unknownteapot · 3 days
2 Truths 1 Lie : SMOSHBLR EDITION 
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y’all ive been thinking about this one for a while lol- after the ‘smoshblr assumptions’ game was received so well i was like we haaaave to do another one- it brings the fandom so much closer and is honestly such a good way to get to know moots better <3
SO. without further ado- I present to you SMOSHBLR’s 2 Truths 1 Lie organised by yours truly with some help from kind friends @xxsuicidalravenxx & @babychosen <3 
Here’s how you play:
Rb this post with ‘#i’m in’ so i can keep track of who’s playing
Between the hours of 9:00 am EST - 12:00 (noon) EST on Wed. June 5th (check what time that would be in your area) post a 1-day poll to your blog with 3 facts about yourself (the reason it’s a specific time is so we don’t miss any/have polls end at different times and make the game an endless loop )
Self-explanatory here, 1 of the facts should be completely false and the other two should be true.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE. please. do NOT give away personal information/intimate life details that could identify you. despite how awesome smoshblr is, the internet is still a scary place.
You can tag the poll whatever you’d like but please include #smoshblrtwotruths somewhere in the tags so i can rb it ;)
After your poll is up- you now have 24h to go on the #smoshblrtwotruths tag and have fun speculating on other’s facts in the replies of their posts and
You can ask others questions about their facts to help verify their stories via asks or replies on their polls, but keep in mind, just like in smosh’s real game version, they could be lying ;)
Be silly, be goofy, be kind.
After the polls end (sometime on Thursday the 6th), rb your poll explaining what the truths and lies actually were so we can see if we were right!!
At the end (Friday 7th) i’ll make a masterlist of all the truths & lies so we can clearly see who the winners were <3
🎩 The Lesbian Wonkas 🍭 (The Winners)- people whose lie does NOT get found by collecting the most votes on the poll- will get a personalised playlist based on the vibes their tumblr gives off straight from my chaotic ass spotify <3 
🐦‍⬛ The Birds of The Amazönê 🚬 (The Losers)- the losers will get sprayed with water a.k.a an influx of asks with nothing but 💦🔫💦🔫💦🔫💦🔫 in them (by participating in the game, you consent to this so don’t be annoyed at me. get sprayed, bestie)
okay. that’s it. please reply or send asks if the rules are unclear!! i’d suggest scheduling ur 2 Truths 1 Lie poll as soon as you have your facts so it can go up during the mentioned time with all the other polls and you don’t have to worry about posting it 🫶🏻
i’m tagging some moots so they know this is happening and just bc they’re awesome @lilac-hecox @sage-lights @japhan2024 @baflegacy @shesmore-shoebill feel free to tag your friends too <3
Let’s get truthing and lying, smoshblr!!!
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HEYYYY @i-love-steven-meeks ME AND @yourfavvgal ARE RUNNING AWAY TO CANADA BECAUSE THE SCHOOLS ARE SHIT HERE AND WE'RE GONNA LIVE WITH YOU (you don't have a choice in this, we'll sleep in your walls or like floorboards)
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I'm a bit curious about how you moots see me, so let's play a little tag game >:3
You tell me what you think I think of your blog (what you post, reblog and etc)
Something like:
"You think my blog looks neat, is interesting in some parts, but some of it is filler reblogging so no one pays too much attention to what I say"
Then you can tag a friend or leave it open for one of them to come tell ya what they think you think of their blogs too! :]
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username222 · 2 days
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why can’t we bond like we used to :(
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inittosinit · 1 day
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@bumble-the-sun-bee ’s oc Malware as that one Sonic meme [sorry for the mention I wanted to make this a post] Click for better quality I beg of you
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No background:
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Moots, we should just do a reblog chat because I'm getting bored and I cannot find amusement
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If anyone wants to be friends and like talk about tlou and literally anything else PLZ FOLLOW MY INSTA 😝 @/tx1c.hzzzrd
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itsnotlissie · 2 days
wI m0t¡v4ti0n quotes day 20
an €mpțŷ $t0m@ch is better than a bl04t3d one
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vixxensvoid · 3 days
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peeps i’ll just be going by Rhys exclusively, just wanted to let yall know
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stephiethewephie · 3 days
Blades Can do Much More than Hurt
This is for @boopshoops for her amazing artwork of mine and so many others' twst OCs! I TOLD YOU I WOULD WRITE SOMETHING!
I had the idea from your ask where you showed Jocia's love of figureskating to make the fic about Piper taking Jocia out to skate on a lake together!
I hope you like it you lovely human!
(Quick notes: This is going off of TCOAV AU, so Piper is 19 years old in this fic. She is now a Junior at NRC and has developed a lot during her two years there: growing thicker skin, more self-confidence, focusing on herself more, etc. Another note, feel free to take this as either romantic or platonic, I tried to make it so you can see it as either. Also, if I mischaracterize Jocia in some way or get TCOAV lore wrong, I apologize!)
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Two woman in a similar situation somehow found each other. Strange how fate can lead you to the person who understands you the most.
Just as Piper was leading Jocia, hand in hand, to a location undisclosed to her. Normally, Jocia would never willingly blindfold herself and be lead to a mysterious location. But, after knowing her for as long as she did, Piper was one of the only people she trusted to do it.
It was a cold, winter's day. It was winter break, so everyone else had gone home. With nowhere else to go, these two usually spent their days hanging out with each other. This day was no different.
Both ladies were bundled up in heavy jackets, hats, scarves, boots, gloves, and for Piper, earmuffs. Piper braided her hair into a low hanging upside down beehive shaped braid so that the wind would not blow it everywhere. In her other arm was her Pooh bear which she adorned with a knitted hat with two holes to stick out his ears. Jocia was carrying her bat in her other hand. Piper insisted she did not need it, but Jocia always wanted to be on the side of caution.
"When are we gonna get there?" Jocia asked. While she could go on for hours even in the snow, it was getting kind of boring just walking in snow for the past 10 minutes.
"We're almost there," Piper reassured. "We just need to get past this hill."
Once they made it past, Jocia heard the sloshing sound of Piper's footsteps in the snow halt, so she stopped in her tracks as well. Piper let go of Jocia's hand.
"We're here!" Piper said in her cheery voice.
When Jocia removed the blindfold, her eyes immediately grew wide and her mouth agape. What stood in front of her was a small lake covered completely in ice. It was something she hadn't seen in such a long time. It almost brought her to tears.
Jocia then noticed that Piper had gone off somewhere. She looked to see her on the side of the lake picking up some objects in the snow. Jocia's eyes widened again when she saw two pairs of ice skates in her hand. With her usual joyous demeanor, Piper ran back holding up the skates to Jocia.
"I recall that you have mentioned liking to ice skate," Piper said cheerfully. "Me and Jade encountered this lake on our walks a while back. I thought that you might like it since it's mostly secluded." She handed Jocia a pair of skates, she was still in too much of shock to say anything. "I tested the ice beforehand and it's thick enough to skate!" Piper proclaimed before going to put on her own skates.
Jocia looked down at the skates in her hand. Her eyes focused on the blades. Blades which she has not seen in years. The blades she usually saw were the blades used to hurt others. These blades, however, were made for something entirely different.
"Jocia?" Piper's voice called to her. She already put on her skates and was curious why Jocia had not put hers on yet. "Are you ok?"
Jocia was at a loss of words. Piper had done something so thoughtful for her, but she could never come up with the words to express how much this meant to her.
"Yeah," she said in her usual nonchalant tone. "Thanks." It sounded like a thanks for checking in on her, but it was also a thanks for doing this all for her. Thankfully, Piper smiled back at her, so hopefully the message went through.
After the two placed their skates on, they stood and gained their balance on the edge of the lake. Piper laid Pooh in the snow so he could watch. They looked at the lake for a bit, mesmerized by the glisten of the ice below them, the sparkling snow around them, and the trees that covered the area, making it truly theirs and no one else's at the moment.
Jocia was the first one on the ice, as she took a deep breath before taking her first few glides. She feared that she had forgotten how to skate after these years away. But, as one is with a bike, it stayed with her. She moved flawlessly across the ice. With a surprising amount of grace matched with her usual fierceness.
For a moment, the world stilled except for her, and an all too familiar feeling washed over her; freedom, security, peace, home. At this moment, she didn't give a damn about school, what might be going on at home, anything. It was just her and the ice, where she always belonged.
Piper watched Jocia in awe, mesmerized by each turn and spin the bigger woman performed. She herself had not yet taken the ice yet, as she was too focused on Jocia's movements. Ever since they met, Piper could tell that there was more to Jocia than just the brute that everyone said she was. And this, along with the years they've know each other, proved it. And for Jocia, Piper was one of the only people she allowed to see this side of her.
Jocia stopped in her formation and struck a pose. Piper responded by clapping her hands and screaming cheers at her, which caused Jocia to leave her skate-filled trance. She smiled at the brunette before realizing she had not yet gotten on the ice.
"So, you gonna get on, or am I gonna have to drag you on the ice myself?" Jocia asked with a smirk.
Piper became a bit flustered in embarrassment as if she just remembered she had skates on as well. She looked down at her feet before slowly moving one foot forward... which slowly inched forward little by little until she was almost in a splits. She stopped herself with her hands and attempted to lift herself back up, only for her feet to switch and her to start shuffling to try to balance herself. The next thing she knew, she fell butt first on the ice.
"Oh bother," Piper said embarrassed. Jocia was trying her hardest not to laugh, but her smiled remained as she kneeled down to look at her.
"Are you alright?" Jocia said trying to sound as genuine as she possibly could.
"Oh! I'm chipper!" Piper said with a smile that Jocia could tell was semi fake. "No need to worry!" She tried to get back up, but kept landing on her butt at every attempt.
"Do you not know how to skate?" Jocia asked in a manner that sounded like she was making fun of Piper, but was actually genuinely curious.
"I-I can skate! Just... with the help of a handle bar..." she looked away from her in defeat before giving the semifake smile again. "But don't worry about me!"
Jocia frowned as she knew what was happening. Piper is one to sacrifice so much in favor of making others feel happy. Even if that means removing her own joy and involvement from the picture. Jocia could relate to that fondly, but she knew it wasn't the best. While she has seen Piper grow to be more self-focused over the years, old habits die hard she supposed. And she could tell that Piper wanted to join in.
While she was never able to provide the right words in situations like this, Jocia knew that sometimes, actions speak louder. She stood up and placed her hand out with her palm sticking up to Piper.
"Come on, I'll teach you how to skate!" Jocia said, trying to be as welcoming as she could be.
"W-what?" Piper got flustered at the surprise offer. "Y-you don't need to do that! You can just-"
"Either that or I'm going home." Jocia did not mean that to sound like a threat, and she did not want to force Piper to do something she was uncomfortable with. "I-if you want to," she added. But, it seemed to work as Piper took a hold of Jocia's hand, accepting the invitation.
Jocia, quite effortlessly, lifted Piper back on her feet. Piper started to slip again, but Jocia kept her hold on her so she didn't fall again.
"Try and bring your feet together," Jocia instructed. She could tell that Piper was getting a little anxious. So, she reassured her, "I'm not gonna let you fall." This gave Piper enough calm and confidence to finally gain her balance in the ice. Both her and Jocia smiled brightly at the small victory.
Jocia moved her body so that she was standing side by side to Piper. "Follow my lead," she said as she slowly slid her left skate in front of her. Piper did the same. She felt a little wobbly, but Jocia reassured her that she would not let her fall and that she was doing great. One slow glide after the other, the two were moving forward. Piper eyes sparkled and smile widened in delight at the fact that she was skating. Seeing Piper's joy made the other one warm and joyful as well. It reminded her of when she tried to teach her siblings how to skate. One of the more pleasant memories that they have. She hoped that they were doing well.
After a few more moves and teaching Piper how to turn, Jocia let go of Piper's hand to see how she could do on her own. Piper did not disappoint. She was moving straight and making turns all on her own. Jocia cheered for her and Piper jumped in the air in victory before falling on the ground again. This time, they both laughed as Jocia helped her back up again.
"Start moving again. I wanna try something," Jocia said when an idea hit her. "If that's ok with you."
Piper nodded her head. "I'd be delighted to try!"
"Let me know if I do anything to make you uncomfortable," Jocia said in consideration. Piper smiled and nodded before Jocia took hold of her hand and motioned her to move again. Before they could move more than a few feet, Jocia moved in front of Piper and started skating backwards with Piper's hand still in hers. Piper jolted in surprise as she felt Jocia's other hand move to her hip.
"Is this ok?" Jocia asked to make sure, and Piper quickly nodded her head. Jocia smiled as she began to lead Piper across the ice like they were dancing at a ball. Piper held onto Jocia's hip in turn as she tried to follow Jocia while keeping her balance. When she was able to gain her footing, Piper looked up at Jocia and gave her an enthusiastic grin. Jocia gave a warm one in return before spinning them 180 degrees.
Piper giggled as Jocia proceeded to show of her own skills as she skated around her. Backwards, forwards, sideways, Jocia gave Piper an up close and personal performance before going back to her hips.
"Would you mind if I lifted you up and spun you around?" Jocia asked.
Piper could not tell if it was her face trying to warm up from the cold, or Jocia making this sudden request, but her face was even redder than Riddle's angry face at the moment. But, she enthusiastically nodded her head, which gave Jocia all of the affirmation she needed to lift Piper up by her hips and spin her around. The giggles and happy stimming Piper did when Jocia put her back down made Jocia's stone heart melt. She held on to Piper's hand and spun her around in circles a few times by skating around her before letting go, spinning herself, and bowing. Piper was surprisingly able to keep her balance as she cheered for her.
Once Jocia opened her eyes, they widened in horror when they saw that the ice around Piper's feet was cracked and about to break. She hurriedly skated to her and exclaimed "LOOK OUT!" before jumping at her and tackling her to the snow on the edge of the lake. She made it just in time before the ice fully gave in.
Jocia got up to make sure the Piper was ok. Nerve struck as she saw Piper's eyes widen and her breath start to get heavy, like she was suffocating. While in kind of a panic herself, Jocia knew what to do when Piper was about to have a meltdown. She quickly grabbed Piper's Pooh bear and gave it to her, kept a good enough distance so she doesn't feel too close, but is also there if she needs her, and practiced deep breathing to have Piper follow along. Once Piper was able to ground herself with her breathing and the softness of the bear, she looked to see that Jocia had just saved her from the cracked ice.
"I'm sorry that I had to do that." Jocia said once she saw that Piper had come back to reality.
"There's nothing to be sorry about," Piper said giving a soft smile to Jocia. "You saved my life, I should be thanking you!" Jocia smiled back before offering her hand once again to Piper, who immediately accepted. Piper opened her arms wide out to Jocia, who was hesitant at first, but accepted in great.
"Thank you for this," Jocia said as she held onto Piper.
"It was my pleasure," Piper said cheerfully back. They let go when they realized how cold they were. "How about we head back to ramshackle and I whip together some tea with honey!"
"Sounds good to me," Jocia said before joining Piper on their was back.
Two woman, both lost, scared, and trying to find a way back, somehow found each other. Though misunderstanding and unintended boundary crossing and rage threatened to split them, forgiveness, communication, and empathy kept them together. Though soon enough they will have to return to their worlds, they will treasure and savor the moments they have together. So is the tale of the woman who finally sharpened her blade, and the one who found a better use for hers.
Piper had just finished her second period class with Mr. Goldspire and was about to head to the courtyard to rest for a bit before she overheard a few students talking.
"Did you hear about the new student?" Student A asked Student B.
"Yeah, I heard he just came out of nowhere!" Student B replied. Piper sensed a bit of Deja Vu as she decided to ease drop on the conversation.
"I swear, if this is anything like that other magicless, otherworldly student fiasco, this school is going to the underworld for sure." Student A said.
"Here he comes!" Student B said. "Act like you didn't say anything."
Piper looked over to see who the student was. She was greeted with a tall man with braided black hair and golden eyes. He kind of looked like...
Wait... WHAT?!
(Final Note: That became so much longer than I thought it would be! I just got way too into it lol. Consider it an early birthday present as well since I saw it is your birthmonth (or I'll just write you something else for your birthday, I DO WHAT I WANT HAHAHAHAHA). Anyways, thank you so much again Shoopy and I hope you liked it!)
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unknownteapot · 21 hours
the smoshblr 2t1l game being insane so far: a compilation
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bikenny · 6 months
let your moots tell you which one you are!!!
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triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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Really quick doodle of @rufwooff 's sillies uvu <3 been thinking about them non stop for days now-
Mikeys a lil slippery guy heheh
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bugzzzzx · 5 months
Ten songs ten mutuals
Sorry for the lateness but ty @liamthemailman for the tag
1. Ice ice baby - vanilla ice
2. My band - D12
3. I love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers
4. Peace and love on the planet earth -Steven Universe
5. Rainbows and stuff - icp
6. Crazy train - Ozzie osbourne
7. Soap - Melanie Martinez
8. Real messy bitch - ayesha erotica
9. The drug in me is you - falling in reverse
10. Ride - Sir mix a lot
(Sorry I keep tagging y'all sm I only have a few moots to go around :'3 anyway /nf!! Lmk if you don't wanna be tagged
@iolite19 @riinarye @fossilizedpr0tienpowder @genderstealer2000 @axelaxolotl09 @teabagtoes @bluejays-boys @clearmarinaa @ac1d-drinkr @sagethefoxtherian
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genderfluidsgetguns · 2 months
Gender, Sexuality, Romantic Attraction Tagging Game
How do: You put your gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction down with a line break between them—but, here's the catch, don't use any labels! So, for example, this, "Gender? Agender Sexuality? Lesbian Romantic Attraction? Demiromantic" would be this: "Gender? I hardly know 'er! Sexuality? Girl-kisser Romantic Attraction? My friends, I think"
So, here's mine!
Gender? Yours, fool Sexuality? Yes Romantic Attraction? Only if I know you well enough
TAGS (under the cut, and don't feel obligated to do it!) (and obviously those who I have not tagged can participate too)
@bassguitarinablackt-shirt @gloriousvermin @midnight-thedyke @littlebookworm69 @runwiththerain @cybercerealkiller @ishouldsleepbut @ssavinggrace @i-love-your-father @us-costco-official @scifikode @i-am-an-arson-enthusiast
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