tell me abt them. I'd love to hear them
really starting to obsess over patricia rakepick rn. there's literally no content abt her anywhere but i have Thoughts
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street photographer!evan and bartylus who are his unknown motives (he falls in love obviously)
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smh. always so impatient
The year regulus black died:
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the year pool noodles were invented:
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Why couldn't he just wait a year??
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"can't let gang know i fw moonwater" i can. i have been. for years. is this Renaissance finally happening?
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american pop star lily evans and british football star james potter and french high end fashion model regulus black and they are the it relationship of the world
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I'm vibing with starbucks but wtf is the rest. dying screaming sobbing wtf
puppies???? WHAT. seekerchasing?????? JAIL. WTF
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i looked up “marauders era ship names” and what the actual fuck happened here
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Dorcas "i protect my inner peace" Meadowes x Marlene "i leave chaos on my trail" McKinnon
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we don't know if mary died and I think about that a lot. because if we don't know, maybe none for her friends know either. maybe sirius told himself she oblivated herself to better deal with the fact that she just disappeared. maybe mary actually did oblivate herself
maybe mary died all alone, and no one knows she even died. no one ever mourned her because she never officially died
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me n @lienspien are making a second gen universe with fairyseeker, bartymary, jily, dorcas x emmeline, Peter x marlene & wolfstar. honestly this is so fun.... as soon as we have a name I'll start posting abt ut!!!
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My headcanon of Evan, is him being the type of person to ruin Regulus' relationships one by one, and have Barty kiss everything better. He's playing the long game.
It's him. It's Barty. And it's Regulus.
But Regulus is a flight risk. They all promised they'd be each other's forevers but Evan doesn't trust Regulus the way he trusts Barty. Regulus still wants Sirius back, James is lurking behind every corner trying to talk to him all the time. Regulus thinks he can commit but can't.
So Evan doesn't want to give him the chance to break their deal. He leaves no room for even the slightest possibility of it. Honestly, he doesn't know how he'll deal with a betrayal from Regulus. Just thinking about it makes him want to go out and get his knuckles bloody. Makes him want to hear the squelch of blood beneath his fists.
It's a sobering thought, realizing he might end up killing Regulus if he breaks his promise. Regulus the rabbit, always poised to run.
But he can't. He promised to keep Barty and Regulus safe. He fucking loves them. They're his.
Kill Regulus, and he loses Barty too.
So... He needs to cut off the loose ends in Regulus' life. Keep him away from his cunt of a brother. Have Barty soothe the ouchies and have him wipe away the tears. And he'll watch and decide what to do next.
It's a miracle Regulus is still who he is despite everything he's lost and been through. It's an impossibility made possible that he can look at them, broken, twisted people in his life — and smile and say, "Come here, let me hold you."
It makes him sick that they walk right into his arms like lost dogs. But Regulus walked into their arms as well. He chose them. He's theirs as much as they belong to him. There's no walking away.
**I write them nasty ♥️. Here, have some more.
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yesss! fairyseeker is pandora x regulus
me n @lienspien are making a second gen universe with fairyseeker, bartymary, jily, dorcas x emmeline, Peter x marlene & wolfstar. honestly this is so fun.... as soon as we have a name I'll start posting abt ut!!!
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reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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they sound tasty
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oh i love them actually
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the rosier twins should not be eating milk products but do it like their lives depend on it
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the rosier twins should not be eating milk products but do it like their lives depend on it
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omggg ur making me blush 🤭🤭🤭
guys guys guys idea: wolfstardoe (sirius x remus x dorcas)
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