clairesstudycorner · 14 days
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"Approved." "Accepted." "Congratulations."
It's gonna be worth it.
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clairesstudycorner · 1 month
I wanna talk about this for real.
New Year's Resolutions look so promising and aesthetic, it's like feeling like a walking talking Pinterest Board.
Life really isn't perfect. As a study/motivation blog, resolutions don't work like magic. Last year has been quite a hell of a ride, and Year 10 in India decides what subjects you can take up for higher studies.
Last year, I was a clumsy mess. I started the year strong, but somewhere along the line, my motivation died. It came to a point where I wasn't sure if I'd be able to choose the subjects that I love, and want to pursue in the future.
So it's not motivation that comes in handy, it's discipline. It's been 4 months, so reflecting on the resolutions I set out, I have honestly not carried out half of these properly. I still do procrastinate, do unhealthy studying, often don't take breaks till my body can't take it, sometimes not meditate and go on social media the moment my alarm rings....but have I improved from what I was in 2023? YES. Do I feel bad for not sticking to my resolutions? NO. Because I know I'm working on myself, for myself.
And that's worth celebrating. The transition between 31st December to 1st January is very candidly NOT "New Year, New Me." That's cliché, and not true, because good habits take time to build. I've been giving myself time, and I'm happy with my progress.
The point of this post? Whatever you see on social media, study pages....half of it isn't real. It's not aesthetic coffee, pens and notebooks that you need. It's a mindset, and a goal. Whatever I post is purely Pinterest coded and for you to scroll and get random bursts of motivation if you're having a bad day. But depending on study motivation won't land anyone anywhere, because studying is something you need to make a habit and hobby of, if you wanna do well. I see study blogs everywhere, it's all so aesthetically pleasing. I tried being aesthetic, and got distracted by the pretty pens. People sharing their "perfect" life on social media...it's what the apps are for. Nobody's gonna post ugly crying, failing or how they feel at their lowest. It's literally a curtain for perfection. So if you're having a bad day....you're not alone. If you don't stick to your to-do list for a day, it's not the end of the world. If you fail, get back up, process the failure, and put in more effort and love. That's it, really.
Sorry for excessive ranting, and thank you if you've read till here! Have a lovely day pookies! 🎀
Welcoming 2024
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A Very Happy New Year be upon y'all!
That being said, here's my New Year's Resolutions! (if I'm posting it, I'm sticking to it. Well, that's the plan)
Control procrastination
Study regularly, get projects done ahead of time
Quit multitasking
Studying healthy, taking small breaks
Quality > Quantity
Physical Health:
Regular exercise
Nature walks/morning walks everyday
Drinking adequate water
Eating healthy, controlling caffeine consumption
Mental Health:
Reading more
Limiting phone usage
Setting clear boundaries
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clairesstudycorner · 1 month
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I love getting the highest grades in class.
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clairesstudycorner · 1 month
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Clean your desk, tie your hair up, grab a coffee and just start.
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clairesstudycorner · 2 months
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Study until you can't get it wrong.
- Rory Gilmore
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clairesstudycorner · 3 months
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Don't ignore your own potential.
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clairesstudycorner · 4 months
Can u post about urself, like what you enjoy, what music, films, ur hobbies, ur past times, uk like in one post...I really like ur page and want to get to know u
I got this ask twice, so I'm gonna answer it in one post itself. 😭😆
Yes, I can do that. I already did introduce myself vaguely in a recent post, but sure, I'll do it again, with more details. 😂
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Thanks for the ask! ❤️
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clairesstudycorner · 4 months
Just wanted to say I adore your page, and you motivated me so much! ❤️
Haii thank you so much, I'm so glad to hear that! ❤️
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clairesstudycorner · 4 months
Have you watched 'Oppenheimer'? Since you are a study blog...sorry lol. How did you feel about the film?
Lol. Yes, I have watched the film, and it's safe to say Physics is now my favourite subject 😆
Oppenheimer was an INCREDIBLE film. The directing, acting, casting, writing, delivery...everything was insanely perfect.
And the music by Ludwig Göransson? I got goosebumps.
If y'all have watched the film and loved it, we're friends lol. If you haven't watched it, please do, because the movie is exactly as great as it's hyped to be, if not greater.
Cillian Murphy 'Cill-ed' (sorry for the horrendous pun) the performance. The performance was so freaking captivating, he deserves all the fucking awards.
I'm rambling lmao, but it's safe to say Oppenheimer is my current favourite film ✨️
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clairesstudycorner · 4 months
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If it's comfortable, then it's not worth it.
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
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Life isn't gonna get better by chance. It's gonna get better by change.
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
Welcoming 2024
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A Very Happy New Year be upon y'all!
That being said, here's my New Year's Resolutions! (if I'm posting it, I'm sticking to it. Well, that's the plan)
Control procrastination
Study regularly, get projects done ahead of time
Quit multitasking
Studying healthy, taking small breaks
Quality > Quantity
Physical Health:
Regular exercise
Nature walks/morning walks everyday
Drinking adequate water
Eating healthy, controlling caffeine consumption
Mental Health:
Reading more
Limiting phone usage
Setting clear boundaries
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
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Studying hard so my Pinterest can become my reality ✨️
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
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Studying doesn't suck as much as failing. Work for success.
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
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Risking is better than regretting.
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
Hii 👋 , I really appreciate your posts. I also love cats and Taylor swift.
Thank you for the dose of motivation 🎯
Hi fellow Swiftie! ✨️
I'm so happy my blog motivates you, keep going, you can do it! ☺️
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clairesstudycorner · 5 months
Y'all just gave me a New Year's Resolution 😆✨️
Hey so can you do life updates? Like, you could do a 90 day challenge and showcase each day and what work you got done? How you were feeling? When you woke up? A lot like 'A day in My Life', but a shorter version...
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Hi nonny! Thank you for the ask. I definitely hadn't considered doing this, but it does sound interesting...
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