ocd--culture--is · 2 days
fat moral ocd culture is "mmm what if in not fat enough to call myself fat and engage in fat spaces" when you're, in fact, fat.
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
OCD culture is having to always tear your sandwich in halves before eating it, regardless of it it was cut in half already
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
ocd culture is trying to wash dishes but you have to do your handwashing ritual between every dish or the dirt from one dish will get on the next dish
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
ocd culture is having a breakdown over a spot of mould
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
ocd culture is isolatibg yourself so the violent intrusive thoughts cant make you hurrt someone
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
OCD culture is feeling completely justified to get rid of an object that you had compulsions or intrusive thoughts about, even though the object itself is completely fine
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
(Maybe) OCD culture is going to your therapist after months of thinking about telling them that you have sexual intrusive thoughts, finally telling them after mustering up the courage, only for them to tell you that they are invalid and that you just aren't expressing your sexuality enough, that you should masturbate because it's ""necessary"" and not let you talk about how it's actually because you're asexual sex-repulsed and people keep on doubting your sexuality.
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
OCD culture is not being able to wear certain combinations of clothes anymore after a bad thing happen to you while wearing them so they’re bad luck and contaminated now
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
Having OCD since a very young age/childhood culture is not feeling like yourself when your OCD isn’t in a severe patch because it has become a fundamental part of who you are
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
OCD with food sensitivities culture is sitting at the table an hour after dinner ended as a child because you had to finish your plate before you got up, and it was easier just to wait at the table than to eat the food
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
ocd culture is getting frustrated when u can't have time to do good notetaking or it doesn't get the way and u spend hours to oeganize it bc if u don't u, u feel worthless. So u procastinate and u hate that u have so much task by medical school, u can't even enjoy it anymore, it's not.the subject, it's the fucking tasks they left me to do, the way teachers treat their students like they are young so they lazy. Sometimes i want to sh my wrists until they see how crazy they driving me and they wonder why their students never learn great.
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
OCD culture involves the need for tags in a post to be organized in a specific sequence.
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
ocd culture is your eyes and brain serially getting an automatic weird fixation on someone even if they're in your peripheral vision, but it's not a crush, you feel nothing about that person, it's just intrusive thoughts. you're worried about it so your brain just keeps doing it and you just get more and more anxious each moment that passes (idk what this is called, maybe something to do with staying alert gone awry?)
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
ocd culture is repeating "NO NO NO NO NO" when the image of your bully pops into your head bc you can't tolerate it
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
questioning ocd culture is looking up your symptoms and on the article you find it has a list of various compulsions and one is “researching.” I mock gasped out loud. Like huh? No way!
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ocd--culture--is · 3 days
hi, wanted to clear some things up.
im a gay dude who has struggled A LOT with my
masculinity and sense of self for the fact that im a masculine man who's not attracted to women in any way, even more from my religious ocd.
i just want to ask everybody seeing this; if you are/support mspec lesbians/gays, PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW ME.
those labels are harmful and distasteful to my community and to lesbians, and DON'T try to trigger my moral ocd "debating" this or calling me shit, i will block.
you can still interact in any other way, i dont really look at the likes, reblogs and stuff, just dont follow the blog.
thanks for your understanding
btw, dni entirely if you're pro endo, I don't want you here at all.
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ocd--culture--is · 6 days
OCD culture is realizing schizophrenia is so demonized when u grew up, u heard ppl blaming schizophrenia if the murder happens to have it, or being portrayed as voices in ur head, and not the murder as a person. why is that ocd related?? because u start having intrusive thoughts that ar elike internal monologue,the sensation u like it when u don't but u aren't aware OCD can be intrusive thoughts,and that it ties to depression, so u are scared to tell everyone because they might be thinking u are insane and a danger so u keep it to urself, u start doing compulsions but make them look like normal facial gestures, sounds that ppl do, or hands but that people think u are bored.
Until u realize u had OCD all along, but u imagine how ppl with actual schizophrenia are demonized
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