#nanami my love
kentoscowtie · 1 month
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idk what kinda face this counts as but he’s always so cutie patootie when he does it
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pseudowho · 7 days
Domestic Bliss: Nanami Kento #7, Cravings
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Nanami Kento x Pregnant!Reader
"Kento.. when I say I want Taco Bell, I mean it. I really, really want Taco Bell."
The fragrant aroma of frying peppers and onions, garlic and heady spices, filled the kitchen. Kento had his back to you, his apron tied and snatching his waist inwards. The way he tapered up to broad shoulders, so profoundly triangular; you admired him with a geometrist's gaze. The cake beneath that neat little bow. Those long, long legs, thick-thighed and powerful. Perhaps you craved more than Taco Bell.
Your tummy rumbled, adding to that unique gravid discomfort of an already overstretched belly. Hearing your tummy growl through the thrill of fluid, your baby kicked, a foot occupying a space beneath your ribs you didn't know you had. And shit...you really wanted Taco Bell.
"Then I'll make you some." Kento replied, light, and broaching no argument. "There's no need to go out."
"While your cooking is lovely, I know what I want."
"Yes." Kento answered, infuriatingly calm with a patient smile. "You want tacos."
"I want Taco Bell."
"No you dont. Taco Bell is shit. You deserve better. They deserve better." Kento gestured with a spatula towards your belly, flipping chicken and vegetables in his pan. You felt a whoosh of outrage, your hackles rising like a cat in a fight.
You sidled up behind Kento, your ankles puffy, your wedding ring hanging on a necklace instead of on your swollen fingers. Your fingers tippy-tapped on the counter, one of your hands on his waist.
"...are you trying to police my body, Mr.Nanami?"
Kento heard a panic alarm go off in the back of his mind. Unwisely, he doubled down.
"...of course not, my love. I would never. I know your rights, and I would never ignore them, or your needs, or how you feel."
You let his words hang. The silence was almost as pregnant as you. Kento's alarm bells started to ring harder and a bead of sweat dropped in his mind. And yet--
"But," he continued, starting to smell smoke creeping beneath his metaphorical door, now, shouts and screams in the distance as you smiled at him oh fuck why is she smiling at me oh I've fucked up oh shit I've really fucked up, "fatty food makes your heartburn worse, and I can make you something much nicer, and too much salt will only add to your water retention. And your ankles are already so--"
"...already so...what, my love?" Oh fuck oh shit I need to make this better I was just trying to be helpful I--
Kento turned the heat off. He lay down his spatula. He reached back to untie his apron.
"You know, darling...I think I fancy Taco Bell too."
Your smile widened, your clawing grip easing on his waist. "You do?"
"Absolutely. I'll get my keys."
"Yes. You will get your keys. And...help me get my shoes on. Please."
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tsukimefuku · 22 days
bad dream ❖ kento nanami
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summary: after a bad night filled with nightmares, nanami is glad to see you never left his apartment.
tags: jujutsu kaisen, f!reader, nanami x reader, tooth rotting fluff, hurt and comfort.
wc: 600
notes, etc: small little drabble I wrote for self soothing purposes and decided to share.
❖ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist
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You were trying and failing miserably to make Kento an omelet before he woke up. You already dreaded the sight you had in front of you, fearing he might wake up with the smell of burnt egg.
Kento, however, wouldn’t wake up due to that, but due to something much more somber. 
Once again, after you had spent the night with him, his sleep would be taken by the vivid nightmares of Haibara’s death and your near death experience mingling together in a senseless dream of gloom. Upon opening his eyes and not seeing you by his side, still half dazed and asleep, Nanami’s heart felt like a rock in his chest.
But by this time, he had learned his lesson.
He quickly stood up and walked to his room’s door, seeing you were already in the kitchen trying to make some breakfast.
Nanami began walking towards you in a quick stride, and you heard his footsteps, turning around to face him as you pulled the pan out of the stove top.
”I’m so sorry to wake you, I didn’t mean to, I was just trying-“
Before you could finish your sentence, though, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in, wrapping his arms around your frame. He had come desperately searching for the warmth and comfort from you, and was very glad that you hadn’t left his apartment that morning. His nose made its way towards your hair, and he nuzzled around, letting out a strained sigh from the depths of his lungs the moment he felt the flowery scent you usually carried around in your hair and clothes.
You smelled like plum blossoms.
“Kento? Is everything alright?” You inquired with a hint of concern to your voice as you hugged him back.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered against your hair before planting a kiss on your head. His voice sounded just as strained as his breathing.
What has gotten into him?
You waited patiently for his grip to loosen a little before you pulled back and looked at him. His usual impassive face was replaced by a soft pained frown. You cupped his face in your hands, feeling your heart ache a little for him, as Kento really seemed to be anguished.
“Kento, what happened?”
He gulped the sandy sensation in his throat, mouth falling slightly open without a sound coming out of it.
Given he had just come out of the room, you had a hunch, though.
“Did you have a nightmare or something like that?”
You weren’t a stranger to nightmares yourself, given the amount of trauma sorcerers were subject to on the daily. Some of them even featured Kento, much to your despair, until you were given the little mercy of waking up.
Kento simply leaned his face on your hands and nodded, his breath evening out as you both locked eyes for a moment.
“I won’t go anywhere if you don’t go anywhere,” you told him, brushing your thumbs down his cheeks, “just don’t push me away like you did that time and you can rest assured you will never get rid of me, okay?”
Kento sighed, relieved to hear you say that, and the faintest smile took over his expression, as he said, “I promise I won’t ever push you away again.”
“You do?”
“I do.”
It was your turn to smile, as you planted a soft kiss on his lips. One of his hands made its way to the nape of your neck and pulled you in, pressing your face gently against his shoulder.
“I’m glad,” you answered, letting your eyes fall shut as you both stood there hugging each other.
The burnt egg didn’t seem so bad now, after all. 
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End notes: I’m rewriting “The Event - Part 2” and needed some fluff to soothe myself. Hope this soothes you guys too.
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haloswrld · 8 months
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lumibuns-blog · 10 months
hii can I request a part 2 of the nanami x reader fic u did recently ?? completely fine if u can't, I just loved it sm i wanted to see more !! maybe a confession scene or something of the sort. nanami is so precious and I don't see many fics of teen him
take care and i love ur writing <3
Gahhh yes teen Nanamin is sooo underrated
More teen Nanami x reader =)))
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Haibara was now in full understanding.
You liked Nanami, Nanami like you, both of you were just too dumb to figure that out.
So he had a great (terrible) idea. Instead of just telling one of you, he wanted you to figure this out on your own. So he planted a letter in Nanami's shoe locker in super girly handwriting. Saying something along the lines of...
"I need to tell you something important, meet me in the garden next to the north building after school"
-your secret admirer <3
As he waited, watching impatiently as Nanami opened his locker, pulling the letter out and slowly, suspiciously looking at it.
Nanami looked directly at Haibara "you wrote this didn't you?"
"What no! Of course not!"
"Yes, yes you did"
"That doesn't even look like my handwriting!"
"Then whose handwriting is it supposed to look like" Nanami responded, one eyebrow cocked
Realizing he had been backed into a corner Haibara turned and ran.
"HAIBARA" Nanami yelled and being faster than his friend his hand almost immediately landed on his shoulder, spinning him around.
"What?" Nanami asked quietly "are- are you sure I though she liked you? That can't be-"
Out of the corner of his eye he saw you, on your way to class.
You all stood there in silence, you had heard just about everything, Nanami looked like he was going to pass out, and Haibara had a nervous smile across his face.
Nanami let go of his friend and ran to you, grabbing your hand and dragging you with him to, ironically, the same garden the fake letter had mentioned.
When you two were alone Nanami asked one question.
"Was what he said...true?"
You blushed, a hand over your mouth, you couldn't even look him in the eye and neither could he.
"Y-yeah...it is"
"Why me?"
"There isn't anybody I could like the way I like you"
Nanami pulled your head forward onto his chest.
"You said what I've been feeling better than I ever could" he sighed, too in shock to say anything else.
He couldn't believe this was how it happened but being able to look down to see your arms around his torso, he was happy he had you to himself, one way or another.
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merakiaki · 6 months
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wifenanami · 3 months
my face when someone says I can't marry Nanami Kento because he doesn't exist:
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I carry his photo in my passport lol
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seven-sea · 5 months
i can't believe i just found out about this now omg
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kentoscowtie · 1 month
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponent al, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the ool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick thribbing, first clenching, ear rining, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling. teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip bitting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, cant walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail stractching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, slendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and i'd still ride.
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pseudowho · 6 days
okay here’s me getting all cocky and confident because you answered my ask once (ily for that seriously i think i screamed and fainted and sobbed and climbed up the walls a little) and once again asking you for….. for crumbs………. so my horny self was sitting and thinking…………… nanami sees you reading absolute filth and porn and you end up in biig trouble.. (i.e him doing that exact thing to you 😭) or perhaps you going up to nanami after reading absolute filth and being all needy with him bcs that straight porn made you a liittle…….. yk… 🌚🌚🌚
anyways i literally love you and ur my favorite writer ever and im gonna stop now before i burst
SMUT [smuht] (noun)
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In which Nanami Kento catches you reading dirty literature...and punishes you with a performative reading.
Warnings: The anon who keeps targeting me like this needs a warning label...but otherwise: roleplay, erotic literature (*laughs and laughs in Tumblr*) being read to you while you're systematically destroyed, performative Bad!Nanami, Kento fucks you wearing a mask and leather gloves, Pleasure Dom!Kento who gets lost in the sauce, reader way out of her depth, bondage, the usual spicy goodness, couple of cheeky movie references
The one she knew only as the Man in the Mask swept over to her, delighting in her capture, having evaded him for so long.
"Ahhh..." he sighed, his breath sweeping over the swell of her breasts, and sending shivers down her spine. "Finally...the little mouse who has wreaked havoc on my dreams for too many lonely nights. How does it feel? To be trapped here with me like this?"
Her heart stalled in her chest, and she gasped, his grazing touch to her belly leaving embers in its wake. The Man in the Mask saw her nipples pebble beneath her shirt, and felt something snap inside him as he loomed over her with a whisper; "I know. I feel it too."
With little warning, he lowered his barely covered mouth to her neck, hungry against her, and--
The door opened, and you leapt out of your skin, dropping your phone to the floor. You sat bolt upright in bed, your other hand coming up guiltily from beneath the covers as Kento leaned into the bedroom to greet you. You interrupted him.
"You're home early," you said, offering an unconvincing smile. Kento looked at you, flatly. He let the statement hang for a moment. His shrewd eyes flicked, taking in the glossy subtleties he saw from you only in foreplay.
"...well I thought you'd be pleased, but I'll just go back then shall I--"
You hesitated, words caught in your throat. Your eyes flickered to your phone. So did Kento's. His eyes narrowed.
"...what are you read--"
"Nothing! It's nothing." You lied, unconvincing. You both hesitated for a moment more, before Kento darted. You cursed at him for being faster than you, and Kento's fingers closed around your phone, sitting beside you on the bed in one swift movement. You smothered a pillow over your face, screaming silently, wanting the duvet to grow great maws and swallow you whole.
Kento read silently for a moment, scrolling, before reading aloud; "...she didn't want to fight anymore, as his fingers slid between her puffy lips...goodness me...his cock strained against the fabric of his clothes, begging for attention...I bet it did..."
You had begun to crawl away down the bed, just a maggot, unworthy of the sun and all its glories.
You felt a hand clasp around your ankle, and you squeaked as Kento dragged you back up the bed, without even taking his eyes off your phone.
"I don't think so, where are you going--"
"--oh god Kento just give me something for the cringe and let me die--"
"--no no no I'm blessed to be a part of my wife's interests--"
"--I am less than human, we need a divorce, I can't look you in the eye ever again--"
Kento scoffed, dark and derisive. "As if I'd let you divorce me. As if you'd even want to...now, where did I put that..."
Kento stood, still holding your phone as he rummaged in his dresser. You laid flat to the bed, trying to wiggle away again, still embarrassingly wet, your mortification laced with undeniable arousal.
"Stay exactly where you are, or I'll damn well make you."
You stopped. You looked up at Kento, unusually meek, as he approached you. He stood by the bed, looming and powerful, a god made flesh. He unbuttoned his shirt to the navel, not bothering to remove his harness. He undid his belt with a clink-clink. He let his tie hang loose...and pulled a black balaclava down to beneath his collar. He finished off with a pair of soft, black leather gloves.
Something imploded inside you; a dial-up noise in your mind. Kento prowled over to you, looming over you and chasing you up the bed, caging you beneath him, and reading through the smut on your phone screen.
"Be honest," Kento read aloud, his honey-brown eyes swirling with something altogether darker and more dangerous, "if you'd wanted to escape me...you could have."
You panted, breathless, your pupils blown into inky black as you lay splayed beneath Kento. You couldn't help but be captivated, lost in his insidious pull. You felt your heartbeat between your legs.
"Did you stay because you dream of me, too?" Kento intoned. You bit the poisoned apple, trembling as you nodded up at him. "Did you stay...because you wondered if hatred was as erotic a passion as love?"
"--Kento, I-- let me go, I--"
"That's the spirit." Laughed Kento, his voice booming through you, the vibrations crackling across every nerve, and you whimpered. Kento grasped your hands together with his own, gloved and powerful, pinning them above your head with the whole weight of his body. He pulled his tie loose with the hand holding your phone.
"I can't let you leave...not now. Fuck...you have no idea what you do to me, do you?" Kento growled. Being the villain seemed so effortless to him. Your safe word had never been further from your mind, your attempts to leave so paltry and insincere. The way Kento looked down at you, waiting to see if you would make him stop, sent shivers down your spine. Kento released his tie, eyes skimming across your phone for confirmation.
"I'd apologise, for trapping you here like this..." Kento intoned, tying your bound wrists to the head of the bed as you squirmed, crying out in anguish, "...but I'll show you...how you've craved my touch, just as I have craved yours." You strained against the bonds, in just the silky chemise you wore for bed, and it didn't take much for your breasts to fall free of the fine little straps.
In truth, Kento had never been harder in his life. Seeing you battle against primal desire beneath him, feeling your half-hearted embarrassed squirms brushing your bare mound against his aching, thick cock...and your nipples, hard as diamonds and covered by a thin veneer of lace. His breaths were heavy, chest heaving as he continued his performative reading.
"Just one taste, and we can return to how it was before." Kento groaned, his mouth suckling at your neck, licking, tasting, biting. You cringed against the assault on your senses, afraid to lose yourself to such diabolical pleasure. Kento pinned your bucking hips down with his own, the tip of his cock trapped beneath his waistband against his belly. "Just once...and we can rest easy at night, knowing how it feels for me to spend myself inside you."
You keened, mewling as Kento rested the phone on the pillow beside your head, and took your nipple into his mouth, ragging it around beneath his tongue with a fractured growl. Your head spun with the weight of him, totally captured, so wildly out of control. The suckling pleasure he gave to your nipples, connected in a fine thread to your clit, making it pulse with vicarious bliss.
"I can't...can't take it anymore...Ken--" You moaned, squeaking as his teeth closed in barely hinged warning around your breast.
"Unless it's to tell me to fuck you, I won't have you mewl like a kitten at me any longer." Kento rumbled against your breast, wet with his spit and the marks he left behind as he took what he was owed. "I hope you can take it. I'm...no small man. If you are ruined, after, I know you will bear the scars with grace, just as you have bore your hatred of me."
You were already so steeped in the hot rush of being pleasured, you did not notice how Kento's eyes glowered, lathering down your body and darting occasionally back to your phone. He continued his pilgrimage down your body. Kento growled in frustration at the chemise blocking him, and he rucked it up, spitting curses as you squeaked, wriggling against him.
"At least fight like you mean it." Kento laughed, and you blushed, eyes squeezed shut, mortified by how obviously faked your resistance was. Kento kissed his way down your belly, settling at your mound. He hovered, silent, giving your desperate clit nought but the breath from his lips.
"Do you want my fingers...or my mouth?" You whimpered again, babbling nonsense, such a rough and ruined heroine. Kento laughed again, dark and delicious, raising his mask just enough to free his mouth. "No words? No matter. You shall have both."
With little warning, Kento sunk his tongue between your folds, ragging his mouth and nose from side to side again to bury himself in the heat of you. You cried out as he growled into your heat, hitting a high note as he sunk two thick, gloves fingers into your fluttering pussy, slamming inside all the way to his knuckles.
Kento swore against your pussy, grunting and moaning as he lapped at your clit and entrance with animalistic rage. Quite canonically to his role, his cock wept against his belly, pre-cum leaking down onto his waistband until the fabric was cloying and sticky, the friction against his tip sending him spiralling. He couldn't help but fuck against the bed as you melted beneath him, writhing against his tongue.
Panting, letting his gloved fingers fuck into you and imagining it was his cock instead, Kento chuckled against your clit, at just how easily he had snapped. He pulled his fingers out of you for a moment, wickedly obsessed by the stark contrast of your creamy white arousal on the black leather.
He could smell you on the balaclava, the fabric over his nose soaking with your essence. Kento felt lightheaded with the blooming, heady scent of you. His cock twitched, aching and neglected, and so close to spilling thick spurts of seed all over its owner.
You risked looking down for just a moment. The eyes of a villain pierced through you, as Kento licked his gloves clean, not breaking eye contact once. You whimpered. He laughed, and curled his fingers back into you, continuing his relentless attack on your poor, aching cunt. Your moans reached a fever pitch, and Kento felt the creep of his own orgasm through his belly as he rutted against the bed with total abandon.
"Sing for me." He groaned, lifting your hips off the bed as he knelt, sucking your clit into his mouth in a devastating final move. You tipped violently over the edge, bucking against his tongue and crying his name, a stream of nonsensical babbles. Kento was quite sure you came harder than the girl in the story.
By the time you came back to earth, being licked in slow, languid movements through your peak, you saw Kento kneeling between your legs, stroking his cock in long, jerking pumps.
"You've reduced me to this." Kento forced, his teeth gritted and his mask back in place over his mouth. "To this...this boy, fucking his own fist just from the taste of you." Kento cursed, his gloved fist wet with pre-cum, cracking his neck from side to side and growling through his lurid tale. You lay, fucked out, bound, a fascinated by how Kento's whiskey-rich voice could fill you with fumes, warm and drunk one minute, but cold and piercing the next. You swung, manoeuvred across his harsh dichotomy.
Kento loomed over you, trapping you beneath him again, blocking the light from your eyes, a bad moon rising. "You did this to me." He hissed, accusatory in his possession of you. "You started this sordid fight. But I'll finish it. No more fisting my cock at night just to the thought of you. No more dreaming about bending you to my will."
You felt Kento's tip press through your entrance, thick and insistent enough that you squirmed up the bed, crying out as he yanked you back, his hands closing around your waist. Kento plaited his fingers in your tied hands, the ghost of affection, and readying himself to slam into your quivering heat. He was falling apart, he could barely contain himself, overcome by the raw power of making you pliable, shaping you to his desires--
Kento whispered in your ear, his voice shaking, gravelly; "And when you submit...know that it was entirely your fault."
You felt your delicate petals forced aside, crying out to be filled to the brim by Kento in one slick thrust. Kento could barely suppress a roar beneath his mask, throwing his head back in ecstasy. His enormous hands cuffed your waist, making it squidge down against your hips every time he dragged your hips, moving your pussy around him like a cock sleeve.
Kento's strength made manhandling you look easy. You lay ruined beneath him, your head lolling against the inside of your own bound arm. The image of him unbuttoned, masked, gloved and still almost fully dressed above you, grunting and groaning as he used your pussy for his own pleasure, burned onto your retinas.
Kento barely moved his own hips, his eyes fixed feverishly on where he dragged your swollen pussy around the length of his cock, twitching and burning inside you. He couldn't contain himself. The hook behind his navel, all scorched steel and selfishness, beseeched him to drag his pleasure from you.
"Fucking-- ruin you-- never be satisfied...by another man again-- keep running from me, and I'll hunt you down...and take you like this every-- fucking-- time--"
As Kento's pleasure roared over him, he punctuated his thrusts against your belly with the written word in action. Making nothing more than jolted, pitiful moans as he fucked repeatedly against your sensitive cervix and soft-spot, you clambered for purchase, sobbing your pleasure as his gloved fingers rolled your clit between them.
Kento came with a string of curses, his thighs cramping beneath him with the force of it. Feeling his seed begin to pump and spurt into you, he dragged you aggressively to another orgasm with his leathered fingers. He had to feel you clench around him, sucking his seed deep inside you. He had just enough forethought to recall his final, toxic line as he gasped, groaning and bucking with the force of his ejaculation.
You could barely hear him through the fog of pleasure, faint in the distance; "If you have the nerve...to crawl back to me...full and swollen-- know we can be enemies in matrimony, as well as battle."
The room was hushed and dark, the gloom broken only by your mingled, heavy breaths, and the earthy smell of sex. You reached up pulling Kento's balaclava up and pressing a breathless little kiss at the corner of his mouth.
"...but...we still have to get a divorce. I just-- couldn't live with you knowing what I read--"
Kento laughed, his shoulders aching from the weight of the villain, slipping away with his gloves and mask.
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tsukimefuku · 20 days
“How do you glow up from perfection?”
Hear me out:
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Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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haloswrld · 8 months
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bakuliwrites · 7 months
Nanami sits on a beach in Kuan Tan, white sand warm under his feet, blue sky stretching infinitely on the horizon. Crystal clear water rushes to the shore, receding back to the sea in a flurry of white foam. A gentle breeze rustles the trees along the edge of the beach and ruffles silken strands of Nanami's blonde hair. He sighs, feeling his muscles relax for perhaps the first time in his adult life.
Nanami dips out from under his umbrella, allowing himself a moment to soak up some healing sunlight. It's been over two years since Shibuya, and his eye and his burns have healed nicely. However, his scars are still sensitive to sunlight, so he finds it best to limit his exposure. He walks along the shoreline, letting the cool water rush over his feet and splash against his ankles. He inhales, exhales, inhales the scent of brine and sunbaked sand, exhales a sigh of relief. The ocean leaches tension from his body, imbuing him with serenity in its stead.
When he's had his fill of sunlight, he retreats to the safety of his umbrella. With an ice cold drink in one hand and a good book in the other, Nanami whittles the afternoon away. He reads voraciously and has gotten through a huge chunk of the books that have been sitting on his shelves for years, waiting to be read. More books pile up, books he’s wanted to read but has never purchased for himself.
Nanami hears his phone ping. Normally, he'd leave it be, but decides he ought to check it this time. It's been a while since he's looked.
One missed call from Itadori Yuji.
He listens to the voicemail left behind and smiles to himself. Hearing Yuji's voice fills his heart with joy. It's a simple, enthusiastic message- wishing Nanami well, wondering how Malaysia is, promising he'll come visit him there soon. Yuji closes it with a simple, "See you soon, Nanamin." Nanami promises to call him back as soon as he's back at his house. A house he’s proud of, one he built with his own two hands. It needs a lot of work still, but it's coming along.
He sets his phone down, turning it off so he's not disturbed by any further notifications for the remainder of his time at the beach. Gojo promised him no more involvement in the Jujutsu world. Not unless Nanami wanted it. Though, Gojo isn't one to shy away from sending Nanami stupid memes and other ridiculous texts (hence why he's shut his phone off for the afternoon).
As Nanami reclines in his seat, he feels his eyelids droop. He can't wait to get back to his house, to wash the grit from his freckled, sun-kissed shoulders. To watch the sand and the brine trickle down his legs and circle the drain. The feeling of returning home from the beach is almost as wonderful as the feeling of being at the beach. As he daydreams about what tomorrow might bring, he lets himself doze, the sound of the rushing waves a gentle lullaby. Finally, Nanami has found peace.
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meblushjjk · 3 months
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Teen and adult both slay
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
I can't do this anymore guys
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I'm loosing it
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quirklessidiot · 6 months
In light of recent nanami episode
I'm remembering his words to the Baker about no one would mind if he was gone and it made me think his parents are either dead or distant
probably dead. I feel like they died…i mean the amount of overtimes he pulled and how he wasnt really taking care of himself then leans more onto the idea that his parents are probably dead.
im a widow. Im in grieving. Thankfully i have been writing reign to keep me company.
ANON. In the manga you only see haibara's back the anime really tore my heart out with showing his face 😭😭😭
My lovers (jkjk) im actually a huge shipper of haibara and nanami and i had this cool story fanfic idea before that gojo and nanami got together to ease the pain of each other. Nanami saw a part of haibara in Gojo with his youthfulness and happiness while Gojo saw a part of Geto in Nanami in terms of responsibility and remnants of the past. Basically they were using each other to get over their past but it didnt work ofc hnng. It was a good angsty one shot idea.
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