lovely-necromancy · 9 months
Have you ever wondered what flower from Victorian flower language you are? I have! I have a quiz about it! (my credentials are that I have a spreadsheet of over 600 flower meanings)
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
You know the last decade or so has been pretty shit but it is nice to make it to 2023 and see NFTs crash, Trump get taken to court, Musk fuck himself eight different ways, AirBnB eat shit, every major industry start unionizing and striking, and billionairs no longer able to squeeze blood from a stone finally begin cannibalizing each other for nutrients
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
attention all bg3 players who have also played any dragon age game!! (which is probably everyone, let’s be real)
im conducting an experiment, so if everyone could please reblog with their romance choices for both games
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
Snoring contest
Choose your favorite and sleep well
P.S. Shadowheart doesn't have these sounds, so I guess she's lucky
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
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Who is it?💕
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
Customer: this is unacceptable I called last week and was told my order would be ready Tuesday where is it why don't you have it!!! Me pointing to the empty stock wall that has visible scorch marks going to the ceiling: Sorry for the inconvenience but we had a sort of unexpected emergency a few days ago.
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
A doctor saying "Good news! Your labs look great" is like if you were watching a cop show and the chief walked in like "Great news, everybody! The best news! The killer is still at large and we have no leads."
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
Well, my job has veered so far off it's original course that we are now closed for a week to the public while we take care of "maintenance" issues. And I woke up to find that my direct deposit is not in my account. Never in my life had I had a paycheck be late on a non-holiday week. The universe is telling me to start putting out applications.
On another note I am taking commissions for writing. Base prices are 10$ for 1k words. DM me if you are interested.
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
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it must be said the ancient greeks got a little funny with it
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
i don’t understand why some fanfiction writers will put all of there work in one giant paragraph. i am constantly abusing a paragraph break. i use it every five seconds. new subject? new paragraph. slightly different angle? new paragraph. any sentence that holds any amount of weight? boom new paragraph. i will use one word then do another paragraph break. you can’t stop me.
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
very funny that i still think of tumblr as being relaxing because sometimes I’ll come on this site and my eyes will immediately be assaulted by a string of words that even monkeys with typewriters would be sent to hell for and I’ll just have to deal with that
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
not submission. I really hate the "My OC, my rules" thing. Cause like, no? Just because they are your oc doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with them. If you want to make your oc suffer and not like them get help, you deserve to lose rights over them. Especially if you only do that stuff to purposely trigger people. Once you do that, your oc no longer belongs to you. they belong to the public who will take better care of them instead
Making a comment to get this to post.
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
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team sunset!🌇
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
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I am very much not immune to Astarion 🩸
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
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lovely-necromancy · 9 months
I just pictured getting into a silly arguement with your vampire partner and then you get so petty that you go stand out in the sun so they can't get to you.
My hand slipped: (gn reader, f vampire, sfw)
"I can't believe you left the garlic out on the counter where I could smell it! Again!" she hissed, eyeing the offending bulb with glaring, scarlet irises. "You know how it affects my throat!"
"You said you wouldn't come in the kitchen anymore!" you fired back at her. "You get to drink any kind of blood you like -- I don't judge you for it -- and you said I could have the kitchen as my space where I get to have the things I like to eat."
"Yes, but you don't have to smell deer blood on my breath for a week after I go hunting!"
"God dammit, I just wanted some garlic bread, sweetheart," you practically sobbed. "I miss it, ok?"
"I don't see why I should have to pay for your -- where are you going?"
"I'm going outside. This is clearly not going anywhere and I need a minute."
"Get back here," she yelped as you flung open the back door and stepped out into a blazing August afternoon.
Crickets and insects filled the air around you with their raucous chorus from the grasses, and in the oak tree above you at the end of the garden, a pigeon cooed in a decidedly lacklustre voice, lamenting the cooler days yet to come.
You took a deep breath and let the sun's fierce heat prickle all up your bare arms. You'd never had an argument with Celine before, and with it being over something so petty as a stray bulb of garlic, you felt unnerved and off-kilter. After only a few minutes, you bit your lower lip and turned towards the back door of the house again, finding her sitting on the step, staring at you.
Her bare toes were tucked right up against the step as the creeping tide of daylight washed slowly towards her, and your heart lurched at the thought of it scorching her skin because she was too stubborn to go inside and wait for you both to cool off. Metaphorically. It was hot as Satan's balls out there.
"Celine," you breathed, knowing full well she would hear you, even at that distance.
She lowered her head, her thick, dark, curly hair falling in front of her face and her hands dropping to dangle listlessly in her lap.
With slow, measured steps, you returned to her and stood before her on the path, still separated from her by a wall of searing sunlight.
She looked up and met your gaze. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I overreacted. Keep your garlic. Keep everything that makes you human and everything I love about you and everything that you love. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry I wasn't more thoughtful about storing it so it doesn't waft around the house. I forgot how refined your senses are."
You held out your hand, letting the shadows cast by the house slide up your skin so she could safely hold your hand. Celine rose to her feet and drew you into the cool embrace of her arms. "I love you," she whispered into your hair as she cradled you close. "I love you so much."
"Garlic and all?"
She chuckled. "Yes, garlic and all. We did meet at Francesco's dinner party after all."
"That was an awful lot of garlic," you snickered. "Even for me."
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