raphaerolo · 2 days
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Okay but what if he was tossed overboard for running his mouth and he was a merman have we all considered that
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coline7373 · 2 days
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D a w n t o D u s k . . .
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As usual, I was really pumped by the line work, then, when I got to coloring, I got lost and realised I had no plan for that part.
Which is why I tried two different vibes. Then a friend told me it looked like different part of the day. I vaguely contemplated doing like all those artists flexing with their "Same scene but its morning, noon, evening and night." Four drawings.
Then I break out in hives.
This is all I'm doing. (The goal is to finish my WIPs. Not make new ones.)
Why is the light always coming from the same direction, if it's different parts of the day? It's Star Wars. Sshhhhh. Don't ask question 😉
Everyone looking at this is welcome to color in or use the line work to make their own version.
Just send me the link to final result or DM me 😉💖
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deserthusbands · 2 days
obi-wan, unfolding a piece of flimsi that had fallen to the floor: what is this, cody?
cody, nonchalantly: my to-do list.
obi-wan: oh? that’s wonderful dear. the amount of things you plan that just stay in your head are probably the cause of those headac–
obi-wan: this only says my name.
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pisscord · 3 days
sick obi-wan asks for a bucket and poor unsuspecting cody hands over his helmet on auto-pilot because “bucket”. pain and suffering follows, someone gets a holo of the direct aftermath and rex never lets him live it down. the bucket gets spaced.
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can i interest anyone in some codywan kissing on this fine thursday evening?
“Please, darling.” Obi-Wan looked at him with a gaze that could have melted butter. Fortunately, Cody was made of stronger stuff that than. “I promise not to lose it again.”
“Really?” Cody raised an eyebrow, pulled himself up to his full height so he could look down at Obi-Wan, just a little. “You promise?”
“Oh yes,” Obi-Wan leaned forward, let his eyes fall to Cody’s lips. Let them rest there until he knew Cody noticed, the bastard. “I promise.”
Cody didn’t move. With his free hand, the hand not holding Obi-Wan’s lightsaber far above his head, he threaded his fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair. Felt him shudder against his hand. “You see,” He kept his voice low in a way he knew drove Obi-Wan a little mad, “I don’t quite believe you.”
Obi-Wan batted his eyelashes in a way that said, who, me? Then smiled, his voice kept carefully level, “My darling, you wound me.”
“You’ll get yourself wounded, more like.”
“I would never,” Obi-Wan leaned closer, close enough that Cody could feel his breath against his cheek, “Afterall, I have the Force to protect me.”
“You have me.” It was a promise spoken again and again, whispered into Obi-Wan’s neck in the darkness of his quarters, shouted silently each time they fought side by side. Spoken so often, it was as familiar as breathing, yet still they said it. I’m here. I’m here.
Obi-Wan’s answer was a quick kiss placed at the corner of his mouth. For a brief moment, Cody almost gasped, almost dropped the lightsaber there and then. Instead he pulled back, just a little.
Obi-Wan gasped into the empty space. Still close enough to feel his breath, Cody shivered.
“Promise me,” His voice was heavy, weighted with emotion he couldn’t quite give words to. “Please, Obi-Wan.”
“Cody,” Obi-Wan’s voice was the mirror of his own, heavy with emotion in a way Cody so rarely heard, “Force, Cody, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to worry you. I will try. I promise you that.”
“Alright. Alright. I know.” He finally let his hand that clutched the lightsaber drop. Stood there for a moment, the ‘saber resting in his steady hand between them. He leaned towards Obi-Wan, almost felt the tiny gasp that escaped his lips as Cody’s hand drifted to his belt. He clipped the lightsaber to Obi-Wan belt, let his hand hover for just a moment. Obi-Wan stood still beneath his hands, it was only his breathing that betrayed him.
“Thank you, darling.” The words were whispered into Cody’s ear, softly, they settled in his head.
“Just don’t lose it again.”
Obi-Wan hummed, and Cody watched as his hand curled its way around his neck. He leaned slightly into the touch, even like this the calluses and scars that decorated the hand were known to him, just as intimately as his own.
The hand twisted into his curls, gently pulling his head back, just a little. Despite himself he gasped, the little noise an almost desperate thing as it flew from his lips.
Obi-Wan grinned, there was something dangerous about it, just at the edges. “My dear, I never mean to disappoint you.”
He meant to respond, but found Obi-Wan’s lips against his own. He breathed into the kiss, instead, his mind filled only with Obi-Wan. The Jedi’s other hand curled around his jaw, his thumb pressed carefully into the skin beneath his ears, into the place that Obi-Wan knew made him gasp, desperate beneath his hands.
After what felt like a lifetime, a star born and collapsed again, Obi-Wan pulled back. His nose just brushing Cody’s, he breathed his name. It was promise, and prayer. Spoken with so much reverence that, if he was not seeing his own feelings reflected back at him, he would never have believed such a thing was possible.  
He let the word hang, just for a moment, before he tugged gently at Obi-Wan’s hair. Felt him shudder against his hand, pulled apart in that instant. Felt honoured that he was allowed to see this, trusted enough that Obi-Wan let himself shatter like this.
He pressed Obi-Wan’s name against his neck, felt the way his hands, still resting against Cody, twitched at the contact. He pressed another kiss to Obi-Wan’s neck, then another to his jaw. Eventually, he reached Obi-Wan’s mouth. Hovered there for a moment, allowing his breath to flutter against Obi-Wan’s lips.
Something that sounded like his name caught up in a desperate plea fell from Obi-Wan, and at that Cody kissed him.
Heat curled through him at the way Obi-Wan melted into the contact, letting himself fall endlessly into Cody’s hands. Trusting Cody to catch him.
In answer, Cody held him. Did not allow any part of him to slip between his fingers as they curled their way through his hair. His free hand had, at some point, come to rest upon Obi-Wan’s back and he relished in the way Obi-Wan leant into the touch.
It was this trust, as much as the contact, that sent a heady sense of affectionthrough Cody. Love, if he was brave enough to let himself think it.
Obi-Wan gasped, briefly. Again and again, Cody’s name fell from his lips.
“Here, darling. I’m here.” He couldn’t quite bring himself to say the rest.
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tattycoram · 1 day
Cody: Hey, can you help me with this zipper? Obi-wan: Of course, darling Cody: Cody: Up, Obi-wan Obi-wan: Right, of course
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meebles · 1 day
happy pride month!! i am now casting my “DYKE CODYWAN MAKEOUT SESSION” spell at full power and beaming beautiful images of sapphic codywan kissing directly into your mind 🪄✨
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merlyn-bane · 2 days
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Managed to finish up some art for mermay just under the wire! Again inspired at least in part by @meebles's mermaid au because it lives rent free in my head. What's that on Cody's neck I wonder 👀👀 Also tagging @dontbelasagnax for her codywan kissing agenda 😘😘
(also it's important to me that you all know they're kissing with tongue)
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land-state · 2 days
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dontbelasagnax · 15 hours
I have a problem.
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raphaerolo · 22 hours
Episode 1: What A View
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Check out @anaclastic-azurite 's fic here! They wrote actual words for this silly au and they're so good!!!
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the-greatest-8 · 4 hours
Obi-wan 'I don't need medical; I have the Force' Kenobi
Commander 'Go to medical you dumbass' Cody
Anakin 'I'm a great pilot' Skywalker
Captain 'We're all going to fucking die' Rex
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deserthusbands · 1 day
obi-wan: ah, it appears as though it is pride month yet again, my dear.
cody: oh.
cody: well, i'm very proud of you.
obi-wan, flabbergasted: that's not exactly what it... oh, thank you, cody. :')
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clover-hoe · 2 days
"If we're in love" but its codywan in the middle of the war-
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unleashthegoats · 1 day
Star Wars has had a large queer fandom nearly from its inception, but has its on-screen queer representation followed suit? From KOTOR to Andor to Luke’s Chanel boots, we look at all of the ways Star Wars and its fans have interacted with queerness over the years, both good and bad.
Spoiler Warning: Tales of the Empire, episode 5 "Realization"
Special drinking game for this episode: Take a drink every time Sugar says the word "context"!
Credit for the beautiful rainbow Jedi Order symbol seen in this month's art goes to @starwarsbookclub!
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hi codywan tumblr! pls share your codywan song recommendations, im making a playlist
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