mayapapaya33 · 11 hours
Ok, why did no one tell me how Bi-Tastic Lucifer is? I would have watched this show much sooner if I had known! And it's hilarious.
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mayapapaya33 · 2 days
So I was watching this old video again because the new Good Omens season triggered my obsession with Neil Gaiman's stories that creeps up periodically ( and his voice is soothing to listen to while I draw) And at about 1:25:30 there's a part that really made me giggle, cause this is what he says when asked about themes in his work:
"I remember once somebody asked me about the kiss that would occur in my books three quarters of the way through, to indicate that we were now moving into act three. And I said 'what'. And they said 'well you must be conscious of it, you do it every time.'"
And I mean...
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mayapapaya33 · 2 days
Laura’s thoughts ranged over a wide field, even now. Sometimes she said rather amusing things, and displayed unexpected stores (General Stores) of knowledge. But her remarks were as a rule so disconnected from the conversation that no one paid much attention to them. Mr. Arbuthnot certainly was not prepared for her response to his statement that February was a dangerous month. ‘It is,’ answered Laura with almost violent agreement. ‘If you are a were-wolf, and very likely you may be, for lots of people are without knowing, February, of all months, is the month when you are most likely to go out on a dark windy night and worry sheep.’
Henry and Caroline glanced at each other in horror. Mr. Arbuthnot said: ‘How very interesting! But I really don’t think I am likely to do such a thing.’ Laura made no answer. She did not think so either. But she was amusing herself with a surprisingly vivid and terrible picture of Mr. Arbuthnot cloaked in a shaggy hide and going with heavy devouring swiftness upon all-fours with a lamb dangling from his mouth.
This settled it. Henry and Caroline made no more attempts to marry off Laura. Trying to do so had been a nuisance and an expense, and Laura had never shown the smallest appreciation of their trouble.
- “Lolly Willowes,” (1926) by Sylvia Townsend Warner. Early feminist/fantasy fiction.
This passage is set prior to 1905, and it is extremely fun to read about the interior life of someone 100 years ago, who “violently” introduces the werewolf element to survive a boring conversation.
RIP Laura, I’ve only read 30% of the book and I know in my heart that touching grass was not enough for you and your restless, yearning heart. You would have done numbers on the internet
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mayapapaya33 · 2 days
a helpful tutorial
I was taking with my friend about good omens and we were wondering how the hell aziraphale-as-crowley managed to get into that bath without getting his socks wet and so I drew this ‘helpful’ guide.
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I like to imagine that all the demons had to just awkwardly stand around watching him clamber around getting into this bathtub… @neil-gaiman can you confirm?
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mayapapaya33 · 2 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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mayapapaya33 · 6 days
I keep seeing people talk about Charles beating up the night nurse and feeding her to Angie and being like "why are Edwin and Crystal acting so judgmental, he did nothing wrong, it wasn't even that dramatic, why are they being so weird, etc." And I think the biggest problem with this is that you're looking at it from an action movie watcher pov, not from the pov of a real person who just watched your friend beat the crap out of someone and murder them in a surprisingly tactical way (They don't know the night nurse is immortal at that point). I think we've all become a little inured to violence on screen, but imagine if that ACTUALLY happened DIRECTLY in front of you.
Now, personally I do think Charles was acting in self defense, and defense of Edwin. and I'm on his side. I'm just saying that I ALSO understand why watching him ostensibly straight up murder someone would be shocking lol.
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mayapapaya33 · 6 days
I've finally started watching Lucifer (Yes I know it takes some rather dramatic liberties with the comics) and I just caught what I think is a Neil Gaiman Reference in Season 1 episode 8 Et tu, Doctor at 37:19
"Trixie's finally down"
"She conned you into reading the book about the Sneezing Panda didn't she?"
"Five times."
Come on, that's gotta be Chu's Day right?
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mayapapaya33 · 7 days
It's struck me how sharp Edwin is towards Crystal in the first episode. And while I still think a lot of that is his resistance to the change in dynamic, the incursion of a living person (potential threat) into the space he has built for himself, and fear that Charles might leave him - he always said he missed kissing most, and here's this living, breathing, attractive girl who he just played hero to - I'm also wondering if he, well, recognizes Crystal
As a bully.
She's catty, she's sharp, she's mean. She's fun, he quips, with the sharp kind of sneer you'd reserve for, you know, the "fun" kids, the popular ones who everyone loved - everyone but their victims.
And Edwin, well. His bullies killed him.
Oh, bullies killed Charles too, but Charles was friends with them first - and he is, in some ways (but not others), much more forgiving than Edwin. He tries to see the best in everyone - the murdered teens in episode 5, Crystal, even his father, who he downgrades to "rough". It takes a lot more for Charles to give up on someone.
But Edwin was bullied. He was picked on, had his cap stolen, probably more. And then he was dragged from his bed and sacrificed, and had 70 years of torture to stew.
He sees Crystal and he sees someone just like them. Fun! Sharp! Flitting around from game to game, only caring about themselves, abandoning everyone else when things get scary.
And then?
Then he blows up at her. And she agrees. She agrees that the Becky Aspen case is more important than her problems; she begs to help.
She proves herself more than the catty bully he thought she was. And he softens - immediately. They switch to planning mode, together, and Edwin goes from blocking Crystal out to... compliments. Oh, he's still his own brand of catty, but it goes from instantly shutting her down to acknowledging her success, an almost protective (if admittedly patronizing) put-off, and less... sharp poking. Less pointed. Less "fuck off" and more "ugh. You." Instant siblings :)
They open up to each other. They find common ground - genuinely wanting to help, and willing to put others first. And that forms the basis of their eventual friendship - and opens the way for them both to discard their masks of anger, and learn to be kinder.
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mayapapaya33 · 7 days
am i writing a fic of edwin fencing because of this video? maybe…
also the fact that they’re doing a scene from richard iii — the shakespeare nerd in me is screaming
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mayapapaya33 · 7 days
So, everyone (except for Charles) knows how the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice ends but do you know how he dies?
He is torn to pieces by some maenads.
I'll just leave this here
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mayapapaya33 · 8 days
Dead Boy Detectives is the craziest fucking show and George Rexstrew's performance as Edwin is so fucking funny. Hes always up to some gay shit in the background. Shoutout to at the end of episode two when Niko says (about the Dandelion Sprites) that she "knows what its like to want something you can have" and Edwin immediately looks at his bracelet. Show of all time.
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mayapapaya33 · 8 days
as someone who got 2 concussions this year and inhaled toxic substances at the workplace i can confidently inform you all that all characters in the star wars prequels are absolved of stupidity. they're all dumb as a box of rocks but its not their fault that no one made them wear helmets in wartime. the introduction of SPOSHA (space OSHA) would reduce incidences of darth vader creation by at least one i just know it
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mayapapaya33 · 8 days
Wanna get on top of this now and say:
Remember in the Heartstopper fandom how the young actors got pressured and harassed to come out?
Let's all learn a lesson from that and absolutely NOT do that to the Dead Boy Detectives cast (or any other going forward).
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mayapapaya33 · 8 days
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Dead Boy Detectives 1.01 · The Case of Crystal Palace
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mayapapaya33 · 8 days
Another book recommendation for 2024
The Dead Boy Detectives Omnibus
Although first introduced by Neil Gaiman and Matt Wagner in The Sandman: Season of Mists, the Dead Boy Detectives stories are actually written by multiple authors, illustrated by multiple artists, and occur in multiple comics.  This volume brings all of these stories together into one collection with some additional notes and art at the end.  As someone who read many, but not all, of these stories when they were first published, it was great fun to read some old favorites while also being introduced to some new cases taken on by Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland.  
The stories are consistently good, the art consistently great.  However, the tone of the stories range from the dark and brutal of 90s horror comics to the cute of kawaii manga.  If you are a fan of comic books, you probably won’t blink twice at this seeming inconsistency; if you are not familiar with the vagaries of comic books, especially those written over a decade by different authors and artists, this range of styles may seem jarring.  
If you have enjoyed one or more of the Dead Boy Detectives stories in the past, or are simply a fan of comic books in general, then this volume absolutely belongs on your shelf and you will enjoy it again and again.  If, on the other hand, you are coming to this volume from the recent Netflix show and are not familiar with the original comic book stories, be forewarned: the TV series is yet a different set of artists’ take on the boys.  If you are expecting the Payne and Rowland of the TV series, you will be disappointed.  But come to the collection with an open mind, and I suspect you will enjoy the stories immensely.
SIDE NOTE: I wrote a paper in college on the Children’s Crusade and was obsessed with it for awhile (look it up!). I seriously considered writing a book on this dark historic topic. As such, I was particularly delighted with Dead Boy Detectives’ version of the story when I read it in ’94. It remains my favorite in the series. 
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mayapapaya33 · 10 days
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there are so many of him because i'm an edwin relator and also he is SOOOO TUMBLRCODED. he would be a tumblr user and also say all these things. or at least think them. (credit to these tumblr users as well <3)
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mayapapaya33 · 10 days
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theyre so funky
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