Idk why my reblogs don't work but
Go check Katy out! Her art is awesome and she's really cool
Tablet broken so trying traditional art again (forgot that zoom doesn't exist on paper) Pls give mcs for me to draw. If u want your mc too be drawn pls dm me or use the ask box
example of how my traditiona would look like
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@tokiyumejo idk why but whenever I try to reblog the fav demon from each region post it just doesn't work so I'll make my own post for the time being
Gehenna: Satan
Hades: Barbatos
Tartaros: Mammon
Abbysos: Bael
Paradise Lost: Gamigin
Abbadon: Dantalian
Niflheim: Andrealphus
Fav angel: Michael
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Could I request headcanons for whb kings (Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Mammon) reacting to MC asking if they can buy matching half heart necklaces for both of them to wear where each necklace has a half a heart to connect the other half? Only if he's interested! If my description doesn't makes sense, please search "matching half heart necklaces" on Google!
I don't think any of them would mind if you asked, so I'll just write about Mc gifting them the necklace. Also, for everyone's knowledge, I see all your asks. If I don't answer it, it's because I conciously deleted it. There's no need to send it multiple times over.
Mc gifting the kings matching heart necklaces
Satan would get a bit flustered over it. Did you want a necklace like his and this is your way of convaying that? He would take off his necklace and replace it with the one you gave him. Whenever you're together he'd try at least once to click them to form a full heart. He might be the devil, but he's also such a boy failiour when it comes to you.
Mammon would wear it with such pride he'd put Lucifer to shame. Whenever he interacts with someone he'd be like "Do you like my necklace? My master gave it to me." Would have prefered a collar, but anything gifted by you is worth more than the world to him. Happiest devil imaginable.
Leviathan would scoff. Really? You think he would wear such a childish accessory? In his grave... literarly, he would wear it in his coffin and giggle like a school girl. Would ask you if anyone else has recieved a smililar necklace from you and throws a hissy fit if they did. He covers it up with his clothes, but he wears it 24/7.
Beelzebub would be glad to wear it. He never takes it down, so you'll be able to tell which is the og Beelzebub. It becomes his favorite stim toy, constantly fidgeting with it. He would connect the heart with yours all the time and he gets pouty if you don't want to.
Lucifer would just stare at it in confusion. This must be a human cuarting ritual... right? He heard that humans wear jewlery to represent a romantic bond. He could have sworn they were usually rings, but you're a peculiar creature even compered to your bretheren, perhaps you just wanted to be quircky and unique. Such pride comming from a human. He'll accept your gift, wearing it around his neck all the time and he expects you to do the same.
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Since I saw that mine comic with the kings being young and Gusion being their math teacher, I've been plagued by one thought.
What nobles were the babysitters to the kings? In real life, when a king is below the age of 18 and unable to rule they have a couseler which takes care of basicly everything for them and has the role of taking care of the small king.
I think for Satan I would have to go with Paimon. To me, Paimon seems like the only Gehenna noble I would trust to raise a child. He just seems fullfiled in life, like his character arc ended and he's now a self-fulfiled devil. Plus, the way he holds Satan in the bath card comic is gold.
For Mammon it's a bit hard. First of all, we only know 3 nobles from him and I'm not sure any of them fit the bill. I would wait for this one, but if I had to choose now I would say maybe Buer. He holds a lot of secrets and he's a doctor so it makes sense that he would be the main caretaker of a sickly child. Though the only problem with this one is that he moved to Paradise Lost later.
The closest thing Leviathan had to a caretaker was Orias but... I mean, we all know what happened. If you don't, just look up the Requiemof the Survivors event.
Beelzebub and Bael are besically twins, but I think Bael was kind of put in charge of making sure that Beel doesn't combust or something. Every noble so far in Abyssos gives me 20s vibes, there's no way they're older than the king.
Lucifer was born in his 30s, he had to raise all the angels himself. Bro is the caretaker.
For Asmodeus I have this hc that Phenix was his caregiver and that's why he ended up the most affected of the bunch. We see in one of the mini comics that Phenix's lust is kind of a illness since Morax can transfer it to himself momentarly. Maybe there's some guilt from Asmodeus for unintentionally driving his suragat parent insane.
Belphegor has Gusion. Can I call this one cannon, cause it pretty much is. If stuff from likability comics and personal stories is considered canon, why not this. Plus, Bathin comes from Paradise Lost and Andrealphus was a baby when Belphegor was an adult, so that only leaves Gusion.
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Love how all the relationships I write for can be boiled down to two main archetypes:
1. Two dorks being dorky in the dorkiest way possible
2. Mo si Foca
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Uwaa! I'm loving your Dantalian headcanon!
I can see him, Eligos, Paimon and Orias going shopping together? TT-TT) we need the cutiepies of Hell gathered! Nilfheim and Lost Paradise where you at!?
Meanwhile, Dong-gyun from Avisos can be considered a cutiepie but he isn't in their level yet so he holds all their shopping bags;;;
I could see it go something like this
*On their special group chat*
Dantalian: Dad told me that we have to go to this really important event but all my clothes are fetish outfits :(
Dantalian: The festival has a decency policy!!!! The people at Paradise Lost are insane!
Eligos: I've actually got a brand new collection in partnership with Paimon and Orias
Dantalian: Ok, I know Paimon, but who tf id Orias?
Eligos: He's a beauty guru! He's quite popular on [NOT TRADEMARKED VIDEO SHARING WEBSITE]
Eligos: you should look him up
Dantalian: That's a new one
Dantalian: I don't think I have it yet, let me go whine to my dad about it.
Eligos: Tell His Majesty Asmodeus to pay his taxes!!!
Eligos: Sorry, Bimet stole my phone UnU
Eligos: I'll just add Paimon and Orias here
_Paimon and Orias got added to the group chat_
Dantalian: Orias's a little bitch
Orias: And who might I have the pleasure of being insulted by?
Paimon: Hiiiiii, your highness Dantaliaaaaaaan
Dantalian: Paimon as well!
Eligos: You should get to know them as well since they all contribute to my newer collections
Orias: Dantalian? Don't you remember me sweetie? We used to hang out when you were younger?
Dantalian: I have never heard of you in my whole life
Orias: :)
Paimon: So, your highnesssss! I heard you're going to your first balllll
Dantalian: It's a sort of very formal festival
Dantalian: And we can't wear my usual attire
Dantalian: To understand how bad it is, my dad took out the 17th century suit ToT
Dantalian: Imagine being alive during the 17th century
Orias: ...
Paimon: What colour would you like the costume to beeeee?
Dantalian: Red, duh
Orias: I have the red costume at my place. It needed a bit of sewing and adding some extra ditails
Dantalian: Eligos, why could you take care of it?
Eligos: I've used all of the angel feathers in Tartaros for a new dress for MC.
Orias: And I have plentiful
Paimon: And Orias stole iiiiit
Orias: You're so funny Paimon.
Orias: Little ol me, going around stealing? Never
Dantalian: Wait, arent you the guy that tried to kill Leviathan!?
Orias: I have no idea what you're talking about
Dantalian: And everyone in Hades haaaaaates you. They would sometimes complain to me whenever you arrived back in the country
Orias: Your memory must be quite faulty. Everyone in Hades loves me
Dantalian: Except 99% of the population
Orias: You're so lucky you're part of the monarchy
Dantalian: Why? Come kill me right now, dipshit. What, are you too scared? Give me all you got
Orias: Now you're just asking for it
Dantalian: Orias don't you fucking there show up or I'm snitching you - King Asmodeus
Dantalian: Please sent the suit at the adress of the castle of Abaddon and make sure it is in pristine condition. Eligos, I already sent the money for it. Please stop contacting my son, he's grounded. - King Asmodeus
*This chat was terminated*
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Dantalian being a prince hcs
He might be a horny murderer, but he's also part of nobility, so he only eats with proper cultery.
Everyone (accept Asmodeus) calls him "your highness Dantalian"
Since Asmodeus is mostly on Earth, Dantalian is the one in charge of running Abaddon. He's not great at it, but he's trying
While the nobles tend to bicker with eachother, they're all quite nice to Dantalian since he's a prince and all that.
He's allowed to barge into another king's catle without asking for permission beforehand
Since Marbas is one of the greatest healers in Paradise Lost, he's Dantalian's family doctor. He can just call Marbas and he'll have to teleport and help the prince out.
He was raised sheltered because Asmodeus knows what type of country he governs. Dantalian's first time was with Solomon and it was then that Asmodeus started letting Dantalian run around freely through the country
Eligos has his own clothing store and Dantalian is the main buyer. Cute clothes make him look weak so more people pick on him.
Dantalian is the only devil that can produce both human and devil energy since he's kind of both
He likes to play pranks on people by shapeshifting into them.
Since he's so important for the ecosystem of Hell, Dantalian, like all the other kings, are the only devils outside of Paradise Lost that can be revived by Gamigin.
Dantalian used to call Asmodeus daddy, but when he got a bit older Asmodeus himself told him to drop it since people were assuming the worst.
Dantalian is imune to Asmodeus' charm because of course his father can't give him an erection
He only has a very weak version of Asmodeus' poison which will cause paralysis 40 seconds after getting into the victim's system.
Dantalian's horns don't regrow, the set he has now is his only set. If they break, that's how they'll stay forever.
Satan and Mammon call Dantalian son, Leviathan calls him "that thing" or spawn, Beelzebub calls him kiddo, Lucifer calls him by his name with no titles and Belphegore calls him Dan because he can't be bothered to say all that name
Ronové and Phenix are tasked to keep Dantalian alive, which is hard when the prince constantly tries to get murdered
In human years, I think Dantalian would be around 19-21, overall, one of the youngest nobles if not the youngest
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Whb kings when MC dates one of their nobles
Satan would murder your boyfriend (affectionatly). He'll be quite pissed that you chose a noble over him, but I think he would act like a dad when their child first gets a date. "Who are you? What are you planning to do with MC? I need a detailed time-table of all the activities. How did you meet? What flowers did you buy them? How much can you lift?" Yeah, he knows his nobles like brothers, but he won't hesitate to abuse his status as their king to make sure you're taken care of. He would be most fine with you dating Zagan or Belial, they're the only sane people in the country.
Mammon would congratulate you. Of course his master would want one of his subjects, they're the highest quality you can get on the market. I don't think Mammon really sees any other devil as being a fully concious individual being. To him they're all kind of like pets. He loves them but in the same way someone might love a dog. So, to him, Mc dating a noble or a king or God himself is the same. He knows that at some point you'll return back to him. He's glad that it's someone from Tartaros since he gets to have you close. He would like to see you with Eligos because you could both be cute together.
Leviathan would murder your 'boyfriend' (aggressively). Oh, you're dating Barbatos? No you're not. Leviathan is a true gaslight gatekeep girlboss, so he'll try to convince you that your little noble sweetheart doesn't love you. He'll go to the noble in question and threaten to have them skinned for treason. He would rather flood his own kingdom than have you dating anyone else but him.
Beelzebub would do one of the following 1. Don't care, didn't ask, send nudes 2. Omg, tell me about it, bestie! 3. Who's the bastard so I know to have a talk with him.
He fluctuates between these three moods depending on what clone you're talking to and at what time of day. He's usually fine with you dating a noble unless he decided he put his claim on you first. It really depends in what order it happened, since he wouldn't try to break up an existing couple, but he won't let you date anyone else if he marked you already. He would prefere if you dated Bael since he knows that guy needs a break... or 1000.
At first I thought that Lucifer would be possessive of his nobles and wouldn't want some random ass human dating them (reverse Satan). But on second thought, I think Lucifer would be the number one shipper between you and said noble. He likes knowing that they are getting to interact with other cultures and species. He would probably pull you aside the first time your boyfriend introduced you to him and he'll pin you to the wall and speak in an intimidating voice "If you even think about hurting my brother, I will make sure you suffer in ways no human was supposed to." Then he just drops you, smiles politely and tell you to have a great date with your darling. He would like if you dated Gamigin because that's his son, but anyone would do.
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The way I'm genuinely scared that the L cards with the nobles will be behind the nightmare pass. They trully named it appropriatly, because it's a fucking nightmare for any f2p players.
At least with Solomon seals you can get very fucking lucky and get the character you want without having to pay. With the nightmare pass you have to pay and do a lot of chores to maybe get the character you want.
For me, to even consider paying to get the character I need to be 100% that I'll get it. Like in the pancake shop. I would rather pay 5 dollars for an L character knowing full well that I'll get it than maybe posibly getting the character.
"But, Luceafarul, the rewards you get outside the card in the nightmare pass are worth the money" no the fuck they're not. They are curancies in a phone game, they have no value. At least for the card you get excited and you have a little story attached. What the fuck do you gain by getting Solomon tears? It's just a number going up.
Fuck PrettyBusy! Fuck Gatcha Games! This is my railstation now!
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Back to my pokemon brainrot I go
Whb Pokémon AU
In this universe, pokémon exist in Heaven and Hell as a seperate set of species from angels and devils. The angels and devils have no magical power, since God gave it all to the pokémon.
Every country in Hell is the perfect environment for some types of pokémon.
Gehenna is great for Normal, Fighting, Rock and Ground types. The people of Gehenna tend to specialise in pokémon fighting especially doubles and they prefere hyper offensive types of play.
Tartaros is great for Steel, Psychic, Electric and Ice types. People from Tartaros prefere to participate in contests and it is usual for the Contests devision of the Pokémon Olympics to be won by Tartaros. The lead is usually Eligos with Mawile.
Hades is great for Ghost and Water types. There are also Ultra Beasts that are tamed and used in battle by the people of Hades. They specialise in pokémon research and they tend to be the scientists and professors that write the pokédex entries.
Avisos is great for Poison, Grass and Bug types. It's where you can find the most diverse cuisines. The best poképuffs and berries can be found in Avisos and they specialise in this field.
Paradise Lost has a lot of Fairy and Flying types, but they also have a lot of Dragon types, some of the last. Paradise Lost is the healing and daycare center of the world, where baby pokemon thrive.
Everyone in Paradise Lost has a main team which they use for serious battles, a friend team which consists of the pokémon they have most befriended and wish not to suffer and a baby pokémon team which they train to become stronger and eventually release for biodiversity reasons.
Gamigin is the protector of the Golden Heart of Ho-Oh which can revive pokémon and fulfil wishes. He was also the caretaker of Xerneas before Lucifer fell. Then, Xerneas found a worthy trainer and chose Lucifer to be its master.
Lucifer didn't use pokémon before he fell because he thought himself stronger than any pokémon. But he changed his mind when Gamigin, the main conservationist of Hell, showed him the power of symbiosis between devils and pokémon.
God is Arceus in this and after they created Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, they made the angels... specificly Lucifer. Giratina and Lucifer became friends and started a fallen from grace club.
This is it for now, I'll add more stuff when I come up with it
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I have the habit of playing smash or pass with whb characters with anyone that can speak English. I've done it with about 7 different people and literarly all of them smashed Astaroth. All. Every single one.
I've had people say pass to all the kings and smash to Astaroth. I mean, I don't blame them, but it's strange that Astaroth of all people is the one they all agree on
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Mc: I'd rather be healthy and ill than happy and sad
Bael: How much did they have to drink?
Beel: Amon's the only one that drank anything, Mc's just like that
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Lately I've had no motivation to play the game and that kind of affected my willingness to write for this game. I update my oc blog almost daily, but that's because I like being able to give personality to the MC. The last few updates have been very disapointing in my opinion since we only get new cards that we have to wait 3 months to get ftp, payed passes which we can't even see the prologue to the story and events which range drasticly in quality (the GamiLuci event was amazing while the one with Leraye gave me a migraine thinking about when events were happening in relation to eachother.)
This is a very long way of saying that unless I get requests (that I actually vibe with) I doupt I will be posting as often as I used to. I'm not dead, just bored tbh
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May I please have Mc becoming asmodeus's fuck toy?
Maybe it's like a what in hell is bad, bad ending
Nsfw below the cut
Asmodeus used to be the most powerful demon king since he got his power equivalent to how much human lust he consumed
Which gave him a little bit of a human kink, to the point he got the prettiest humans he could find and made a harem
After the death of his wife, the other kings voted to stop allowing Asmodeus to enter the human world, which annoyed him so much he stoped talking with the rest of them.
When Asmodeus heard that the child of Solomon was wondering around hell, he was intrigued and turned on.
He would summon you withing his castle and seduce you with ease. Once he gets you into bed once, it's done. You're his
Asmodeus can make a type of posion with his blood and it leaves the victim paralysed and horny
So he'll make you a collar that will shoot that poison into you the moment you misbehave
You'd be to paralysed to crawl back to him, so he'll just pick you up and please you himself.
The only cure is his devil energy, so you have to make him cum at least once to get released
At this point you're too sore from sex to run away from him, not that the collar won't activate once more.
Demons of Abaddon have infinite stamina so Asmodeus can fuck you all day long and not need a break, at most taking a minute to change positions.
His favorite nickname is bunny. You're his little bunny, always desprate to be bred and ravaged yet so soft and small.
He's also very condecending. After overstimulating him with his cock he'll coo at
"Awwww, what is it bunny? Does it hurt down there? Don't worry, daddy will kiss it better."
He'll proceed to give you oral for an hour
Asmodeus will keep you on his lap, cockwarming him on his throne while he works on his laptop
Would make you a trophy for the nobles to fight over. Employee of the month gets the king's fucktoy for a month.
Your lust is so strong that even if another king tried to get you back from Asmodeus, they couldn't overpower him anymore
The only problem now is that you're a mortal, but he heard about this dragon fella that could help with that.
With you on his lap he is invincible. I hope you had no further embitions than being a walking fleshlight because you're not getting out anytime soon
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Gamigin never had to face mortality once he mastered his magic, so, hearing you talk about your funeral plans made him confused. You can't die, you're too important! To Hell, to Earth, to Paradise Lost, to him... you can't die, he'll just brong you back.
But humans age unlike the devils and angels he's familiar with. They age wether they like it or not. The rot of time sets in all of them, but Gamigin refuses to believe that. Any illness can be cured, any organ can be replaced, any cut mends itself... you can't die.
He never met Solomon, you're the first human he got to interact with. So he brushes off the greying hair and the wrinckles. It's a normal part of maturing is it not? You're not getting old, you're just changing hair colours. When you start complaining about your back and how hard it is to get out of bed, he makes all his friends help you. They know, but they don't want to sadden Gamigin more.
He only sees your soul, bright and happy, not your wrinkled face. When he finds you unmoving, he revives you, but this keeps happening. At some point, you put your hand on his and tell him to let you sleep this time. Gamigin is so confused as he tries to bring you back and can't. Why isn't his magic working? Did something happen? Are you alright? You can't die!
As all his brothers hold him close and comfort him through his mix of emotions, the only feeling he can pin down is doupt. You can't die... yet you just did. Is this normal? Who's he going to lose next?
On the patch you've been burried under, beautiful flowers grow. Maybe you trully haven't died, you just transformed. He wonders if he'll ever meet someone like you again... but those flowers show him that you'll never die. Nothing is lost in the universe, everything's recycled. He still misses you, but he wishes to keep you alive in his memories... you'll forever be his best friend. Even in death.
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I know I promised not to post about my oc on main anymore, but I'm too proud of this one. Plus, this is my blog, I do what I want
Happy 18th birthday
It was the middle of summer, the tempersture so much higher than anyone was used to for the end of July. Minhyeok had been awake for sometime now, scolling on his phone as Lucy spooned him. It has always been like that, since the day they got adopted, Lucy would refuse to sleep anywhere but Minhyeok's bed. Even with how warm it was, they were still pressed to his back, with an iron grip on him. The last time he tried to leave before Lucy woke up they had such an overwhelming breakdown that they cryed their way into a fever.
Minhyeok was trapped by Lucy in more ways than one. He watched all his friends go on vacations and at music festivals he always dreamed of attenting, yet he was stuck here, stuck with... them. He checked the calander and realised that it was his burden's birthday.
8 years... for 8 years he had been stuck with them. How much could have he done in those 8 years were it not for them... at this point he was questioning if his love for them was even real or just out of professional obligation.
As Minhyeok was lost in thought as a random tiktok played on his for you page, Lucy nuzzled into his back, signelling they're awake. To try and prevent a sigh, Minhyeok takes a deep breath in and turns to Lucy, petting their hair.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy bir-"
"Stop. I don't want to hear that." Lucy shoved a pillow in Minhyeok's mouth before streching and getting up. It was their 18th birthday, and like any traumatic event, they were just ignoring it.
Minhyeok was disappointed, but not surprised. Lucy was just like that... violent, angry, blunt. Selfish. Prideful. Annoying. He stopped himself before he could continue that trail of thought. Today was the day he will ask Lucy to move out. He had started working part time since he was 14 and with some help from his parents and the inheritance Lucy will finally be able to touch, he bought them a one room apartment. It was close by, so if anything happened he will be close, but at least for the 9 hours of sleep he got, he would be left alone.
He needed to be nice today so Lucy will recieve the gift nicely without another outburst. They were an adult now, they needed to act like one.
"What do you want for breakfast? Should I make you something special? What about... pancakes?" Minhyeok was trying very hard, but Lucy was anything but warry of malcontempt.
"I'm not hungry." That answer. That damn answer. It was always I'm not hungry, or I don't know. If only they knew how many times he was called to their school to be told that Lucy is malnurished and lacks every vitamine under the sun. How many times had he found his cooking hidden under the sofa or behind the oven, how many school lunches they must have thrown away instead of eating them? He was despretly trying to keep this kid alive and every time they just refused all his help.
"Pancakes take a while to make, even if you're not hungry now, I should probably start so they'll be ready when you do get hungry. Also, please change in a different room."
"No. What if someone's watching me strip?"
"I am, and I don't want to. Go strip in another room."
"I don't want to. You've seen me naked since I was 5, what's the difference now?"
Minhyeok knew that there was no getting through to them so he just turned and closed his eyes until he felt Lucy wrapped around him. The following "I love you." that escaped their lips was more desprate to quell out any annoyance in Minhyeok than to sugest their care for him. Until now, this had been a constant of their relationship; Lucy and Minhyeok would disagree on something, Minhyeok will try to take some time off to think things through and Lucy would force themselves in his privacy and apologise for being rude.
He pets Lucy's hair, trying to calm himself down more than anything else. He gets up and takes the set of keys to Lucy's new apartment. He had to do it.
"I know you don't want to acknowledge it, but you're an adult now, Lucy." Minhyeok's voice was shaky, bottled up feelings for 8 years threatening to come out against his will. "So I... I got you something that will help you get started on your journey." He turns to them and presents the set of keys. Lucy's face was pale their whole being frozen, paralysed in overstimulation.
"Do you know what these keys are for, Lucy?" Minhyeok was speaking in a melancholy sweet tone, like a parent to a child they're angry at. Lucy's bottom lip was quivering as the realisation started to set in. No. No, this isn't happening. They look at Minhyeok and they can practicly see his resentment. They've been feeling it for a while now, the quiet anger, the disregard and annoyance. They were a burden and they've always known it.
"Please don't." Lucy whimpered patheticly as they took a step back. Closer to their room, to his room... the room they've just assumed they were welcome in without knocking first. It was a desprate plead, a plead for Minhyeok to not speak out the conclusion everyone has taken at this point.
"They're keys to a new apartment. The keys to your new apartment." Minhyeok places the keys in Lucy's trembling hands. They were white, all the colour dried up from them when he spoke. But he was feeling great. This was his revange for it all. He will finally part from his parasite and be able to live the life he couldn't before.
Lucy drops the keys, just staring at Minhyeok's sweet smile as they whisper through tears. "Why?" It was their only question. It wasn't even directed to Minhyeok, it was just an inquiry Lucy needed answers to. They get back the keys while Minhyeok tried to explain himself and they just rushed to the attic. The only place they knew peace.
The attic was almost always dark and not made for living conditions. During winters it was colder than the outside and during summers it was like an overheated sauna. Today it was the latter.
In one of the tight corners of the attic stood a shrine covered with pretty rocks, shells, feathers and jewlery. Around it where drawings of a fallan angel and his sigil. Lucy knealed before them and started whipping. If they could trust anyone to see them cry, it was their god, it was Lucifer. Stuffing their wrist into their mouth to silence the broken whailes and sobs Lucy was letting out.
Minhyeok could do nothing as he saw them going upstairs. Lucy was the only one that had the key to the attic and they were as protective of it as they were of him. He sighed in relief and started preparing breakfast. He was numb to hearing Lucy cry at the top of the house since that's what they often did. He was more concerned with them fainting due to a heat stroke up there, but he knew better than to intrude into one of their sessions.
But this wasn't like any other session, Lucy was hurt, wounded in a way that words could not convey. In the hot attic, they shivered with sadness. This is it. He said it. They're an adult now, so they're up for grabs. No longer protected from the vultures outside, a lost rotent through the dessert, waiting to be swallowed whole.
They cryed for an hour. At points so loud that they were rolling on the floor to try and screap their skin for stimulation and at point just whispering pittyful remarks about how lost they are. Lucy looked at the icon of Lucifer where he's whispering in a peasant's ear. They just stared at it for a long while as they gasped for air. It was so hot... and their head was throbbing... their eyes slowly closing in exhaustion. They just wanted to rest in front of him. Minhyeok resented them since they could remember... but Lucifer never did that. If they believed in him enough, he will show himself to them, at least in death.
When the crying seized but Lucy didn't show themselves, Minhyeok started to get worried. He can't have a corpse in his attic, that would look really incriminating. Plus, Lucy was a burden, but he didn't want them dead. Just far away on the other side of the planet with no way of contacting him directly. He goes up to the attic and peeks through the door. Lucy was lying on the ground drooling as they stared up at Lucifer.
"You're going to be the death of me." Minhyeok whispers and grabs Lucy in his arms, bringing them down to the kitchen and shoving an ice-cube in their mouth. This snaps Lucy awake and they begin to lewdly suck on the icecube.
The atmosphere was dreadfully quiet and ackward, not what either would have expected an 18th birthday to be like. Minhyeok was having a lot of conflicted feelings. On one hand, he didn't want to traumatise Lucy more, they were already too broken to fix, but, on the other hand, they ruined his 18th birthday as well.
"Eat." Minhyeok places the pancakes on the table with the brine cheese. He stopped questioning their culinary choices a while ago, he was just happy they were putting food in their body.
Lucy knew better than to annoy Minhyeok more and they just forced some food down their throat. Silence once more.
"I'm going to the store to buy some stuff." Minhyeok whispered and got up ubruptly. He knew this was the only way to get some alone time without Lucy begging to come with him. They hated crowds more than they loved him.
"Ok... can you get me chicken nuggets?" Lucy crunched on the remaining ice cube and regretted it instantly.
"No. You're an adult now. Buy your own chicken nuggets. You clearly know how to shop online cause I keep getting updates on your Bad Dragon orders." Minhyeok had to leave, he was feeling himself give into his anger. Lucy was already in a defensive possition, their dirty hair making them look even more like a scared mutt. "And go take a bath, your hair is filthy."
"I'm an adult now, I don't take orders from you"
"...touché. Do you want the dino kind?"
"Yes please!"
With that Minhyeok left, not even hearing Lucy's faint "I love you". When Minhyeok wasn't at home, Lucy masturbated to try and ignore the fear. Lucy always felt watched, judged and repremended. Grabbing the new dildo they ordered on Minhyeok's behalf, Lucy prepared themselves by clicking on a video that seemed weirdly accurate. "Step bro punishes little slut sister for misbeheving" taking back their trauma was what they were doing, clearly.
In the middle of a great masturbation session a strange figure pops their head from the computer.
"Did I say, I've been waiting for this day since you were born, spawn of Solomon."
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This is how I feel rn. THIS SHIT IS SO GOOOD
Another hit of Lucifer's crop landed on your behind,making you choke on your breath. A hot,stinking sensation soon spread across your whole buttock,leaving behind a thin line of pink on your skin. You subconscioussly bit into the bridle he forced in your mouth a bit before.
But you coudn't linger on the pain of his harsh whip any longer. After all,he didn't spank you for no reason. It was an encouragement. His way of silently telling you to speed up. As soon as that thought appeared in your mind,your hips started picking up their pace.
You lifted up yourself,just enough for the tip of his cock to be the only thing left in your entrance and then slammed your butt right back on his lap,swallowing all of his long shaft once again. You did that repeatedly with a steady rithem. Yet it was clear Lucifer still wasn't pleased.
He had a smirk gracing his face. A playful smirk which he rarely showed. Yet his black eyes gazed at you disppointedly. Was this really all a human was capable of? He knew humans were weak beings,but surely they know how to ride a cock. Perhaps you just needed some more motivation.
In one of his hands he held the rains of your bridle. His hand holding it firmly just like back then when he rode his horse in a race to win his prize. The prize which he had to fight against all other kings to get...you.
Suddenly he tugged roughly on the rains,making your head arch back. A muffled whimper escaped your mouth from the sudden tug.
His other hand let go of the crop and reached behind you. He wrapped his arm around your lower back firmly,stopping your movements. You could feel his hand press against the red marks which he brought out after you entered the stable. He has cruelly whipped your butt and back. The pain overwhelmed your lower back once again as he unintentionally touched the marks left behind.
But thankfully your mind coudn't focus on the sharp pain since something else was bringing delight straight in the deepest parts of you.
As soon as you were firmly planted down on his pelvis,Lucifer's hips which were still throughout the whole time,now quickly lifted. His cock was powerfully thrusted into you,forcing a pathetic moan out of you. The silent king wasn't planning to show you any mercy however.
He didn't even give you time to breathe before he started quickly thrusting into you with all his might. His thrusts were hard and swift. Though,for a devil,he was loving you with a steady pace. But for you it felt like he was hammering his shaft in your channel like a nail. You screamed his name as loudly as you could through the gag. It sounded like a whine of pleasure but also a slight pain.
Meanwhile Lucifer didn't seem to be minding your noises at all. It even looked like he was enjoying it. Like he was enjoying pushing you to your limits. It was like his goal everytime you two coupled. With a husky voice he growled at you.
''Such a pitiful little thing you are. Do you truly belive that I can be satisfied with such little effort? You are forgeting that I'm the oldest of god's creations and a king of pride itself....Still,I cannot judge such a young creature for their inexperience....I ahall take it upon myself to show you how to ride me,mortal.''
(Anyway this is how I want Lucifer's card story to go :3)
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