muserryy · 1 month
a poem | masterlist
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i stumbled upon you
in my dreams last night,
and it wasn’t the first time.
i was dressed in pretty glitters,
sparkling amongst the crowd
when i felt your warm presence,
there you were,
right next to me.
your eyes on mine,
your words were like a blur.
my heart pounded deeper,
that’s when a shout rose through the air,
for they knew what i needed,
as it was a confession of my longing,
of my need,
of my deep desire.
i wanted your attention!
in the moment of weakness, i wept
in another second i didn’t even realized that
you’d engulfed me in your arms.
you were there,
you were so close to me.
awakened from that dream
my heart was seeking for you
you felt so close
that i still feel you in my soul.
i know it couldn’t be real
It was just a dream.
but i still reel,
and will live on that dream.
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muserryy · 1 month
i think i miss you
a poem | masterlist
i think i miss you,
though you left me with no word said.
the sadness takes over from time to time,
settling the void within me.
the friends quarrel and persuade,
reminding me of how we used to be.
even in my silence and solitude,
you chose to stay.
i thought i've found myself a friend,
but that's when you left.
the smile on my face faded,
when you gave me the frame,
that once was to your other friend,
and yes i kept it with me,
i still have it.
it's with me for granted.
and i did forget birthdays,
i know I was so bad.
but I miss the way you used to mock me,
of all the fun videos I did.
how you used to make me blush,
teasing me about my crush,
and just so you know,
nobody even cares to hear about it now.
and we made plans, didn't we?
what about it?
the anger bubbles up,
but i wait,
i wait for you to call me again,
and tell me if I did anything.
i cried two nights,
in my showers,
and unexpectedly when the wave hit,
i don't know how,
where to find you
and I hate it.
it pains me that you'd blocked me
without saying anything.
it's not you, I know.
and i wished you'd have talked through
because that's what best friends do.
thank you for reading :)
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muserryy · 1 month
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I want to cry my heart out in Harry's arms for hours and hours while he whispers his words of comfort to me. I want to talk about life and share my deepest thoughts with him. I want to rest my head on his chest while he rubs my back, assuring me that everything's gonna be fine. I want to breathe in his scent and feel his warmth so my anxieties melt away. just let me cry, cry, and cry in his arms and let him advise me and I promise I'll be fine. ~n (@muserryy)
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muserryy · 1 month
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I want to take you out somewhere. I imagine you in your corduroy shorts and your blue shirt, your hands covered by its long sleeves. we could stroll through the streets, hand in hand, passing by various shops and stores. I would carry a water bottle for us so we stay hydrated. To begin with, I would take you to a flower shop, filled with sweet scents and colourful sights. There, I would buy a bouquet with a flower of every colour to express my affection to you. We could also visit stationary stores and get a diary or sketchbook with various pens and highlighters. Then, we could relax in a cafe and enjoy pastries and rolls with a cup of cappuccino. While sitting together in a cozy spot, enjoying the ambiance we could write and draw or do some fun activities in the diaries we bought. like that I want to take you out to many places that I don't even know. Will you go places with me, harry? ~n (@muserryy)
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muserryy · 1 month
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I'm surrounded by that voice. it's everywhere. It's there when I'm feeling low or overwhelmed, when I cry it's right next to me just like someone's shoulder to lean on. it's even there when I'm happy and excited. It's like an invisible companion. even on waking up and through the night when I cannot sleep. That voice embraces me and holds me close like a warm hug and a gentle forehead kiss. it gives me hope, it keeps me from diving off the deep end. It tells me that everything's gonna be fine. It soothes me. it's his voice and it's always there for me. ~n (@muserryy)
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muserryy · 2 months
to-do list
a list poem | (masterlist)
step out, face the world,
express myself with the correct word.
write in my new diary, facing the fear of ruining it
listen to the songs that i saved for special moments.
be gentle with my skin, grow my hair,
draw using crayons again.
learn the riff that I thought was too difficult,
wear that outfit there's no special occasion.
be normal, attend the classes alone,
read newspapers, explore more.
drink water, munch more chips.
put efforts, save friendships.
~n (@muserryy)
thank you for reading :)
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muserryy · 2 months
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i want to be besties with Harry, for i know he'd be such a great homie. i want to bake cakes with him and play a little with icing white we attempt to make a perfect delicious cake. i want him to tell me all those recipes he knows. moments of giggles is all i want with him, when we draw and colour together, making fun of each other's clueless "masterpiece". i long to paint his pretty nails and want him to paint mine with random and funky shades, messing around a bit while he recites his knock knock jokes. i want to style his hair with colourful beads while he braids my hair. and as dusk falls, i want to be on the balcony with him and hear him talk about anything, while we eat the cake we baked, which, to our surprise, turns out tasty. And just like that i want to wish "may this evening never end." ~n (@muserryy)
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muserryy · 2 months
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Harry is such a baby girl. He’s that little girl I want to take care of. I want to run a warm bath full of bubbles, wash his silly brown curls and massage his scalp so he relaxes. i want to rub baby lotion on his soft skin, especially on his face and tuck him in his pink night pjs. I want to make his bed with a colourful set of sheets and lots of fluffy pillows. I want to bake delicious cupcakes for him and feed him with frosting of chocolate, strawberries, bananas, and blueberries. And while he eats those cupcakes, I want to click little colourful hairpins in his hair. I want to pepper kisses all over his pretty face and make him giggle until he can't take anymore and asks me to stop. I want to wrap him in a cozy blanket and cuddle him while reading him bedtime stories. At last I want to give him a forehead kiss and admire him while he sleeps.  ~n. (@muserryy)
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muserryy · 2 months
a poem | masterlist
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you have such a lovely handwriting, 
i wish you would write my name like that,
for i could read it everyday.
i would frame it and hang it up in my gallery,
admire in silence,
the curves, the strokes of each letter
and how it flows across the page.
maybe write a few words too
when i sit next to you.
i want to hear the sound of your pen, scratching against the page of my heart.
scrawling your every thought,
for i keep those whispers all to me.
thank you for reading. please do not repost! :)
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muserryy · 2 months
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here's a pic for my one shot. read "tie the bow" here .
and here's the masterlist
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muserryy · 2 months
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"What kind of trend is this?" harry asks, voice laced with confusion while you tie the thin satin ribbon delicately around his tattooed arm. The short sleeves of his white tee pushed up to his shoulder, reveals more of his inked skin.
"not a trend," you reply. "But I saw some people on the internet doing it and I wanted you to try, at least for me." Taking a step back, you admire the ribbon around his arms. His tattoos make him look masculine but the pink ribbon adds a touch of femininity. It looks so pretty.
"Can I ever say no to you, darling?" his gaze meets yours with a sly grin playing on his lips. you flush.
"you can't even dare to!" you say as you drop your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss his nose. He smiles but before he could lift his arms to engulf you, you stop him by catching his arms. "Now, now! you'll have to flex your left arm when i tell you to, okay?"
"yes, ma'am." he replies, with a grin still plastered on his face as he bows down to you in a playful gesture of submission. you laugh, shaking your head as you move to place your phone on the top of your small bookshelf. you open and set the camera and adjust the angle and frame so it films harry.
"Alright, are you ready?" you ask him as he faces you at the same time. He raises his right hand thumb giving you his frog smile. oh his dimples! that could melt the heart of anyone.
you turn on the video recording as you count down from 3 to 1. On your "go", he lifts his left arm, flexing his bicep. He shows off his impressive muscles. oh the bump! your eyes capture the moment when ribbon tears off his arms effortlessly and lands on the floor. He seems a little surprised when it happens.
A second passes and you squeal with happiness, jumping like a child. "OH MY GOSH!" you clap your hands together.
He watches you with a frown on his face. "did you really want the ribbon to rip?"
"yess, that's the trend!!" He laughs as you say that, finding it adorable how happy you are about something so trivial.
"oh well then… I'm glad it did!" you grin and get in front of him, cupping his face as you smack your lips against his. This time you let him wrap his arms around your waist. you can't believe you really made him do this even though you know he'd have never said no to it.
A sweet little kiss but harder and you pull away. He keeps you flushed against his chest. "That was so hot! Can we do that again?" you whisper, running your palm up his arm as he squeezes you tighter. He gives you a slight smirk.
"emhm, no. It's your turn now." he glances at the laces, bows with half cut ribbons and ribbon rolls scattered out of the box on the bed. He replaces his hands, now beneath your t-shirt. He raises your t-shirt up, and taking the hint you let him take it off. your tee now hanging off the edge of your bed, leaving you in your crimson bralette.
He begins tying a ribbon around your tummy. you giggle. As he does this, he sits down on the bed. Now, his face levels with your chest. Once the ribbon is tied perfectly, he leans down and marks quick kisses on your tummy. Quiet giggles escape from your lips, finding the sensation amusing.
you lean over and take the few colourful hair pins from the same box where the ribbons are kept on the bed. He feels your fingers in his hair whilst he works on his art, feeling the click with the sound as you're done putting the first clip.
"heyy!" he feigns protest, but both of you giggle like kids. In the moment, by grabbing your waist he throws you on the bed. Your body bounces against the fluffy mattress as he claims the top position, making sure to pin you down.
"Let me put this in your hair please!" you request, knowing very well that he could never say no to you.
"hm?" he says as he gets lost in the heat and gets too busy suckling down your neck and up your jaw. his lips tickles your skin, making you tilt your head to the side.
he halts unexpectedly, his breathing slightly heavy as he stares down at you. your gaze moves and admires the way his side hair is pinned back, the pink pin adorning it that you put earlier. It looks absolutely adorable. his eyes trails down to your stomach where sits the perfect tied ribbon he did. you feel his fingers graze along your side waist again.
taking an opportunity, you clip another hairpin to the other side of his head which directs his attention back onto your face. you examine his hair. "you look so cute with these hairpins." his face flusters as you touch it, his dimples are in full display.
"just like a baby girl?" your heart flutters as the words escape from his pink lips that look so kissable right now. He remembers how you tease him by calling him "baby girl" every chance you get but this time he asked himself by calling himself that.
"just like a baby girl! i was about to say that." he breathes out a laugh, nestling his head into the crook of your neck. you're pressed under his strong body but he's like your teddy bear providing you the softest warmth.
your bodies stay entwined as you enjoy the silence and make small, silly talks. but things escalated from making out to a point where you gasp when he ties down your wrists together with the ribbons, making you accustomed to how he can switch from being a baby girl to a dom within seconds and minutes. A dom with hairpins in his hair.
The playful times and giggles go on. you both remain oblivious of video recording that is still on and how your romantic session is being recorded.
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muserryy · 2 months
for a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
~ francis bacon
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muserryy · 2 months
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It's 1.30 am. Another lonely night drags on as you toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep. for the last 15 minutes you tried to relax by closing your eyes but you just feel restless. In desperation, you decide to call the only person who would understand and comfort you right now. your boyfie, harry.
You place your phone to your ear after calling on his number, knowing he's usually up late. but just in case he's not you just hope. Two rings and you bite down a smile finally hearing his voice on the other end.
"where are you?"
"Where do you think I would be in the middle of the night, miss y/n?" he asks playfully, you can tell by his voice he wasn't asleep.
"I mean, what are you doing?" you correct with a laugh as you notice the sound of papers rustling from his end, as if he is shuffling through pages of a book and then a quiet thud. He'd just closed his book as if he could already sense this won't be a brief convo.
"I could ask you the same thing… Why are you still up so late? isn't it past your bedtime?"
"yeah.. I can't sleep."
"hmm, well i was going to sleep soon." you make a quiet sound in response. "What's keeping you up? Are you hungry?"
"maybe… I don't know, but now you'll have to stay up with me." you hear him chuckle as you twirl your finger on your stomach. you can't stop smiling to yourself. To be honest your stomach feels a little empty, but your emotions are a little mixed because you're not sure exactly what you need right now.
"Why don't you try and eat something and see if it helps, hm?" he spins on his chair, biting his pen between his teeth as he waits for your response.
"I don't feel like getting up…"
"c'mon honey… you should take care of yourself." you sigh, curling up on the bed as his words sink in. "I will stay on the phone with you, if that's what you want." Now that's better.
"Okay, imma go find something to eat then." you grin, getting up, and paddle to the door with your phone to your ear as you walk to the kitchen. "Okay I'm here…"
"good, keep updating me." he smiles, he likes it when you listen to him.
"alright… let's check the fridge first, though I know there's nothing left in there." he remains silent while you open the fridge and then close. He hears your huff.
"so, I assume the fridge is empty."
"It is." you murmur. "I had some chips left but I don't remember where I'd put them." you check the cabinets, and find a pack of biscuits which you don't feel like eating. You close it back and check another one.
"you're such a cute mess, aren't you?" he laughs slightly.
You flush and you're somewhat thankful he can't see it even though he knows how you react to his words. "Are you gonna do something now??"
"What do you want me to do, darling? all I can do right now is listen to you."
Another huff from you was heard. Your eyes are scanning the kitchen while he continues to speak on call. Your gaze falls on the basket that is on the top of the refrigerator. you bring it down and there they are.
"Found itt!" you hear a "good" from him as you pick the already open packet and by the weight you can tell only few are left. "but that's just a few."
"Now don't say that… a few chips are better than no chips at all."
"heyy don't talk to me like that." you say as you pop a chip into your mouth. he chuckles, thinking how you get embarrassed so fast.
"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just happy you're going to eat something." you hmm in response to him as you start munching the chips quietly. "and make sure you drink plenty of water too... it will help you sleep." you hum again while eating.
"What were you doing though?" you ask him.
The conversation goes on as he tells you he was studying before you called him. you move back to your bed but not before having some water like he said. you snuggle back down, pulling the covers over your body while you both keep talking about anything. mostly him as he chatter away telling you about some random things that happened recently. This continued for another hour.
You just listen to his voice and respond whenever you can but for the most part you just hum. You start yawning and sighing tiredly at some point.
"sleepy?" he asks.
"no," you reply, though you sound drowsy. "stay on for a few more minutes… plwase…" He smiles to himself, finding the moment very endearing. He continues to talk but now slightly in whispers for you. Your eyelids are heavy and are slowly closing and moments after you're too drowsy- to even speak a full sentence- when he calls your name to check if you're asleep.
"y/n?" his voice deep with a soft tone. "Are you falling asleep, sweet?"
you muster another sleepy murmur, telling him to stay on the line and he hasn't stopped smiling for the past few minutes. your grip loosen on your phone.
"don't worry…I'll be right here until you're fully asleep." He stays on the call, the whole time until you fall asleep completely. when he tries and speaks to you again, there's no response.
He hears the faint sound of your breathing as you drift into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of him calling your name and whispering sweet nothings to you, knowing he's still there for you, even if it's by phone.
"Good night, honey."
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muserryy · 3 months
if you haven't read "HIS NECKLACE" yet, here you go. please check it out :)
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muserryy · 3 months
helloo!! new work "PEOPLE BLUES" is out. check it out here .
for more check out my masterlist (pinned post on my profile)
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muserryy · 3 months
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You have always been that introverted girl, but with that you are also struggling with anxiety and being antisocial, finding it difficult to make friends and connect with others. Despite that, Harry has been supporting you and helping you work towards overcoming your fears. He's been determined to help you overcome your anti-social tendencies. And through his encouragement and gentle challenges, you have slowly started to break out of your shell.
But you're not sure if that is a good thing. You can't help but feel a bit guilty for being like this,so...well...weak. It seems so unfair that Harry has to worry about you all the time. It's obvious that he enjoys taking care of you, but maybe you're being too dependent. It just feels wrong.
Once you and Harry went to a cafe, and he told you to order coffee for you both, which you did and it wasn't that difficult for you like you thought. Just like that he took you with him to the supermarket several times and made you interact with cashiers by asking you to pay.
Today is one of those days. You have an event to attend this evening at your college. Harry takes this as a perfect opportunity.
It's Friday late-afternoon.
You are taking a nap when Harry sneaks his arms around your waist and pulls you closer, so your back is pressed against his chest.
"Wake up!" You hear him whisper in your ear and softly peck your cheek. This kinda stirs you up but you keep your eyes closed. "wakey-wakey" he says again to which you drowsily hum. "You have a party to attend today."
"I don't wanna go, " you groan.
"Why not?" he asks, even though he knows the reason.
"what will I do there?"
"What do you mean, love?"
"You know exactly what I mean." you snuggle your face back into the pillow.
He sighs, "c'mon, it's just a party." you don't say anything so he speaks again. "Go have some fun."
"With whom, harry? I have no one there to have fun with." you turn your body to face him and he's leaning on the side of you.
"Don't worry about that, darling. Maybe you'll meet new people and make friends? you never know what could happen."
"How will i-" you look away, "i… I don't like going to such gatherings, Harry, you know that!"
He grabs your chin and makes you look at him. "I know you don't like being around a lot of people but you never know unless you try, baby. How do you know you won't like that party if you haven't given it a chance?"
You shake your head "but-"
"It's your time to explore your college life. Don't let it pass you by. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new."
It's not like you've never been to any party before, but those were birthday parties and that too when you were young. However, those parties aren't exactly comparable to college parties. Those parties were more casual and provided a sense of familiarity, since you had friends. In addition, that one time you went to the college fresher's party was because you had a companion alongside you, but now that's gone too.
You think about it, still debating whether to go or not.
"Will you give the party a try?" your heart warms and pounders deep, and you feel a range of emotions. You feel moved by his encouragement. You know he believes in you and wants you to try. "Will you make me proud, baby?" That's it. You gulp and nod, finally making the decision. You will go to the party not only because you want to make him proud but also, I can't remain like this forever, You say to yourself.
"there!" he grins, leaning in to kiss you. "Now let's get you ready."
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5:30 pm.
You look at yourself in the mirror, wearing your party outfit. You look good, but you still don't want to go. I could just stay at home like this, You think. Your hand fists and your finger start scratching your thumb. Harry, who is watching you from the side of the vanity table, notices as you unconsciously scratch the skin around your thumb nail.
"hey…" he moves in front of you and takes your hands in his, pulling you closer. "I don't wanna pressure you into doing anything but you'll never learn how to be more social if you don't ever put yourself out there and such parties are a great way to do that.'' He's right, parties can be one of the ways to work on one's interaction with others and those social skills.
You nod and say "you're right but I can't… I mean, I don't know."
"y/n, what is it? hm? I know how hard it is for an introvert to put themselves out there and I'm not asking you to go there and meet tons of people right away. Just focus on enjoying and maybe try to make one interaction at first, alright?" he says, your fingers weaving together.
You bite the inside of cheeks as the emotions start to welled up. "I'm afraid… what if I don't fit in?" Again, you are occupied by a deep sense of self-doubt, fear of embarrassing yourself.
"shh! you don't have to fit in and make friends with everyone there. What's important is that you challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone, and like I said you might even end up making a new friend or two. give it a go." he pats your cheek and smiles at you. You nod, looking up in his eyes.
He leans down and captures your lips with his. He retrieves and you smile, looking at where he got some lipstick around. you point at it and he turns himself to look in the mirror and grins at his reflection.
"It's fine for me but you might have to fix yours, darling." You look at yourself in the mirror, where your lipstick is smudge. Both of you chuckle as you start fixing your makeup.
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after 1 hour.
Harry is talking on his phone with one of his friends, when he hears the front door opening. He sees you coming into his view outside the living room. He looks at the time. You are home early.
Your eyes land on him and you immediately wander to him and hug him. He sits up more straight, putting an arm around you. "I will call you back later." he says on the phone and hangs up the call.
You stay quiet holding on to him. "y/n?" he says quietly. "Love, what happened? Why are you so early?"
You don't respond, staying still while your head is laying on his chest, you stare into space. He looks down at you and observes you. Something is wrong.
Your eyes start welling up and you blink a few tears. "heyy" he takes a hold of your face to make you look up at him. "What's wrong, darling? what happened, why are you crying?" he immediately wipes off your tears with his thumb but more tears shed from your eyes.
You look at him with teary eyes and shake your head as you try to find the right word. "I just… I'm not comfortable with parties, harry." you start breaking down as you overthink things. You look down as you try to calm yourself down. He looks at you, concerned.
"relax! relax!" He starts rubbing your arms in a way to calm you down. "Tell me what happened, did anyone say something to you?"
"no, it's just… I'm sorry- I didn't enjoy the party. I was too shy to talk to anyone, too nervous to even just say hello. I just realized that maybe these parties aren't for me, maybe I'm more of a homebody…"
"there's no maybe about it, love. you are a homebody we both know that. there's no need to apologise. Do you know how proud I am of you that you tried leaving your comfort zone and going to that party?" He gives you a smile.
"But I feel like I've ruined everything. Everyone was having fun at the party but I was just the weirdo who sat alone. Everyone must think I'm so strange. I wish I wasn't like this… Most of the people in my college don't want to have anything to do with me because… I'm quiet and weird and now I've embarrassed myself even more by being awkward at the party. No one is ever going to want to be my friend." your throat gets heavy as you let out all these words with so much emotion, and he listens to your every word.
This party had you overthinking this much and it is concerning. Harry just wanted the best for you… he just wanted you to enjoy and help you with such situations.
"don't you think like that ever again, you're not weird or strange. you're just shy and introverted, that's why the party was difficult for you today." he cups your face as he explains to you.
"and this was one of the steps, darling. You don't have to go to any parties now if you don't want to. There are plenty of other ways and you have me, okay? it will get better and we will get through this. Trust me." he says referring to your anxieties.
There is a moment of silence before you open your mouth to say something but unsure, you close it. and again… "Harry,?" you hesitate.
"yeah?" he replies in his soft tone, smiling a bit.
You stutter but speak "do you… ever wish i was different? or wonder what our life would be like if I wasn't so shy?" you search his face and eyes with your teary ones and immediately say, "i mean, i know…that you love me the way i am but are you okay with it? or do you wish I wasn't me?"
His heart breaks after you said that, and it's showing on his face from the way his smile fades away a bit and you look away fearing you asked something really wrong. He feels bad for you to even think if you take it as he's changing you.
he takes your hand in his and places it over his chest, drawing you in closer. "my darling, I'm not trying to change you. I'm just trying to help you be a little bit social and be able to put yourself out there without feeling so anxious. Being shy and introverted isn't a problem, baby. but when that shyness prevents you from talking to someone then it's probably something that you should work on. I wouldn't want to change even a thing about you."
You nod understandingly. He wraps his arms around you and repeats, "I wouldn't want to change a thing 'bout you. Never." He strokes your hair as you hug him back.
You stay like this for a long moment before he speaks again, "Now, how about you change into some comfy clothes and we can prepare our dinner?"
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Harry stands in front of the stove, where the sauce is cooking in the pan. you sit on the counter next to the stove, now in your shirt and pajama shorts. You stir the sauce with the spatula as Harry grates the cheese in it. You both decided to make your favorite white sauce pasta.
"Siya was there too…" you speak as soon as it comes to your mind.
"Was she? Did you guys talk?" he asks, glancing at you as he finishes grating enough cheese.
"we did for a few minutes before she left with her friends…" you watch him move over to the sink to wash his hands, but then continue to cook the sauce.
"You could've joined them… she's nice, isn't she?" he looks at you, wiping his hands with the towel.
"she is, but she has her own type of circle… I didn't know if she wanted me to be with them." he sighs, hearing you. "I'm not even funny."
You've always believed that you should be loud enough and funny to blend in parties and get into groups. you feel like you have to be entertaining if you want to fit in.
He walks up to you and stops in front of you. "hmm… I know how funny you are." With that, he gets in between your legs and yanks you forward to him by your leg, so your ankles lock around his waist. The spatula drops in the pan.
You grip onto his shoulder as he leans down to kiss your neck. His hand sneaks inside your tee, squeezing your waist while the other grips your thigh. You tilt your head to the side where he is sucking, as a giggle escapes your lips 'cause it's tickling you.
He pulls away, staring at you with quite a smirk. He leans his face closer to you, lightly brushing his lips against yours as he teases you like that. But your eager self just presses your lips against his, hard. You kiss each other deeply but the hunger grows. His tongue invades your mouth, making you squirm. your fingers in his hair while his grip firm on your waist, trying to keep you still. the grip of fingers tighten around his hair, and you yank them.
"Easy, baby. easy!" he pulls away and breathes out a laugh. Breathing heavily, your body sighs because of the sudden distance, and at the loss of his touch. "Let's save that for later, hm."
He moves to the pan, where the sauce, hopefully, hasn't burnt yet. He stirs it and then grabs a spoon, filling it up with the sauce. blowing on it a bit before bringing it to your mouth, he asks you to taste it.
Later when the pasta was ready, you both shared it together from one plate while watching anything that the tv screen was presenting to you.
Harry just notices how comfortable you really are around him. The little change in body language when you are together. The way you sit with him, and how you eat in his presence. Even the way you speak and tell him stuff. you don't watch your words around him, and yeah he loves you for that.
Harry realises that you are not a completely shy person, just someone who takes her time getting comfortable and being herself around others. yes! He's determined to help you, because he wants you to change but not to the point that you feel like there's something wrong with you. He just wants to work on those antisocial tendencies and anxiety little by little, he just wants you to be able to speak comfortably to others.
thank you for reading :)
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muserryy · 4 months
favourite pair of eyes.
(a poem) l masterlist
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if green is the colour of your eyes,
it's my favourite colour.
if eyes really tell stories,
yours will be my most intriguing to read.
and if eyes don't lie,
i will make you my dear truth even if it hurts me. 
your eyes are just another story,
that i wish i could recite, 
i wish they could stare through my mine, 
i wish they could search me in the crowd,
as though i was a lost puppy.
gaze that melts lovers,
a place called home,
but also a perfect place to lose myself. 
thank you for reading. please do not repost :)
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