sharkdoughnutz · 6 days
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guys i swear im not a furry but
heres my furryfication of suguru
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sharkdoughnutz · 14 days
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shoko and some gay dudes idk
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reference 😋
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sharkdoughnutz · 21 days
momma suguru doing a silly dance at his daughters' request
he's trying his best; don't judge him he might kill you
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sharkdoughnutz · 24 days
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i love when family is reunited !
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sharkdoughnutz · 27 days
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but.. is it really you?
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sharkdoughnutz · 29 days
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you are my special.
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sharkdoughnutz · 1 month
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you'll never guess what show i started sort of recently
also would you be surprised if i said Gojo wasn't my favorite? not even top 3?
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sharkdoughnutz · 1 month
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my idea for Adam in my like little rewrite world
his whole aesthetic is inspired by 80s rock fashion, like Vaggie. i think i want to change Vaggie's name at some point because.. just why? though idk what i should change it to, time to look through baby name lists 😋
anyways, he's still the leader of the exterminators and is basically their dad because he created them or maybe he commissioned Sera to make them - created them just to kill demons, how fatherly!
i tried my best to incorporate both themes of rock and like maybe church pastor you could say? idk what to call it but like an angelic theme. but i think he turned out good! maybe i could add something else to him though?
he isnt the antagonist like how he is in canon, just more doesnt see the point in Charlie's plan and just blows it off really, giving her the least amount of help as possible; he enjoys the exterminations so thats why he doesnt involve himself more in the plan, i'd say killing isnt very holy, now is it hm.. 🤨
he definitely puts on shows for the citizens of heaven because of course he would, he's very flamboyant and lowkey an attention whore. but he always goes all out for his performances
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sharkdoughnutz · 1 month
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it might've taken me over 3 months, but i've finally finished my own designs for the mane 6
my main thought process for designing them was to use a color from the rainbow! i had to look up colors and their meanings to determine which color should go to which pony
rainbow dash is red because she's the most fierce and bold. sidenote: her mane and tail color is actually white but she finds that boring so she dyes it, not her tail because i didnt like how it looked there
fluttershy is green because of nature and animals, pretty basic i know lol. also her pelt pattern is supposed to look like a deer's
applejack is blue only because i felt orange would fit rarity better, and yellow and purple were going to the other two remaining girls, so apple got stuck with blue but i tried my best to make it work for her. i think blue also means like maturity or smth similar so it works out anyways
pinkie pie is yellow because she's like the embodiment of happiness and joy so it made sense (also i had to use the pink color cuz there is no yellow color for the font)
twilight is staying purple mainly because of her previous life surrounded by royalty and the such, and also because purple is a main color in a twilight sky - orange is secondary so thats why she now has orange too
and finally, rarity is orange because of her creativeness, especially when it comes to fashion design; i think her design is my personal favorite.
i also tried to come up with creative cutie mark designs and i think i passed. though, the only one that isnt super obvious what its trying to represent is probably twilight's. basically i was going for a six pointed star (each point representing each girl) then it comes together in the middle by the white part to symbolize they all need each other or smth like that
i might get around to celestia and luna because i feel like they'll be fun to redesign, and maybe even spike or the cmc
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sharkdoughnutz · 1 month
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my current designs for my version of the boys
i actually havent thought about these goobers in a while, maybe i'll get to designing April, Casey, and Splinter (ignoring my previous designs of them)
anyways, decided to just put all four of them into one post so it's easier to see them all together, and it would be wrong of me to keep the brothers separated for any longer
also, notes about each turtle under cut!!
•Leo is the most reserved and tries to stay focused and on task. though, like the many other Leos, he is a huge geek about Sci-Fi. his brothers definitely tease him about it and how he denies his hyper-fixation on his favorite Sci-Fi comic. he may seem the leader type on the outside, but inside, he yearns to be put on the sidelines so he doesn't have to bear the responsibility of leader, and maybe getting that stress off of him could help him open up more - that's what Leo hopes for at least
• Raph is the oldest but also the shortest. his brothers tease him about his ironic situation, especially Mikey since it seems like he's going to end up being the tallest of his brothers. but Raph just tries to blow these teases off by saying how it can be an advantage on the battlefield and just in everyday life. but once the teasing gets too much, he starts to tick like a bomb and goes off like one too. Raph hates his anger issues and tries to achieve more patience because he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he accidentally hurt somebody he cared for. but he also needs to set an example of how to act for his younger brothers, and his anger issue definitely aren't helping
•Mikey is the fun-loving youngest sibling who tends to start all of the teasing and poking fun. he rarely has any ill intent with these but sometimes he goes too far or does it at the wrong time, which ends up in bickering and episodes and uncomfortable silences. Mikey took an interest in the more modern look of clothing and started dressing that way instead of the traditional Hamato ninja clothing. Splinter is obviously upset that his son won't honor the Hamato clan but he doesn't want to limit Mikey or force him into it; "maybe it's just a phase" Splinter hopes
•Donnie is Leo's biological twin, but looks are the only thing they really share. Donnie is basically Leo's opposite: calm and relaxed, more extroverted, more calculated and book-smart, and Donnie only needs one weapon while Leo needs two.. but little does Leo know, that wielding a bo staff is just as if not as difficult as wielding two katanas. while not having as much resources as he'd like, Donnie somehow makes do with what he finds in New York's streets and alleyways to satisfy his desire to tinker and build gadgets, and that'll also hopefully be useful to missions. Donnie may be a ninja on the outside, but he's an inventor at heart.
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sharkdoughnutz · 1 month
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expanding on my take for Hazbin Hotel; basically Charlie and Vaggie are angels helping sinners get redeemed, Charlie moreso than Vaggie but yk
notes under cut if interested!!
•Charlie might be a bit too small? she's cute nontheless. anyways, Charlie is probably just going to be a regular angel and not a seraphim. though, as interesting as it is, i just didnt think about that beforehand so she's probably just being regular. i could maybe work in the seraphim aspect in some way but im not sure rn
•Vaggie is an exorcist but is being forced into Charlie's bodyguard/assistant by Adam, though that's the only help he'll be giving Charlie and her project
•im thinking of making all of the exorcists 80s rock inspired harpies cuz it makes some sense i guess 🤷 just thought it would be cool honestly. hopefully Vaggie doesn't look too out of place?
•Angel is their first resident, purely on accident cuz he just planned on crashing there for maybe a night or so but somehow got dragged into actually participating; maybe he has a soft spot deep down or its his secret desire to redeem himself to see his twin sister? who really knows
•Alastor is only there to cause chaos really, in some way im not entirely sure of yet. but Charlie allows him to stay and "help" because she believes he actually has good inside him; spoiler alert: he does not!!
•back to Vaggie really quick, but im thinking about having her pull out her weapon from like her body or maybe her halo or maybe even her wings cuz that's so much cooler than her just carrying around the thing
•i didnt add Nifty or Husk mainly because i didnt know how to fit them in, Nifty could possibly work in the future if i thought about it more but idk. i dont care much for Husk personally so that's another reason
•the opposing forces against Charlie and her rag-tag group will be the three Vees. Vox and Al have their beef, Angel and Val also have issues with each other, and for Velette: im thinking she could butt heads with Charlie, and Vaggie by extension because she's Charlie's obligatory bodyguard, but mostly Charlie.
•Sir P might play a role in the future but that would be when we would know more about the main characters and the Vees. Cherri might too, but she'll stay just as Angel's friend for now who shows up every once and now to try to ruin his progress, not because she doesnt want him succeed but because drugs and alcohol are the only things she knows that makes him happy, and she usually takes him out after he vents to her about Val and work
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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when the piece you think will just be something simple turns into something a little experimental
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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now it's time for my favorite character's redesign 😋
i honestly didn't care for Sir P at first, even during the pilot, but he eventually and surprisingly grew on me; maybe it's just his goofy personality, though i will admit he didn't get much development so that's why the twist at the end felt rather undeserved imo. but overall, he's an entertaining character and i enjoyed him the most despite my gripes
anyways, i wanted my redesign to have more of that steampunk aesthetic, more than what little he originally had. and also wanted him to be green - no real reason, but maybe it could be like a sign of greed or envy for his character, probably moreso greed
i also like to think that my Pentious likes experimenting or building things you could say, or is just straight up insane, because the only reason he has those mechanical limbs is because he wanted to see if he was able to make working limbs, and of course he used himself as the experiment; he's just a bit fucked up in the head dw (i also don't have a real reason about his ripped flappy part on his head, maybe an experiment gone wrong or he lost it in a fight)
i do actually have ideas on how he'd end up in the hotel that do involve the V's, but i might share them if i ever get around to them
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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ideas or concepts even for Charlie and Vaggie if i were to rewrite the uh everything haha
basically mine would be Charles is an angel (might change to seraphim later?) that wants to give sinners a second chance; and Vaggie is just like her bodyguard and not a fallen angel for mine
i do sort of like the idea of the original - lucifer's daughter wants to help her people live a better afterlife but finds out Heaven is lowkey shitty (in government) but stills wants her people to live there. idk i just feel like this concept of sinners being able to have a second chance through a hotel is interesting, it just needs to be pulled off better imo
but i'll let Viv write her own story and i'll just come up with my own ideas with the given story concept
anyways, for the designs: i actually really love how Vaggie turned out 💛 but not so much for Charlie unfortunately. i think it's just her colors throwing me off cuz everything else about her is so cute, maybe i just need more time with it. i actually don't know if you could call these hazbin hotel redesigns since these seem so different from canon lol
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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Watch me dance, dance the night away
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references; all found from Pintrest
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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time for my take on Alastor :p
he's obviously very different from his canon design haha but i wanted a more skeletal look for him, i actually don't have a good answer as to why, just that i thought it would be cool
i changed his outfit to a suit heavily inspired by 1930s men's suits since he only really likes older aesthetics, specifically the ones around his time
also, he can only talk through his staff/microphone thing cuz that's an interesting idea imo, and also becuz he's all skeleton so he doesn't have organs so it makes sense i guess
im thinking about having him being a hellborn instead of a sinner buutt im not too sure on that one yet
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sharkdoughnutz · 2 months
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