lvrslvt3 · 10 months
ALWAYS | c.cameron
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pairings : camcameron x reader
summary : cam needs comfort after a breakup with readers best friend, bellly.
warnings : none
notes : we need more camcameron content, i also need some ideas on what to write for him 🤭
your bike lay silently discarded beside the familiar one, forgotten as you finally spot the boy you came here to search for sat alone on the rocks. he was too busy looking out the sea that he didn’t even turn around at the sound of your shoes scuffing the ground beneath you.
so in turn for his silence you didn’t speak up either, but instead took the uncomfortable seat beside him on the blanket he had thrown down. you ignored the blunt feeling underneath you and instead stared out at the water.
“you’re here?” his tone showed genuine shock at your presence — even though he had asked for it. you turned to meet his gaze, expecting sadness but there was no traces of the feeling anywhere on him.
he was your cameron. the awkward, slightly nerdy, boy that you had liked since you met a few summers ago when you came to visit cousins like you always had. back at the age when you no longer wanted to hang out with your family so instead made friends with the future marine biologist.
“you called me.” you shrugged as if that was the perfect explanation, because to you it was, “are you okay? i know you liked belly..” you trailed off, unsure on how to start this inevitable awkward conversation.
belly didn’t know about your crush on cam, and if she did she would have never went on that date with him in the first place, but she had, so now you had to deal with the consequences of your two best friends dating and now then being broke up.
cam shrugged in response. “i guess. it’s just… it didn’t really feel serious, y’know?” he glanced from the sea back towards you, “i liked her but there was always something in the way of fully committing myself to her, and it wasn’t just conrad.” he spoke with his hands.
you hummed to let him know you understood. after knowing cam for so long you knew that he only did relationships if the other person was willing to commit as deeply as he did, if not then it wasn’t really enough for him. not that he had any serious relationships before.
“i just feel like i’m never gonna find the right person.” cam finished off his small ramble. he looked down at the water below and as he did so one hand came up to scratch the back of his head - messing up his curly hair that had already been disturbed by the early morning wind.
“well, i don’t believe in never.” you tilted your head at him with a smile that he matched. he was beaming at you and it seemed to light up the whole area around the both of you, like you had your own bubble of happiness in that moment that nothing or no one could break.
“i don’t believe in always.” he retorted with a tilt of his own head. you shrugged before countering his silly argument, “well, opposites attract, don’t they?” you didn’t mean for your innocent words to have such a reaction, but they had.
cameron’s eyes narrowed on you in a way that you hadn’t seen before, or maybe you had in your dreams. it ignited a reaction in your brain and body that covered your body in goosebumps. camcameron was the man of your dreams, and he didn’t even have a clue.
“never.” he raised a brow, still looking down at you. his hair was a slight mess from a mixture of him playing with it and the weather, and in the bright morning sunlight of cousins he looked even more handsome and human that you’d ever seen him before.
“always.” you argued back — your breath catching in your throat when you spoke as you realised how close the two of you really were now that you were both facing each other fully instead of stealing glances.
cam chuckled, glancing down at your lips for such a short moment that you almost missed it if you weren’t studying him with your eyes. “promise me you’ll always remember me.” he said after a moment of tension filled silence between the pair of you.
“i thought you don’t believe in always.” your voice had accidentally grown quiet. you were afraid to speak up as if he would wake up from a trance and run away, or that you would wake up and this would all really be a dream.
“i believe in promises,” he quickly countered back while bringing a hand up to move a hair that had flown infront of your face to the back of your ear, “and i believe in you, in us.” he added in afterwards.
you shook your head, moving backwards just the slightest so his hand would fall. “don’t make me promise that,” you spoke without thinking of the consequences, “people only ask you to remember them if they’re leaving.”
you shook your head once again in protest, staring down at the space inbetween you and cameron for a moment before finally meeting his eyes. the sadness was there this time. “please don’t ask me to remember that.”
the boy shook his head and took your face in his hands once more, but this time he used both. “i will never leave you, okay?” he raised both of his eyebrows to get his point across, so you would know he wasn’t lying.
you nodded. you didn’t trust yourself to answer him audibly. you weren’t expecting this when he called you after him and belly had just broken up. you would’ve never expected this in a million years but it was really happening.
cam cameron was leaning in, and when your lips met you were instantly obsessed with the sensation. it felt like being dipped in gold, or diving into an ocean and your being swept up so nothing really matters anymore except this kiss. not belly, or conrad or anybody else. just you two together.
this moment. these lips. his hands that laid firmly against each side of your waist and squeezed you tightly so you wouldn’t leave his desperate grasp. it was enough, anything with cam cameron was, but you wanted more. this was the only thing that mattered and you wanted all of it.
your hands ran through his hair, messing it up more, as you leaned closer until you could feel his body pressed against yours. you reeled him in until he would be yours, always.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
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main masterlist | criminal minds masterlist
pairings : spencer reid x fem!reader
summary : in which spencer reid is not good at taking hints.
warnings : sad
notes : this is very “cool about it” by boy genius. (atleast it is in my head)
you grinned over at spencer as you both relaxed on his couch, each of you having a book in your laps but him being much closer to the end than you were. this was your favourite moments with spencer; just the both of you being together in utter peace.
it was moments like these that you wished could last forever, that you wanted to happen every day. that’s how you could imagine your perfect life, but that would never happen unless spencer reid liked you back and that didn’t seem to be happening anytime soon.
you hadn’t told him - despite morgan, garcia and prentiss telling you to - but something felt right in this particular moment. it was only confirmed when he looked up at you and he gave you the look that only you got. the one that was the reason why you got yourself into this predicament of liking your bestfriend.
you were finally going to do it. this was the moment that would either change your life for the better or worse, but something that had to happen. you couldn’t continue living thinking of all of the ‘what ifs’ between the both of you. you couldn’t live in the shadows anymore.
“i’m so happy that even after everything, we can just be friends.” he spoke up with a small smile on his face, not realising that he had just broken you completely with a simple sentence. “y’know? without other things getting in the way and splitting us up.”
something inside of your heart broke so violently that you wondered if there was a possibility that he could hear it. you knew this moment would haunt you forever. gideon had once said words are fragile things that can break the strongest of hearts — and you knew that this was an first-hand example of just that.
somehow, without skipping a beat, your eyes refused to dim and your smile never faltered as you continued to look. this was the price you would have to pay to stay in spencer’s life, even if it managed to ruin you in the process.
but inside, you could feel yourself instantly wilt as soon as he spoke. it felt as if your insides were churning as you kept on your grin and swallowed down your sorrow before you spoke, “of course.” the lie felt like you were betraying yourself,
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“he didn’t say outright he didn’t like you.” morgan was leaning across your desk with his arms folded, the lunches infront of you both forgotten since he had decided to try and persuade you into admitting your feelings for spencer instead of eating.
he didn’t stop - or falter - even when you admitted what had happened that night at his when you had tried to confess your feelings, the moment that now had put a dim to your life. “well, it was heavily implied, okay?” you snapped back after listening to derek.
the agent shut up immediately at your tone. he felt sorry for you, your mood had changed drastically. “i’m sorry,” he dropped his head, shaking it in disappointment with himself. “i just don’t like you with that guy.”
you knew he was referring to your current boyfriend of only a few weeks. even though you hadn’t known him for long, you had thrown yourself quickly into a relationship despite the man having multiple obvious red flags that he hadn’t even tried to hide.
the reasoning was simple enough, it was a good distraction from spencer and also an easy way to try and avoid his curious eyes. you knew he would pick up on your low moods, it was something he always managed to do no matter how you hid it from him.
you didn’t respond but instead picked at the food infront of you. derek had met your boyfriend, very briefly, and instantly hated him. mostly because of his clearly very controlling and possessive behaviour over you. it made him worry for your well-being.
it was also the way that his eyes wandered to every woman that passed you both, and the robotic style gestures that he used towards you that made it seem like you were strangers instead of lovers. he only properly embraced you when another man tried to pick you up.
the agent moved his hand to touch your shoulder, squeezing it in a comforting gesture to gain your full attention. your eyes successfully flickered up towards your colleague and close friend. “you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you.”
you couldn’t help yourself in that moment. your eyes immediately swept over towards spencer that was sat eating his lunch by himself; an odd sight since usually you sat with him. you were the only one he liked at his desk for such a long period of time but lately you had been ‘forgetting’ to sit with him.
“but what if no one ever does?” you may have had a waver running through your voice, but your words remained true. you appeared almost like a child as you looked at derek full of hope that he could fix all of your problems so you wouldn’t have to live like this anymore. with all of this pain.
morgan tried not to let your voice break him aswell. he couldn’t bare to see you and spencer act like this with each other. he moved over towards you and wrapped an arm so tightly around you that you weren’t sure you could escape his embrace. “don’t let yourself be his second choice.
“second place is still a place." your voice cracked, letting go of derek and focusing back on your desk, wiping your eyes before it became too obvious that you were almost crying at work. “it’s better than nothing at all."
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“are you okay?” you spun around in the old, battered stool just as spencer came up to the bar you were currently stationed at. you simply smiled in his direction. “of course i am.” you finished off your drink before finally meeting his eyes.
his expression was often serious, but you liked how it softened slightly when he looked at you. like the way he looked at you was different from everyone else. it made you feel special but in that moment you couldn’t meet it.
“you’ve been avoiding me.” the man stated matter-of-a-factly while taking the seat beside you, trying to hide his grimace at the old and most likely sticky surface. truthfully, you weren’t as drunk as you wished you would be while having this conversation with him.
“i have?” you acted dumb as you stared down at his hands. a thousand times you wanted to take his hand, and a thousand times you had stopped yourself. you still liked him, but you didn’t know how to begin — or if you even wanted to anymore. there had been way too many signs trying to stop you from confessing your true feelings.
“um, yeah.” he retorted back quickly, “is your…boyfriend okay?” his words sounded awkward, something that had never happened between the two of you before. you nodded with a hum, “yeah. actually, he’s actually picking me up soon so i’m gonna go wait outside i think.”
“i’ll come with you—“
“—its fine.” you interjected before he could get up, placing a hand on his chest to stop him and standing up by yourself. spencer sighed in frustration, “can i atleast get you a water?” he questioned but he had already signalled over the bartender.
now you were stood watching until finally spencer paid and gave you the water, your eyes settled on his wallet. you wondered if your photo was still in there. “thanks.” you mumbled while tucking it into your purse, too scared you would choke on it if you drank.
spencer didn’t speak for a long moment. he continued to stare at you with such a strong gaze that you couldn’t bring yourself to leave it just yet. he had always been compelling. he was like an illusion you could not let yourself look away from no matter how hard you tried.
“you know,” spencer stood up aswell and took a step closer to you, “i used to like you.” his words came out awkwardly and jumbled tighter. before you could respond, he added in, “but i don’t anymore.”
spencer couldn’t meet your eyes anymore but instead stared down at the ground below the both of you. you weren’t sure what to say to him, but you couldn’t indulge in this. it would be selfish and you knew if he ever agreed to a relationship with you it would only be so you wouldn’t get your feelings hurt.
you wanted someone that wanted you, not just needed you. “i didn’t know you ever did.” you stared blankly at the man before re adjusting the bag strap on your shoulder, glancing behind you before speaking up. “i’ll see you later, spence.”
he was shocked at your sudden, and quick, dismissal. he wanted a reaction, good or bad as long as he spoke to you properly. every conversation you had shared was blunt and impersonal as if you were strangers and not close friends. he wasn’t sure if you were even friends anymore.
to him, you were everything. even before you were close friends you always had a special place in his heart and his brain. no matter what he was doing you were there — physically or not — and he had only realised that was love when you began to slip away from him.
before he could save the situation you turned and left, all the possibilities that could have happened between the both of you playing out in your head as you left spencer reid behind in your shadow for the first and last time.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
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main masterlist | tsitp masterlist
PAIRINGS : jeremiah fisher x reader
SUMMARY : the two friends try to do a movie stunt in a pool, but they end up making there own movie.
NOTES : i haven’t proofread this
“looks like your having fun.” you sarcastically commented while taking a seat beside jeremiah, your bare legs dangling into the cool pool water infront of the pair of you. you glanced over at the boy, concerned at the expression on his face and the tightness of his jaw. he had a solemn look about him as he gazed down at the pool and you knew why. you had accidentally caught him kissing belly in it just the night before but you hadn’t told him. you didn’t want your own emotions to get on the way of his.
“bad memories?” your voice was quieter this time, more reserved, as your curiosity got the best of you. you also wanted to make sure that he was okay since he did not currently look it. “something like that.” he mumbled before finally facing you. his jaw softened but you could tell he was keeping something in. he was mad at something or someone but it wasn’t you, if it was he would’ve already started an argument or atleast made a few passive agressive comments by now.
“what about you?” he leaned back on his hands instead of crossing them and you notice the slight falter in his breath, his chest hitching for a second longer before finally calming down. you pretended not to notice it. “honestly?” you asked with a sigh while looking away from jeremiah and back into the water, “i’m thinking about that scene from dirty dancing right now.” you failed to hide the small smile on your face.
jeremiah shot you a confused look before he finally broke out into a real smile, a soft chuckle leaving him. “when johnny lifts baby up in the water?” he questioned, recognition sparking all over his features. you hummed before facing him fully, a michevouis smirk on your face. “why don’t we do it?” you shrugged as you spoke before lifting up an arm to flex your hardly there muscles, “i’ve gotten pretty strong—“
“why don’t i do the lifting?” he suggested while standing up, pulling off his shirt and jumping in while his shorts on. you laughed while taking off your shirt aswell, leaving you in only pyjama shorts and a sports bra.
you slipped in the water before the effects of his stare took place, a shy smile overcoming you as you faced each other — now soaked in the water and underneath the starlight of cousins. “don’t go shy on me now.” jeremiah teased after shaking his hair, some of its fluffiness coming back before taking steps in the water over to you, “your gonna have to run and jump—“
“run?” you interrupted before he could finish his sentence, “i cant run in deep water.” you reminded him before pushing back your hair so it wouldn’t fall in front your face any longer. “i’ll just,” you paused for a moment, “come at you fast.”
“so run?” he raised a brow and you splashed water towards him, scrunching up your face in annoyance before readying yourself. “just come at me, i’ll catch you.” he promised, bringing his arms out to do just that. “you better.” you mumbled before stretching your body, a little dramatically, to prepare yourself. “just to let you know, the music is playing in my head.” you told jeremiah before you started towards him.
“mine too.” he chuckled before you finally began to move, going as fast as you could to get past the heavy water trying to keep you back until finally his hands were on your waist and he could attempt to lift you. he got you up into the air but perhaps too fast since you had went over him, your hands in the air as if you was flying as you dived back into the pool on the other side of the fisher boy. when you resurfaced he was laughing.
“you came at me too fast.” he joked as you went back to your place from before. “if you can’t handle me, jere, just tell me.” you teased him. the boy chuckled and shook his head, “i can always handle you.” you rolled my eyes at the comment but you still blushed at his attention.
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“if you drop me one more time, then i’m gonna drown you.” you joked as you once again came from underneath the water, slicking your hair back to keep it away from your face and swimming back towards your spot. “i just don’t know my own strength.” he joked, bringing his arms up and flexing the new muscles he had gotten over the year. you tried not to stare too intensely at them and instead kept your eyes focused on his face.
“is that why you keep dunking me?” you questioned with a tilt of your head. he nodded with a grin, bringing his arms out to catch you again. “this time we’ll do it, i know it.” he stated confidently. you smiled, beginning to rush towards him. you had managed to get faster each time. the water was easier to break through and it swiftly moved by you until finally you reached jeremiah.
he caught your waist just like last time and held you up, your hands coming to steady yourself on his shoulders automatically. “don’t worry, i’ve got you.” he mumbled and you could feel your stomach tighten, feeling on fire from his touch. you brought your hands up just like they had in the movie, giggling along with jeremiah’s chuckles before finally he let you down and you were stood infront of him with a sheepish grin still on your face.
“we did it!” you cheered while hugging him, his hands holding your waist tighter as you both celebrated. “i told you we would.” jeremiah stated before you pulled away to look at him again. “your so cocky.” you laughed through your own words. “when a pretty girl like you wants to be in my presence i have every right to be cocky.” he looked smug as he spoke and his hand tightened on you once more. “am i wrong?” he raised a brow as if to challenge you.
you didn’t respond, rolling your eyes playfully and turned to escape his grasp before you exposed the little crush you had on him. but his grip tightened so your movement halted, and you looked back around at his emotionless face. he was staring down at you with an unreadable expression. “jere, you okay?”
he didn’t respond, his eyes glancing down to your lips before he finally kissed you. without warning, without asking he simply pressed his lips against yours like that was the only way to answer your question. once he kissed you, your heart flowed and every muscle in your body relaxed. how much you needed this terrified you. you wondered if everyone felt this way. maybe it was just you, or maybe it was just you and him together.
he pulled away after a few seconds, squeezing your hips as if to ask silently if you were okay, and when you didn’t do anything he spoke. “i always knew i loved you.” he whispered in a hoarse voice that made you involuntarily shiver. you opened your mouth to speak, to say it back, but he stopped you. “i didn’t say it just to hear it said back. i said it to make sure that you knew.”
you spoke just as he finished, “i love you too, jere.” you smiled up at him and he returned it easily, your heart beginning to race again at this bubble of happiness you were confined to as you held each other. you leaned your head up to kiss him once again. this time, he grabbed your throat but didn’t choke you, just brought you so close that when you kissed you weren’t sure whose air you were breathing.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
Yes write for tsitp! my fav show lol
my master list has been set up and i am looking for requests, i’ll write for any of the characters!!
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
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main masterlist | navigation
❀ fluff
❥ sad
❆ angst
*⁀➷ also known as the slightly emo brother
*⁀➷ also known as the player
❀ pool confessions
*⁀➷ also known as the protective older brother.
*⁀➷ also known as the perfect man ever.
❀ always
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
i just finished the summer i turned pretty, do i write for it?? 👀 i need to know if the fandom is very much alive or not.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
Hey wanted to stop by and say that I love you writing, godfather and both of the W2S works are really good. Can wait until/if you post more.
Take care, love you!
I really appreciate the love i get on here, and i’m glad you enjoy my work! I want to write more for W2S but honestly i don’t have much ideas so i would love some requests.
Have a good day!
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
not u writing abt a child groomer lmfao get help
Sorry about the misunderstanding but i wrote this before the video was made by the girl he groomed. I wasn’t aware of the video the girl made until a few days ago and forgot abt this, but i will be deleting it now i remembered that i actually wrote it.
as you can see this was posted on the 4th of june, and the girls orginal vid exposing lewis was on the 15th which was when i kind of stayed off of here for awhile.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
GODFATHER | d. morgan
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main masterlist | criminal minds masterlist
pairings : derek morgan x reader
summary: reader is pregnant and the BAU is invited to her and derek’s gender reveal, in which she hunts down spencer for some answers and reassurance through his facts.
warnings: none!
notes : not proofread, so may be some mistakes
“this baby is gonna make me piss myself.” you rubbed your stomach automatically, crouching over slightly to try and get in to an more comfortable position than the one you were currently in.
derek chuckled but brought an arm around your shoulders, stabilising you while also taking some of the weight off of your tired feet. “do you want a seat?” he questioned in a deep, slightly raspy, tone.
“it will ruin my dress.” you grumbled out while flattening down the ruffles near the end. it was white, the colour both you and derek wore while the rest wore either pink or blue — whatever they assumed the gender was.
“let’s go now, then.” he planted a kiss on your head, rubbed your stomach one last time and then placed a soft kiss there aswell, before taking a step forward infront of the small crowd.
you both decided on a small gender reveal with only close friends, mostly because you didn’t feel well enough to throw a large party and derek did whatever made you happy. now, all you had to do was pop a balloon.
“okay, is everyone ready?” his loud voice captured the attention of everyone in the room. they all quieted down before glancing your way. “we just wanted to thank you guys for coming one last time.”
“it’s a pleasure.” you smiled towards the crowd but leaned back on derek, letting him hold on to you by wrapping an arm around your waist. “now, let’s get to the part everyone had been waiting for, huh?”
there was various noises of celebration throughout the room, cheers and whistles under finally derek shushed them with a laugh and handed you the small pin. “count from three?” derek voiced out.
you smiled up at your husband while the counting began, leaning up and giving him a chaste kiss. “i love you.” you whispered to him — only for him to hear. “i love you too, sweetheart.” he replied.
“two…one….” you let the suspense build for a split second longer before you jammed the small pin into the large balloon causing blue confetti to explode all over the both of you and some of the crowd.
“oh my god!” all of a sudden all of your energy came back as you squealed and span around into derek’s arms, everyone’s cheers becoming background noise as you held each other.
“i kneww it.” he whispered into your ear with a playful tone, your smile widening before pulling away. “shush.” you quieted him before leaning up and pulling him into another kiss.
you were having a boy.
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“congratulations.” spencer grinned as you pulled away from the hug but kept your hand on his, winching slightly at the cramp feeling in your stomach. “come.” you pulled him away to the couch.
he helped you settle down, taking a seat after when you ushered him down. “i need you.” you spoke with a slightly agressive tone and a completely serious face.
spencer’s eyebrows raised. “what?” he questioned after a moment of trying to interpret what you could possibly mean. you shook your head with a groan.
“i need facts to reassure me that i’m not gonna fall apart during birth.” you spoke, somehow even more seriously, while sharing the agent in the eyes.
“haven’t you asked morgan—“
“of course i have!” the hormones seemed to be making this situation even more dramatic atleast for you, “and he’s good at it, but i need facts and you’re the best at them.”
spencer blushed a little at the compliment. he thought everyone hated his usual rambled but here you were, practically begging him to talk. it was something he was not used to.
“what are you guys up to?” derek finally found you after speaking to of your guests, taking a seat beside you and wrapping an arm around your waist.
“she’s threatening me—“
“i am asking you,” you interrupted him with a glare thst immediately shut spencer up, “very kindly. but if you don’t then i am gonna make this child bite you, or maybe i will.”
derek chuckled as his best friends eyes widened in shock and he shuffled a little further away from you. “i was going to.” he mumbled under his as he did.
then, he finally began to reassure you with all of the facts he could think of. truthfully, he had researched a bunch when you first announced you were pregnant so he had lots of knowledge to share.
it lasted about an hour, you kept asking questions and derek was simply just nodding along until finally spencer was finished his last ramble. “any questions?” he added in after — as if he was teaching a class.
you thought for a moment but eventually shook your head. “i don’t think so.” you mumbled before letting out a sigh of relief, “thank you so much, spence, and i’m sorry about coming on so strongly before.”
derek rubbed your back as you finally let your muscles relax under his touch. “it’s fine,” spencer shrugged off your apology, “i understand why, it’s very common.”
you shuffled closer and hugged the man, “you’re gonna make the best godfather ever.” you mumbled before getting up, ignoring their hands for help as you wandered off.
spencer was frozen, though. unsure on how to react to what you had just blurted out to him. “g-godfather?” he stared intently at the floor beneath him before shifting his eyes over to derek.
the man clapped him on the back, “well i was gonna make it a bigger deal but yes, you are the godfather.” he confirmed the man. “if you’d like to be.” he added in.
“ofcourse, i just didn’t think you’d choose me.” spencer tried to hide his excitement but it was radiating off of the man very clearly. morgan only chuckled, “of course it’s you.”
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
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main masterlist | spencer masterlist
pairings : reader x spencer reid
summary : established relationship, reader begins to feel inferior for her boyfriend spencer reid.
warnings : reader feeling insecure
notes :
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ofcourse i knew that spencer reid was a genius — it was one of the first things that anybody noticed about the agent except from his beautiful face — but even after dating him for almost two months i was still in shock everyday of his brain.
he never put me down, or purposely made me feel little, but i had been recently finding ways to do so myself. it started when he would ramble on and i couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. when he would have to repeat things multiple times until i understood.
somehow i had managed to hide the nagging emotion despite him being a behavioural analyst until finally it all boiled over the first time he visited my house.
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“i’ve never been in here before.” the curly headed man seemed nervous to be in my bedroom but i sent him a comforting smile in hopes of calming him. “well, make yourself at home.” i placed myself down on my bed, “you can look around if you like.”
“are you sure?” spencer seemed hesitant. he stood by my doorway as if he had never seen a bedroom before mine but i assumed it was because he hadn’t been in many girls rooms — a fact i didn’t believe until he promised me it was true.
“ofcourse, go ahead, i’ll go and change.” i climbed off of my bed and walked over to him, “if you’re uncomfortable, you can leave, okay? i promise i won’t hold it against you.” i placed a chaste kiss on his cheek before grabbing clothes and leaving.
it only took me ten minutes until i was ready for bed. i wore sweatpants and a simple tank top, then braided my hair so it would stay out of my face while i slept. i made sure to take my time before finally re entering.
luckily, he was still in my room. he was by my bookshelf, studying each of my books and making me rethink every book i had ever bought. when he turned to me, he smiled but didn’t move from his spot.
“i brought your favourite sweatshirt.” he referred to the folded item of fluffy clothing on my bed. spencer took awhile before he was able to share his clothes but after he started letting me it was hard to stop.
“i knew i invited you for a reason.” i giggled to let him know i was joking while i slipped the fluffy material over my head. when i was done he had turned back to my bookshelf, picking up another book.
“what’s this one about?” he flipped over the cover so i could see, but i knew that he already knew after he read the blurb on the back. i shrugged, “nothing, it’s just a silly romance book.” i brushed it off.
he furrowed his brows, “do you like romance?” he questioned although i already knew that he was aware of the answer since most my bookshelf was romance, mixed with a couple dramas and thrillers.
i didn’t answer audibly — simply shrugged but he continued to stare at me, he knew something else was up. “you don’t have to pretend to like my books, spence, i know they don’t interest you.”
he placed the book back in where he found it. “why would you say that?” he sat beside me on the edge of my bed, “i may not read romances but i understand it’s appeal. just because i wouldn’t read it doesn’t mean it’s a bad book.”
i shook my head, “compared to yours, they’re silly.” i muttered, leaning my head against his chest and hoping that he would just let this conversation die without any confrontation.
“people read for lots of different reasons, y/n.” he held me closer and brushed his fingers through my hair, “i do it for facts, to learn. but you do it for entertainment, and that’s okay. both are okay.” he tried to comfort me.
“i’m sorry, spence, it’s just sometimes i feel…” i wasn’t sure how to place my words in a non offensive way, “stupid compared to you, but that’s not your fault. i just get in my own head.”
“you’re way smarter than i could ever be.” he retorted quickly, “you always know what to say to people, how to comfort people. you always make me feel safe and welcomed no matter how hard i close myself off.”
“sometimes i struggle when i see you approach things so easily. like when we had to babysit henry and you knew how to react to his every single move and i couldn’t even talk to my own godson.”
i shook my head, “henry loved you, spence.” i remind him, but he continued. “you already let me know that and left no space for me to doubt myself. now it’s my turn.” he laid a kiss on top of my head afterwards.
“did you realise that romance helps grow our understanding of other people. it encourages empathy.” he stated while i hummed along, a soft smile on my face at his sweet words.
“trust me, i won’t.” i smiled while leaning further into him. “did you know, romance books can help you identify what turns you on or what gives you pleasure because sometimes you just don't know until you read about it?”
i chuckled — caught of guard by his question — but answered as if it was a normal thing to ask. “nope.” i chirped back. “well i guess you didn’t know that doing a buddy read with a partner may also spice up your relationship as well.”
i giggled slightly at my boyfriend, causing him to chuckle. “well i have the perfect book for us.” i grinned at him before hopping off of my bed and trying to find what i was referring to.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
LOVABLE | s.reid
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main masterlist | spencer masterlist
pairings : reader x shy!spencerreid
summary : the times that spencer’s girlfriend has appreciated him in public.
warnings : none :)
notes : this is not proof read !!
“oh my god, you didn’t tell me he was so cute, morgan.” you didn’t even glance at your friend as you stared at the man with glasses across from you. he turned red at the compliment.
“oh my god, boy wonder has an admirer!” garcia approached the pair with an excited squeal, only causing spencer to become even more red as she gushed over the pair.
it only lasted a few moment before both derek and garcia disappeared, leaving spencer and you alone. he was still red in the face and refusing to meet your eyes.
“i’m sorry for embarrassing you.” you apologised as soon as the two had left, the man finally meeting your eyes. all hope in them had vanished and instead you were met with disappointment. he thought you were kidding. “you are cute, though.”
spencer was back to blushing at your compliments.
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“oh my god!” you squealed as you walked out of the elevator with spencer, grinning ear to ear as he chuckled at your overly dramatic reaction.
“what’s wrong?” derek turned the corner with emily by his side, both looking mildly concerned at you both. you couldn’t speak, instead holding up your hands that were holding spencer’s.
“i’m so happy i can’t talk.” you stuttered through your speech before looking up at spencer, “i have to tell garcia. i cant contain myself!” before he could stop you, you practically skipped down to her office.
“why is she so happy?” emily questioning as she watched you disappear down the hall. “i, um—“ spencer suddenly looked down at the ground, the grin never leaving his lips. “i asked her to be my girlfriend.”
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there was laughs, and screams, as everyone rushed inside at the sight of the pouring rain. spencer didn’t, instead he looked around disappointingly. his halloween party was ruined.
not on your watch.
“where is everyone going?” you frowned as the speakers were grabbed by someone to prevent them from water damage, instead opening your phone and playing a song as loud as you could. it was an etta james song.
“it’s raining.” spencer stated with a small huff, “let’s go inside before you get sick.” he wrapped an arm around you but you weren’t having it, instead wrapping both of yours around his neck. “afraid of a little rain?”
the man looked confused until you placed his hands on your waist and then returned yours back to loop around his neck, beginning to sway side to side with the songs slow beat.
“y/n, you’re gonna get sick.” he warned but it was clear by the smile on his face that he was warmed by your actions. you simply laid your head onto his chest. “one song, please, spence.” you begged.
he hummed while wrapping his arms around you, hoping to keep you warm as you danced together while the people inside watched on - small smiles on their faces.
“i can feel your back muscles.” you grinned up at your boyfriend that returned the gesture, looking down towards you. after all the compliments he received from you his confidence had grown — but they still made him go red.
“they probably think we’re crazy.” the agent referred to the crowd inside. he continued to dance with you, spinning around in slow steps while holding each other in the rain.
“i don’t care.” you shook your head, “aslong as i’m with you, they can think whatever they want.” you leaned up to place a kiss on the man’s lips, unable to contain your smile as you did.
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lvrslvt3 · 11 months
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main masterlist | navigation
❀ fluff
❥ sad
❆ angst
*⁀➷ also known as boy wonder
❀ lovable
❀❆ romance books
❥ ❆ in your shadow
*⁀➷ also known as the original dilf
*⁀➷ also known as my favourite bald man
❀ godfather
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
Hello! I just found and absolutely adore your account, are you okay with reblogs? I’ve wanted to reblog some of your amazing content but I wanted to ask first! ❤️❤️❤️ all the love mate, take care of yourself and have a lovely day!
TYSM!! :))
Ofcourse you can reblog, i don’t mind at all <3 Glad you enjoy my content and have a good day 🤍🤍
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
LOVE IS A CHOICE | h. lewis
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main masterlist | youtuber masterlist
pairings : harry lewis x reader
summary : harry’s insecurities causes the downfall of his own relationship.
warnings : swearing, arguing, just a whole of sadness.
notes : thanks for all the love on my first harry fic (and my first fic ever) i greatly appreciate it!!
“walk out of that door,” you pointed your finger in the direction of your flat door, “and we’re fucking done. i mean it, harry.” you threat with your voice very audibly shaking with the overwhelming emotions you were experiencing.
he felt awful, seeing you in this state, but his mind was set. this would be better for you no matter how much it hurt at first. you would come to your senses quickly and live a better life and he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness for that.
harry stopped just as he was about to walk away from you, from your life together, to prepare himself for the heavy lie about to be forced through his lips — one that would break his heart just as it will yours.
slowly, he turned his head back to face you. “you can’t end anything that was never there.” your face immediately broke, and his heart broke so violently he was surprised it didn’t create any noise. there was no coming back from this.
you shook her head and opened your mouth but nothing came out except a small, choking sob that you quickly covered up by closing your mouth again. you weren’t going to break down infront of him, you wanted to look strong.
he didn’t deserve to see that he had so clearly hit a nerve, that he had just broken down the girl he had previously built back up. you just needed him to leave so you could be alone.
finally, he turned again and left your flat with a loud slam of the front door. your sobs echoed through his head as the door closed behind him for good — now he had to face the future alone.
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the more harry didn’t want you, the harder you tried. however, the harder you tried the more he didn’t want you. you didn’t know what you had done to deserve the treatment you had received from him that night. there was only thing you knew for sure; you couldn’t let it break you. atleast not on the outside.
so, in hopes of proving to everyone you was coping well you had agreed to a brunch date with talia in which you both sat at the back of a restaurant and spoke of your feelings. you had tried to avoid the topic but talia knew you to well.
she was the only one you could confide in. she was the only shoulder you let myself sob into when you couldn’t pretend to be okay anymore. she was your rock through it all. talia understood it was more than a breakup you were experiencing; it was grief of losing harry lewis.
your closest friend, sat across from you, swirled her plastic straw around her glass cup, glancing up at you after taking a sip. “do you still love him?” she questioned in a gentle tone that made you want to start crying again.
you didn’t answer properly at first. you hummed just before you took a large sip of your drink infront of you to try and delay the inevitable. talia would not leave you alone until she knew you were okay.
a mere three seconds later, a hand landed on top of yours, rubbing over the skin on top and taking you away from your own consuming thoughts. talia held your hand until you finally found the courage to answer out loud truthfully.
“i don’t think i’ll ever stop.” you words seemed to upset talia. it only proved how much she cared for you — that she felt your emotions with you to let you know you weren’t alone in this. “i just don’t know if we’re meant for each other.”
talia gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, “you should speak to him.” she advised you, “maybe you’re not meant for each other now, but end it in good terms just incase.”
you weren’t sure wether or not to go along with her advice, but at the end of the day you knew that you couldn’t move on from him properly without knowing what you had done to destroy your relationship.
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harry answered your late night text straight away and agreed to come over to yours only the next day. infact, he arrived an hour earlier than you both had agreed upon. mostly because he was too nervous to wait around.
now, you stood across from your ex boyfriend with only the kitchen island to separate you from eachother. you leaned against the counter in hopes it would keep you upright throughout this tough conversation that neither of you were ready for.
“did i do anything to make you stop loving me?” the questioned rolled off of your tongue as if it was a casual conversation topic, like you were talking about what to have for dinner instead of why your relationship fell apart so quickly.
harry couldn’t meet your eyes. instead, he was fixating on the ground beneath him. “i never stopped loving you.” finally he met your adamant gaze, “i just…” he shrugged as he tried to find his words, “if i don’t like who i am, why should you?”
you hung your head down onto your hands. you was beyond stressed. you had finally pieced it together — he didn’t stop loving you but instead stopped loving himself, which led to lots of miscommunication. however, you felt that surely he loved you enough to not let you go.
“but how could you leave me so easily?” you pestered him once again, causing his jaw to clench tightly and his eyes to move away from you once again. other than that his body was rigid, as if he was afraid to move.
he had planned this whole conversation out. he knew how this needed to end for your sake and he was willing to do anything for it. even if that meant going through this.
“it’s not easy, y/n, but it’s for the better.” harry finally looked up at his ex girlfriend that had been staring at him the whole time — looking exceedingly dejected. “you have to understand i don’t want to do this, i need to.”
“please, y/n.” harry interrupted you with an begging tone in his voice, “you don’t deserve me, you don’t deserve this,” he used his hand to gesture between the both of you, “i love you, i always will, but this doesn’t feel right.”
he began to grow frustrated. he shook his hands while he spoke in a way to try and get his correct emotions across without making this situation any worse than it already was. “please, y/n.” he turned desperate.
you didn’t want to argue anymore, he wasn’t changing his mind no matter what you said or did. his mind was set on leaving you no matter how much it hurt you to admit to yourself. you didn’t know if what you both had was true love, but it was the closest you had ever gotten.
“okay, harry.” you spoke with a despondent glaze over your eyes, you had lost all hope. you walked over to the other side to stand by harry, “whatever you need.” your voice broke through the sentence.
harry stood there, looking at the woman he loves, his heart heavy with longing despite their current situation. you looked back at him, your eyes locking, and you both knew what the other was feeling. despite all of it, you still had a feeling of mutual respect and understanding for harry.
he leaned closer, to try and kiss you, but before he can you pulled away. “i can’t.” your voice was merely above a whisper. the words still left harry speechless while you turned and walked away. leaving him in the kitchen staring at where you had disappeared to, looking mournful.
love is just not a feeling. it’s a choice that people made every day, and you had to chose to stop expressing your love for harry so he could learn to love himself properly. he needed to be there for himself to enjoy what you two had.
nothing compared to harry, but you would wait for him.
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
TEMPER | e.laundry
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main masterlist | scream masterlist
pairings : ethan landry x reader
summary : reader feels like her boyfriend - ethan - is avoiding her.
warnings : angsty, not feeling loved, established relationship, arguing
notes : this is the very angsty post i’ve really done, so it might be cringe.
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"ethan!" i felt myself grow lighter as my boyfriend finally entered the living room, his hair messy and eyes looking tired after returning from the library. he was studying for econ, again, but now he was doing it at the library for a reason unknown to me. i didn't ask; afraid i'd get my feelings hurt by it.
"is he okay?" chad questioned me from the other side of the couch we were laying back on, both of us each having a blanket while we watched a movie as i waited on ethan to come back. i had met chad through ethan but he had slowly became my friend aswell.
i shrugged, still staring at his bedroom door. since he had ignored me i decided to let him have some alone time to cool down before speaking to him. "let's just finish the movie." i decided after a moment.
chad unpaused the tv just as i heard the shower begin running. hopefully that would put ethan in a better mood, or relax him so we could talk about whatever was bothering him.
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"it's so cold." chad groaned as he let the blanket drop from himself, folding it quickly and throwing it over the back of the couch. “good luck.” he patted my shoulder as he passed me.
i sighed out, rubbing my eyes. "night." i murmured but chad was already speed walking to his room to avoid the cold. that means i was left with my own thoughts, but i hadn't been able to escape them even as we watched tv.
all i had thought about was ethan and his lack of affection in the past two weeks — avoiding touching my hand, not even looking at me ever. if he was my boyfriend surely he would want to look at me?
he used to be such a doting boyfriend but now he had done a complete 360. even our friends had asked me if things were okay and if we were fighting but i had just said that he was stressed from school. i was tired of defending him but it was like a second nature now.
getting up from the couch i folded the blanket just like chad had before scurrying over to ethan's room. the cold air had already caused goosebumps to form all over my body despite being in all warm clothing.
when i realised how cold it was earlier i stole one of ethan's hoodies, as always, but now all i wanted was to be curled up in his bed and forget that i can feel him slipping away from me. i may aswell try and enjoy our last moments.
i opened and closed the door without any noise. i turned to ethan - hoping he would do something to help me - however, he didn't as much as even look at me. the man stayed glued to his phone.
"hey." i whispered quietly through the dark room in hopes for a reaction. i felt out of place, something that i thought i’d never feel around ethan. he glanced up at me, finally looking at me.
"you and chad done hanging out?" it sounded like venom coming out of his mouth but it only confused me. he knew chad and i were friends and despite him being jealous of me and other guys that never happened with his roommate.
"yeah." i decided to not hear the tone he was using, "i was waiting on you and he was watching a movie so i just joined him...is that okay?" i felt stupid for asking. i didn't need him to decide what i did.
"it just feels like you're hanging out with chad more than me." he finally turned off his phone and sat it down on his nightstand, leaving us with only light from his small lamp.
i scoffed slightly but tried to stay calm. we should be able to talk this through like adults. "i'm sorry if i've made you feel that way, ethan, but i've kind of felt the same way with you...kinda."
i fidgeted with my fingers as i stood by the end of his bed, not comfortable enough to join him just yet. "what do you mean?" he scrunched his nose up to make it clear he had no clue what i was referring to.
his expression towards me made me feel stupid, like i was the one in the wrong when i knew i was definitely not. "i just...i feel like we're pretending to be a couple. i don't know, it's stupid." i tried to brush it off.
he just stared at me as if i was speaking some unknown language at him. nervously, i let out a small chuckle and looked down at the floor, "you make me feel so insecure." i mumbled out after taking a moment to try and regain some bravery.
when i had mentioned an insecurity to him, around when we first got together, he had made sure i never felt that way again with him. he always worshipped me even at my worse so i knew that i could always come to him.
this time he let out a deep audible sigh, visibly frustrated at me. "what are you talking about?" he questioned in an almost bored tone. i could barely look at him, he wasn't the ethan i knew before.
but he didn't persist on my answer. he only continued to stare at me as if i was invisible until i met his eyes. "did you just forget about me or something?" my throat almost broke down halfway through. in the darkness of the room i could feel tears begin to brim my eyes.
he scoffed at me this time. "i gave you everything i had, i'm sorry if that's not good enough for you!" his voice grew louder as we spoke. i knew for a fact chad could hear us through the walls.
"you don't understand, ethan—" i tried to reason but he was already too worked up. "i can never do anything right can i?" he threw his arms out in an agitated state, his eyes narrowing on me.
my mouth opened to try and diffuse the situation but i couldn't. he looked the angriest i had ever seen him, ever. we had argued before but he never made me feel this way — so stupid.
i felt exposed and vulnerable in a way that made me not able to speak fully. "fine, if i'm not enough for you then you'll never see me again, okay?" he yelled out once again, his eyebrows raising mockingly at me,
"just get out!" he got up from his bed, stepping towards me. "get the fuck out, and don't come back!" he continued to yell as i backed up to the door i had just came through.
just as my hand clutched around the door handle i tried one last attempt to salvage our relationship. "please, ethan, it's not what i meant. you know i lo—" before i could respond he began yelling again.
"get out!" i opened the door just as he picked up his lamp, "just fucking get out!" he threw the lamp at the wall beside his bed just as i shut the door behind me.
i stared at the door as another thud came, leaving me in shock as i tried to process what had just happened. "y/n? are you okay?" a new voice entered the situation, causing my mind to become clearer.
i glanced over at chad that was peeking out from his bedroom door. he knew ethan wouldn't hurt me physically which was why he hadn't stormed in as soon as the yelling began.
"um.." i trailed off as i tried to make sense of the situation, "i think ethan just broke up with me." my voice grew quiet as i finally said the dreadful words out loud, everything suddenly becoming more real.
chad didn't say anything else, instead coming over and wrapping his arms around me just as another smash came from inside ethans room. the thud made me finally break.
i felt my lip begin to quiver as i flung myself into chad’s chest, the sobs finally escaping me as he guided me into his room and let me hyperventilate into his shoulder at the fact my relationship had just ended.
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i awoke to the feeling of dry eyes and an empty feeling nestled into my chest. i knew where i was as soon as i woke up but it felt like a dream, that last night was only a bad nightmare instead of my reality.
but it wasn't. afterwards i had fallen asleep in chads bed and he had blown up the air mattress and laid on the floor by my side the whole night afraid i would have another panick attack or something.
i was grateful he did, but now i was stuck in ethan's apartment while he hated my guts for an reason i didn’t know. the bedroom door opened and chad slipped in, a small sad smile on his face.
"ethan's in the kitchen pacing," he updated me, "he thought you had went home by yourself last night, was worried sick cause you weren't answering your phone."
"i think my phones somewhere in the living room." i answered with a raspy tone, not sure what my next move was. all i wanted really was to see ethan but i didn't want to argue again.
"he's okay. he came in to wake me up so we could go search for you but saw you here. waited in the kitchen to speak to me but he just left for his room again, i think." chad tapped his fingers against the door he was leaning against.
i nodded in acknowledgment to chads words. "i don't know what to say to him." i confessed to my friend, but he didn't seem to have much advice for me either since he only shrugged at my direction.
"just go and see how things go. if he starts bad mouthing you just leave or scream my name and i'll come deal with him." he walked over and sat beside me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"thanks, chad." i whispered before getting up and stretching. my bones still felt tense as i left his room for my boyfriends, or my ex boyfriends now. i waited by his door for a moment before finally entering.
i closed the door just as he got off of his bed to approach me. though, he stopped a few steps away from me. i just stared at him, he had the same look he used to have when he looked at me — no disgust.
he had the same messy curls, and the same comforting feeling i missed when i was in his presence. "you're still in my clothes." he commented while glancing at my figure.
"i didn't have anything else to wear." i mumbled the lie. i had pyjamas in one of his drawers but i was too scared to go back into his room again. "sorry about sleeping in chads room, i promise nothing happened—"
ethan only shook his head and finally took the last steps to meet me, flinging his arms around my shoulders and holding my body close to his. "i shouldn't have said that, y/n."
i nodded along. "i know." i mumbled but he only continued to shake his head, holding me closer to his chest. "you should be screaming at me right now, i was so cruel to you."
i didn't reply, unsure on what to say, and let him hold me tightly so i could finally find the comfort in his chest that i had been aching for. there was a soft kiss placed on my head before speaking again.
"you don't ever have to pretend. not with me, not ever." he referenced what i had said last night. he pulled away to hold my head softly in his hands to make sure i looked at him as he spoke.
"i love you, every part of you, and i'm a dick for making you feel otherwise. you know that, don't you?" i nodded, unsure on why he wasn't defending himself more.
"i'm so sorry, baby." he leaned in to kiss me and i let it happen, his grip tightening as if i would somehow slip from his grasp. he stopped after a moment to lean his forehead against mine; both of us unable to open our eyes yet.
we knew what had happened last night, and we both knew who was to blame for it, but i didn't want to talk about it anymore. "will you just.....hold me? please." i didn't try to hide my desperation from him.
i didn’t want to hide anything from him anymore, i wanted us to get back to how we used to be. ethan nodded and led me into his bed, covering us with his duvet and letting me tuck myself into his chest. "you shouldn't love me, y/n." he told me while running a hand through my hair.
i didn't answer but instead slipped my hand under his hoodie to gather more of his warmth. i didn’t feel close enough to him despite there not being any room for air between us.
"i don't want anyone else." i answered in a quiet tone. my head was spinning from all the dramatics of the past two days but i was finally grounded as we lay together in peace.
he sighed, disappointed in my answer, almost as if he wanted me to hate him. "next time you feel like that come and tell me, okay? i promise i won't blow up in your face like last night."
i nodded. i didn't want to speak anymore but he continued on. "how did i make you insecure?" he questioned while moving his hand to run up and down my arm.
i shrugged, not sure how to answer him. "you changed," i finally decided after a moment of silence, "i just...i didn't feel loved anymore. you wouldn't even look at me, ethan."
ethan leaned forward to place another gentle kiss on top of my head. "i love you more than life itself, y/n. i'm sorry you thought otherwise," he moved his finger to my chin to make me look up at him.
"but don't think like that again, okay? no matter what we argue about you should always know how deeply inlove i am with you." he spoke sternly, holding me tighter while my eyes fluttered closed.
i nodded, finally feeling what i had been missing.
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
SCREAM MOVIES | lvrslvt3
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main masterlist | movie masterlist
❀ fluff
❥ sad
❆ angst
*⁀➷ also known as the virgin killer
❥ ❆ temper
*⁀➷ also known as the nicest chad ever
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
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main masterlist | navigation
the movies i’ve wrote for so far, and their masterlists !
scream franchise
*⁀➷ also known as the hottest killers
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