lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Hey y'all thank you so so much for your support these past months, it has meant the world to me seriously 🫶
But Im unfortunately going to have to go on a bit of a semi-permanent hiatus because of school and my personal life
I hope you can all forgive me and please continue to enjoy what I have published
Thank you all so so much for everything <3
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
haiii how about like gojo as a teacher yk and he has a student who is more on the sweet side and has trouble exocising curses even tho they are strong? Maybe also what if that person has a crush on megumi and he notices also when megumi is dating that someone how would gojo react? Have an amazing dayyyy
Omg omg omg I love megumi this cutie patootie is my world
Gojo knows...
Megumi x reader fluff
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First off for all the shit Gojo gets, he is actually an amazing teacher
He knows your strong, his six eyes tell him that much. So when he sees you struggling, his dad mode activates
He starts asking if you're feeling ok or eating well
When you ask for more training he is more than happy to help
And by help he means drag you along on his missions
When your training begins to pay off but you still seem off he just decides to ask
"You still seem off, you all ok up there?" He asks with a smirk
"I guess I'm just a bit...distracted is all" you murmur, flashing a quick glance at Megumi as he spars with Itadori
'Oh' now he gets it
Now please say goodbye to you and your friends private lives
Gojo immediately starts doing the most
He puts all four of you, megumi, yuuji, nobara, and you in the back seat of the car on the ways to missions, so you're purposely squished against each other
Then he starts a harmless argument between yuuji and nobara who have the the window seats so that as they bicker, you and Megumi and consequently shoved close to each other and pushed into less than ideal positions
Gojo watches from the rear view mirror and gives Megumi the "😏" through his mask
Megumi knows from the beginning that all of the these seemingly coincidental occurrences of you two running into each other, or picking the same cafe to spend your time on your day off every time (gojo does not know what subtle means) can't just be happening by accident
He is fully aware that it's gojo doing this but for once he doesn't complain, if he gets to be closer to you he was honestly thankful, he just hopes you don't see his blush every time you brush past each other
When, after months of encouragement from his adoptive dad, Megumi finally asks you out and you say yes
Gojo swears he has never seen megumi smile that much ever, especially when he was at home
(He peeks through his door to see him laying in bed just smiling to himself)
But just because your dating doesn't mean the meddling stops
One of Gojos favorite things to do is loudly announce when he is leaving and exactly what time he'll back when you two are hanging out at Megumi's while flashing you two a wink (he can't help himself)
But he also asks you to help megumi, when he's over working himself he asks you to go suggest he take a break because he knows megumi can't say no to spending time with you. <3
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Whatever you call this kind of man>>>
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I'm going with scruffy sweetheart on the inside, kills people on the outside, father figure (not by choice tho)
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Haiiii. have u watched ur played the game cod mordern warfare 2? Because if u did Iam a huge Ghost fan and like really wanna see if i can request also things for him 👀
No I'm so sorry I have not played or watched stuff about cod
I probably should since I keep seeing ghost edits on my fyp lmao
So sorry 😭
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
I can't do this anymore guys
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I'm loosing it
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Haiii, I really want some Sukuna fic again >-< maybe this time in sukunas time and he has like a favourite person which is one of his workers. Maybe love it forbidden in that kind way but he has like the "Iam the King of Curses I do whatever" and maybe his favourite person adores poetry like sukuna is a fan of it and its smooth ways and his favourite person does so too? Btw good luck with ur exams and if u read this later how were they???
Omg yaaas, I love some good head cannons🫶
Sukuna had his eyes in your from the moment he had hired you and several others to work for him
Sure everyone of his workers could serve him dinner, would he ever let anyone but you do it?
To add onto that he asks (forces) you to stay with him to make sure his food tastes as good as he expects it to (he just wants to eat with you)
When he finds out you like poetry it's over for him. He's so in love and he can't even hide it
He might be the king of curses but he enjoyed the arts as well
He first saw you liked poetry when he picked up a paper he saw you drop, only to see it was a poem about him of all people
He snuck a poem underneath you door, about you and just left you wondering who could have written it
Once you two get closer he will sit close to you and read poetry quietly and let you fall asleep
(If somebody walks in he will kill them)
At your secret wedding, your vows to each other were poems about one another whispered quietly in a dark room with the only light being the moon seeping in through the window <3
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Soft Sukuna x reader 🫶
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This is a part 3 the other parts are under my blog
Life had been good, perfect even. You had been living a life of comfort with the husband you had reunited with. You had found your house in Kyoto, still intact, it had been marked as a "heritage site" but that was all taken care of as soon as Sukuna had incinerated a couple worthless people. A barrier had been put up a he had even found a way to separate his consciousness from the kid whose body he was inhabiting, meaning they could live as separate entities. It was almost unreal how perfect your life had become. Just weeks ago you were working a dead end job, just struggling to get by, and now you were back in his arms.
A cool night breeze wafted against you face, the sleeves of your draping kimono rustled slightly as you shifted you placement on the engawa, and far away an owls coo broke the silence of the night.
"I thought you would have gone to sleep already" Sukuna's deep voice sounded from behind you
"You know I can't sleep without you" you grinned, turning around to look into his eyes
"Yea yea, but you know it takes me a while to check the grounds" you grumbled, taking a seat next to you
You gripped onto his strong arm and situated yourself right next to him.
"Doesn't this remind you of the day we fell in love" you sighed looking up at the moon
"Hm, when you fell in love with me, I had my eyes on you from the moment I saw you" he hummed
You snuggle closer to him "ok ok sure" you grinned remembering the day you had been in the exact position over 1000 years ago
He had brought you to his palace after finding you weakened in the woods and finding you to captivating to kill. You had gazed into his eyes just like this for weeks before he told you he would kill for you and stay with for as long as the both of you lived, granting you immortality with him.
"You alright" Your husband questioned
"Yeah of course, just lost in thought" you smiled
Without warning he grabbed your waist and threw you onto his lap, burring his face in your neck
"I won't ever get tired of this, just being with you" he sighed softly
"Good, because neither will I" you giggled
Soft Sukuna>>>>>
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
haiiii iam in a request fever ughhh. Are you capable of doing a part 2 of the sukuna request i made some time ago? U can decide whatever u wanna put in it
Omg ofc! I'm finally free from my finals so dw!
Sakuna x reader fluff (p2)
Sukuna held you close to his chest as he exited the subway station through the convenient blast hole he had made earlier. He couldn't stop looking at you, how could he? When he had lost you so long ago he couldn't help but be captured by your eyes.
He didn't show it but on the inside he couldn't be more excited. You could finish the life you had begun together, some where quiet, where he could protect you and you could live out your days.
There was just one problem...and that was the idiot brat who's body he was stuck in.
"Love, is something wrong?" You asked bringing a hand to his cheek
He smiled down at you "no, it's just well- the whole reason I'm here is because I was brought back to life by inhabiting this stupid kids body"
"I was going to say you look a bit different" you chuckled, tracing you hands over the tattoos that adorned his face, "missing a couple arms"
"Yeah yeah" he grumbled "just don't know what I'll do with him"
"Why don't you just stay as you are, like don't let him have control" you asked
'Leave to you to say something so menacing with a smile' he thought to himself
"Yeah I could but his voice is still in my head. He's here for the long run just inside of me"
"What does he say?" You questioned
"Mostly just what the hell?! and who the hell is this?! and are you serious?!, shit like that"
"Let's not worry about that now then" you giggled "if he can't do anything let's just focus on what's next"
"Hmmm well we could return to where our old house was in Kyoto"
"Yeah but the world has changed a lot, sorcerers will be after you once they figure out you've left Shibuya"
"I won't let the bastards touch me" Sukuna scoffed "now that Gojo Satorou has been sealed no one can rival my strength"
"Well I could have told you that" you said bringing your head up to meet his lips in a gentle kiss
It had been centuries since you had shared a kiss with anyone, after you lost your love you didn't dare to touch another. You couldn't get over him and knew deep down that one day he would return to you.
Sukuna grabbed the back of your neck and deepened the kiss, he missed the way you lips fit perfectly against his.
"How will we get to Kyoto?" You asked, mouth moving against his lips
"I'll handle it" he murmured, kissing you once more as he stepped out of the veil and left the ruins of Shibuya behind him.
(I'm going to make a part 3 where they are back at their house and living happily ever after so stick around🫶🫶)
Part 1⬇️⬇️
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Sorry for the slow down I posts guys. It's finals week and I'm stuck studying 😖
I'll be back to posting around Wednesday
Thank you so much for your support 🙏
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
There is a DISTURBING lack of Toji Fushiguro fluff on this app and I'm going TO FIX THAT
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I am in tears, to anyone who says Toji doesn't care about his kids, even just a little, you shush
he literally ended his life once he knew his son was living a life free from the zen'in clan so he didn't hurt Megumi anymore
I love him and WILL be posting some fluff (and maybe smut) for my baby girl🫶
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
haiii me again with another request. What if yn is like the little sister of utahime and yk utahime hates gojo but yn has a crush on him. Maybe dating? And some height difference? Like yn reaches only to his chest
Gojo baby girl ILY 🫶
Gojo fluff (more of it bc I love him)
Being a first year and gojo a second year, you couldn't help but have a crush on your charming and silly upperclassman
So when you and your older sister, Utahime, went out for your monthly brunch and she asked you if you had a crush on anyone (hoping it was someone from your grade) you didn't understand why she had suddenly spit out her drink and grabbed you by the shoulders
"What do you mean" you asked innocently "he seems really nice to me"
"We aren't even dating" you murmur
After that encounter, your big sis showing up at school unannounced became quite the common experience and you didn't even understand why Utahime hated him so much, I mean he was perfectly nice to her and all.
You and Gojo got closer as the year progressed and not even she could stop you two from sneaking time together
He would pull you into an alley way do the school when she was on one of her missions to find you and him, your nose pressed against his chest
Once she had passed you would look up at him and both of you would just start laughing
She would attempt to pull you away from him, but he would just swoop you away effortlessly
But you loved every second of your "forbidden" relationship
Holding the door closed so he could sneak out the window, while Utahime tried to force her way in, knowing exactly what you two were doing
Wearing disguises on all your dates
Making Shoko distract Utahime so he could bend down to kiss you goodbye
Every moment was amazing
Even when Utahime tried to object at the wedding (Shoko held her down) you couldn't help but just be happy to have two people who cared about you so much in your life.
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Omggg i saw the new episode of jjk and it gave me such a big idea i think you'd love. Imagine one day sukuna finds his wife that he married thousands of years ago and due to their marriage his wife was granted immortality. And just like she never cheated or kissed another man just waiting for her husband to return and when they reunite (even if he doesnt say it) he is over the moon and just wants to never leave his wifes side ever again. Just much fluff and romance ahhhh
Sakuna x reader fluff
Sukuna scoffed to himself, the boy had finally allowed him to take control after all this time. Even in this deep underground it felt good to feel the air on his face and not through that brat. He continued forward. Thousands of year of stored power and he had been reduced to a fraction of it, despite the immense power he held he couldn't help but miss the time when he ruled over the landscape, unchallenged.
He had a partner even, the one human who he couldn't bring himself to kill, the one he realized he couldn't live without. You had married him, been granted immortality by his hand, and still he had lost you. His last memory before being split and exorcised, was you running to him, crying his name. He was happy that was his last memory.
Sukuna tore himself from his own thoughts, they so often drifted to you but right now he wanted to use the small amount of freedom he was granted.
He moved his hand foreword, fire erupting from his fist as he threw the heat forward, it crashed through a wall, tunneling through the train station. He heard peoples screams like music to his ears, he walked foreword through the rubble. People ran, screaming, away from him. Fire cast from all around him, bursting every human in his sight into flames, he hummed contently to himself.
"S-Sukuna?" A feeble voice trembled from beside him
He knew that voice, he knew that voice, he slowly turned, a truly befuddled expression on his face, his lip curled as he dare not get his hood up but...
There you were, you looked exactly as gorgeous as the last moment he saw you, nothing changed, your clothes were more modern of course but there was no mistaking it, you were here.
"I knew it was you!" you cried, tears streaming down your face. You threw yourself into his arms.
He was too stunned to speak, his arms unmoving, all he could he process was the blood running down your leg, he moved his arms to gently put you down,
"Did I do this to you?" He asked, his hand moving down to your leg, activating he reverse curse technique to heal the gash. He just couldn't believe that he had hurt you, it had been 1000 years and the first thing he did was hurt you
"Oh my love don't worry about that now" you smiled gently, you had always forgiven him no matter what he did
You moved a hand to his face to gently tip his head to look at you.
"I thought you would have found someone else by now, had a family moved on, I mean I'm sure you have" his voice grumbled low in his throat
"I would never" you leaned your forehead against his "I haven't touched a single souls since I lost you, I-I knew you would come back just like you promised"
Sakuna remembered the promise he had made to you that dim moonlit night, on the engawa of the palace you shared, that he would never leave you, even if the world fell apart he would always find you.
"I've missed you" he whispered moving his lips to kiss yours, he moved back to take in your entire person
"Your as beautiful as the day I lost you" he breathed
You smiled sweetly
"What the hell is going on?!?-" the onlooker was silenced as his head burst into flames
You continued to smile as if it was nothing
He picked you up bridal style, "we'll go find the house we used to share" he smirked to you
"I'd like that" you giggle
'Hey what the hell is going on' the brat who's body he had been forced to posses voice rang out in his head
Sukuna slapped his face "just shut it would ya" he growled to himself
"What was that?" you questioned from his arms
"I have a lot to explain" he breathed out
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
This is not request but rather a question
Which Jjk characters do u write? Are there any specific ones u dont like writing for or opposite questions which one do u feel open to have requests of? Btw wishing u the most lovely day, you writing smth out of my requests really made me smile
Omg I'm so glad you like my writing!
I'll really write for any character, I'm a little less comfortable writing stuff for the jjk ladies as much as I love them, I'm not attracted to girls so I don't want to misrepresent anything, but if that's something people want to see I would definitely try my best!
Other than that I'll write pretty much anything lol
Thank you so much for supporting my blog!
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
haii, just stumbled across ur page and fell in love with your gojo stories. May I request some simple fluff with Saturo Gojo were the reader is capable of reading minds and Saturo is taking advantage of being able to talk to you without anybody hearing it, like flirting and nobody gets to hear it only you
Your requests are ADORABLEEEE
Mutual pining Gojo fluff <3
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You sat it the small, wood framed classroom, letting the warm spring breeze flow onto your face. You had tuned out whatever Yaga-sensei was lecturing about long ago and simply let yourself become distracted by the sights and sounds of the outside world. That was until you heard an eco in your head
"Pssst hey, hey y/n" Your classmate Gojo's voice rang clear
He was the only you had told about this specific part of your cursed technique, if someone simply thought about talking to you while looking at you, you could tune in and hear their thoughts but you were unable to communicate back.
He guessed it on pretty much the first day of school, it had to have been a perk of having the six eyes. He had bothered you about it endlessly until you admitted that he was right just to shut him up. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone but that didn't mean he couldn't have fun with it now could he?
You cocked your eyebrow and looked at him, after seeing he got your attention his eyes perked up a bit before he reassumed his casual leaning against he desk
"Isn't this just soooooo boring" he speaks through your mind
You roll you eyes at him attempting to get back to your daydreaming when he pints in front of him to where Geto is seated
"Look look!" He had been sneakily putting small pieces of paper onto the back of Geto hair was apparently very amused with himself
You stifle a laugh
"Is something the matter y/n?" Yaga asked trining around from the board
"N-no sorry" you say looking down
He returns to teaching when you hear Gojo's voice once again
"Yeah pay attention y/n" he mocks with a smile
You give him one of those 'shut it or you'll die' looks that Shoko taught you but he just laughed
Several minutes went by with you looking out you window before your classmate interjects again but this time in a much softer tone
"You hair looks pretty in the breeze ya know..."
You whirled around, in shock. 'Gojo would never say anything like that?!' You think
When you had turned to face him he looked like he was about to burst out laughing
"You should have seen the look on your face!" He cried, his laughter echoing in your mind
You scowled at him, trying to hide your embarrassment.
Gojo, upon seeing your upset face scrambled to make the situation better. I mean of course he meant to say you looked pretty but he couldn't just admit that!
In a feeble attempt of boyish humor, he folded a paper airplane and gently sent it your way to get your attention
You whirled around once again, tired of his shenanigan.
"Just open it" he whispered through your mind
You begrudgingly unfolded the airplane to find he crudely drawn a small cat and had the words "sorry :/" next to it
You looked back up at him, a small smile on your face, but you saw that he had turned away from you, is hand on the back of his neck and the tips of his ears just slightly red.
You slipped the folded piece of paper into you pocket.
Gojo meanwhile was smiling gleefully to himself, the lecturer was now the furthest thing from his mind (not that he was ever actually paying attention in the first place). Now all he was focused on was using your little secret to make you blush like that again.
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
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His back AND HIS TOUNGE?!!
oml I need this man in more ways than one ☝️
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
Haii me again >-< I just finished that first date story with gojo and it gave me a huge idea that I wanna request. How would it be to be dating Gojo (both Teen him and Older) and how would missions or the daily life be like, you can add things also if you wanna idm. Btw have an awesome day!!!
Gahh tysm for requestingg this is ADORABLE
everyday headcannons with Gojo <3
(Look at this goob)
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Does NOT understand personal space
There's just no concept of that in his mind
He is glued to your hip, people joke that to find Gojo they should just look for you and he'll be one step behind
Constantly has those lanky arms draped around you whether your in an important meeting or just walking around Tokyo he's got an arm around your shoulder
He honestly prefers that to holding hands because he feels like he can protect you better
This goes without saying but infinity is always off around you, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him it's dangerous he won't listen
Constantly staring down ANYONE in your vicinity, like looking into their souls.
He's gotta make sure you're safe 😌
Biggest ego but the most fragile heart
If he hears someone say something like "why's that guy wearing a mask?" Or something little like that
He WILL be moping around so hard all day until you give a compliment to cheer him up
"Y/nnnnnn do you think I'm ugly"
"No of course not I wouldn't be dating you if I thought that now would I 'toru?"
And just like that he's back to normal
Going on missions with him is just something else because he will not let you do anything
He knows you can handle yourself but he's THE Gojo Satouru he has to show off a bit
Carries you around while obliterating curses like it's nothing
When you have to go on missions alone he is so so so so so worried, he begged the higher ups to let him go with you but they needed him to do something more important
A task which he competes as quickly and destructively as possible just so he can rush to where you are to make sure your safe
You two also constantly text eachother on missions to make sure you're safe
Gojo will text you in middle of exorcising a curse
Like he will be about to crush them, then he'll feel the buzz from his phone and pause EVERYTHING to text you back
The curse would be like "bro aren't you fighting me?!"
"Shhhh hold on bae texted"
Also constantly brags to his students about you and they are not interested but he keeps on going
I love this silly silly man😍🫶
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lumibuns-blog · 8 months
First time with Leon S. Kennedy<3
-just to be clear it's Leon's first time but not yours-
I'm back on my whiny sub Leon soapbox because he is perfect in every way🤞
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It's not as if Leon hadn't wanted to do things with someone else, it's just his life hadn't really allowed it, between missions and saving the world, he hadn't found someone he was willing to share that moment with until he met you.
You made him feel things he hadn't felt before... a stirring heat that he at first didn't recognize but came to love. How looking at you, your curves, your face, the way his head began to spin when you bit your lips and sneaked a smirk at him, because you new how flustered it made him.
Actually you seemed to know everything about him, what made him loose his mind.
That's exactly what got him into this situation.
His hands ghosted over your ass, fingers just barely touching it through your silk dress. He was kneeling on his knees in front of you, his chin resting on your stomach so he was looking up at you, and that same devious smile that rested on your face.
He had been attempting to put his shoes on so you two could go for a night out, but seeing him in a loose button down shirt gave you other plans.
You moved your hand down to cup his cheek and stroke it the your thumb.
"What do you want" you asked simply
"Wha-what?" Leon breathed
"Do you want this?"
"I-I'm sorry I don't understand" Leon had an idea of what you were trying say and prayed to god that he was right.
"Do you want me?" You asked a final time
Leon's eyes widened and his breath hitched
"So bad" he replied breathlessly
"Good" you smirked turning away and causing him to stumble slightly
He looked up at you, eyes wide
"Well what are you waiting for?" You asked turning back around to face him
He immediately scrambled to his feet, kicking off the shoes he had been attempting to put on what felt like hours ago.
"Wait just a second" he began, standing behind you "I mean I think I know what you mean but it's just that Idon'twanttomakeyouuncomfortableor anythi-hmmpf!"
You cut his off by crashing your lips against his, locking your heels around his torso and grinding yourself against his noticeably hard cock, throwing your weight on him and causing him to stumble backwards and fall onto the couch.
"I though a special agent would be better with his balance" you teased
"I-I normally am it's just-ah! Fuuuck, y-you're hips..." he stammered
"I know handsome" you chuckled
You felt his cock twitch underneath you 'had such a light comment really turned him on?' You wonder
You slowly rolled you hips over his, grinding you bare cunt over his clothed tip, as you had forgone underwear underneath your dress.
"Ah! Mmh-" he stammered again
You began to slowly move off his lap,
"Wai-wait- n-need you- please" his choked out, unable to stand the sudden absence of pressure
"Be patient" you smiled, your voice like a song that made him loose all sense of reason
You slipped the straps of your dress off your shoulders and slowly let it fall to the floor, revealing you fully nude figure to him
There was moment of silence before
"Wow." Leon said breathlessly, his mouth wide
'This man look so serious but is acting like such a nerd' you giggled to yourself
"What's so funny" he questioned, unable to take his eyes from your tits
"Oh nothing" you sighed moving back to his lap
You hovered you hips over his not giving him the pressure he so obviously desired. You watched as he instinctively began to buck his hips upward, craving your touch.
You decided to give him what he wanted, dropping you hips down suddenly onto him.
"Oh sh-s-shit" he looked as if he was holding his breath before he let it out and his hips convulsed slightly underneath you.
"I didn't know you were so sensitive" you teased
"I'm not-it's just- it's y-you" he was so cute when he could barely get the words out
You suddenly grabbed his hand and cupped it around one of your breasts.
His breath hitched again, he seemingly froze, hand twitching and eyes locked onto your chest for several moments.
"Ya know you can-" you placed your hand back on his and guided him to gently squeeze you
His ruff hands felt nurturing yet strong, you couldn't help but slip out a small moan
His eyes immediately locked onto you face, eyes wide, as if he was in a trance, he immediately squeezed you again and moaned when you gave the same reaction.
Gaining sudden confidence he moved his mouth to your other fit and began to slowly lick around its center
"Fu-ck Leon what are you-doing" you asked, surprised he even knew what to do
He released your breast from his mouth to look up at you and breathlessly stammer "pl-please- I want to hear you- uh-moan like that a-again"
"Mmmhp" you hummed letting him get back to work and relish in all the noises you were making for a while before you shifted back removing him from his new found heaven, between you tits
"Nhmmmh" he whined at the loss of contact once again
"Be patient" you hushed once more moving your hands to fumble with the zipper of his dress pants
"Wha-what are you-?"
You cut him off "don't you want to fuck me?" You said promptly
He looked at you once more with those wide eyes "s-so soooo bad"
"Then get those pants off" you smirked
He immediately rushed to sink his pants down to his ankles taking his boxers with them and allowing his fully stiffened cock to spring free
He groaned as you looked at the precum beading from his head
You positioned yourself about him, hovering your cunt just above his tip
Leon looked up at you like you were god, at that moment, feeling you was all that mattered
You lowered yourself so his tip was barley coated in you slik
"Oh god- f- mrmpff- p- please" he cried, throwing his hands back into the top of the couch
"I'm not going to tell you again Leon, be patient" you smiled devilishly
"Y-yes- anything, I promise-just-just"
You suddenly dropped fully into him, breathing out a long moan as his size stretched you perfectly.
Leon threw his head back "ah-ah- oh fuck- you feel-" he could barely get the words out "fuck you're so w-warm- you're squeezing my cock- ah!" He yelped as you began to rock back and forth slowly
"P-please- just wait-" he breathed
"Is something wrong?" You asked concerned
"N-no it's just...you feel so, soooo good- I- I don't want to cum b-before you" he admitted, embarrassed "it's like- I mean - this is better- than ANYTHING" he grunted
"Oh Leon" you smiled leaning in close to his ear so your breath tickled at his neck "that's exactly what I want"
"Hah-ah fuck-" Leon started as you began to move your hips at an unrelenting pace
Relishing in the fact that he seemed to choke every time you arched your back.
You could feel his tip kissing your cervix every time you sunk back down onto his length, and your own release building up inside of you.
By the looks of it, Leon was lost in the pleasure, stringing together versions of your name and every curse word he could think of
"Pleasepleasepleasepleas--let me cum- ah- you feel- so fucking good- mmhh- squeezing me like that" he cried out
You leaned towards his ear once more, "I want you to cum baby, cum with me"
That's all it took,
"Ah-ah-ah cumming" he said as his hips faltered and he began to shoot rope after rope of his load into you.
Feeling his hot cum made pushed you over the edge, and you drenched his cock, causing his to lurch forward and wrap his arms around you to pull you against his bare chest.
You both sat there breathlessly, pressing against each other. After what was to Leon "not long enough" you slid yourself off of him, watching him shiver and gasp as you did.
You sat there on his lap, taking in his fucked out expression, ecstasy written all over his face.
After a moment he brought his arms up to you and pulled you into a warm embrace on your shared couch,
"D-did I do good?" He asked quietly
"Are you kidding, you were perfect" you smile at him "maybe I'll let you be on top next time" you giggle
"Really" he gaped at you, honest excitement in his eyes
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