neko-loogi · 22 days
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This is an easy fix!
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Screw Vivziepop and her fatphobia, say yes to body positivity.
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Vivziepop fans are claiming people are upset over the Mammon sexy pin because they're "fatphobic" and hate seeing a fat character with merch. However, the real reason why people are upset about his pin is because he's the only one who's unsexualized out of all 18 pins.
All the other characters, who are skinny or curvy, are drawn in revealing clothing and showing off their bodies, except for Mammon, whose fat body is covered in layers of clothes. People want to see him sexualized, with his body being shown off in skimpy clothing like everyone else.
Mammon's fat titties and gut deserve to be shared with the world, just like the rest of the characters.
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neko-loogi · 24 days
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Hey guys! Check out this animatic I did! It's based on that one artwork Horikoshi did where the UA teachers go out and get drinks.
I know it's pretty short, but I worked really hard on it! I hope you guys enjoy it!
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neko-loogi · 1 month
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neko-loogi · 1 month
Would you ever post the nsfw art you did before anywhere?
( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
♡︎To put it mildly, the answer is yes and no. I do draw nsfw, but not as often as I used to. And I have posted it on my socials before but I kinda just deleted them from existence because people weren't that interested, and the posts weren't getting any engagement, plus I just didn't like how they looked.
♡︎But if you're curious about me posting nsfw again, I'll try to post it more often. However, if I'mma post it on my socials, it'll have to be censored, sadly. But if you want, you can check out my Patreon! Where I'll be posting uncensored nsfw drawings! (I haven't posted much, the most you'll find is my weird fetish art if anything- but if you're into that sort of thing, then you've come to the right place).
♡︎I honestly don't wanna post my nsfw art just because, and especially not in any random accounts I have, I feel like people should pay me for those drawings- because I put a lot of effort into them and I'm literally drawing p0rn for y'all to see.. besides, since not many people cared before, what makes you think they will care now? I dunno, just sayin'..
Anyway, that's all I have to say-
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neko-loogi · 1 month
Day 2 of me being a hater:
Here's more characters that I despise!
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Day 1 of me being a hater:
I found this image on Instagram and I wanted to add the characters I despise the most!
And if you want, add yours too! I wanna see who you hate (it can be from any media idc)
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I'll go first..
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There's more but Tumblr won't let me post them all..
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neko-loogi · 2 months
Guys, please help me report @donotrepostfanart !!
I have no idea who this person is, or what their deal is, but their account is honestly hella sketchy..
Alright so, this dickhead decided to reblog my art (which I don't mind, if anything I encourage it) however they stole my watermark, edited it (most likely using AI), and claimed it as their own! I have screenshots of their account right here. I already blocked them and reported them. Mind you, my art is the only thing they've reblogged (to my knowledge).
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But please, help me report them, I'm afraid of posting my art and have them reblog it again or steal it. I've already said this a bunch of times, I don't like having my art reposted somewhere else without my permission (even with permission, I still don't allow it), that's the reason why my art has the fucking watermark in the first place! I work hard on my drawings, and it sucks that someone would want to steal them and claim them as their own, or say that they made it when it couldn't be further from the truth.
Thank you for reading this. Peace out.
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neko-loogi · 2 months
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Here are my super lame Dragon Ball OCs!
Meet Ceiba, Coquito and Torro!
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Ceiba is my Supreme Kai, he's based on and named after a ceiba which is a very large tree that exists here in Puerto Rico, it is considered "the tree of life" according to my research. He's Kaito's cousin! (I'm still working on his universe..)
Coquito is my angel, he's based on and named after coquito, which is a type of alcoholic drink that is usually prepared during the holidays (particularly Christmas) in Puerto Rico. It's basically eggnog, but with coconut! It mainly consists of coconut milk, condensed milk, cinnamon, rum and other tasty ingredients! (This drink doesn't have to be prepared with alcohol, but most people prefer it with alcohol)
And finally, Torro is my God of Destruction. He's based on an iguana (or as we call them, "gallina de palo"). I specifically chose this animal because they are an invasive species, and I thought it would be fitting! He's named after pitorro, which is a type of Puertorican rum.
Anyway, that's all! You can ask me stuff about them if you want-
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neko-loogi · 2 months
I didn't do myself this time, instead, I did Aizawa! (Or at least the closest thing I could get to him). This was a pretty fun Picrew!
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You guys remember when I last posted about an Avatar maker and I made my own Kaio Oc?
I did it again
I’m Sorry she’s just so fun to make…
Tagged by: @monochrome-night-mutual-reblogs & @jazzystudios82
Tagging: @kirinda-ondo @invizdable @frothy-mothy @neko-loogi
Make your own here!!
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neko-loogi · 3 months
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Here's my redesign for Alastor!
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I'll admit, this isn't my best redesign, but whatever, fuck it. At least I tried my best to make Alastor actually look like he owns a radio show-
Anyway, for this redesign I fully made Alastor a deer, because according to Viv, he's supposed to be one but uh.. he doesn't actually look like one- I also completely changed his color palette from red to brown and yellow, because it's supposed to represent those old wooden radios!
His outfit is more, formal? I guess you could say. Well, I did do my research and yeah, men back then wore suits, but I feel like Viv is too obsessed with drawing her characters as twinks wearing suits, so that's why I changed his outfit. And finally, I gave him slick back curly hair because Viv mentioned something about Alastor being from Louisiana. But again, you wouldn't know that he's a mixed race because Viv fucking sucks at representing certain groups of people.
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neko-loogi · 3 months
nibbles on your art like a mouse eating a fine wedge of cheese
Thank you, I hope my art was tasty for you LMAOO
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neko-loogi · 3 months
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Here's my redesign for Angel Dust!
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Alright so I didn't change his design all that much, although I feel like I may have made it a little more detailed by accident :(
But whatever, these redesigns are made for fun! Okay, so basically I changed Angel's outfit because I wanted him to look more like his original design (before the Pilot). Where he was more of a mobster instead of an oversexualized drag queen. In my opinion that original design was some of Viv's best work. That is until she changed it-
I also desaturated his color palette because I wanted something similar to his original design. And finally I added more spider-like features (such as mandibles and the abdomen on the back)
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neko-loogi · 3 months
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Here's my redesign for Niffty!
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So I didn't change too much, I mostly gave her a more house keeper/maid outfit, because her original outfit doesn't really scream "maid" in my opinion. And I also gave her antennas because I think she's actually based on a bug. (I'm not so sure, because Viv fucking sucks at explaining what her characters are based on).
Don't worry, even if she looks friendly, I promise you, she's still her crazy self, she just hides that personality very well.
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neko-loogi · 3 months
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Here's my redesign for Husk!
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So I decided to draw redesigns for Hazbin Hotel characters! I'm starting off with Husk because to me he's one of the most detailed characters. For his design, I decided to simplify it, because holy hell, Husk has way too much detail- it's insane.
I made his fur slightly darker because according to Viv, Husk is black (or at least implied), but you wouldn't fucking know that because she's terrible at representing certain groups of people. I was originally going to remove the wings entirely, but if I did, he would totally look like a furry OC, so I kept the wings, except I took away all the details and made them small. Basically his wings are for decoration.
I also made him look more like a grumpy old cat (because again, according to Viv, Husk is supposed to be in his 60's or 70's.) And finally I made him chubby because its supposed to represent a beer gut lmao-
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neko-loogi · 3 months
In honor of Akira Toriyama, I did this little drawing of Goku..
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Thank you Akira Toriyama for creating this wonderful franchise with all these great and lovable characters. We are eternally grateful for everything you've done. Rest in peace 🕊️
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neko-loogi · 3 months
I did myself because uhh.. I dunno, I usually tend to do myself in these Picrews and whatnot- I'm so silly sjjs
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I was tagged by @monochrome-night-mutual-reblogs & @jazzystudios82 to participate in a piccrew maker!
So.. here’s my little creation in thanks of the tag
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Can you tell who it is?
It’s Scarlet! ..one of my many DB Kai Oc’s- I know
I’m tagging @kirinda-ondo & @invizdable & @bdoodle13 annnnd @neko-loogi to participate in this!
Click here to complete yours!
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neko-loogi · 4 months
Day 1 of me being a hater:
I found this image on Instagram and I wanted to add the characters I despise the most!
And if you want, add yours too! I wanna see who you hate (it can be from any media idc)
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I'll go first..
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There's more but Tumblr won't let me post them all..
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neko-loogi · 4 months
Alright! It's time for me to give my thoughts on episode two!
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I actually managed to watch the whole 6 episodes that have been posted (thanks to a friend) without wasting my money on Amazon Prime! So yeah, that's pretty good.
Anyway, let's begin!
Warning: minor spoilers!
So to start off, in this episode we get introduced to Sir Pentious and The Vees (Valentino, Vox and Velvette).
Alright so, I actually liked this episode to be honest! It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but I still wanna give my opinion on a few things!
So far, Sir Pentious is the one character that I actually don't dislike compared to everyone else, he's the character that they butchered the least. He's still the silly and goofy villain that he was in the Pilot, so yeah, he's my favorite now!
Then we have The Vees, I'mma be honest, I actually like them all, well except Velvette, she's a bit too rude for my liking. I also have mixed feelings about her voice, like her VA sounds okay, but the voice doesn't really suit her. The British accent just sounds a bit off to me. I was legit expecting her to have a really high pitched girly voice and a Harley Quinn personality, but she's the complete opposite of that. It's not a bad thing though, but eh, it's not my cup of tea if you know what I mean.
Then there's Valentino. To be fair, I don't like him as a character, he's a terrible person and all the shit he does is disgusting, but I have to admit, like his design! But again, I also have a bit of issues with his voice. The thing is, Valentino speaks Spanish (I mean, I guess the name makes sense), and I recently discovered that his VA is from Puerto Rico (I'm from there too!). But I don't like that he speaks with the stereotypical Spanish accent you see in movies. It almost feels a bit.. offensive. I also don't like how he speaks full English sentences, but sprinkles in a few Spanish words, again this is a huge stereotype, we don't speak like this-
As for Vox, I think he is alright, I mean, there's not much to say about him, he's an attention seeking business man. But I actually like him, I think his electricity and hypnotic powers are cool. I also really like when his voice pitch shifts, it's a pretty neat detail! Like this clip for example, I like when he gets angry at Val and screams his name really loudly. I dunno, I like that sound effect.
Anyway, moving on. This episode also features two songs (yeah, I've noticed that every episode has at least two songs, it's honestly a bit unnecessary since they don't add much to the show, but eh, some of them are alright-). So the first song "Stayed Gone" I absolutely love- it's hella catchy, and I really like the rivalry between Alastor and Vox. I'm happy we get to see more of those two since the Pilot didn't show us much (except for the comics). This is kinda random but I find it funny how I've seen people complain about Alastor using modern language and slang in the song, personally I don't mind this, I mean, it's not a big deal. I just like to think he's adapting.
Later in the episode we find out that Sir Pentious was actually working for The Vees, because Vox wanted more info on Alastor (and planned to spy on him with a camera). But then Charlie decides to forgive him for his mistake and let him stay at the hotel. And then we get another song. I don't know the name of the song, I'm assuming it's called "It Starts With Sorry". This song is not that bad, I mean it's a little lackluster, but I like that Sir Pentious is actually singing! So that's alright in my book.
And yeah, that's it! I think this might be the episode I like the most, but I still have yet to give my opinion on the rest of the episodes! Which I will do later- just give me some time.
Anyway, I'm done for today, bye!
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