Kim, I shouldn't have let you go out in the field. You were sick this morning, I should have known." The nurse looks over at him, "The impact of the shot caused the miscarriage. It looked to still be in the very early stages so you weren't to know, it's not either of your faults." Kim nods then and tries to calm down, "You're right, it wasn't even a real baby yet, I'm fine, we're fine. We can just go back to work tomorrow and get on with our jobs." The doctor shakes his head gently, "I'm giving you a weeks note. Not only do you need to get over the emotional trauma, you also need to recover physically from the stress. I'm very sorry for your loss." Adam doesn't know what to say then. He doesn't even know what to say a week later when Kim gets in his car for a ride to the station. She's staring out of the window trying to hide everything. "Kim?" He whispers. She looks over to him before he speaks again. "One day we're going to have kids, I promise. You're going to be a great mum, I know that for sure." Her eyes fill with tears, "You're going to be a great dad Adam." Some how they knew everything was going to be ok...
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
So I saw the promo for the Chicago Fire, Chicago PD and svu crossover and I just can't put into words how excited I am! I completely love all three shows and the characters. Who else is excited? (Btw, hoping to have some prompts up by tomorrow!) xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Do you just do mainly Linstead prompts or all prompts?
Hey! I do all prompts when I actually get the chance to write them. So apologies to everyone. I will eventually get around to writing them.:)
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
I think you may be right about linstead. Not sure I want their first kiss to be first sex too. But hope that first kiss will be very hot.
Hi anon.Maybe they'll just kiss in an episode and make out like it's nothing until eventually they realise it really is something;) I just feel like they're gradually falling in love and it's going to take a while but the writers might speed it up with some kind of dramatic event (like this weeks;) save Jay thing!) Linstead are the definition of a slow burn romance.xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
I have two questions for you. What do you think will happen with linstead in next episodes now that linseride broke up? Do you take requests for linstead oneshots?
Hey anon! To answer your question about one shots, I do accept then, just hit up my ask box and I'll try to get around to them:) As for the other question I don't think linstead are going to 'get together' as such, straight away. We're probably going to get a lot of drama and angst this episode, with Jay being in danger, and then Erin is obviously going to get herself into something later in the season bcus she's a character that's way too interesting not too have a huge storyline. In crime shows the 'couple' always seem to go through a phase of hating, then obviously we get the sex scene and the relationship;) I see that happening with Erin and Jay. xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
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Chicago PD + Episode Titles
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Chicago PD
It's only been back two weeks and I'm already in love with this show again. I find the characters so endearing and brilliant and it's just so amazing. If anyone would like to send in any predictions on what's going to happen regarding the storyline, couples/relationships, characters and anything else, I'd love to hear and then share my own opinion with you. (Also taking prompts!) xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
CPD: Erin is shot trying to save Jay and they don't know if she'll make it.
Note: this is my first prompt in a gazillion years so sorry if it lacks good-ness. ....Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound droned on, the same noise over and over again. Never faltering or changing. Just staying the same. He looks down and sees his partner lying there in the bed, unconscious and so much unlike her usual lively self it hurt. It was his fault and he feels so immensely guilty yet he can't do anything. Except watch her sleep and hope she opens her eyes. Jay casts his mind back to the precise moment it happened. ...13 hours, 20 minutes and 50 seconds ago, they were on a bust together. Partners as always because they always had each other's backs. She was angry that morning. Kelly broke up with her with no reason other than he needed space and Erin was not accepting of rejection, she craved belonging. He was making comments to cheer her up, telling her their one day was now and after shift they'd go out and get drunk. (Voight heard over the radio and laughed, telling them if they turned up for work drunk the next day, he'd kill them both). Erin was always the one who insisted on taking the lead, going first because she was older and wiser. Or so she thought.........and he was just turning around to tell her he was technically wiser when she jumped at him, a loud bang piercing the air. She didn't even make a sound as he pushed her off him and began to shoot at the man running away. He thought she was ok, thought she had just jumped on top of him to stop them both from being shot. He had no idea....Jay had no idea she'd been shot until he looked down to his hands. Blood was spattered along his palms and at first he thought it was his own but she was still on the ground and not moving. "No...no...this isn't happening." He swore as he pushed his hands over the wound just above the vest. It was exactly where Jules was shot that day all those months ago and Erin knew. She just lay there, panic in her eyes gasping because she thought she was going to die. Voight had appeared at that second yelling for an ambulance and screaming at Jay to push harder to stop the blood......That was over 13 hours ago. Now she's not bleeding internally and her plasma isn't pooling around her on the ground. Instead she's unconscious and looks dead and somewhere inside that hurts more. It almost hurts as much as the doctor telling him 4 hours earlier that she'd crashed twice in surgery and may never wake up. He doesn't believe that though, she's too strong for death and much too young. Besides, they still haven't had their 'one day'. He holds her hand and wonders what he'll say to her when she looks up at him for the first time in hours. He wants to tell her she's his soulmate, that he loves her.He wants to tell her she made a mistake with the fireman, she's meant for him. He wants to tell her she's the best partner in the history of partners. ...But as her eyes open none of the words come out and instead he just stares at her face until she frowns. "Oh my god, I didn't get shot in the face did I?" She deadpans. He laughs. The first thing he tells his partner is so...them, it's unreal. "You're an idiot." Some how they both find themselves laughing at this. xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Dear loyal followers, Hope your hiatus was as fun filled as mine, but now we're back to tv time again. I've decided this year I'm going to write and accept requests for the following shows; Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, The originals, Saving Hope, NCIS LA (and maybe New Orleans when it starts properly) and once upon a time. Others may be added in the next few weeks. These are the shows I feel most connected with, especially as I'm sure that most requests I get will be for linstead (cus they're BAMF) So starting from now, I'm going to accept some requests. Try to keep them neutral and not dependant on the next season that hasn't started yet but as soon as Thursdays passed then by all means send me season specific ones. So please send me some things to write and I'll try to get around to them within the next few hours/days. Bye for now. xo
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linstead-is-otp-blog · 10 years
Now that Chicago PD and Chicago Fire are starting again, I'm so curious as to who killed Jin and who dies in CF. So what's your opinions? Who dies???
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