runawaymun · 2 hours
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It’s been a while again since I drew the lady with the eternal tears ^^ I wanted to draw her in a more tarot card style this time
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runawaymun · 4 hours
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gif/graphic tag game: favorite lotr male character + favorite color (tagged by mithrilbilbo, evungelinelilly, and lotrlorien)
↳ i tag targaaryenn and victaerion
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runawaymun · 6 hours
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Glaurung the golden.
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runawaymun · 7 hours
they don’t prescribe visits to Rivendell for rest and healing like they used to
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runawaymun · 7 hours
Power Signalling
Kneeling. (It’s not popular for no reason.) Ordered to kneel as punishment or as a show of deference. Shoved physically to the ground by hands on their shoulders, maybe a kick to the back of the knee. Picking themself up off the ground but only getting as far as hands and knees. Crawling because they haven’t got the strength to stand any more. Dropping to their knees from exhaustion, or despair.
Personal space. Casually invading it. Uninvited touch - from the deeply creepy to something as simple as a firm hand on the shoulder. Standing too close - especially if taller or otherwise physically stronger. Conversely, hurrying to get out of someone’s way.
Eye contact. Staring someone down. Who is first to look away? Averting eyes for one’s social superiors. Insisting that someone maintain eye contact while you’re talking to them. Insisting that someone never look you in the eye. Trying to de-escalate by avoiding eye contact. Singling someone out just by looking at them. Too frightened or ashamed to look someone in the eye.
More generally, attention. The room falls quiet when they walk in. Who cuts in, and who gets talked over. Ignoring those who are beneath your attention. The excited attention given to the object of respect and idolisation. The careful, wary focus given to a potential threat. Deliberately attending to something else to appear less threatening. Deliberately burying oneself in something else to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
Codified status behaviours. Bowing to one’s superiors. Bonus points if there are differentiated kinds of bowing for different status differentials. Soldiers coming to attention when a superior officer comes in. Saluting. Who greets whom first? Serving food in a particular order. Standing up when a respected person enters the room.
Non-verbal threats. Just resting a hand on a weapon, or perhaps even just near a weapon. Cracking knuckles or rolling shoulders. Clenched fists. The little come-get-some-then lift of the chin. Stepping from a conversational stance into one that’s balanced for fight or flight. Pointing a weapon at someone. Casually brushing aside a weapon.
Conversely, de-escalation and surrender. Open hands, spread in front of them. Hands above head. (Raised slowly, transitioning from the simple woah-calm-down gesture to full on surrender as the situation gets tenser.) Going still. Slow, careful movements being sure to keep hands where they can be seen. Laying down weapons. Hands on head. Getting down on the floor. Deliberately making oneself vulnerable to prove non-hostile (or non-resisting) intent.
Alternately, deliberately showing “vulnerability” to demonstrate how little of a threat you consider the other person. The slouch of villainy. Casually putting weapons away or turning one’s back, confident that they won’t do anything. Open posture, casual, relaxed in the face of apparent danger.
Signs of fear. Flinching. Trembling. Closed, defensive posture. Tension. Backing away. Fidgeting. Lip-biting. Arms hugged close to chest. Or refusing to lower defences. Checking for escape routes. Trying to insist that they don’t come any closer.
Offers of or requests for help. Extending a hand to help someone up off the ground. Reaching out a hand in a silent plea. Do they have to ask for help? Are they willing to accept it? Do they get a choice? Who has plenty and who has to rely on the other’s goodwill? Picking someone up off the ground. Carrying them. (Dropping them?) Adjusting someone’s clothes. Withholding aid.
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runawaymun · 7 hours
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Ok it’s mermay, so what about Finrod and Beor mermaid au? Finrod is a sea prince and very curious about people and Balan is widowed fisherman who lives near the shore with his sons
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runawaymun · 14 hours
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runawaymun · 16 hours
Purely out of curiosity
The variants of Maedhros’s names are very interesting to me
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runawaymun · 16 hours
I said it because in this mess we call the internet sometimes we can feel like the only sane person (not true, obviously) and like. I see you. Thanks for being out there for me to see too. Your blog is basically 10/10 would lurk again :)
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ahhh thank you!
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runawaymun · 16 hours
so many bi and bi4bi requests this year for Pride and I am THRIVING. <3
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runawaymun · 16 hours
Your tags on that posts aren’t ruining anything you are literally so grounded and sensible? Thank you for that.
ahhh thank you! I get nervous sometimes when I go off in the tags bc I know that can be obnoxious when something is clearly a joke but this sort of thing just bugs me so much 🙈🙈🙈 I think it's because it hits close to home with how biphobia presents a lot of the time -- the insinuation that either 'well it's just a phase and you'll find the right man to settle down with', or from queer people 'okay you're just diet gay/experimenting/make up your mind'. (Same with the rhetoric around bigender it's like....I am not an egg and I am not in denial. Neither am I fluid. I am both ends of a binary at the same time).
I also just get so irked by the narrative in queer spaces that a woman (or bi woman/fem) is somehow weaker for dating men, or that a bi man or straight man is somehow creepy and gross for liking women. Please can we just remember that sexual and romantic preferences are neutral FOR EVERYONE and that men are great, actually. They are not inherently predators. We are not immune to TERF rhetoric just because we're aware of TERFS and say 'TERFS fuck off' on our bios. There is nothing inherently better or more pure about being queer than being cis/het.
In any case yeah if you all want a TLDR version of my extremely long tag rant:
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runawaymun · 16 hours
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i’m screaming
#this is funny but I do have to ruin the party a bit in typical mun fashion#because the 'this girl isn't straight anymore' fucking irks me#it's so disrespectful#like we all can agree it's disrespectful when people say 'Oh you just haven't found a good man/woman yet'#to a queer person#it's just as disrespectful to think that 'straight' is something changeable#just by getting some good dick or pussy#fact of the matter this girl was always queer and just didn't know it and was performing along her taught paradigm#girl so i MUST date guys and be into guys#and it probably hadn't occurred to her that the sex was bad because she didn't like men#because also the common narrative culturally is 'women just don't enjoy sex as much as men'#like that is a REALLY fucking common narrative among cishet relationships#and so she probably just didn't know any different and then had a big realization when she tried having sex with a woman and liked it#and that does NOT mean she 'turned gay'#like can we stop joking about this please#this is coming from a bigender bi/pan person can we please stop joking about this#it's okay to be straight#it's okay to like men#men are great actually#and if you're a guy you are not gross or weird for liking women#etc etc#cishet relationships are a NEUTRAL THING by default#just like queer relationships are#whether or not the relationship is harmful or good for you depends on each individual relationship#anyway I know I know 'mun it's not that deep it's just a joke'#SORRY#it BUGS me#cishet people are not an enemy to be made fun of they're our friends#fascists (and people who are just fascists wearing glitter) are the enemy#we are stronger together
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runawaymun · 17 hours
nice glasses, they’d look great on my nightstand
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runawaymun · 1 day
Sub-Radio, the band that did Stacy's Dad, coming out with another banger for Pride.
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runawaymun · 1 day
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runawaymun · 1 day
I laughed so fucking hard at this
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runawaymun · 1 day
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RIVENDELL | The Fellowship of the Ring, dir. Peter Jackson (2001)
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