royalchemy · 2 years
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“hawke this, hawke that.”                why does everything fall to me?
ind. sel. priv. HAWKE of           dragon age 2 written     by     BEAN
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royalchemy · 2 years
nika @royalchemy and i have decided she’s the weed fairy and i’m the weed goblin and these are our two genders. <3 
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royalchemy · 2 years
(ooc: i’m still only lurking, i just came here to take a breath because it’s literally the only place on the entire internet where, as an ethnically mixed jewish u/k/rainian-in-diaspora i’m not overly inundated with either graphic information on the war itself, or hot takes from americans being exceptionally american about their western exceptionalism and/or actively caping for r/ussia with little to no understanding of the history of r/ussian imperialism and literal genocide against us)
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royalchemy · 2 years
still deep in hiatus hell but stopping by to say that in a Star Trek verse Samar would be El-Aurian 🚀😘
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royalchemy · 2 years
Fantasy Sociology (what would it do to agriculture if there was dragons)
Fantasy Psychology (the mental effects of having certain patterns of thoughts that generate fireballs)
Fantasy Biology (what if u had lighting sacks in yr cheeks)
Fantasy Chemistry (these r the elements and what u can do with them)
Fantasy Physics (orbital mechanics and magical floating rocks: a guide)
Fantasy Mathematics (its just normal mathematics)
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royalchemy · 3 years
hi guys. I’m putting this on my ‘archived’ blog because after 8 years on here, the follower count compared to the new one is still fairly larger lol. Hello to all who didn’t know I had moved (i miss you ! feel free to follow my new blog) and hello to all who are still around! I’ve been updating the condition of Iggy on my other blog and while today we finally found answers, the sad truth is we poured two weeks of treatment (and roughly $1,500) into a wrong diagnosis (why did our vet go on vacation WHY). After an ultrasound we have a definitive diagnosis of pleuralpneumonia and he has been admitted to the intensive care of our clinic. His prognosis is fair (at least its not poor) and we don’t know if he’ll be coming home.. but we had to give it our best shot. We couldn’t euthanize for pneumonia. I have wiped out care credit to take care of him and don’t have that as an option. We’re gonna figure something out no matter what, even if it means having to let him go to a peaceful end because we can’t afford to keep throwing stuff at it - but for this stay I need $500 in order to put a significant chunk down on the bill so we can stay with a payment plan. I have $800 on the original bill we are paying this friday and the hospital costs are guessed to be about 2-3 thousand. I need to put at least a thousand down towards the hospital so combined with the $800 I was making this friday - I need to pay $1,800. I have $1,300 after selling a lot of stuff and doing my best to move other bills around this past week (a preemptive move that is apparently helping right now). 
Life sucks for everyone right now and to be honest, having to say goodbye to a pet due to financial constraints (especially a large one) is not a new thing for people.. but he is so full of life. He has been through so much the last year - literally zero to hero.. and if I can keep him from passing away feeling horrible and stuck in a hospital stall unable to leave, I want to give him that chance.
if you feel called to help out or anything - my venmo is taylor-carter-155. (please ignore the dead name). I want to pay you back, we will pay you back .. but I can’t say it will be immediately. Every time we get a bit for ourselves one of our doofuses has a bad day. I can supply invoices for his past treatment (along with the monthly statement from this past friday showing we still owed the $862 that I have arranged to be taken out this coming up friday) along with videos and pictures of him today in the hospital along with the list of meds the doctor provided for us. Unfortunately I don’t have a write up for costs, I only have what she told us today. Honestly, the last 7 months have fucking sucked (as many of you know) and saying goodbye to this sweet boy a mere 13 months after he became a true survivor .. would just be an awful way for 2021 to end.
Thank you for listening and for anything you are able to help with - whether it be financial donations or thoughts and prayers or just a simple message checking in. I am forever grateful for all of you and always amazed by the strength and camaraderie of tumblr. You’ve all been with me through a lot over the years .. I’d be lost without you <3
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royalchemy · 3 years
i feel like my body knows to get a migraine every sunday in anticipation of the workweek
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royalchemy · 3 years
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ind. semi-sel. oc-focused multimuse. catalogued by swid.
featuring Lip Hennessy, an urban-fantasy-based dancer OC. #WRITEDISASTER.
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royalchemy · 3 years
‘ i prefer to travel alone. ‘ - the Marquis
It makes sense; the only travel companion one could trust, and all that. Samar tuts and nods to herself, arms folded.
The ouroboros tattoo slithers across her hand, weaving in-between fingers. It’s been restless for days now, as though its forked tongues taste the tang of fated lightning in the air. Something is off in London Below. She hears it in the fluttering of pigeon wings, underscored by an anxious cooing that reminds Samar of hometown matriarchs murmuring such a shame into their shawls during a particularly mournful tale spun on storytelling nights. All the scrying tools have pointed her towards some rapidly approaching union of events, like an ugly Gordian knot of space-time she needs to untangle in order to clear a path to her next destination. And while Samar doesn’t have the full picture yet, she senses the tendrils of that Something coiling around the Marquis’ departure.
“Of course. It’s just that—” What is she supposed to say? I barely know you but please don’t go wherever it is you’re going until whatever’s supposed to happen happens whenever it’s supposed to? Clearly, the Marquis is a man hyper-aware of any danger in the nearest three vicinities besides his own. And she's seen enough of this undercity to understand how most locals operate; any honest attempt to dissuade him will just sound like another grift. Casting herself as a cryptic out-of-towner wandering the alleys of London Below looking to unlock an interdimensional portal won’t exactly help her credibility. So the only thing left to do is resort to the old Artisan custom of pretending to need help in order to give it.
“I’m traveling in your direction, and as an obvious stranger to this place, well…” she trails off with a rueful smile, her eyes momentarily locked on some distant point before they veer back over to his. “If you would consider granting me the small favor of your company at least part-way, I’d be very much obliged.”
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royalchemy · 3 years
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Theme [18]: Calamity by glenthemes
Previously called ‘Hybrid’, this theme has been revamped into ‘Calamity’, a dual sidebar theme featuring Vergil the storm that is approaching from Devil May Cry.
Theme features:
posts: 1 column, multiple width options [400px, 450px, 500px, 540px]
textboxes: welcome text, mini stats, to-do list
music player: 1 song only, with song name
custom links: up to 6
in general: lots of dropdown options for widths, margins, spacing etc
Be sure to follow the terms of use and like/reblog if you’re using this theme! Please contact me if you have any questions/problems with the theme and I’ll try to help you as much as I can! ♥
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royalchemy · 3 years
𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠  𝚊𝚗𝚍  𝚋𝚘𝚗𝚎  𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜.      ( feel free to change pronouns, potentially triggering, read & reblog with caution. )
’ i look like my mother and she looked like the enemy. ‘
’ i’ve never been welcomed here. ‘
‘ keep a pencil in your hand. or else someone will put a rifle in it instead. ‘
‘ i spent years thinking i’d find a way out. ‘
‘ i’m old enough to know the only way out, is through. ‘
‘ well, i need someone to take the fall for my petty crimes, that’s all. ‘
‘ we learned some good life lessons back then. ‘
‘ one: don’t cry in public. ‘
‘ she/he/they isn’t like you. no one is. ‘
‘ you’re the one of us who believes in a higher power. ‘
‘ when i get the nerves the night before i like to have a good tumble with a stranger. ‘
‘ you don’t seem like the type to do what they should. ‘
‘ well, turns out they do need me, so. ‘
‘ you’re a terrible shot. ‘
‘ when i was young, i had nightmares about it. ‘
‘ if it goes wrong, come back. you’ve lost enough already. ‘
‘ i’ll find my way back to you, promise. ‘ 
‘ don’t you want to know if you’re grisha? ‘
‘ if i can’t crack this, none of us are going anywhere. ‘
‘ maybe i won’t be here when you get back. ‘
‘ what are you? ‘
‘ that’s why i’m here, isn’t it? ‘
‘ they’re all gone. it’s my fault. ‘
‘ is it true? can you summon light? ‘
‘ when they realize their mistake, what do you think they’ll do to her/him/them? ‘
‘ i know her/him/them better than anyone does. ‘ 
‘ i don’t know where this letter will find you. but you must’nt worry about me. ‘
‘ i am perfectly capable of washing myself. ‘
‘ don’t change my eyes. ‘
‘ i’m almost as rare as you. ‘
‘ sentimental. we’ll work on that too. ‘
‘ i can’t go in front of the king, i need more time. ‘
‘ know that when i told you about true north, i was talking about you. ‘
‘ black is his color. not mine. ‘
‘ tell me, are you so anxious to be like everyone else? ‘
‘ it would be nice to know what the feels like, someday. ‘
‘ time for a heist. ‘ 
‘ you managed to win us over, didn’t you? ‘
‘ training is good. well, i think it’s going well. ‘ 
‘ where you are doesn’t matter nearly as much as who you’re with. ‘ 
‘ when there’s something you want, better to act without thinking than think without acting. ‘ 
‘ i’ve always wanted to travel the world. ‘
 ‘ i like seeing you this way, i want you to be careful. ‘ 
‘ you never compliment anyone to their face. ‘ 
‘ aren’t you supposed to be scouting our way out? ‘ 
‘ what do you think i’m doing? ‘ 
‘ i think you’re flirting with that stable hand. ‘ 
‘ tell me, what makes one carriage faster than the other? ‘ 
‘ the right answer is their is no right answer. ‘ 
‘ it’s the horse that makes the difference. ‘ 
‘ no human being should be as proud as you are right now. ‘ 
‘ you think that’s what it is? just a trick? ‘ 
‘ you don’t want to keep it in your pocket for too long. ‘ 
‘ i’m sorry that it took me this long to see you. ‘ 
‘ i prefer to travel alone. ‘ 
‘ i’m afraid we can’t let that happen. ‘ 
‘ you stick with us, everybody gets what they want. ‘ 
‘ i’m not being anyone’s captive ever again. ‘ 
‘ it was my power keeping you warm. ‘ 
‘ you won’t get far out here without it. ‘ 
‘ if i wanted you dead, i would have slowed your heart instead of speeding it up. ‘ 
‘ you intend to kill me! ‘
‘ why would you save me? ‘ 
‘ so there is a brain inside all that muscle. ‘ 
‘ you used to call on me, on times like this. ‘ 
‘ when your table was messy and your bed was neat. ‘ 
‘ i am a witch hunter and you are a witch. ‘ 
‘ you made him afraid. now he wants you to fear him. ‘ 
‘ you’re the one who taught me how to kill, mother/father. ‘ 
‘ i taught you so you could protect yourself. ‘ 
‘ we need to teach them how to fight. ‘ 
‘ i forbid it. now, do you hear me? ‘ 
‘ it’s dangerous to go looking for the dead. ‘
‘ what you see may haunt you for the rest of your days. ‘ 
‘ maybe. just maybe. greed is a poor motivator. ‘ 
‘ true wealth is the friends you make along the way. ‘ 
‘ i should just tear this down now. ‘ 
‘ i will go north in the night. ‘ 
‘ no. this can’t be it. i’m not done tormenting you. ‘ 
‘ i will keep you warm. ‘ 
‘ i can’t wait to introduce you to my truest love. ‘ 
‘ when i got older, i learned that darkness is a place and it’s full of monsters. ‘ 
‘  they aren’t the monsters. they’re just boys/girls. ‘
‘  we can’t hide forever. we can run together. ‘
‘  no businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take. ‘ 
‘  our enemies are threatened by your mere existence. ‘ 
‘  never make decisions out of fear, only out of spite. ‘ 
‘  well greed always worked for me. ‘ 
‘  the bone road ebbs and and the bone road flows. ‘
‘  handsome decoy is also not a [NAME’S] talent. ‘ 
‘  i’d rather starve than be a traitor. ‘ 
‘ needing anyone is weak. ‘ 
‘ you and i are going to change the world. ‘ 
‘ so, who actually saw what happened? ‘ 
‘  it came from everywhere, because you called upon it to come. ‘
‘ i have been waiting a long time for you. ‘ 
‘ there are no others like us and there never will be. ‘ 
‘ not many people surprise me. ‘ 
‘ fine. make me your villain. ‘ 
‘  they are traitors who tried to kill you. this is retribution. ‘ 
‘  i’ve survived for centuries. did you really think you could kill me. ‘
‘ you are quite valuable, you know. ‘ 
‘ the deal is the deal. ‘ 
‘ i’m just trying to keep warm. you should join me. ‘ 
‘ i’ve been warned off the job. ‘ 
‘ i know that look. he’s a man consumed with vengeance. ‘ 
‘ please tell me you have a plan. ‘ 
‘ i’m not against the occasional light roleplay. ‘ 
‘ i’d miss me too. i’m fantastic. ‘
‘ no one is ever going to believe i’m that old. ‘
‘ why does this concern me? ‘ 
‘ well of course certain death pays a million. ‘ 
‘ unlike a spider, i only need one leg. ‘ 
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royalchemy · 3 years
what if i...came back
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royalchemy · 4 years
“It was a wizard’s study, so of course it had the skull with a candle in it and a stuffed crocodile hanging from the ceiling. No one, least of all wizards, knows why this is, but you have to have them.”
— Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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royalchemy · 4 years
lads, one of the frustrating things about accidentally following in your muse’s footsteps and enrolling in wizard school (STEM masters program) is you actually have to do the homework when you’d rather be writing the muse, because the homework is what will help you write the muse better
at least this chapter is cryptography, which i find more immediately applicable and might actually absorb, fingers crossed
anyway utter an incantation in my honor, pls & thank
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royalchemy · 4 years
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royalchemy · 4 years
i cannot even stress how neutral samar is about demons as a whole? like?? i just feel like her her attitude is that 90% of the time with the horror stories you hear it’s because somebody fucked around and found out. goetic justice.
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royalchemy · 4 years
how are tags still breaking in the yr of our lord 2020
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