seraphinitegames · 2 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles Book Four - Demo One
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The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Four
A change of career, a deepening romance, and barely any time off from training makes for a hectic time for your character!
It would be a shame if something else were added to that ever-growing pile…
But it seems the chance for a break is fast vanishing as something stirs beneath the ground of Wayhaven.
Something old.
Something powerful.
Something with a very keen interest in you.
Delve into Wayhaven once again, where a new powerful enemy is not only unleashed upon the town, but unleashes something wholly unexpected on you!
Here it is! The first demo for Book Four!!!! I'm so excited to share this with you, I really hope you enjoy it as much as I loved creating it, and I hope it teases what is yet to come! Book Four really feels like something special! https://dashingdon.com/play/seraphinite/the-wayhaven-chronicles-book-four-demo/mygame/
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seraphinitegames · 2 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 31/May/2024
A busy one this week! But it always feels good when it’s been busy but you can check so many things off your list. Especially seeing as it was a bank holiday I forgot about last Monday, so a shorter week! :D
After some amazingly encouraging comments on Patreon, I did decide to go back and put in the Unit Bravo POV for Chapter Two. Not only that, but I decided to make it individual love interest POVs, because I can’t help myself, hehe! But it was actually kind of perfect, because it gives a nice small glimpse into what the vampires get up to when the MC isn’t around and they aren’t working…well, unless it’s A, and then they’re pretty much always working anyway, lol!
After that, I started on the end scenes for Chapter Two, and let me tell you…they are some doozy scenes! Bringing out some angsty punch right from the start, hehe! But also finished with some rather lovely soft romantic moments which help to soothe that intensity… ;D
They were scenes I have been waiting agggges to write. It certainly sets up how things that are happening might come between the building romances!
I was a bit worried that adding in the extra POV scenes would push me back, but I really went for it this week, and I’m going to be finishing Chapter Two today as planned!!!
So next week that means I can start on the editing and rewriting. Next week will also be social media days, which I will be heading elsewhere to do because internet here is still intermittent at best, and I really want the asks to be more consistent again! 
Got some really fun stuff coming up on Patreon this month too, including the initial sketch idea for Mason/Morgan’s masquerade ball mask! Looking forward to working on all of that :D
Hope you all have the most amazing weekend and enjoy the demo—as well as get excited for what's to come after checking it out, hehe! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! <3
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seraphinitegames · 4 days
in light of bridgerton s3 being out (at least part 1) im curious if any of the vampires would indulge the detective and watch it with them if they asked 👀 the confession scenes get me every time!! <3
I mean, I totally want to say they would all say yes to watching it just because I'm a massive fan of Bridgerton, lol! 
But more likely only F and N would really say yes, and likely only N would pay actual attention to it and get invested. 
F would enjoy it, but historical romances, even more contemporary ones, aren't really their thing. A might watch it, but wouldn't be able to stop from pointing out all the reasons it was historically inaccurate, lol!
At this stage in the romance, M would sit with the MC while the MC watched it, but probably wouldn't pay much attention.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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seraphinitegames · 4 days
Imagine if M had a lover in his past before he lost his memories🤡.
Will we be able to know more about M's past in book 4?
M had lovers in their past, for sure. But no one that would have left a lasting impression even if they could remember! Backstories are definitely coming to light more in Book Four! Thanks for the ask!
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seraphinitegames · 4 days
Will the game be only on Steam or is it also going to be on hosted games if it’s okay to ask? Also, can’t wait to play this game, you are amazing
As far as I'm aware it will be on Hosted Games as well? I can't see why it wouldn't be! I will definitely find out what platforms it will be released on closer to the time.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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seraphinitegames · 9 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 24/May/2024 
Well, I should probably start the update by saying that the first demo section will be released tomorrow for the $5+ tiers on Patreon and publicly late next week! :D
It is a short section, only being Chapter One, but a lot of the work went into the behind the scenes and coding stuff, so hopefully it will be running super smooth! It’ll be a good thing to see if this new editing system is working, and also if all that intense work that went into the cleaning code, changing character creator, etc has paid off, hehe!
While I was waiting for the readers’ comments to come back in, I really went hard on Chapter Two this week. This new keyboard has made the world of difference, and I’ve been able to type pretty much back at the speed I was before. It feels soooo good!
I am getting tempted to go back to a bit I’ve already written and add in a Unit Bravo POV section though. It’s not a planned scene, but I think it would really fit in well. It’s just that it’s already quite a linear chapter (A LOT of setting up the story for what’s to come), so I’m not sure about adding in another section where the reader can’t pick a choice.
I’m definitely back and forwards on adding that in at the moment.
There’s something about Book Four that is feeling…different. Not the way it’s written or anything, just, well, I always put everything I am into all my works, but Book Four is drawing even more from me, and I’m pushing myself and digging deeper than ever before to really put my all into it. It’s feeling really special in many ways already!
Next week, I’ll be working on getting all the text and graphic assets Hosted Games needs for putting Book 4 on the Steam wishlist. Seems good timing with the first demo release!
I’ll also be pushing on with Chapter Two. I’m really hoping to get it finished next week. It’s a big one with a lot going on which will really make for an exciting next demo section… ;D
I can’t wait for you to try out the demo! It’s like Book Four is really coming to life now I’m finally getting to share it with you all, hehe! :D
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seraphinitegames · 10 days
So you’ve said that you’d might write a book with Unit Alpha one day but are there any other units you’d like to write about as well?
I wouldn’t be able to help myself if I were you, I’d want to write a book on each of them.
Love your books and can’t wait for book 4! 🩷
I think the problem is more that there are too many units and characters I want to write stories with, lol
The upcoming Unit Delta in Book Four holds a special place in my heart, as well as of course Elidor!
Yeah...lots of ideas for romances and stories, hehe...
Thank you so much for the ask and lovely message!
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seraphinitegames · 10 days
Do you happen to have any media that inspired you when coming up with monster/supernatural races outside of folklore? Just curious (and monster-making myself)! Ty 💕
For a lot of inspiration for 'known' supernaturals, I actually went more into the old tales of them. Some of the werewolf lore for Wayhaven is heavily inspired by the old legends about them. Things that aren't so well told about them now—like hydrophobia, which mostly all werewolves in Wayhaven have. Thanks so much for the ask!
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seraphinitegames · 11 days
Heya Sera!
Say, when the demo drops, do you think you could make multiple links so dashingdon doesn't die? It's always hard to play when you got a thousand people crashing the site bahaha
Big hugs from France & thank you for creating Wayhaven <3
Yours truly, a Morgan simp
That is an idea! Though, I would have to talk to the person who runs Dashingdon. Also, I think it was ok for the last demo, iirc? It was kind of stable because of the earlier access release on Patreon meant it was kind of spread out more with the amount of people playing it, lol!
I will update on news when the demo is going to be released though! Got the last report from the reader back today, so it's not long now!
Merci beaucoup for your ask (I didn't know how to say 'for your ask' in French!, sorry!)! :)
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seraphinitegames · 11 days
If it isn't too spoiler-y, what was Rebecca's initial internal reaction to figuring out MC was pursuing something romantic with each respective member of Unit Bravo?
Oh, what a good ask!
She obviously had that 'It's my kid's personal life, and I have no right to get involved because I haven't been involved in their life at all so far' aspect of it, but obviously it's her kid and her team members, so there's still a reaction she can't help.
For initial reactions:
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Trying not to get too specific about this because I may put in a heart-to-heart scene for Rebecca and willing MCs later about these romances.
I've got a rough sketch outline for it, just not sure what book it would work in, so don't wanna spoil anything too much just in case I put that in, hehe! ;D
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seraphinitegames · 16 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 17/May/2024
A slower week than I would have liked due to my wrists deciding to be super annoying, lol!
But my new ergonomic keyboard arrived on Thursday, so hopefully it’ll be back to normal pace from now on! I did have an old ergonomic keyboard, but it wasn’t exactly up to the task anymore. To be fair to it, it had seen me through part of Book One, and then all of Book Two and Three, so it definitely was a well-worked keyboard! :D
This week I focused on the demo section. I’m desperate to get that out to share with you guys so we can finally chat about it, lol! It may only be the first chapter, but it should give a good feel of what’s coming up!
Mostly it was just fixing some lingering issues with the save system as well as the Book Three stats showing on the stats page, but it looks all good on that front now.
It’s just a case of waiting for the sensitivity readers to get back to me, and we’re good to go! So I’m really hoping for you awesome Patrons, who will be getting much earlier access than everyone else, will be reading it later next week! I’ll keep you updated on that.
But I did also work on Chapter Two this week, because even failing wrists won’t stop me from writing, hehe! :D
Plus, it was a scene that I’ve been desperate to write *cough*villain entrance scene*cough*, and I am SO happy with how it’s coming out! There are some scenes you have in your head for soooo long that when you finally come to write them, it is more like writing a movie scene because it is all so clear in my head, from the camera angles to the background music!
This villain…they are the most dangerous and awful supernatural, but I do love writing them already, hehe! :D
I hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week <3
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seraphinitegames · 17 days
Does having M as a bff in any way affect how willing they are to be touched? I imagine my mc as a physically affectionate person, so I like to headcanon that he gives a lot of hugs to his new bestie M, but I do also want to be as canon compliant as possible. If hugs are a no-go, are there any physical acts that my mc would be able to give M?
(you know what, this also applies to A, how willing are they to receive hugs if I am not romancing them?)
M isn't quite as able to deal with the physical with a BFF MC as they are with a romanced MC, but you can definitely see hints of it becoming much more comfortable for them :D
If you are BFFs with A at this point, then A is fine with hugs. They wouldn't necessarily return them, but certainly would be happy to suffer through them for the sake of that friendship, hehe! :D
(A would totally groan at a hug but would enjoy that display of bond between them, even if it's not something they would initiate. There would be no suffering, lol!)
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seraphinitegames · 17 days
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FINALLY! Mishka has her new, shiny ergonomic keyboard to help ease the pain in her wrists as she types out Book Four at a furious speed! ⌨️ Keep checking in for updates and posts :D
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seraphinitegames · 19 days
Hello!! How much did Rebecca interact with Bobby when he was on a relationship with MC?
Not much face to face. Rebecca tried to stay out of her kid's life, assuming it was what they wanted. But Rebecca is well aware of Bobby's many faults through other means, lol!
That's different now obviously depending on how your MC interacts with her, etc! 
Thank you so much for the ask!
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seraphinitegames · 19 days
Hey sera! Are there going to be trailers for the later books too? Honestly the trailer of book 3 was such a masterpiece! I hope we get to see more trailers like this in the future!!
Well, Nai will be incredibly happy to hear this! She really does such an incredible job with the trailers, so yes, there will definitely be more of them! 😁 Thank you so much for the ask!
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seraphinitegames · 23 days
The Wayhaven Chronicles - No Update 10/May/2024
Hey everyone, 
Nai here - I'm afraid Mishka has had real problems with her wrists this week, she's in quite a lot of pain so there's no update this week.
I'm wishing her a speedy recovery and we'll talk to you again next week when (hopefully) Mishka is feeling better! 
Thanks and have an amazing weekend! 
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seraphinitegames · 24 days
hi!!!! big fan of the game!!!! the new logo for book 4 is so so so COOL!!!! it reminds me however, the symbol of the circle with a dot in the center is the alchemical symbol for the sun, was that intentional when making the moon phases on Wayhaven's logo???? an Eclipse????
That wasn't actually intentional (the image being more sun-like was, but not the alchemical symbol part) but amazingly is incredibly relevant, so that worked out well!
Oh man, I wish I could say more but that would be major spoilers!!
Can't wait for you all to find out though, hehe! ;D
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