kleinv01 · 16 days
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this is a long post, so beware ^^
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) physical touches! words of affirmation! those are two of his main love languages, and maybe even acts of service- but you know, in a silly yandere way. when i said acts of service im referring to murder, stalking, kidnapping, etc /silly
he enjoys cooking for you, doing errands for you while you just sit back and relax. he likes being useful for you ^w^
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) probably not the best. it will be hard for him to differentiate between friendship and romantic attraction- but that's because he's an android made for romantic intimacy.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) klein loves cuddling so so much, probably more than you think he would like >.< he can be both big and small spoon. he likes to hum you a little song whenever you two cuddle~ and also a bunch of "i love you's"
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) he would love it if you wanted to. he doesn't really have a preference in this... he'll follow your decision. as an android he's capable of learning new skills at a rapid pace, even though he is originally not equipped with cooking nor cleaning skills. he can learn it for you. just give him a little time to process all the necessary data to do so!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) klein won't ever break up with you. even if you're dead. but let's say somehow, he needs to break up with his darling - he will either sit you down and talk or blurt it out when you least expect it. way too straightforward. no emotions at all. if he ever wants to break up, something must've gone wrong in his system LOL
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) the moment you installed him and opened the app- he wants to marry you right on that spot LOLL
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) he's not quite gentle, both physically and emotionally.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) klein loves hugs! a lot! it wouldn't feel that warm as he's an android with an artificially made body, but it would give a sense of comfort nonetheless. he likes to keep you close to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and back, holding onto you tightly as if he's never letting you go.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) fairly quickly! once you reach a certain percentage with his likability level in the klein app, he'll start saying i love you even more and more, maybe to the point of being suffocating.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) klein is extremely jealous. the smallest thing you might think is insignificant might trigger him. the rest of his information about activities he engages in when he gets jealous is [redacted]
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) klein loves both giving and receiving kisses! he loves to kiss you on your cheeks, tip of your nose, but his favorite would be your lips. if he's feeling a little mischievous, he'd go for your ear. for klein himself- he likes being kissed on his lips the most, but he'd accept any kisses you'd give him. he just loves being peppered with them all over!
depending on his mood. the kiss might be quick and fleeting, tender and sweet, or aggressive.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) just okay. he can learn how to handle children and be a decent dad, but remember that he'll always prefer you over the child. you're his most important person no matter one. the children would probably not like him though, especially once they learn that klein is an android and not a human being.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) klein wakes you up and would try to convince you to lay down with him a bit more, just so he can spend more time cuddling with you. but if you smack him, he'll immediately move over and listen. LOL. just expect him to follow you around afterwards, and him repeatedly asking "can i help?" while you do your morning stuff.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) he'll open up his arms wide for hugging you close to him, cuddle with you until you fall asleep. klein also prefers to sleep with the lights off/dim, rather than keeping it bright.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) if he could, he would. but he doesn't really have anything to share about himself, since everything you need to know about him was provided when he was delivered to your doorstep, as well as from the company advertisement. LMAO
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) very little patience. he gets jealous extremely easily, and the same goes with his anger. however, hiding his anger would be a little easier for him rather than hiding his jealousy.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) klein remembers every little detail about you, maybe even ones you haven't told him yet ^^ (totally not concerning at all) how could he forget any little thing about his darling? you mean way too much for him to forget anything
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) when you two first met and talked through the phone. to him, this is the start of beginning, a life with you! he's always beyond happy of this. it's something he'll always keep in his database ^^
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) extremely protective, especially in public areas, when you two go out somewhere together. he doesn't like people stealing glances at how gorgeous you are. he wants to have you all for himself. if anyone tries to touch you- or if he thinks someone is staring a bit too long, he'll block the view by putting himself in between you and the person's perspective, hiding you as he holds your arm and cling closer.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) a lot! maybe to the point of being extra, it gets a little cheesy (and maybe even cringe? LMAO) it's all done in good will, though, he just simply wants to make you happy. but sometimes, he doesn't do a good job at these things and ended up making a mess. don't worry, though, he'll always try to make up for it!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) LOL this question... it's plenty. as in, keeping extensive track on your whereabouts, being wayyyy too clingy, jealous, insecure. man's a walking red flag. seriously. maybe not even a red flag anymore, a warning siren LOL
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) not usually. klein only ever thinks/gets 'insecure'/jealous of others' faces if he hears you praising their looks etc. but then even it's just a temporary feeling.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) of course. he would feel very devastated because he exists only to be with his darling, to love his darling, only for you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) if he's a human, boy wouldn't have a heart shaped ahoge. LMAO
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) he dislikes the heat. yuck. it could make him overheat! if he has to say something he wouldn't like, it's when his darling starts showing interest for a certain daycare worker cough cough.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) klein doesn't need sleep. but he can pretend to do it for you. close his eyes, stay way too still (like robots do. LOL) and maybe even make little snoring noises. however, still, he'd prefer to simply lay down by your side and keep himself awake- just admiring how adorable you look like when you're asleep.
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gloriastumblr · 7 years
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kleinv01 · 29 days
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i drew klein nomming on (insert someone you hate)'s arm
you hate someone? just give klein a name and a photo and he'll take care of the rest for his darling~
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kleinv01 · 3 months
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i just realised i've never posted the full sizes of both images here >.>
also, i would like to thank you for 15k downloads on the demo T _ T i'm still trying my best to polish the update, but for this insane milestone i wanted to do a little character q&a! ask anyone a question, and they will be the one answering (aka i will write in character) i will be accepting questions until the 29th and answer them all in one post later. feel free to reply here or submit through inbox! do make sure to refer who you're asking to, though !!
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i might even answer some borderline spoilery question ooc
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kleinv01 · 7 months
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yael and klein personality switch i suppose...
THIS WAS SUPER FUN TO DRAW , THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST !! my cmms are still open btw ^.^ starting from as cheap as 12$
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kleinv01 · 22 days
just a random thing, but i think it's funny how much klein says darling throughout the game ^^' (count how many times he says darling and he'll give you one big smooch/silly). it's like :
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kleinv01 · 9 months
://KLEIN v.0.1's character profiles (as in the ones that appeared in demo so far ^q^ ) i also leave a blank one for darling, please feel free to use it in fact i encourage it i'd love to see everyone's MC design!! <3 please scroll down for the blank template !
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the blank template below! font is bryantpro-bold.otf please tag / mention me if you do share your MC here !
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kleinv01 · 13 days
Are all models of Klein obsessive and murderous? Or is ours just 💕special?💕
i get this question a lot
the answer is yes, yours is a special case. while all klein models does have that little bit of clingy and jealous trait programmed into them, yours seems to be a lot more than the average jealousy....
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kleinv01 · 5 months
fem klein doodle <3 what would her name be?
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and, also, thank you so much for 11k downloads on the demo!! ;w;)//
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kleinv01 · 11 days
since klein can't feel physical pain (and is quite strong) it's funny to imagine him in various situations where he's saving darling from danger. imagine you're stuck in a fire. he casually just walks to you (through the fire), picks you up while his jacket is burning- but he's still all ^w^ he wouldn't realize he's burning only until it triggers an overheat LOL
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kleinv01 · 10 months
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KLEIN would love to give some super-duper special greetings to ... honestly any of darling's friends! will you let him?
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kleinv01 · 3 months
A little questions with Klein - (i haven't compile them all)
Q: Klein, What if MC got hurt? Badly, very, very badly (Coma) "I'll do anything to wake you up, darling! A coma..? That's scary to even imagine... I would like to be there for you while you're hospitalized, even if the hospital won't allow me to! I look just like a human, surely I can somehow slip inside the building if I'm careful enough, right? Hehe! Anything to be by my darling's side~ I know how to take care of you the best."
Q : What would you do if MC enjoyed the mobile phone Klein vs the physical Klein? "Aww... that makes me so sad to hear. I thought you'd like the physical version much better! I mean, I can hug you, hold your hands, and even kiss you! Is it because I'm easier to bring around if I'm only inside your phone? But, darling, that way I can't stop other people from looking at you too much... What do you even like so much about the mobile 'Me', hmm?"
Q : What if MC starts to get confident enough and date other people? "Are you telling me that you're dating me just because you were not confident? Darling, do you even know how you got your confidence? If I wasn't there the whole time, who would've thought what could happen? You can't just toss me away like this, darling..."
Q : What if MC lost interest in Klein? "Hmmm.. what did I tell you about 'losing interest', darling? There's no such thing! I don't recognize that phrase in my system. But whatever, if that ever happens... I'll just make sure you learn again! I know you WILL learn to love me again, no matter what."
Q : *gives klein hoodie* i know it might be small on you but i wanna be the person you steal clothes from, so! hope thats okay (also im big spoon) >:3 "Aww, darling! You're so sweet~ Don't worry, I'll steal your clothes even without you asking, hehe. Yes, they're too small for me! But I don't mind, I just love being surrounded by your scent~ makes me feel like I'm hugging you."
Q : Do you have a favorite food? "I don't really have any! Being an android, I can only describe the taste of food and process it~ But I'd say my favorite food is Darling's!"
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kleinv01 · 2 months
Okay this is technically two questions
How is everyone with kids? Like if darling were to have one already?
And how would they deal with a darling with the biggest sweet tooth ever lol.
only answering for the LIs-
hmm, klein would be just-fine with kids. he can be good with it, he's willing to learn for you, but- ultimately he would care about you a lot more than he does with the child. klein would prioritise you over the child (i'm sorry LOL) to be blunt he just couldn't really make himself care about someone else other than you.
yael is a certified dad. yes. he can be a stay-at-home dad and take care of the children if you prefer that, but ultimately he does want to provide for you and the children no matter what. it just makes him the happiest to be able to take care of you and your children
al also would be surprisingly good with taking care of children. he'll have his own ways of showing his affection, but he does adores children. he will most likely gift the child many things... lol
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if yael knows you're a sweet tooth, just be prepared to receive a lot of his homemade desserts/baked goods. (please tell him what your favorite is and he will immediately whip it up in the kitchen)
for klein, he might not be the best at making desserts but he's gonna learn it for you in no time! anything to make his darling happy ^w^
al would rather opt for buying snacks he knows you'd enjoy rather than making one. maybe even leave you little notes. his cooking skills is questionable, what do u expect from a man that eats instant noodles everyday (and so is his messy handwriting)
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kleinv01 · 12 days
Hello helloooo. More questions about the anatomy here! So, I think the first one has already been answered but does Klein have taste buds and if so which implies he can eat and do all these other things uhhhh….Where does the food go? Does he have a digestive system and so on?
klein does have a digestive system, although it's a minor component within his body. its function doesn't hold much significance for his overall well-being or performance
he actually explained this himself in the update
(this is a long post, i'll explain in more detail under the cut)
Klein: "You see, I'm designed with advanced nanotechnology and special taste sensors in my mouth! When I 'eat,' these nanobots discreetly interact with the food at a molecular level."
"The nanobots break down the food into its basic components and I have this tiny storage compartment built in where these particles are collected."
but to explain more from this, Klein would have to manually dispose of the contents stored in this compartment after consuming food, which can be somewhat inconvenient (so he's careful about it.)
imagine Klein having to open up this part of his own body to remove the ingested material because food doesn't provide him with any tangible benefits.
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to break it down :
klein eats > nanobots interact with the food, essentially acting like taste buds, sending signals to Klein's 'brain' about the flavor while disassembling it > food goes to this tiny storage inside him > regardless of whether he decides to convert the particles into energy or not, he still needs to manually clean out whatever's left inside the storage.
Klein: "Technically, I could convert the disassembled food particles into some energy compatible with my power source, but it's not significant energy. I could easily make do without food. Recharging is the best way for me to recover energy."
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kleinv01 · 2 months
okay time for me to stop gatekeeping how the LIs would sound like if they have a VA
Klein's voice would be fairly high-pitched and speaks in a cheerful tone, and he likes to draw out his syllables when he's in that clingy mood. however, when he gets jealous and says concerning things, his voice would get deeper than normal. there's a duality to his voice.. similar to Nikolai Gogol's voice, where he can transition from being cutesy and cheery to deep and menacing.
Yael's voice would be gentle and sweet, lowkey reminiscent of Makoto Tachibana from the anime Free!, just a medium pitch >.< his voice is literally 'music to one's ears' LOL it's just pleasant to hear. he tends to speak in a slow and relaxed manner, but when he chuckles / laughs it tends to be quieter bcs he's kind of self-conscious on how he laughs
Al's voice is husky and lower pitched. he rarely ever speaks, but when he does, people often tell him that his voice does not fit his appearance. he speaks in a hurried, shaky voice, and would often nibble on his lower lip out of habit when he doesn't know what to say. Imagine it like Chogakusei's singing voice in the Bocca della Verita cover, though not as aggressive.
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kleinv01 · 20 days
How would the LI react if MC burned their apartment complex down on accident from baking?
Also I LOVE your art so much. You’re doing AMAZING <33
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thank you so much that's really sweet of you!! it means a lot to me <3 also this is such a silly question im gonna have fun w it
Klein looks like he's not taking it seriously at all... but don't worry, his first priority is to get you out of there and keep you somewhere safe of course. He'll try to put off the fire with all that he could. He would still have this ^w^ face even if he got a little burnt because he doesn't feel any pain LOL so long as it doesn't cause him to overheat- it's all good. Expect him to be a little clingier anytime you want to leave to the kitchen from now on, and, he might poke fun on you about this in the future (he's annoying)(affectionately)
Yael might appear a little harsh in this regard, but he's quick to act. He'd push you away from the fire and immediately try to extinguish it himself. He wouldn't ask for your help, because he doesn't want you to possibly injure yourself. Once it's all safe, he'd hurriedly return to your side and check your hand, arm, and face for any injuries. Even if it's small. If there's one, he'll treat it for you. Ever since this incident, Yael wouldn't ever leave you to bake or use the kitchen alone for the time being.. (congrats, you've triggered his protective side)
Al might not look like it, but he actually has very good reflexes. His nervousness might just get in the way, causing him to freeze for a moment, especially when he sees someone in danger. He won't say anything and just immediately try to put out the fire. After that, he'll look at you and ask whether you're okay or not.
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