ralfstrashcan · 8 months
Heads Up, Seven Up!
Look who's showing her face again around here after almost a year of radio silence XD this smashing comeback is thanks to the one and only @silver-lily-louise who tagged me in a little writer's challenge.
(Before I get into that though I need to yell about your post for a sec because it sent me into a giggling fit. Not only the genius wordplay with Seven's name in the beginning but also the fic snippet itself because damn, you really nailed the characterization of both of them! I can see Seven's doubtingly raised eyebrow and Harry trying to play it off and being all breezy even though he is a cinnamon roll and can't fool anyone into thinking differently... I enjoyed every second of that!)
Now, the Challenge!
Share the last seven sentences you wrote.
Well, let's see. I'm currently (=since February) working on my German Attack on Titan fanfic (which is why I've been MIA on ao3, if anyone's been wondering...) Fun Fact, I've already mentioned that fic once on here a loooong while ago and the line from then doesn't exist in this form anymore, hahaha! Anyway, back then was chapter 3, what I'll share now is from chapter 18. I decided to leave it at six sentences because they form a unit of meaning and since they're German sentences they're still more than 1,5x as long as Louise's 9 - and almost twice as long in English, because of course - so I think we're good XD Here goes!
Levi examined his charges who were lined up in front of him like organ pipes. With their vastly differing level of knowledge it wouldn't make sense to provide Eren and Mikasa with the same training. Mikasa had already mastered much more than just the basics of self defense and if Levi recalled his little sparring session with Eren in the waiting room of his studio and Eren's subsequent performance on the punching bag then there was no doubt that Eren braved any fight on enthusiasm and overflowing anger alone, not on any kind of understanding of fighting techniques. Armin at least had a solid grasp on the essentials but nothing more. It was now around six thirty so there were roughly two and a half hours left until the Titans would likely tell them the place for the hostage exchange and they'd discuss their plan of action. He would make the most of it.
And of course, here's the German original:
Levi musterte seine Schützlinge, die aufgereiht vor ihm standen wie die Orgelpfeifen. Bei einem so unterschiedlichen Wissensstand war es nicht sinnvoll, Eren und Mikasa dasselbe Training angedeihen zu lassen. Mikasa beherrschte bereits weit mehr als nur die Grundlagen der Selbstverteidigung und wenn Levi sich an sein kleines Gefecht mit Eren im Wartezimmer seines Studios und auch dessen anschließende Vorstellung am Boxsack erinnerte, war klar, dass Eren jeden Kampf allein mit Enthusiasmus und überschäumender Wut bestritt, nicht aber mit irgendeinem Verständnis von Kampftechniken. Armin hatte zumindest ein solides Basiswissen, mehr allerdings nicht. Es war jetzt ungefähr halb sieben, also hatte er noch etwa zweieinhalb Stunden Zeit, bis sich die Titanen mutmaßlich mit dem Ort des Geiselaustauschs melden und sie ihr genaues Vorgehen besprechen würden. Er würde das Beste draus machen.
I'm pretty sure the expression with the organ pipes does not exist in English but I decided to go with a literal translation anyway XD
Thanks for reading, if you made it through all of my rambles ;D
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
jfklsdjflkf i am over the moon with joy! i’ve only just seen this, thank you so much @littlesmartart​ i’m so delighted and very grateful. your art is beautiful, as always, simple yet so expressive, you capture emotion so masterfully. seriously, thank you! you’ve made my entire week (and the next one as well) ❤️
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DRAWTOBER #28 - happy xiyao AU by ralf
Stand alone fics with the same backdrop: Xiyao happily married at Cloud Recesses (and winning at communication). Mostly character / relationship study.
this AU is just so 🥺🥺🥺 in a universe where Meng Yao marries Xichen instead of joining the Jin because of [handwave] reasons, we get to see a bunch of short scenes illustrating how xiyao have become Communication Kings and learn how to navigate each other's struggles! very soft and fluffy, absolutely would recommend.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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Nevermind that this scene is already peak hilarity, to me it became even funnier when I realized...
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(Ep 23)
...Mei Changsu wasn't just baselessly trash talking Xia Jiang and the Xuanjing Bureau, he actually has a point.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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Nihuang’s cheeky little smile is everything tbh
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
Me: Oh, that dessert was so sweet. Quick, name something salty to think of.
My sister: Alec.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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Hey, would you like a fluffy minky foxyao pouch? I’ve opened an interest check here! More info also on my Twitter here ✌️
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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what’s up with that picture, you might ask. well. i wrote a thing, and this relates to it.
((yes, i do mean the green vase in the background hahaha))
for context, check out the fic on archive here:
Just like the number of surviving Asgardians had been cut in half five years ago in the blink of an eye it had doubled again over night, a fact that filled Thor with fierce, vindictive pride, more than disposing of Thanos had.
At least one of his failings he had managed to rectify.
And yet an irrefutable sense of heavy wistfulness lingered at the tail ends of this thought because he stood alone at the edge of this cliff face, had no one to share this triumph with. No one had returned to him.
“Hello, Brother.”
Wordcount: ~ 600 words Rating: Teen Relationship: Loki&Thor Additional Tags: Fix-it, not Avengers: Endgame compliant
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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that guard in the background was really killing it with his performance XD
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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thirty days of zewu-jun(e)  —  day one  /  insp credit
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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i did a silly thing and i blame @evilhasnever​
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
Me: I’m not gonna write more nirvana in fire fic
Also me: [lies awake at 5 am, jotting down fic outlines and dialogue bits, mentally combing through song lyrics to see if they’d work as a title]
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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You are my epilogue, my prologue, and every chapter that exists in between.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
So. Teleportation Talismans are a thing for any cultivator who is strong and skilled enough. Lan Xichen is arguably one of the strongest and most skilled cultivators around. So where are all the fics in which he secretly teleports to Jinlintai to spend a few hours with A-Yao here and there (between the week-long visits that require more planning)? All in the name of refining his cultivation, of course!
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
I never much liked Linkin Park’s “Lies Greed Misery”.... that is, until I realized it’s the perfect soundtrack for Jin Guangyao flipping his shit and killing Jin Guangshan.
You disrespect me so clearly Now you better hear me
I’mma be that nail in your coffin
I want to see you choke on your lies Swallow up your greed Suffer all alone in your misery
You did it to yourself (x8)
Now let me show you Exactly how the breaking point sounds
Honestly I could just quote the entire song.
Anyway, now I treat “Lies Greed Misery” like a party song haha.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
Not to be random but i LOVE the German languange??? I can just write an absurdly long run-on sentence that goes on over four lines and no one is going to even bat an eye.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
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#this outfit deserved more screentime.
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ralfstrashcan · 2 years
Star Trek: Picard has a truly hilarious amount of plot holes, weaknesses and ridiculousnesses but my favorite has go to be that Picard’s code to activate the auto destruct sequence is “Picard zero-zero-zero-destruct-zero”
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