sticks-and-souls · 8 hours
You can tell by the way some people criticize the Jedi as military leaders that they do not understand how war and the military works
“The Jedi invaded Umbara for wanting to leave!”
Umbara didn’t just “want to leave”, they were a republic world that switched sides mid-war, when an ally switches sides, you declare war on them, at a minimum this is to say “you can’t just do this and expect no consequences”, but its also simple strategy, you attack your former ally so that you can prevent whatever assets they have from being used by the enemy, but also so you can hopefully regain said assets (umbara has unique and advanced technology)
have people not played Risk?
“The Jedi invaded Geonosis again!”
the separatists retook Geonosis and reactivated/built factories there to produce war material (battle droids specifically), as long as these factories were active the war would be more difficult, the Republic invaded to shut down these factories down, its just good strategy
Related, “the Jedi attacked planets during the war”
Yeah, it’s war, that’s how it works, you can’t fight a war exclusively on the defensive (especially not when the enemy has a manpower/production advantage), you have to go on the offensive so the enemy can’t build up their strength to attack (and that doesn’t even get into the humanitarian reasons to go on the offensive, the separatists are enslaving and murdering whole populations-WWII parallels anyone?-you can’t help them if you only fight defensively
“The Jedi used the Clones as meat shields/cannon fodder!”
cannon fodder has a real definition, usually being poorly trained, poorly equipped soldiers sent out for no other purpose other than to soften up the enemy for the main assault
this is not at all how the Jedi treat/command the Clones
first the Clones are highly trained (10 years of it) and well equipped-probably the best out of any SW military
second, the Jedi fight on the front lines with the Clones, that is not something you do with cannon fodder
third, nothing the Jedi ask of the Clones is really that much more than what would be asked of a soldier in a real world military
I’m sure there are other examples but these are the biggies, please suggest more if you can think of any
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sticks-and-souls · 1 day
[Video ID: The video shows two women singing on a boat, taking turns. The woman on the right is Sofia Adriana, she starts singing a traditional Spanish song often hummed while baking bread, called Panadera. Then the woman on the left , Palestinian Singer “Terez Sliman”, follows by singing the Palestinian song 'Ya Talleen Al Jabal'. Both women show harmony and synchronization in their singing, clapping their hands on the boat to create music.]
"Ya Tall’een Al Jabal " - "يا طالعين الجبل" , a song from the Palestinian heritage was sung by Palestinian women in coded language to their imprisoned husbands and relatives in British prisons during the 1936 revolution to tell them resistance fighters would soon free them, while disguising words with the letter "L.". While "Panadera" in the Spanish language means baker, it is a traditional Spanish song that women sang during the baking process. The movement of the hands in rhythm represents the baking process.
"يا طالعين الجبل" أغنية من التراث الفلسطيني كانت تغنيها النساء الفلسطينيات عند زيارة الأسرى في سجون الإحتلال. كانت النساء يضفن حرف اللام بين مقاطع الأغنية للتمويه لإيصال رسالة للأسرى أنه الليلة سيقوم الفدائييون بتحريرهم.
باناديرا في اللغة الإسبانية تعني الخبّاز، هي أغنية تقليدية اسبانية كانت النساء تغنيها أثناء عملية الخبز. حركة اليدين في الإيقاع هو عملية الخبز فعليًا.
Sung by: Terez Sliman (to the left) | Sofia Adriana Portugal (to the right)
🎥( Video Credit )
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sticks-and-souls · 2 days
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@SWSOURCE STAR WARS WEEK Day 1: The Chosen One – Favourite Character DARTH MAUL
Too late for what? For the Republic to fall? It already has, and you just can't see it! There is no justice, no law, no order, except for the one that will replace it!
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sticks-and-souls · 2 days
I had a dream last night that tumblr came up with a pride flag for closeted gays and it was just a light blue flag with a shrimp on it. People would also wear shrimp pins on their lapels for some Reason???
and the vegan gays started Discourse because shrimp deserved more respect
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sticks-and-souls · 2 days
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Old Ladies tea time, gossiping about fellow council members
Close ups under the cut
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sticks-and-souls · 2 days
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Okay but what if he was tossed overboard for running his mouth and he was a merman have we all considered that
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sticks-and-souls · 2 days
who do we think was dumber:
dooku, who just outright failed at convincing obi-wan to join him to defeat sidious
maul, who succeeded at convincing ahsoka to join him to defeat sidious, then un-succeeded by choosing pretty much the only wrong answer to “what do you want with anakin skywalker”
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sticks-and-souls · 3 days
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Little sequel to this
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sticks-and-souls · 4 days
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sticks-and-souls · 4 days
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the sheer amount of artistic talent put into these panels to portray the right feeling on clark’s face is amazing
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sticks-and-souls · 4 days
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I'm excited to reveal both versions because I'm passionate about both of them! I've been looking forward to drawing clones again and I'm thrilled to be illustrating the boys from the 501st Legion.
You guys can use this one as a lockscreen since the picture size/layout is perfect for it.
Keep an eye out for the second one below! Thank you for suggesting this layout, @sinvulkt @vandervoiz.
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sticks-and-souls · 4 days
i bless the swamps down in dagobah
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sticks-and-souls · 4 days
I’ve never been a real star wars fan but the phantom menace came out when I was 6 and my older brother was 8 so we were absolutely among the target audience and we had toy light sabers & we spent a lot of time playing star wars but my brothers were anakin and obi wan etc. and my best friend was padmé which meant i had to come up with a star wars oc and since my brother was anakin i decided okay. i would be anakin’s sister.
i made up a backstory that i was his twin sister who also lived on tatooine and i also had latent force potential but qui gon and obi wan didn’t even try to meet me even when anakin mentioned me and they left me behind.
this was an utter betrayal to me obviously, like my brother got rescued and i got abandoned and i could have been him and i should have been him. i should’ve been at his side. i should have gotten training and all else. i should have been a jedi too.
but they didn’t even care to meet me. so i had this intense grudge against the jedi and i ended up developing my skills myself and then i grew up and got myself off tattooine and set out on a mission as a rogue force user to kill obi wan.
and 6 year old me really embodied that role. she felt that. so when I was like 25 & rewatched the original star wars trilogy for the first time since childhood, when obi wan came on I was like ugh. I hate that guy. and my friend was like “WHY?”
and I thought about it and realized it wasn’t actually his character. I was remembering my childhood self insert oc beef.
Like, sorry you wouldn’t get it but obi wan and I have history.
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sticks-and-souls · 5 days
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he sit
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sticks-and-souls · 5 days
10 minutes later:
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one of my favorite moments is charles being like "you're fine on your own, right?" and george proceeding to make him feel guilty about the long list of things she's been through recently
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sticks-and-souls · 5 days
My face when I found out this dude (Charles)
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Was also this dude
(Tom Riddle)
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sticks-and-souls · 5 days
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idk I just think it would be very gender for Nell and Charles to masquerade as a married couple but with Nell as the husband and Charles as the wife
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