me-writes-prompts · 6 hours
Hello! Would like to request some prompts about someone in love with a hero/warrior, maybe admiring their strength or worrying about their safety. Thank you!!
Hey, I can do that! Enjoy :) and this, this is one of my favorite tropes like please, tag me if you write these 😭😭
By @me-writes-prompts
“You don’t need to always work so hard to save others, sometimes you just have to save yourself first.”
Arguments about the other’s safety after certain battles
“You’re a warrior, you can only do much, love.”
“Let me help you, please. I can’t stand on the side, quietly staring at all the scars you carry.” (THIS ONE>>>>>>>>> :’)
Late night conversations about what it feels like to fight for their lives and their country/kingdom
“You were brave there, I want you to know that.”
“How are you so strong?” “Your love makes me strong.” (<333333333)
“You know, you don’t have to do this. You don’t always have to stand up for people. I worry that no one will stand up for you in return when the time comes, because they take you for granted. And I hate that.”
Cleaning up their wounds while whispering praises of proudness to the other one.
^^”I am so proud of you for not giving up. You did so good today. And I appreciate you.”
Make them soup/their favorite dish after they come home
Snuggling them in blankets because the winter has the other shivering
“You saved me back there…you didn’t have to. You could’ve gotten yourself kille-” “I’d always choose you over myself. You should be well aware of that by now, my dear.” (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sobs*)
I could go on forever with this list, but we part ways here for my remaining sanity.
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me-writes-prompts · 6 hours
-:Fake dating dialogues & scenarios:-
(tag me!...my fav are 1, 6, 7, 12, 13)
By @me-writes-prompts
"You don't have to kiss me. Just a peck will be fine, at least to convince my parents."
After 'faking dating' for months, they have started to have inside jokes.
"They are just temporary. We'll separate soon enough."
"Can you put on a smile? You look like you're ready to dig your own grave." "For a matter of fact, I am."
Unknowingly holding hands, even when they are not in front of family or friends.
Getting used to making two servings of everything.
Sitting close to each other, because it's become a habit.
Sharing glances across the room.
"Let's dance, yeah? It's your birthday, they'll be suspicious if we don't."
Fake smiles turn into genuine ones. (ahhhhhh)
Wanting to be there for the other one, even though they aren't even a 'real' couple.
"Kiss me." "What? We don't have to pretend right now." "I know, but I need one right now."
Putting a hand on the other's back/waist to calm them, because the other one has extreme anxiety in public.
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me-writes-prompts · 4 days
Tumblr media
An interesting demonstration of how the human brain works.
But also something of a lesson regarding perception, and the unreliability of subjective perspective versus objective reality.
You can be extremely certain about how you perceive the world, your "lived experience," that which you "feel it in my heart." But that doesn't mean it's actually true. And it doesn't mean we have to endorse it, or ignore or outright deny objective reality.
That's a "you" thing, not a "we" thing.
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me-writes-prompts · 5 days
:-"Soft things people in love do that makes me want to fall in love" prompts-:
(Tag me if you guys write these!!!! yeeeeee)
By @me-writes-prompts
Letting them sit in their seat during a train/bus transaction
Making food for each other as surprise
Picnic dates^^
"We could just stay like this, cuddling all day, if you want."
Random kisses on lips/hands/neck >\\\<
Giving them a head massage while they listen to the other one talk about their day
Late-night star gazing when they can't sleep
^^ "The stars are bright tonight, aren't they?" "Not as bright as you, love." and they pull them into a kiss because they start to laugh at the cheesiness.
Leaning their heads on each other's
"I know you're struggling right now, and it's okay, okay? We'll get through this."
"I left you a note, did you read it?" "Yeah, I left one you one back to tell you I read it!" <3333
"I can't believe you remember the day we first had our kiss!" "It's an important day that needs to be remembered forever :)"
"Is it too early to say I love you? Because I do. I love you so much." "Aww, I love you too. So much."
Making the other one diy bracelets/rings/etc with their names.
^^"This is lovely! But you spelled your name wrong, darling." "Oh...heh, guess I got carried away huh?"
Board game nights where their competitive sides come out
"I hope you know that I'll never leave your side, even though you ate half of my pancakes earlier." "Hmm, I won't either, even though you take my clothes and never return them."
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me-writes-prompts · 10 days
hi! I was wondering if u have or might be interested in doing couples hurt/injury fic prompts, like, person A gets hurt and person B's feral response to it (in the moment, later, whatever!) thank you <3
Definitely can do!
By @me-writes-prompts
“They hurt you, despite knowing what I would do.”
“It’s fine, I’m okay-“ “No you’re not, you’re injured and it’s all their fault!”
“Look we can settle this matter in peace right?” “Not when it comes to you. They should’ve thought about who exactly they were hurting.”
“Tell me who did this.”
“Name and address.”
“You know what? I shouldn’t have ever trusted them, I knew something was wrong when I first saw them. A gut feeling.”
“I told you not to go, love! Now look what happened!”
When their partner comes from a fight, all injured, with a smile because they won. But they are not happy, because what the actual heck?
^^“Tell me you did not go to a fight without me.” “I don’t need you to protect me.” “It’s not about protection-“ “I don’t want to hear it.” (Angsty🤩🙌🏽)
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me-writes-prompts · 13 days
Omg, there was only one bed!!😱😱
:-“There was only one bed. Oh my god, there was only one bed!” Trope prompts-:
(Well, well, well. Isn’t this a good ol’ fun trope? Let’s get into it. Btw, tag me👀)
By @me-writes-prompts
"Fuck it, I told them to give us two beds!" "Hmm, did you, though?" "I swear I did."
“You’re sleeping on the floor.” “I am not, you have a problem, you sleep on the floor.” “I-“
“Ohh, isn’t this interesting? Two enemies, one bed, what could go down or up, for that matter.” (LMAOOOO)
*Mockingly rolls eyes*“How ridiculous. Now, I have to sleep with you? I am so done.” “Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this, you bastard. And, no, we are not sleeping together.”
“I know that this is not happening on the night before we have to compete against each other.” (Rivals to lovers much????)
“Look, I can’t do this right now. Either you sleep with me on the damn bed, or you sleep on the floor.” “I don’t care, I am not sleeping on the floor! You are.” *sighs*
*shakes them violently* “Stop snoring, I can’t sleep for god’s sake!”
“You smell. Did you not shower?” “Perhaps, you’re the one stinking and you need to shower.”
“Nah uh, I’m sleeping on the left and you’re sleeping on the right.” “I don’t like sleeping close to the door.” “Well, me neither!”
“Stop counting sheeps, I can literally hear you.”
“This is…too close.” “Really? We’re precisely five feet apart, I don’t know how far to move before I’m out of the bed and then the window.”
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me-writes-prompts · 15 days
hello! I wanted to say I love your prompts :) and also ask if you would write "enemies to lovers hired killers" prompts, pls?
(Omg yes yes yes, enjoy!)
By @me-writes-prompts
“Thought you were to assassinate me, not fall in love, dummy.”
Them having to partner up in order to take down a strong rival.
^^ “I’ve realized you’re not as insufferable, but you’re still an ass.” “As if you’re any better than me. Dare I say, worse.”
“You know, when I saw your face and name first, I didn’t think you’d be anything less than deadly. However, now…I see that you’re nothing but a short little firecracker.” “I’m not short, and certainly not a firecracker!” “You don’t even reach my shoulders, darling<333.”
“Let’s just get this straight, I’m here to do nothing but tear you to shreds. So do not, and I repeat, do not start crying to me about your low pay as a hired killer again.” “Aww, why not?! We had a great therapy session last time. I didn’t realize you were so good at listening when all you do is run your mouth. ” The other just facepalms.
Them having to partner for a case together, but all the time they’re just trying to off each other instead of the actual target.
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me-writes-prompts · 15 days
hey I'm asking out of curiosity, how many requests do you get and how many do you actually end up liking and doing?
Hey, so sorry for the late reply! On regular basis, I get 10+ or so requests per month. But most often, they are either too specific or they consist a topic I’m not familiar with, and or they’re gender specific(which I’ve strictly stayed in the pinned post that I don’t do.) I end up doing the ones that are short and to the point, as well as the ones that are something that I’m familiar and have some experience with. Hope this helps :)
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me-writes-prompts · 16 days
Hey everyone! I don’t know if you guys saw this, but tumblr is coming out with an opportunity to create a community! And I was wondering if you guys would be interested. It would be a community where we could share writing tips, advice, and much more :) Please vote.
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me-writes-prompts · 20 days
:-“You’re not the one I fell in love with, darling.” Heartbreaking prompts-:
(Also, tag me if you guys write these ahhhh. Light warning: talks about trauma/addiction. Proceed with caution.)
By @me-writes-prompts
“It’s not fair, is it? To find out that you fell in love with someone’s one of many masks.”
The slowly drifting apart without realizing before it’s too late.
^^ “What changed?” “Us. You and me did. And there is nothing we can do about it now.” (Fuck.)
One of them resorting to substances and the other one finds out one day, wondering if they were the reason that caused it.
“You promised. You promised to come back, and you never did.”
“It wasn’t always like this, right? Tell me we weren’t always so selfish, not caring for the other, not being the other’s safe space, not going to someone else for the comfort we were supposed to provide to each other.” “We weren’t, I know we weren’t, but we’ve changed. And that’s…that’s okay.” “No, it’s not. Because I loved you.”
One of them betraying the other.
^^ “So I meant nothing to you all along. I was just one of the pawns in your game, isn’t it?”
“I’ve forgotten how to love you because I don’t even know you anymore.” 💔
“It’s easy to love someone you’ve always known, they said, but what if the version that you knew of them isn’t there anymore?”
“We’re broken.” “We always were.”
“Did you ever love me, or was it all just a facade?” “I loved you once, it wasn’t true love, but it was love.”
One of them dies, and it’s not the same anymore.
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me-writes-prompts · 21 days
I’m Caleb, new to Tumblr and just wanted to reach out. I did not know prompts were so popular on here. Any advice for a newbie? 😅
Hi Caleb, welcome to the (mostly good) side of the internet. I’m not sure I understand what you need advice for, but I’m definitely here to help and so are many others :)
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me-writes-prompts · 22 days
Werewolf x vampire prompts? Could be any period throughout history (or modern!!) I love your prompts have a wonderful day <3
I love vampires and werewolves alike :) I've posted this today! (I totally forgot to reply to this)
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me-writes-prompts · 24 days
How about some Rihanna lyric starters? TY! ❤️
Hey, I would do some, but I really don’t listen to Rihanna much honestly. Like I barely even know a song of hers. I know, I need to listen to her more. But that is that. Sorry.
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me-writes-prompts · 25 days
-:"Vampire and werewolves cannot be together...or can they?" Vampire x werewolf prompts:-
(Omg, I aboslutely love this request. Had way too much fun writing these! Tag me if you use any of this :) || requested by: anon)
By @me-writes-prompts
The werewolf catching the vampire drinking blood from a dead creature and just standing there in astonishment, not speaking. And the vampire getting startled when they look up.
^^"Gosh, your kind really sneaks up on people!" "You guys are not people, you're blood sucking monsters. Come on, we all know this." "That is not true." "It is."
Werewolves and vampires having annual competitions(as in who can hunt more/get past humans)
Getting paired up as roommates
^^"You cannot leave blood in the fridge! It makes the other food smell disgusting!" "Well, you cannot leave fur all over the bathroom floor either!"
Vampire and werewolves having to work together against humans.
stuck in a room together 👀
"So...what? You're having these mood swings because you haven't been in heat or whatever?" "That is not- I am not having mood swings!" "Oh, so this is natural you. Dang, I feel bad for the people who have to put up with you everyday."
"Look here, you little fang thing, I am not giving up this parking lot because you want to be in the shade!"
Accidentally stumbling upon the werewolf during the red moon, and being scared shit out of their mind.
^^ "H-hi, uhh, I'm your vampire neighbor remember? Me, [name]? Whoa, slow down! I'm not trying to harm you, okay? Look, I don't have weapons! Goddamn, you big puppy..." They mumble, slowly backing into the woods, and making a run for their life.
"Listen, I don't hate your kind. Vampires, that is. So let's just be friends yeah?" "Yeah. Now that I think about it...I don't really hate you guys either."
Falling in love without knowing each other's identities(aka forbidden loveeee)
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me-writes-prompts · 1 month
Roommates to lovers dialogue prompts please
Hey! You can find some dialogue prompts in this list(hope it helps!):
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me-writes-prompts · 1 month
situationship jealousy prompts i beg
By @me-writes-prompts
"So what, you're just moving on from us and talking to this other person?" "We were never official."
"You can't kiss someone else after a week of kissing me!"
"You like them...more? Is that it? Am I the second choice?" "That's not true..." "Then choose me. Choose us."
Going to a party with them, and seeing the other one flirt with someone else.
^^"What was that?" "What?" "I thought we were dating but you-you were all over them." "We're not dating..." "Oh."
"Is it too early to say I'm jealous?"
"How can you just ignore me and be all flirty with someone else?"
"Whatever we have right now is not enough. I can't have you looking at someone the way you look at me. I need you to make this official. Right now." "Were you...jealous?" "Yes. Of course I'd be jealous!"
Feeling like they are the problem when the other one gives someone else more (romantic)attention than them.
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me-writes-prompts · 1 month
“You’re getting dangerously close” dialogues and scenarios:
By @me-writes-prompts
- “Whoa, whoa. Slow down, you’re too close.”
- “You’re blushing.” “Yeah, because you’re so close.”
- Person A trying to get behind Person B, but in the process, they end up caging them.
- “I think you should back up a bit.”
- Person B and Person A have a pillow fight, but they end up wrapped in a blanket.
- Person A and Person B are at a party, and B is trying to say something to A but A can’t hear because of the loud music, so B goes to whisper in their ear.
- “I can literally smell your cologne.”
- ^^”Have you not showered yet? You stink.”
- Person A and Person B are in a very crowded area.
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