mojave-green · 1 year
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I liked this post so much I wanted to draw it lol
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mojave-green · 1 year
It’s funny because I started writing about the issues that stem from the decision to make Kindred FX a multi-season show and the many other unnecessary changes they made, and I was agreeing with a lot of the criticism. But lately I’ve been seeing complaints about stuff that’s either straight from the book or that seem to miss the point. Things like “Dana should be transitioning smoothly because she knows about slavery from books and tv” or “I wouldn’t be selfish like Dana, I would do xyz better,” and it’s like. Yes some of Dana’s mistakes are a little too dumb to feel believable but at the same time? People thinking they have complete and accurate knowledge of slavery because of media and giving staunch moral judgements about how slaves behaved is literally what prompted the writing of the book. I don’t know, I might end up having to defend the show a little too.
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mojave-green · 1 year
I might have to write my thoughts on the Kindred adaptation because it’s….all over the place.
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mojave-green · 2 years
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mojave-green · 2 years
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mojave-green · 2 years
i just know walt sleeps like this on the couch after a long day of killing people and manipulating jesse
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mojave-green · 2 years
Mike and Jesse’s relationship makes me insane bc it’s the perfect encapsulation of the tragicomic elements that make Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul so absurdly ingenious. Like this deadly dead-eyed professional hitman only becomes a father figure to this grown adult meth cook because his boss strong-arms him into the Very Serious Drug-Related Business of babysitting said meth cook and building his sense of self-esteem through the power of gold star stickers. And Mike is such a quintessential professional that he gets stuck in character and genuinely comes to love Jesse as his own becoming his least problematic and most influential father figure in the series. But also. Mike is doomed to watch young men reminiscent of his murdered child get chewed up and spit out by a world that holds their innocence in contempt, is killed in an attempt to save Jesse from this fate, and dies believing he failed to do so
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mojave-green · 2 years
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Ariel 🌊
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mojave-green · 2 years
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✨ Ariel ✨
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mojave-green · 2 years
If you’re not keeping up, Cartoon Network sold off most of its original programming over the last few years to run exclusively on HBO Max, but after a merger with Discovery, HBO has taken them all down, including those that were still in production, for what is long story short a big tax write-off. And it’s not a simple matter of them just airing or streaming somewhere else now. It’s a very complicated issue of rights and contracts and money but essentially these shows may never, ever be available again outside piracy and their creators may never get money again. Some completed episodes may also be lost media. For a couple of series, such as Mao Mao and Infinity Train, Cartoon Network has gone back and scrubbed all tweets, youtube clips or other mention of the series existence, confirming they likely no longer have the rights to take them anywhere else. The tweet today by the creator of Tig N’ Seek made me saddest.
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A lot of people this week have simply given up on their industry careers, seeing years of their life’s work just vanish into a corporate vault overnight. Being able to point to your work on a streaming service had apparently even become a pretty critical part of the portfolios they now rely on to get new jobs.
Streaming media went from an optimistic new frontier to even worse than cable TV so suddenly.
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mojave-green · 2 years
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Jasmine ✨
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mojave-green · 2 years
I have now seen have a bag of plastic bags attributed to growing up in a black household, a Latino household, an immigrant household, an Appalachian household and a “white trash” household. I think it’s time to just admit that we all have a plastic bag bag
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mojave-green · 3 years
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The Little Mermaid
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mojave-green · 3 years
I'm tryna see something for research purposes. You can only choose one of these to eat. Which one you going with?
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mojave-green · 3 years
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thoughts fresh from the oven
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mojave-green · 3 years
Yes, I know you’re pretending to care about the other girl. Had she also gotten shot four times you’d be just as callous towards her as you are Ma’kiah. Kids do stupid things. Sometimes they do violent things. You would expect them to survive those experiences and not get branded a criminal that deserved to die. You would expect an entity that is supposed to serve and protect people to have better methods of resolution. This was a tragedy that could’ve been prevented.
ma’khia bryant was a 16 year old Black girl who called the police for help as she was getting mugged but was shot and killed with no warning minutes before the verdict for derek chauvin’s case was announced. here is the official gofundme for ma’khia, organized by her family. please boost this post and donate if you can.
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mojave-green · 3 years
This was a 16 year old girl you sociopaths. There are better ways to disarm or disable people (like tasers) that won’t result in a teenager dying. You’re talking smugly about “criminals” when you’ve surely gotten into fights as kids AND adults. By your own standards, had you done so in the presence of police you’d be criminals deserving of a bullet. Fuck you. Genuinely.
ma’khia bryant was a 16 year old Black girl who called the police for help as she was getting mugged but was shot and killed with no warning minutes before the verdict for derek chauvin’s case was announced. here is the official gofundme for ma’khia, organized by her family. please boost this post and donate if you can.
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