sugary-bluebell · 9 months
Gonna be going on hiatus again, sorry guys but I need to study, I will try to write anything when/if I have free time :')
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sugary-bluebell · 10 months
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..yea "friendship", whatever you say barb
And yes I gave in and started playing obey me nightbringer
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sugary-bluebell · 10 months
Could I please get a gn!reader with Lucifer from Obey Me? Maybe just typical dating headcanons and what you think dating him would be like?
Dating headcanons
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°•A/n: me? Posting something? A miracle has happened- lmao anyway i AM working on other posts dw dw anyway- I hope u enjoy this :) reminder that i have stopped playing obey me for a very long time so forgive me if it isn't that accurate to what is canon in the game rn! Btw i love ur writing, i binge read every now and then <3
◇Warning◇: nothing
°•Characters: Lucifer and Simeon
°•Reader: gn
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A relationship with Lucifer will require a LOT of patience and understanding, so if you don't got that then idk what to tell you
Lucifer is more on the romantic side and since he works most of the time he tries to make it up to you with romantic dinners, gifts and if he got time off even a romantic get away
He'd set his pride aside for you the best he could
If an argument ever happens and it gets really heated, he'd take a deep breath and tell you he's going to cool down before something he doesn't mean comes out
You and his brothers are his number 1 priority, not even diavolo can save the pathetic fool who hurt you or his brothers
Like if you ever say out of no where for you and him to get in a car and drive to who knows where, on a school night-
He wants to say yes so bad but he just KNOWS the moment he's gone, all of the devildom will flip upside-down
If you want him to take a brake form working? Tempt him with music, poisoned apples and cuddles
He LOVES kisses on the lips and neck- he especially loves to do said kisses in front of anyone who wanted you
Despite most beliefs, the relationship moves quicker then expected
He already knows you're the one he wants to spent every moment of his life with, why hold back as long as you're comfortable?
Like Lucifer, he is very romantic but he likes the domestic life style more
Making breakfast together or one of you make breakfast in bed for each other
Picnics are an often occurrence and he makes handmade gifts for you
Forehead and cheek kisses are his favorite, it just feels so much more interment for him
You get to help with his writing, he values your opinion more then anyone else
Loves when you make him handmade gifts to btw- he gets so flustered <3
If you're a workaholic, he WILL use his angelic voice to make you take a brake and pay attention to him
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sugary-bluebell · 11 months
Can u pls do a howl penragon x sister reader were she has to calm him down after another transformation and he just feels like shit??
It's ok if u don't wanna do this tho lol
hi hi :)
i'm sorry but i don't write fem readers, if u want to send a new request that's fine but pls read my rules
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sugary-bluebell · 11 months
i know that probably isn't what you were hoping for, but my brain is empty rn 😔
No shut up I love that sm
I need to look up what flowers to pick but I am very tempted to use my fav flowers (bluebells if it wasn't obvious) cuz I don't see them at all in any fics and one of their meanings is everlasting love
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sugary-bluebell · 11 months
Can you guys send me some cove holden or howl pendragon or asra requests?? They have all my attention rn
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
I know I haven't been posting and I'll work on it BUT! I just thought of something that's absolutely braking my heart and ya'll are gonna suffer with me!
Ya'll know how asra and the apprentice fight before the apprentice dies? So Imagine asra having enough of the apprentice not agreeing to run away so he storms out after taking his bag and Faust, and the apprentice is just still filled with anger then the shock and sadness settle in when they realise that asra really did leave and he most likely isn't coming back, so they crumble to the floor while leaning on a wall as they start to have a brake down
this came to me while listening to this slowed version of cry by cigarettes after sex
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Writers of self insert fanfic(even people who wrote one thing for x reader), out of pure curiosity
No shame in any answers picked. Also reblog something something sample size.
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Lmao forgot to mention this yesterday buT- RAMADAN MUBARAK EVERYONE!!😊
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Can I request genshin impact Short genshin boys (Specifically Tighnari, Cyno, Heizou, Venti, And Kazuha) with a lazy yet genius male reader. If you don’t do Headcanons with multiple people then I’ll let you choose one of the short boys
short boys with a lazy yet genius bf
°•A/n: so, I left out Cyno since i don't have a good understanding of his character yet Imo, also so sorry for not writing this sooner, love. i have been a bit busy with things :')
◇Warnings◇: none(?)
°•Characters: Tighnari, Heizou, Venti and Kazuha
°•Reader: male, can be read as gn tho
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What is he gonna do with you?
Don't get him wrong, he absolutely adores you but can you PUlease get your work done?
As much as loves taking naps with you somewhere in the forest he doesn't want you putting your work till last minute
Again, might he add
You two first met in the academias library...you were passed out while reading for one of ur major exams the night before
While other scholars and students thought you were cheating your way through, cuz all they see you doing is napping or messing around
Tighnari has experienced ur hard work, and to answer ur question, no it wasn't because he was tutoring you or through a group project, we aren't in a romantic fantasy ofc or are we-
No, thanks to his good hearing, he can hear your mumbling when you're memorising or the scribblings of your pen when it hits the paper
You and him make a good team when it comes to research or work in general
He keeps you motivated to finish the said project without procrastinating and you not only remind him to take brakes, you have also stopped him from poisoning himself with wild mushrooms on multiple occasions-
You also love using his tail as a pillow, and he let's you! :D
Honestly, if it wasn't for your laziness, you would've given him a run for his mora-
ofc he'll never admit you could be a better detective than him, not only for his pride but also to keep Sara away from you
He LOVES when you visit his office <3
Plus you almost always bring snacks with you
Sometimes you tag along with him to the crim scenes
Yes, technically, he isn't allowed to bring you there but he loves when you help him out
And lemme tell you, he LOVES how after you two are done, your eyes get droopy and an adorable pout-
He'll die happy if you were his last memory
While this alcoholic loves and appreciates how smart you are- he loves that your lazy way more
Why? Well, he likes napping with you during the afternoon on the hands of his statue, you also bring blankets and pillows too
Dw he helps getting them up there-
Every time there's an event at angels share he drags you with so you can calculate the cheapest price he can get for high quality wine
Loves listening to you rambling about ur work while slowly falling asleep <3
He does drag you on walks tho, he worries so daily walks in or out of mondstad is a thing
Offered you a sip of his fave wine only to drop his glass once you told him you figured out the ingredients and methods in making it
Kaeya lifting his eye patch with his jaw going slack in the background after hearing what you just said
Goo goo eyes in your direction 24/7 from him but your too tired to notice
Loves reading poetry to you and loves getting feedback from his beloved bunny <3
Calls you bunny cuz he saw your cheek squashed against the table you were working on and thought of a bunny
You tried to write a poem for him but it took so long that you thought to give him it another day-
..only for him to find it and blush like a madman while reading what you wrote
It doesn't even have to be good cuz he's touched that you squeezed in the time to write this from him, knowing how many projects you have going on
When you pull all nighters, he lights calming sented candles, makes you the drink or snack of your choice, gives you a kiss on the forehead with encouraging words and leaves you be to focus
Looking into the things your passionate about to engage in a conversation about it just cuz it makes you happy and they way your eyes light up is just so beautiful to him
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
I hc that al haitham only got noise cancelling earpieces just to not hear/ignore kavehs voice once they became roomies or maybe even before that
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Happy valentines day everyone, hope everyone has a good time! ❤❤❤
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Mc: come on we need to go-
Om demon boys: hold on lemme just go through my magical girl transformation *magical girl music and sound effects starting in the background*
I find it funny that all of the demon Obey Me boys' demon forms come with a matching set of clothes too. Everytime they change into their demon forms, I always imagine them going through a Sailor Moon transformation before they show up in their demon form lmfao
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Just love the idea that diavolo and Lucifer picked the best or worse mc/reader ever to be part of the exchange program, why you may ask? The mc/reader are from gravity falls and we're close with dipper and mable, they even worked in the mystery shack with Wendy, Stan and Soos, therefore, they've been with the twins on every adventure, went through Weirdmageddon, helped take down bill and so on. So going through all that, they have no sense of fear since they can quickly outsmart most demons in the devildom, they can make what seems to be a useless item into something useful to get out of a sticky situation, they go out and about the devildom with or without company to explore and mange to tame the beasts of the devildom causes hey they delt with a powerful dream demon, what makes a beast from hell scary right? also imagine when they first arrived, they HATED every demon there and it probably took at least 2 months into the exchange program for them to feel a bit more comfortable around the bros + barb and diavolo. i feel like they would either isolate themselves or seek comfort in solomon because he’s also a human, and if they’re smart like dipper, them and solomon would talk a lot about what separates bill from the rest of the demons in the devildom and so on
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sugary-bluebell · 1 year
Hello mind if i ask if your request are open or not? I dont want to bother you if there arent. Thank you
Hi hi :)
My requests are always open, love
But I am not posting/writing atm, if you want, go ahead and send in ur request and when I'm back to being active, I'll see if I can get it done <3
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sugary-bluebell · 2 years
I will be on a hiatus cuz my classes are taking up sm time and I can't write or be as active for a long time
Sorry it took a while for me to put this out but any wips, drafts ect will be put on pause for now
See ya'll when I'm back <3
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sugary-bluebell · 2 years
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